Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 25, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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2 NJ
hlds Colds
Cold after cold, cough after coueh.
One cold no sooner cured than
another one comes. It's abad habit,
this taking-cold habit. What you
I 11X11
M it a
ttranMa a mArliAinA t1l U.L .
- ...... ru.nt, Pectoral U ----'" P
r U M" ,":'l "... u, tnisnaDit.neaitntlomed membranes,
rtnMhw hi, aJclce. strengthen weak tissues." c...
.I mmr " i n--
'm Dramatization of An Old
Time Heart mimai nuu
. .u fP5ituro3 of "Thorns
fee oi '...,an u th( nlctor-
Oranse '". - --" Ab (s
It fU 111" DtVHWlJi --
E the various English provinces
fh ID nature's gifts, and War
ncn ".,., fn,nna tlio world
shire r? '"".."";,::, -Ives
le '" " ' M,o nrndnrt nn.q
'aST to Mine the wonderful
iccwu ..... ..nf which nor-
af3 oi ,,;.,,,VVMf , ,,
such ij"!l"2Jii!Sivi;
The production comes under the
direction of the Rdwlnnd & Clifford
Amusement Co., of Chicago, and '3
the same that created such n favor
able impression recently in Chicago.
At the Grand opern house tonight.
Says "Thorns nml Ornnue Blossoms'
Will Ahwiys Re Welcome.
1 Cameron nml Walter llorton,
in "The Tlimofs
B!f world. All the scenoi were
M friii uhotnernnhs tnken ox-
kf t fnr this nurnnso. Olio net
rr'l u'ar Mi cono showing nn
rw lunirring pmcu uh uiu
H'srrnnr.iii fcrii - In of oxcoiltlon-
ftciuh Tlr ocean touched here
the-e wl'h a Biinppy wind, tho
"int nf Pnrnnpitna nillHnnnlro.
i nsrnlllr -it hntrl nf inllil. vtnu-
ej stene tho craggy cliffs, tho
tunes. n" it 1' or wuu snruuucry
tiosoOini"h dims or nil iciniib,
I 9 f-1nr i tint wlilln ilollnnln
Fixqulsl I amazingly strong,
pww n i' i p'Tirayni 01 imiuru j
par'! 1 t v play begin" horo.
y. g 1 , .id anil wire comu
M" ' i' ni? of ;Thorns And
p:; V ' The young.
la 1. ,1 and manlv Clil-
' - I'Vldeuce of nn
' The loyal Eng-
ndured. And tho
Lh.3 i d t colls of 11 iiinre
II' ' ' Ik the heroic ulrl.
' r Intnrestlns? from
P''r' r 1 it.nnient hut thro Is
pBt: to . " h cry or applaud.
The Eugene Register has thes
kind words for "Thorn nnd Ornngo
Blossoms," which is at the -Grand
oncra house tonight nnd Saturday
"Thorns and Orange Blossoms"
was the splendid high-class offering
at the Eugene thenter last evening.
Although n play new to Eugene, It
drew n full houae, showing conclu
sively that thp theater-going public
have full confidence In the manage
ment in the class of productions he
Is presenting this season, nnd they
were not disappointed last evening
Tho entire cast wns nhove ihe nver
ngo and Its presentation wns n reve
lation to tho audience hecnuse of tho
henrt Interest predominating through
out. As lending lady Miss Flora
Fairfield occupies n prominent place
nmong leading actresses. W. II.
Dorhln as Tommy Swift, tho young
American In love with Monica
Ryves, plays n lively and Intoroht
Ing role, wjille Peter Pnun a 1 the
Englishman proves to he n real hero.
Edwin F. Clark as Thompson, the
butler, furnished plenty of amuse
ment lntrr after his dhchnrgo ap
pearing ns tho Rod Simon Dnrstow.
"Thorns and Orange Blossoms"
enn play to a full house In Eugene
ngaln nnd be highly nppreclnted .
Next nttrnctlon, "Mayor of Toklo,"
Of "Tho Throe of Us," which Wnl
tor N. Lnwrcnco" will present nt tho
Grand opern house, Monday Oct. 28,
our enstern oxchnugos nro n unit
In cnmmemlntlou. nnd from nil ac
counts there Is n virility In "The
Throe of Us" which doos not bosponk
tho writing of a woman dramntlst.
It secmB that Rachacl Crothcrs lun
uppnronlly In this play shown hor
ability to write strong scenos nnd
draw big, manly chnrnctors, nnd with
oqunl.fncllUy sho can Impart nil tho
gontlor touches, tho 'llnor feollnga
nnd tho ninny little' glints of light
nnd shade which only n woman can
Hoc work rings true, for thoro i'
not n fnlso or hollow note In tho on
tiro four nctB of "Tho Throo of Us."
it 1u nit on fnr roninvnil frnin tho
nrtlfllclal nml tho unnntural thnt
mere nro nines wnen one iiunuoi
feeh like nn Intrudor. so lntlmnto
is tho view glvon of the dnlly llfo
nnd tho hopos nnd strugglou of the
Maccliosney mm ineir uuiKiiuurM.
JSIlss Crothorg has a mnsterly com
1 maud of the nrt of writing In iK
tall. She makes many bold strokoi
nnd rho approaches each point with
n surety, n doftnoss nnd n some of
Lti lift ii'i inn 11 1
ALioiIor. .1 ppu ni'uo.
ilngllic StoaadBaBdBov.tlsfi
Promotes DidcslionJCfewfuI-
IWSSand R?srrnnl.i!nwi-
OpurmIorphlrie norTfecraL
Not N.vrc otic, i
lira Serf
ftTfit Xor.
Anctfecl Remedv forOmsfa
linn (nniiCUm.1. ntwioM
1 1 orrasjCon"ulswusftn
ness omlLoss ofSleep.
FuStnile Stgaiiurt of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
aW Irt &
.fitness which lenvo nothing undone.
,The scenes In Mie Macchesnoy home
jaro almost photographic In their
1 fidelity. This lnck of the nrtlflclnl
land the theatric nt first gives nn lm-
wes'lon of slowness, nnd one must
get Into the renl ntmosphero before
one can fullv appreciate all that tho
plovwrlght has nccomullshed.
One other remnrknblo feature
wblrh makes "The Threo of tls"
unique N thnt It Is n western play
minus all tho famlllnr nttrlbutes
which in tho nnst wo linit rnmn tn bn.
Hove were Indispensable. Thoro Is
no ue made for firearms, no Intro
duction of red-skins for tho snko of
local color, no drinking bout, no un
ruly cowboys, and no murder. Mlas
Crothers does not see fit to cnll Into
use a background of moutaln ponks
and deop ravines, for she Is nblo to
mnke you feel the bigness nnd
breadth of thesr neonle nf tho wnst
without resorting to tho-cmploymont
of familiar tactics. Tho story of thtj
piny is as roiiews:
Rhy Macchesnov nnd her two
brothers, Clem nnd "Sonnlo" nro
"Tho Three of Us." For some clcht
years they have been residents of n
small western mining town. During
the greater par.t of UiIb time Rhy
has endeavored to be both father
and mother to the boys. Their only
Inheritance from father wns n stnnll
sum of money, a poor old houso, nnd
an apparently worthless mining
clnlm. Still, with tho nld of a lov
able old Irish Bervant, Maggie, Rhy
has mnnnged to care for tho boys
nnd bring them up, until Clem Is
Just npprochlni' mnnhood. tho period
nt which tho piny opens.' BBv-llko,
Clem Is n sort of ne'er-do'woll. Ho
Is thoroughly dissatisfied with his
honii and surroundings nnd yet Is
unwMHng to mnko nny effort to help
himself In nny way.
Two men, Steve .Townloy, poor
but ambitious, nnd Louis Borrosford,
rich and unscrupulous, nro in lovo
with Rhy, but sho cares only for
Stove. ' He comes to hor to toll her
thnt ho has come across nn abandon
ed claim In which ho has discovered
n rich vlen. It ndjolns n clnlm own
ed by Mrs. BIx, nn eastern woman,
who hs become dlguted with her
non-success nnd Is anxious to Bell
out nnd return oast. Mrs. Blx given
n dinner party In 'honor of n capi
talist, Lorlmer Trenholm, hoping
through good fellowship to receive
n favorable offer for hor mine. Clem
overhears Steve's rocltal of his find
nnd also henm thnt Trenholm is go
ing to moke Mr. Blx nn offor that
evening nt the dinner. Accordingly,
the boy sells his socrot to Borrts-
fordd, nnd the latter goos to Mrs.
Blx and buys her claim, whllo Bho la
Ignornnt of Its real value. When
tho opportunity p.rrlvos for Trenholm
to mnko Ills offci, Mrs. Blx hns noth
ing to sell, nnd tho cnpltnllnt, bellov
Ing ho hasDoon Impoiiod upon and
boon mndo the victim of a trick, re
fuses to buy tho Townlot nnd Mnc
chocnev claims, as ho had promised.
Berrosford bra told Rhy thnt ho is
tho purchaser, but ho hns ImpoBOd
sllouco ou her. Thoroforo. whon
Stovo Is ncciiBOil of doublo-donllng
by Trenholm, Rhy alone, who could
clrnr him, Is sllont. Stovo sees thut
thoro is Bomo comnact bolwoon Bor
rosford nnd tho girl, nnd" ho mis
trusts Rh.v's love. At "tho hour nf
midnight Rhy boob to Borrosford's
room nnd hogi to ho absolved from
her promise. Whllo thoro Slovo
comes also, nnd n strong scone 011
suo. Rhy finds Clem's wntchfob. on
the floor, and It suddenly duwns on
her that It Is hor brothor who has
beon the traitor, nnd. to save tho
family honor, she refuses to give
Stove any oxplnnrtlon of hor pros-
Sho goe homo, only to find Clem
nronnrlne to lonvo homo and o
Btilko out In the world with tho mon-
oy he had rocolvtd from Borrosford.
After much noraunslon nnd a final
nppenl to his mnnhood, nnd for hlt
protection, sho provnlw on him to
stay, r.nil, with tho coming of morn
ing Stovo rot urns, nil It mndo cloar
nnd ovorythlng onds hnpplly.
How's This?
Wo orror Ono Hundred Dollnra
Reward for any cbbo of Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undorslgnod, havo known
F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 yoara,
nnd bollovo htm perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and
financially ablo to carry out any obll
gatlons mndo by his firm. Waldlng,
Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesalo Drug
gists, Toledo, Or.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is takon In
ternally, acting directly upon tho
blood nml mucous surfaces of .ho
system. Testimonials sont freo.
Prlco 75c por bottle. Sold by all
Tako Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Horse for Sale Or would trade for
cows. Address 771 North Com
mercial street or phono 1441.
For Snle One-vonr-old "Mammoth"
blackberry plants. Ten cents
nploce, or $1 per dozen. Address
Box 415, Salem, Or. 10-24-tf
For Snle Cedar posts; old growth
ceuar. u, a. Warner, Snlem, routo
No. 9, phono 1160 Mnln.
For Snle Five-acre tract, nil elenr,
nouse, nam, chlcken-tlght fence,
some fruit, threo miles south of
' Salem,, one-fourth mllo to Liberty
store nnd graded school; a snap
for $1000. Address F. V. King,
R. F. D. No. 0, Salem, Ore
I 1-23-Gt
For Snle A now Edison Home
Phonograph C0 outfit for $40.
Apply to W. II. Squlro, West Sn-
lsm. 10-12-tf
t .
For Snh Oood houso and barn,
now, 25 acres nit under cultivation
berries, prunes nnd all kinds of
fruit, flvo miles from Salem, $3500
This includes 6 cows, 2 horaes.har
noss, 1 heavy wagon, spring wagon
200 chlckeus nnd othor farming
necessities. Enqulro 492 Stnto
street. 9-23-tf
To Rent. Flvo room flat, ovor Far
rlngton & Vnu Pntton'n mnrkot.
Inquire of Sterner & Bcrgcr, 188
South Liberty Btroet. 9-24-tt
Stock Rnnch for Rent About 300
acres, In good location. Stock
can bo bough', outright or takon
on Bhnres. Apply nt'eounty treas
urer's ofllco In Snlom. 9-23-tf
Miss Rcatrico Shclton Will receive
pupils In plnnoforto, orgun and
Bight reading classes. Special
torms mndo for beginners. Thli
year bosldes teaching at tier studio
345 Marlon street, or at the home
of pupil It so doslrod, Miss Shot
ton will teaoh at tho studio Jn the
First National Bnnk building,
cornor of Commercial and One
mokota streets. Phono 1295.
Marlon street studio phono 1299.
Porcstcra of America Court Shor-
wood Forestora, No. 19. Meet
Wcdnosdny In Hurst hall, Stato
Blrcot. Lo oAbbe, O. R.; J. O.
Perry, financial secretary.
Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. .
Cnstlo Hall In Holman block, cor
nor Stnto and Liberty BtroeU
Tuesday of onch week at 7:30 p
m. Oscar Johnson, O. O,; K. H
Andorson, K. of R, nnd S.
Card No. 48 Kffcctire
Juno 10.
Modern Woodmen of America -Oro-gon
Cednr Camp No. G24G. Monti
ovory Thursday avonlng at 8
o'clock In Holman ball. W. W.
Hill, V. 0.; F. A. Turner, clork
Rewniil Liberal roward orfored for
Information loading to tho recov
ery of a cow lost from No. 053
North High streot on Thursilny
night, Octobor 17. Phono 088 or
wrlto 13. N. BranBon, No. 053
North High stroot. Descriptien:
Light Jorsoy, dohornod nnd wonr
lng oll-tnnnod hnlter; would bo
frosh soon nftcr leaving.
Woodmen of World Moot ovory Frl
day night at 7:30, In Holman hall,
L. E. Ponnoll, O. C; P. L. Frae
lr, Clork.
Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, accl
dont nnd pension Insuranco; $2,
000,000 plodgrd; ovory clnlm paid
Good agonts wnntcd. J. II. O.
Mongotnory, supremo organiser,
Box432 Snlom, Oregon. R. R.
Ryan, socrotary, 540 Stnto street
Copy of Wnpfr.
For Over
Thirty Years
1 Mttrtwa MLr. " "
Fatal Oversight.
First Bllo Jack luu all tho
qualltlM thHt go to make good hus
band, but one.
Second Ditto What's that?
First Hello He won't propoie.
A Most Worthy Artlrle.
When an article has been on the
market for yenrs ami gains friends
ovory yoar. It Is safe to call thU
modiolhe a worthy one. Such Is Bal-
Inril'a TTnrlinn nd Rvrufl. It HOSltlvely
euros coughs and all pulmonary dis
eases. Ono or tue uesi kpuwh f
chants In Mobile, Ala . says:
"For Ave years my family has not
boen troubled with tho winter
coughs we owo this to Ballard'
Horehound Syrup. I know It has
saved mv chlldron from many slate
spalls. Sold by. D. J. Fry.
And Vice Versa.
When a man Is on time himself he
iminiiv flnda that the other man is
late, Atchison Globe.
Violins M. S. Fuller has a Bhop In
room 8, ovor Perry's drug Btoro,
whoro ho Is prepnrod to repair
violins, gultnra, oto. Glvo htm a
call. 9-27-lm
Voget Lumber nnd Fuel Co. Lum
ber .Bhlnglcs, building material,
wood and conl. Low prlcoa nnd
prompt dollvorlos. Ono block cast
of 8. P. passenger dopot. Phono
198. 7-2-tf
Concrete Work. Got my prices on
sldowalkB, curbs, Bcptlo tanks tind
coment work of nny kind. All
work gunrnntoed first-class. M.
Ward, Highland ndd. Phono CCO.
Ilulto Wcnderotli Flno Win03,
liquors nnd cigars. Wo handlo
tho eolobrnted Kollog gand Cnstlo
whlsklos. Cool and rofroshlng boor
constnntly ou draught. South
Cominorclnl stroot. 9-3-lyr
Wnntiil A lady to work nt Dr.
Stone's drug store. A knowlodgo
of tho hiiatnosu not osseutlnl. Ap
ply nt'onco. 10-24-tf
Our meat market on Enst Stato
stroot has boon doublod In bUo nnd
wo nro bottor propared Uian ovor to
Borvo customorB. Prompt sorvlco nnd
tho boat of ments our motto, Call
oi phono 199. B. E. Edwnrds, Prop.
Wo Are CjwIi Purchasers Of poul
try, egga, and all kinds of farm
produco. Borry crates mado up
In unlimited aunntltloa. Capital
Commission Co., 2C7 South Com
mercial street, 8alom. PhoiwMaln
179. '
Notice Attention is hereby called
to Investors, promotorB nnd finan
cial agonts, in tho nnturo of in
corporation. No mlnos or mining.
Solid commorclnl proposition.
Manufacturing ontorprlo. We
nro not soliciting, by agents, in
torost In this project. For full
particulars nddross P. O. box 205,
Snlom. Orogon. 1 0-22-1 wk
Wanted At onco. boll boy nt WIN
lnmetto Hotol. 10-D-tt
Wanted Six mon In a logging camp:
$3 por dny. Cnll nt Ryan's roal
oatnto ofllce. Board $4.50 por
weok. 10-23-3t
Toward Portland Passenger.
No. 1G 5:23 a. rn., Oregon
No. 18 8:40 a. m., Cottage GroT
No. 12 4:45 p. m., Shasta Hz
press. No. 14 9:28 p. m., Portland Br
piess. Toward Portland Freight.
No. 222 10:56 a. m., depaita
11:38 a. m., Portland Fast Freight.
No. 220 10:40 a. m., departa
11:38 a. m Way Freight.
Toward San Francisco Passenger
No. 11 11:03 a. m., Shasta KLr
No. 17 0:42 p.m., Cottage GroT
No. 15 9:50 p. m., California Bx
No. 13 1:31 a. m., San Francis
co Exprosa.
Toward San Francisco Freight.
No. 221 2:33 a. in., San Fraa
clsco Past Freight
No. 225 11:56 a. m., arrive
Trains from nnd to Ynqulna.
No. 1-
Lonvoa Yaqulna 7:16 a.ia.
Arrlvoa at Corvallls. .. ..11:00 a.m.
Arrives at Albnny 11:58 a.m.
No. 2
Loaves Albnny 12: 25 p.m.
Leaves Corvallls 1:30 p.m.
Arrlvoa at Yaqulna 5:40 p.m.
Train o and from Detroit.
No. 3
Lonvoa Albany 7:30 a.m.
ArrtveB nt Dotrolt 12:30 p.m.
No. 4 -
Lcnvos Dotrolt 1:00 p.m.
ArrlvcB nt Albnny 5:55 p.m.
Trains for .Corvallls,
No. 8
Leaves Albany 7.55 a.m.
Arrives nt Corvallls .... 8:36a.m.
No. 10
Loavoo Albany 2:25 p.m.
Arrives at Corvallls .... 3:05p.m.
Wnntcd Two lioyB. Portnnnont po- No. 0
nltlon, nnd good wngos. Apply nt Lonvos Albany 7:35 p.m.
Chicago Storo. 10-11-tt Arrlvos nt Corvallls 8:16 p.m.
" '" ' ' Trains for Albnny.
Cider ApplcH Wanted Wo will pay j;0 G--
from $C to $10 por ton for cldor T ' nrnuiB ninm
npploH. Will nlso tnko full poara J'cnV09 Corvn J" J'?!
undor spoclnl nrrnngomonts. Cnll Arrlvos nt Albany , 7:10 a.m.
and boo us. Gideon Stole Co. No, 9
O-SO-lm-d-w Lonvos Corvnlll 12:30 p.m.
. .
Wnn (ed At onco, 100 mon. Inqulro
nt Orogon Nursery Company'H of
flco on Twolftii streot. 0-30-tf
JL ' JJJ IL-i?
Livery and Fed Htablt'H -Old Post
olllco Stnblos, nt 25 I Forry stroot,
botweou Commercial nnd Front
streets, Tolophnno 188. Bomo of
the flnost llvortoa In tho city enn
ho found horo. Dick Westacott,
proprietor. 10-1-lyr
Ih( in or about tho postomco, a
Hat, brown purse, containing about
$5 in monoy'nnd n trunk koy.
Flndor plenso leave at Journal of
fice nnd rccolvo suitable reward.
10-2 l-Jt
Tlieo. M. Ilnrr Plumblntf, hot waur
and etoam heating and tinning.
104 Commercial stroot. Phone
Main 192. 9-Myr
Sf. J. Petzel Plumbing, steam and
gas fitting. Successor to Knox &
Murphy, 220 Commercial itreoj,
'Prono Main
I Com 1
Cum in I a Hrox.' Transfer Ceiiipnjr
All kinds of transfer work done.
Furniture and pianos boxed ready
for shipment. Prompt serried Is
our motto. Stand and oAce at
253 Soutk Commercial street.
I Fka 219. RMw Pkoa ?.
O. V. ::UIh, M. I). Physician and
Burgeon, Tolophono 307 Main.
Ofllcos, C40 Stato street, opposite
court houso, Salem, Or. Residence
Phono 318 Main. 8-13- lmo
Dr. Mary Lane With tho Mary
Lane Modlcnl and Surgical Insti
tute of Portland, treats dlsuasoa
of womon and chlldron oxcluslvo
ly Maternity ensos given special
attention. Chlldron adopted Into
good fnmllles. An up-to-dato san
itarium run In connection, Suf
fering womon will do woll to con
fer with hor. Consultation froo,
Corrospondonco nbiolutoly confi
dential. AddroHS Mnry Lane In
Htltuto, rooms 5 to 14 Grand Tbea
tro building, Portland, Or.
Frank M. Brown, Manufacturer of
sash, doors, mouldings. All klndi
of houso finish and hard wood
work. Front stroot, between Htatf
and Court. Make all complaint
at tho ofllro.
Arrlvoa nt Albany 1:16 p.m.
No. 7
Leaves Corvallls 0:00 p.m.
Arrlvos at Albany ...... 0:40 p.m.
No, 11 (Sunday only)
Lonvos Corvallls 11:16 a.m.
Arrlvos at Albany 11:58 a.m.
No. 12 (Sunday only)
Leaves Albnny 12:35 p.m.,
Arrlvos nt Corvallls 1:18 p.m.
For furthor Information apply te
Gen. Pass, Agt, Albany, Ore.
O C. T. Co.
Has for salo a 10-acro tract,
with good houso and barn,
land fenced In four Holds, also
small fruit. This property Is
11 bnrgalu nt $2600. For furth
or Information call at olllco
In Murphy building, corner of
Stnto and Commercial etroots.
List your proporty with us for
f quick rosults. Wo nlso have
bargains In city rosldonces
and cliolco lota nt very roasott-
1 nblo prices.
Salem Pence Works
Headquarters for Woven far
Netting, Pickets. Gates, Shingles, P
& B. Ready Roofing, Bcreea Doori
and AJJustibJa Window Icreas
All et Iowraat prleee.
Walter Morfey
250 Court SL Slm, Ore.
A. A. IJURTON. Prop.
Brick always on blind, In car lots
or otherwise. Pressed brick made
to order, Yard on Stato streot, touts
of pontltontlary. -7-1-tf.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 '
Restaurant and hotol, on ; J
! ! European plun Meals at all ' '
; ; hours on abort order. Regular !
dlnnor 35 cents. Thirty aew- ; ;
! ! ly finished furaisaod rooms. '
I i i:. KCKEKLKN, Prep. ! !
' ' 148 Commercial fH, ',
- VJ5psB.fV';
OjA. bi.
H i.'
U.-J .
. , .. i
i-fawuM t imxii