DAILY CAM TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER SB, 1007. a . PsMFv, VJIR'V kV Colds Are Always Dangerous Viewy to catch a jeld at any season, li turd to eet rid of faJesiyoutteatitin ne with nH.D..TAYNE'S EXPECTORANT I tlnon the first tilrn of a cough kr congested com, t ia vour dfuecist IkA ret a bottle of Emi remedy the old- E.i and most rellablo Inown 'or c u S n s , reidi. uronenms. ' Pleurisy, iniiamma tion of the Lungs, and similar diseased. In countless numbers of tnir.M this lina been a luadard remedy for 17 I jtirs. AQ(!rucctstsi?lllt!n$1.0(?, He. and 2w, bottles. fira'i Tonic Vcnalfiufa Ic a I tptcodld tanle far adults as well 1 I i&fe w- ror children. sTHE MARKETS. SALEM MARKET. load'WboIcenlo Market. fc& 2Sc cash. latter 35c: fat. 35c. leas 10c; young chickens, 10c. gal wheat SOc. ti 35Q"37c. Iirler 24TS25. Hour Hard wheat, $5.00; valley . Uill feed Bran, $21.50; shorts, ISO. br Cheat, $11; clover, $10 per toa; timothy, $13 $15. Dnlons $1.50 por Back. Potatoes S5c cwt. Hops Old, 4CCc; now, 7 8c. iMttim bark uu7C. AFTER SENATOR BAILEY Dallas, Tex., Oct. ment which lias fur 25. A move Its object the i recall of Joseph V. Dailey from the gnn Domlnco United States senate will bo launch-'countv 0mclal ,ed In Dallas tonight, when Stnto thine Hint' ' bonuior u. u. seiner, oi jjaims, uieUl0 legislative commlttcos as ovl lcador of tho mnlcontonts, will ad-ld.onc, of hla nnanclal genius, he dress a mass meeting In tho city WOuUt hnvo como to Instant and ovor- nnll I i. 1 i ... rHi...l Inaugurated by politicians through whoso veins course no trace of southern blood. Ho confesses him self to belong to that class of politi cal money-getters which has hereto fore been represented by Depow, Piatt and Aldrlch on the Republican side, and by Pat McCnrren as a re puted Detnocrnt. 1 will not now un dertake to nnnlyzo those reputed trasnctlons, but ennnot forbear to say that no pcoplo will approve- them wnoso Rtanunrtn ot nonesiy monsnru above those wlilnh ovist in Haiti anil If nnv nroclnct or" in Texas hnd cloneHho thlnus thnt Bailey paraded boforo ncienne GROWS HAIR """ . . .. , , , ., whelming disgrace, and no trioim Senator Sontor Tim daclnrod tha wouM ,mvo been fouIJ, who thought he will offer In the thirty-fifth logo- tho (lenmnds of frlendhjl woro bo Infufn n rncnlntlnn imnififwlmtr flip ..,.-. - . . - t.i. i- M1 reslgnatlon of Bailey, because of hlsrogzo for comict which mint cnuso alleged connection with the Stand-i, imi iitnn,i nf indention tn rlso aid Oil company, and will ask tho to cvcry i,ono8t ci,eok. peopio oi uexas to indorse inis "Texas Domocracv Is compelled course, both by direct expression ou bv tnIs emergency to 'stnnd forth and wiuir iiiiinujy uuiiuiB uu uj w.c V.V.V.- j,rovo t0 ln0 nation tho inctni oi tno tlon of representatives who are not .Democratic conscience nnd the value only In full sympathy with this pro-!ot Democratic promises. If wthln nnenl Jlllf will InfnrPA tllf flemnlld ItD olrnllrtn.l tnrtrnaa ml, tinriv u'Wfl for Bailey's resignation after It re- unable- to mnlntaln Its own honor, celvos tho Indorsement of the poo-, with whnt grace could It ask to lo pie of Texas and the thirty-first leg-1 Intrusted with the keeping of tho na lslature. . tlonnl honor? If It sends Its Button Stnto Senator Sentor was one of -to congress, rather than to prison, the 55 members of the thirtieth 'ns did Republican Kansas, is It liko- Texns leglclature to vote ngalnst tno ly tnat it win no permuted to ioiikl- AND WE CAN Tropical Fruits. Cuanai $6. anccs $4 $5. jUinoni $5.50 $C. Retail Market, 'foti White. $28 nor ten: whoat. e, per bu; rollcy barley, $30031. Butttr Country, 35c; creamery, It Floor Valley, $1.10 $1.20 por A; hard wheat, $1.35 $1.40. Bran 70c per 6ack; $22.00 por t- I Hay Timothy, 85 90c per cwt; iflt. 80c: clover. 70r. nnr cwt.! Mu, 1 00 per cwt. ovnnnrntkm .of Bnlb-v when the bill Hant Texas senator was on trlnl early this year. Ho. declares rnat tne pro ceedings were n mere "whitewash ing" and thnt no real investigation of Bailey's connection with tno Wntors-Plorco Oil company, an auxiliary of tho Standard, was matb. Tn n clntomnnl IsRlied llV Mr. Seiltor. addressed to tho peonlo of the state, he appeals for support in uis move ment In Clio following language: "Tim innmiiern of this thirtieth leg islature who rondored a verdict nd- vorse to Bailey preformed a most disagreeablo duty, and when the full liictnrv nf flint nrocccdlnir shall bo written, It will be known of all men Its nntlonal chleftnln In tho whlto House? "I bollovo with all my heart tlint the nntlonal Democracy Is doomed to meet dlsaiter In 1908, compared with which the calamity of 1904 will contrast ns a saengerfcBt, if Bailey shall go bnck to tho Bennto with no outward sign of disapproval. Wo aro not as yet chargcablo with his crimes, because the whole world knowB thnt he successfully conceal ed them until after tho Democratic primary last year. Yot wo cannot escapo tho charge of ratification of Bnlloylsm as a party creed unless wo mnltn linntn in nut tho BOnl of om phalic condemnation upon It. Bailey 32 in' 1 e f c Cof' unexcted and! ? oen now preparing to assort upon extraordinary obstacles thej- fought, no "oor - , - ersce8nSaSlorTern $ljM PP j... .i.iii..i i... ri. .Texas. t n n i r n n iir iirii iiui 11 in ihiiimi k uni i i nnllinim. T.nmnr and Gordon. To shrink from tho performance of their duty was to earn the gratitude and tim unlimited nromises oi an Ilcll Toleplioiiu rionts Stock. Vow Vnrlr. Ont. J.ri. Plnnl liai- iin.mr.nif of $50 a slmro on tho $21,025,- scrupulous politician who professed ! 200 additional stock Issue f Jw i,imnif ni.ir. nmi renrtv to confer re- Amerlcnn Telegraph Telcphono wards without limit upon those who company, popularly know n. .tno Kathored about mm wun propur -u iuibjihumu i " "., meekness, and heralded the wealth .today. Tho entire Issuo was tlU qulckly bestowed upon him by tho'pojod -of, a largo number of biI re favor of oil, railroad and lumber In-, being HUbscrlbed for by B'lB" Ujg. m .'tad o, honornMo n n.no,. TiSTi, "My own judgment, which would tho funds ncetlcd for tho great im havrbeSrvoJ.S in .a report to Uuproyements and extensions planned sonnto but for tho tact tnat uauey uy mu i'i'"" " -' . decided that his Interests roquireu that tho senate committee suouiu uo discharged without making a re port, Is that tho transactions admit ted and told by himself constitute tho darkest pages in tho political hlitory of tho south. Tho genera tion which wo follow periled all to preserve Its concoptionB or nonoru. ( Uniinv'R trnnsncnons. na no .vua i.a... tnunti tim liottom round ...'. i .uhm.. ,11.11. na linntn pouucui tiuBciiwiiiy, ""---i. store. reached in tno mnu mcu tor mi They Mnko You Feel Good. Tho pleasant purgative effect ex perienced by all who ubo Chamber lain's Stomach nnd Liver Tablets, and tho healthy condition of tho body and mind which thoy crents ,. nni 'font tnvfnl Prim. 25c. "" UlUnt-D U"U 4VU. JW... ..., of Samples frco at Dr. Stono's drug Livestock. Hoes Fat. fir Cattle 1100 01200 Tb itflert, he. Lighter steers 3 3 c. Stock lKFe 'c. Cowi and heifers 900O1000 lb. e!,c. Lambs 4 4 c. Veal Dressed, 5 7c. I'nrtllHlil Afnrbof I Wkta i th, sso; valloy, SCc; El St fm C... i!st.ff-B-an $19. lUTT!ni 4h.. vnllnw 17(ff1R. -Wh.113 Vtifh HA POUtn- I?, "9 infb-iQn' cnrlni ilekenj j , 3llckB y0'ung 14e. fork-B.-t, $6.C0$6.85. uaibj-v., r ng J4.50$5.25. JllttOn ti tr s,, , cn -- y . .u M f l.vlU. "ow-,h '. petl lb 9 10c. fW.... ..'" v--"; at -", t!.. c Western Electric and Manufacturing Co. 345 North Liberty Street DO YOU WANT YOUR HOUSE WIRED? Call and sccuro our ostlmntos as to tho work. Boar in mind wo employ tho best wlremen tho country nffordB ami wlro strictly In accordance with underwriters' rules. Romombor also wo manufacture fixture! of nil kinds, and carry In Btock a large assort, ment of designs. , - y-DDiHf I IT lm w f fe h.lr nower .ml m.Ip tentor haw ."1 """ ,",2 tile thtnueliout lite unllcu bwim. ii nn " " "" "rjY.r.". iJ .;;.,Z. E::iK;cherTlee-oHi . .! -u t ..tl.t.llli.i l rtati.lnrlrif fia hklf IT I . ..ir.?.K'",.,r.v. wj'Wt.v .n:M,,i;tiu c.outii.euniicr8tte. j.niiu.M.i.v ... ""-"--.:"", : r. .'..lll..n.nl Imi ptrrlici ml hckIp tecenerotor nuve won ,c """"" "'" II tin nUiilncit n Inter r le fliul l mote Ctnctnlly i aMii i:ii I ,n i: mniri the if aln iiraltliv ami teitllc nml krf i It no. It la I ic KtenicH cn " ii" " . , ,,,. ,.. !l''-feMA,.X7i uiitiKvnit' '---.-. . .-.. ... iTII ! W "'!' - .-- ,---- r. Hiiurmr. . . IA. .... itK k.tts i.lnM. BV4r mnilts It miown n'mni irum mv - NOW at all drufjeists in THREE SIZES, 25c, 50c ana i.uu per uutuC. -v FREE To kIiow how nulckly Dmnlprlim net we will rmUlnrne iti lt I twliy rXii wall to anyonr who xmW till, .tvrtir.ement Kihl. Kiiiif ltoit l"nlirltio Co., ClilrnK. wllll their name tO the KIHIWHOH JFHIUirrnin ....,.....". " '.Z'. and addtct aud tea eenla tu allvtr or ttamtn to pay iioitaije. Hotel St. Philip Fourth and Fifth and llurnsldo Streets, Portland, OrcRon. Now fireproof European Hotol. Stoam hont. Modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 por day and up. Union dopot car will land you at the door. H. PIERCE, Prop. nUILWNO A IIOUHK Wo enn supply you with tho lmn bor you rnnd at tbo price that will materially economize In tbo co Just come nnd too ua and look otji our yards. OOOUU.KLt MlltfU (X).. VnrOi- i'ir lrio - eaBtorn -o- Out of Sight. ia ftS o! 8,Bht' out of m,id." ' wj ayjnB which applies with xoz ,0rCC t0 a Bore. burn 'or Btrt thals been treated with Hilt Arnlfa Salre-' Il's out ot .r,' J ot mind and out of exint- t' Plle t-o and chilblains dls wtr ncier lta heang ,nfluence J5ttteed by J c. perry dru?Bst CASTOR I A r Yn Kavi Always Ui NEW GOODS ON SALE $20,000 Worth of New Goods Direct From the Manu facturers, Now Opened Up and Ready for Your Inspection. A big lino of now collars andbolts. one of th latMt novelties to select from. Price from 25o to $1.00. Silk and cotton hosa supporUr with front pad bill, from 25c .o 75c Blankota in cotton and wool. Pull llovon-qurtjr iU. pecial for thla wok, $1.00 up to $1.00. Silk petticoats at let prleo. Chooio from tho ontlrt tock of Mack and colored silk. Valuos from $5 up to $10. Ladles' comb, drew sklrU and fur IUduoed for " ok J wo say rodueod we mean It In a honart wwr. Wa um to n u the garm"nta for much loss than general seHlnif price. Boys' suits $2.00 to $3.60. LadieV 35c wool hoso now 26 conta. Children's 2o fino ribbed be , now 15 cenU. $1.50 hoavy ootton flannel drwslng saequen, now $1.00, Mon's hoavy fleeco lined underwear. 50c Men's work and dress suspenders, from 2c up to $Li0. Mon'e work and dree shirts, 'rom 50c up to $3.00. Ladle.' handbags, purse .side and back comb, ribbons and silk handkerchiefs, with embroidered Initial. Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll nevar bother with havln It done at home again. TJme wa when every family could not afforf to end tho washing to a laundry but tlraea have cbangod so, too hare the methods and prices Toda you can better afford to send tht family washing hore than not to Ask about our prlcoa on family waia Ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Phono 23. ino-lflfl H. LIlKTty Ht HUIE WING SANG CO. Cbinese and Japanese Basaar Lr cfeMt Safem, Oregoa - BUTTERNUT BREAD It la worth more than any othv bread, yet the price Is no higher For uale at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA 1JAKERT. Thomas & Coolar. Prop. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICR C1TV HALL. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly In advance. inmniiiiMiMm 8110 COURT 8TRKMT. Call and try tktua. Meala S 15c. Board per week $3.7G, also furnlahod reoma very roasonuble. AT TIIH Salem Restaurant MEALS 15c mmmi oiwanMii WvvVwwfl Gold Dwst Flotii Mde by T1TB 8TDNBY POW BX OOMTAKY, Bldaey, Oreges. Made for family um, Ask yonr grocer for it. Dran and ckorti always oa hand. TIIH IlKST ROAHT TICK FAMILV HVKH HAD . Can bo obtained tiorn our prlrae tender nnd Juicy bcol, niuttoa or pork. All our meals aie solecte4 from tho cholcost, aud prepared for tho table to suit the demnndj of the fastidious. Our prlcon nre Inwor for quality than you can find nt asy placo In Bnlom, K. C. C II O H H, Phono 201. I70 Htto t. TORRID ZONE FUNARCE P. B. Wallace AGENT f 8ttagfc'-aiHfy,-:,g J MIHIMWHiMMIHHM CI.ltK'H .llAUHlva. I carry a full and complete line of flib, shell fish and poul try. Everything in season. CHICKENS. A specialty for Saturday, Careful attention given phone f ordori. A trial will convince you that we can serve your best Interests. ROBT. S. CLARK Phone 126. 4SI Mate . DR. KUM WONDERFUL CHINESE DOCTOR "Will troat you with Oriental herbs and euro any disease without opera tion or pain. Dr. Kum Is known everywhere In Halom. and has cured many proml- nont peopio here, Ho has lived In Balem for 20 years, and can be truat ia. He uses many medicines un known to white doctor, and with them can cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rchumatlao:, stomach, Vlvor and kidney diseases. Dr. Kum makes a specialty ol droD&y and female trouble. His rem edict cure private disease when er erytblng else falls. He has bub dreds of testimonials, and gives con sultation free. Prices for Medicine very Moderate. Persons la the coua- try can writo fer blaak, 8ead stamp, If you wast some extra 8ne tea, get It fron us. DR. XUM BOW WO CO.' , 11 geutti HW 4rt, kw, Ortm taH. SBJIiBBBHJBjCBBaaaaaaaaailaaaaaaai fe-SSliiajliiBTTTiTTTTTTr-ITalliiwlBiiiiiig Tho abovo cut rtprtuonts our brick lined Ton Id Zono Furnace. Ouarantecd gas, smoko and dust proof. Economical and durable, A. L. FRASER J 1458 BTATE BTRKBT, . . ... t Estimates furnished on ucatiag f j i tuiwtr,ummmMummammm ummrfimnnmmui limwuu wuw a p i l L s. i ., r.,i. luii. hi fvnaMM UiHin, uim iinnm cam. " nn mi I au UlliVMlu. VlUMklUmM 1,11, WlvfJIlM fc.l. IkM M&l f ta.f uJ.. 1. tk I lITItMrWH. ... T4, Lm,,, 'Sold tn 5km by Dr. 5. C SW Cto H n ,f! ft 0, f && "Urof p