Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 09, 1907, Image 7

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nr.nt nirve ionic? Ask vour doctor
Want a blood purifier? - - Ask your doctor
Want a strong alterative ? - Ask your doctor
m..i tamWv medicine? - Ask vour doctor
m i !tintt alnntinl ? . Aalr vntir r!nrtnr
. -tmmm . t C ak a MaMtj.O A . Ir .... vImmAm
UlauftytT '""' Want AVCr a oaianyaiuiur ji jruu uuwiui
..LHttrO""" M-f .tttfiilt . . '-. u.tal OT ntirilflrl J.n.AvapPA.
t tbbw" . i nn uuu tv a n .- nu pvii ---- w. .. vwa
jWrTe-aaniW' '.":. I iV:hfniiluorllo mUoIn. Ii0wu.
IOwiTT, Mall.
nS Douglas TMnks, Whether
Si Ik Or
rar JamM DOIISlo'-'
.. i- rorell! Is a candid
W C0M", .- ..11. Mm
ntf w" .... w now voluino
stflntroauciwu--- .,DBl,cIa...
hort..8rImfln whoso heart la
v br d husband. Miss
;itude of the convenuonu J;
n0a tliat Is higher and
fcrir 0B,BU. "..' ... mr not
L8ffl ambitious wan i -..- -BOre
" ,.i ,mwn at tho feot
1 her makes her in man's opinion
jworlhyo '"" "
,ftin." now " IB '
.. it., nttifmin of a cad. Is
j rr,nt la tllO nilOStlOn
caaa caa " "" ' .
tUch I. ns a mnn P!'030 lu u,
.... t t one of tho characteristics
cjtbe end that he does not know ho
U a tad, and it IB uiercioru on.y
,i that every man Indignantly
riould repudlato tho chargo of cad
illp. . . .,
i theorr every man is inspire
kr a passlonnto roverenco for worn-
in n the abstract. Tho HtornturJ.
0f man blazes with panegyrics or
.n,nhnnd. Our poets and our
novelists never aro tired of burning
Itcense at the shrlno of Evo. But
romantic theory Is ono thing and
lorkadnr practlco Is nnothor. I
think It must bo admitted that tlio
irerago mnn rccards woman as an
laferlor being. Ho will dony hotly
this statement, but If ho calmly will
ualrzo his own point of view ho
lll And that It la truo. Ilia wholo
life Is conducted on tho assumption
her as ho would not dnro to treat a
mistress. Miss Corelll scourges those
creatures who onco wero men with
scathing 'scorn.
You cannot mako men respect
women by act of congress, for the
machinery of law is too clumsy to
effect tho little things which are tho
most important things in life. The
law can punish a man for beating
his wife, but it cantot compel him
to treat her as an equal. If I wero
a woman I should prefer to be
thrashed severely every Saturday
night rather 'than to bo regarded
amiably as a pampered nonontlty
all tho rest of tho week. Physical
cruelty Is less galling than mental
cruelty,' and I can conceive nothing
moro intolerable than the blandly
Indulgent toleranco of tho normal
husband for tho normal wife. Con
sider tho case of tho woman who
has no money of her own, and who
imde or m t"" ,, . .. , tnoreiore is piaceu uy murnuBu m u
lluu ahn nnvB that men ..,.. . ., ., m,. ......,,
,-rd clever women nS uon ""'I which Bho rendors to her husband
iei, Sho maintains that wna-nr0 nt longt a3 gront n9 tho services
which ho renders to hcr( but tnoso
services havo no precise monetnry
value. The wife Is a worker with
out a wage, without trade union,
and without stated hours of toll.
She faces perils which are moro ap-
Wment, for it it is truo it mcnnaicountcr8 on tho field of 'battle. But
.i.. i,n nttltudo of man towards i,Bi,n,i Mrii, hr nn n non-
sionor and a parasite who owes to
htm the bread Bho eats, tho clothes
aim wenrs. tho roof under which
Bho lives and tho nlr which sho
breathes. Ho does not realize that
oho pays dearly for her privilege,
and enrns thrice over everything Bho
receives from his hand.
Everything which a wife recelvos
from her husband Is regarded by
him as a gift and not as a paymont
for value received. Tho most gen
erous husband fools a glow of be
novolonco when ho pays a dress
maker's bill. With tholr traditlonnl
duplicity women humor this extra
ordinary delusion and cover their
I humiliation with tho coquetry of
gratitude. Tho gratitude of women
for tho alms carelessly flung to them
by mngiinnlmnus mon is ono of those
things which I cannot contemplate
without falling Into a blind rngo
Dut thoro Is ono thing which Is moro
mnddenlng oven tho nbsoluto lack
mv , ,. , TT . imauucniiig vuu mo "'' .
thit woman Is not his equal. Ho 13 j of RrntllU(lo on tll0 pun of tho nvcr
polite contempt for woman, and ho !
nco husband townrda tho average
about In a few hundred yeara, but In
tho meantlmo I may suggest a prac
tical palliative. A precise cash value
should be placed upon tho services
of every woman who is a wife, a
mother, ad a household administra
tor. Every husband' ought to pay
his wife a living wago in addition to
her food and clothing. Tho amount
of this living wago ought to bo regu
lated by tho husband's Income, f
would pass a law compelling every
husband to allow to his wife a cer
tain proportion of his Income, not as
a gift, but as payment for work
done. Tho wnges of tho wlfo would
be absolutely her own to bo used by
her as she pleases. In this way she
would bo relieved from tho bondngo
of gratitude and tho Blavery of sub
servience. Tho louger Bho lived with
a man the less dependent upon him
sho would becomo, and If ho vent
ured to treat her with less thnn tho
respect duo from ono partner to an
other she would bo able to withdraw
into a position of greater fredom
and less responsibility without, be
ing forced to faco tho prospect of
starvation at a tlmo of llfo when her
charms have ceased to command n
price In tho mnrrlago markot.
It may bo said that this sordid ar
rangement would destroy the ro
mance of marriage, but tho answer
to that objection is tho retort that
If romance can survlvo tho existing
conditions of marringe it can( sur
vlvo anything. What wo havo to
tako precautions ngainst Is tho decay
of romance which sets In at tho crit
ical period when lovo Is passing out
of idolnlry Into partnership. Thoro
Is no doubt that perfect friendship
Is tho culmination of perfect 'love,
but human naturo is mutnblo, and
the culmination of lovo often never
Is attained. In thoso cases whore
It is attlned it will not bo affected
by' tho enforcement of a minimum
wage for tho wlfo. Where it fs not
attained tho wlfo will not bo nsked
to sacrlflco her liberty aa well as her
lovo, her dignity as well as hor llfo.
Tho Irony of marriage is tho differ
ence betweon tho status of a wom
an before oho marrle3 nnd tho status
of a woman nftor sho marries. 13o
foro mnrrlago a woman is a divinity;
nftcr marriago sho Is a holot. Do-
foro mnrrlngo a woman is a. gou
dOBs; after marriago man Is n god.
As courtship Is short and marriago
Is long, tho woman has tho worst of
Mm iinrcnln. What wo want 1b to
tnko a Httlo of tho pro-nuptial honey
nnd spread It over tho post-nuptial
broad. Womnn would bo glad to
oxchnngo some of the romantic
homngo sho receives beforo mnrrlage
for a Httlo honest cotnrndeshlp after
01 tntarasf To Woman.
ITo such women as are not seriously ont
of health! but who have exacting duties
to porfornV either In tho way of house
he Id carcsXor In social duties and func
tlArwhlch3crIoti9ly tax their strength,
as wcnjfS Virslng mothers, Dr. Plcrco's
Favorlto Prescription has proved a most
valuable sujrtlng tonic and Invigorat
ing nervine- By Hstlmply use, much
hv1aii. .iMlfnAen nnd eltlFnrlnrt mnu v
r'""i' " " ii' - "'" all"L'"" ...... .-.
iyyoldod. Tho .ppratliig tablo and the
iuxgooni' knifnT would tl!-bpllevc;i:
spldotn havo to be employed If thU mpt
Valuable woman's" reniVlv wo rpnrtt?
to In pood tlw; t Tho "Favorlto Prescrlp
tlon" has proven a great boon to expectant
mothers by preparing the system for tha
coming of baby, thoroby rendering child
birth safe, easy, and almost painless.
Bear In mind, plonso that Dr. Plorco's
Favorlto Prescription Is not a secret or
pa ton t medicine., against which the most
Intelligent pcoplo aro qui to naturally(
averse, bocauso of tho uncertainty aa to
tholr composition and harmless character,
but la a itEntciKK or knowk composi
tion, a full list of all lis Ingredients being
printed, In plain English, ou ovory bottle
wrapper. An lamination of this list of
Ingredients will dlacloso tho fact that It Is
rjon-aicouoiic in lu composition, cncinic
ally pure, trlple-roflnod glycerine taking
tho placo of tho commonly used alcohol,
in lu mnko-un. In this connocilon It
may not b out of placo to stato that tha
Favorlto Preset Iptlon" of Dr. Pierce is
tho only medlclno put up for tho cure of
woman's peculiar weaknesses and all
monts, and sold through druggists, all
tho ingredients of which havo the un
animous endorsement of nil tho loading
medical writers and teachers of all tho
ovoral schools of practlco, and that top
as romedlos for tho ailments for which
"Favorlto Proscription" Is recommended.
A Httlo book of thoso endorsements will
bo sent to any address, post-oald, apa
absolutely free if you roquostaamo by
postal card, or lottor, of Dr. It. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Plorco's Plonsant Pellets cure con
ttpatlon. Constipation Is tho cause ol
many diseases. Ciiro tho cunso and you
ouro tho disease. Easy to take as candy.
HHHIf lli leHtJsllfliwihf lflllllllllilf
Bt iiiaiaiwiiijiia-Hiiiiii'llti'
o tho Wostorn Conservatory ot
MubIc, of Chicago, in this city,
will rosurae classos In piano, har
mony, thoory, sight reading:, etc,
on and after September 23. Studio,
opera house building, rooms 8 and
0. Phone 1100. Pupils may re
colve lessons either in their home
or at the studio. 9-14-lmo
L'or 8nh! Two single lop buggies,
In first-class condition. One rub
ber tired. Apply to 0. W. YannkJ,
Fashion stables, tolophono 44.
For Sale Good house and barn,
now, 25 acres all undor cultivation
borrles, prunes and all kinds of
fruit, flvo miles from Salem, $3500
This includes 6 cows, 2 horses.har
ness, 1 heavy wagon, spring wagon
200 chickens and othor farming
necessities. Enqulro 492 Stato
street. 9-23-tf
For Snle G8 head of Btock goats,
if application is mndo soon. In
qulro of John II. Scott, at tho
court houso, Salem. 10-7-3t
For Salc Now -room houso, good
barn, corner lot, city wator, six
blocks from postofflcc; $1G00 buys
It. W. A. Llston, ngont, Court
Bbroot. 10-7-3t
For Snlo A young pure bred Jor-
Boy bull. Call on T. II. Blumloll,
Mornlngsldo. Phono 1372 Main.
Fop Rent. FurnlBhod and unfur
nished rootnB. Enqulro ht790
North Commercial Btrcot.
Miss Eva F. Cox Will be ready to
receive pupils in muslo after Sep
tember 2d at her studio, 242 Cea
tor street, between Commercial
and Front. Phono Main 847.
Bliss RcHtrico Slicltoa Will receive
pupils in pianoforte, orgwn and
sight roadlntj classes. Special
torms made for beginners. Tale
year besides teaching; at her studio
345 Marlon stroot, or at the home
of pupil it so desired, Miss Shel
ton will teach at tho studio in the
First National Bank building,
corner of Commercial and Che
mokota Btroots. Phono 1296.
Marlon street studio phono 1299.
To Rent. Flvo room flat, ovor Far
rington & Vnn Patton's markot.
Inquire of Sterner & Derger, 188
South Llborty stroet. 0-24-tf
Plenty of It In tho Family.
Raynor What Nlnkum Booma to
lack' Is Individuality and Bolf-asaort-lvencss.
Shvno That only bIiowb that
you've never mot his wife. Chlcngo
Hnrtl Times in Kauwis.
Tho old days ot grasshoppors and
drouth aro almost forgotten In tho
prosperous Kansas ot today; al
though a cltlzon of Codoll, Earl
Shnmburg, hnB not yot forgotton a
hard tlmo ho encountered. Ho says:
"I was worn out nnd dlscourngod by
coughing night nnd day, nnd could
find no rollot till I tried Dr. King's
Now Discovery. It took less thnn
ono bottlo to complotoly euro mo."
Tho safest and most rollnblo cough
and cold euro and lung nnd throne
hoalor ovor discovered. Qurnntood
by J. C. Perry's drug storo, 50c and
$1.00 Trial bottlo frco.
For Rent Furnlshod rooms for
houso-kcoplng or hoard for a
slnglo lady or couplo. Apply to
Rosa Marklovltch, 730 North
Front Btroot. 8-15-tf.
Stock Ranch for Rent About 300
acros, In good location. Stock
can bo bough, outright or takon
on ahnroB. Apply at county treas
urer's ofllco in Salem. 9-23-tf
Foresters of Amorica Court Sher
wood Foresters, No. 19. Meets
Wednesday in Hurst hall, State
Btreot. Lo oAbbo, O. R.; J, C.
Perry, financial socrotary.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P.
Castle Hall in Holman block, cor
ner State and Liberty streets,
Tuesday ot each week at 7:30 p.
m. oscar jounson, u. u., . n
Andorson, K. of R. and S.
U so neenstomod to breatho thh
ttaosphere that he Isn't conscious of
wlfo. It does not occur to mm to
bo grateful for hor agony and her
... . ... !.. - n.
..v.,...w v ..- .-.. . .angulsli, ror nor irnn unuuiuiiuu i
blng so This ntmosphoro. of con-1 domOBlIc monotony, for hor Inflnltu
Unl Irt nt lntfAtlilA n l f 1 I M n tl l1 11 ft ' . . i . ... i.il
. patience with him ami witn nor cim
,dren, and for her heroic resignation
'under n perpetual persecution of in
numerable worries too Bmall to bo
told nnd too great to bo evaded.
I Tho only radical euro for this In
justice Is a revolution In the Imngl
natlvo conaclenco of society. Per
haps that revolution will bo brought
taint 13 an Invlclblo and lntnnglblc
ftlng but It Is Impossible to escape
Ira It
V Is cny to n cognize and to oxq-
rate ho chars' r and bnsor phases
ct radshlp. but It Is not onsy to rec
cjslzo an! rxocrate tho cad'hip
N(h l a state of mind. Everybody
loathes the end who jnnrrlos a wom
an for her monev and thon treats
To Trado 150 acres ot .land, 100
acres in cultivation, good fruit,
nnd dairy farm. Will trado for
Salem residence property. Tlmo
g'ven on dlfforonco in prlco, or
will trndo for small tract nonr
town. Address J. II. Mown, Mon
mouth, Oro. 1 0-3-1 wk
Kidney Troubles May R Supping
your Like Awny Salem Peo
ple llnvr Leimii'cl This Knot.
i """" '" "" i" ' "iinii'i
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
N Always Bought
OpiunuMotphtafi norWHcraLJ
Aperiect Remedy forCOMtlft
Hon , Sour StoSBch.DUfrtes
ness and LOSS OF SLEP.
racSiaik Siatere of
Bears the , v,
Signature yA
foX Use
j For Over
0fy of Wr.pfr.
Thirty Years
Whon a honlthy man or woman
begins to run down without appar
ent cntifip, becomes woak, languid,
doprrsBd, suffon backache, bond-
oac'ie, dlzzv spells and urinary li-,
ordors, look to ill" wiunoys ir in
cauBO of It all. Ke p the Uldwy
well nnd they will keep nou wpI!
Doan's Kidney Pills euro bIpIc khi
noya and keop them well. Horo Is
Salem testimony to prove It.
E. E. Gillian, proprietor of llvory
and feed "stable, at 02 Forry St., and
living nt 332 Wntor St., Snlom, Or ,
anvB. "Years of almost constant
driving nnd a fall I got sovoral ycap
ago which wronchod by bnck badly
had tended tb hurt my kidneys. I
Buffered from back acho and lamp
ness bo that nt times I could hardly
straighten up. 8hnrp pains caught
me whon I arose aftor sitting. None
of tho remedies I tried did me any
good until a short tlmo ago I was
Induced to get Doan'B Kldnoy Pills
at Dr. Stono's drug storo. In a short
tlmo I obtained moro relief from
tho backache and disordered condi
tion of tho kldnoyB, than I had for
years. I know of neighbors who
havo also used your remedy and thoy
all speak of It ns tno uesi nieuicmo
i. - J f Iw.lln.rn Mill! lf lift RfJ ."
mere is uuu i uc - - -- --
For salo by all dealers. Prlco CO
cents. Foster-Mllburn uo., uunnio,
Now York, solo agents for tno uni
ted States. ,..,
nomember tho name Doan s
and take no othor.
o " .
Trnnsfcrs of Rl J"te
Tho following doeds havo been
placed on record In the office of tho
Marlon county recorder:
M. and J. S. Oaswlok to Katie
Wolss, lot 4, block S, S. W.
addition, Salem, w d I 875
C. and E. Thncker to Leah
Hull, land In t 7 s, r 3 w,
w d
J. H. and II. E. Steen to II.
C. Helgeson, 2 acres land in
tCs, rlw, qod
J. O. and J. Arevlk to John C.
Goplornd, lnnd in t 0 s, r 1
w, (near Marquam) w d..
D. F. and S. E. Hall to W.
Holmes et ux, 1 acre, t 5 s,
TaMKTwatav, ht
Violins M. S. Vullor hns a shop In
room 8, ovor porrys drug Bioro,
whoro ho Is propnrcd to ropalr
violins, gultan., oto. Give him a
call. 0-27-lm
Voget IjiunlR'r and Fuel Co. Lum
ber .shlnglos, building mawnai,
wood and eonl. Low prlcos and
prompt dollvorlos. Ono block oast
ot S. P. passenger dopot. Phone
108. 7-2-tf
RloOern Woodmen of America Ore-1
gon Codar Camp No. 5246. Meets
ovory Thursday evening al S
o'clock in Holman hall. W. W.
Hill, V. O.J F. A. Turner, clerk.
Woodmen of World Meot every Prl
day night at 7:30, in Holman hall,
L. E. PennoH, O. C; P. L. Frai
ir, Clerk.
Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci
dent and pension Insurance; ?2,
000,000 pledgrd; every claim paid.
Good agents wanted. J. H. O.
Mongoraery, supreme organizer.
Ryan, socretary, 546 State Btrpet.
Concivto WorkP-Got my" prlcos'on
sldownlko, curbs, septic tanks and
coment work of any kind. All
work gunrantoed first-class. M.
Ward, Highland add. Phbno CC9.
r 1 w, w d
j M IUH '""giM
Dr. Stone's
Drug Store
The only eaBh drug store in Oregon,
owos no one, and no one owes it;
carries largo stock; its shelves,
counters and show canes uro loaded
with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet
articles, wines and liquors of nil
klndB for medicinal purposoB. Dr.
Stono is a regular graduate In modl
clne, nnd has had many years of
experience In tho practice. Consul
tations aro free. Proscriptions are
freo, And only regular prices for
medlclno. Dr. Stono can bo found nt
his drug store, Salem, Or., from 0
in tho morning until 9 at night.
Will treat you with Orlontal herbs
and cure any disease without opera
tion or pain.
Dr. Kum is known ovorywhoro in
Salem, and has cured many promi
nent people horo. Ho has lived In
Salem for 20 years,, and can be truit
ed. Ho uses many medicines un
known to white doctors, and with
them can cure catarrh, asthma,
lung troubles, rehumatism, stomach,
liver and kidney diseases.
Dr. Kum makes a specialty or
dropsy and femalo troublen. His rem
edles cure private disease when ev
erything else falls. He has hun
dreds of testimonials, and gives con
sultation free. Prices for medicine
very moderate. Persons ia the coun
try can write for blank. Bead stamp.
If you waat soHie extra flae tea,
get it frosa us.
167 Sontk Higk street, galeae, Ot-efp
Wmitcil At onco, a girl for goner- ,
ni iioiiBOWorK. flirs. j. a. vjnuu,
923 South High Btrcot. Tolophone ,
Main 95. 10-7-3t
" i
Wonted A young girl to aBslst In
hoiiBowork nnd attend school. En
qulro at 1008 South Twelfth
Htroot or phono 1102. 10-7-3t
Wanted At onco. boll boy at WJ
lamotto Hotol. 10-5-tf
Dut to & WotidoVotli Flno wlnos,
liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle
tho colobrated Kollog gnnd Castle
whlsklos. Cool and rofroshlng boor
constantly on draught. South
Commercial stroot. 9-3-lyr
Our meat markot on East Stato
strdct has beon doubled In slzo and
wo aro bottor proparod than ovor to
aorve customers. Prompt sorvlco and
tho bost ot moats our motto. Call
or phono 199. D. E. KdwardB, Prop.
Wo Are Cash Purchasers Of poul
try, eggs, and all kinds of farm
produce. Borry crates made up
in unlimited quantities. Capital
Commission Co., 207 South Com
mercial street, Balera. Phone Mala
Wanted By Octobor 15th, hoy with
pony to carry ppor route; can t
tend school. Call at Journal of
fice nt onco. tf
Itnv WntilftflTn fin nnrtnr wnrV.
Apply to W. 11. Qllson's barber
shop on Commercial street. Phone
401. 9-21-tf
Older Apples Wnnfecd Write or in
qulro Inghnm Vlnognr Co,, 64 Al
blnn avenue, Portland.
Farm Wanted Compotont partlec
wiaii in Bccuru n biiihii rauun UK
Thco. M. Ilarr Plumbing, hot wator
and steam heating and tinning.
1C4 Commercial street. Phone
Main 192. 9-1-ly
M. J. I'eUcl Plumbing, stoam aud
gds fitting. Successor to Knox &
Murphy, 22C Commercial ' street,
Prono Main 17,
Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer of
'sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds
of houso finish and hard wood
work. Front stroot, bctwoen State
and Court. Make all complaints
at tho office.
Cumuilni Uro Transfer Cceapany
All kinds ot transfer work done.
Furniture and pianos boxed ready
for shipmont. Prompt service Is
our motto. Stand and oSce at
263 South Commercial street.
Pboae 219, Rosideace Fhoae 968.
Lo4 Press-button knlfo. Finder
please leave at Journal oce.
1 r l$-7-3ta
. .
tho Wlllnmotto rivor bottom to
ralHlng hogs, poultry and genera
fnrmlntr. Will nnv cash rent fo!
term of years, or will mako pur
chnBO contract. Address "T.,
caro Journal office 9-3JI-2W
Cider Appl'H Wanted Wo will pa
from $6 to $10 por ton for cidtf
appios. win also tako ran poar
unuor special arrangements, ua
and boo us. Gideon Stolz Co,
Wanted At onco, 100 men. Inqulr5
at Oregon Nursory Comnany's of
flco on Twelfta street. 9-30-t;
surgoon, -roiopnone 307 Maui
Oftlcos, 546 State Btreet, opposl(
court house, Salem, Or. Resident
rnono 3iB ainin. K-ia- imo'
Livery uud Feoil HtuMcs Old Foe"
office Stables, nt 254 Ferry streo
between Commercial and Fro(
Htrcots, Tolophono 188. Home
tho finest liveries In tho city ca;
be found horo. Dick Weatacot
proprietor, 10-1-lyrjj
V. M. Ilaker Twelfth stret phot
graphor. All kinds of pho
work dono at living prlees. Cl
and sco my work, aaI prlc
quarters for amateur dmteplat
aud fnlshlag. Caitlaet k
grapas pr . ..
aad laUsiag. jietweea weo
Mill aid.O. K. aKere.
- .
.fHpalp, u
1JM4W HfcyHMI MKUW ' .-...T
X-tL rMllL nMn T i n t
. . . k . .
t S mm