DAILY CATITAIj JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON', THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1007. - mi iiiiMiiimi an mi ih New Kid Gloves Tlio latest colorings and styles Just received from the best known makers for receptions, parties, weddings and street wear Every akin has been carofully so- loctcd. Sewing, coloring and fin ishing absolutely perfect. Short kid gloves, all colors and' slzos . . t $1 to $2.25 $3.50 .$4 22-button Malvollo. Tan and brown . . . 12-button now tan and brown Grand Prix 12and 10-button Capo Gloves In tans and brown. . . $4 and $4.50 Warm Blankets The first of the chilly weather 1b upon us. Will your bedding be warm enough for tho colder weather com!ng7 Our stock Is it Its best now. All bIzcs and col ors In tho bo t stock In tho city. Blankets 39c to $11.00 Comforts 95c to $J.75 Sensational Sale of Black Coats Remarkable value-giving Bale of desirable and new style coats Just as tho season for coats Is beginning. You can't afford to overlooK this grand Balo In which you can own a new stylo coat and save a great deal In the transaction. Materials aro Kersey, Melton, Broad cloth and Chiffon Broadcloths In a great variety oj styles, workman ship Is of the best and the value as the original prices aro without doubt tho best you will be able to find In .this city. Here's the woy they are being effered: $30.00 values Special $26.00 values Special $20.00 values Special $19.85 $1 6.85 $14.85 $10.00 values Special $10.00 values Special $7.50 values Special $ 9.85 $ 6.85 $4.95 Snappy Clothes Mid-Season Sale Dress Goods All thin season's newest hIiouIiik in swell plaids at blj reductions. Tho larcest showing, the best styles, tho highest quality, all now makes this banner sale of tho year. Early choosers get the choicest of tho entire lot be early. ALL XKW! ALL NEW! 85c mid 91.00 91.SI5 nud 31.50 Plnlds AC VUlhl Qr' Special .. HhiCL. Special Cv-P B0c nnd CJBc ?l.05 and 91.75 Maid fQr VahlH t1 11 Special UOL Special vP I J J - n u,.,,.i. If you're seeking something In tho lino of clothes a little more nobby a little moro Individual than the average store shows you'M find It here. Wo want you to know and feel that it la not nieroly our business, but also our pleasure to show and dlscusrf the nobby autumn and winter fab rlcs with you. We are showing only the new est and best. $10 to $35 Reliable Footwear Our shoe department has grown beyond our expectations not in our ads, but in actual busi ness. It has mado extra help necessary, and still wo grow. Why? Wo answer reliable foot wear, correct fitting, each custom er being handled as a special case No old BtyleB. In brief It Is sim ply tho difference between knowl edge and ignorance. Wo know. I mxh beaffh D: v i ins BrooeliPo o.. . ' Dtarf Ha, ptos. Cross, .. . ' " tt.i.. niint t J,1 ' CK6ts. all . .. est denim ... 3 oOino linnntK... ui unjoin. n n$i tch an ", 2 '"1 ork Euaratuy CHAS. H. Hi Leading jeWei.cr m 123 Commercial street, no on This Street. fl A FINK ORATOR. Anil n Logic flCMHoncr Ih Victor Dor rls, and All Should Hear Him. Victor Dorrls, at tho First Chris tian church, attracted, ontortalncd and cdlflod another splendid audi- onco last night. "Tho World's Sa- MARION COUNTY ORCHARDS vlor on Ills Knees" was tho theme, W,,at jhey ayo Dono ar)(J p Q , ntil If frnvn Mm tint nil nvnntrnllflt nil I ' They Make For tho Future jnmim t m HHHMIH ijClTYNRVSj ', ', A Collection of Important Far- ' ngrapliB foe Your Consideration '. '. 1 1-i 1 1 1 i n 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 mi1 I'ont Card Hall New subjects dally. Thouo Who Hto Utod It th longest pralso It the jnoflti CUToliOad'B Baking Powck. 1 0-7-1 m 111b Flngerp Mashed- V. J. Howard, a laboror omploycd by tho Warrea Construction Com pany, mot with a painful accident thlB morning, while holplng to move a bollor on Winter strcot, to tho com pany's conB'rurtlon plant. Ho was trying to straighten a rollor, whon, In Bomo way, ho caught his hand un der It mashing three of his fingors, nnn linlnt? lirnknn. Hn wnn Imniodl- ately tokon to the wiuamouo sani- slonsthnt good seed waB sown, and ',""""; "' " " uhii promlBoa a harvest of Intolllgont andl" , "' " b " HIGH TO PLAY 'VARSITY and It gavo tho noted ovangollst an opportunity to display his powers of eloquence and tondornoss. In the discussion Mr. Dorrls took positions not common to tho usual mind In the rellgiotiB teaching of today, but lit? appoalcd to sober 'thought nnd Judg ment, and asked for tho closest in vestigation and scrutiny as to his logical and scriptural application .of the tlionie. And so, whether ono dif for with him or not, it Is dlfllcult to not credit him with strong and man ly Ideals and conclusions concern ing any question ho hadlos. Tho pooplo listened with ovldont Interest and It Is certain from muny expros Fruit Inspector C. B. Armstrong recently finished a canvas of the county (o collect 'statistics for the 1007 fruit crop and trees contained In nursery stock. Ho approximates tho valuo of this year's fruit output at $393,-100, and tho number of fruit trees ready for salo, ornament al vinos, seedlings, plants, etc., at 2,918,000. Tho genoral conditions of tho orchards In tho county Is good nnd n growing interest is being shown in tho fruit industry In all sections. In the Rosedale vicinity High School Meets Willamette On Lattcr's Grounds Tomorrow Tho high school fvotball team will play tholr first gamo Friday af ternoon, whon thoy lino up against iarlmn. Ono of his fingors will prob ably have to bo amputated nt the first Joint. Mr. Howard has lived In Salem tho past throo yoars, at pres ent his homo being on tho cornor of Bush and Liberty streets. neincun!or Clovoland'o Baking Powder, In 3-lb cans, only coat $1,00, and 5-lb can $1,05. Doth theso cans havo tho motnl h&Bdl uidor tho regular cover. Thoy aro UBoful whon emp ty. 10-7-lm October StmwlMTrki Frank Harrn, of Liberty, has boon furnishing Btruwborrlos to tho Salem market. Thoy aro for salo by Roth & Q rubor on Stnto street. Tho Kecfflooriift Bhoi Of Portland will open obranoa hop In 8alom soon. Watch paper for nnnouncomonts, 10-6-tf. Look - At tho oxcollont woodwork nmdo by A. M. Hansen In many of Salem's finest homos; thou whon you want trimmings for your house you will know whvro to got them, luxuriant fruitage. Tonight tho evan golist will discuss tho mooted ques tion "What Ib Baptism?" And tho peoplo can como to hear without fonv of dogmatism or abuso. And whllo tho religious world 1b Bomowhnt di vided bore. It is tho fair nnd mnnlv discussion of such things that bring cr01'' nt least 1000 acres of pruno trees woro put out last year, and tho pros pects aro that as many trees will. bo planted this year. Tho opplo crop this year Is far bolow tho standard for Marlon coun ty, bolng only about one-fourth of a While In a fow sections tho n t I SY nKAIinH.ln u .. .1 .1 .. grent minds and hearts togothor In ; ' uromiwu more Pomninn nnllv. Tmrf ii,f 'ru,t " "Bnl. tho OUtpilt Of the Mr. DorriB will have for a themo C0""ty ls fnr 1'0. ?' tho average "Righteousness." Tho peoplo nro cordially Invited to hear theso groat questions discussed by a. maBtor mind. I " COFFEE Cheap for those that won't pay for 'good; Schil ling's Best for those who won't have poor. Your crocer returns your money If you don't UV Its vm pay him When You Want Good baking powder ask your gro cor for Cleveland's. Don't nllow him to glvo you any othor brand. 10-7-lm ThO roiwrt whlnh Mr Arnmtrnnirl gives approximator tho fruit re sources if tho county Is as follews: Apples, bushols,"5000.. ..$ 12,500 Pears, pounds, 300,000 . . . C.000 Prunos, pounds, 375,000 Strawberries, pounds, 250, 000 9,000 Raspberries, pounds, 150,- 000 0,000 Dlackberrl08, poundB, C0,- 000 7,500 Loganberries, pounds, -185,- 000 14,000 Cherries, pounds, 825,000., 39,000 Qrapos, pounds, 25,000 .... 1,260 Poaohos (boxos) 2500 3,000 Dried raspborrlos, pounds, 2400 C00 Don't Go It Blind! IfWNMM Mnny pooplo do, whon thoy aro buying shoos. Somo go Into tho first Bhoo storo thoy come to and tnko most any pair of shoos tho salesman sayB "tit." Total $393,400 Trtvs Ready for Sale. , Fruit trooa , 1.59S.000 Ornninontol troas, vinos, etc 501,500 Seedling plants, cto .... 7BS.50O Total 2.91S.000 ft PERSONALS I I I 1 1,1 1111 MM 1 1 1 1 1 in imt Mrs. William Thlelsen went to Portland yesterday. L. S. Otis was a Salem visitor from Newberg yeuterday. Harry Ashford left this morning for Turner on a hunting trip. Mrs. A. H. Bynrs, of Portland, ls visiting relatives In this city. Mrs. Jennie Clark and dnuchter nro vlnltlntr relntlveH In Mnrlnn. I William Odeklrk of Woodburnm SUro you will aptfrWi( """""""" ' -"" jv-aiui- o juu gee mem tt'. Anv "' VJ A. B. Davis of Portland was a business visitor In the city yester day. Father A. A. Moore returned Inst evening from a Bhort visit In Al bany. Henry Thrnllklll left yesterday for Seattle where ho will Bpend the winter. . Mrs. S. P. Dnvl3, of Oregon City, Is visiting Salem friends and attend ing tho Bnptlst conference. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B. Raster wont to Albany Inst evening to visit friends nnd relatives. Mrs. E. W. St. Plorro has returned from Portland, where sho has beon visiting for the past several days. Mrs. Susan Schomaker and Mls-5 Lizzie Hilko left last evening for a visit in Oakland, California-. T. L. Townsend, of tho crenmerr company, returned, to his homo in Portland Inst ovenlng after trans acting business In this city. Rev. A. Q. Landblom of Portland, who has been attending tho BnptlstJAngelo and Pompey's Pilk tumuuuuu lino iuiimiuu io U1B . IIIUBiraied 80llg Ig "Col homo. Mrs. Eliza Royce, of Portland, ar- Tho Grand Jury rived in tho city this morning to Join That body la grlnainr it., lint ImaltnTlsl wlirt fnontWIv rnnnA Tni- t... - . . ' ..... ..u....u, ,... ....j "v.iu ..u.iu. ivvjus in cnargeoitlj nuro. cuiion ot tno North Ci Miss Gladys Cooper, who has been street brldgo Irrcgularltlei visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. S. J. Fleming, men Stolz, Dayne, Ratcllj m or tins city, nns returned to her Alderman Acheson were before homo In Corvalll3. (today. Whllo tho grand Jarji Mrs. i u. zimmorman, who has ing a great deal that li eeare beon visiting her sister In this city no direct proof of graft huji for tno past soveral days, Has re- boforo thorn turned to her home in Jefferson. C. C. Sporry, of Brownsville, after visiting his daughter, Mrs. Will Skiff, of this city, returned to his homo today. Mrs. M. E. Chambers and Miss Wllda Hogoy, of Turner, after a visit In this city, havo returned to their homes. H. J. Workman and J. K. Nash, At the Vaudcttc Outsido of the r.-i. ixrusLn . , ..b"..".". "i who WCCK. thft ll.. will bo shewn: pi.J1 Lakes of Klllarncy, iteltli-. ---, .uoey, the 0M "i, iunuon nousfl nf .., London; Windsor Caiii, rt., of Notre Dame, Battling -i loo, Blngen, Copenban u Castle, Chllon, Venice, Orisif Tower of Pisa, Rome, (tt, seurn; statute of Mosejk, MAniUKD. GOODKENECH1U-SKAIFE.-1 ! homo of tho bride' pijtBtr.li Goodkonccht, In the Wilis 1 October 16, 190T, Rtf.F. Knight officiating, Roy E. ft of Sllvcrton, to Mln M Goodkonccht. Tho same minister. muiM 1 formorly of Salem, now of Golden .brldo groom's parent li m .11 1T1., . 11. x... .!. l.-. JJ1--..I.AJJ uiuu, vubiiui;iuii, iuii mis morning iviiur a Buort wvuuiug inp,, for Klamath Falls, after visiting in peoplo will bo nt home wel ton. MONEY TO U TH08.E.I Ovor Laid Buai's Bai.Si this city. Mrs. R. L. ailson, of Brownsville, and mother, Mrs. J. R. Thompson, of Jofrorson, who attended the Newell Mclntlro nuptials, havo returned to thoir homes. Mrs. Ella Watt, ono of tho doputy orgnnlzerB for tho United Artisans' lodge, will hold n sosBlon with tho'Norwlcb UkrJ ossombly at Dufur Tuesday night.- laMKtl Tho Dalles Chronicle. FraHk MoredWi, BMtJ Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Dnvonport nnd Oflloo wltk Tfa. Brown 4 ft,' dnughtor and J. W. Davenport, M!si29 Commercial street CAPTAIN R. C. FOLWELL. Football hero, who Is In charge of the University of Pennsylvania sloven. Othor Bhoo buyors aro attracted by tho price This Is folly. alone. Tho Bafo buyor will come hero and bo correctly flttod with the best shoos, pay a fair price, and bo happy over afterwards. Shooa for Mon, for Women, for Children, for everybody. Satisfaction and Bhoes go tu tho same package hero. Oregon Shoe Co. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES CARLOAD OF PIANOS ARRIVES Richmond, ,Iud., Sept. 25. Carload of high grndo upright and grand pianos has been shipped to you today, In tho opinion of musical ex perts they nro a superior lot of In struments, every one of them per fect and standing tho severest In spection. Star Piano Manufacturing Co. The carload of pianos above re ferred to was received In this city yostorday, and placed In the musical .wurorooms of George O. Will, Com mercial Btreet. The Star pianos aro (In tho front rank of musical Instruments. a.. niin....nii. a. . ..... mo wiiuuuuuu -varsity team on wii- lnmotto field. Tho Wlllnmotto team fenced Saturday. will bo the same as whon they played Washington here Monday, with the exception of Nnco nnd Klrby, who will bo out of It on account of In juries recoivod In tholr Inst game. ;It Is a general prediction that tho gamo will bo n very evontly matched cpntost, as ho high school team, under Bishops coaching, Is develop ing wonderfully, and in a couple of night's scrimmage practlcos with Willamette last weok held the big team down to an oxtent that sur prised everyone. Willamette, how ever, will play her hardest tomor row, nnd If tho high school expects to score, or even hold them down, they will havo to do some fast play ing. The high school team has not yet beon definitely, picked, but will be af ter this game, when Coach Bishop can see what .his men are worth In real action. There are about 25 high school boys out now, and all are making a lively scramble for a place on the first team. A large crowd will witness the game tomorrow. Lila Davenport and Tomo Wilton' loft last evening for tholr homes In Snblnal, Toxbb. They havo been visiting relatives In this city. M. W. Gleeson is moving today to his now homo In tho country. Mr. Gleeson has recently sold his proper ty in Kansas, and has bought a place east of town. H.o says Oregon Is good enough for him. George Neuner and Philip Stove. havo returned from Fairbanks, Alas ka, and havo registered In tho law department of Willamette University Mr. Neuner is visiting rolntlvos In Roseburg and will return to this city In a few days to resume his studies. p Luper Found Guilty Tho trial of T. J. Luper ended last night In tho Jury bringing In a ver dict of guilty. Luper will bo sen MMMMgMMH fNEWTODM Fine Building Slte-Tl! quarter of block , on wj South Liberty ana ubh -ikwira fA.t. eat frost will bo recelred for m for lots 50x150 feet .och halnnco to BUlt P'J" . at c neir cent lotereit ,.0nfhUfl unto October 1U Right reserved to reJV r.-r: in uai juum rw. Wmilwl MUSt Site to1 ions per day and ,1 x. More Help Wflntd.- .j t ina caunv .- men wauu " jwHy piy ni um.v .GRAPES Fd Canning 3c Per? Potffld .. . -..-i,' u yot intend to cn any grp ,, . as we will bare a nke lot oinome s" at a very low price. I MOIR GROCERY 456 S"'" Pkoai&2 i lftNftMMMIIIMMMIi . -j.... .tmt.. aiHiiiiiii - --- v . .. mmmmmmmmrmmm