M ' v WITH OCCASIONAL HATS TONIGHT AND TUESDAY. LY CAPITAL J OURNAL ! l' SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOIUiH 28, 1007. NO. 12 17. lor Says 4,000 Spaniards Are Held As Slaves J)A iDERS SGRAP IS A WINNER L Blfl Cattleman, Mine Banker Locks Morns bNfxon, Banker, Miner w of BolhU.b. senator Li. n o8Tlin fltrht inclai suprcnincy of No- erado, that naa uecn year between unuun tor .Nixon and ThomaB B. reached its climax In lad Nixon lias won first L dtmeclo lias been on Fm a (inlet fashion. Doth toloylng a corps or stonog feuengers, agents and nt- the wires between hub brada cities havo been fh messages. Nixon cumo money to carry his banks us of tho past wcok, nnu My camo to provont him, t monev for himself. Ho tceiitul and Is now seok- WHII I 1 i-HttHI I H-H-H-H; Okllnlionm n Stntc November 10 Washington, Oct. 28. Pres ident Roosovolt will proclaim Oklohnma a state on Novem ber 16. Tho President ninrto this announcement today to Governor Frnntz, who brought to Washington a certified copy nt Mm nnnntltntlnn. X-tHMI 1 I ! ! i I ! ! I 1 ! 1 1 H -o- Astorln Wants Yards. Astorln, Or., Oct. 2 S. Astoria has taken steps to make a strong campaign for the location, of tho proposed American navy yard at that place. Representations are being mndo to all congressmen and sena tors and naval committees of both houses. o- Cashier Was Short. Alrrnn fl .. Dot. 28. It hBS been discovered that Fred A. Berren, cash- lor and treasurer of tno uouar aav Jnca Bank, who committed suicide Sunday, Is short ?25,000. -irillml lii rim roll Riot. Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 28. Six teen persons were killed and many Injured today In a church riot In Boz sahogy, South Hungary, owing to rn clal Jealousy between tho Slovaks and Magyars. o- Reno Rank Open. Reno, Nov., Oct. 28. All mo bnnks In Reno opened today. There were slight runs on all, but none of tho bankB wero affected to any ex tent. Business men aro niuKiub heavy deposits. . . o Ihsiio Their Own Money. St. Louis, Octobor 28. The banks hero today adopted tho clearing house certificates SPANIARDS HELD AS SLAVES IICAG0SI0RE 'EOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE IE WONDERFUL BUSINESS ire doing prompts us on to give customers greater values an tne . Look at the prices we are now ig for standard reliable merchan- where can you beat them.' en: ARE OITKHING THE VALUES WE EVER H. THIS WhUIC, IN 5S GOODS SILKS YDS. op STANDARD jottixn flannels oc . NOW AT YARD 3c. WEN'S $3 RKARSKIX f NOW 51.08. UW'EKS VXD WAIST- NNELPTTra NOW ON H YlltD, 8 J.;jc. WASD0WX TiaNNELS n STYLES AND RE ' NW OX SALE AT vn . " ' OP Fancy nnrcB XW OX SALE AT YD.. . 45c, 10c and 03c. tAOtS op m..x-,r 85 &1LE AT. ttt . Hundreds of swell coats nnd Suits for Ladles, MiBses and Chil dren offered this week at small prices. Don't buy until you see tho great values wo nro ofierJng. STORY OF A SAILOR JAPS' GOOD ,IOR. He Missed the Girl, Rut Killed Him self. Los Angeles, Oct. 2S. Aftor a fu tile attempt to kill his sweothoart, flonrcn S. 'Mntsml. min of tho wealthy Japancso of tho city, llrcd two shots into Hi) tempio last nignt inning Mnmolf Inntnntlv. K. Nnmrt. Hie pretty Japanese girl fell In a faint on tho noor, nna wbb stiu lying tnoro when detectives forced their way In to tho room. Tho bullet Mntsul aimed at her grazed her head and lodged In tho wall. TWENTY YEARS' HARVEST Claims the Natives On the Island of San Juan Del Norte Have 4000 Spanish Soldiers and Ship-Wrecked Sailors In Bondage TmlrM Qnnln not CT1in Sunn. Ish Government mav ask tho United Stntes department to take stops to invostignto tno tcory tnnt 4uuu span- Inriln tnknn In linttln nr frmn Strand ed ships on tho Island of San Juan del Monto, of tho Philippines; aro hold ub slaves by tho natives. Tho story has been brought hero by ship wrecked Spanish sailors who escaped and reached Manila after much suffer lng. o THE PANIG FADING Settling Riot Hilts. Vancouver, Oct. 28. Hon. Ru dolph Lomlusf, minister of labor and Bpcclnl commissioner to Japan In tho matter of Immigration, will ar rive In Vancouver this afternoon an! proceed direct to Japan. McKonslo King, tho deputy mlnlstor, who has been invosugntin mo j npnucsa claims for damago duo bocauso of tho Soptcmber riots, went ahead nnd will meet his chief on route, nnd discussed tho results of tho sitting so far. The Japanosc clnlniB will bo greatly reduced, probably ovor ono hnir. OF DIVORGE COURTS Census Bureau Shows tho Number of Cases Will Reach 1,300,000, and of Thcso About 1,000,000 Wero Successful-50,000 a Year Washington, Oct. 28. An aggre gate of 1,300,000 divorce cascB dur- reuueeu, jiruuiuny uvur ",,uiing tho mBt au years win uo bhuu ITnnl. rntm In linlmr lirtnrvl nnil-1 . ... .1.- i. ..... Int. n( Mm intuitu !' il.v.J lliov " ..v...r .."... - 1 HV .II1U IUVUBU(IIHW" VI mu -v ..- aratoly, and being cut In each cnBO.l)Uronu a. total of 2900 clerkB and Tim flrnt- BPntonrrv u'ln Imnosort In ..i..i n,.miiu l.nvn linnn lit work NIIKI'IIII IIUUIII.D iiia.au u v w ,... Tim first Bentonco wnB Imnoscd In tho rioting cbbo Saturday aftornoon, and the prlroner wbb given ono month In Jnll. AWAY PORTLAND GIRL SHOT BY ROBBER gathering this data, and about 140 nro Btlll engaged In summing up tho work of these men. Thoro nro In nil 40,000 cnscB to bo Investigated, u la ostlmnted -Hint two-thlrda of thoso seeking dlvorco hnvo boon successful. o up to it lu pretty good shnpo. Koono- played a strong gamo ni rigin mciviw 'JLIIO UIIIUC. wiltnmnttn kinked oft nntl , tho high school wns forced to punt by fnlllng to nmko yardage Wlilnm- otto failed to mnlto yaruago n punted, Leach Rocurlng tho ball nmr making a 2C-yard run for tho ftrat touchdown. Dooth klokod tho goiil. Rlchnrduon kicked orr lor mgii school and Wlllnmetto wnn hold and forced to punt. Wlllnmotto blocked n punt nnd bucked tho ball for sor oral gains, but was forced to punt. High school puntod, and smashed up sovornl plnys. WUlamotto punted to Jonea for a fair catch. NIIcb kicked' nr. I Until crn nwllV in TlOXt play for ViR-ynrd run nnd second' ' touchdown. iaueu ni kuh . " the rost of this half tho high school played a fighting gamo to keep WII lamotto from scoring again, and It ended with tho Bcoro mou i ""' of Willamette. . . In tho flocomi nair wummukvu Btartod a Bteady march for tho goal, which ended by Low making ft yard gain off tacklo for a touchdown. Failed to kick goai. Tho high school wa again put on tho fight, but WUlamotto worked near enough to their goal to scoto a plnco kick, in mo iiii ii. i ' gamo tho lilgh Bchool took n brnca nnd made a uumbor of gains, and tho whlstlo blow with tho ball about th& mlddlo of tho Hold and tho final scoro about 20 to 0 for. Wlllamotto. Although tho gnmo wub o io-hiu it was enjoyej by thoHO wltncBslng: It. . liAIUU. SALEM HIGH IS DEFEATED TJnwVnrV Clot. 9.R A ironerfllTCB- toratlon of confidence was lndlcntod thlB morning. Tho stock market oponod Btrong under buying orders from London nnu nuvnucea iroin onu to three polntB wore mndo on nil dlv- llnnfl.iinvlnc R.tnrkn. Thn OncaiTO- 4WV 0 --- -.. , , .- ment of $9,000,000 In gold for Imme diate Importation to wow xorK irom London added to tins strong. "" run on tho Lincoln Trust Company of America has Kroatly diminished mi.. TT.I -nin.k DlmnlA1 atrnll(?t1l I no Uliiuu X iiuiiii; ii" n" iiuj jiaiviiio. t.inift . "nn - nnd closed .two points hlgnor. jBoini-was driving bncK to uio cuy, whoh od Belling onscd tho market off a bit, nt a dark point In tho rond a man and thon It relapsed Into dullness nnd suddenly Jumped out of tho brush- trading became lireiess wuu iwrruw wood nnu oruorca. ucr 10 nmi, uu fluctuations. During tho nnnl hour' throw up hor hands. Tho horso bo- alinrn l.rfnlf niviirro(I In BOind'rnmn frltfllteilCll 1111(1 bllinKCd for- .. ......... -: .".-. :. i- "":".-..- ...... j ....! wara, nnu ma nignwiiyiuun nr, Tho bullet struck tho girl In tho Bhoulder nnd smashed hor collar bono, O' stocks, nnd tho mnrket closed gener ally weak. o TENT0W ADMITS KILLING GREAT INCREASE IN VOTERS Unusual Run of Good Luck-Eugene High Defeats Albany Portland. Oct. 28. Bnckod by n picked forco of doputy shorlffs, Shor- turo the lono hlghwnyman who shot nnd iminfully wounded Miss SiihIo Thompson last evening whllo Bho wni returning to Portinnd rrom nor home at Coxder MIIIb. This Is tho third holdup that hns occurred In tho vicinity of Portinnd within tho InHt ton dnys. In every enso shooting has occurred. Ono death and two seri ous Injuries nro tho results. Miss Thompson nnu spent tno any wun hor pnronts. Taking a buggy Bho TO TAKE TIBUR0N ISLAND Tim lit oil ophnnl wont down to do- feat nt tho linndB of WUlamotto Sat urday by tho largo scoro of 20 to 0. Tho Wlllamotto team proved too much for tho high Bchool boys, al though thoy mndo tho heavier tenm xvnrlr fnr nvnrV lilt Of fltmlKllt I'Urd- ago down tho flold, which wns not as much as It mlgnt appoar 10 no o tho largo Hcoro, Tho 'varsity pioyeu In gront luck Butunlny, maKing only ono of their touclulownB y n Btrnlght march ovor tho lino. Tlio high school repeatedly held thorn, nnd thoy wero forced to punt. T io gamo wns mndo iniuremwK y h frequent punting of both tennis, and In this Nllos, for tho high hoIiooI, plainly had tho host of IiIb opponent, hooting tho ball from 30 to 40 yards at ovory kick. Dooth did nil of Wll lametto'B punting, and used good Judgmont nt qiartorbnck In running his tonm. Tho high school did not oxpect to win thlB gnmo from Wll lamotto, nolthor did thoy oxpect to loso by Bitch a large Fcnro, but their conch, nishop. Is well ploased with tho showing his team mndo, espe rinllv on tho dofonslvo work, nnd ho -UMMi nnlv lnnn1u linn.', nftnr HQOlnK Ills niUll o. rMn r.l 0 rnnort ltt i: . ."". v''". ,y .M ::. -.i;..i. v u beonorgnnlzed to tako posoRl0n,df; TlbnronlHland. Tho prewont owner Is Mm. Qundnloupo Dllnn, widow of aenornl Irndo Mllnn, who dlpd ro contly In Loh Angolos. nilnn clnjmod tho Islnnd, nnd made one fultlois at tompt to got possession from tho In dlniiB. It Ib under nomlnnl Moxlcnn Jurisdiction, nnd Is located nonj- tho contor of tho Oulf of California, Soattlo, Oct. p8.A. II. Tontow, charged with shooting nnd killing Dm. Aiiiimu nt Plymouth. Hoods C:t- IIUJ ....w, w ' "- . -" . . nal, yostorday, was urrostod tnw . u ... m. mfk una v' nun , i i Tk; r' ' h'n,, thn rfileltho campaign, tho Cleveland mayor -: hn f or a hard gamo. ri'Nit'ii iiiuiun a vii w -.-- iii., am nu in niinruiiniiniui ntr iiviirv . ' which Ib clnlmod to bo tho one with , , , t of ntorOBt ,n con. -.i .i i -. i no (1UUUO W.- lilttVUIllIUI, VJ., Utl, .O -HUH W...J imviiun ....... .. .... 41... ...i.nlr vl iivm weok com,nB for, acTrrk '"'point.1 '.'nrrfthS'US i ;;s ho rifle Itho campaign, tho Cleveland wyor-. JX? shapo for ft hard gamo. .i.i.i- . i., A.lntna Tnnlnw IIS- w""' v, '!' ..'..: ....' which no "'. ,;",,, tim miction wun tno election wun u ruv sertB that ho Bhot Adams bocauBotlioi reclstrntlon. It hns ii iA.i.AHBinit in ainiii kimiiiiii " . miter wan iruaimih " "" .Qon a nmuo lands AittiiMcii ttm Wlllnmetto team hnB hoen gront ly changed alnco tholr inat vamn. Home snui mat miw inn ord-breaklng registration. It ,," i!!., trongor gnmo Saturday thnn hoen n maUor of surprise to polltlcnl "'. ., y woro ,jpf0atod by Wash lenders gonerally, and election ox- " " 'fow wookH Ml. "Dynn perts nro now kept busy trying to m,t.. cuiiuiiIiikh plnyod a great 71 . . . m I . 1" n 1 il ki k fti I IiMuiwiK-u nnnl ,.........". nnniyzo us iiiuuiiiiiK uiiu inuiminu "-,.,. ,.- wi Unniotto at iiuhiuck. Spokane. Oct. 28. C. 13. MoDonnld , foct on tho In(erost rospoctlvoly of fnJ ,g ynrdago on lino smashes nnd Ed. Smith, suBpoctod of the Great Mayor Tom L. Johmon, who Is seek- ' ' , H,nnBhlng th high school play. Northorn train robbery, woro taken , a fourth tcrn,t nnd of Congrow- n"n , ,a).w,bn fat gnmo at ond. nt lout of Spokano last night to Kall-(man ThooJoro jg. Burton, Ilopubll- ' ,,.nJ nicking up a qiinrterback iell, Mont., by defectives. MoDowiajcan ,10mineo. kiolc and making a 26-yard run for i fought furiously ngalnit going back Tho regutratlon has ronched n to- " ,ci,,0Wf -j'ho Wlllamotto half- without oxtrndltlon paperB, nnd "atai 0f 93,000, which Ib nearly 30,000 ' 'Low ttnil shanks, playe! good 'to bo chained. Over 20 olalinantB.Jn OXC08g of ti,0 normnl vote In o'ty'tall and made oxcollent Intorfer i aro aftor tho reward offered by Hau o1ecUonH Tne procllotloiiH bolngonf0 Tll0,r nn0 played In n good ifor the capturo of tho men. made by polltlcnl leadors ns to tho form' thot repulsed mot of tho high I . . o result of tho oloctlon vary ccordlnglBC,100, nttom,lW ut smashing through ir..... M,iii fiL-lim. tn thn nollHpal feellncB of thoso ,. I " K",M,W ' i -.-. - ... tl.l lnnHlll Children's coats fromOSc to 91.95 Misses' coats from 9U.50 to 93.00 Ladlea Coats from 3.95 to $10.00 lletter ones at small price. Ladles' Swoll Trimmed Hats, 91.50 91.95, 92.50 and 93.50. Children's Caps from 23c up. McEVOY BROS. (On. AXD COURT 8THJBHTS, S.1LEM, OREGON. ir Pllu Cnt 28. FOIIOWinK ivuiioua .tj. w. - tho disappearance of J. K. U rati y to day, a receiver was appointed for tne Bankers Trust Company, a Brady concern. Burned or Drowned. lfH.Banlid WnnoA Ofit. 28. " 'Three hundred persons porlshed by '-- ... ti .!. rit.l.ln Phlnn nnu nro in iibkuuuib, "unu -. --- 1000 by flood along the west coast or Japan, according to news brought by last mall from Saigon, in French Cochin China. o-. Mbro Forest Reserve. 1YBBUIUBIUU, Wk. .--- - - -- - dent has ordered tho withdrawal or 3,965 acres of land m -innuy, o ta and Glenn counties, -a'"";";"' along the cast border of the Trinity national forest, ana i. ""v"- ;t" add this to the acreage of the forest. nnlltlral feollncs making them. Republican politicians am naniriilnn that tno Die roKiHini- tlon augurs that Republicans hlthor- to out of lino wun tnoir pany, locm ly, who did not vote at all, aro back In linn nnil romlv to VOte. Tliey point to tho fact that tho biggest In crease in registration nas ucuu the heavy Republican wards. Mayor Johnson ana nis nsiiiuB however, aro equally sangulno that ha Innrnninfl lnfprf.it In municipal affairs, as shown by tho big roglstra tlon. Is due to his position on the question oi lower street car ji. A1m Left III Money. Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 28- Cap tain Piihrnllor. a wdll-lmown brew er on tho Pacific coast, died horo this w.vnlno Tin ufna U'nrfh II.IHIU.UUU He leaves a wife, daughter and two school sons. AUDITORIUM RINK 01M2.VED. flnlcni'H Skat hue I'hvIIIoh Morn Pop- a. rm ..- Uinr iiuiii i.vrr. For the high school NUoa and Kay -. .n.l. 1 1.1 vnrv mat lilnvlng. OOttl m uuug . .-. . .. i doing good work on rerovoriiiK punts. Cnptal rarmor ai ijimrnji-i.ni- rnn iiu tfinm in kooiI 8tyio,.ni- though using vory few of tho numer ous trick playa which tho team haB been working up. This was duo most v to tho fact mat wiu . hikh school played most of tho time a dofonslvo game. -A man snowing up well wbb Krebs. who has Just re cently entered the high school, ami who only played tiirougn a rr in tho game. Krobs did some brilliant work whllo ho was on tho Held. Richardson aslso played a good gamo at halfback. Smith at full ii.i ninvAi rnnnhlnir camu. whllo Jones, at right half played hit usual good game. Aimouga inu iiirh line receirea a greater part of WUlaraette's pounding it stood Olio of tho largest crowds wit- nnuuoil ttin prnnil onotllni; of tho All- dltorlum rollor rink lftHt Saturday night. By 8 o'clock, when tho band) Btruck up tho first Inspiring two-Btop. mo noor rosounueti wuu wiv murry click of hundreds of little rnllori, and from thnt tluitt until tho hour or midnight thoro wnu not a dull mo mont or nn Incldont to mar tho plons uro of tho evening. The rink In conducted In a manner thnt In drawing tho pntronngo of tho best people of Balotn, and tho man agement huvo tnkon ovory precaution to prevent rowdyism. In addition to the regulnr sessions of tho rink an Halloween party Is being arranged for Thiirnduy evening, which prom Isos to bo of unusual Interest. Chrlitniii Batkatf. Charming effects can bo obtained from old bankets (provided they are sound) by treating them about two week in advance of ChrlHtiuuM with, two coats of common white paint, sup pleitwntwl, wliuit thoroughly dry, by a coat of dclleutu green euuinol and tinting the rims and hnndlim a crusm Ivory white. A bow of white sntln ribbon should be fastened ncouroly to Uio handled, through which U thrust a spray of mistletoe. Kqually pleasing results may be obtained by using dark green and white enamel, with a vivid dcarlot ribbon and duster of holly, a festlvu touch being given to Uio con tent of homemade caudy by wrap plngB of crape paper prlutetl In holly rUHltru. A delicate nuner nankin laid neutly over the top and n card taurine Umj season's greeting nud your own pervonnl good wishes eoinpioto tao baeaper, A Noval Hatpin Holdar. To make a pretty hatpin cusliloa take an old cuffeo tin, ruinovo lid and tuff tlgbUy with wool or rags. Thou cut out two rounds of pretty colored sateen (lined) for top and bottom of tlie tin. Tlaco tho sateen lu posltiou and tack with long stitchea dewu tin, from one to tho other. After Uita put a. ninn at tbo material neatly rowMd aad nako pretty wuhIIu or Jace cover hi a sJaalkir way, with the acktitkia ot ttilit Ut go over top and botteaa ot tox. Tie rwMul with rlbWew, tu