Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 22, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Sensational Sale
of Black Coats
Romarkablo vnluc-glvlng salo
of (leslrablo nnd now stylo coats
just as tho BcnBon for coats 1b be
ginning. You can't afford to over
look this grand salo In which yon
can own n new style coat and save
a great deal in tho transaction.
Materials are Kersoy, Melton,
Broadcloth nnd Chiffon Broad
cloths in a great variety of Btyles,
workmanship is of the best nnd
tho value n3 the original prices
nro without doubt tho bdst you
will bo nblo to find in this city.
Here's tho way they arc being
$30.00 values (4 Q Qt
Special 4 "OJ
$25.00 values A (2 Qfif
Special -P U.03
$20.00 values ti f QC
Special -P TTtOJ
$15.00 vnlues (J Q Qfi
Special M OJ
$10.00 values ft- (2 OT
Special 4 O.OJ
$7.50 vnlucB (t A AC
Special Hr.ZJ
New Shoes
Wednesday Only
Our 355th Wednesday Bargain Sale
For our next Mid-week Special we offer our line of
Entirely new designs and shapes consisting of Nappies, Pitchers
Bonis, Glasses, Violet Holders, Olive Trays, etc. These represent the
greatest bargain in suitable articles as Holiday, Birthday or Wed
ding Gifts. 'Twold bo to your advantogo to anticipate your holiday
gifts and buy at this time. Chooso from the entiro lino at
Nono sold until 8:30 a. m , Wednesday. No phone orders.
Silk Petticoats ,
Choose from tho entire stock of
black and colored silk petticoats
as follews:
$10.00 valuos
$7.50 valuos
Special. . ,
Now footwear for
women now ready.
men nnd
$8.50 values
Special. . . ,
$ 6.38
$11.50 valuos
Spacial. . . .
$12.50 valuos
$13.50 values
$14.00 values
$15.00 values
Special. . . .
Dress Goods
All the season's newest show
ing in swell plaids nt big reduc
tions. Tho largest" showing, tho best
styles, the highest quality, all
now makes this banner sale of the
year. Early choosers get the
choicest of tho entiro lot bo
m m m HH pb. II II H I I H I I 1 1 I I 1 1 II I M H
Sale :i PtKMJNAU :
I fr-H-f fr-M-fr I IlllHlllllin I -He
50c nnd 05c
jod.J I leueAA
6 A
85c and 91.00
Special . . . .
fll.2." and J?l."i()
$1.(15 and $1.75
N. B. Neal Is transacting business
in Albany.
Wayne Waters is in Albany on
W. A. Foster left this morning
for Albany on business.
S. D. Cnttorlln wont to Portland
last evening.
A. Lehasky left last evening for u
business trip to Seattle.
E, J. Sauter left thjs morning for
Portland on business.
Fred Erlxon, tho contractor, went
Portland tins morning
Beauty pjns
Broodies c
' w PllJ i
Crosses, km . m
- wi w
' CKCts.alloith,
n .1t
"i. uesign and
Some bpnittlfui
nm sure on v
I! mint. T -. .
..io OCKCtS,
"u,Bei rt'IVJ
Mrs. M. Milos is the guest of .ns you Fee them
fnli-n1rt In T)if1rm.l I
Mrs. Joe Keeso went to Portland I rel'n,rlnS has my peri0nal I
yi-iit'iiiny iu visit iiiL-uiia. ..
appreciate i
Watch in 21
Aberdeen Plaids
Medium and dark shades, very
serviceable suitings
3 1 inches wide
tho yard
I I I I I 1 I t I I I t I Hill HI III
X A Collection of Important Par- J
T ngrapliH for Your Consideration J
HI 81 I il lllllll III lllllll-
Iot Cunl Hall
Now subjects dolly.
to ""
Thowj Who'Havo
Used it tho longest praiso it tho
most Clovoland'B Baking Powdt-r.
riniitutliiii Hop-
Tho danco committee of Company
M, O. N, Q., lias mado arrangement
to glvo a plantation danco iu tho
armory Thursday uvonlng October
24, and judging from tho enthusiasm
with which tho committee is work
ing tho affair will ho ono of tho most
enjoyable events of tho seaBon. Tho
boys hnvo prepared something very
unlquo l tho way of decorations
which thoy wish to presont as a sur
prise to tuoso who attend tho hop.
Tho decoratloiiB will be elaborate
nnd the surroundings will bo mado
to harmonize with tho military char
actor of tho hop. Invitations are bo
lug given out by tho commlttco at
room IN in tho Ladd and Hush build
lug. Phono Main 151.
ICulppcr V8. Fisher
In tho suit of E. C. Knippor vs. D.
W. FlBhor, ovor a donkey engine,
which was tho property of Messrs
Knlppcr and Fisher when thoy woru
partners In tho sawmill near Brooka,
tho plaintiff, through his attorney,
yestordny oftornoon took n volun
tary non-suit, In order that he may
bring action in another form.
Hill llros.
For tho Post-Dispatch 5-cont qual
ity cigar.
Wants a Divorce
George Grlswold this morning, In
department No. 2 of tho circuit
court, commenced dlvorco proccod
IngH against May Hollo Grlswold on
tho grounds of dcHortlon. Tho par
ties wore married Fobruary 18,
11105, and on April 12, 1905, tho
complaint sets forth, tho defendant
wilfully deserted and abandoned tho
lCant Slnto Street Grocery
For tho Post-Dispatch 5-cont quol
Ity cigar.
A Plantation Hop
Tho foremost and leading attrac
tion of tho season will bo given by
tho energetic social committco of
Company M, O. N. G Thursday ev
ening, Octobor 24, at tho armory.
Tho commlttco Is putting forth ev
ery effort to mako this ovont ono to
bo remembered, both as to Its unique
homo farm south of tho city. Clif
ford Elgin, who wns recently mar
ried, Is also going with his wife to
resldo thore. His sister, Emma El
gin, tho young woman who was treed
by n bear right near hor cabin last
summer, also lives there, and it will
bo n regular Elgin neighborhood.
"Undo Jimmy," tho father of them
nil, has moved Into the city, and will
probably bo run for nldorman in tho
seventh ward, If John Bnyno decides
that ho tloos not want tho Demo
cratic nomination. In tho Sllotz
party Mr. Baldwin is a flrstrato car-j
pouter, and will erect bouio lino cot
tages for other families of young
(Continued from pngo ono.)
and original decorations and special
Wlion You Want-- i attractions. Tho name will Bpoak
Good baking powder ask your gro-1 volumes in its origlnalltlos. This
cor for Clovoland'B. Don't nllow him one of tho Horlcs Is to bo tho "Plan
to glvo you any other brand. tatlon Hop." Tho decorations and
10-7-lm surroundings will bo in harmony
.with tho nnmo, so hold yourself In
W. A. Irvln Co.
Tho wldo-awako grocers, carry the
rolebraled Post-Dispatch 5-cont cigar
A Wine. Dwlnhm
a dukiuush man jh in railing
health. Ho lias a son 17 years of
ago, who must manage tho luminous
for him when tho father Is no longer
nblo to attond to It. Tho on lnchs.
two yearn of completing IiIh high1
Bchool courHO, He Is taken from
high school and begins a course of
study nt the Capital BuslnoHs Col
lege, of Snlom. Orogou. Who will
sny his father is not vlso7 No ono.
Tho training rocotvod at tho Capital
Business College will lit tho Hon to
carry on tho fathor's buslnoss. The
high school training would not. If
you would like to know moro about
what wo are doing for young pooplu,
Bend for catalogue.
The Sensation
Tim Plantation Hop. with the Po.
Bum dance Armory, Thursday evon
Ing, October 24, ll07. 10-22-3t
roadlnoKH for tho "Possum Danco."J
For Invitations apply to commlttoo,
room 18, Ladd & Bush building.
Phono Main 451. Tickets on salo at
Pattou Bros.' and Burghnrdt'B book
Dane's Grocery
South Salem. cnrrlas tho colobrnted
Post-Dispatch 5-cont olgar.
llttmtl of Trade Meeting
The regular mooting of tho Salem
Board of Trade will bo hold at tho
board rooniB at 8 o'clock Wednesday
ovenlng, thU week. Important mnt
tera are to bo brought up, and every
member of tho board is Invltod to be
Going to Sllety
George M. Elgin, W. II. Elgin and
L. H. Baldwin leave today for tholr
homostondB In the Sllotz country,
and will rosldo there until thoy prove
up and socure tholr tltloe. They have
been In Salem for the past mouth,
selling off their property on the old
Don't Go It Blind!
Many pooplo do, whou thoy aro buying shoos.
Somo go Into the first shoe store they come to and take moat
any pair of shoes tho salesman says "tit."
married peoplo, who nro going to tho
Sllotz to live. Tho Solomltes Invito
all tholr friends whon straying In
that neck of tho woods to stop and
cot bear meat with them.
Hnwley Goes to Ynqulna
Congressman Hawley loft this
morning for To'edo nnd Newport to
Invcsttgnto tho harbor resources of
Yaqulna bny. Tho business men of
Newport will probably hold a moot
ing whllo Mr. Hnwloy Is In their
city, to presont tholr needs, nnd dem
onstrate that at a littlo oxponso a
sutllclont depth of water can bo ob
tained In the harbor for coast steam
ers to enter tho bay with safety. Ed.
Sullivan, ono of Newport's promi
nent citizens, In speaking to a Jour
nal roportcr this morning, said tho
Btoamer "I.eggott," n few months ago
proved that at present thero Is Biif
llclent depth lu tho harbor for many
of tho coast vessels. Tho Lcggett Is
n boat drawing 15 foot of water nnd
ovor 200 feet long. During this last
suirimor tho boat entered Ynqulna
hnrbor, proceeded to Ynqulna, whero
1,000,000 feet of lumber waB taken
aboard, and tho steamer had no dif
ficulty In getting out ovor tho bar
with hor cargo.
Clovolnnd'o Baking Powder. In
3-lb cans, only cost $1.00, and 5-lb
can $1,65. Both these cans hnvo
tho motol hcndlo under tho regular
covor. Thoy nro useful whon emp
ty. 10-7-lm
Thete is Not
Your money back If you are
. . not satisfied that
:; Folge's Golden
' Gate Coffee
Other hoo buyers nro attracted by tho prlco,
ThU Is folly.
Tho snfo buyer will come hero and bo oorrOQtly lit tod with
best shoos, pay a fulr prlco, and bo happy ovor aftorwnrds.
Shooa for Mon, for Women, for Ohlldrwi, for ovorybody.
Satisfaction and shoes go lu tho samo package hero.
claim it to be.
using it; why
Is what we
Hundreds aro
flmi't xnn0
Fold lu one. two and a half I
ana ue-pouna tins
J Get In Line
. -,
Oregon Shoe Co,
"o have another shipment
of thoae tine MUtletoe Hams.
Tin y are small ones. Made
from joung, cholco hog. Also
Mistletoe bacon, pure leaf lard
Wo chuerfully refund your
money if theso goods are not
the best that are on :lie mar
ket Our dellcaiosson deportment
lui" all tho good things that
nre needed for a good table.
Don't overlook tho fact that
party orders are right in out
line. Wo mako auythlug to
your order.
Upon arrival of tho morning train
the address of welcome on bohalf of
the Salem Woman's Club was deliv
ered by President Perry Raymond.
President Evans responded In a fit
ting manner ,nnd Introduced Mrs.
Dunlwny, who was greeted with np
plausc. Among tho Salem women present
at tho session today wore Mrs. Cnl
brcath, Mrs. Stockton, Mrs. Monroe.
.Mrs. Stlnson, Mrs. Klmbnll and Mrs.
MIsb Holen E. Colvln, Miss Chrls
Blo Clnrk, Miss Margaret Myers and
Miss Agnes Stlnson nro ushers.
Communications wore road from
tho California federation; from Mrs.
Wade, first president of tho Orogou
federatien: from tho nntlonnl feder
President nnnounced as commit
tee on rules: Mrs. Ilogue, of Forest
Grove; Mrs. Hoyt, of Portland, nnd
Airs, van acoy, or Eugene. Ad
journed. The Afternoon Program.
Following are important fea
tures this aftornoon nnd evening:
President's address.
Report of standing committees.
Discussion of commlttco reports.
"Library Extension," Miss Mar
vin. Becrotnry State Library Commis
"Household Economics," Mrs.
Louis Lovlngor.
"Land Mnrks," Mrs. Lord.
"Chautauqua," Mrs. U'Ren.
"Legislative," Mrs. C. C. Chapman.
"Club Extension," Mrs. James A.
"Irrigation," MrB. A. King Wilson.
"Reciprocity," Mrs. J. c. Prltch
nrd. "Civics," Mrs. Turner Olivor.
"Industrial," Mrs. Millie Trumbull
"Press," Mrs. Morwln Pugh.
"Pure Food," Mrs. Ellen R. Mil
lor. Evening.
Reception to ofilcers and dele
gates, hall of roprosontatlves.
Wednesday 9:30 a. m. Call to
uiuc-r. vmorica." Roadlng of
iniuuios. unnnisiied businoss. 10:00
Roports of dubs (fivo mlnutos
each). 11:30 Discussion of loan
luna. Announcements. 12:00 Ad-
I Aftornoon 1:30 Conference of
'presidents. 2:00 Roport of ros
. . lutlons commlttoo. 2:25 Vocal boIo
;;i"Lovo's Way" (Mary Holon Brown)'
...... . v-u.uuu amiin. Education
al afternoon TonLv "Tiia r,i.,
4?.nn 2:30--''industrlal Educa
I tlon," Dr. W. J, Kerr, nreslriont n.
gon Agricultural college "'Sr)
"Public School Education." Profe-s-sor
Ackerman. superintendent i.f
public inatrtictlon, Oregon 310--"Splrltual
Education." Dr. Coleman
prosldont Wlllnmetto nnivflritv
t1?;25"""1"81 thQ Co-'g Citizen; '
1 1 Dr. Chapman. Portland. 3:50 Gon-
,oral discussion. 4:20 introduction
.of resolutions. AnnonniomUn.c
..J Adjournment. 4:30 visit to the
, rooms of thetstato library commis
sion. Miss Cornelia Marvin, hostess
Kvoning S:00 Chorus, "Oh
Hail Us, Le Froo" (Vordl) Philhar
monic society. Piano solos, selected
Professor Arthur von .lwcnn ii
solo, "Song of Hybrlas." Professor
R. A. Horltago. S: 30 Lecture bv
Mr Eno A. Mills, of the United
Stntos forestry bureau. In appre
ciation of ihe work done by the club
women of the country for forestry
tho Unltod Statoa foretrv bureau
has put tho servlcos of Mr. Mills its
most distinguished lecturer, at the
dlSDOSUl of tho tnraatrv o..i..
;;.of the general federation for a lira-
i A i u ir- M,U8 cos from
Ex-Mnyor Frank Waters left this
morning for Albany on buslnos.
S. A. Mels went to Portlnnd yes
terday where ho wl.ll visit relatives.
Mrs. Louisa McKlnney, who hn3
been vhltlng relatives In Salem, has
roturned to hor home In Hubbard.
Mrs. II. Miller went to Portlnnd
last evening to visit friends for a
few days.
Mrs. W. T. Proctor, who has been
visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Price,
has returned to her homo in Eugene.
C. Krntz, nn asylum attendant,
left this morning for Albany to tnke
charge of a patient.
Miss Isn McNeil, of Aumsvllle. has
returned to her homo, after a short
visit In this city.
Mrs. Harvey Newell loft last even
ing for her home in Portland, after
a short visit In this city,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Max O. Buren wont
to Portland this morning for n short
Mrs. Daisy Fulkorton, of Seaside,
Is visiting hor sister, Mrs. A. W.
Prescott, of this city.
Mrs. C. H. Pickett, who has boon
visiting relatives in this city, has re
turned to her homo In Springfield. ,
Mrs. A. Leslie, who has been vis
iting relatives In this city, loft this
morning for hor homo In OBwego.
Mrs. M. B. Blgham who has boon
visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Wymer,
has returned to her homo in Oregon
Mr and Mrs. S. G. Roper, their
daughter, MIsb Stella, nnd Miss
Walker, loft yesterday for a visit In
Mrs. Hnwloy, of tho Bolknap set
tlement In Denton county, arrived
Inst evening to visit her son, Hon.
W. C. Hnwloy.
Mrs. A. E. Dickson after visiting
her brother, J. E. ZInn and wife, hns
returned to her homo in Pomoroy,
Mrs. G. Schnum nnd slstor-ln-lnw,
Mrs. L. Howo, left today for Port
land, whore they will spend two
weeks visiting relatives and friends.
Prof. F. E. Nowborry loft this
morning for Woodburn. He will
probably organlzo a class in piano
forto in the "Qucon City."
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Darby, vof tho
Waldo Hills, loft this morning for
La Grnnde, whore they will spend tho
Ed. Sulllvnn. n prominent business
mon of Newport, who has been in tho
"ft'Vrk guaranteed
AS. H. HlNi
Lending jCwclcr 4nd
Commercial ,.. ?
Ono on tm. m-... "m
-" oireet. il
DANIEL. At , ,...
on High street nrT,,
Salem Oregon, Ste
21, 1907, at 3 35 0to?
Samuel McClellan Dat ffii!
years, g monthg d
.. mitjuiing mnesj.
nil. nnmnic nn. i- '
Linn county, May u uti S 1
spent tho greater pirt'Sll
"fe. In IS 85 he married sSS
cently. ho cornliiei . .
business. Mr. Danloi n. T
iw. , ."
m aueroi wceKS aKo In oric
o... ..." ucaiiu, uul ffre .
U'AnbflH ..Mill J..i. V
'v""i' " ueam came to
mm ui nis lone suffernr n.
nn actlvo worker In the CMJ
uuiuL'ii ui flionmoutn, Kitri li
i wiuo circio oi iriendi.
Besides his wife he !mm
children: Norma, Lwiii, uJ
Clarence and Edward, lid tjl
sister, Mrs. Mona BroKB, c m
ino iunorai services vtrerd
cd from tho First ChrliUia 6
of this city this afternoon ttl
o'clock by Itev. Albyn Eshj, i
vorton, and Rev. E C 1
pnsior or tno Monmouth O:
church. Interment In the Citi
Live Real IMntc Mnn la Ten-
Mr. V. Vincent JonM, of
Jncobs-Stlnc Real Estate Co, J
son building, Portland, It la tk
today, getting acquainted tKi
of our people. He reprattk
largest real estate iukit!(
on the coast, large); litaMl
Los Angeles. Ban Fru
Portland. In tho latter tltjtif
handling somo of tbe dm
nronert es. Dello Crest.
Berkeley and Dover. TWjsi
tics all havo 20-mlnnte otw
or better, and streets U!i
graded, with walks, curbs 4
building company ertra
city on business, has roturned to his, "' '?"Z ImlM
t X.J lo r Annnfinolnnnl AAm - , -
ness nt Salem Blnce nls imm m
home. Ho is n congressional com
mitteeman from district No. 1.
W. C. Hintzo, of Portlnnd, after
visiting his brothor-ln-lnw, William
Llljequlst, of this city, loft this
morning for Roseburg.
Suporlntendont James, of tho pen
itentiary, will return this evening
from Portland, whero ho hns been on
Mrs. Albert Mlllsnp, after visiting
her mother. Mrs. Watson, of this
rlty. and Salem frlonds, has returned
to her homo In Portland. Sho was
formerly Miss Hnlllo Watson, of Sa
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Gamble left
last ovenlng for Portlnnd. Mr.?.
Gnmblo will be tho guest of frlonds
In tho metropolis whllo her husband
makes a week's business trip In
Washington In tho Interest of tho
Western Electric & Manufacturing
lompany of this city. A branch
omco or tno company nas oeon esiuo
llshcd In Portland.
Interest In Portland real esufl
been growing all overtsl
tho number or investors im
Cnpltnl Cltv Is on the Itmi
Lawrence T. Mnrtiii Funeral
Members of Oregon Cedar Camp,
No. 5246, M. W. A., nro requested to
meet rtt tho Holmnn hall tomorrow
at 10:30 a. m. to a'ttend the burial
of our late neighbor, Lawrence J.
Martin. Tho services at tho grave
will be conducted by our camp. W.
W. Hill, V. C, F. A. Turner, clerk.
Saturday Normal
Classes meet every Saturday unui
Fobruary examinations. Classes for
stato papers In forenoon. Life papers
In afternoon Bookkeeping nt 11 a.
m. Address J. J, Kraps, Salem, Ore
gon 10-2 2-1 WK
Over Ladd & Bu?h'i BU
Norwich Union Fke
rnink Meredith. RJWJ
Office with Wo. Bfoak
29 Commercial street
Cow Wanted Must f1" fJ
ions per day and tw
-.. e.i- Oororil h0C'1
1'or rum uv.-. y
.., ... t.nda at a I?3,
. . .. i mnV.
Itai .Nauoai" "" i
Xotlce-Attentlon ., JJ
ini ncents. la tbeBl"J
to investow, pro-
r. i-ff:
corporation o--
Solid. "."'"-t,rWt
AInnutCt"XftlnrbT JJ
partKUiam j.jhj
Salem, urcs-
:: 40 State Sh Phoac36 :
..Colorado ospoclally to lecture at ths
-convention. Chorus, "Invitation to
. .itho Dance" (Voseli. Phnhnrmni.,
RMnlni.. ST. t M . UHtV
awitij. .uumc sor tne ovenlng fur-
wm11 hJ th0. coUese of musl? of
Willamette unlversltv.
rrSll r' last evening for
probably locate there.
Fo Canning
3c Pet Potm
If yotf Intend to can any gfajs
as we will have a nice lot of home
at a very low price.
wfriiTo iwnr.ERyC0'
r 'vi 456Sfclk
sr aoaK huxt