DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, KIM DAI', orTOHKK t, lt7. MT CEMENT FLOOR Jtaiy Will Pass On Right of Members f Srirool Board to Order Work Done Yhb complaint a!lcgo8 that In Au Igndt, iflOtJ, Kelirborgor submitted a 1bia 'tor V5C7.7G to lay a concrotc tottitm't floor In tho North Salem Gclidtil 'building. It alleges that his tRl Vas -tho lowest, and was duly ac- topteft, find he performed the work taccordlhg to contract, and that the fechool 'lm.ird ordered him to toar It oat, -nni n-cEusod to pay him for tho vrorfc, tin agreed. t)ftlM)so of School Board. Salt'm ueliool hoard, then com- Ofil'(Jf A. A. Leo, Wm. II, Dyrd, II. CL Ifctflny, Hamlin Smith and H. M, tJrolsrtTi, makes reply aB follews: ThlU the 1)ld of Kohrhcrger was nov- tir'dfcted upon or accepted by tho 'litfiVfi; that when Kolirborgcr began 1'hhi Work ho was notified to desist, Vbwt continued against tho orders of '& lioard; that defondnnt novor Omploted tho work, but laid tho 'floor In nn unsatisfactory manner; 'that tho nchool hoard then o in ployed "O. C. Kcnnon to lay tho comont floor, and paid him ?C(!!).95; Kcnnon Is al Sieged in ho an oxporl cement worker, ' and lils uflltluvlt Is prosonted eharg 'JbK Oral Kehrhorger'a work wna do- Itmirtl of School Hoard. Carson & Cannon, for tho school honrl, called for tho records to ho lirodurod, and records show follow ing: Mnltor of comont lloor In North 3nlom school roforrod to ropnltH commltloo, composed of A. A. Loo -and Hamlin Smith, AugiiBt 4, 190(3. August 18, no mooting of board to OPOII llldH. August 22, two bids filed, ICohr Thorjjor $r.87.r; 0. 0. Kcnnon $G71.- ji SC. No notion. The Caso Opened. Chns. McNary presented caso to Jury for Kohrborger. J. A. Carson presented case of district to tho Jury. Thero was no contract or nny rec ord whatever In writing to base claim upon, Tho wholo board miist act upon public contracts. It cannot delegate Its powers. Mr. Kohrbergor was unfortunate In having undertaken to execute work upon ndvlco of Mr. Crolsan, and without any action of tho board. Tho afternoon was consumed going over tho records of tho schoo' board. o His Cigar Doesn't Taste Right And Yot It Is tln Same He Was Smoking With So Much Itc-Msli After Dinner, Last Night Out of the Very Sniuo Hoy, Too. IT ISN'T Til 1-2 CIGAH -IT'S THE STOMACH. Every smokor has experienced this peculiar condition of the stomach and llvor, tho result usually of Im perfect digestion of food. And the blnmo Is usually put on tho cigar and not whero it bolongs. Wine Trade of Franco Killed by Sugar. Hut the compotltlon of those who water their wlno 13 as nothing com pared with tho sugar product. It Is not mother earth that has produced J this crisis. It Is tho misuse of sugar. Tho vineyard-growers of France are unanimous in (this belief, j Every year tho sugar men of tho country, according to tho estimate of tho president of tho chamber of commerce at Ilczlers, cast upon thj market from 15,000,000 to 20,000, 000 hectoliters of artificial wine. It is sugar that has killed the wine trade of Franco. Within limit the use of sugar in wine Is legal. The wine of tho early vintago in HELP FOR NERVOUS .No Laundry Machinery in Smyrna, is the most lmn. uunnnt .m Consul Ernost L. Harris, in a ro- dertaken bv n, i '"'Uou, .... v ""lericaiui. . . port from Smyrna stntes that (long as the price of labor In thnt Turkish city remains so low tho lAAIMFW mact,co w'11 continue of doing the WUIVILIi washing at home, and there will be 'no opportunity for the sale of laun- dry machinery. Of late yenrs It has sowynuicate. Tho i,..., ""M,. 1,1,8 Canic h e g ns ttk cession about a var Soffc American VBd r to Port works at PnramLt month nf , . -""em , ,, . become tho practice to a certain ex- I)r. William' Pink Pills Cured This imi tfj gy0 th(j wn8hcd shlrts nn(J collar1? to public laundries for Woman and Sho and Her Hus band Ilofh Recommend Them to Others. starching and Ironing, the charge be- When the broken down whatever nervous system from overwork, Ing 4 cents for a Bhlrt and 1 cont ifor each collar or cuff. Some years ago an attempt was made to start In (3 Smyrna a public laundry fitted out jr with American machinery. Speclfl. nntifina wnrn sent out concerning the cause, nro loses us joys. -""': ,f ,, ,...", many of the departments Is green .Not on y is ho nervous Jc and weak in alcohol, averaging foror himself t but Ho Is usuaily a produolIolli taking Into con- from six to elgth degrees. But It trial to the whole .fan 1 y .Nervous .. c'e of con, nnd ,a. nrea (town is ouen gruuuai, uppuur- - ing at first to be merely an unusual v. It was found hat tho margin fretfulncss. Dr. Williams' Pink all that ho undertaking Pills tone up tho nerves In the most wn9 uo,indt to be " tf",,ro' 0n tth direct way and not only cure minor " """ "v" " ""- " """ uueu wiuor, cuhhiuhuuh wuuiu imvu the bus'i- of the Am,:r 0,'U, n"er the ?gnlng ofu metropolis .h.BI2 In line with the sovernmj, can bo fortified. FIvo kilos of sugar per hectoliter will make the green wine similar to that of tho later vintago. If tho prnctlco of using sugar were confined only to the early vintage thero would bo Uttlo com plaint, but It is not. Tho Inter vint age Is diluted with wator and treat ed with sugar, and enormous quan tities of tho up, doctored kot at a low price. Hut this condl serious disorders as tfr.ii1i1na 11 II f .. been so keen as to render ,L t. n ti, i, iiv. ness an unprofitable one. iUia. it - UVUIl.T, ?. i ...; nbout three miles from Sheridan, poorer wlno nro brought Mich., nnd whoso nddress Is Box 13, and put upon tho mar- K- P. D- N'- ' Sheridan, is enthusi astic in praise or tnis romeay. i Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and gj,0 rheumatic troubled; sold by all drug pfstn. nr two months' trial treatmnnl . . i. . ... . . ant'tf I " " " uon is not mo worm, ah ingenioiw -- willnm,' by niall for $1.00. Dr. B. W. Hall, chemist has discovered that with tho I "t was cured bj Dr. W lllama ' aid of sugar an artificial wlno could nk I'1"" of "orvous trouble 29.6 OlUe street, St. Louis, Mo am oi sugai an aiuiiciai no couia ,.ni,..,n nm1 wnrr Send for te?tlmonIalr. Sold by Stone's bo produced vory cheaply. Two brought on by overwork and wonj. hectoliters of sugared wator alcohol-.For several years I had boon sick ar"E atorq- Izod to tt'n degrees and properly nnd was complctoly dlscourngod. I --- treated with tartarls acid, tannin, hnd severe headaches and such u Nnv HafhvayH In Bo via. glycerin nnd so forth, will mnko ftWsuro on tho brain that I couldn't About three years ago hero was wine which will return 120 francs to Bleep and I thought It would mnko Blgnetl In Pctropolls, Brazil a treaty Iho manufacturer. Another way Is nio insane. My appetite failed and between the government of Brazil , ...i i.t,.ii. AinM iinv ron.i ii not a cost nronor y. i u mui ui uuuvm iu mu huhiu- which Is hoavy In nlcohol, (twelve-. unci a very bad cough at ono tlmo raont of tho boundary between tho fourteen degrees) and costs 15, 'nnd would often havo to go to bed two countries a boundary which frnnm In PnrlH. with other Inured!-' for three or four days. had been the subject of dispute ents. so thnt throo hectoliters of I "I doctored with soveral physrl- slnco the two government wine are produced nt a cost of aS.clmiB and although thoy heJpod mo founded. frnnru rr 11 frnnna S nnnllmiM lint- ttt tllUCS. I gfOW grndlinlly WOr80. I OVOf tllO ......V.J, w. J ......w.. .. vw.......w ,-. n "'"B(Jt tre wanted a MTrni0i construction of a rallr" ,h: Antonio, on the Mad ? Point on the Marmni erit t falls, which havJU J" Uon by that river impol Bulnr Report. ,mp0S!l-Cj. No parson that'keens , al clean and hea thTc nend.cltls. Holllster' ,; tain Tea cleans tho food' Protects you from dIseas tT'Ui Tea or Tablets. p0 t 5csai". Stone's store. M'8 at About Forclg,, labor. inumimpoiis, ind., Oct is t. Wont Mitchell, of tho ata, Bays that lafonnat.on has bJ with the government looking toT Such men are usually high llv- or, bard workers mentally, living Soptomhor 1, work taken out oof Ymnds tf romii'ltteo and put In hnndi ''or who'o board. September a, hoard Inupoctod "work ul North Snlom sch6ol. ,Boar.l "ardorod clerk to "'notify Kohrbergor "o roTiiovo comont 'work, and ndvor U.lno Tor now bid, "'f v , Octoliur 1R, O. 0. Konnon'R bid no ipted by board nmrnrdurod to pro- ?ood wlt'i work. McNnry Bros, apjiqgr for plaintiff, yiho inntondH that ho w"aH ordqoil' to l?mt In tho luunpnt coucroio lloor by !. M. CroJnan,An moiul(ir of tho Itourd of oduuajloiifauil thnt ho had tar- uuihorUy to'hav'o tjio worlodon'i. arHDii & Cannon appimr for tho tsourd of I'lluciitlon. and the cn will 1C i m d h a lury. -,. Tin K(bilcig)r .lury. VI t' Put ton had formpd k decided hVinuon, mid wu excused. (n 4Jll))frt, Woodhuru, uoi-eptoil. . F MiislH'r. Sllvertou, Hocoptod. L. W BkUSOII WIlH OXOIIHOll. Herman W. Hiirr, aocoplod. J A Colgnn o.NcitHed. amuol Adolph oxoiiBcd. Prod Kurtz nccopted. TFtnn'k ParrlHh, JofforHon, aocoptod. "Win Claggolt nccoptod. J. M. Hnrr oxcubixI. Kick Mlllor, Woodtmpi, nccopto'1. iWiK. jtucitoflioin, nccopiou. l, Ioucb oxcusod. C V.. JohiiHon nccoptod. Jtti) Wongor, of tho Stalwart lartot, oxcusod. Itifo Thoinas nccoptod. An tho piuud wa ttxhaiiHtod, both vldoH ngrond to try It with ton Jur ariE. Tho Jiirom wore till olosoly quoa Zionist -uh to whothor thoy wore road rs v f Tho Qnpltiil .lournnl or not, mt Home of thoi who woro not sub tearlbora modostly admlttod rending It, Just tho a.-uuo. -m miiiiimiHinimt- t X "Every Month in the Year Drlnvj ifceurront bllla, Ouo viay to itKmhem la to go from placo U TNaoo, carrying tho mgy ti j nu, at tho rUk of loothfcj tlso chauco of ovor Tokhip Ui aklng of a rueolpt, ui lmvluu; Home of it to pay J flvor,Tlki. Vho convenient IiubI iira.j-miu w is iu pay an uius iy cluwk, n mattor how small. A oltPU Is tho bout rocolpt you txni linvo. Paying out money titia viay Insures corrcctncai mid glvti you a cotnpleto rec ord of all money paid out, Oikh u OHiH-kliiK Accouut Wltli Va. SALEM STATE BANK '&if$P Oregon nuniiiniiiiHiiii-f m uudor high prossiiero nnd high draught, and It doesn't tuko a great doal to dlsordor tho stomach or ren der tho Hv r torpid. Thoy should mnko It a prnctlco to usp Home tried nnd reliable remedy llko Stuant's nyHpajitila Tablets, Hint will aid Nature and not force It and will tuko euro of tho Midden attacks of acute Indigestion. Tho ufto of thoHO tablets In not to bo confounded with tho patent med icine habit. Stuart's Dynpepsla Tub loin nro not a patnt mbdl- Iclno, nut n wi coinposoii or thu vory elumoutB which nature, provldus tha healthy Atomacli tfr-.dt) tho wor(c of dlgostlon "Qpiln, dlnsttu6,' golden out, otc. There Is'no nocrot III their proparMloii thoy tue absolutolv muy and thaioforo nil the, woild iixen tliem. No matter how (Unordered tho tomnrh may bo, It will right Itwclf If wlvon tho uhHiiue. Stuart's !) ljepHla Tablote dlKoat food where tho utomaoh can't, gtvo tho abuiiod Btoin- noli and Intontluua n rout, mid offer ruuowed Htrongth to tho worn out gbiuds and muscles. Brain workers, can roly on Stuart's Dyspopula Tablets, no mutter how toiiHo tho strain. All drugglatH carry thoui In tho 50 cont packages, or If you prefer a free trial package can bo had by Heading your niiiiio and nd dross today. I A. Stuart Com pany, 1P0 Stuart Building, Mnrshall, Mich. Totfny. (lovt'inor Hi'tunis (lovornor Chamburlaln nrrlvod In Portland last overling from ti two wooka vl It In tho Kast. Ho was nccompanlod from his old homo tit Nutchuz, Mississippi, by his aged mother an hit) sister. Tho govoruor will roturu to Snlom Sunday two governments were Tho chief dispute was largo territory known as hectoliter. This Is supposedly a good'mi about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tho "Acre," chiefly important for wine, hnvlng, ton dogrocs nf alcohol, jnnd bogan to got hotter after I had tho amount of rubber It produces, m rmitruHt with thl cost comnnro itnkon thorn only a short time. I In this treaty Bolivia quit-claimed that borno by tho simple vlnoynrd took several boxes of tho pills nnd Its lights In tho Aero for $0,733,000. man who Is trying to sell his prod never folt so well In my life ns I" do This money It has contracted with uct In Paris. Unless ho can soli his now. My husband Is also a great Spoyor Brothers of Now York to wlno at IS francH ho loses money. bollevor In Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 'spend for over 300 miles of rnllway, James F. Thompson In The World ns ho finds that thoy glvo prompt ro-.to cost ,$2C,7GG,000, tho balance of lief In bilious uttneks. Wo recom-cost or tho roads to bo covered by mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all bonds upon tho rnllroads thom- I.V OIjI) K UNTUCK V. who suffer." toives. tjio connections wttn tno In Old Kontucky" drow "a full' r. Williams- rime rius cure gen- Houuicasc, wuicn it is oxpecica win houso" at tho Grand last night, nnd 'oral and norvous debility because bo offected through tho railroads that tho audlonco rnpproclatad tho thoy mnko now blood. Thoy strlko montloncd ns forming tho second p'lay and plnyors was attostod by tho'nt tho root of ithoso nnd other dls-'pnrt of tho systom outlined, will hourly applause Tho play Is fuUouHos, such as rheumatism, anaemia, 'probably bo secondary to tho prln- of llvo situations, and wag well Indigestion nnu norvous tronoics, cipni system or uoiivin iormeu xo Htaged and playod, M' Stockton 'such as neuralgia, nervousness nnd connect with tho great Amazon sys tom, forming tho third heading nbovo Indlcntod. This connection Ik to be offectod by moans of tho Mar moro rlvor, tho Madolra-Marmoro railroad and tho Madolra and Amn zon rivers. mndo a charming llttlo mountain spinal woaknoss. girl, and tho ontlro cast was good. I A helpful booklet, "Norvous Dls- Saloiu i to bo congratulated 'on Hip orders." will bo sent froo on roquost. alasH of n'favK and talent furnlshod ' Or. Williams' Pink Pills nro Bold by Manngor Morodlth, jlnd ho htho by nil druggists or sont, postpaid, on fact that ihoatrj-Koors iiniirofflnte receipt of prfco, COc por box; .six his work properly by turning out to boxea for $2.50, by tho Dr. Williams j In some respects the develoruncnf enjov thofti. ' ' M'dlclno Co., Schonoctndy, N. Y. of this grevnt lino of transportation prevention nf fri ,.. object, hosays.utottpi'hj grntlon commissioner Nugent 1 recently charged the mln . with attempting to keep laboreri J of West Virginia. Mlirt.ii. J condition of mine worker, la rj Virginia Is worse than In Europe, Thn nMinf irlwla n..j i .. " "'a "aivcu nowitciiti fl sue was so fair to see; Sho told them they could be th saiuo If they'd uo HollMer'i Rodt Mountain Tea For salo nt Dr, Stone's store, u Bears tho ItoKltlllVM Hilt lift fag Will Jinny "Oertlo." Washington, Oct. IS Therein rumor hero thnt Admiral Sollridjt rotlred, aged 71, will marry illu Gortriido Miles, of Doston, aged tl, noxt Tuesday. The story li not denied. W. Akendrlck, Valley Milli, Ttt, writes: I havo used Ballard'i Hon hound Syrup for coughs and tto troubles; it 13 a pleasant and za offectivo remedy." Sold by D. J. Fry. o CASTORIA For Infants and Childrei Tfie Kind Yuu Have Always Bn flu TMM Boars tho Slgnaturo of eiwwxxrmjrr.Hmii y., -l '"'.... ii"i''l"jT' mm s TUK BUST OllADK OV BAlvlNG POWDKH, K KX IP IT I)OKS COST A lilTTtiM MOUK. WK SUPPOSE YOU AUK NO KXCKPTIOX TO TUB HUM? AND THUUKFOHK I'KU SISTKNTrA' r.VIJj YOUK ATTKN TiOX TO THK FACT THAT KP l'liKY'H PKltFKClIOX 11AKINO 1H)WDKU IS MANUPACTUHKn BY VS AND CANNOT UK i:3UALLKD ANYAVHKUK. PUT UP IX GIiASS JA11S AND SOW) THBOUGHOUT THH WlLL.lMUTl'H VALLEY. sLLnuiBLLH w hSbBhIBIBb lflp v SBBIBW Hdt w yrcui "r Z, odel h. t, i NewM Sack Sttits That can be had eady-to-wea. In them you will find quality, fit and style Yon will certainly de rive geat pleastie in examining out new Fall models of famed T mtotedClothes Prices $J0;00 to $30.00 We pay pavttculeLt attention to the style fit of these garments and have a tailor to alter afl 'AUrtiit press every garment to stit your taste w extra charge. Salem Woolen Mill Stow -.iJw..