DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1"07 WEATHER WARM IN ALASKA "HELL" LAST NIGHT. Victor Dorrls Sermon on That Wnnn Topic Draws u Largo Audience. Fairbanks, Alaska, Oct. 2G. Tljc "most peculiar weather reports come tfrom Alaska. The weather Is warm with hut little slush lco running In the- Yukon. Snow fell two weeks ago but molted. Toward the coa3t on tho Valdez trail snow Is reported ob Tour feet deep, but that little lco 3ins rormed In tho Btreama. A Criminal Attack, on an Inoffonslvo cltlzon Is frequent ly mndo In that apparently useless llttlo tubo called tho "appendix." It's generally tho result of protract od constipation, following llvor tor por. Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills rogu" Into tho llvor, provont appendicitis, and ostabllah regular habits of tho bowola; 2 Co at J. 0. Perry's drug etoro. Whitman Rent MtAtiiomnli. Whitman CoIIobo, Wnlla Walla, Wash., Oct. 20. Whitman 14, Mult nomah Athletic club 5 Is tho result of tho hard-fought gnmo of foot ball played liero yesterday nftor noon. Whitman's points woro mndo uy two urop Kicks, a touchdown and a goal. Multnomah scored ono touchdown, in lino-bucks, tho two tennis woro about ovonly matched; In punts, Whitman's qunntor, Bru bakor, had a possible advantago ovor Rnwor, whllo In fumbles tho club team was rather unfortunate n Victor Dorrls' sermon on "Hell" last Illtrli t lirnnirlif nut. n nrront niwll. once, which listened with tho clos est attention while ho gave tho Scripture tenching on tho BUbject. Many said thoy had not known the variety of Scrlnturo teachlne the Bible contained before. Others wore not ready to consent to tjie be lief In a "literal" boll. Tn whlnh Mr. Dorrls mndo nlnln bv savlntr. that whether hell meant a literal fire or not, It was n real punishment, and to dodgo behind the word "lit eral" did not give room for escape. "Tf wn fiririin thnt ithn fnrm In n flguro of speech, or a symbol we do not got rid of tho fact of hqll, for tho tho flcurn nr smvbnl Ih trrontor thnn thn tlilnt fliroc1 nr avmtinl. Ized," said tho spcakor, so that from every view point, wo must confess, that If tho book bo true, thorn must bn n. rnnl linll Tim fnnt thnt cMinl. nrs and speculators and schools hold against tho doctririo does not set aside tho fact as recorded, and so WO nrn shut tin in tho. mnst nwful fnct, as much as wo would like to avoid It, that there Is a hell. Tonight Mr. Dorrls will speak on "Tlin Mnlilntnnn nt Tlnron." Hnnrlnv morning, "Tho Lord's Day and tho Lord's Supper"; Sunday evening, "Alexandor Dowln and Ilnlntod Sub jects." 0 CHARCOAL KILLS BAD BREATH Bnd Odor of Indigestion, Smoking, Drinking or Enting Cnn Bo InstnntSy Stopped. Julius Caesar "was a man of norvn but sickness loft Its mark and ho bicnmo. aged boforo hlB time. Sicknoss is oftgn wi uiuihuu y a lorpou uvor. norbino will rogulnto your liver and glvo you Jionlth. Mrs. Carrlo Austin, Ilollon. Knn., wrltes: "I consldor Horblno tho host mcdlclno I ovor hoard of. I nm novor without It." Sold by D. J. Fry. Artisans EnJov Themselves. Members of Capital Assembly, No. 84, of United Artlsnns, nftor an In torestlnir busInosH nionHnir. wnrn on. tortnlnod by tho following pregram: ooicciion, orcnosirn. Piano solo, Miss Helen Colvin. Vocal solo, Mrs. Frank Bean. Rending, Mr. Glpn Nllcs. Euphonium solo, Ivan O. Martin. Soloctlon, orchestra. Tho membors tbon rmmlrmi tn tho Holl lco cronm nnrlnrs. wliorn Inn cronm, cako and marshmallows woro Wiuill to Shoot tho King. Xondou, Oct. 2C What : thought to liavo boon a plot to nssas Blnnto King Edward was dlscovoroil During tho biiBlnoss sosslon of tho lodgo it wn.i docldod to hold n district mooting In Snlom on Friday ovonlng, Novomber 2 2d. fl- M White Beat Mines. All OXtrOlllolv n mnnn nf 1in.1rr.f- ball took plnco last night In tho Y. M. C A. CVmiUlSlltltll llilhvnnn tlin "WllllOS nild tllO "hllins." Mm cnn.., ro8iillliig In a closo victory of 1G to IS In favor of tho "whites," which put thorn at prosont 433 iiolnta ...... . . H v j i, filWWl; Ttiiui who Ih to hunt i mm ' i.. uiii,i to tho pollco nftor his nrrost. Tho Prince of WuIoh Ih duo to arrlvo ut tho hunting groundH shortly. Tho nrrost U connected with tho mystor lous nUonipt of a cloHOd carrlago to ram tho king's carriage u woel: ago. rhlH attempt was foiled by dotec Hard Times in Kaunas. Tho old days of grnsuhoppors and WllltOB Uiwlnrlllll ITnlnrmil. r- wards: Alton enntnr- Snin.n...,! ., ' --- --- -.... , w... tt.iiiii (nil. aioniuopir, guards. Illuoa Har grovo niul Mooi-ob, forwnrdH; Simla ton, contor; Bonson and Mclntyro. guards. Itoforoo, o. llonn. Scorokcopor, Goo. Hatch. Score 1(5 tn 1R in fnvnii i... "whltoi." n . M tho Klluger. drouth are almost forgotten In tho or t" pKlTo ln?S promoroua lCunsns of today; nl- hoiiao. nnd It Ih stutod that Sun- n.......i. -i.. . . .. . iilnv ltd. lit i.m ....i...i.. ii. n.u.ifcii UIH7.0H 01 UOdOII. JSnrll. . "'" "" iifiimu LIIO HUCCOSa Shaiuburg, lias not yot forgotton n bard tlmo he oncountorod. Ho says: "I wnH worn out nnd discouraged by toughing nlKht and day, and could llnd no relief till I trlod Br. Klng'n Now Dlicovory. it took loia than ono bottlo to completely euro mo." Tho Rnfont and moat rellablo cough nd cold ouro and lung nnd throat lioalor ovor discovered. Gurantood liy J. C. Porry'H drug atoro, COc nnd $1.00 Trial bottlo froo. o- A Fine Ail. Paper. Tho Saturday Kvonlug Capital Journal Ih a lino ad. paper. Tho HdvortlnomontB of our busi ness inun do a groat doal to show olT tho Capital CUy as tho llgo, grow ing Intorlor biiHlnesH city of Orogon. - 2ulntjr, Hpnilns and Swelling Ciireil. "I Novombor, 1901, I caught cold and had tho quinsy. My throat wub awollon so I could linrdly broatho. I uppllod Olmmborlnla's Pain Balm and It gavo mo rollof In a short time. In two days I wna nil right," Bayn Mra. L, CoiiHlua, Ottorburn, Mich. Chnmborlalu'8 Pain Balm la a llnl- inont and In oapoclally vnlunblo .for uprnlna nnd awolllngs, For sale t Dr. Stouo'a drug etoro. Willi WILL SIAKK THE YOVNO GROW STRONG AND UEAIl'llY. good, wholoaomo, nourishing brvad, far tiottor thnn meata, nud Just whut tho childish bodlea want with milk and fruits. Lota of good rich, rod blood comos couralug after tbo eating of pure- wheat, ryo or KMham bioad from Ullom'a bako hop. OAPfTOL 11AKKRY, 0. VUim f rpl , J Vh99 969. fill oiiKament of Mm whirl,... iu Thoy canio horo undor nn ougago mont playing their fonturo acta, "Curnboo," and "Why Ih a Dough nut?" whlph wwrn 'Pnntlv .. elated. ' ' """,u Although tho nianngeniont ha had now fncos each wook, tho trio haa beon held nvm rm tiw. ,nai ui WOOlM. A . 1). WhltlllC l.ns nlnnn.l hiH nmUoiiros with hU piano selec tions nild IllllBtriltml nnima nn.l ...III bo mliBOil vory much. Porlo Whiting, bogldos hor oxeol lont dancing BpoolnltloH, Iiub won tho admiration of tho public as a clovor wuio nciroHB, Tho bOVH Of itlm tmvn Imvn .Moln,, '' Kiigeuo, bottor known as Gone. nm iiuio man with a big Inugh " Ho IIUH Olltertnlllnil nn,l rannlun.1 tu.y applauso of a irrnnt- mnnv nn.ii.m,.,... Blnco tho stny horo, In his clover nnd uiiuxcoiioii mark raco work. 1 11 01 Innvo nnvf wnnlr tn n o,,., FranelHco ongagomont. and It la hoped that on nny of thoir northorn trlllS. tllOV will nllon iniihi o.n. n.i smiling fncoa nt tho KUngor Grand thontor, Next wnnk Mm hill win nniia n clever comedy akotch team, Gould & Gould; Odur, tho myatorious; and "La Petite Ruth." n rhnrmlncr HMl.t Boubrotto, PoitmnBtor Fnrrnr la ni Pixtinmi on a few days' lonvo of absence WSiiaaaaaaaJi ! Winter Shoes I Storm Rubbers and Rubber Boots If you nro looking for good winter shoes that will glvo you good sorvlco, coino In and soo my stock. With every pair of ahooa sold I glva a poncll box, containing ponclla and rulor, froo. Sainplo Pnckngo Mailed Free. Other people notlco your bad breath whero you would not notice it at all. It Is nauseating to other peoplo to stand boforo them and whllo you are talking, glvo them n whiff or two of your bad breath. ..It usually comes from food fermenting on your stomach. Sometimes you have It in tho morning, that awful sour, bilious, bad breath. You can stop that at onco by Bwallowlng ono or two Stuart Charcoal Lozenges. tho most powerful gas and odor ab sorbers over prepared. Sometimes your meals will re veal themsolvc3 In your breath to thoso who talk with you. "You've imd onions," or "You'vo boon eat ing cabbage," and all of a Budden you belch In tho face of your friend. Charconl Is a wonderful absorber of odors, as evory ono knows. That Is why Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges aro of odorous foods, or gas from Indi gestion. Don't uso breath perfumes. Thoy novor conceal tho ordor, and novor absorb the gnB that causes tho odor. Bosldos, tho vory fact of using thorn reveals tho reason for their uso. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges In tho first plnco Btop for good all sour brash and belching of gas, and makn your breath pure, frosh and sweot, Just after you'vo oaten. Then no ono will turn his fnco away from you when you broatho or tnlk; your broatlt will bo puro and frosh nnd besides your food will tnsto so much bottor to you nt your next meal. Just try It. Charcoal does othor wonderful things, too. It carrlos away from your Btomach nnd Intestines, nil tho Impurities thoro mnBsod together and which causes tho bod bronth Charcoal Is a purlflor as woll ns au absorbor. Chnrcoal is now by far tho host, most easy and mild laxative known A wholo boxful will do no hnrm; In fact, tho moro you tnko tho bettor. Stuart's Charconl Lozongos aro niado lof puro willow charcoal and mixed with Just a faint flavor of honey to mako thorn pnlntnblo for you, but not too sweot. You JiiBt chow them like candy. They nro absolutely I lmrmloss. Got a now, puro, swoot breath, froshon your stomnoh for your next monl, and koop tho lntostlnos In good working ordor. Theao two things nro tho seorot of good health and long llfo. You cnn got nil tho charcoal necessary to do tlfogo won dorful but simple things by gotting Stuart's Charcoal Lozongos. Wo want you to tout thoao little won der workora yoursolf boforo you buy thorn. So sond us your full nnmo nnd nddross for n froo snmplo of Stunrt'a Charcoal Lozonpos. Then after you have trlod tho sainplo, and boon convinced, go to your druggist and got u 2Cc box of them. You'll fool bottor nil ovor, moro comfort able, nnd "cloanor" Inside. Sond us your nnmo nnd nddross today and wo will nt onco Bend you by mall n aamplo pneknge, froo. Ad dress F. A. Stuart Co,, 200 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. OLIVE MEAD QUARTER? f OR THE;BENEFIT OF LIBRARY BUILDING sit GRAND OPERA HOUSE, NOV. 15)19() HKVif v " twj PWFSlffm.. w Kk't Wf' ' x'VHI L BBBBBJrig' w-vVpABBBS BBBBL dajBpBBjnBUlBBB JpBBBfiftfikBBj BBBBHBaWv7r!4alr!3yi9r S5Bbhd ANaar . ' laH JBjEjaBBajKij' M. -ajK'aHHjBKKM. ''BP. f vr BH BLBBK " M ' iBLBSEPRlaSBM V i. P I'.f '"' !: '$9B BBBK' be A I .V-. .BbBBHBKD3uriVBVHtBBDSv .7 tflflBl BBBBBBlw? hV 'U w I --41BBjBivBBflflBjajBaBNviBBBBBu. aflflflflj -.' ?- vvBBBBS BBBRaBBJi 1. . t f.iPBVr jBBBBBB&'K'J9BBjtwfc -.0. X9aBBB Bflflak . II T'x 1 ' ElkBBBBBBBBBBBt. BTEy Z&rSiu!t&iK Brought to Pacific Const under management of Lois Stoers-Wynno c Brought to Salem under auspices of Salem Library Board. mres fWs T.'M I aBBBBBKjQBJJBBBBKjBflTBBJjBJm'w1SHBBPj A bWHHHIbHPWbwbbbmB SHSv't a oEidHllir : 7g JMKBBfSBD bBbb9 BBmHIbHbrI BBHl i. 'CHIBBMBr.' laiiBSBVBV'' rjVJrwSH HHHBHlVaBft' J VBBBBm BaHPBBBBflBBJBl-" PJBBBBBiBBBbTu w3 jtfiMDMWBjB BBBBtrBBfeLV .B. 1bBBBB9 1 BBBBbV BBwraKfnflBB kU IBB TwL '" j'aPM'L AvTw swBtiNh THE Mm :v?& Ono of the Choures In 'TIki Yankee Hegent.' O. K. GROCERY 1 1 m ' TVi vt 1 1 Jacob Vogt 345 State Street i Between Low Prices and High Quality In grocorh3 you would euroly chooso quality. But If you trade horo you don't have to choose, for you got a combination of both. QUALITY GIIOCERIES, QUALITY l'KIOKS Mako Uila atoro the favorlto among women who know grocery values ua woll as wo do. By dealing hero von can save money without sacrificing quality in tho slightest degree That Is real economy. Learn to Embroidi NOW IS YOL'H OPPOHTIXITV. For ono week only, beginning October 28, Mrs. StH will glvo loasons absolutely Fit UK to thoso who parch nl - m. .. . . v.... II . l.n.l ...1.1. A.narl.nM ll Hi uis ui our now Euop. ftirs. nan uuc nnu m viviiv, - Ing nnd this opportunity to loarn all tho latest stltcbei -' irectlon sliould not bo noglccteu. Our stock for our Salem bmiich Is most complete, coBprs !.... I .. ..III.... !..,. .nnln.nlo.ai ttnAftSPlT. Kt. ' mat iti iiuw iuj pmuw hujib, i;i;mvijiivvv, .. Fronch, oylet, Princess Beth and colored cmbro,der'fnijM. ai'KviAu ror opening weoK, sniriwniav iioimm, '-'- finest grado lingerie lawn conpleto with floss to emtm!..j uir a .4 i viiiiii. niiL'cuii ? . i ?f. HANDSOME SOUVENIR GIVEN TO EVERY' LADY CALLING ON US THIS WEEK. The Needlecraft Shop, mj Salem, Call for Bids. Notlco Is hereby given that the undersigned will recelvo sealed bids at his olllco at tho city hall In Salem. Oregon, up to 7 o'clock p. m., of Mondny, Novombor 1, 1907, for the Improvement of a strip of Innd seven foot ido In tho center of State streot in the city of Salem, Oregon, from the west lino qf Church street to tho west linn of Twelfth cin i. snld city according to pinna and spo- i-iui'uuuiig ior mo uoing or said work now on fllo In tho office of, the city recorder of Snlom, Oregon. A certi fied check of 10 nor rout nf m, amount of tho bid must accompany uny and all bldi. Bono at Snlom. Orocnn this iih day of Octobor, 1907, . , W. A. MOORES. Rocordor of tlio CUy of Salem. Oro Bon. 10-25-lit Salem Fence Works llentkiuartera for Woven nil Fenciag. Netting, Pickets, Qatea, Shingles, P & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doom nnd Adjustlble Window Screens AH at loweat price. Walter Morley Colonist Rates in Effect Until Oc tober 31. Tho oxtromely ow rates from all Eastern points to Oregon are still In offect until Octobor 31. Any ona wishing to ta'o advantage of tho low rates can snvo tlmo and money by calling on our local agont, 0. L. Darling, and secure nronald orders on nny agent In tho United States. From Missouri river common points, $25.00. From St. Louis, $30.00. From Chicago, $33.00. From Washington, D. C, $48.25. WM. McMURRAY, 10-1 7-1 2 1 G. P. A. S. P. Co. CHEAT SEED Only 35 cents per bushel for fancy clean cheat seed, while it lasts. Put In j'our order quick. THAT'S WHAT l'' g KlISttTBL 1 ,...T EPPLET5 n.inxo wm ARK 1IJKiK, it. VOL"W- Z u' 1. SIST ON - .. BPHJ. VOU Wna- g, Tillson & G S5Ui6timghSttt Pfioae 139 Salem, Of A. A. ENGLEBART. II0Mb T.,- ire1 URED iiiiiiiiKiiiiiuii X2tk street. phone i 250 Court St Salem, Ore. PLIY. - -