FAIR TONIGHT AND TUESDAY. THE AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL .xvfl. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1007. NO. 241. ALBREATH OUT STEINER IN ngMan Killed, One Drowned and One Badly Hurt FRICANS ARRESTED IN RUSSIA WED REFORMS sedof Plotting Against the Rus- Government, William t. Wat- His Wife and Her Sister Are (Town Into Jail At St. Petersburg Los Angeles Hns tlic Pennant. Los Angeles, Oct. 21. Los An geles 1ms cinched tho ponnant of the Pacific cons,t league for the season of 1907. Even If tho Angels should lose every game for the next two weeks and San Francisco should win tho 13 games left to play, she will still run second. There Is a slight chance of Oakland beating out the Seals for Becond place, but tho pros pects aro not good for this move. o ,. L. J. MARTIN KILLED BY ACCIDENT DESERVES A PENSION SUNDAY M0RNIN6 Petersburg, Oct. 21. Tho a stfltes embassy pcrempion- fillcd upon the Russian authorl- i this morning to explain uio nr- i of William E. wailing, ms who nose Strunsky. All mat nas ueon bed so far Is that Colonel Jt- ilmovltch ordered their nrrcst on i pound that tho party una been ttd ot aniiiaung wun riumsu ireislvcs. Secretary Schuyler, of American embassy, worked hard rdr to obtain their release, buc l oflclals were out of tho city, he had to wait until their ro- i today. ruhlngton, Oct. 21. Earnest mentations are being made to- i?. !.r?-a.-d-Si?S- '" "J-ii-SjL0. (Continued on page Ave). Snn Francisco, Oct. 21. Stricken by a bullet from his own cherished revolver, Wllllnm Forgoy, a gun fighter, strlko-breakcr, adventurer of a hundrod donpornto battles, lies in a ward at St. Francis' hospitals. The doctors ,say they never witnessed so game a fight for life as Forgey is making. Ho is a man who never smokes or drinks and wan never known to uso an oath, and whoo cheeks aro like a girl's with yellow hair, long and silky. "Magglo did it, doc," ho whlsporod, whon tho am bulanco cama for him. "Maggie" is his pot nnmo for his revolver. Tho gun was nccldontally discharged. The bullot toro a holo through his abdo men and loft lung. "It was my own fault," ho said. This 1b tho sixth time Forgoy has been within death's Bhndow from bullot woundB. "Thero was never a bullot moulded that can get mo," ho said recently. Forgoy has a reputation nil over America. wncrover ngiuing was going on I Forgoy was there. IHCAGflMSTORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE A Big Volume Of Business Good Goods Sold at Small Prices What Makes The Chicago Store irow. 'E ARE NOW DOING THE BIGGEST BUSINESS IN THE TORY OF OUR STORE, WHICH SHOWS THE CONFIDENCE WE PEOPLE HAVE IN OUR INSTITUTION AND OUH WAY OF WG BUSINESS. HONEST VALUES AND HOOK BOTTOM CES IS THE FOUNDATION WHICH OUH ESTABLISHMENT UXPS ON, WHEN YOU TRADE AT OUR STORE YOU GET HE- BLR n:nCHANDISE AND THTJ LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE IMP. PACIFIC COAST. IRESS iOODS iND SILKS M yoa are In senrrh of untnp. 18 iwl new lu Dress Goods Silks come t the CHI GO STORE. hor ,.. ,rin he best and latest Mer- UI in America. Was Examining Hammerless Gun When It Was Discharged, Tearing Away One Side of His Head, Death Resulting Instantly bullet from an Improvised Spring field rifle in tho hands of Private McReynolds. Drnssfleld was stand ing in tho pot behind tho target of tho West Salem rlflo range, watching the target and keeping tho reglstor. As nearly as ho and his associates can state tho matter, ho was standing partly upright, looking at tho tar got ho must havo boon standing somewhat sideways, whon tho pro jectile struck him JuBt below tho loft shoulder blade, and ho dropped to tho ground as though struck dead. His companion i rushed out to tho county road to Btop n team to con voy his body to tho city, and as ho turned to go bnck to tho rlllo pit, hero came "Brass," hobbling along, holding up his trousorB the bullet had cut his suspenders but other wise ho seemed little tho worso for tho accident. He was taken to tho offlco of Dr. Byrd, where ho was ex amined. The only mark found was a. small, bloodless puncturo In tho back. But the two-Inch long stool Jacketed waspish InBtrumont ot denth, such as wcro employed In tho Russlan-Japanoso war, had loft a dark red track clear around tho body Just below tho surface of tho skin, by which It was traced downwards and clear around to tho abdomen In front, Just above tho right polvlc bono, from where this morning It was extracted. The bullot was with out a mark or scratch, although It wont through a wall of oarth and an olght-lnch solid timber boforo It found BrnsBfleld. Tho patient Is resting nicely with no Blgns of bodily injury other than a soro placo around his body. Ho will bo In tho Iioiiro but a fow days. At COO yardB It wns Marshall field's Goods ogo, tho Biune goods as "" KU over tholr own conn. e lte here to show von. Uo latest materials. Wp acr prices. Dress 25 ymi ap. siiks tdclotlw, W laches -.Je Swell Coats and Suit for Ladles bow on sale. Tho greatest values In Salem. Price, yard... 95 sStift TcSf A vf$ lMmi A.?11 It'll "VI MA'- M jV&SJi ' t v ' 3M' -f M i H vnSC L. J. Martin, a prosperous farmer on tho Sllvorton rond, was on Sun day tho unfortunato victim of a fatal hammorless gun nccldont, that was one of tho most rcmnrkablo In all the diapers of gun accidents over re ported In this pnrt of tho state. A party of friends hnd called at tho Martin homo, thro omlles east of tho city, In tho forenoon, and wero out In the barnyard discussing tho merits of different kinds ot shutguns. Tho party was composed of John Farrnr. deputy postmnstor, his brother, Dee Fnrrar, and Dick Chittenden, who hncl driven out from Salem, and put their horso In tho bnrn. Ernest Mar tin, a young mnn nnd only son of L. J. Martin had Joined them, whon L. J. Martin, en mo out of tho houso and brought Dee Fnrrar another gun. no loaded that, handed Dee Fnrrar tho rest of tho shells, and then stood It against tho sldo of tho barn with two others. As ho did so, ho picked 'up Dick Chittenden's new hammor less gun, nnd remarked: "I boo you havo boon gottlng you a now gun. It is u hammorless," Ho was I examining It, whon ho must havo touchod tho trigger, nnd tho right (barrol wont off over his head. Thin startled him, and nil tho men who i wero smnuing ooiwoon mo two barns. Thp discharge throw tho gun partly out of his hand, but ho caught; tho weapon by tho bnrrol In hlB left, hand, and was in the net of pushing' it away from him, and wns leaning back, when tho other barrel wont off, and tho chnrge ontorod his left cheek. The first discharge did him no harm, but ho lost control of lft romarknblo feat for u bullot to por himself and tho gun. John Fnrrar, torm who stood about eight foet away, was looking squarolynt him whon tho fatal dlschargo took placo. Tho two barrels wont off In ono-two or- dor, and thero wns barely tlmo to glance up botween the first nnd sec ond discharges. The gun must hnvo touched tho ground botween tho two discharges, as tlioro Is no othor wny to ncconnt for tho Immedlato firing of tho other barrel, although thol men afterwards loadod tho hammor less and teBtod It to so.olf dropping It on tho. ground would ulschnrgo the loads, and It would not. Tho load tore away tho che6k, part of tho left oar and part of the bnck ot tho head, and Martin foil a corpse on tho ground. Ho never knew wh-U hnd occurred. Ills. life-long frlon.I. John Farrnr, bont over him nnd spoke to him, but he was past an swering. Ho bled profusely as tuo chnrgo cut tho main arterios. Those prosont wero shoekod and immediately brought Mrs. Martin out of tho house, but nothing could b9 done. The body was caroJ for, tho coroner sent for and all dono that the sad circumstances required. D- TO HOLD GREAT MEETING OLIBWOMEN MEET Three Days' Session to Be Held In State Capital,rand Will Be Attended By Prominent Women From All Parts of the State Tho Salem Woman's Club has mndo all arrangements for tho prop or reception nnd entertainment of tho Stnto Federation, that meets at! Salem, Tuesday, October 22, and con tinues for several days. Thero Is a gonornl reception commlttco, who will meet trains, nnd boo thnt tho del egates nro assigned to places of en tertainment, nnd will stand In tho re ceiving lino WodncsdnyovonlnEattho stato houso, whon tho grand public reception to tho visiting dolegntlons takes plnco. Tho tnomtiors nro; Mr. Perry Raymond, President, and Mrs. City; landmarks , Mrs. Lord, Tho Dallos; reciprocity, Mra. Prltehnrd, Portland; thautauqua, Mrs. Dalton, Portland; legislative, Mrs. Chap man, Portland; club extension, Mra, James A. Fee, Pendleton; irrigation, MrB. Wilson, Oswego; cIvIch, Mrs. Oliver, La Orando; puro food, MrB. Ellen R. Miller, Portland; education al loan fund, Miss Spauldlng, Port land; resolutions, Mrs. S. M. Blu niauer, Portland; Industrial, Mrs. Millie Trumbull, and press, Mrs. Morwln Pugh. Tomorrow's Program. Tuesday morning 9:30, dele gates report and register; 10:00, call to erder: Invocation, Dr. H. D. Kimball; music, "Amorlca"; 10:20, welcome on bohalf of city, Mayor O. II. Rodgors; 10:30, greetings to federation, Mm. Perry II. Raymond, president Woman's ClubH, Salem; 10:40, rosponseB for federation, Mrs. F. W. Benson, Roseburg; 10:50, report of credentials com mittees; roll call of delegates; introduction of visitors; 12:00, ad mltteo; badgo, Mrs. Stafford, Hu gono; country storo, Mrs. J, 13. Hayes; report council mooting t Jamestown, Juno C-0, Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, delcgnte: announcements! I Introductions ot visitors; 12:00, ad- MARION COUNTY COAL MINES Treasury Stock In Same Advances As Machinery Goes In. (Spcclnl to Tho Dally Capital Journal.) Portland, Oct. 21. By a voto of the Board of Directors of tho Oregon Diamond Coal M. & D. Co., tho soiling price of trens ry stock will bo advanced to 35 contB a Bhnro. on November 1, 1807. NOW HELLING FOR 2S CENTS A SHARE. Tho company havo onhancod tho value of its property by tho addition of machinery, tho orcctlon of buildings, tho sinking of a Bhaft (now down over 115 fool) and othor .Improvements, nnd hh the work progresses tho directors will bo Justified lu making fur llor "advances lu tho price- ot tho stock.. In offering yon thlB opportunity to parMcIpnto with ub In tho boneflts which wo boliovo will accrue to our stockholder wo do no fooling confident thnt 6nr mlno will provo a big money mnkor. DO NOT LET THIS OPPORTUNITY. OO BY WITHOUT TAK ING AT LEAST 100 SHARES AT 20 CENTS A SHARE. YOU CAN PAY FOR THE STOCIC ON MONTHLY INSTALLMENT PLAN. WRITE TODAY. 631 WORCESTER BLDG., PORT LAND, OREGON. Journmont. Aftornoon--l:30,plnno itolo, "Valsa Borolquo" (Wnllonhaupt), Prof. T. S. Roberts; 1:40, president's ad dress; 2:00, reports of standing committees; 2:30, discussion of ""nmltteo reports; "Library Exten sion, " Mlsj Marvin, secretary Htato library com.Vlsslon; 2:35, "House hold Economics," Mrs, Louis Lovln gcr, Baker City; 2:40, "Lnnd Marks," Mrs. Lord, Tho Dalloo; 2:45, "Chautauqua," Mrs. U'Ron; ' 2:50, "LoglBlntlvo." Mrs. O. C. Chap man; 3:05, "Club Extension," MrB. Jnmes A. Fee; 3:10, "Irrigation," MrB. A. King Wilsen: 3:15, "Re ciprocity," Mrs. J. C, Prltchard; 3:30, "CIvIcb," Mrs. Tumor Ollvor; 3:40, "Industrial," Mrs. Mlllla Trumbull; 3:50, "Prowsi" Mrs. Mer wln Pugh: 4:00, "Puro Food," Mrs. Ellon R. Mlllor; 4:45 "Announce- ments." Adjournment. WOMAN DOWNED- HEINZE "sconr PROBABLY DROWNED New York, Oct. 21. Tho babbling tonguo of n woman hns cost tha Holnzoa (05,830,000. This Is tho price ho far us Is known of the lutio- $5.00 Silk Petticoats Misses 98.50 Coats . $8.50 Fine Furs ... fl-V&o' $3.75 .$4.05 $2.25 McEVOY BROS. mm"ClAh AXD COURT BTRBHTfL ALBM, OR. censed was 51 yonrs old. has lived all his lifo at Salem, was a brother of Wlllnrd Martin, who died lajt year, a brother of Mrs. Ruth Snyro, of this city, and son-in-Inw of ex Aldermun E. P. Wolkor, of this city. He leaves a son and two daughters by his first wlfo. His farm Is ono of tho finest nonr Salem, and ho la wU situated financially. He was not n member of any church, but bolongod to tho Salem lodge of Woodmen of tho World, In which ho held Insur ance. The funoral will be hold Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. His untimely death will be lamented by many wnrm friends, for Lawrenco Martin was known far and wido as a kind hearted, genial man, whom to know was to like. r " SHOT AT TARGET PRACTICE. Between 2 nnd 3 morning Scotty Jay tho steamer Oregonn, waB lost JuHt bolow ILncoIn, and Is ucllovod to havo been drowned. Two nion wont nshoro with a lino, and whon tho boat pulled eevoral hundred yardB up til. They waited for him and hal loed and gave search, but to no avail. Tho crew went ashoro nnii searched until daylight. Ho wns an old bund on tho bont and porfectly familiar with tho task of taking nnd putting off linos. Tho rlvor sonrched by tho men with boats 10:30 Sunday morning camo up tho rlvor, renchlr noon, when an account was secured. Scotty had Rollln K. Page, secretary of tho S'l lorn club, and McKdnmcs. A. M. Can non, A. N. Bush. II. B. ThlolBon. Alice M. Dodd, A. N. Moorcs. E. Gil-," mixing of bushiest talk with A llnghnm, J. H, Albort. Each mom- dlscusBlon ot salads and the pro bor of tho Salem Woman's Club hno'vallliiK styles iCoen ,infnMU..T i ,....,. ...... ,....,, v. - .,, . iiiim USr rroni llliffo Unn nun uti.1 t ..4 . . . 1 i .. "--"-"" ' muiijiuu ni. mo wnuiorx-Astorlg. St'Bfllon oponcd with Kimball, and sinking of "America o'clock Sunday Executive .ostlon with Mrs. Sarah A. U, c'h Is headquarters tot 'Mo itaua , deckhand on.gvwu., state .president, .nd M" 'mining win. F. Augurti "lloftS ho omcal clalrs ""' "ynu Known nor n Butte, and thought ThTJcJllJS'S the federation uro'?lorWt J WZuiZSF open to the general public, and Tues- ef Ul Co.. r M vr2 day afternoon will will be devoted to S ,, Btnges 'of U,o p ,ol form educational topics, with general dls- ,on, (ho W0limn bee mo acJual lied ii u u(i r (mi h win gamer in unioni tuos- Him bnnu. uay, wuunoHuny ami inureuay, vc- agroument' of and, tho not "KontlomotiM realising thi . on labor 22, 23 and 24 to attend Iho ,, ooOSsity for absolute- sllonco . wn8 seventh annual mooting of the Ore- ,, l0 .qbjeot talked over ".rnfor- him. and had a lot of good cloth,8Th federation colorB are rod, whiu'cortnln deteetlvoH woro put In pou and personnl offocts aboard tho i nnA hluo. nm Its lower is tho Oregon (eMon of all the Information thoi Sharp lookout Will HOiKrajiu. .uumc win iiu iiiriiiniiuu f , jm(j Btoamer. kopt for tho man ,lf nllvo, nnd for his body If ho foil Into tho rlvor. Tho men nn (tin Imnl lmllevn he met with Jan nccldont In tho dark, and his dis appearance Is vory mystoriouB. o Merrell O. Hrassflrfd Cletn Ugly Wound from StwUacketed Bullet. Private Merrill O. Brasafleld. of Company M, Oregon National Guard. can never say ho nas noi lasieu steel at tho muzzlo of tho guns that are used to defend the honor of the flair. While out on target practice Sunday he was made part of the tar get, which receiveu a eieei-jacuvisu To Clear the Deck. Now York, Oct. 21. Ten million dollars is tho amount pledged by 20 New York banks, representing de posits ot $3,250,000 to aid fiscal financial Institutions In troublo as tho result of Helnzo's failure, o gluanod. This wno thoy quickly mo I'liiinnrmonie socioiy. jjnos a. turiiAii nvm- m iii ini..n.i.,u ii ...i Mills, who comes from Colorado for ,wl)0 took HtcJ t checkmato tho cor thia purpose under orders of tho or "" ",u v" United States forestry bureau, wlllj However. It was necessary to buy lucturo on tho work tho clubwom-' .... . ......i.. .'..';. !!. .?' "UL"!! rL !'" ,0n f0r th0 o, coterie," for tho Iluliworowd ndvnncomnnt of forestry. Tlio offlcors of the 1905-07 for the fodorntlon are: Mrs. Barah ' A. Evans of Portland, president; Mrs. Samuel White of Baker City, nrt vlco prosldont; Mrs. Frederick Si Dunn of Eugene, second vice presi dent; Mrs. M. L. Spauldlng of Tho Dalles; gonornl federation secre tary; MrB. J. D. Hayes of Portland, corresponding socretary; Mra. Emma Wok Htorni'ToBsetl. Ttif,7. n.. riiionVi,' . ,Mfl,M Watt Trulllriger of Astoria, treas Umbrla passed through tho Bevoreat . ., Rnn,,nUfin ,. etorm of her career, and reached !urcr and J,r' Sangstaken of Marsh here last night with her top main mast missing. The passengors were frightened by the violence of tho storm, but the vcosel was never in roal danger. Tho depositors In tho Portland Trust and Savings will find their de posits badly motbeaten by an expen tlvo receivership. n oia. auditor. The Directors aro Mrs. Robert Hendricks of Salem, und Mrs. Aaron Fox of Troutdale. Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway and Mrs. C. B. Wado aro honorary presi dents. Tho following aro tho stand ing cemmittees: Education, Mrs. Colesworthy, Pendleton; forestry, Mrs. ii. a. ureyman; library exten-'Dolph Wilson, who has a record of ion, Mrs. Catlin, Salem; household killing 00 boars will probably bo hi economics, Mrs. Lovlnger, Baher guide. had possession of much more than a majority of tho stock before tha In formation "leaked." Ono mombor was finally porsuadod to Hood tho market with his stock, und United Copper broko from $00 a sharo to $10, nnd tho Helnzea wore undone. Tho woman who gave up tho Infor mation was utterly Innocent of any wrong Intention, but tho llelnzo op position worked against him through ono of his most loyal friends. Wh(h Mori Beam, AshovlMo, B. C, Oct. 21. Provi dent Roosovolt has accepted an Invi tation from J. L, Alexander to bo his guest a tOx-Way Inn, Sapphire coun ty, and hunt bear In tho Blue Rldgo mountains. No ditto has been fixed. X o . i - agr t mwumiii tVSStSHIHW I JSBBBfj''Jl!"J'JSBBWijBBBBBBBJBBrWHllB4(T'i son upoa her second ylali when tbiliojj' oa having Hoc tetter'. Itlt uMvti. . inmmmtmmmmmm Vte IMHHH4iiHiHiiniiitMJiWiyPr,ftC irtitjo 4lVMtlH'M..W lammwtlstyfiatiiU,.' a w AiVi" S. ,Vt