pHOIIABIjY PAIR TONIGHT AND SATURDAY. AILYOAPITAL J OTTRNAL SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOI1KR 23, 1007. NO. 215. ST SAID TO BE OVER 5Ve "it. reei Paving Begun-New Era in Salem's Progress YORK IS STILL FEVERISH I BANKS FAIL i Stock Opened Stronger In i Market This Morning-New i financiers Think the Worst Over 1 york, Oct. 25. Dosplto tho Cote of yesterday, tho 1,1 financiers of tho East had i the failure of thro omorc this morning. Notices wore Ion tho doors of tho United ichango Bank of Now York, capital of $100,000 that It not open Its doors today, and en of the Dorough Bank of ju he'd tho same notice In bee, Rhode I land, tho Union company rormnlly poBtcd un it payment would bo tompor- ricenaeu. a run doveloncd on poa Trust Company's bank Into Pit afternoon, but It was It tho company had sufficient f unda to stand tho emergency. All j of these banks nro believed to boi solvent, and nblo to pny dollar fori dollar. Roost American Stocks. London, Oct. 25. A sharp rl$e In prices of American stocks hero gave added confldenco to thp market for American securities. Union Pacific opened two points higher, and Southern Pacific ono point. Couldn't Cnsh n l'ostnge Stamp. Now York, Oct. 25. The Wil liamsburg Trust Company, of Wil liamsburg and Brooklyn closed this afternoon, becnuso of its inanblllty to cash, a $10,000 check. Frank Jenkins Is president of tho bank, which had a capital of $700,000 and liabilities of $9,G7G,484. -o MAY BE nUHONIO PLAGUE. Four Deaths in Scnttlo May lie Duo to It. Seattle. Wash.. Oct. 25. In nn ef fort to Impress tho public with the necessity for- precautionary meas ures, tho board of health today con firmed tho following stery: Patrolman E. O. Osborne, on duty in tho Chinese quarter, died 10 days ago from what was then believed to bo quick pneumonia. A few days later his slstor died suddenly from similar symptoms, and four dnya ago tho undertaker's nsBlBtant, Chns. O. Eddy, who handled tho patrol man's body, died. Now nnother sls tor of Osborne Is dnngeroiiBly HI, and a Bccond undertaker's assistant Is not expected to llvo. The symp- tnma. mnv ho tllOBO Of a SPCclCB Of bubonic plnguo, and nil dcathB oc curred within a day or two alter tho first Illness appeared. Tno nenuu board Is making a thorough exam ination. mmsmt PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE (THE WONDERFUL BUSINESS PAVING COURT STREET OLD JOBS SHOW UP Sewers, Gas and Water Mains Being' . rui in anapc ueiore ravement Goes Down-One Clock Will Soon Be Gomplcted Paving haa actually begun on Court street, but for only threo blocks. Tho hoi tnr nnd bltumlnoua preparation begnu to go down Thura day, and all day long tho smoke has Is put to great expense to go over the whole work. Hut It will be done, nnd the plnn Is to havo the pnpers nil rendy to put through at the next ses sion or the city council. Eastern State Street Mocked. State street from Church street to fwelfth Is again blocked by Bomo vory cunning work, that has tho ex ternal appearance of crucifying tho General Electric Company, of Port land, but Is really letting thorn off without any street Improvement whatever, The ordlnnnce commltteo hod nn ordinance nenrly completed, granting the General Electric a now franchise, that would provide for bmcIi rails and such streot paving as the corporation Is willing to put down. The General Electric claim they cannot get the mils demanded by the city council, nor borrow tho money needed O pay for tho kind of pavement which tho city asks fo ami unacr its oiu irancuiso u is not required to put down anything but n plank o nench sldo of Its rails. Al dermen Gesner, Lowo and Goodo havo worked for sevoral weeks to got Blich an amended frnnchlso that tho paving might go nhead, and had It nearly in Bhnpe when Alderman Ges ner Jumped up a resolution order ing the work to go ahead on tho im possible lines It wnn started on, Ho r&nsted tho corporation good and hard, told what an outrago It would ho to let them put down anything but been rolling up from tho bltullthlc Yllhtlt- Hint lino rhn Art nAl- fF1 f1tat block will bo neurly completed this' such n pavement ns la demanded by Mil . SALEM HIGH SCHOOL. VH. 1 1 I I I I I I II FAATRAI I I V V I UiXtLmL. wiiii.iwiiniM,' I'vivMiiBiTV. Willamette Fickl Saturday, 2:30 p. m. Admission 25c Grandstand 1 0c Be Sure to Come IIIIDIII1II1IIII1IIIIIIII1I WANTS TO SUCCEED PIATT PRESIDENT IS SORE Disgusted With Fusion In New York, and If Taft Is Elected Would Like to Lead the Senate In Support of His Politics A dlBpntch from Washington, D. C last night says: If Socrotnry of Wnr Taft or a man of tho Roosovolt typo bo elected President next fall, President Roojo volt mny, undor certain conditions, go boforo tho Now York legislature In 11)00 as a candidate to succeed Thomas C, Piatt In tho United States senate, with tho Idoa of lend ing tho support of administration Why Not Reform Her? "Some girls ny to tno 'oh. doctor, I enn't Join tho church, for If T did I couldn't dance,' but if I hnd n girt with no higher Ideal In lire thnn thnt, do you know what I would do? If I hnd such a girl with a No. 7 shoo and a No. 2 hat, I would at once send her to a dancing school I would see thnt tho biggent oud of her got nn education," Dr. Whit comb Broughcr. o Cholom Hugca in KuhsIh. Vlonnn. Oct. 25. Cholera Is rag ing with frightful vlolenco through out Southwestern Russia, where tho poor aro dying liko men. At Kieic tho deaths average 100 dally, ' o Shot IIIh Father. Drain. Or. Oct. 25. M. V. Htn- mnn, an old sold lor, wnB uhot nnd killed, six miles wost of hero today. Ho was mlntakon for n deer by IiIb Bon, Clarence. OPERATORS RETURNING TO WORK ; policies In tho upper branch of con- e arc doing prompts us on to give r customers greater values all the c. Look at the prices we are now g Tor standard reliable merchan- 4tl-tstrk r-, Ai iirtr irtrmtnrir y tt limits -ii yuu utsai iiix.iiii ad en: AKB OFFKMXO THE WTIST VUES WE EVER NO, THIS WEEK, IN IKS GOODS ID SILKS P0 YDS. OF STANDARD OlTlNf, FI.WXELS Uc P, XOW VT YARD 3c. raiLlinEN's S3 DE.VRSKIN Rsxov$i,)8. !,wn.iW.H,s AX1) WAIST. G "-WNFLl.TTKS NOW ON ILATVIU). h 1.3c. !,,eSWAXSDOM FLANNELS iii.. .r.TTV STYLUS -". A 0N AXD DE- SI LH AT YD., Hundreds of bwoII conts and Suits for Ladles, Misses and ChU drn offered this wook at small prices. Don't buy until you see the great valuos wo are offering. OF FINCY TlItFco HXOWov S,rnllrTO ' -13c. -in n.wi k- Pi,m, ... w OF RLANKETS, WIE AT. PAHt, 35c, 1 1 1 week, JtiBt ono block ahead Street Commissioner Martin Is making tho changes noceasary for Uio" paving crew to got onto the ground with their heavy machinery. A trow ot gas wid water plpt.W) fo laylcri mi mo pipes necessary trader tao filteot, so thnt It will not havo to Ijo torn up right away, nt least, wucli lot Is connected u. no that when tho buildings go In on vntuait lots tho water and gnH are ready to couicct. CrooksX "WoVk TtcaTtilMl. In digging up tho old BtroutR nil crooked wort 'ol tlio .paBt 1b luit bare. For Instnncu, ixl tho corner o'f Court and High KireetB two catch basins woro uncovered yesterday tlrat had no sower connection whntuvur. Tho catch basin at tho northwest corner of the Rtrwrt. tvhb connoctod with a six-Inch plpo ncross tho strott to tho southwest corner catch bnslu, nnd that had no sower connection. So tho street commissioner had to go down 14 foot to a sower In order to the hcnvicHt tratllc of tho nnrrow streets of Por land, nnd succeeded In tying up the paving of Stnto Btrcot Cast for an Indellnlto period, or elso Involving tho city in a lawsuit. My I'hvo Liberty, tho lndlcMlons'nro thnt the threo blocks or Stnte Btroet. orlglnnlly or dered paved. RUT DELAYED AND DEIYJEATED RY MEANS OF JOK ERS will now ho nkon up and put through next after tho Court streot work, and thiB tho pnvlHg plant bo kopt In the tlty nnd nt work. Thon there 1b a oulot movement going to pnve three "blockB of Llhcrty street next, nnd, Tf possible "boforo Stnto Btrat Is paved. A numher of Liberty Btreet prfporty owners nro looking nttor tho mntter. and It may ho HPTiing nt the next meeting of tho cAtr coir&i'll. Tho pnporH will be wenrchea with a fine-tooth comb for rcgnl tuclinlcnlltloB, nnd no Jokors will "bo permitted. Tho stnlo trick of porsonB In tho puollo employ, who The Auditorium Rink Salem, Oregon OPENS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1907 -Aftcrraon 2:30 Evening 7:30 gross. This exceedingly interesting information hns enmo to closo frlonds of tho President's Blnco the Inttor's return from his Western nnd Southern trip. If Mr. Taft or aomouody of tno Bnmo recognized typo bo not elected PrcBldont. Mr. Roosovolt will under no clrciimstnncca seek a pent In tho Bennto, for tho rcnBon thnt ho would not bo In n poBltlon to glvo hearty support to tho administration, nnd At tho Home timo would 1001 tno impro priety of- tnklng nn olllclnl part In criticising bis Immcdinto Biiccossor In tho Whlto Houio. Thoro Is no longer nny doubt that tho Prosldont la disgusted over tho fusion of tho New York county Ru publlcnn orgnnlzntlnn nnd tho Ilcnrst outfit. Tho President does not ap provo of tho action of Herbert Par sons, upon whom roBts tho respon sibility of tho strnngo nlllnnco In New York this fall, nnd nt this dint nnco It looks very much nH though tho young lender would bo a "down-nnd-outor" boforo vory long. Tho Presldunt has glvou friends to undorstnnd thnt ho not only was not consulted' nbout n fii'lnn donl, hut that h ronllv know nothing concorn Ing H until ho omorged from tho ennohrnkoH, nnd thnt as far a ho mny go In authorizing nny fttnto mo tit nuent the Hltuntlon of thlugrt thnt hnvo bcon dnno. Apparently ho does not want to mnko nny opon .re flection upon Mr. Parsoim while a cnmpnlgn Is on, preferring to let tho mntter go to a finish. Hut It Is un derstood thnt tho ProMdont hii npokon hU prlvato opinion to visi tors In omphntlo tonus Sontllo. Oct, 25. A break In tho llnoH ct tho atrlklng prons telegraph oporntors may ho oxpected at nny hour now, any closo otiBorverH or ino Bltuntton. It Ih bolloved thnt within tho next threo dnya n majority of tho old Ansoclnled Presrt .men now on Btrlko will ho back at work. It Is stated on reliable authority thnt tho old men nro now hack nt Ilutto, Boat- tie, Tnconin, Holonn, MlHoonia mm Salt Lnlto, rnd theao descrtlonB will undoubtedly nffect tho nltuntion in Snn Francisco and Portland. Deser tions nro looked for In the cltUm bo foro Monday. Lack of dollnlto pro gressive program nt tho Milwaukee convention and tho disheartening acr tlon of tho Into proBldont, Hnmll, nro mainly rosponslblo for tho return of tho mon. o . ' - ' QU4KE SHAKES ITALY Rome, Oct. 25. Horrible, loss of life resulted from tho enrtlmtinko shookH thnt occurred throughout Calabria Wodnoidny. At first It wnw- thought fow persons had porlshod, but Inter reports mid to tho mortnli ty list. At 6 o'clock yontordny ovonlng about 200 hodlos woro tnkou from tho onrthfjuako rulnu. It In now etUI- mnioa Hint tho (lontliti will mirnaw 500, but it Ih Impossible to got no- ournto Information on tho subject, -,.. a ............... "'" uiiiiiiu iiiiiirimuioii on tno subjoct, In JiiBtlco to hlniHolf, however, In n mimv viiiiwrna nr .nn ... L , view of tho fact that It has boon open SSodK La t h S.iS.,5 nC,Il ''.y !ly averted that ir. Parsons had con- ?.?" u"!"C. L ." i ,0.? ROLLER SKATING r.ysr -vs. jrtr-.--- ---. forrod with tho Prosldont boforo nink r, . i l"R ho deal with Mr. llonrat. Mr. liALiiiBU ""- i IrnnnAvnlt linn 1a ik li (!rontflt Indoor AiiuiBt'innt In tho World. CiOOI) Ml'SlC GOOD FIXK)R. NEW SKATES. 1M fvcKOii. McElroy'M OrclieMm no n I MAtmanHnir Tlllltt Itlflt - f n- - - w . IIUIII. 111141 XL UUllllOLVIliK 11' -- If.l l Children's coats fromlWc to $4.05 MIsbcs" coats from 92&0 to 5.00 Ladles Coats from $3.05 to $10.00 Better ones at small prices. Ladles' Swell TrJmmod Hats, $l,SO $1.85, $2.50 Bd $3.50. Children's Caps from 23c up. McEvov irons. WiOItCUlJ AND fVTniT CTBEvnt RAT, CM. OREGON. V V v.v. BV1K - W WILL PLAY TWO NIOIITS. Moilrm DrniiintlJition of Ilcrtlui M. fHay'u Orriitt Love Mary, ittltvntinn ta (ipaMu tr.1t iinfarutnnjl emptied nowhere It Is the "ilind tho pnrtiB nro well known, and "v." V'nW,rnn,ftm V!ll rill in fl uhi""" ' l maneuvers. Thoro th street commlsiloner trlwl to nuin . , , ,,n..innnu.. n.i. j them, no water overcome, out u ... the ,,,.- 8lr , "Q nivoJi tne otnor ona. uocauie ino "":.., .i.i... . .. , ,. . atiu .... o,1.. oil lol,l with rnllell 0.l""u l" " '"" """' """ ment, and the wator gow out of lh bottom of the sewer, leaving It foul and clogged up. Stnto Street Joblwry. When tho city attorney dug into the contract for paving Staio Btrtt ho found sovoral Jokers nrtGd by some one, so that he advlwd the city It una tiKOlosa tn brlriL' a suit 0 on- ,forc that contraot, and. boldes, tho specifications contained a Joker to defeat tho oxecutlon of the work. The unanimity with which all the I papers for Stato streot wro drawn iln 1906 gives causo for the auiplclon that some one. sacrotly opposed to paving, but afraid to work openly, had Just such words Inserted at tho proper placo to dofoat the paving of the stroet. Tne presem .ri "" mltteo ha the vork all to do over again New specifications, a now contract, and a new ordinance will bo required, and business men, who are tiAithAr leeal nor political sharps Tho greatest drama of modern love and devotion, "Thorns nnd Orango DloBsoms," will bo given two nights at tho Orand opera house, and should be seen by crowded houses. The play Is a combination of come dy and melo-drama, a literal atago reproduction of the great love story, uy Htiriua ai. via). Jl 1 a. iiowiuiiu & Clifford show, tho samo peoplo putting on "Over Niagara Falls," "Thelma," and other great Ameri can melodramatic successes. This company has been secured for two nights only, by tho upeclal efforts of Rooiovolt has lot It bo known that the declaration Is falio. High administration officials very well Rcquulntod with tho New York situation hnvo declared privately that tho fusion in tho county Is likely to ho Hnnwod undor. Ab to Mr. Hearst, Hea-'ttitn end mi mm 1 1 mi ran tun in limine iii-i ..!..... i. i .. ........ .t .. : Tijivui, ii umy iiu iniciii i ii ii i uiu Prosldont lioldo the midi opinion to day that ho hold hist fall, whan Mr. Hanrst wax a onndldaie for governor on nnother kind of fusion tloket ngalnut Mr. Hughw. o i RAISING EMPRESS OF CHINA Vancouver. I). C, Oct. 2C. Two big pumps are slowly emptying tho hold nnd lovor decks of the Em press of China of water, and tho big liner Is rising at tho rate of six inches an hour. Tho company expect" to havo the vessel In condition to sail a week from today, and will make cvory effort Ur do so, as it will other wise lose considerable monoy which It for felt to the government on mall contracts. Tho rumor In Van couver yesterday 'hat the vessel wm Manager Meredith. At tho reduced, scuttled by tho Chinese crew Is de p rices there will be & demand for nled by the officers, who say tho ne- standlng room, if we do not miss our cldeut was due only to gross raro- nna telegraph Jlno, und no word irnm mom can no hud. Tho onrth'iunke shocks coullutie, hut aro slight. Tho peoplo nro still In a condition of apprehoiiMlon, which Is Incruaiod by each tremor in splto of tho torrential rnln that iu railing, they absolutely return t ro- main under cover. They havo made their bods In tho open. MiittriMisetf hnvo hnuti mruAd about tho squares and tho fields ur- rounding (no stricken vl lingo, und tho peoplo nro covorlng thumtelvwi and their children as best thoy mny. Many thousands will puns tho nlg'it in this innunor. Tho only hulldlngH thnt tho fright ened peoplo will consent to uso nro the ohiirehes, and oven thoro they will not stay long. Snored relic havo boon oxposod In tho of Cntnnzaro, and this Horved r" our measuro to calm tho public. Furnaco. No bodies had buon recnvera. . . tho ruins until 0 o'clock ym nnd ausl evonlnK. when 200 worn lull .turntito. This earthquake bids fair to that of 1005. UCO Half of tho houses at FerruzM nnd Ilarcaleono collapvcd, and mild; porsons wero hurled In tho ruins. At Sinopoll and St. Ilarlo sevoral per ions wero burled and overywhera panic prevailed. An earthquake about two yenra ago in tho same province destroyed novoral villages and killed about 800 persons. nomo, Oct. 25. -The list of dead In tho earthquake In Calabria, Sici ly, and Btromboll troy in ecu s grow ing, according to dispatcher, nnd wl'i exceed 1000 At leust 600 woti killed at Fcrrutzano. About 210 bodies havo been recovered, and thore wero heavy Joseca in nearby M Jhavo to find tbee errors, and the city I gues. .ienei. towns.