Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 09, 1907, Image 1

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8! ",A
NO. 232.
pen the Columbia and Tributaries to the Sea"
i Charging Western Union
id! With Violating Sherman
k Operating Under Illegal
ttiefl Agreement
ftin, uct. . "'"
nt of the United states
Commercial Telegraphers'
i working hand in band In
isiecntlon of tho suit flieo
kj la the department of Jus-
Lost the Western Union Tclo-
ii Postal Telegraph Com-
ttder tho Sherman nntl
k claiming that the two com
lire operating under an 111c-
Mnstlon agrcemont. Prosl-
tll, of tho telegraphora'
I uppllcd the secret service
! first tips which led to the
ipon which tho govorn
i to secure a conviction.
A call has been sent out over the
country, atfd striking operators, ev
erywhere aro aiding in securing ad
ditional ovldenco of tho alleged com
bination, which, under other condi
tions, It would be almost impossible
to obtain.
Tho filing of tho suit will un
doubtedly strengthen tbo strikers, as
it supports their belief that Roose
volt will take dccislvo notion upon
his return from his vacation.
San FranclBCO, Oct. 9. It is ru
morod that'a big shakeup of the Pa
cific division of tho Western Union
will tako place soon. 'Superintend
ent I. N. Miller, of San -Francisco, Is
scheduled' to take tho place of Gener
al Superintendent Jayncs, of tho
Pacific division.
Presbyterian Synod.
Portland, Oct. 9. Tho Oregon
synod, annual conference of Presby
terians, will meet in this city to
morrow. J, E. Macafco, Now Yerk:
D. E. Potter, Oakland, Cal.; Rev.
II.' 0. Mintor, Tronton, N. J.; Rev.
T. V. Mooro, San Francisco; will bo
distinguished guests of tho synod.
o Induce Quick
l kiTe marked the prices away down on Indies' Coats, Misses'
p tides' Suits, Petticoats, Furs, Millinery, Drewi Goods, Silks,
;nnufU, Comforts. Itlnnkets. Men's. Ladles' and Cliildrcn's
Clothing for Men and Boy3 and all kinds of heavy win
Our prices cannot bo beat anywhere on tho Pacific coast.
1 13
Delegates From AH Parts of the
Northwest Assemble to Boost Open
ing the Columbia and Extending
Portage Railroads to The Dalles
The Dalles, Or., Oct. 6. Dole
gates from Oregon, Washington and
Idaho gathered at Tho Dallos today
to tako definite steps towards hast
ening tho construction of tho Colilo
canal and tho cxtonslon of tho port
ago road from tho big eddy to The
Dallos. Tho meeting is the greatest
of tho kind ovor held In tho North
west, and brought 225 delegates
horo to boost tho project. "Open
tho Columbia river and tributaries
to tho sea" is tho slogan of tho Opon
River Convention. "Build tho Port
ago Railroad to Tho Dalles" Is the
cry of tho dolegatos. They expect
to put tho building of tho canal on
a continuous contract, or bonding
basis, and push the work at once.
Tho Dalles, Oct. 9. Delegations
from Walla Walla, Pendleton, La
Grando, Baker City, Pasco and Wal
lace aro vory active Dr. N. Q. Bla
Jock, of Walla Walla, who Is Just
back from tho National Jrrijjfttlon
con gross at Sncramonto, Is carrying
on tho work hero with great enthu
siasm. Only routlno business of tho
congroBs has been transacted bo far.
0 ' '
Powder Trust Fights Dissolution.
Wilmington, Del , Oct. 9. Forty
of 43 defendants In the government
Bitit o dissolve the so-called Dn
Pont powder tntBt have entered an
appearance in tho United States
court here. In addition to the com
panies throughout tho country, In
cluding tho E. I. DuPont-Do Norn
own Powder Company of Now Jer
sey, tho holding concern, tho de
fendants Inclhdo Senntor Henry A.
DuPont, president of tho company;,
Coleman DuPont and numerous oth
er Individuals. Federal Judgo Arch
ibald, of Scranton, Pa., will probably
preaido at tho trial. Tho defend
ants havo until November 4 to file
Murderer Cut Thront.
Spokane, Wash., Oct. 9. With a
razor begged from a fellow-prlson-or,
Larry Cavannugh nearly Bevored
his head yesterday morning In tho
county Jull. Ho died almost instant
ly. He wag to havo boon arraigned
today for tho cold-blooded murder of
Jarnes Cahll! in this city on Soptcm
bor 27th.
o '
While Buchanan Fell Heir to Olga's
Stocking and Other "Idas"
San Francisco, Oct. 9. Whllo
Miss Olga Nethersolo was anxiously
burying her dainty hands in a pllo
of gold nuggets, which nho found
in a trunk she supposed to bo horn,
and hopelesBlyJpoklng for llngerio,
l,iplc Btlpperrand Uk stockings
tho dynamite neat4 Mr. Chnso's house
where It was found, and thnt ho had
sent several Infernal machines bv
J mall. Had this confession not boon
obtained in tlmo to glvo wnrnlng to
tho men to whom tho machines had
been sent, thoso who opened tho
boxeB contntntng the dynamlto would
undoubtedly havo boon killed.
Pampering of Harry Orchard Has
Legitimate Results In the Plans of
Young Dtgclow to Dynamite Colo
rado Governor and Other Promi
nent Men
Donvor, Colo., Oct. 9. Governor
Henry A. Buchtol, Dnvld II. Moffatt.
president of tho First National
Bank of Donvor, and Charles B.
Kountz, president of tho Colorado
National Bank, rocolved through the
mnll today Infornal machines con
taining sufllcicnt dynamlto to have
caused great destruction of lives and
property, had thoy boon exploded. '
Fortunntoly, warning hnd beon
given to tho recipients of tho ma
chines by tho chief of police, Mlchail
Dolnney, who hnd obtalnod a confes
sion from Komp V. Blgolow, by
whom thoy wero mnllod. Blgolow
confessed nlso that ho had sent in
fcrnnl machines to Lawronco C.
Phipps nnd Edward Chnso, but these
wero not dollvored todny. Tho ma
chines received by McBrfrs. Moffatt
and Kountz wore turned ovor to tho
Tho ono sont to Governor Buchtel
was rocolved by the governor's) pri
vate,, secretary, .Alfrjed jCY-MolUfco'rrP
nmonir chunks of auartz hoaw with
gold, Jnmes 'Buchanan, a mlulng I or' 'h removed the 'MJrappcrV tils
man, of Los Angeles, in his room In closing a box with a sliding cover.
Keene's Winnings America's Biggest
Now York, Oct. 9. Tho latent
victory of James R. Keono's 2-yoar-old
Colin, In tho Matron stakes at
Belmont Park, brings the total earn
ings of Mr. Koeno'B horses thla
year up to $377,090, nearly $100,
OdO In excess of tho American roc
ord for a single stnblo In ono year,
and only a few hundred bohlnd the
world's record of $377,554, hold by
tho stable of tho Duko of Portland.
An thof'o aro nearly bIx week's of the
Now York sonson for racing loft,
tho Koeno stablo s practically cer
tain to gain tho world'n winning rec
ord for this year.
Henry Tucker Makes Several Damag
ing Admissions
mii of Standard Outing
1 now on sale at, yd. 3
Hrts of Standard Calicos in
FUwk colors, yard. 4)
Wo havo put quick selling
prices on all our Ladles, Coats,
Ladles' Suits, Misses' Coats, Chil
dren's Coats, Millinery, Furs and
ttn Ladt..' V, n
- uvaxf ucvqe
H uderwear 35c quality
garment for
"". Special sale
Jud of beauHf.,1 c.v
itH goods In swell de-
resiiu or.
- . aoc quality.
r8U Black Cotton
Uoii' 25c grade. Sne-
- A.vpy
Ladles' $10 Coats now $5.00;
Misses' Coats, GlrlB and Chil
dren's Coats prices $1.05, $2.50,
$3.80 and up; Ladles' $15 Suits
now $8.00; $C Silk Petticoats
now $3.05; Ladles' $3.50 Trim
med Hats now $1.05.
Stnmboul, La., Oct. 9. President
Roosevelt has not yet shot a bear,
but ho hns killed two rattlesnakes.
Thoy are tho first trophies of tho
hunt, and havo beon skinned. Two
bears wore Jumped Monday, but
both escapod unscathed. Will Coon,
a colored member of tho party, shot
a deor Monday.
Chicago, Oct. 9. Sports pick Chi
cago to win today's game on form.
Tho game is scheduled to start at 2
o'clock, Instead of 2:30, and as ear
ly as 10 o'clock this morning thou
sands of fans wei;o filling tho bleach
er seats. The tie game will ho
played off Thursday. Either Ruel
bach or Pfolster will pitch for the
Cubs, with KHng behind tho bat
Mullln or Selver will pitch for tho
Tigers, with Schmidt catching.
There are at least 25,000 fans at
the game. Mulllns and Payne aro
the battery for Detroit, Pfeister and
Kllng for Chicago. Tho players
plainly show tho great nervous strain
they are under as tho result of yes
terday's contest.
Flash Chicago won today's game
by a score of 3 to 1.
Tornado Kills Many,
. Leods, Ga., Oct, 9. -A tornado
passed through here killing 15 and
causing great property low.
tho Bamo hotel, was pawing through
a lot of flimsy stuff In search of hie
nuggets. Both arrived boforo tho
clork with strenuous protests at
tho same time. Buchanan did not
want silk things, but his nuggots,
and Olga did not want gold, but silk
things. Buchnnnn and NothorBolo
renched tho city on tho samo train
Friday, nnd went to tho same hotel.
Tholr trunks wero delayed, and only
renched tho city last night. Tho
clerk soon straightened out tho mis
Chicago, Oct. 9. Dotrolt and
Chicago, leaders of tho American
and NntlonUl leagues, respectively,
played 12 strenuous Innings to a
tie here yesterday In tho first game
of tho series for tho baseball cham
pionship of the world. Tho contest
was ropleto with sensational situa
tions, and when Umplro O'Day, of
tho National eague, called tho play
off on account of darkness most of
tho 24,377 spectators sighed with
relief, and went home well satisfied
with tho outcome.
Overall nnd Donovan wore tho op
posing pltchors, but tho former was
taken out when Chicago had tied
tho score in the ninth inning, nnd
hnd men on bases waiting to score
tho winning runs. Moran wob sont
in to bat for him, but beforo tho lat
ter had time to deliver the needed
hit, Bvera rled tp steal homo and
was out by a narrow margin, retir
ing tho side Ruelbach finished the
gamo, and for three Innings retired
Detroit's heavy hitters without thd
semblance of a hit.
Oregon FhII' of Prunes.
Portland, Oct. 9. Secretary II
M. Williams, of the Stato Board of
Horticulture, announced this morn
ing that the Oregon prune crop
would yield $1,200,000 this year,
His suspicions wero nroused nnd ho
reported tho'mnttor to tho governor,
who then informod him Hint he lmd
beon warned by tho chief of pollco
to bo on tho lookout for nn Infornal
machine. Adjutnnt-Gcnoral Kelly
and officers of tho pollco department
were called In and tho box was caro-
fully opened by them In bucIi n man
ner as to avoid explosion of Kb con
It was found to contain, two sticks
of dynamlto, to which woro attached
iiises ana caps, anu winch woro
packed In black powdor. Tho sliding
top wns lined with sandpaper, and
tho matches hnd boon placed with
their heads in contact with tho sand
paper, bo that thoy would havo been
lighted If tho box had beon opened
in the mnnner intonded, thus un
doubtedly causing un explosion of
tho dynamlto.
Tho othor Infornal mnchlnes wore
counterparts of this ono.
In the presence of Chief of Pollco
Dolaney, Pollco Commissioner How
Ht, representatives of newspapers
and Fred Moffatt, a nophew of DnvlJ
H. Moffatt, Blgolow modo a confes
sion In which ho admitted Kondlng
tho Infornal machines, nnd ex
plained his motive Ho said that he
was unablo to nrn enough nt his
rogular employment to keep him
properly and concolvod the Idea of
making a horo of himself, with prob-
ublo financial reward as a result.
BIgclow, who 1b 21 years of age,
arrived In Denver sovoral weeks ngo,
nnd secured a position as clerk in
tho Kopdrick boot and shoe Btoro.
He enld ho wns the son of C. L. Blgo
low, superintendent of schools in
Bryan, Ohio. On Sunday night BIg
clow notified tho police department
that ho had overheard two men
talking about a plot to kill Edward
Chaso, tho governor and other prom
inent citizens, and that Mr. Chase's
residenco was to bo blown up that
night, A soarch in tho vicinity of
tho residenco resulted in the dis
covery of a package containing 51
sticks of dynamite,
Blgelow'B story was regarded with
suspicion, and ho was placed under
arrest Monday night. Later he con
fessed that tie blsaself bad placed
Grnnlto, Or., Oct. 0. A Btrangor
giving tho namo of Frank Tucker
wrb taken Into custody Jiero yester
day on suspicion of being an nccom-.
pllco in tho murder of Harvey IC.
Brown. At tho time of his arreat
h was Intoxicated nnd mado very
damaging statements as to the case
Shorlff Rand wob at once comwuaf--eatadwJUi
aUBaker City, .and In
structed, .Spoclal Officer Thornburg.
to tako him to Bumpier to turn htnu
over to tho officers.
In Tuckor's statement ho admit
ted thnt ho wns In Baker City tha
night of the oxploslon, and .that ho
know tho mon who sot off tho bomb,
but ho will not tell tholr nnmos.
Ho Bays that ho raw tho bomb nnd
that It wns mado of nltro-glycorino
and whIU plno sawdust, and wob sot
off by wires. Ho also snys that ho
was about 40 yards from the bomb
when it was sot off, thnt ho ran down
by tho frolght depot nnd nftorwnrda
out of Baker City toward Sumpter,
arriving In Austin tho second day,
worked thoro four days nnd walked
to Granite yoBtcrdny. Tho two oth
ers Intonded going to Chyonno, Wy
oming, Ho snys thnt ho has worked in
mines nt Butto nnd nt dlfforont
cnmpB in Colorndo; thnt ho Is a
mombor of tho Wostorn Federation
of Minors, nho thnt ho has rolatlvos
living In Scio.
After ho wns takon In chargo by
the ofllcors ho dictated n letter to his
brother at Solo, In which ho aald !o
lmd got in a bad scrape, and mad"
an nppoal for assistance.
Tucker Is about 30 years old,
about 5 feet, 7 Inohos high, of light
comploxlon, droshed In working
olothos with heavy minors bIioos
but not mates. Ho will bo hold till
his confession Is verified, as Shorlff
Rand nays ho must not overlook any
Home. Peel Humors.
San Franoisco, Oct. 9. Tho slck
no's of Frank Jayncs, gonornl super
intendent of tho Western Union on
tho Pacific coast, has led to tho ru
mor that I. N. Miller will become
goneral superintendent, und Assist
ant Superintendent A. II. Mny will
succeed Mlllor, nnd Mnnagor J. V
O'Brien will tako May's plnco. Miller
declines to support the rumor.
Old KnoHgli to Vote.
El Pnso, Tex., Oct. 9. Jobo Outi
oruez, aged 117, died Monday night
at YBlota, a fow miles bolow El
Paso. HV drank whisky up to 70,
when ho found it "was not good for
a man," and quJt. Ho wus novor
married. ,
W4 M wi
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