Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 09, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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(By Helen Oldflold.)
A Bhrowd old lawyer, whoso clov
or and caustic speecheu wore remom
"bered long aftor his death by those
who heard them, used to quoto the
saying: "Advlco Is tho worBt vice
thoro 1b"; and ho added: "Fow peo
ple ask advlco becuuso they want
counsel." Oenorally they hope to
Ijo confirmed In the cotirso upon
which thoy have already decided;
vfticn tho contrary happens thoy
raroly tako the advlco, and In any
cano thoy resent It, so it la wlso to
bo cbary of your opinion concern
ing other people's affairs.
Especially Is this truo with regard
to lovo affairs. In this .land of lib
erty and era of peraonal froodom
most persona nro at Hborty to marry
ns they chooso, provided that both
Barkis and Poggotty nro willing, nnd
cacoptlng when parents and guar
dians efol IhomBolvcs In duty bound
to lnterforo, tho host course Is to let
them alone. Strangers abovo nil
"havo no right to mnko or to mcddl'.
As to socond mnrrlagos, thoro Is
'nothing to dlfforontinto thorn In tills
Tospoct from first marriages. In
lood, Blnco tho persons concerned
usually nro oldor, and presumably
-wlsor, thoy havo Btlll greater claim
to bo permitted to "gang tholr own
'gait" wltout hlndrnnco. Truo, bouh
mon and woman como to years o'
tllscrotlon at 17, nnd other fall to
virrlvo at 70, but that has nothing
to do with tho enso. Tho mnrrlago
liond Is "tlj! donth do yo part," nnd
tho man or woman who has burled
ono Hpouso Is nt full llborty to tnke
Tinothor It ho or hIio Is bo disposed.
"Tho law nllows It, and tho court
tiwnrds." Tho question Is ono which
onch Individual muBt decide for ono
self. Observation and opcrlenco
abundantly proyo that a largo pro
portion of second mnrrlagos are
linppy. Poets nnd iiovoI1b(b to tho
coutrnry notwithstanding, only tho
fow lovo once and forevor. The lovo
of romiuico which l born In a mo
ment to hiBt otornally, which Ib un
impaired and unnffected by tlmo,
circumstance, or condition, hns no
counterpart In tho cxpcrlonco of ov-
orydny llfo, Not thnt truo lovo dood
not exist, but thnt, llko nil other
boat things, It requires favornblo In
fluences, and Is perfected by growth
and culturo. Whothor It mirvlvoa
nftor doiith dopouds entirely upon
tho man and woman who linvo
sliarod that lovo. There nro 8,01110
who never forgot, nemo who cannot
bo forgotten. An Bnyu ono nmonts
ilho host of homoly phtlogophors who
npponr lu 4h fiction of tho heur:
"Thor'H men would mnrry one
n year If their wives would die fait
enough, nnd thoro's inou that houiuh
to want to live alone."
So also with women, as Home one
hns Bald, there nro tlioso who llko
dogs are faithful unto donth nnd
nftor, othorH who llko rata purr con
tontedly under wliatovor hand
ntrokos thorn gently and provides
thorn with cushion und crenm. It Is
u matter of tompornmont rather
than of anything oIho.
Tho Iuwh of nnclont Spartn for
bado Hucoud marriages, but for ron
sons so cynical nH Bcnrcely to be
logical. Thoy hold that If n man
or woman hud had ono good wlf
or huxbnnd It wns nil he or alio had
tho right to expect, whoreforo It was
tholr duty to thank tho gods nor
inmtW tlmm fnrtlini. If mt Mm ,..
-..,-1. . i. ..,, ,,, Vn IIW liWII-
trary, the IlrHt mnrrlago had boon
1111 miimppy one, only n 1001 would
wish to run tho risk of nnothor, and
undor tho Spartan laws fools wore
not permuted to marry.
Nowndnys experience goos to
provo that pooplo who havo boon uu
fortunate lu their first cholco nro
M II IIHI 1 I I i l l 1 HI I
moro likely to marry again -than
thoso who havo been fortunate.
There Is a bit of the gambler In tho
naturo of most of us, and tho man
whoso pockets are full Is more will
ing to quit tho tables than ho who
Is losing; ono scorns always to hope
thnt tho luck will turn.
Dr. Johnson pronounced a second
mnrrlngo to bo "tho triumph of
hopo over experience." Others,
who nro less epigrammatic, affirm
that to itnke a second partner Is tho
highest compliment which can bo
paid to tho departed first. In somo
cases tho real romance of marrlago
only awakes with tho second woo
ing. It by no mentis follows that
must bo a prosaic, .practical trans,
actlpn. Mnturo lovo will naturally
lack somo of tho undisciplined fervor
of youngor days, but It will proba
bly go doopor nnd last longor. It
should bo controlled but not cooled
by oxporloncc. Prudenco and fore
sight must not bo confounded with
cold blooded calculation. An im
portant consideration In tho romar
rlngo of paronts with children under
ngo Is, or ought to bo, tho wolfnro
of thoso children.
Tho widow who writes, evidently
hoping to bo told that It Is hor duty
to hor two boys, aged respectively
IB and 13, to glvo thorn a stop-
fathor Is ndvised to rend David
Copporflold. Sho says that Bho Is
unnblo to control tho ladB, who need
a strongor, flrmor hand thnn hers.
This may bo, but It Is well to be
suro ,tliat tho hand la gcntlo and
tonder as well as strong and firm.
Plonty of oxcollont fathors and mo
thers testify thnt It Is not always
easy to bo patlont with one's own
chlldron! It Is Infinitely hardor to
bo so with tho chlldron of nnothor.
A stepfather Is a dangorous exporl
mont, unless ho bo a man of uncom
mon flbor; and ho nnd tho boys
ought, If poimlhlo ,to bo chumB before
tho fnct.
Tho man whoso wlfo dies, leaving
him with Bmnll children, Is in n most
pathotlc position, nnd It ho loves n
good woman who loves him .and'
who for tho nnko of that lovo will
mothor tho llttlo ones tho host thing
ho enn do Is to mnrry hor, Lot him 1
bo sure ho Is right nnd thon go
nhond; tho fact that his deceased
wife's rolatlvos objoct to his romnr
rlngo does not ontltlo thorn to for
bid tho bnnns.
Ono bit of ndvlco may bo snfolv
given. No mnn or woman who Is
of a Btrongly Jonloua disposition
ought ovor to undortnko to piny tho
rolo of No. 2. It Is Inovltnblo that
thoy will bo compared, lu thought
If not In word, with No. 1, nor need
tho coinpnHson nocosinrlly bo paln
ful. It Is not gonoroua of No. 2 to try
to bnnlah nil tracos of tho prodocoa
aor. Tho man or woman who light
ly enn nbnndon all memories of tho
partner of youth la not bo llkoly to
ho an Idonl companion for mlddlo
ngo ns tho ono who oherlahoH a ton
dor rognrd for tho dead, sldo by ah
with an honest lovo for tho living.
1 o
If You
want to know what
the smartly dressed
people of Salem
will wear in shoes
NEXT season, see
THIS season.
Boston, Oct. 9. Senator Lodge
hns boon aummoncd to appear before
tho grand Jury to make good the
charges of civic corruption In Bos
ton, mado by him In tho Republican
stato convention Saturday.
To Control Tobacco Crop.
Madison, Wis., Oct. 9. Plans for
controlling nnd marketing the Wis
consin tobacco crop nnd for storing jAnd Portland Is going to go after
Tho Telegram is sore and will
chastise tho , war department, be
cause tho latter ignored Portland,
In sending troops to tho Philip
pines. It Bnys:
Once again the United States war
department has issued orders detri
mental to tho port of Portland
We have all the
very latest toes and
leathers. All the
narrow and special
widths. If you are
hard to fit TRY US.
tho crop, If necessary, to Becuro fair
prices, nro being considered nt the
meeting hero todny of tho stato to
bacco growers' department of ,tho
American Socloty of Equity. Delo
gates wilt bo elected to tho national
convention of tobacco growers, to bo
held at Sholbyvlllo, Ky., October 30.
Officials of tho state union roport
that tho tobacco growors of the
North aro now almost as well organ
ized nB thoso of Kentucky, Tennes
see nnd Virginia, and that thoy will
soon bo In a position to wage a suc
cessful warfare for better prices and
troatmont at tho hands of tho "to
bacco trust."
444 State St., New Thielscn
Juliet Sura Hint.
Now York, Oct. 9. Annbal Ze
Inyn, son of President Zclnya, of
Nicaragua, a senior medical studont
in Columbia University, has been
sued for $100,000 for broach of
promlso by Jullot Horo, a 19-yenr-old
girl of Now York. Young Zolnya
nnd tho girl wero engaged, but his
fathor broko up tho marrlago, It la
snid, und tho suit results.
Can you afford to trlflo with so eorl
ous a matter as to neglect a bad cold
or cough, when for a trifling amount
you can socuro a bottle of "Hick
ory Bark Cough Romody," that is
guaranteed to euro or money rofund
od. Prlco 2Cc, GOc nnd 51.00 per
bottlo. For Bttlo by all dealers overy
wlioi 0
' The Fortune or n Peer.
Tho MarqulB of Bristol died ro
contly at Ickwor'th, Bury St. Ed
munds. Ho was 73 years old. Lord
Bhlstol was Lord Lieutenant of Suf
folk nnd a great landownor, pos
sessing nearly 40,000 acres In Suf
folk alone, lie was a notod shcop
broedor, capital shot, and an on-
thuolaattc yachtsman.
In Jnnunry laat Lord Bristol
brought n slngulnr, but unsuccess
ful action against tho vice-chancellor
of Cambridgo university, claiming
tho right to a voto In tho election of
a mombor of parliament for tho
Tho Bucceasor to tho mnrqulsato
Is Cnptaln Frodorlck William Fano
Horvoy, R. N., Unionist mombor of
tho hoiiBo of commons for bury St.
Edmunds. Ho Is a nophew of tho
dead marquis.
Captain Horvoy, who will Inherit
nn lucomo of about 10,000 a year,
Is already Immonsoly wenlthy. Ho
married an heiress, Miss Alice
WythoH, daughter of tho lato- O. E.
Wyths, who in ado his monoy In
partnership with Mr. Bassoy, tho
railroad contractor. Mr. "Wythes
loft his daughtor art lucomo of 30,-
000 a year.
Captain Horvoy hns hnd a dis
tinguished naval caroor, nnd is a
famoun gunnory oxport. Ho pnBscd
head of tho lhft into tho navy In 1877
nnd among 1iIb comrades on the
llrltnnnla wero tho lato Duko of
Claronco and tho Prlnco of Wnlos.
A by-eloctlon nt Bury St. Edmund
Is, of course, necessitated by Cnptaln
Ilorvoy's succession o tho pcrrago.
London Kxproso.
tho war department because It didn't
watch out,
General ordora'have been Issued
for a grand transfer of troops to
tho Philippines to bogin tho first of
next year. Tho Fourteonth In
fantry, now Btatloncd at Vancouver,
Is to start for tho Islands Jnnuary
5, and tho order rend that this fight
ing unit shall "proceed to San Fran
cisco, Cal., and will mako roport to
tho commanding general, depart
ment of California, in tlmo to sail
for Manila, January 5, 1908."
Soatod bohlnd his hniidsomo desk
in tho ofllces of the wnr department
at Washington, Adjutant-donoral
Benjamin Alvord, who lssuod tho or
dor quoted, displayed romarkablo
Ignorance of googrnphy by ordering
a rcglmont of soldiers 800 miles to
tako a transport when there Is a
first-class seaport within a half
dozon mllco of tho barracks whoro
tho troops nro now stationed.
Tho ofllcors nnd men of tho Four
teenth wero ncltated when thoy
MnA 1 It s rlnM f l It A. MtAMA HHnliln I
11UIU I.IIU U.UUl. illUjr UtU UIIHUIU -l,0nMim. 1 .,,... .L. J "."
to undorstnnd why tho department tholittlobooktndredeti
mm iu ouuu uwiu w.. u. tu.mu; juui-i II IS MC DUJlOtU Oftttl
noy nearly sou mues long, wnon
thoro Is n flrot-olnss seaport within
half a dozon mllos of tho barracks
whoro tho roops aro now stationed. '
Tho offlcors and men of tho Four
teonth voro ngltatcd when thoy read
tho order. Thoy wore unnblo to un
dorstnnd why tho department had to
Bend thm on a railway Journoy
nonrly 800 miles long, when thoy
could reach a transport by a 30
mlnuto rldo on trolley cars. Thoy
declared It was putting thorn to ;i
groat deal of neodloss bother nnd ox-
ponso to sonu thorn to tho Bay City, 0f tho big band tan. i
whon tho transport could como to I now opoci, n this Indud
i '
m "Iat March I Wm
fnna and continued Jottu
tho curative qaalltlM of P,
Mm. Geo. U, Blmitr, GrJj
Pin M... ' 1
"lhad not bain.
" l'lils summer I got Mid
and Manalln.
"I took only two bottle
nnu ono or Mannltii, u4 j
bpttor than Huts for iowt
mo and mado different '
remove from the bto&iit,
materials. Thevmiiitbjvl
tlmo, olso the Bjiteniuffstl
times when theTDMdiUiiku
Poruna is oxaetlj tbb wta
edy. It has sived miaj
dlsastor by rendering lit
vlco at a . tlmo when thir
to boar tholr ova bardtu,
Xew Mill SUrtt
Tuesday afternoon tb 1
first great log vu lii'tjl
skid; rolled down ontkl
rlago of tho now Coif
passed through the citu
tho Roso metropolis much
thnn thoy could go south.
Tho old romodlCB nro tho host.
Hickory Bark Cough Romody has
boon in uso for ovor ono hundred
years by tho old Dutch Dunknrds of
Pennsylvnnln. and 1b still In uso by
nil tho old families of wostorn Ponn
sylvnnln. Is absolutely puro; made
from tho bnrk of tho whlto or sholl
bnrk hickory trco. Tho bark Is
shipped from tho onst, and manu
fnctured in Salem, Oregon. For sale
by nil donlors ovorywhoro.
don. For tho pat
tho most skilled workcut
havo been engaged latlt
tlon work of this plwt, i
tho buildings aro notiti
ploted, they are suttdeatyj
commonco runnlnf W
sninll delnys. common b
and gottlng a plant cl ui
running order, haie
comnletlon. hut fronj
busy hum of tho i
with tho clad tiding h-
which Is provalcnt teri
J Every Month in the Year J
Brlnga Ita curront bills. Ono
way to pay thorn la to go from ! !
pluco to place, carrylug tho ;
monoy with you, at tho risk of ; ;
loss nnd tho chanco of ovor- ''
looking the, taking of a recolpt, '. ',
and having somo of it to pay ;;
over again. Tho convenient bus! '
neas-llko way U to pay all bllU 1 1
by check, no matter how small, ! '
A checHc la tho boat receipt you
can hare. Paying out money '. I
In this way Insures correctnos 1 )
and gives you a complete reo- ; ;
ora or an money paid out.
Ojh? h CJnkijc Accotmt Wltl I
wwswWf n vhi
Chicago, Oct. 9. Tho Methodist
Rock Rlvor conforonco decided to
co-opernto with thoso who nro ad
vocating uniform dlvorco laws
throughout the country, nnd to
make mnrrlngo more stable. A spe
cial commlttoo reported and "repu
diated the Idoa that truo marriage
ran bo n temporary experiment In
conjugal compatibility, and bellow
thoro can bo no Infraction of tho mar
rlngo bond, otherwise thnn death,
without sin." In thoso emphntlo
passages tho Illinois Methodist as
sort tholr disagreement with state
ments niado by Lillian Russell Sat
urday whou Bho, said out of hor
varied oxierlonco, "that dlvorco was
tho groatost of blessings."
Napoleon ltouaparte
showed, nt tho battle of Austerllta,
ho wus tho gntost leader In the
world, Ballard's Snow Liniment has
shown tho public It is tho beat lint-
mont In tho world. A quick euro
for Rheumatism, Sprains, Burn3,
Cuts, etc, A. C. Pitts, Rodessa, La.,
eays: "I used BaDard'a Snow Llnl
Btont In my family and find It unex
celled for sore chest, aeadacke,
coma, in fact for anytkla tkt c&
c College Styl
i Washington
IMF Fashioned Apparel
that ate so much desited by the yotstii
men ate made especially nobby to
Bishop's Read
Tailored Clothes
Prices $ i 0.00 to $30.00
College Pennants-We lave the htt
selection of College Pennants fa &e
city. All the prominent colleges fa tie
United States. Prices 50c and 25c.
Salem Woolen Mill Store
63 Commercial Street
i mfc4 ly a UisMMt"
.......wjh ,kn,i;mi,tii,matm:
- ,m,lmmVl.ili