Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 21, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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$1 .25 Values For 98c
Look out, bewnrc of Jack Froat, ho Is a tyrant. In the dead of night
ho creeps in through the key hole or open window and stabs people In
the back. For 98c wo will sell you a Shield which is a posltlvo pro
tection. One shield Is largo enough to protect two porsons.
More New
Long Gloves
Another shipment of long
gloves camo yesterday. Our
glovo business has more
than doubled In the Inst few
JS) Price and Quality Did It
Velvet Grip
Hose Supporters
Evory 6tylo of the fam
ous velvet grip supporter
Is shown by us. The pad
front bolt supporters liko
this cut
23c a pair
Wo havo Just finished stocking away a big shipment of kerchiefs.
Wo think they nro wondorful values and wo know a good thing whon
wo sco it.
Ono hundred dozon to soil at 15c may
thoy won't last long with us becauso they
storoB' 2Gc kerchlofs.
seem liko a big lot.
aro actually equal to
ic Assortment
Linen, Lawn and dainty
Izcd In plain and fancy.
!5c Assortment
This lino compares with 50c
values. Tho patterns nro all now.
Different from ordinary kinds.
25c Assortment
Fifty dozon
ono is n gem.
In this lot and ovcry
75c Assortment
Extra high grndo linen kerchiefs,
embroldored French Plaids, otc.
Imported designs.
Colored ombrotdorod and trimmed
kerchiefs, values up to 75c roduced
to 25c
Ladies' Suits, Coats, Skirts
Reduced for This Week
Whon wo sny roduced wo moan cut tho prlco iu nn honest way.
Wo mean to glvo you tho garment for much loss than tho actual soiling
prlco. Don't buy until you havo soon our linos.
4i iii in tiiii
wad Opera House
U0LDE.V llltOS.
Big Scenic Sensation.
nver Express
" Acme of Stage RcUsm.
- oon powerful melodrama of
"'") A COUiDanv of iinnsiml
-50c. aT, ?r.
I Tuesday..) I
Box office
'l Wl to see
f New York
OCT 14.
Charlos Scott, children of Ilobort
Scott, decoascd, ulso Carl Thompson,
grandson of Robert Scott.
Governor Chamberlain Voted For the
Present Incumbent
Dr. R. E, L. Stelner, of this city,
has been appointed superintendent
of the state insane asylum, to suc
ceed Dr. J. P. Calbreath, tho present
Incumbent, who rotlres January I,
He was choaen today at a meeting
of tho State Asylum Board, on mo
tion of Secretary of State Donson,
seconded by Treasurer Steele. Gov
ernor Chamberlain voted for tho
present Incumbent.
Pictures. Two nor-
"ttwi each nBht.
1c and 20c
to tit
? ? Don't make
J ?
tt&te university.
none Co., aad
Don't mika
aid referea-
Receiver Apwlntel
Jesso Huber has ben appointed re
ceiver by Judge Burnett In the Isa
bel Simon vs. Charles D. Winkler
suit, to take charge of tho 122,000
pounds o. hops mentioned in mo
complaint, pending an order of the
court. His bond was fixed at $2500.
This suit is an action to hove 22,000
pounds of hons. which aro nom uy
tho defendant- Winkler, divided. The
nlaintlff. Isabel Simon, claims a one
fifth interest In tho hops and ask
that the court order them either sold
and the proceeds divided, in propor
tion to th einto ta of one-flftn and
four-flftha. or that the hons bo di
vided, giving the plalntl and the
defendant their respective Bhares.
Administrator Appointed.
John Scott has been appointed
administrator of the estate of Thos.
Scott, deceased. The personal prop
erty of th eatato is valued at $2000
aad the real property at $6000, The
local heir are John Scott, Jaa
Adams. Lvdla Scott. Ella Korb.
Named by Governor,
Mr3. E. B. Col welt was named ns
dologato to tho National Mothers'
Congress, to bo hold at Washington,
C, next March.
J, E. Lnthrop was namod as a dol
ogato to tho National Dralnago As
sociation, to be held in Baltimore in
Jit pan Preparing for War.
Now York, Oct. 21. Japan is
rushing munitions of war to homo
bases moro than at any tlmo slnco
tho Russian war. A day and night
shift aro working to supply Japan
with orders for matorlals. Tlioy aro
supplying Port Arthur with now ma
terial, and generally overhauling all
A marriage llcenso was this morn
Inir Issued to Clayton L. Ransom, of
Mill City, agod 26', aud Edith Laal-
guth, of Salen asod 2C, H. u. uan-
BOtn witness.
aj r ropuiarueAaam, uyaia. ecwv,
f tft the p, Brt ScoU, Jr., Haltar Soott aaij
Was in Jull
Fred Jarrett, who was arrested in
Tho Dalles recently, charged with
bolng implicated in tho blowing up
of the safe In Gervals. was this af
ternoo released at a preliminary
hearing before Justico Webster.
Jarrett proved beyond a doubt mat
ho was an Inmate of tho Orogon City
jail at tho tlmo.
Not Love Exactly.
Tess Mr. Hunter seems to bo In
love with Mlsa Hoamley-Rlch.
Jess Oh, I guess not.
Teas Well, I noticed he's pay
ing her marked attention.
jess Yes, dollar-marked atten
tion. Exchange.
41 111 H HWHH MIHH
Rev. WInang left today for Port
land on business.
R. D. Teter Is In Pnrtlnnrt no n
member of tho federal jury.
Airs. Joseph Bernardl has. returned
from a short visit In Portland.
Miss Bertha Rhodes spent Sunday
with friends in Woodburn.
Miss Eva Peterson spent Sunday
with friends In Marlon.
Carl Horron went to Newport to
day on business.
William Rlckmnn la visiting
friends and relatives In Jefferson.
Seld Beck, the Portland Chlneso
capitalist, is in the city on business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Howard aro tho
guests, of relatives in CorvnlHs.
Miss Addle Reed returned lns( ev
ening from Brooks, whero sho was
the guest of Miss Althea Jones.
Paul Jonej, of Brooks, Is taking a
course in the Capital Business Col
logo of this city.
Albert Schrolber, who has beon In
the city on business, has returned to
his home In Philomath.
MI39 Mlnnotta Mngors, the music
teacher, went to Portland this morn
ing. Mrs. A. L. Brown and daughter.
Miss Blanche, havo returned from
a threo-weeks' outing at Newport.
Mrs. J, T. Jones, after a Bhort vis
It In this city, loft this morning for
her homo In Jefferson.
Dr. Morse was among the Salcm
ltes who went to Portland Saturday
o veiling.
Mhs Ousslo Booth, or this city,
spent Sunday with relatives In Port
land. Mrs. Cooko Pntton and daughter
roturnod Ia3t ovonlng from Hubbard
whoro sho visited frlonds.
Mrs. Frank-Erlxbn wbr among tho
passengers laot ovonlng who ro
turnod from Portlnnd.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Wontworth loft
Sunday for a ton-week's' visit to rel
atives In Main and Massachusetts.
Charles Huddlojon, after spending
Sunday with rolatlvos In Woodburn,
has returned to his homo In this city.
Mrs. D. F. Cnrnos, who uttonded
tho SoiiBa concort In Portland, re
turned to hor homo In this city last
Mrs. Kloln, who has boon visiting
Mrs. A. Klein, of thU city,' loft this
morning for hor homo In Santa Rosa,
C, E. PofT, a pruno dealer, 3f
Philomath, has returned to his homo
after transacting business In this
MrH. W. T. Rlgdon roturnod to
Salem yostorday, accompanied by
hor mothor, Mrs. Smith. Jefferson
J. F. Martin left thla morning for
Portland, on route to tho EaHt, whoro
ho will visit during tho wlntor
Governor Chamborlnlu roturnod
Inst evonlng from Portland, nflor bo-
Ing awny for tho past two weeks on
tin extended trip In tho South.
Miss Emma Mnplothorpo loft yos
torday for Portland, whoro sho will
attend tho Bonko-Wnlkor buslnoss
college, and visit frlonds during tho
Mrs. M. E. Brown and daughter,
Miss Francos, loft Sundny morning to
mako n short visit with friends In
San Frnnelsco. Many frlonds wore
at tho train to bid thorn' goodbye
Fred Kress, formorly of this cltv,
now locntod In Portland, attondod
tho Snusn concort Suturdny ovonlng.
Fred Is looking woll nnd Is nH olll
clent with harmlos storlos ns over.
Mrs. Frank Iloultno, nftor a visit
to her son, Sylvostor, who Is 111 In
Dnllas, Ihih roturnod to hr homo hi
Slayton. Sho Is woll-known In thla
city, whoro sho rosldod sovornl yoars.
Mr. aud Mrs. Win. Wndo nnd John
Grills havo roturnod to tholr homo In
Mnrshtlold, aftor visiting Mrs. Wade's
sisters, Mrs. George Pattorson and
Mrs. Clnudo Sottlomlor.
Mlsa Cora Litchfield, tho woll
known trained nurso, formorly of
Salem, is busy at hor profession In
Portlnnd, but will vlMt hor parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. P. Litchfield, in this
city, In December.
George Meyer, tho woll-known bar
ber of this city, left yesterday for
tho Klamath Falls country, whoro ho
will transact business as a member
of tho Stato Board of Barber Exam
Inora. He will bo away about throo
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Long, of Cor
vnlHs, passed through tho city from
Portlnnd ycatorday, en route homo.
Mr. Long Is well-known In Salem,
having beon n student of Wlllnmetto
University, whoro ho was vory popu
lar In athletics and tho various or
ganizations of tho school. He Is at
present conducting n gun and sport
ing goods atoro in Corvallls.
The B. K. & W.
Factory has a knack of combluliig stylo and export workmanship
with selected desirnblo fabrics in their
Men's Clothing
In such n way that It nieota nil tho demnnds of tho wearer tor up
to datonoss, as woll aa serviceability.
Tho range of styles and qualities wo havo iu stock gives you
n complcto assortment to soloct from.
Our prices nro flgurod on tho spot cosh basis.
Tie Boys' Mother
appreciates tho thoroughly substan
tial manned in which pur
Boys' Clothing
is mndo. Tho illustration ahows
tho parts of n suit which nro so otton
It tnkoa extra tlmo nnd extra
material to mako a suit right,
but tho oxtra sorvlco resulting
from such workmanship la worth
moro than tho additional cost.
Let Us Show Yo Oar
Line of Boys' Knee
Pant Sails
Built Like the Mastfation
IH 9HIhHbbb1 1
program. Do Caprlo, In his improa
bIvo Itnllnn nmnnor, prosontod "Mr.
Suso," ns ho called him, with tho
manuscript of tho "Roso Carnival
March," which will bo ployed by tho
"March King's" aggregation, thus
advertising Portland nnd honoring
hor compoHor. Among tho Salem mil
stclans present wero II. N. Studoti-
moyor, W. E. McElroy, Mrs. D.
Carnes and Ivan G. Martin,
(Continued from pago ono.)
Tho olovator In tho stato house
should bo placed under the super
vision of tho flah commissioners, as
ita periods of running nro Identical
with thoso of tho snlmon, up in tho
spring and down any old tlmo when
u ib uonu ouougii.
If you want to bo loynl to Orogon
Industries, ask your coal doalor tu
supply you with Cooh liny coal,
- o
Salem Comlco pours sold as high
as thoso from Med ford.
Albany is to hold a great apple
fair Novomber 6-7. Good Idea.
Yob get close to nature when you
sit Uowa ob a bell.
Solum Hand Concert.
Sousa and hi baud delighted
thousands of hcarors Friday ovonlng
and Saturday afternoon and ovonlng
In Portlnnd. Many of tho old-tlmo
Sousa mnrchos, as "Stars and
Stripes Forever." "El Cupitan,"
"Manhattan Boach March." thrilled
tho audlenco ns encores.
On Saturday night' program Hor-
bort Clark, tho groat cornet soloist,
played "Sounds From tho Hudson,"
ono of his new compositions, ami
rendered as an encore the ballad
"Love Mo and tho World Is Mine,"
ending with high E-flat.
Among tho favorito numbers ren
dered by tho band was "Noarar My
God to Thee," tho symphonic poem,
"Lea Preludes," by LUzt.and n bur
Iosquo arrangement. "He Walked
Right in and Turned Around and
Walked Right Out Again." The lat
ter number, although built on tho
theme of tho popular composition,
waa Tory difficult, and. as a comedy
selection, brought down the houBO.
Slgnor DeCaprlo, Portland's able
band leader, directed tho band in
renderlnsr his "Rose FestlvU
March," which was composed by him
In honor of the roe abow In Port
land, Tho BHmber waa given a
hearty encore, a4 after the "Mi
nor" had graclottaly responded
short lattrmUaloa was gma in ta
Secrotary Root, personally, to socuro
tho Immodlnto roloaso of Mr. and
Mrs. William Wnlllug nnd MIhh Roho,
Struiisky, who aro Imprluouod In St.
Petersburg for activity with tho FliH
Mali progrosslvo party. Thoy woro
arrested at tho Ilotol Do Franco
last night, nnd It Is understood aro
now undor guard by gondnrmes Tho
matter will bo Immediately Investi
gated In tho most rigid fashion by
Secrotary Root, and n domnnd for
their imnmuiato releaso from cus
tody will probably bo mudo within
tho uoxt 2 -J hours, If tho demand ban
not already been forwarded through
tho propor diplomatic clrclos. Tho
policy of this country In relation to
Its citizens nrrostod for political of
foiiBon of this sort lu well-donned
Tho Imprisonment of Americans for
political offousoH, when not In
volved In tinned schemos of rebel
lion, aro in great disfavor In Ameri
ca, and public opinion will probably i
result lu great pressuro bolng
brought upon Root to insist on tholr
rolouHo. William Kngllsh Walling
is a woll-known Horlologlcnl student,
and was an aggressive fighter In
Illinois against child labor, the im
provement of conditions In tenement
houses and uplifting of swontshop
employes. Mrs. Walling was fortnj?r
ly Miss Anna Strunsky, author of
sovornl works. She -Is from San
Francisco, a graduuto of Stanford
Unlvorslty of tho claim of 1003. Hjr
slstor. graduated from tho same in
stitution In 1000. Tholr fnthor la n
well-known Russlnn of 8un Fran
cUro, nnd Is a doctor. Both youiiK
ladles proparod at collogo for work
among tho poor, ana, uecauso or
tholr nationality, bocamo Interested
In tho opprossed of Rusla. Thoy
Joined tho froo Riuudn (tarty in tho
United Stutoa and loft San Francisco
in January. 1K0C, for Seurlch, whoro
thoy oxpocted to nssbit in spreading
tho propaganda of freodom Thoro
MUs Strunsky met Wulllng, and lat
er marrlod him In London. Mrs,
Walling la 20 years old, and Rose
21, both vory beautiful girls of tho
brunetto typo, with tho highest so
clal standing in tho Bay cities.
Flower Bulbs
Our stock of llyiieiiilliH, Tulips,
China LH'lIex, NurclHHiitc, Cro.
ciih, etc., nro now lu. Our
prlcos nro vory low for first-
olasH bulbs, and wo havo
nice selection,
dor now.
Placo your or-
And now tho government Is asked
to mako Russia freo some Americana
arrested in Russia for interfering in
Russia's political affair. When a
lot of fanatics go monkeying with
something that is nono of tholr busi
ness, sensible people don't bother
themselves If they get Into trouble
by so doing. How lone would wo
stand for a lot of Russians coming to
this country and advocating a
change la our form of gomnwtnt?
Sweet Peas
Salem Is known ns'lho city of
Sweet Peas. Thoro iu nothing
prettlur than tho Swoot Peas,
Our stock Is very largo, and
wo can glvo you any color or
shade you may liko. Now la
tho tlmox to plant for enrly
flowers. Our stock is grown
for us by ono of tho host grow
ers hi the world, and you can
obtain all tho latest shades and
varieties hero.
Flower Pots
Wo carry tho largest stock
tho city, and huvo all the dif
foront shapes and sizes,
I u
Food For
Thla preparation Is toraothing
that evory porsoti withilowort
Bliould use. It mnkea them
green nnd htfilthy and pro
motes their growth. Only 2C
conts per package.,
D. A. WHITE & !
166 Commercial St, Phone 160
1 1 j
' 1