f v,J . s I I n i L DATLY OAPITATi JOUTWAL. SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25. 007. r Mid-Season Sale Dress Goods All tho season's newest show ing in swell plaids at big reduc tions. Tho largest Bhowing, tho best styles, tho highest quality, all new makes this banner salo of the year. Early choosers get tho choicest of tho cnttro lot bo early. ALL N'KWt BOc nud Ooc Vln las Special 8c nnil ?1.00 Maids Special . , . . 42c 68c ALL NEW! $1.25 nud 91. 50 Plaids Special 91.05 mill 91.75 I'lalds Special 95c $1.35 Outing Wear Wo aro showing n magnificent lino of goods and comfortable out Ing gowns, tho celebrated "Brighton" make they aro cut generously full and aro exception ally woll made. Somo como per fectly plain, othorB nicely trim med In fancy braid trimmings Color8 Plain Whlto and Cream also tho pretty stripes In the light shades. A full rango of sizes. 90c to $2.50 ? Hand-finished "Merode Underwear Every detail which could en hance or augment tho utility of "Mcrodo" underwear to the wear er Is employed in fit, finish and fabric, tho results of which are evident in tho exquisitely bounti ful and dainty garments produced Fabrics of tho finest combined Cotton, Lisle, Silk and Lisle, Silk and Cotton, Merino, Wool and Silk and Wool, are doftly woven Into tho moBt delightful weights, sultablo for overy variation of the climato, ono of the most promi nent features being tho great variety of shapes. AH sizes and weights. . 50c and up Bath Robes Bath robos and klmonas in nil tho newest colorings and styles In flannolotto and blanket robos In colors Blue, Tan, Grey and Old Blue. $1 .25 to $6.50 New Silks Just Received Latent novelties In good, dc pondnblo hIIIib In tho latest effects for vaiBto and droocos. TIRST FLOOR. See Our Overcoats If you want to see and wear a stylish Overcoat; ono with a lot of Bnnp in it; one that you'll take constant pleasure in owning and wearing, just drop in hero and look at our HART, SCHAfTNER &MARX They havo plenty of tho smart look which dressy men want; We'd like to try one of these over coats on you. It's a becoming stylo to most men. They're all wool Just like all Hart, Sehaffner & Mnrx clothes. All grades from '. $1 0.00 to $25,00 Footwear For Fall and Winter The nobbl Bt and finest assort ment of good shoes in this city. All tho newest styles in nil wanted Blzes and widths. $3 to $5 AJTsiik Petticoats At Greatly Reduced Prices. (Second Floor.) f Newest Styles MHHHHM r m rt..llleu&l4 6& INCORPORATED Quality zn 2i tmt BTtnnn . , . . , -est jUi V" rw' llll I II II III11IIIHI1H-H; CITY NEWS I A CoTicctlou of Important l'ar- ngrupliH for Your Consideration I 1 1 ' 1 1 a 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii ii n fi ly on tho ond of tho tho Hour of iiuallty cakes. They Menu ( Like It Tho pooplo of Salem and Hur roundlng country seem to llko tho Idea of havlnc ovorythlng sanitary. Thoy aro making a groat rush all tho tlmo at tho markot of StoiiBlorf Bros., who aro proparlns still moro room to tako caro of their growing business. tonguo. It is know a good cigar. It is in fact, tho for bread or best 10c cigar on tho mnrkct. ind mado at homo, by tho Salem Clgnr Factory. rot Curd Hull Now subjects dally. Ilcincmhe! v.,.., ,,. Rlli,,m f Clovoland'a Baking Powdor, In Wo! nh'lscd that Stone's drug' fi Ti&S 'cans' havo stores havo at last recolvod their do- J?n ,101r, uth llCB0 ,cans navo layed ohlpmont of Dr. Leonhn-dt'H tho motnl bcndlo under tho regular Horn-Hold. This preparation la now covor. They aro useful when omp to Salem. It is u tablot, takon Int9r- ty. 10-7-lm nnlly for tho euro of pIIoh, which linn, iniulo a groat namo for ttsolf in tho niiMreii' Free. Mutiny East. Dr. Stono HayH tho Hovoral At th0 akntrni rlnktoliiorrow nf partlect who havo boon iiHklng for00lnno mb 0y MoKiroWs And at ltU drug atorca, i bo tons uindo dron namlttoa fr0Oi pormnnont arrangements with Dr. Loouhordt Co., Nlugtirn Falls. N. Y..L nronrlotorB of Horn-Hold, to act nH.tulirany " their agont In Salem. It TIiom Who Have UbccI It tho longost prnlso It the moat Clovolund'B Baking Powder. 10-7-lm Classes meet overy Saturday until February oxamlnatlonB. ClasseB for stato papers In foronoon. Life papora In aftornoon. Bookkeeping nt 11 a. in. Address J. J. Kraps, Salem, Oro. gon. 10-22-lwk 4 Free Concert Making a Sum-h of It I For ladles and children at tho Au- Flcnslng particular people Is a dUorlum rink tomorrow afternoon, pnrtleulnr buolnoHH, but J. V, liar- Mmile by MolSlroy's band, rltt, at hh grocory Htoro, lid Stato stret, Ih making u success of It. Aro When You Want you particular' Slutting! Kkatlngt Auditorium rink UOOII IIIUl OVi'lllllg. tomorrow after Omul opening, Tho Sonant Ion - Tho Plantation Hop, with tho Poa sum dnneo. Armory, Thursday even ing, Octobor 21, ll07. 10-22-3t Good baking powdor ask your gro cer for Clovoland'a. Don't allow him to glvo you any othor brand. 10-7-lm .(rami Opening Tho Auditorium rink will open for tho s"'U3on tomorrow aftornoou nud .evening. Lndloa and children ad- mlttod froo In tho aftornoou. On tin Tongue' Kml foil Merit When Hour I thought of by onyi La Corona cHars have built up for Sclent woman wlo known what's1 themaolvco. on their own merit, a what, Wild Ki-e Hour h immediate-, wldo tpreud domaud among mon who Damon & Foster Aro now selling St. Louis Post Dispatch cigars. Notice Having secured a first-class man to superintend our cleaning and pressing parlors, wo are now ready to do all kinds of pressing and clean-1 b. imu "bb'-'J 1'IIUIiU ildU, Port Warden Appointed Govornor Cliamborlnln yestordny reappointed Contain A. W. Mcintosh port warden of tho Columbia district for a torm of four years. Demands Iteturn of Money J. L, Mlsnor, yoatorday filed an ac tion In department No. 1 of the cir cuit court against W. L. Jerman, de manding a Judgment for $100, which Is sot forth in tho complaint as be ing duo tho plaintiff as damages, and for S420 which was advanced on property bought by M lsnor from tho defendant, who failed to deliver tho property, according to the coutract. Tho complaint seta forth that Mr. Miznor bought property In Wood burn on October 5, 1907, nnd that Jerman agreed to trnnsfor a certain 10-foot Btrlp lending from tho prop erty to tho streot. Mlsnor advanced $420 and moved to Woodburn from Portland, with hla family, and claims that Jerman did not own tho atrip of land which ho ngreod to dollvor with tho property, Mlsnor, thoroford, nska for tho roturn of tho $420 ami for $100 damagos. TEA Good tea, close price. There is no other way to build a good business or keep a pood business. Your Ktoccf return yeur rowtej II you don't liV Schilling' Hel;'e par Mm. i WE HAVE GOT THEM And tho only atoro that has got them, tho world renowned WALK-OVER SHOES All stylos, all sizes, nil widths, nil prlcos. GVA1U) your comfort and roputa tlon as a wUo dresor by woarlns tho Walkover Shoo. TUB WALK-OVER 3.R0 and 4.00 SHOES FOit mrv uro mado In imtont colt, Viol Kid Valour Calf, Gun Metal nud box calf. Mado In button, bluohor and Balmorals. Wo also havo ho H. P. Smith' Shoos for mon, Women nnd chllJreu. Tho Dr. Uold Cushion Shoea for teuder foot at prices to suit. OUR REPAIRING DEPARTMENT All work done by band, not by machinery. Work guaran teed or no pay. Our gun Wtnl nnd calfakln shoos for ladlea havo arrived. CO.MK AND SKW THEM. f ft 1 I 1 1 SALEM SHOE STORE, e&m 336 STATE ST. SAUM. OftCGON The UliiNtnitetl Song I For tho last half of this wook la "Two Little Girls Lovod Ono Little Boy." aud It Is good, at the Vnudetle. Threw lloanlers for Pen Thro oprlsonors wore received it tho peultontlary this morning, all from Douglas county. Thoy are Fred Smith, larceuy for one - year; Henry Martin, burglary, throe years, and F, 13. Johnson, sodomy, fiva years. Skating! Skating! Auditorium rink tomorrow after noon ami evening. Grand opening, 'A Good Salem Payroll .The Oregon Nursery Company's pay Jroll for Octobor, mado up today, amounts to S3423. for 54 neonle em. ployed at the Salem plant, an aver age of $C3.39 for each person em ployed, lUwml of Trailo Inhibits Among tho exhibits In tho Board of Trade rooms arc a flno display of Annies, which WAR hrnupM In t.v VLMI. Ham "KKn, of Brooks, vral Mae specimens of Hubbnrd squashea, ' .... , . .. . r,n.. nt Tumor. KrOWn 0 v. ....... uuit "i ..... , and oome large Burbank potutoes, grown by 2r. E. Solomon, of SUverton, The npplc dlsplny consists of many of the we "-known varieties, Btich aa the North -m Spr, Jonathan, Spitzen berg, BalJvln, n.id the fruit la of the best. Charlc3 A. Boar, the well known fn-mer of Tumor, raised 10 acres of Hubbard squash this year Just for tl e seed, and claims there Is cood mon v in the Industry for this purpose. One of the potntoos sent In In Mr. Solomon Is over 12 inches long, and weighs a little over four pounds, which 1. n good sample of Burbank's creation grown In' the Wil lamette valley. See the fi'in Frnnelsco Views -Tnfcnn hpfnre and aftor th earth quake. They will not be on the cur tain after Saturday anernoon, ai mo Vaudette. Mut Go Hack to Pen a roniilaltlon from tho covenior of California was honored this morn- tnir liv finvornor Chamberinln ior Joseph Loroy, who is wanted in Cal ifornia. Lorcy was convictcu oi iiirior tn flin sonnnd docroo in Con tra Costa county for tho killing of Leo Elaman, was sentenced to 20 years In tho pen, but escaped and was arrested In Portland a few days ago. Ki'ohs Sues Llvc.slcy Tho Krebs Hop Company has filed an action for damages 'in department No. 1 of tho circuit court against T. A. Llvesley nnd John J. Roberts, de manding Judgment for $0000, which amount is claimed as duo tho plain tiffs as damages, owing ,to tho de fendants refusing to receive a lot of hops for which they had contracted. Tho complaint sets forth that the Krebs Hop Company In 1904 en tered Into a contract with Llvesley and Roberts, whereby tho latter bought GOO, 000 pounds of hops, to bo delivered in flvo equal lots, not later than tho 15th of October In ench of .the years, 1905, 1900, 1907, 1908 and 1909. Tho plaintiffs claim that they had tho 100,000 pounds ready for delivery thin year, as agreed upon, but that tho defendants refused to rceolvo them. Buskey-M- Gratis A marriage liconso was Issued this morning to ThonuiB F. McGrnth, of St. Louis, Oregon, agtm 43, nnd Etta Buskey, of Woodburn, aged 35, J. W. McGrn'h witness. Artisans, Attention Important business tonight. W. Akondrlclf, Valley Mills, Tex., writes: I havo used Ballard's Horo hound Syrup for coughB and throat troubles; it la n pleasant and mojt offcctlvo romedy." Sold by D. J. Fry. o HOTEL ARRIVALS. Willamette. J. II. Petherlck, Jr., Seattle. J. P. Fogarty, Portland. 0. Houghton, Portland. R. S. McBrldo, Portland. Job. A. Mudd, Chicago. F. N. Honsloy, Chenn, Alaska. Chas. Dunne, Pittaburg, Pn. W. II. Wlllard. San Diego, Cal. M. Brumber, Portland. H. D. Evnno, Aurora. 1. Frankol, New York. Welton Schachtol, Cleveland, O. A. E. Hoffman, St. Louis, Mo. II. Coloman, Seattlo. D. C. Macker, Portland. C. W, Helson, Portland. E. G. Rice, Now York. W. T. Custer and wlfo, S. F. W. E. Cnrlon and wlfo, N. Y. Flora Fairfield, New York. Peter Panu. H. G. Schramm. N. Lento, Now York. . II, Lontz, Toledo, Oro. Cottage. II. A, Townsend, Portland. W. L. Sterling, Portland. C. C. Llghtfoot. Portland. Henry Senz, Kingston. 0. H. Crnbtree, Philomath. C. L. Olson, Wm. Ellis, Portland. Wm. Walker, Portland, Mrs. M. Royamn, Portland. V. Vincent Jones, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cunningham, W. Nunn nnd wife, Chicago. Will II. Dorbin. Fred Waters. Chcs. Cnrlton. C. W. Skein, Portland. Salem. Ed. Rlchmondd, The Dallos. Henry B. Harris. New York. Ray E. Hull, Wobstor City. la. W. Sohumncker. Wobstor City, In. Ed. O. Varblo. Carrltou, 111. A, C. Slmonds, do. James -Currle, Aumsvllle. J. W. Brown, Laldlaw. Wm. Brown, do. A. P. Poissoll, Sholbum. R. D. Wholnn, city. W. F. Howoll, Eugene. John Dahltn, Kugone. D. S. Zohnor, Eugene. John Borka, San Francisco. H. Sjordahl, Portland. Elite. C. A. Dorcas, Cincinnati. Aug. Shublngor, Stayton. F. M. Nichols, Stayton. Phy Surpson. Alrlle. 1. Ingram, city. fllllll III It I I I III I II M H PERSONALS Qatnsey, Sprains and Swellings Cuml. "I November, 1901, I caught cold and had the quinsy. My throat was swollen so I could hardly breathe. I applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and It gavo mo relief In a short tlmo. In two days I was all right," Bays Mrs. L. Cousins, Otterbnrn, Mich. Chamberlain's Pain Balm Is a lini ment and is especially valuable for pralna aad swellings. For fle at Dr. Stoat's drag store. HllinilllHl IIHIIIIM-Hh Ralph Swartz Ib In Portland today. Miss Mary Wann is in Portlmid over Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Sadler left evening for her homo in Aurora. Ed. Rlchmund, of The Dalles, is In the ci'y on business. J. F. Peebler left last evening for his homo In Albany. Miss Cora Webb, of Mnrion, visit ed Snlem friends yesterday. A. R. Hlil has returned to his homo in La Grande. Mrs. R. R. Carlson, of Gresham, Is the guest of Mrs. M. M. White. Mr. and Mrs. James Currle have gone for a few days' visit In Port land. Mr. and Mm. Otto Metschnn are guosts at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meredith. Miss Anna Jackson, of Hood Riv er, has arrived to attend Wlllam the University. Mrs. A. W. Hagey, after visiting Mrs. William Farlane, of thli city hns returned to her home in Tumei Mrs. S. Irvln and daughter, who havo boon visiting friends in this city, left this morning for their home in Newport. Mias Anna Hendry, who ha? be-211 vhltlng her brother, P. S. Hendry, nnd family, left this morning for het homo in Ashland. Mlso Elono Fawk left this morning for nn extended visit In Eastern Ore gon nnd Washington. Sho will visit friends nnd relatives In Tho Dallos nnd Goldendnlo boforo returning. MrB. Elizabeth Wilson, of Port land, left this morning for Tho Dallos where bIio will visit for a short time. Mrs. Wilson clnlms the distinction of being appointed tho first woman postmistress In tho United States. J. R. Cnrr, of Now Mexico, is In tho city, with tho intention of mak ing his homo hero. IIo Is a brother of Mrs. W. H. Miller, of South Sa eom, whero ho Is stopping temporari ly. o Neglected Colds. Every part of tho mucouB mem brano( tho noso, throat, cars, head and lungs, etc., aro subjected to ills caso and blight from neglected cold8. Bnllard's Horohound Syrup Is a pleasant and effectivo romedy. Sold by D. J. Fry. 0 . THFY SOLI) HAMS. BARRfmr Beauty iv " CroK9J( Xtck Chains Locket,( , J St de9la m reason, me beaulllui nonmei am sure you vi ,. k as you ce them. PJNditi "wcaijjt "Pairing hua, J jAU work guaranty CHAS. H. Hl Lending Jeweler m 1 123 Commercial street t Ono on This Street ;LEN'OLK.ai VR. for 7h i.V "1? h er 23. iMi Vi years iir'B,B1 ..v..Uum ior iniermett, 110ILV KIGHTLI'npor;'.i . .donee, in this city, rrtS Mrs. Schuyler KlghUtoRr,," wa Men AcciiKeil of FIlni-Flaiiimliig Un Hii.sj)ectliig Housewives. Chlof of Polico Gibson, acting un der Instructions from Woodburn, Inst evening arrested Sid Osboreo and J. F. Glbblns, who aro wanted in Wood burn to answer n charge of using light wolghts. Tho two hnvo beon peddling cured hams In various towiiB In tho valley, buying small hams, so it Ib claimed, and soiling thorn to unsuspecting housowlvos at an advanco of sovoral pounds. The sharpers each had a small balanco scnlo, tho fronts of which thoy were able to slide up, .thus bringing tho six or eight-pound mark to tho place formerly occupied by tho zero mark. In this wny, If tho "lido was up io tho olght-pound mark, if nn nrtlclo weighed ono pound it would reglstor nlno pounds. Mrs. Morcom. among othors .at Woodburn, ycBtcrday bought a ham of tho mon, who represented -that thoy wero farmers living in that vicinity, nnd whon her husband, At torney Morcom, camo homo at noon ho remarked that tho ham Beomed very small. Tho moat was thon weighed, and tho deception learned. Aftor nn Inquiry hnd been mado it was found that many others had been tho victims of tho ham swlndlo, and Attorney Morcom Bworo out a war rant for tho arrest of tho crooks. Marshal Amos Beach found traco of tho men last evening about C o'clock, whon- thoy woro nenr the Hnzel Green school houso, two mlloa north of this city, nnd tolepiionou Chief of Polico Gibson, who captured the mon in Salem. Mr. Beach camo to tho city this morning to tako charge of tho pris oners. Piles Cured hi (I to 11 Iny. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In C to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. BMntle Blgcatfttt cf OASTORZA. ltaHMYwHMoWnrsiJMSM IIW MUU K'J 11410 "in a j l -o- "1IELL." Subject of Victor Dorris' nt Chris tian Church Tonight. tiia capvIpaii n Mm Pirst. Christian church last night took on new Inter est. Mr. Dorrls wns In his best hu- mnr nnrt mrnlnl rnndltlon. nnd 8P0k with a freedom, that Jield tho atten tion 01 a large audience xo mo uu. "Tho place and power of lovo In the scheme of redemption" was tho top ic, and every ono present listened with evident delight as tho speak er said "listened eloquently. " niehi 4h suhtppt will ho "One hun dred above zero," or "Hellj" as It is popularly understood. Mr, uwn has a unique way in handling every tnnl nn.l M,la will Itn nilt Of tbO ordinary. The chorus .Is dolug splendid work, and last nigni better than at any time. There are now nhnnt 4 0 vnloea. nnd the SOng3 are animated and spirited. The au- aiencea are increasing nignuy, - 11 is aopeu a gooaiy numoer w". nresent tn hear nnn nf Jthe most gift ed men In the ministers of today. O ImnAi m. Nnpoleon Bosaftrfc Bhowed. at the htn ho was tho greatert leuhr 1 woriu. uauard's Soot Lk!i shown tho DubllfilHiii.ii mont In tho world. A, ior Rheumatism, Sprain, Cuts, etc. A. 0. PHtt RM- snys: "I used Ballard's Saw muni m my lamuy acd fisj, coiieu ior soro cSmi 1, corns, In fact for anrthlsjt uo reached by a lloltaeat." by D. J. Fry. UUfi Aa II STARR NAM jl HIGH CLASS GOODS I GEO- C Wlltj wtiniivutnilf MONEY TO U TH08.II Over Ladd & Bach's Bisk, 8 Norwich UnkMiFitt InswisctJ Frank 3fercditb,ReHttJ Olllco with Wm. BrofaH 29 Commorclal street. I NEW T0DA1 HHMHM"'""" vnnii for Rout. For eai 1 Cnlnm ISO flpres l" cultivation. For PrtlfJ twi.v & willson. in Prn- s.-ii Soveral how l ' and farm'andatbrt. Ual National Bank. " Lost Ono bay POW.jJUJL !. ll,nd -JSf' An UlncK mare w, - - years old; Iffjf, two miles cast of iw J oddreesVowgyi waru it " - " " Wl!fl i w". "5. T, uT,uaw ss V-Mrir-rv '. ;Vol,fi0'iiupM.uij; wzjsetsl renewals fi ust of a proolaeM v azlne, on a uWI basis. Etrlc-t-l ty for right Pwa ftj muni jr- York. mE2zzii BITBBr2rtii POWDER. E TICK XO Jgf Jj ra AS ttrl SS?1 prtprrWiT iSt