Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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MM Smiii iMiiT I 1
Wednesday Special Bar
gain Snlo Number 850, For,
our 85flth Special Sale wo
ofTcr a fino lino of
Wool Squares
Excellent quality, largo, gon
croiiB size, well made; colon
nro black, dark rod, whlto with
pink, whlto with bluo a shawl
tlint is worth 35c In any store.
For Wodnosdny only wo offor
them at
Nono sold until 8:30 a. m.
No phono orders.
All Silk Petticoats
A splondid Bhowing of nil silk
potticonts In n wldo rango of colorb
In plain striped and checks. An op
portunity you should not overlook
to sccuro a now petticoat for that
now suit.
$7.B0 values Z OQ
Special 4 DtJO
$10.00 values Q AQ
Special !J) O.rO
$12.D0 values 1 fl "
Special . . . u- 4) I VJJ
$13. GO values t A C.Q
Spocial 4) I I DO
$15.00 values ' "5 1A
Spocial 4 I J.6U
0 allo-wiefen,,
Th'e3cfe tare? seen
Duclcingj forx&pples
Here's hoping you get the apple when you duck on
You'll get something good whenever you bob into our
All this season's newest
showing In swell plaids at
big reductions.
The largest showing, tho
bost styles, .tho highest
quality, nil now makes this
banner sale of tho year.
Early choosors get tho
cholcoet of the ontlro lot
bo onrly
50c and C5c
aptcinl tvCC
Sflc and $1.00
Plaids rn.
si0ciHi QoC
$1.25 and $1.60
Plaids ACp
Special Z3Kj
$1.G5 and $1.75
PialJs 4 (?
Spocial ; ... 4) I uJ'D
Porfect comfort assured.
Ono of tho distinguishing fea
turos of our shoos ono of tho
most Important considerations
wo glvo our patrons tho bono
nt of is individuality of
btylo. Tills stylo Individual
ity has been worked out on
principles which maintain tho
graceful lines of tho foot
rather than mar thorn. Tho
romilt Is perfect fitting shoos,
full of snap and fashion, com
font and enso. If you seok
footwear of tho vory highest
grade wo want you to seo our
beautiful styles for men and
women from
$3 00 to $5 00
X A Collection of Important Par
T ngrnphs for Your ConjIdcrotJon
Post Card Hall
Now subjects dally.
Over 100 in Stock
Iron bods, all sizes stylos and
prlcos, from $2,50 up, also springs
nnd mattresses. J. A. Pattorson, 285
North Commercial street,
Saturday Normal
GlaBsos moot ovory Saturday until
Fobruary oxamlnntlons. ClassoB for
etnto papers in forenoon. Ltfo papers
in afternoon. Bookkooplng at 11 a.
fa. Address J. J, Krnps, Salem, Oro
gon. 10-22-lwk
Glad Tidings Halloween Party.
Just rocolvod a Inrgo shipment of Thursday ovoning, Octobor 31, at
tho colobratod Rome nlokle-plntod tho Auditorium rjnk. Evory ploco of
copper ware, aUo granito wnro. J. A. music will bo for conplos only. Ev
Pnttorson, 285 North Commorclnl orybody come.
On II mnlrn nrnmiit rinllvnrv nt olnl.
wood. PInco your orders at once. '
Not Cheaper, Hut Hotter
Olympic flour is not a chonp flour,
Tho Chas. K. Spauldlng Logging Co! but tho bost "our on tho mk Ask 5 , n cl n, u. c , ,. j
mill and offlco foot of Forry St. yr Brocor for it. If ho has It not,,0d,Lm UiJb 0I1UW ,l,lu H"11 Ul,u
that we can fix you up with
Mud Guards
Steel Rsms
or anything else you may need in
the way of repairs for your wheel
Best Work at Honest Prices
Phone 368
BBJf i m m
CnitA C I
a 1 mi mini n in 1 1 n in-
Are You u Smoke
If you nro you Bhould try a "Don
Ton" cigar for your noxt smoko. Mnn
ufneturod by tho Salem Cigar Co.
Olovolnnd'a Baking Powder, In
8-Ib cano, only cost $1.00, and 5-Ib
can $1,G5, Doth thoso cans hnvo
tho motal bcndlo under tho regular
cover, Thoy nro useful when omp
ty. 1 0-7-1 m
Do You Want to Jin Cured
Of tho "dopo" or "Jag" hnblt? Soo
Dr. D. D. arlflln, 371 South Church
street. Phono DOS. 10-28-lwk
I Havo n Hileiidlrt Lino
Of BtovoB, ranges nnd hontors,
which ennnot bo surpnBsod In quali
ty nnd prlco In tho city. J. A. Pnttor
uon, 285 North Commorolal street.
Wlien Yon Wnnt
Good baking powder aBk your gro
cer for Clovoland'a. Don't nllow him
to glvo you any other brand.
1 0-7-1 m
XiiHtrurtlou IYee
In tho art of rollor skating, nt tho
Auditorium ovory morning from 10
to 12. Thruo compotqnt Instructors
nt your service. Admlwlea free.
Hand Concert
At tho Auditorium rink ovory aftor
noon nnd ovoning. nest rink band
Jn tho stnto. Ladtos and chlldron ad
mitted fro afternoons.
Those Who Hnvc-
Ustd It tho longost prnlso It tho
tnost--Clovolnnd's Daklng Powder.
1 0-7-1 m
Art Squares
Wo havo a nlco assortment, In all
bIzos, colors and patterns, from $3.00
nnd up. J. A. Patterson, 285 North
Commorclal Btrcot.
Color fichemo WIlow
Tho Pattonn, as usual, hnvo some
thing doing around tholr store Just
now tho old paint is bolng scrnpod off
tho front of tho building, preparatory
to putting on nn old-gold coat that
will loom up Uko a twonty-dollnr
ploco In n handful of nloklos, nnd
tho Insldo'of tho Btoro will also bo
touched up with tho snmo yellow
hue. Howover, you nood not four
on nccount of tho colors that you
will bo handed n lomon.
Hanks Closing-
Do not provont Stousloff Dros.
from furnishing you with tholr per
footly kept mont. It Is always Just
tho snmo,
Always Ready
J. M. Lnwronco, at tho cornor of
Commorolal and Forry streets, Is al
ways ready nnd propnred for his cus
tomers, with n woll-solootod stock of
grocorloii, fruits and vegetables, It
Is tho old grocery cornor.
Close Season for Hunters :
At 12 o'clock tomorrow night tho
opon sonson for door and huntora
closes. This may not bo muoh pro
tection to tho deor, but to mistake a
man for a door nnd kill him will
thou bo manslaughter. 4
call up tho Salem Flouring mills.
.Salmon Buttles
Did you over oat ono for your
breakfast? Wo havo got somo nice,
fat Juicy onos. Roth & Qrabcr.
Guardian Mnla'H Repr.rt
T. S. Hotmrt, guardian of Walton,
Llla, Lola and Martin Dolnn, minors,
has filed his annual account in tho
probato court.
Fall CriKt
A good showing of new doslgns.
Duron & Hamilton.
Northern Spies
Aro In tho market, tho best oat
lug applos of tho season. Got a box
now. noth & Qrnbor.
Htick'K Ranges-
Rest on oarth.
Sold by Duron &
Oregon Primes
Mndo Into a delicious home-made
enko, 25c nnd 35c Roth & Grnber.
Will Move to Snlem-
Lots Of It
Munagor Harry Spauldlng, of tho
Wllluinotto footbnll team, announced
today that Wlllamotto would play Or
egon noxt Saturday, In spite of tho
many stntomontB to tho contrary.
Spauldlng telegraphed tho malinger
of tho Oregon teiha this jnornlng as
follews: "Wlllamotto will glvo Ore
gon tho best sho hns noxt Saturday."
Tho Wlllamotto boys will play tho
gamo of tholr llvos Saturday. Though
thoy are much lighter than tho Ore
gon tonm, thoy nro as gritty a bunch
of plnyors as can bo found on tho
coast, and thoy hnvo shown tholr
norvo by stnylng with tho gamo ns
Next Saturday's gamo will bo ono
of tho most spoctncular ovor soon In
tho city, ns tho Wlllamotto players
hnvo tho forward pass and othor now
plnys down to n fine point.
Evory Salem citizen who Is nblo
should bo at tho game to cheer the
Salem boys to victory.
no colleotlon.
Couches and l)nveniorts
In leather veronn and
covers. Huron & Hnmllton.
Shoes . . . .
If you want sonsible shoos, wo are
preparod to fit you. If you want
stylish shoos you may dopond upon
finding them hero. Whether stylish
or not, you may roly upon one thing
thoy nro worthy, dopendnblo, and
wo do such a largo buslnosa that our
prioos nro unquestionably "right."
Hero nro a fow specially Inviting
sorts of now 6hocw. Dr. Dunn's
cushion for Indlos at $3.50. Dr. Reed's cushion shoes for mon,
vlcl, bluchers, light or hoavy sole. Tho R. P. Smith shoes for
men, women and chlldron. Also tho celobrntod Wnlkovor shoos in
all stylos, from $3.50 up.medlum or hoavy soles. Ladles' gun metal
Bhoes, Just arrived, at $2.25. Our repairing dopartmont always In
full uln4. Host of loathor- and workmanship. All work guaran
teed, or no pay.
MILLER. At tho family homo on
Front stroot, Sunday, October 27,
1007, to the wlfo of Roy Miller, a
Fiber Matting
30o per yard.
Duron & Hamilton.
Hlblp Lectures.
There will be Dlbo lectures nt the
W. C. T. U. hall tonight and tomor-
Charlos SannlnKflold. of Maolanv. ' row n,Bt nt 7:30, by E. W. Dren-
1im purchnsod tho rosidonoo property ne,80n. of Alleghnnoy, Pennsylvania,
of Mr. and Mrs, O. C. Hutchlns, ntTUo 8ubJoct Wodnosday ovoning Is
729 Liberty street, and will soQn!"Tho Thr0 Worl(l8; o o to Study
move to this city with his family to xno uwlQ owpnasionatoiy," aad
rostdo. Mr. Hutchlns and family Thursday evening. "Tho Three
will remain In tho Capital City until WriyB! lBt' tho Broai1 W,iy: 2d tho
the olose of tho presont sohool year, Norrow Wn" 3d. tho Highway." Mr.
whon they oxpoot to move to Port- Br"no!sen Ib nn nble Blblo student,
jnmj a logical roaonor and an eloquent
.speaker. Blblo studonts and honest
srui-derer Airchtwl skeptics nro cordially Invited to at-
Corl Anderson, who was arrwtod lonu tll0S0 ,ectures- SetUs froo and
nt Portland Sunday for the murder of
Harry Logan n wook a.go, has told a '
. ... . .
numuor or storlos, which amount
practically to n confession of guilt.
Ho is an old orlmlnnl, and It is
clalmod was In tho roform school
years ago, and also served n term in
tho ponitontlnry for robbing the
woolon mills horo.
Auction Sale at Turner
Shafer Bros., successors of their
( rattier on the old John A. Shafer
place, lVfc miles northosst of Tur-
nor, will soil at public auction Thurs
day at 10 a. m., a largo amount of
stock, farm mnohinory, household
goods and other personal property.
A froo lunch will be sorved at noon
and J. F. Goode & Son of Salem aro
tho auctioneers.
Salem Party Get n Bear
F. G. DoVoe, of this olty, and a
party from the Wuldo Hills have
Just roturnod from a hunting trip In
tho Cascade Mountains, bringing out
a hugo blak boar, weighing about
' 600 pounds, and plenty of vontson.
Tho doadly work on the bear, that
would havo dellghtod Teddy himself,
was .norforraod by Mr. D0V00 with
his trusty 30-30, dolug tho bear up
In fino shape. The whole part on
Joyed the trip, and all were delighted
at the chance to eat fino bear steaks.
Beauty Pins
Droochos, Scarf Pins, Chatelaln
Pln3, Crosses, Neck Chains, Watch
Chains Lockets, nil of the vory lat
ost design and reasonable prices.
Some boautlful novelties which 1
am sure you will appreciate as soon
as you seo them. Watch and Jewelry
repairing has my personal attention.
All work guaranteed.
Leading Jeweler and Optician.
123 Commorclal street. The Only
Ono on This Street.
I I I I I I I II I I 1 1 I I i 1 I I I I I III !
Mrs. W. E. Mitchell Is visiting hor
Blstor in Turner.
G. V. StnndlBh left this morning
for Albany on business.
Dr. J. W. Rnncom, of Turner, was
In tho city todny on business.
Mrs. F. E. Hunt loft this morning
for a visit In Estncada.
R. G. Hunter loft this morning for
Brownsville on business.
J. B. Konody, of Woodburn, wno
In tho city yestorday on business.
Mrs. A. G. CrosBon Is visiting
friouds nnd rolntlvcs In Portlnnd.
Frank Wnnn, of Portlnnd, nftor n
Bhort vlBlt In this city, hns returned
to his homo.
G. M. Staples, of Turner, was a
business vuBltor In tho city this
Mrs. J. J. Bnrnott, of Turner, nf
ter n short visit horo, has returned
to hor homo.
Miss M. E. Drake, of San Frnncls
co, arrlvod today to visit Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Stelwor.
Mrs. J. A. Sellwood left this morn
ing for Mllwnukto, whoro sho will at
tend a family rounlon.
Miss Nina Johnson, tho well-known
vocal teacher, loft this morning for
Lebanon, where Bho will visit friends.
J. H. McCormlck will return to Eu-
gono tomorrow morning, nftor a visit
In this city nnd Portland.
J. D, Driver loft last ovoning for
Tangent, to visit his father, who Is
reported to bo sorioiiBly HI.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. SchwJnglor loft
yostordny for Corvallls, whoro thoy
will resldo.
Mr. and Mrs. Honry Thompson,
who hnvo boen vJsltlng W. J. Sewell,
left last evening for their homo In
Pendleton. '
Mrs. A. C. Mills, of Tillamook,
who has been visiting In tho city, loft
today for n visit In Eugene. Sho will
visit rolatlvos In California before re
turning to her homo.
Victor Brown, tho Salem corre
spondent of the Portland Journal,
loft last evening for Portlnnd, having
roslgned his position to enter anoth
er lino of work.
John R. Polk, who has been enjoy
ing nn extended trip In Englnnd and
Europe for tho past year, returned to
his homo In this city last eD!itE,
will bo nsaoclatcd with the T0r
Packing Company.
John Williamson, tho vhwlrtft
hns returned from WJnnemjca, $
vada, whoro lio hna had empfojant
for tho pnst three rtri. trm.
., . . -i'
inoy nan otic nun thoro tho put jar
iu aopiomoor.
! ! high crass goods
Ovor Ladd & Burh'i Baak,Et!ee,(k
Norwich Union Fire
InsarMce Sodrffl
Frank Meredith, Rcsidtat If
Ofllco with Win. Drown It 0,S
20 Commorclal street.
I muw nron AY
For Salo ChuA p!ino-pwi&
.-......--1- . tefltrsi
for amount on any planoNV
Ellors. Want to sell by &
bor 15. J. J. Tweed, Sales,
No. 7. 1MW
Wanted A driving horse to W
...I.. via
feed and, care aunos -months.
Address 0. 0. v
Brooks. Or. Phone Fantrifc
t T....... loK.nrro farm. "
AM.r t-.: iMK,k
plow land. House, -
aero sfrawucn; - - u
5 acres. For sale eWjJ
Buff Wyandottea, tm
B. P. nodkcokiU J
nor Poultry Yards, T".r
A wM'iT
IjT grown cnuere-. "--
tSke place where eteuJM
nlshed for ha". '
Address h.,"--,,,m,.
Get Ready foyjjgjj
by otdetiag some of those
fice pompkios and fa
eating apples. Yo wi
miss them if yotf wait M
the last moment, so ototi
today. : . f '
Phone 182