nJHx Great Sale of Black Coats Mdgtads Sensational bargains abound in our black coat section, tho newest and most wanted styles In a wide range of Sizes. Materials aro Kerseys, Meltons, Broadcloth and Chiffon BroadcloMi. The assortment Is bettor now than it will, be later on. Its your choosing time Just whon you will need it most. Here's tho way thoy'ro listed. ffl You May Not Need & $ i (m $30 values in black coats. Special ?2G values in black coatB. Special ..".I. $20 values in black coats Special $19.85 $16.85 $14.85 $15 values in black coats Special $10 values in black coats. Special $7. CO values in black coats. Special, i Blankets Another big shipment of blan kets reached us yestorday. Wo're now prepnred to give you JuBt tho quality blanket you want at the price you want to pay. By buying direct from tho mills wo can and do, give you a bettor quality for your money than do others. Blankets of cotton and wool In colors tan, gray and white. 39c to $1 1 Hosiery Tho wannor sorts tho kind you'll need shortly. Wo havo all grados and sizes for chlldron, misses and women, We Sell the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Tho patterns that mako tha least waste in cutting, that are moBt easily understood and that aro tho best styles of any pub lished in tho land. Home dress makers should avail themselves pt their advantages. Prices 10c and lGc. Footwear For Fall and Winter Wot and Btormy weather will , soon bo hero bettor look to your shoo needs now. Wo'vo all ihu best things in new shoes that aro built for stylo, service and com fort, j Wo enn fit you and our prico , will bq less than others charge for equal quality. $. 9.85 $ 6.85 $ 4.95 Suits of Quality High class garments at a great deal less than equal style and quality costs you at tho exclusive clothing Btore. The best products of tho most reputablo manufacturers in tho land. It is some satisfaction to you to know that you aro getting an all-wool garment no mercerized cottbn cheat in it. Tho satisfac tion will be in tho Btyle, wearing qualities and workmanship. You know that it will hold its shape bottr, and the prices won't ,bo any more, and often less than you pay for inferior qualities. Will you lot us show you? Me Now But bear mo in mind when you' lenses break. I havo the only up-to-date lens grinding plant In Sa lom. Your lenses duplicated the same day you leave them. Occulists' prescriptions filled, and prices in tho entire opticnl lino reasonable. Oiico a customer always a customer. CHAS. H. HINGES Graduate Opticinn 123 Commercial street. Tho Only Ono on This Street. and HUimnnuiiMHiia u jus Newest Goods i ., in 3C7eJ. lit WHB eu&lA & UjO incorporated Quality Shop i KHMI CITY NEWS A OoHertlea f Important Par- Z &nytm for Yeur Consideration X niniiiimniiiiMmni rost Ciml Hai Now subjects daily. When Yoh Want Good baklug powdor aok your gro cer for Cleveland's. Don't allow him to glvo you any other brand. 1 0-7-1 m Woman'H Club Meeting The. Salem Woman's Club will meet tomorrow aftornoon at 2:110 o'clock at tho rosidonco of Mrs. A. N. Moorcs. All mombors aro re quested to bo presont as Important matters aro to bo discussed regard ing tho mooting of tbo Stato Federa tion, to lio held In Salem October 22, 23 and 24. Tho Nmllocraft Shop Of Portland will open a branch shop In Salem soon. Watch paper or announcements. 10-5-itf. labile Bale At, tho E. P, McCornack farm, ad joining tho asylum farm, Monday, Octobor H, 1007, nt 10 o'clock a, in., consisting of cows, shcop, goats, horses, hogs and farming machinory, Preo lunch. J, T. Aufranco, pro prietor, Salem, Oregon. Remember Clovolnnd'n Baking Powdor, in 3-lb cans, only cost $1.00, and G-lb can $1.05, Both theso cans havo tho motnl htndlo undor tho rogular covor. They aro useful when emp ty. 1 0-7-1 m HiihIiichs Men's Lengu Thoro was a mooting of this or ganization last night at tho Board of Trado rooms, and a panoramic view of tho Capital City was ordored mado through tho Kaisor Photo Company, and 100 copies woro subscribed for by Salem business men. Tho pic tures will also bo on sal cat Patton Bros.' bookstore. Tho annual elec tion was deferred nnothor wook, to givo a commlttco on annual banquet opportunity to mako somo arrange nionts to havo that festivity in honor of tho nowly-olocted offlcors. TIiobo Who Have Usod it tho longest praise it tho moot Clovoland'tt Baking Powder. 1 0-7-1 m Rcnl Efltnto Moving Ed. Wright, tho woll-known Btrcotcar motorman, has Just sold two lots ho bought a year ago In Englewood for a nico advance. Ho has two more in South Salem that aro advancing tho samo way. Protecting tl) Bridge Street Commissioner Martin has a forco of men nt work protecting tho 1111 to tho now concroto bridgo on North Commercial Btroot, so that it will not wash out tho first high wator that conws this fall. A wing dam la bolng put in to hold tho em baukmout In placo. Framing New Chnrter Chairman arconbnum, of tho or dlnnnco commltteo, has had several conferences with roprotontatlvea of tho Portland Railway, Light & Pow er Company, to agrco upon the terms of an nmondod charter that will protect tho rights of tho city, and allow street improvomonts to go HHOMIBMMMHIIWIMI The Superior Quality And oxcluslvoness of tho Hhoes carried by tho Salem Shoo Store has boon tho subject of universal commont by the pooplo of Salem. Thotoo vlBltlng this storo for tho first tlmo Invariably express un bounded astonishment at tho really extraordinary Btock wo dls play. Not a few styles of a kind, but hundreds of tho popular styles. Indeed so mauy choleo styles that an unsatisfactory selec tion becomes an absoluto impossibility. But this Is not all The Splendid Character forward all over tho city. Qoodo and Low aro tho othor mombors. That Grill Work Tho grill work for several new Salem homes will como from A. M. Hansen, whoso factory is at tho cor ner of Mill and Church streets. Ask Your Sweetheart And Bho will tell you that tho best bread and cako Is mado with Wild Rose flour. Sold by all gro cors. Visitors Aro Pleased Visitors aro pleased with tho woll-equlpped markot of Stousloff Bros. Thoy Bay it is ono of tho host In point of equipment In tho wholo country. And tho meat supplies aro In kcoplng, too. liny Flrst-Class Goods For tho henlthy family. That's why J. M. Lawronco has so many customers thoy know tho goods aro right. J. M. Lawrence. Attention, Veterans All veterans of tho Civil Wnr, and especially members of Sedgwick Post, Q. A. R nro hereby urgently requested to nttond tho funeral of our lato comrade, O. W. Ellis, form morly of Compnny F, First Now Hampshlro cavalry, at tils late homo ono door west of tho corner of South Winter and Bellevue streets, at 10 a. m., Saturday, Octobor 12, 1907. John P. Robertson, post commandor. Of theso shoos adds much In tho making. ltecuu cusnion snooa for tendor feot, 15.00. Wo havo tho Dr. Tho R. P, Smith shoes,; and tho colobrated Walkover shoeo, known tho world over, from $3.50 to $4,00. And dou't forgot our ropairlng department. Work not douo by machinery, but by hand. Workmanship guar anteed or no pay. fls CGT:ccrr.i . SALEM SHOE STORE, frfig.?Wye 326 STATE ST. SALEM, OREGON Strong Wnte: Tho pump at tho city wator works was started up Monday, and a small stream of water raised, with but llt tlo Band along with It. Tho water had a poculiar odor, which no ono could account for. Aurora Boroalls. The Clackamas Fall- Tho Clackamas county fair began this morning at Gladstone Park, Oro gon City, and will run until Satur day night. This is tho first annual fair of that county, and. with the magnificent woather and oxhlbits. will no doubt prove a phenomenal success. A Peculiar Case MIsa Olllo Cushman was coming out from Acme on tho stngo Wed nesday. Thoy stopped at Halo to chango stages, and as Miss Cushman was bolng holped out of the Btago sho struck hor arm on a part of tho wagon near tho olbow. Sho was at once thrown Into a violent paroxysm of vomiting, which could not bo stopped. Dr. Bartlo was driven out on short notlco, and worked several hours before ho got her quloted, She canio In on tho stago last night. The peculiar thing about" It was that hor arm was scarcely bruised, Eugene Register. I PERSONALS f ill 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I H H I HtH-l c- Dr. and Mrs. Calbreath left this morning for Portland on business. Rev. G. O. Oliver, of Jefferson, camo down this morning. rMB. Robert Gllson Is tho guest of friends In Brooks. W. Huddleson was a Salem visitor from Woodburn yesterday. Mrs. E. C. Crawford left last even ing for a visit in Oregon City. Mrs. Grant Corby loft today for Silverton, where sho will visit for a fow days. John Richen arrived this morning from his homo in MndraB, Oregon, to rcsunio his studios at Willamette. Miss Gertrude Galbrcath left this morning for Senttlo, whero sho will visit friends and relatives. Eugene Clark, of Pendleton, nr rlved in tho city this morning to visit relatives. Rev. J. M. O'Farroll, of Eugene, is tho guest of Father A. A. Mooro, of this city. Mrs. O. C. Bnker has returned from Eugcno, where Bhe was tho guest of friends. Tho Misses Bertha and Cora Van DoHcy, of Forest Grove, aro visit ing in tho city. Fathor A. A. Mooro loft this morn ing for Gervals, to attend tho funer al of tho lato Gcorgo Manning. Miss Lillian Le, of Marlon, is the guest of Salem frlondu and rela tives. Mrs. Benjamin Ebon loft last ov- enlng for hor homo in Tho Dalles, aftor a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Long. Mrs. D. C. Abel, of Lyons, re turned to her homo aftor ' a short business trip to this city. Miss Hilda Jones, of "Labish Meadows," returned to her homo yestorday, aftor attending tho Stelw-or-Connell woddlng. J. R. Campbell, of Troutdale, wa in tho city yestordny, looking for a location for a homo. Ho left for Troutdale last ovonlng, but expectj to Boon return to Salem to reside. Mrs. E. E. Powell and daughter, Miss Both Powoll, who havo been visiting Mrs. T. W. Richardson, of North Salem, loft this morning for their homo in Portland. Mrs. Rich ardson is a dnughtor of Mrs. Powell. Mrs. Nellie Emerson and Miss An na Driver, who have been visiting thoir slBtor, Mrs. Thompson, of this city, loft todny for their homo in Oakland, California. Rev. and Mrs. T. S. Handsaker, of Corvallls, returned to their homo to dny, aftor attending tho meetings at tho First Christian church of this city. Charles Johnson, tho constablo, left this morning for Corvallls. Ho will take to tho mountains from thoro In search of a timber claim, and expects to return In threo or four dnys. Tho Misses Mabel Wythycombe, of Corvnllls, and Florence Tongue, of Htllsboro, who were guests nt tho Stelwor-Connoll woddlng, left this morning for thoir homes. Mrs. Sattleo, of Tacoma, and sis ter, Mrs. E. W. Connell, of Portland, havo returned to their homes aftor attending tho Stolwer-Connell wed ding. Mrs. Connoll wns formerly Miss Emma Robb, of this city. A. W. Bennott, of Woodburn. Is In the city, looking for a sultablo residence property to make his home. Ho expects soon to move to this city with his family" to reside. Steel Rita Fitted to All Makes of Bicycles 1 Ftfank J. Moon BEST WORK AT HONEST PRICES FttUNii aoo 447 COURT ST BORN. MAGERS. At tho Salem hotspltal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, October 10, 1907, 'to Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Magers, a daughter. BONIIAW;. At the Portland Mater nity Hospital, In Portlnnd, Ore gon, on Tuosdny, Octobor 8, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Bonham, a daughter. i n DIED. ELLIS. At his homo on Bellevue, near Winter street, Salem, Ore gon, Thursday, Octobor 10, 1907, G. W. Ellis, aged 78 years, 7 months and 18 days. Mr. Ellis was a resident of Salem for mnny years. Besides tho widow tho following chlldron survlvo him: Fred Ellis, Edward Ellis, Mrs. W. Zlnn and Mrs. Edward Bullock, all of this city. Tho funeral services will bo conducted by Rov. P. S. Knight from tho family homo to morrow, Saturday, Octobor 12th, at 10 a. m. Intorment In Odd FoIIowb' comotcry. That cocktail story wn "" UH airuanks. If hed'tol -j ... . .wot me TOl0 of 0Qe eij and If he did he lost th r,j. J othor. And now tho matter btj so muddled that hc woold J loso tho voto of both, n m H as hard as Blanchard gaTe E!tjJ Now York, when he allniTl "Rum, Romanism and RrtesJ PETZEL. At tho family homo, six miles north of this city, Friday morning, October 11, 1907, tho infant daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Potzol. Tho funornl services will bo con ducted from tho Catholic church Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. In torment in tho Catholic cemetery. MONEY TO LOW THOitroi Over Ladd & Bush's Bank.fcto,! Norwich Union Fire Insurance Sedi Frank Meredith, Itafctat IfJ Office with Win. Brown t 0,1 Commercial street. 29 f iiMmmiiUHiiJ NEW TODAY HIIIIIIMIIII CIRCLE. At tho asylum, Thursday October 10, 1907, William Circle, aged 83 yearB. Tho body will bo shipped to Dal las tomorrow morning for burial. O ' Tho two men arrested for killing threo elk, say tho killing of ono of tho throo was accidental. Probnbly took it for a man. For Sale Several louses la Mil and farm lands, at a btrfiktl ital NaUonal Bask. Um Lost Postofllco kejr, tied i aluminum ring with twlno string. Finder r!H at Journal office. lMl For Rent. 320-acre stock iwi 150 In cultiratiOD, 3 nlta Macleay, 1 house, 2 blrsi, orchard, 7 springs; flsepaa hogs. Enquire of C. W. Es Salem. Or. 1W For Rent Remodeled and wj furnished rooms. Also cU nUhed rooms at Depot &l near S. P. passenger depot. 1M1' The old Pennsylvania Dutch Dun kard recommends "Hickory Bark Cough Remedy." Guaranteed to cure your cough, and guaranteed to be puro. Made from tho bark of the sholl bark or white hickory tree. For salo by dealers ove'rywhoro. o A Big I)roi In the corner window, nt the cor nor grocery. W. A. Irvin & Co. Wanted Two boys. PerBMt nIHnn and cood W8gei im nMnnan Store. 1HI Wanted To borrow J500 for'' inc nurnoses. Good tW' jmc a .Tnurnal office. 1M1! For Rent Partly furnished j to small family; also J for aale. Enquire at Si 16 th street, corner ol J ' iir, oi. New Shortliaiul Class A beginning class In shorthand and typewriting will bo started at tho Capital Business College on Monday, Octobor 14th. it is hoped that all who expect to begin a sten ographic course soon can arrange to begin then, as another new class way not bo organised for several weeks. 10-ll-2t JUST RECEIVED A shipment of tho famous CHASB & SANBORN COFFEES. If rou havo never tried this coffee now Is a good tlmo to glvo a trial ordor, or come In and wo will gladly S,ve a samplo of theso high grade coffees. Wo aro solo agents for Chase t Sanborn, and will do our best to pleasn you. Watch the Corner Window At tho corner grocery, Saturday. W, A. Irvin & Co. MOIR GROCERY CO, 456SteSt Pfeooe f 82 Bl4lJttVt and it is antlclpatod that the eall r will kavo Wttlo trouhlo I tK ttttf IU tqea.wr. Goorn Wall to alvrUr wlU W9tra rtuU'ai Wimswrtim. vu Ala- I dPmQk Tfcf Wfi I nX "Riddle o glvo place to Japs. rno Riddle road district at once met and levied a ro4 tax to ttutltt rowis. And the dteeUargnl wctto a 1V ea work tit frwaty nuti aad ui ttuuca buiu i ko ivufi. box, containing pencils and ruler, free. HAVE TESTED IT. Will' -NO I' CALL ON YOUR GROCER AND IN SIST ON HAVIXG HIM 8WKA' . nitTT V ,. A wswuiiissiatsaswsm. , into . .wL;y a,.,? r WW?" I ,u