' ' ti 8 DATT,Y CAriTAT; JOURNAL. SALEM, OltF.OON. TmHSIlAV, OCTOHKK 31, 1007. Mid-Season Sale Dress Goods All the Benson's newest show ing In swell plaids at big reduc tlons. Tho largost showing,' the host styles, the highest quality, nil new mnkos this bannor sale of tho year. Early choosers got tho choicest of the entire lot be early. ALL NEW I BOc nnd 05c Pinlds Special . , H."ic and J? 1.00 Fluids Special ALL NEW! 9I.1W ami $1.50 Pinlds Special 9I.I and $1.75 Plaids Special 42c 68c Outing Wear Wo aro showing a magnificent lino of goods and comfortable out ing gowns, tho celebrated "Brighton" make they are cut gonorously full and aro exception ally well made. Some come per fectly plain, others nicely trim med in fancy braid trimmings Colors Plain Whlto and Cream also the pretty stripes in the light shades, A full range of hIzp. 90c to $250 Bath Robes Unth robes and klmonss in all the newest colorings and styles lu flannelette and blanket robos In colois Blue, Tan, Grey and Old Blue. MHMHV i Hand-finished "Merode" Underwear Every detail which could en hance or augment tho utility of "Merode" underwear to the wear er Is employed in fit, finish and fabric, tho results of which are evident in the exquisitely beauti ful and dainty garments produced Fabrics of the finest combined Cotton, Llslo, Silk mid Llslo, Silk and Cotton, Morino, Wool and Silk and Wool, are deftly woven Into the most delightful .weight?, suitable for every variation of the climate, one of the most promi nent features being' the great variety of ohapes. All sizes and weights 50c and up All Silk Pelticoats See 'Our Overcoats If you stylish O of snap li constant wearing, ant to see and wear a rcoat. fine with a lot It; on that you'll take ; :easur in owning and ust dicp in here and look at oi.r HART, SCHAFTNER & MARX They have plenty of the smart look which d:essy men want; We d like :o try one of these over coats on you. It's a becoming style to most men. They're all wool Just like all i Hart, Sehafiner Marx clotnes. i All gn.' es from N $1 0.00 to $25.00 4 8 1 I I I I 11 I I I II I Ml II 1M 1, I PERSONALS H"M-4-4HM-4"M"H-4-t-H lilt I-HB- .7. M. Watson Is transacting busi ness in Turner. II. II. Lister went to Cottage Grove today on business. J. Palmer left this morning for Mn rlon on business. Alderman (leaner wont to Turner this morning on business. I Rev. W. A. Gueffrov went tn .lot. ferson this morning on business. Mis. II. L. Earl was a business vis itor from Turner this morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. Matthews are vhltlng in Portland. 0. K. Rldgeway went to Portland thin morning on business. JlHARREliS Beauty Pi J "i Km, v. . rtU (W ll .. "" w tt( ream-., "-M ""t"H ..... ' -If It-. . " HJi Uensle Counts loft yesterday for paiun8 h&' my , - she will reside. i ,,, - i' Brooches, Pins, Cro! -nnins i et design and Some beautiful am ure Jr, ,n, 8 U -P- thnm the guest of l ...95c: $1.250 fc1 E i kfi fcil ' At 0rCfttIy Educed Prices. ' . . . w- - i f r p r Mw....v ...... . n " I Ma17)m.aaJZ JA receipt of the , JflM-. M M t.tisWt KytM 17 YSjUMI SB INCORPORATED J New Arrivals Wo nro Just In newest effects in LACE DUTCH YOKES, PJHNCKSS HANDKERCHIEFS. Footwear For Fall and Winter The nobbiest and finest assort ment of rood shoes in this city. All the newoct styles In all wanted sles and widths. n I $3 to $5 ICITY NEWS I X A Collection of Important Par- X J ngrapliH for Your Consideration J -HhH--H--MHh4HH-4-fr 1 I I I 1-H- Vtwt Oud Hall Now subjects dally. ThoA Who Have Used It tho longost praiso it tho most Cleveland's Unking Powdwr. 1 0-7-1 in Saturday Normal Classes moot ovory Saturdny until February oxamlnatlons. Classes for stato papora lu foronoon. Llfo pnpora In nftornoon. Hookkooplng at 11 a. in. Addross .1. J, Krnps, Salem, Ore Ron. 1 0-22-1 wk vicinity of linker City, from which 'getting and keeping tho street cleared FROM THE FAR ROfll'E. MitKonw, Attention Tho membera plnco comcB reports of dlseaBod horses. Mr. Ivorlnek is working very hard to exterminate all Infectious discnsoH among tho domestic nnlmnls In the state, and Is succeeding. Ileinember Cleveland's linking Powdor, in 3-Ib cans, only cost $1.00, and fi-lb can J1.C5. Roth .thoso cans havo tho motnl hcndlo under tho rogular cover. Thoy aro useful when emp ty. 1 0-7-1 m Dr. Frank II. Crow Dead E. C. Cross recolvod a cnblegram thin morning from Panama that his brother, Dr. Frank 11. Ciorh. died thero tills morning. No particulars wero received. Ho loavcB a brother, 13. C. Cross and a half-slstor, Mrs. .7. O'Donald. of Salem, nnd a Bister, Mrs. .7. T. Wilson, of Earlsvlllo. 111.. and two half-brothors, William Cross or Portland, nnd James I. Cross, of Tacomn, Washington. Iln front of tho workmen. Mr. Ma.'- tln's latest trouble was brought to children Sent (o C'henuiwu and P.i tho notice of tho authorities thly morning when it was found that two large catch-basins on High and Court streets havo novor been connected with tho sowers, nnd not oven a drop pipo had over been put In loading to tho sower from thoso two bnslns. Thoso catch pools will havo to be dug rmt nml tlin nrnnnr pminnriHntiti tntwlri linfnrn tint utront pirn lif Imtirnvnil. I '""" ui rents to Salem. bwsm of Sn- If Rullt of Wood A, M. Hansen can mnko It nt his loin Lodgo. No. I.niul 8ft"h !ln(l (,oor factory, Mill nnd ,lncino Lodgo, No.no. c'nurcl1 Htroets. will moot In tho Ma-1 sonic hall Friday, Oc- Drought to Pmlteiitlary tober 2 1. at 2 o'clock Donuty Sheriff Rlnkoloy. of Umn- i). m. for the nuiHn nt tilln county, arrived IiihL ovuiiIul- of conducting tho funornl of our lato from Pendleton, having In oustodv brother, P. L. ICondlg, a membor of Hoy II. Connoll, who was convicted iri'MiminHr Lodge. No. IS. of Or. of larceny from a dwo 1 nc. and son Mr. Frank Wlllmnn, who spent tho fiiinini'r at Weddorbnrn for re cuporatlon and pleasure, stnrted tho morning of the 3d for his home In Snlcm, a'companlcd by his son, Frnnk, nn I Miss Ida Broom nnd all children, excepting Dean, four whom will f!ie the lT. S. I ndl- an schoo nt Chemawa, whllo Mrs. Broom and daughter, Annie, will llvo nt Salem, w'.wvu, .'. Intervals, she will be allowed to visit tho young sters, that Is, If well-laid plans do not fall. Mr. Wlllmnn hns mndo many friends while hero." It wns through his effort and ncqunlntanco with Aslf Pnwt.ei.wlmi nf I'lnnoil v '"" n,," nnuimuiu ill Oliunmwil mill "M"1 I OSseSSlOII or IlOpeitJ , w , l,ll,linn wlini nintlmi. H. W. Harding vs. C. P. Van Allen ;y "."". . " ." ,;Vi"., .'.T.V.' ' la tl.n Ihln n .. ol .l,ll, I, 1, 1 "' """" " " IUIU-UIUUII JIHIIIIII, iu mi; iiiiu ji iv oiiiv iv (iivu 1110 ws 1 filed In department N lion county circuit con 1 J-bf Illftt n t.4 milt ! fnH Ht Ih m I KOtlN ' "i i'i;rv nun Mil mint, ihimi.- nfinfi liVnQ . i,..o i. ,:..i.;J.i .... V1.T.1JM A description of tho institution fondant by Mr. Hnrdlug. Tho prop Tho fact that thero was no connec tion with tho sower caused tho gut ters at tho corner of Hlght and Court streets to overllow last winter, but tho truo cause wmt not lonrncd until today. Tho manholes along Court street hnvo been built up several i Inches In ordor to conform with tho! grudo of tho Improved Btreot. No i of tho Ala 'm ,mvo th0 "'ivantnges of that n: ort to irnln nosl fitlttlo- 'l w '"or of love, and "Vnin'rjiw"! :8t In ilttlng tho children for erty in quostlon consists of two cown, a calf, sovon hogs, CO chickens, 14 bushels of wlnnt and a cultivator, which property tho complaint m!h forth is retained on the Duckuer plnco, nenr Sllvorton. Tho plaintiff claims that ho purchased tho ani mals nnd nrticlos nnmod with a -10 knloosa, Iowa. Funeral frotji Vlrt tonced to servo throo years in tho'acro tract of land from Van Allon oni etimo ngo, but thnt Van Allon has rofiiBQ dto give him pososslon oJJ thorn. Hnptlst church and Interment In Ol'v 'ponltontlnry. and Charles nnlllnunr. Vlow ceinotcry. Visiting nnd no--who was sentenced to servo ono yonr Joumlng hrothron invltod to meet in tho ponltontlnry for larcony, Tho wun us. unuor prisoner Is nil ox-uonvlot. Mr. - illakeIoy loft thla morning for .i.m....i 111 i,vi.i iirriSr0;ftWSrim W,m .V"1! r0,"i u'-- M- Prvln, the music teach- atIV08 bOforo returning tO Ills llOmO V ml nn.nnn.r nntW !nrA.I nn I-. -.... .v.. .WW..... W It Maki'N a Diirii'iiicc It makes n dlrforonrw which school you nttend. It will pay to attend a school thnt is well established In tho bUHlnens community one Hint Is known for Its thorough work. Tho Capital RiihIdohb College, of Salem, la such a school. It has strong courses, modern equipment, nnd con scientious toaehors who take a pr honal Interest In tho wolfaro of each pupil. Class nnd individual Instruc tion. Let us sond you a ootnlogus. When Yon Want lu Enstnrn Oregon. The Sennit Ion Tho Plantation Hop, with tho Poi sum dnttuo. Armory, Tliursdny ovon Ing, Ootobor 24, 1907. 10-22-3t Gone Into Pigeon Dullness T. L. Poujado, tho woll-known asylum attendunt nnd musician, re cently iiurolinscd a line lot of pigeons which ho will raiio for tho market. Ho in bi'illdlnt a lamo dIkooii boimp. Good baking powdr ask your aro-'which, when completed, will hnvo cor for riovoliiiurs. Don't Rllow him lloor spnoo of I3xt0 feet, and will be to glvo you njjy olher brand. ono of the most complete bird houses 10-7-lm ; in the city. Mr. Poujudo lias ovor '100 bird at present, somo of which Glundetvd llotes Killed ,werg purclmsed In the East r Stall Veterinary Surgeon CUHrl" Koriiick returniHl lust woek from Josephine county, whore ha found a auvorusomont in me "Btudo," a musical paper, for his latest com position, "Tho Half Has Never Been Told," nnd to his surprise an order has boon received from nn old-time friend nnd pupil, of whom he had lost all traco since inc coming Wet many yoars ago. Tho fjiond Is now will bo of Interest to all those who enro for tho betterment of tho hu man race. I Chemnwa Is located about flvo miles north of Salem, was ostnbllshod In 1SS0, hns a capacity of COO pupils, and has a forco of ovor 40 teachers and employes. Tho literary instruc tion covers branches taught in gram mar schools, 'and industrial training to hoys Is glvon In farming, dairying, gardening, cnrpontorlng, wngonmak Ing, blneksmlthlng. tailoring, print ing, plumbing, baking, steam nnd oloctrlcnl engineering. Tho girls, first of all, are taught to ho good housekeepers nnd home mukor, to which Is added special In struction lu drossmnklng, tnHo-lng and nursing. Tho literary and in dustrial departments aio equipped with modern npplinnceg for the in struction of the pupils and in per forming tho work of tho school. Tho numorous young Indian men wno nave leu scnooi and are now a prominent toacher and composer df lending uoful lives throughout tho tho I-:ast, nnd was very glad to hear Northwest as farmers, blacksmiths, of the man who gave him his tlrt In- mill imn. taller, engineers, eloc splratlon to ho a musician. itrlelnns and laborers. demanstraJa tho value value of tho institution to tb,o commonwealth of Oregon and I ho Northwost country. In arousing the dormant traits of a sturdy rnro to their former seal and directing them to channels of good citizenship. Wadderburn Radium. RINK Wll.li OPEN SATURDAY. Auditorium Remodeled Rund covii Dullt and Everything Ready for Opening. Al- Skating, the king of winter nports. swept the country last season, and i Street ConuuNslonei' Huv Street Commlitalnnor Marl hi lu mi a number of horsM badly HMlltxtfd with of tho lumiow men in town sinra the run on the liule rollers nrotulaes glnmltiM. which animal were vervlth paving bulneM hns begun the ! to be more popular aud fascinating luunanelv killed. Tho doctor left! work has ben uusheil at such .than ever this year. The Auditorium last cwmiIiik for a wek' visit In the pace that it keeps several men busv roUor r,uk " rll" heen re Don't Go It Blind! modeled aud put Rev. DornV Sermon. Iast night at the First Christian church Evangelist Dorris dellvereil. perhaps, the strongest of his series of sormons since his coining. Typos and Shadows" was his theme UMI .Many people do, when they are buying shoes. Some go tuto the first shoe store they oouie to and take most any pair of show the salesman sa,s "nt." on a par in every. o.i !, m.i Ti.,.t n.i .u ... il'OSIIMrt wltli tk. mntt in.larn vlnba r . . "- w "? ll n.ii. ::.7 .:. .m r,"e' LV.1"i c?n,rMie " aiusted so as to MV V" TTMi. T." I" '." " , ",ur: now the relatlou of one to unj uo Mivumi iu (iuu iiikuj luvers Ul gj TllOlO WllO i in- iii in iiiiu eii). . i lie nsuil tniid. which formerly occupied the oth were present wero moro than delighted with this nhase H Ittf 1 A tllAftl m . u ..k. ..1. 1 !J?.0! - "I l.vo never hrd his V.T. " Tile i...... i . 'I r i.. ;" " r ..r !lnco or .Moses and Christ ;"i'" '" " u-v i.mii OTer.jemja,! that the .. r.MiT WW v vnst viits i tuc iiiiiL liiml AHiif oitil n 1 kn tl. ..l . " iiiiiimaaianKaj. ! m 1 n r r Condon where Miss Edna Pohle friends in Sllvorton. Ml Winnie Byrd whs anions the Porth'.nd-bound passengers this morn lug. , E. T. Andrews left last ovanin-; for Portland, where ho will visit Mendi. Mrs. Anna Pnrkor left yosterdav 'u. Poniard whore she will visit fo. a few days. Mrs. .1. D. Dinsniore and son left this morning for a week's visit in I.ons. J. A. Shaw, uftor transacting business In this city, haj returned to hl home In Mill City. .7. H. Hampton, who has been In the city on business, left todny fo his homo ih Jefferson. Miss Anna Ooetz, nfter a visit In this city, has returned to her home In Aurora. J. G. Wright, and R. B. Goodl'i wero among those who wont to Port land on business todny. C. II. Miller, of Sonttle, loft last evening for a vls't In Portland, nfter visiting friends in this city. Mrs. William Tnrploy, after visit ing rolatlvos In thh city loft Inst evening for her homo In Portland. Mn. S. P. Dnvls, who has been the guest of friends and rolntlves in Salem, has returned to her homo In lnr(irnn Pltv Mrs. M. A. Ronshaw, after visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Luther Rowlnnd, of this city, loft todny for her home in Seattle. Miss Lqiilso DuBoIse, who has been visiting Mis Ednn McFarlane. has returned to her home in Woodburn. Professor nnd Mrs. W. E. McElroy nnd Mrs. G. W. Johnson, Jr., left this morning for a short visit in Portlnnd. Miss Carollno Brndshaw, who has been visiting Mrs. E. T. Bnmos for the pnst two weeks, loft Inst ovon ing for Denvor, whoro she will spond tho winter. Mis Ethol Frnzor, who has been visiting Mrs. Abnor Iewis, loft last evonlng for Portlnnd enrouto to her homo In San Frnncisco. Cooke Patton loft last ovonlng for Portlnnd to purchnso lonthor stock for tho manufacture of loather po tnls to ho sold In tho postal card store of this city. Wlnnlo "Reed, formerly of thla city, now of Spokane, nfter a short vl-lt hero left last ovoiiIiik for Port lnnd. Ho will lonvo Boon for south-, orn California on business. Mrs. S. L. Wnrnor, who hns been, visiting In' tho city, hns returned to I her homo in Blnger, Washington., bho rocontly returned from a visit to Cnllfornln. Prosldent Kerr, of tho Orogon Ag ricultural Colloge. who dollvorod nu address before tho Womon'a Con gress, nt tho stato house, yosterdav, left last evening for Oregon City on business. Paul Kloppln, the proprietor of tho Orogon Search Light, which will ho printed nt No. 17 Commorclnl stroet, In this city, loft this morning for Turner on burinoss. Chnrles Evans, tho woll-known harbor, left this morning for thn mountains nonr Sllvorton, whero ho will sp-nJ n wook. Ho Is nrmod to tho tooth and will return with as many bonrs nnd other "varmints" as mny stray across his path. P. J. Hondor, of Enstorn Washing ton, nrrlvod in tho city this morn ing, to rosldo horo. Ho is a brother of Mrs. W. T. ZInn. of Salem. Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Brown apd daughter. Miss Florence, who havo been visiting with Air. nnd Mrs. B. P. Taylor, returned today to their homo in Scio. Mrs. Taylor is a sister of Mrs. Brown. F. T. Judd. of Turner, was in the city this morning on business. He will leavo this evening for Portland to attend a mooting of the State Dairy Association. Marion Looney, of Jefferson is down today with a bunch of cows and htlfer to be shipped to Bend Oregon, sold to Brown & Brown, of that place. All "nt Kuarar.,. . ---" 4 CHAS. H. Hlf 123 JjCfllllllff .To...... 8 "lvicr n,i n., - V( Commercial sto on This strut GRAND JURY Court nitln...... ... Hllllto; 4 "-'."?!?. '"MS ""-jvv ij ii iiMiinniiii. ., , bnlllff n.oi.i "'.." I grand 1,T r7uB,.lD-!,"Wt ten,io,i ;;;..". 'u"acr: :,,' vi''i i! Denet'rK the tnrv nfj ii. ..s.rW ,. , ' v'7yi iue aiunct i dccllltlliK to draw nn ST1,.1 as has been tho cnttoa bbl past. The report hu So tu3 -,. . '" "mil Ul BOinjtOfa I) mm HILLr-At tho tho mtIid uy, uctooer Z3, 190: Hill, aged 70 years. The funeral service i-i ment took nlnce at L w etery this afternoon at 1 ft MONEY TO L( THOU I Over Ladd & Bufh'j Bl,Fi: Norwich Union Fife Insurance! Frank Meredith, ItldtJ Offlco with Wm. Broutfj,! 29 Commercial street NEW TODffl Farm for Rent. For uti i Salem: 150 acre, 100 km i cultivation. For pirUtais Dorbv & Wlllson 10-:J mmm " For Sale Several houieilsi and farm 'ands at a bupiC ital National D3nk, F Ist in or about the pesewj Hat, brown purse, conu.L:ji $5 In money and a tri Pindor nleaso leave at Jew flee and receive BultaWe V.. lY'im nil--. a ladv to work ' atnr,a-a .irni tor. A WW of the business not ewtfjM lly at once. ir' i,..... .. ci(vf)r wouM tfi ""'", ,v' '::., vo!ti W8-. "":. X..IIIIT intrciat biwi - u-5-S'l For Sale One-ywr-old Ma blackberry plan's. ' apiece, or hi h - .:i Bex o. jwiw. - Hcwaru-i-ut.. ",..ww. iniorn.ai""rr-7,rfB.Vft pry oi a i n1 North llisn s. - v- nlKht. uciouiT " v - fi7. R N. Kiwi North iimh JJi.JWa jrr.h sv.r w were o most listless could Othor shoo buyers ara attrticteil by tho price. This Is folly. alone. Tho safo buyer will come hor and bo correctly tlttod with host shoos, pay a fair prlco, nd be happy over afterwards. Shoos for Mou, for Woman, for Children, for everybody. Satisfaction aud shoos go iu the same package here. Oregon Shoe Co. THC HOME Of GOOD SHOES the mi. nT b". ;: wszz.rrx. m&wz"! ." '"'- - .nece-sary Inst kmimi. The bell al- vl0HB evening, and there was evl ,cove Is plastered, and will serve as a ,j.ut ft more Intense interasi than jsonnding Uoard ior the band ia.tru- Jj ! fm SJJ" tSS the ",,b ,?rn!l!';hiir lMS U Pn,J.ot will bo "The Place5and Power .from the cold. ot , ovo ,n Rodomption." Fridav ev- I The floor Is be g gone over with ,, tho gullJct m bt ..p. "n sandnaper. and will b in fine condi-Hn3 toon suggeste.1 that overcoats lion by Saturday. The management '.a wrapi w,f,Bnol b neitsSry Sit of the rink has employed competent ovenlnc - mm jtMktructorv, who will bu in uniform i Zi n and on tho floor at all sessions. tor , .. ,, ! preserve onler and assist the begin-, M"T"RiV .!! " i imv .vii.u. i..b iiuiti(,a iieensea iters. Th a-i.i,m.i iqo7 .u m-i i wore issuca umuu t ugde. asod 20. low ball-boarlng skatos will be used. "yP").0110'16,;,"6011 20- DOth ., i ...,.. i ......, . -. ...i.. . or at. I aul. L. J. I'lllAtr niimwi been employed to adjust and repair HnP- ?CHA' of ,ttSWU conty them. Tho rink will be conduced asa,gKl " ,nnd R? Xa,'nce- ot Xfa in tVo. past, and will be a flrst-clas , S0?!"' flu ' Wood aad nlnre nf nimiSriinont tnr In.tl&o u,l J- OOa WuneSSOS. Kontlemen. Tho mauncement wi'i not pormlt any Intoxlcatine llnuora O Jk. M 1 O Xt. 3C j. being brought In tho building, and BMrctt -y1U Rad YktHjw Uiz Btegtt rrvo wio riRni to reiuso admit tance to any objectlouablo persons. .GRAPES 0 Fof Canning 3c Pet Pon4 If yon Intend to can any grapes as we will have a nice lot of fcome at a very low price. mw" . Tr, JJJW" MOIR GROCERY CO. 456 b- Phone it2 wj&t-m