DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, Fit I DAY, OCTORKR 25, 1007. ki aih, Hjj "Dr. . 0 L. Stockton! The White Corner NEW ARRIVALS OF It its and Coats Yesterday wo received a shipment of tho coats and suits so long looked for. T&e Coats Aro In tan, brown, blue, red and black. The St its Aro In red, bluo and brown. New Skitts Panama skirts trimmed with thoj fluffy rufllo, silk bands, etc. and slept lows. with It under tholr pll- Ilelnzo, for so many years 'In the limelight In Montana, when ho struck Wall street wng soon treed by ,tho hoars, ntid thon tho whole menagerie was turned looso on him. He knows now how a bono feels when a lot of hungry dogs get through lighting over It. a a Smoko Is going up, and pavoment going down on Court street. When It comes to flying high and far you "can't beat tho Dutch." n The only thing surprising about Crltlclso Duvnll's Appointment. Tho promotion of Brigadier Gen eral William P. Duvnll to tho rnnk of major general vice William S. McCaskey, retired Is an act of tho President which will bo crltlclsod by veterans of tho civil war who have been passed over as well as by tho friends of Gonoral Frcdorlck Funston. The rise of General Du vnll has been so rnpld as to oxclto tho suspicion of favoritism. Ho was made a brigadier only 18 months ago. Ho did not servo In tho field during the Spanish war, but later In tho Philippine rebellion ho dts tho Gorman balloonist who won tho tlngulshed himself as colonol of tho raco, Is that ho didn't go clenr ncroas to Germany before ho "lit." o . Rheumatism Is caused by tho im proper working of tho kidneys. Tho uric acid which should bo removed from tho blood remains in it. Hol Hster's Rocky Mountain Tea removes tho cause and drives it from tho system. 35 cents, Tea or Tablotrf. ,For salo at Dr. Stone's store. New Feather Boas Jtrat Received Yesterday ihams, Stand Covets and Bureau Sets A big lino of regular values vary ing In price up to l.-u 7 En Reducel to JK, Handkerchiefs 3 for 25c Ladlea' white kerchiefs, regular 15c and 20c vnluos. T fc -, Reduced to 3 for J 125 korchiefs Tt- Eacn a-'W"' Colored uor'.or korchlofo, embrold ercd nn.u hem-stltchea, worm 75c to $1.23 OKr Reduced to J L f mgm ffffr STO( IvTOVS SPECIAL. t for ladle: tho host I nu i ci t' - markot. J CVr-'tij5'W3 ft J. M Effect of City Noises ou the Hrnln. A writer In tho Vosslscho Zcltung ( Berlin assorts that summer vaca tion, spot at tho seashore or In tho mountains Is essentially a dovlco to escapo from nervo exhaustion duo to city noise. Such an oacnpo Is a necessity for both ndult and child, he continues; but while tho ndult of strong nerves can countornct tho injurious effect of city nolso by spending a few weeks each year In tho country, a child requires a somo- iwhat longer change. Horetoforo (thls necessity of oscnpo from nolso ,1ms not received much nttcntlon .from educators of children, but now, jsnys tho writer, advocates of bettor Forty-eighth Volunteer Infantry. General Thomas II. Dnrry, now com manding the Qjiban army of occu pation, has a hotter Phlllpplno rec ord and had been a brlgadler-gon-oral two years and flvo months bo foro Lieutenant Colonol Duvall was promoted. Others having prece dence of Duvnll wore Generals Task er II. Bliss, Alhort L. Mills, and Wlnflold S. Edgerly. On tho list of I VBins- J fronf finffiTJ V (ioreu Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corset FULL new shipment just in $ to $5 Our Fronch Datisto Corsots In whlto and coutlll In whlto and drub aro recognlzod by all oxporU as tho best in Amorloa for tho prlco. school hyglono "nro asking why bo much caro Is taken to sparo tho eyes of pupils and so littlo Is Bald of tho delicacy and sensibility of their enrs?" Wo rend further: "Usuolly tho situation of a school Is bucIi that tho noises of tho city reach tho pupils onslly, frot tholr ears nnd wenkon their nttcntlon. Interrupted by distraction, tho .thought of tho pupils Is very of ton Incited to new nnd burdonsomo ef fort, and how Irritating nnd ob structive this Is thoso know who thnvo causo to apprcclato tho urgont Importance of concentration. J "Tho least result of nocossary ( habitual rcslstnnco to tho noises Is that tho ear Is dulled that Is, tho molscs that surround Iho resident of n great city constantly produco an oscillation of tho mochnnlsm of the oar that woakons tho norvos thnt connect tho oar with consclousnosi "Thoreforo, tho liner a brain U tho moro grossly It Is disturbed In Its activity by purposoloss impres sions on tho ear. Tho Roman law (recognized this fact, for It forbado a .coppersmith to ontor any stroot i which n teacher Hvod. AUREL DATONYI. Mr. Hutonyl cmno to thin country from Austrln nnd became noted as n riding master nnd exhibitor of blooded horses. Mrs, .limit' It. lliirko-Koolie of New York nnd Newport employed him In the latter capacity and nfturwurd married htm. Tho marriage was against the wIhIi of her father, Frank Work, nnd she Is now seeking u divorce from him at the hitter's request, us It Is bo. Moved. - Hawaii's Show Volcano. KUauca, tho spur of tho sreat Manila Lon, Is a well-behaved vol cano, as It can bo visited with perfect snfoty, oven If In eruption as It Is from tlmo to tlmo when exhibitions of, activity nro given that arc worth traveling thousands of miles to wit ness. This volcnno Is on tho Island of Hawnll, nnd tho shortest possible trip that can bo mndo to It from Honolulu covers four days. This al lows only half a day at tho volcano, which Is much too short n tlmo to study tho workings of what Is con sidered ono of tho world's wonders. A week at least should bo given to the trip. Tho sea voyngo Is nlwavs moro or leas rough, hut tho boats, al though smnll, nro comfortnblo. From Hllo, whero tho wator trip ond. thero Is a railroad rldo of nhnnt olghtoon mllos through tho big Olnn sugar plantation. This Is followed by a stngo run of oloven mlloa over a road leading through a porfoct fairyland of tropical foltago, thu highway bolng lined on olthor sldo with rosos, mngnollns nnd ferns. which laKt grow to tho elzo of troes without loalng nny of their dollcnto bfcauty. Returning by tho othor route, ithoro is a stago drlvo of 35 miles over tho lava roads nnd across tho great flow which ran Into the Bon from Mnunn Lon Bovornl years agTi. Lesllo's Weekly. n Tho old romcdlos nro tho host. Hickory Dark Cough Romody lias boon In hbo for ovor ono hundred years by tho old Dutch Dunltarda of Pennsylvania, nnd Is mill In uao by all tho old families of westorn Penn sylvania. Is absolutely puro; mndo from tho bark of tho whlto or Bholl bark hickory trco. Tho bark Is shipped from tho cast, and manu facturod In Salem, Oregon. For salo by all dealers everywhere o Tho Uncongenial Pump. "That famous tompornnco roform- or, tho Into Francis Murphy," said n Pittsburg mnn, " had an odd nil vonturo In tho courso of his vorv usofiil llfo. "Ho onco told mo of n cobo whoro n drinking mnn with a noat Joko got ror tho moment a Uttlo tho bettor of him In an argument. "Tho man wns a clubman, a bon vlvant, famous for his wlno collar, nnd Mr. Murphy rend him n strong locturo on tho drink ovll. "nut tho von vlvant only smiled. shook his bond and nald: " 'Woll, Mr. Murphy, I havo soon many a pleatmiU party round n table, hut I hnvo never seen ono round a ISAAC I. GREGG ItURIED. pump. -Wnshlngton Star. o Tho Texas Womlcr. Cures all kidney, bladder and rhoumatlc troubloj; sold by nil drug gists, or two months' trial troatmont brigadiers woro tho flvo veterans of .by mnll for $1.00. Dr, H. W. Hall, tho civil war. ny sonlorlly Gonernl Funstoli, who, when his turn omno for pro motion, nskod Hint Gonernl William S. McCaskoy, a civil war votoran, bo advnucod, was doubly entitled to the vacant rank. Gonoral r 2020 Ollvo street, St. Louis, Mo Send for testimonial?. Sold by Stono't drug storo. o- 'In regard to dlsturhnnco of tho. Gonernl i. CoilCCSNlonH. "Don't you think tho railways vhmmIoii'b oiiunt to innko boiiio coiicosulous to ocord In tho Spanish war nnd tl'0llhV.xl',0oo,,,,?o?" ...,. ollnofia,mil ., .... I'hliippino rouiuion wns iirminni worod Mr. Dutslu Stax. "Somo of compnrod with that of Colonol Du- our railway men nro rich onough to on vnll. During tho San FrnnolBCo run triiiim ontlrely for our own plana oris., following tho oarthnuako 'jj" ," i W"0" JftLft'0,1.,"!!! !' "iiw iw V w uw ji n ii (iouiH()- Funston furthor dlBtln- Ho has nover hotn fcf I hi r m MMaaMHHBMBHBaMH-BMi Grand Opera House JOHN F. COItDItAY, Mgr. Tionlgh r'vMng Friday Oct. 25, How land & Clifford's XKW 1UG DRA3IATIO HIT! Thorns land ec Blossoms KLINGER-GRAND THEATRE Oran Pv Li d. Parker V P a f tho Hnfir Rnrt Plot. StrOlIC nininvoa 'Will JIIIAHT IVTR1MWST "r, 20c, 15c. i may 9 a. m. Novel Bx r - WKKK COMMENCING OCT. 21. Don't fall to see Maj. J. A. McGuire AND iss Annie O en niioumatlBin Is cnusod by tho Im proper working of tho kldnoys. Tho uric acid which should bo romovod from tho blood romnlns In It. Hoi Ustor'a Rocky Mountnln Ton romovou tho cnuso nnd drlvoa It from tho sys tem; 3C contfl, Ton or Tnblots. For salo at Dr. Stono's store. World'a champion swordsman nnd sword8woman. LaBt wek of Whiting trio In another comedy. Two per formances nightly, 1 0c and 20c THE Auditorium Rink. Open afternoon and evening, ox- cept Sundays. X-RAYS sense of hearing till can bo caused guluhod himself for Instance, by the Intrusion .of. round wanting. FuiiBton lins gervad foreign partlcloti Riid bodies, by hn,us a hrlgadler-genoral Hlnco April 1, lnsumcient or iinuiuni locrotiou of.iaoi. iew ioru un. tho wnx of the oar, by dangerous n agitation of the bones of the skull by blow or fall, and by the develop ment of nbnormnl growths In ha cavities of tho rioso, nnd froqnont aggrosslvo sound, opeclally In the city. Educators hnvo, thorefore, an lucent I vo to glvo prompt nnd zonl ous nttontlon to tho oaro of tho oar nmong pu , for thoy mut know thnt tho sonso of hoarlug U of vary groat Importnnco for montal dovelop. ment, In Us Intellectual as woll as In Its tomporamentnl phase In tho Intellectual phnso it facilitates the study of tho languago of sound, and what would our tompernmentnl lffo bo without tho sensibility of the oar? Constantly tho external world is In fluencing our psychic bolng through the oar. Through sound the mout Intimate fooling Is divulged. Honcn tho groat offoct of conversational nnd foronslc nrt and of mimic on tho human tompornmont. In the Intonse new and quality of Its impressions n dullod oar Is quite different from tho normal oar. Kven nentlblllly of vision Is diminished by deafnos ton Star. COFFEE is perishable, it ought to be kept in tight packages, not exposed to air. Vour water irlurnt your mencr II tou do lllce Sclillllni(' Deil: wt par Mm Oldest Odd Fallow in World Iald to Rest lly llrothcra. Isaac D. Gregg, reputed to bo tha oldcBt Odd Follow In tho world, who died Thursday, was hurled yestorday. Odd Follows' hall was crowded with mombors from Sait Lake lodges, Nos. 12, 3, 15 and 17, and frlonda of tho dead mnn. Services worfl conducted by Noblo Grand James McGrnth. Rov. D. M. Holmlck paid Mr. Grogg nn eloquent trlhuto, pay ing special nttontlon to tho CO years tho old couplo havo spoilt togothor, happy and without ovor a croa word. Mrs. Gregg was prosout to tnko a last look at tho taco sho has scon always smiling nnd hopeful dur ing 60 years. Tho pallbcnrors wore B. II. Smith, William Watrous, Oliver Rocoro, J. H. Gortz, J. D. Mc Carthy and W. L. Donrdman. Extracts from Rov. Mr. Holmlck's talk follews: "Ho had boon an Odd Follow for 61 years, and asked that tho collar. which ho had novcr disgraced, bo burled with him. Would that ovory Odd Follow could ns slncorc'y ask for such nn honor, rightly won on drawing near tho ond of llfo. "Throughout his llfo Mr. GrogK maintained tho honornhlo record of a family which had furnished tho nation with worthy men. His grnnd fathor fought in tho war of tho rovo lutlon with George Washington, his father in tho war of 1812, and he wont through tho civil war. "Ho wns married In 1847. HlB wlfo nnd six children survlvo him. Ho lived to soo grnndchlldron and great grnndchlldron grow up about him. "Ho wns an Odd Follow long bo foro ninny of us wero born and dur ing his long llfo saw tho wonderful changes which hnvo tnkon plnco In his nntlvo laud. Whan ho wns young neighborhoods which woro CO to 100 miles distant woro farther than Now York nnd San Francisco today. Ho saw tho old mYuiB of travol glvo vny to tho rushing express trnlns. in his youth, men could not talk to ono onothor oxcopt fnco to fnco. Ho saw luo change wrought by ncionco wnicu onahlcs men to convorno nnd rocog nlzo nn onnothor's volco from points 500 miles apart. "ills widow, tho compnion or inn long life, wns with him iih thotio changes wero wrought, and perhaps can scarcely rccogulzo In tho world of todny tho world alio know GO years ago." Desorot (Salt Lake) News, Oct. 10. Allllctcd with Boro Kycs for 03 Yearn I havo been .afflicted with sora oyos for 33 years Thlrtoou years ago I becamo totally blind nnd was blind for nix yonrs. My oyoa wora badly Inflamed. Ono of my neigh bors Insisted upon my trying Cham borlnln'B Salvo nnd gavo mo halt a box of It. To my surprise It honlod my oyes and my Bight enmo back to mo. P. C. Earlo, Cynthlann; Ky. Chamberlain's Salvo Is for salo at Dr. Btono's drug storo. -n O. K. GROCERY A DlMippolnted Woiiuui. Appllonnt 1 want a divorce frrm my husband. Clork On what grounds. Applicant Ho has docolvod mo. Clork How Is that? Applicant I murrlod him to ro form him and now I find that ho has no bad habits. N Grand Opera House J0H I CORDRAV, Mgr. MOMi, OCTODRR 28. WlLTI'n . Mt fl LAWRENCE test of all Amerl- 1 u Plays. The Three of Us V IUHIEL CROTHERS. ! , & '"- of superior excellence tki v r ',r,:Uant all-season run k ui Squaro Theatre. Now fttat'in la a tr,umPhant eugage w Saa Francisco. A dramatic "TfMece yon ... . ... II KA .. " " IUI83. Victor Dorrls' subject tonight will As the oar has o4l to call atton- bo "Ono hundred decrees nbove zo- tlon to many thin" nappemng ro," or "Holl." It strlkos tho horno around It, thoie naturally eikno the editor that tho oloquont spoakor Is oyo. The effect of thU on speech. too modoHt in his figures on tho thor momoter, if statements concerning the Arizona section of tho lower re gions aro correct. Thore Is an old story that a proachor hearing a pro fane youth remark that it was 'hot- tor ..than U 1." robuked tho young fellow, and', among othor unngs, asked him If ho had any Idoa how hot that placo was. "I don't know," replied the hardened young repro bate, "but I suppose after a fellow was there awhile and was glveu a feed of melted Iron, ho would swear ho was eating lco cream." Any law that hits a corporation In the pocket strlkos Us heart, and is unconstitutional and criminal. Strango what veneration the big com panles have for the constitution, any- r . Lt.l. Ilia aAIaAM way. one wouia mm mo uu.w. Wo 75c 50c' Seat Ba,e carried a copy of that venerable In ' Monday 9 a.-M.- strumest" around in their pockets, thought and eooduct reveals tho mental defect o different person with more or leaa urgency. A ohlld with dullod eftre Hree In nnothor world, secludes JUelf. and the falso Judgment to whlck It Is exposed Is a sinister obstacle to the develop ment of Its character. A deaf child is a proy to misfortune as soon as It enters the ordinary whool, whero It must bo a laggard and Anally bo treated ns a woakllng. For such n child relief may bo conducted by per sons who havo studied thoroughly the correct treatment of aural de fects and their effect on the daily Intellectual and temperamental life of the children afflicted with them." Tmnglaterf for the Literary Dl- Keat- ' .. 10 Cm miHHtfxikaiB-i H I Knick Knacks M " for Your.Table M M Between Low Prices and High Quality In, grocorl" you would surely obooso quality. Hut if you trade hero you don't have to ehooio, for you get a combination of both. QUALITY GHOCHRIKS, QUALITY PRICKS Make this storo the favorite among women who know grocory values as woll as wo do. Dy dealing hero you can aavo money without sacrlllclng quality In the slightest degree, That Is real economy. A. A. ENGLEBART, M M m m M M M Bomothlng you don't uso ovory day In tho week. Hut when you do want thorn, you want them to be good Read ovor thU list. Wo now havo In Jock RXTRA FANCY COLFMIHA RIVim KALMO.V IJIXMKH J out the thing for broakfast. CRUSf'H.NT MACKEREL PACKED IN TOMATO KAlCi:, ML'KTAHI) AND KOt(KKI. ('. & II. K1PPERRED HER- Itl.VO. EXTRA FANCY CODFISH MIDDLES. IMIOUTKI 8W1KH CHEESE HAZELWOOD CREAM CHEESE. Loavo your order with u for all kinds of Home Ilaklng. PcnnNylvniilii'H Trco ltoiiuty. There Is u law on tho Htatuto booki or Pennsylvania which ought to hnvo a wldo circulation. It Ih "nu nrt for tho oncoiirngomoiit of forestry." Thin law tako tho bust montiH pos sible to oucourago ownorn of land to prouurvo nnd propngato timber troon, for It nllowH a reduction of tnxoi to tho owners of forot land which co in oa up to certain ruqitlromcnta of tho act. Tlio nrst man to tuko nd vii n I n go of tho now law Ih nn Alio ghsny county farmer, Mr. Tenner of Lou township. Mr. Tonnor has ob tained from tho county commtHsloti oru a reduction of I22.R0 on hla tnxon for complying with tho pro visions of tho law. Pittsburg Tele graph. n Julius Caesar wns n man of nervo hut slcknosi loft Its mark nnd hu btcamo ugod boforo his tlmo. Sickness Is oftuu causod by a torped llvor. Horblne will rogulnto your llvor nnd glvo you health, Mrs. Carrlo Austin, Ilollon. Kan., writes: "I consider Horblne tho best medlclno I ovor hoard of, I am novor without It," Bold by D. J. Fry. o ' O 8Ignlnx of .woioniA. lha Kind fou Haw Uw MvgH aum&fa MIHBMlHIIMIimnil 12th street. Phoae 122 i Roth Graber i 410 HUto St PlKmo W !! " II mvmMmum i Winter Shoes Storm Rubbers and Rubber Boots If you aro looking for good winter shoes that will give you good sorvlco, como In and seo my stock. With ovory pair of shoos sold I give a poncll box, containing pencils and rulor, free. I Jacob Vogt i 345 State Street N