Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 14, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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$tocc of Monotony In the New
Styles-Braid Trimmed Suits-But-ons-Loiig
Or Short Sleeves-Black
t&itapes Instead of White
'Oao $;reat ndvantago of tho now
lylea I tho absence of monotony.
tZHril&g ttra Inst busy months of prep
aration for tho fall fashion oponlngB
ftfce Vn'ttbroord of tho doalgnora and
feirtnfd'kerB haB boon "varloty."
Ome tou winder along Fifth avonuo
from imuAlHlo to modlsto, or from
fep 'So tflliop on Broadway, Fifth
mostly trimmed with folds or bands
of tho material and braid and but
tons. These lattor play an Impor
tant part In tho dress garnitures of
the seaBon. Simple bone, motnl and
cloth covered buttons aro used on
tho cloth suits, while fabric and
braid- covrcd buttons aro used In
great numbers In carrying out the
trimming designs on both coat and
skirt. Tho pronounced success of
tho now "Foathorsllk taffeta," marks
tho successful effort to produce o
material, strong, of fast dye, yet suf
ficiently lltrht In weight to make the
fashionable, ruffled petticoat. Tho
best dressmakers aro also using u
for waist linings, becajuso so strong,
yet taking up very Htllo room, and
In uddltlon to black, every fashion
able shado Is at one's command.
Rhort Sleeves Still Worn.
There Is no doubt at all that short
sleeves will appear on most of the
waists Intended for dressy occasions
this fall and winter. Theso aloevo3
mw m m 1 1
Tim iibovo design lN '' Ho MrCu!
wh mill Manufacturers of MrCnll I
1 Co. of Ninv York, FnMilon Publish-
ttenuu or 23rd street and thoro wll'
tetsittoly bo found two droaspa cut
ami trlunuoil oxnctly allko. Thin Is
most ducldodly u trimming hoiimou.
n lulnly elaboration lu tho koy
tooto t till tho snmrtont cojrtumort.
Nfoiloivtl SiiIIh Trimmed In MHIIary
For fall wear tallor-mndo buIU
OQiloubtoilly luko tho load and In
thono tho vathor long lUtod iuckot In
ecldudly tlio most favored. Somo
vory uttractlvo military orfoctH aro
to bolng shown. Fitted coats, 2C
to '.10 Inohoa long braided In llumur
twlilon and worn with ploatod,
trnU1 trimmed nklrta aro vory smart
Inrtoud. Sulla of thlB sort aro usual
ly ot broadcloth In Botno of tho now
lom Bhadon or In navy bluo, wlno
lor, or brown trlmmod with black
trulil. Thoro uro also many mora
or lom fancy tailor mndo milts hav
K soata with largo armholcs and
lcvon or bIoovo caps In Mikado
felyle. Thorn aro olaborntoly trim
"h1 with braid or bauds or Oriental
Cheviot Is used for slmplor buIU
amd ulso Kuglluh sorgo. Vory fow
it tltoao Bulta aro plain, thoy nru
ai n little longer than tho caso In
tho Bummor being In throo-quartor
Mylok Hut Htraws ahow which way
tlio wind h blowing and mnny of the
latost thoator and dlnnor frocks that
!iuvt JiiHt boon brought ovor fron
Pari aro mado with long transpar
ent sleeves, wrinkled artistically for
tholr whole longth llko a Mousquo
talio glovo and coming down well
ovor tho hand aomotltnoa this now
sloovoa omorgun llko an undorsloovo
from a Mikado or Mandarin cap at
tho top.
lllack CliilmpeH,
Whlto gulmpoH havo becomo an
almost iudospousablo part of most
tolh'tteii owing to tho groat popular
ity of tho Jumpor stylos. And now
a tho vory latest novolty tho black
qulmpo Iuib been brought out. This
originated In Purls and aa It Is most
attrnctlvo and, host of all, service
able, will probably havo a groat
voguo. A charming gown of pale
bluo vollo mado with a jumper waist
of tho material Is shown ovor a Bhlr
red gulmps of black ombroldored
cropo do chine. Moussollno do solo
or black all ovor laco nnd not are
also usod for theso now gulmpos.
Decatur, III., Oot. 14. The state
scored a point today In the MaQlll
murder trial. Mrs. Elmlra Downey
testified that Mrs. Pot MaGUPs body
w"hon found was wrapped In a blan
ket In such a manner that it could
only havo occurred with outside aid.
Sho was first on tho scone after the
death, and said tho basin containing
chloroform, tho saturated coat and
tho dead woman's right arm woro In
side tho blanket. Mrs. Downoy
sworo that when tho Inquest was or
dered MaQlll exclaimed, "My God,
thoso people think I killed my wlfo.
I can feel (the rope around my nock
- o
Vancouver, Oct. 14. Assorting
that t'ho foremen of tho mills woro
paid by Japanoso to hire ithom In
proforonco to whlto labor, Rov. Dr.
Frasor created a sensation In his
sormon yesterday. Ho declared that
foremen In tho sawmills woro mak-
lne fortunes clvlng tho Japanoso tho
Jobs In return for a commission on
tholr wngo3.
. 0 .
Pendleton, Oct. 14. Ono, hun
dred cnttlo aro roaming about tho
country near Helix, 80 head aro dead
and tho onglner nnd fireman of a
frolght train painfully Injurod bh
tho result of tsho fatluro ot tho
brakos to work on a frolght train
going up hill lato yostorday. Seven
teen cars ot cattle wont oft tho track.
Tho loss ot stock Is estimated at
$t000. Full dotallB aro not obtnln
nblo as yot. Tho cattlo woro con
signed to Sonttlo.
Cjino Wan Not In Court
Tho caso of tho Stato vs. Caso wns
called this aftornoon, but tho do-
fondant failed to appear. lie Is out
on bonds In itho sum of $500, which
will probably bo forfoltod. I
Another Car of Pianos
Thoro arrived today another car of
pianos for Geo. C. Will. Tills car
comes direct from tho well-known
Starr Piano Company, Rlohmond,
Indiana, and Bhlpped In harness.
Starr pianos aro a better grado pl
artoB than most sold in tho market
. o
Chicago Markets.
Chicago, 111., Oct. 14. Cash
wheat, $1.11 $1.11 H. corn C3
C4, oats 5757.
Wouldn't Tell Her Age.
Tho Man How old Is your par
rot? Tho Woman Tell tho gentleman
how old you are, Polly.
Tho Parrot Shut up.
Tho Woman Oh, shame Polly'
Tell tho gentleman how old you aro.
Tho Parrot Shut up.
Tho Man A femalo parrot. I pre
sume. Yonkors Statesman.
Tlmo In Missouri.
Somebody broke open tho safo of
a Joplln lanudry tho other night.
The exact tlmo of the robbory b not
known, but tho Joplln Times esti
mates that It was "somo tlmo be
tween tho lowering of night's sable
mantlo and tho lifting of tho purplu
veil that horaldB tho approach of
rosy dawn." Kansas City Journal.
Seeing the Point.
"It Is a mistake," said tho man
In tho plaid suit, "I say that .wo
English do not onjoy a Joke."
"I Bhould think," anwored Miss
Cayonno, "thnt you would onjoy a
Joko vory much; It Is so Boldom you
see ono." Washington Star,
Hit Chance.
Mildred Thoy Bay young Ilugglns
wants to marry ovory girl ho meets.
Clotilda Then why don't you get
somo ono to Introduce you, denr?
Tho chlof of pollco In Kansas City
has ordered his mon to shoot nt
scorching motorists if thoy do not
halt whou cnllcd upon to do so.
Tho World's Supply of Honey.
Statistical Boarder Havo you the
remotest Idea, for lnstnnco, what tho
world's supply of honoy Ib?
Sentlmoatal Boarder Yes, sir.
Tho world's supply of honoy weighs
exactly 11C pounds, and hor namo "It
well, I'm not going to mention it
In this crowd. Chicago Tribune.
Performed a Miracle.
Hor Husband (angrily) I was a
fool whon I married.
Ills Wlfo Aren't you a fool still?
"No; I ahi not."
"Then you should congratulate
mo upon my succoas as a roformor."
Spnro Momonts.
Says the Eastern Speculators Do Not
Want to Invest In Straight Deals
Whon S. A. D. Putor, tho land
fraud king, completes his sontonco
ho Intends to see that tho govern
ment recovors thousands of acres of
land obtained through fraud by his
former conspirators in crooked
deals. Putor docs not say ho In
tends to bo a reformer, but explains
that If tlio government recovers the
land Involved, thoro will bo great
opportunities for making money le
gitimately. "Tho very best tlmbor land In Or
egon has been obtained by fraud",'1
complains tho federal prisoner, "and
tho government should rccovor It.
When I got out of jail I am going
to urgo tho government to recover
this land, or know why.
"Ono man alone secured 80 quar
ter sections of tho best tlmbor land
In tho Btato through fraud. This
represents 12,800 acres, and this
land Is worth from $8000 to $10,000
a quarter Bectlon, bo, nt tho con
servative figure, this follow alono
haB tied up timber land with a mar
ketable valuo of,$G40,000.
"This Ib but ono of sovoral In
stances whoro tho government re
ceived tho worst of it. When Honey
mado his Investigation ho Bhpwed
up tho gigantic graft being perpe
trated, and how tho land had boon
obtnlnod fraudulently. ThlB result
ed In holding up proceedings, and
tho govornmont had amplo proof ot
frnud. Now, If tho govornmont
recover this land, I am going to find
out why.
"Thoro Isn't much money In being
crooked. I know that botor than
any ono. Tho last two years I havo
boon In troublo havo cost mo a for
tune. I havo boon missing tho op
portunity of a llfotlmo, for hnd I
boon free, with tho way timber land
has boon Increasing In valuo, I
would bo a rich man today, InBtead
of bolng In Jail nnd penniless.
"I want to 'say, too, that thoso
Eastern men, thd lumbormen In Min
nesota, Wisconsin nnd MIchlgnn,
would rnthor bo crooked thai:
straight. Thoy will tako up a shady
proposition qulckor than thoy will a
logltlmato donl. Intimate to them
that thoro Is a schomo whoroby they
can dofraud tho govornmont, and
thoy will Jump at tho chance. Thoy
will dlctnto tho tortus, too. Theso
men nro millionaires, and thoy nc
cumulnted tholr woalth for tho most
pnrt by robbing t'ho govornmont.
They consider tho government legit-
We Can Tell Yo,, I
' " "" M0U" ey both5t 1
We aro eye3ght J
meuical attention is nectSttTT
will toll you so. fw..,.T""J
tlons a specialty. P
Grndnntn aik.
123 Conunerdnl street, Xwtt0,
"" "uonai uank.
lmate game an m ,..,. .
fleeced at every opportunity U
"I know all about thMtuJ
u.m i kuow ineir system. b
; r Jt cracked tri
on flesh until Jnllor p-..i. ,
, ....... . " """i m
nas aeciaea io put rno In lmt,i 1
nfnnt 4. nl ..j1
"i, iu Bt um, ana onca I do i
never see me behind fh .-.
meals supplied by the ofRri,t.
In for two years, and wlllfoj,
somo time next March, 1 rffl M
pardoned boforo then. Mrfisajs
iiiuKiug cuons io secure aj nrj
oul i uon-i Know with ht i
.. it
"For flvo(years my family bw t
uoon troubled with the
coughs; wo owe this to Bi!!i
Horohound Syrup. I know ft J
saved my children from run; i
Bpolls." Sold by D. J. Fry.
Trust Against Trait,
This paper has been bonbirdej
lato with letters beseeching I'jiat
tho campaign of tho lumber laterti
against tho railways became of I!
lncrcaso In rates on this diss
frolght. Tho Lender Is flitterdt
know that Its influenco l coniUs
ot somo value; but, frankly, lot
pnthy for tho lumber menliw!
as to amount to Uttlo more Hut
dlfforonco. They have ba
"all that tho traffic will bear,"
aro simply gottlng a good do
tholr own medicine.1 ThelwtJ
thoy havo "dug up" one-qtirfcel
a million with which lo 8jlt(
railways, doesn't Indicate atyi
tlcular danger that tho bread JI
taken from their children! i
Weston Leader.
Tho old Pennsylvania DutdJ
kard recommonds "Hkkery
Pouch Remedy." Guaranteed"
your cough, and guaranteed bl
nuro. Mado from tne dmi
sboll bark or white Mcwri
For salo by dealers eTerytfc
The College Styles
"Every Month in the Year : :
Urlnga its curront bills. Ono ; ;
way to pay them Ib to go from
pluco to placo, carrying tho ;
money with you, at tho risk of ; ;
loss aud tho chnnco of ovor j
looking rtio taking ot a rocolpt, ! !
nnd having somo ot It to pay
over again. Tho convoulont busl ; ;
noss-ilko way is to pay all bills
ly chock, no mattor how small. ! !
JV thed: Is tho host rocolpt you ; ;
cn havo. Paying out monoy -In
thla way lnauros, correctnoai ! !
and Blvos you a complete rw- ; ;
ord ot all money piatd out. ; ;
OpoM a Check tag AccoHat With I
vn, ::
Thoro Aro Wmuwi ami Women.
If Harry Lane noods all tho Port
land import!, tho prosocntlng attor
ney ami hta doputlos aud halt tho
pollco forco to stand off ono Uttlo
woman, what will ho uoed to bo a
caudldato for govornor whon u wo
man suffrngo campalgu Is on? Jof
forson Hovlow,
Hestaurant aud hotel, on
! European plan. Mcala, at nil
hours on short order. Regular
; dluuor 38 cents. Thirty aow-
'. '. ly Qnlshed turatekod rooms. J
W fj3Jfl)Sr
A i
I'llii ili
i tin Hil II ,t
Salt 11
r ua ihw
Fashioned Apparel
that ate so muck desited by the yotmg
men ate made especially nobby in
Bishop's Reacfy
Tailored Clothes
Prices $0.00 to $30.00
College PennantsWe have the latest
selection of College Pennants in the
city. All the prominent colleges ifl &
United States. Prices 50c ani 25c.
Salem Woolen Mill Store
63 J Commercial Street
I : K. KCKKULKN', Trop.
Suteni, Oresen
' ; US OwwrcIal ft. X
i. . j
-aJfc M) .