6 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FREPAY, OCTOBER 25. 1007 . . j FOOD POISONS LIVELY 00 Tcr Cent of All Dfccnscs (lie Re sult of UnillRostlvc Putrefying Foods. Men of affairs, Women of" society and children with nctlvo brains are too ofton sedentary In their habits, giving llttlo time to oxorclso. To this evil Is ndded that of high and Irreg ular living as n result, the stomach cannot stand tho demnnds mndo up on It. Tho abused and overtaxed dtomach does not properly do tho work of digestion, food tnlcon In fr ments and tho poison permontos tho whole system. Tho body loses In weight nnd bocomoa a prey for -tho attack of whnlovor dlBoaso It may encounter. Did It ever occur to you how btny that stomach of yours Is? It only holds thrco pints, but In one yoar you forco It to tnlco In 2-100 pound's of material, dlgost It and propnro It for assimilation Into tho blood. No, wonder It robols when ovorworkcl. Wo crowd It with Btoaks nnd paBtry, Irrltato Its Juices with spices and acids, and expect tho stomach to do Its work. It can't do It. All ovor Alio Inner layor of tho etomnch aro glands which secrete tho Juices necessary to digestion. Tho cntrnnco of food Into tho Btomnch is tho Blgnal for theso glands to do tholr work. Tho moro tho food nnd tho moro Indlgcstlnblo, tho greater tho demand upon thorn and upon tho muscles of tho wall adjoining. Think of tho tons of high-season-ed game, sweetmeats nnd nppotlzors crammed Into this llttlo four-ounco mll and thon wondor, If you will, why you nro dizzy or nauseated or constipated. Don't blnmc your Btom nch or curso your fate that you nhould bo born bo uufortunnto. niamo yourself nnd apply tho rem edy. First, got a small pnekngo of Stuart's Dyspopsla Tnblots, taking ono aftor ench meal and at bed tlmo. Thoy aro not a medicine, but a di gestive Your Btomnch Is worn out nnd needs holp, not medicine. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do tho work that tho stomach falls to do. Thoro's enough power In ono grain of Stuart's Dyspopsla Tabids to digest 3000 grain of ordlnory food, bo you needn't fear that nnv tblng you cat will remain In your Btomnch undigested. Stunrt'n Dyspepsia TabletB will roui .tho poison uocnuso tuoy ro- wovo tho cnuso food formontatlon. Thoy aro nnturo's own euro for dys pepsia. Tho host of troubles dyspop flla Is father or cannot bo numbered for n honlthy Btomnch Is tho tionrco or nil health. Solzo your opportunity boforo worso conditions confront you. Send todny for u froo trial pnoknge of Stunrt's Dyspopsla Tablets. They will bring your stomach rollof. F. A. Stunrt Co., ICO Sttmrt Illdg., Mar shall, Mich. Tho no cent bIzo for snlo at your drugglnt'H. DAY AT ELKHORN Henry Johns Goes Insane and Runs Camp With a Shotgun THIS IS' FOR SCIATIG SUFFERERS A dispatch from Albany last night says: Bollovlng himself to bo tho solo surviving American Indian, Henry Johns, a wealthy whit's ranch er, residing three mile south of Sa lom, yesterday morning drove tho oti tlro male population of the logging camp nt Elkhorn Into the woods, and croatod torror among tho rosldonts of that placo by ropoatedly emptying tho contonto of n shotgun Into tho brush whero tho frightened men woro hiding. No ono was Injured. For nonrly two houis yesterday '.n i i.,.i . morning Jones bombarded tho woods .u,n" """ " "" "" i' """'y "- around tho logging camp, and onlyi,,omoa n3 m minor nnd it for when his supply of ammunition years. Tho pains woro sharp and failed was ho captured by a posso. shooting and extended all through Ho Is vlolontly Insane. CoiiBtnblo m , f ,, , fnrnir- Anderson, of Gates, arrived In Al- , y ,og5 ?. V. (1"' tortur bany last night with tho mnnlnc nndi,nB n,0B tlmt I could not help cry put him In tho county Jail. Sheriff Ing out. They woro worso at night Culver, of Marion county, arrived 'and many times It was nccessarv to A Case of Ten Years' Standing Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, tho Itemed? Tlmt Has n Gieat Record of Success. If you hnve sciatica, or scatlc rhoumatlsm, and tho treatment you havo taken proved of no benefit, It Is tlmo that you tried tho remedy that has cured so many stubborn cases Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The most recent proof of tho suc- coss of this remedy in such cases Is the statement of Mrs. Mary Heckort, of Whitevllle, Fulton Co., Ohio. "I suffered from sciatic rhetimn tlsm for twenty years," she says, "bo foro I found In Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a remody that cured me. The horo this noon nnd took Johns to Sa-' lorn, wlioro ho will bo committed to tho asylum. According to Constnblo Anderson, jonns arrived In Elkhorn. a small Inject morphine to rollovo mo. Every year I had to pass through a spoil" of lntonso suffering. I would then bo practically helpless bb I could not logging en nip a fow miles north of mnvn na at,, i,ii.. flnfnci lnof Tiiiuilnn ftv. a1, nn,1l"'"'" '"' " "' nm"u'D v...v.., .ui. '""""J i.WIH UUIUMI, HU woro Immediately caused alarm bv' nn- wenk nml J hnd d,,n headaches. I nouncing that no nnd boon sent nB,"ccamo nervous, wcuk nnu aouiuaiea tho "mossongor of .Tobub Christ.". nnd lost In flesh. with orders to. kill somo woman. Co- ..Por lon yonra l trlod mnn df. fo?mer "'LsbT o? Marion" coun'tyV0"1 doctors but nove c- who roBldos at Elkhorn. Johns sum moncd Mrs. Smith to tho door, und then, without tho slightest wnrnlng, struck hor in tho face, knocking her down. Johns then turned away and began cursing hlmsolf for striking a woman. At tho tlmo thoro wcro no men around, nnd boforo any ono could bo BUinmonod . tho demented man had disappeared. Ho was not scon ngaln until yos torday morning, when ho ronppcnrd armed with a shotgun and com menced flrlng at ovory man ho saw. Tint for tho poor markBinanshln ex orcised, It Is Bald that many persons would havo been hurt. Tho fow men In tho enmp and most of tho women fled to tho woods, accordlnc to Con- ntablo Anderson, and romnlned thoro until tho crnzod man's ammunition wbb oxhaiiBted. In tho county Jail last night the uomoniou man refused' to ansvor in i " nny (iuphiioiis, oxcopt to nflsort that no was an Indian chief, and that all tho other members of IiIb rnco had I was discouraged and had clvon un nil bopo of a euro, whon I hnppoucd to read about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I took sovornl boxes and felt so much bettor ,thnt I continue! their usofor romo tlmo and was cured. I havo never had a return of the sciatica and hnvo been honlthy over since." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mnlro rich, rod blood, enabling It to carry llfo and strength to tho wenk norves nnd other tlssuos of the body. They nro a spccinc lor such uisensos as annomln, rhoumntlsm, the nftor offectB of tho grip and fovors, nnd for Biich nervous dlscnsos as dizziness, Blck hendaches, nournlgla, and hnvo accomplished miraculous results oven pnrtlnl paralysis nnd locomotor ataxia. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nro sold boon killed by tho "nalefacos "iby all druggists, or direct bv mall. Jones has a family living on a ranch postpnld, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box;sIx boxes for $2. GO, by the Dr. Williams Mediclno'Company, Schenectady, N. Y. nenr Salem. So far as known horo tho man has novor boforo shown slgiiH of Insanity. Ho refuses to touch elthor food or wntor. linking Ahead. "Doar Robert. I Intond to Bhnm nil your cares." "Hut, my pot, I hnvo no caros." "I moan nftor wo aro married." Now Jersoy Mall. " o llalalilava Aiiulvci-siiry. Loudon, Oct. 'J 5. Twonty-olght survivors of tho charge of tho Light Drldngo, Immortalized by Tenny son's poom, Joined today In oolobrnt Ing the anniversary of that famous rtneounter. Tho evont was rondor-, ed notable by tho colloetlon of a fund for tho honetlt of tho survivors, nonr ly all of whom nro poor. It was on October 25, 1SB4, Just 53 years ago, that Lord Lucan. coin innndlng the British cnvalry at Unlnklmn, through it misconception of tho oi dors of tho comnmndur In chief. Lord Raglan, dlroetod Lord fnruigiin to mako the historic chnrgo. With u buttery In rront and ono on each side, 070 horsonuMi hewed tholr way past tho guns and routed tho ltuwilnn cavaliy. Of tlu 070 nnlvSlOS "all that w loft of thorn" rod o bnck to the British lines. Twenty elght of those IDS aro utlll living, nnd tho IlrltUh public has been call ed upon to o.vprt at this late day tho nppreclntlon of Dim heroic action of the aged vet. inns by profiling iur iMt'ir itui tin). o . slunv Near Coos liny. Mnrahllold. Or., Oct. 5. The four-nmstod choonor Novolty. hound from San Pedro to Coo liny, wont nahoro Wedujlnv afternoon during u tlouoo foi. nbout lft miles north or tho Coos liny bar. T)u crew all gu ashore In safety, but tho veel will probably bo a total wreck, as thoro la qulto heavy ."on running, and St Is Impossible for tho tuga to rondor hor any a slstanco. Tho Novolty be longed to the Simpson Lumber Com pany, and had no freight aboard, o - WcNtgnto Appointed. Washington. Oct. 25. Tho com Hilsaloner of tho gonoral laud olllco has notified George A. Woitgnto, of Port laud, that ho has boou commis sioned to bo surveyor-general of Ore oa, vlco John D Daly, deceased. A blank bond has been trnusmlttod to Mr. Woatsato to bo oxo; utel by him. and upon i.pproval of tho samo by tho depart went of tho Interior Woa gato will bo directed to ussumo tho Jutloa of the otllco of nurv?yor-gonor- i. Tho Ono Tlilnu Attatlmblo. A KansaB City mnn recently wrotn HOPS 1X)U IX)NI)OX. Au- Two Hundred Hales llought nt row ror Kngilsh Market. Aurora. Or.. Oct. 25.- Henry L. Honts, of this city, this week bough', for direct shipment to London 122 bales of hops from O. Kocbor. 13 linloa frnm 1?tn.1 n.tufa ntit AT. IihIao to a lawyer In nuothor town of tho fmm pterin. i.-l,n,,ari,, .,.t .it stnto, asking for Information touch- baloa from Clma. KnonnHnir nn,i 47 ing tho standing of a person thoro who .had owed the Kansas City indi vidual a consldorablo sum of mnnoy for a long tlmo. "What proporty hnB ho that 1 could attach?" was ono of tho Ques tions nskod. Tho lawyor's reply was to tho point. "Tho person to whom you re fer," ho wrnto, "died a year ago. Ho bin left nothing subjoct to attach ment oxcopt a widow." Harpors Wookly. Curea Woman's Weaknesses. rofrr to tht boon to weak, norvous, nitbTluK women known m Dr. I'lorce'i Favorite Proscription. Dr. John Fyfo one of tho Editorial Staff of Tint K-i hcrio Mkdicai. Ruvikw say of Unicorn root(c(oiiina iXoliu) which Is ono of tho chief intiredlouu of tho "1-V vorlto Pryorlptlon"; "A roiuony vrhlrli lnvarl&lily acts as a uter ine tnvlk'orator nmUt fur normal ao tlvtty ot tint entire icnruduciho Ukium,' Hii'oiitliius"li Ut'loiua xu' liaveauuslloa iiieni whloli mure full niuweni tlio alKiva t)urKiiciih(iriiiti(itAr ttru0 uith uhUl I am uoinniuitol. In the trtiatou'iit of (IKons w cubar to wommi it ts M'Utoin tlmt a i-ato It con wlilvli iKm -. not irveut mjiiio liiUtoatKiu for till leuivtiial airent." lr 1'jfo further likVH "Tlie I. I'owliiir are auionc Hie IimiIIiis lutllcailou fur Uolonlat il'iiUorn rooU Pain or achlnir In tlio Hack, wlih jleucorrha'a t atonlo(wiiaVlcoailltlVof the rviro)uctUa organs ot nun, meutiri ilc(irvMton anil Ir ritability. , j toil wltDchroiilC diseases of the r iirutiiK'i tvreaiu of nomtn:i'iiiiiii.t K'luaiU'ii C I at in tlio rvclon ot the klU ihj, iiiwirriuel I ilKHtllnK). due to a weak rntu coruiiiiu inline rvprvxluollve ijkiemt aiueiivirfiu Wre$&tfd or absent monthly ijrioi.tMs pJI o hnlos from Fred Stute, at prices ranging rrom s to 9 coats. u How to Curo ft Cold. Tho Question of how to curo a cold without unnecoBBnry loss of tlmo In which wo aro all moro or less Interested, for tho Qulckor a cold Is gotten rid of tho less danger of pnoumonla nnd othor Berlous dls cnsos. Mr. D. W. L. Hall of Waver ly, Va has used Chamberlain's Cough Romody for yenrs and says' "I firmly bollero Chamborlnin's Cough Romody to bo absolutely tho host preparation on tho markot for colds. I havo rooonunondod it to my frionds and thoy all agree with mo." For snlo nt Dr. Stone's drug store. a boot "fiom or act'omitaii) int. at Hull nf thn di-p.hilr,t memn and Asvru'C ' 'liltl blood) lmhltt ilraccw.j Mn(oni In llto extreme lowur lutl or the ttnlinniii " If more or 'Nat of tho nbovr tvmittprcs tytter TnT.i .We Ifr. Vlorca' Faorli lJ55mroRnV"r nrrnO'ToTianig insrwTF enuoi wtik . a Unicorn root, or Ilelonlas. ami the nui'.,.al pnpoitics of which l nnwt falthfn n preont3. ji toiiiixn Colonist Hates in HfTect Until Oc tobcr ill. 'thONOXtroniely ow rntos from all Eastern poluts to Oregon are still In offoct until Ootobor 31. Any ona wishing to ta-o advantage of tho low rates can savo "tlmo nnd money by calling on our local agont, O. L. Darllug, and secure propald orders on any agent In tho Unltod States. rrom .Missouri rivor common points, $25.00. From St. Louts, $30.00. From Chicago, $33.00. From Washington, D. C, $4S 25. WM. McMURRAY, 10-17-12t Q. p. a, S. P. Co. Of lUtiiitm -'Oal rKt, ttnother prominent Insmlieut of "KuNorlto Prescription Prof. Tudor nilliiBWAHl. M. D., of lien uetl MiUleiO t vlteKo, Chicago, says: MtUmnln, riant n'tnwlv In illuinluN nl the VrulllU In til . atarrtnl iitiullilnii "Prof. John M. Soiulder, M. l) late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal rooi ; "In relation to lis vvneral effects on tho mteut, thtv ti no Ml(e(ii (it m about if ft. A tlxttt U twh ofttfau iN4tii(ml(iy o.f epdllen. U UunlvwMrtM n.-wUeU u U) tonic uwtxd In all dobtllUHM .iatrt. ProMi. J. .rtUolow, M. D..of JofTersoa Motllcai lYt.ego, as of Golden Seal : Valua''ll u Uti-rlnit liriiiuirrhai.it. mnnnx rhajtta UUkmI ?' ami cvvnrtiv UyaUicuor- rbipatitaluful MiimliinV r. I'lervo'a i avorlto f rescrlpuon ralth' Dr. f fully rvpner.4 all tho above named ln ftreuicnu ami cured ttiui Uwt are reouaiwdti. llcnu and cured thoUIwa for whlcA WINDOW GLASS Complete assortment of sizes. Plate, corrugated and picture glasi. 6lngjo and double strength. Reglas ing done to order. John Hughes Co Phono 99. 460 474 State street. Salem, Oregon. : O UoJRI N Q .aaaaaaaaHaaValaabBK aw n M V V4. r .j, T: jt ia P JaaabsssllBkv aaaaaabsBF krP NOVEMBER YOUR PROBLEM You say, Reader, that you cannot travel you are harnessed too tightly to the treadrriill. You long to follow strange trails into the vast spaces of the world; to meet the turbaned Turk ; to chat with the picturesque French peasant, with his background of two thousand years; to live for a time the red-blooded life of the western plains' to voyage down mighty rivers and climb great mountains; to have fellowship with the sterling men who are turning the vast virgin resources of this continent into the terms of human wealth. OUR SOLUTION Join a little excursion we have planned for you especially: fare 25c outfit for the journey a leisure hour, a comfortable chair beside a study lamp. Conveyance THE OUTING MAGAZINE for NOVEMBER. All the spell of the world is there for you, wrought by great writers and skilled artists. A few of its features are: THE SPANISH BANDIT AND THE MOTOR CAR, BY LOUISE CLOSSER HALE; Illustrated by Walter Hole. It will make romantic Spafer your own. AN INTIMATE EXCURSION, by FRANK PRESBREY. It takes you In an automobile along the old Normandy roads of France. Its photographs of human scenes are real life. ROUND-UP DAYS, by STEWART EDWARD WHITE, old resourceful times of the cattle ranges. A reproduction of the THE SHIPWRECKED PARENT, by RALPH D. PAINE. A funny tale of the South Seas. THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY IN AMERICA, by DAVID T. WELLS. A summing up of, and an appreciative account of the clever men who have built one ot America's greatest industries. Waltrn Offitt 1511 lltuuortb gjullJlna Cbkoso MANUFACTURING PLANT AND SUBSCRIPTION OFFICES DEPOSIT N. Y. CWw York Ofkt 35 on437Ytl3ltiSlrttl U 25 ccnU a copy THE PERFECT MAGAZINE $3.00 a yfar ' ! I ! ! ! I III II I! a -I.-II ,1 i i. - rBtatatatatatatatatatAatatatatatafaTatataVataTataTBtaaatatatatatatatatatatatataTatatatairBtafa iTh e Capital journal's Great Special Sale Day SATURDAY October 26th A Money Saver for Subscribers 11KGULAR PRICE OP DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL 1JY CARRtT.R i1 l'llIOH OP DAILY 11V CARRIER ONE YEAR OX IIARGAIX DAY REGULAR PRICE OP DAILY RY SLUL OR SPECIAL DELIVERY PRICE OF DAILY OXE YEAR OX BARGAIN DAY, .MAIL ofo SPECIAL ItEGULAR PRICE OF WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURXAL OXE YEAR PRICE OF WEEKLY JOURXAL OXE YEAR OX BARGAIX DAY SAVE A GOOD LUMP OF MOXEY RY COMING IX OR SEXDIXG OX BARGAIN P-U. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GREAT OffER JW fl. p fl OUR SPECIAL OFFER JOURNAL SUBSCRIBERS HAS BEEX SET FOR SATUR1) VY, OCTOBER 20, OX THAT DATE YOU JOURXAL FOR OXE YEAR, CASH IN ADVVXCE. BY MAIL. FOR S3. OR THIS IS A FLAT REDUCTION TO SAVE US, AS WELL AS MENTS DURING THE YEAR. IT SAVES US WORK. AND IT SAVES THE S 1UV, A! ---.." 114 1. WILL THIS YEAR BE GIVEN A SPECIAL B "'; hE - CVX M'K. "- m. Y CARte J uw - f OF ONE DOLLAR, XOT OXLY FOR THE USE OF XJUqcs FJ OUR SUBSCRIBERS THE TDIE AXD TROIBLE OP M lBSC"J" " Remember the Date, Saturday, Oct 26 .ALL WHO PAY W ARREARAGES, IF THEY HAVE ANY. CAX ON THAT "-ig BENEFIT OF THE OFFER. EVEN IF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION' IS PAID UP TO TMb rTj OU IX ADVANCE, YOU CAN GET THE BENEFIT OF AX ADDITIONAL YEAR ON J J 0, IF YOU CANNOT COME TO THE OFFICE ON THAT DATE, SEND THE M01 - AND THE CREDITS WILL BE LU)E ON TnAT DATE, OCTOBER 2CTIL Daily Capital SALEM,' OREGON urnal i i ',X,j, mtmmmiwitim- uSttQhklMtaamc