Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 08, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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j. np - "... l Aiit uyioi i "
I, in I iii i ""i"'!L S
, hum. ImnnrhnCC Acted
kttCffS 01 mm k ;
Oi and "woi muui ui .."
.Maroen Low, Churchill, Haas,
ildarnic rtroenbaum,
-TwSS; s-i -
-- .r'T.c,:,
tei with nmonamu .
, n is? "ijssjs:
Incandescent ngni ui.6-"-i
rnrt streets.
. i,m of W. H. Burghardt & Co.
,. .rintlnR 2000 copies charter In
U tat type, to bo about 130 pages,
d to cost a'.w. " "-"
Tte spec'a1 committee of Dayno
Li! Greenbaum reported uuiuuu-
KBii to the Nortn western ii-
mca company requiring payment
i m nmoo nnrnlnr!
L one per cn?in. " b-v- u-
tfter 4 years, ana uiai wnoa "-
til connect with any otnor com-
nr wmo shall bo null and voiu.
j!rA Stockton moved to amond
t time limit bo two years ior
-on earnings tax go Into effect. .
Mr. Dayno mado tho point that
Northwestern was a long uis-
.ce company only.
Ike Stockton amendment
Abating Nuisances.
Health Officer Smith and Dr.
Krw of the stato board of health,
orted unsanitary condition of bov-
rtl waterways used for arnmago
ad cesspools. Adopted.
Mr. Baynb favored enforcing tho
mj ordinances to abato thoso nuls-
attt. Ho moved that tho city at
b&rney be instructed to draw up an
dlsance to carry into effect tho
cmmendntlous of tho report. Mo-
i adopted.
llr. Stolz said It would bo time
ugh to draft ordinances for tho
nborbi when tho ordinances wo had
i tie parts of tho city whoro thoy
4 city wator, wer eonforcod.
Mr. Low said tho pcoplo in tho
nimbi had no water and no ordl-
ttt could npply to them.
Mr Stockton moved a committee-
three to Investigate cstabllsh-
at of additional sowers. Adopt-
The liquor llcenso of Follx La
Brucho to John Doyons was grant-
Fair Grounds Streets.
Mr Stockton call-J attention to
i" terrible condition of
a PER ?JT. j
IVomotes DiestionCkerfy-l
"km ara KesLCwaatas adfar
wu.Mofphe norlfceraij
" T I T
KxrXM. Aperfect Remedy faGjwflffr
iwss amLoss ofSleep,
n of wtfpc.
fa vnnrnnmh follinc a efnm eh e.--.
y J of falling hair? Not a pleasant storv. is
I MlIT f It? It ends badly. The Btdrv we tell is
I (llTlU V-M,t pleasant the story of Ayer's Hair
W"' ..Ar Vigor. Promptly stops falllnEhair.dcs
,. - ri W . . fxZ troys dandruff, keeps the scalp healthy.
ft' iJj vftftf' "f Vs., J, Does not color the hair. & ' oo..
lKIWlf. KH
Grounds road, and moved that
crushed rock bo put on same.
Mayor ruled out of order as being
In naturo of pormanent Improve
Mr. Stockton Bald It was only In
tho nature of repairs and would
wear out. He asked that people be
allowed to uso that street. Ruled
out of ordor.
Mr. Haas showed that $350 hnd
bean appropriated and was never
Mayor ruled that a new budget
had been prepared since that mon
ey was appropriated.
Mr. Stockton appealed from ruling
of mayor. Seconded by Mr. Low.
Mr. Greenbaum sopok for repair
ing tho sbreot. Ho regretted to dif
fer with tho mayor but wanted that
street to tho fair grounds repaired.
It was usoless to stand on thechnlcal
Ity for years and lot wagons stick
in tho mud on that stroot.
Mr. Bayno referred to Sec. 53,
providing for repairs'. It would re
quire an ordlnanco to make that re
pair. Sec. 25 mado repairs from
tho general fund impossible.
Mr Stockton said there waB noth
ing in tho charter to prevent lotting
pcoplo got Into jLhls city by fixing
that street. Tho business men a
year ago had" raised a sum of sev
eral hundred dollars to help fix that
street. The council had not used
the funds thnt the business men of
tho city had put up.
On sustaining mayor vote was:
Ayes Bayne, Churchill, Frasor,
Hans, Waldo 5.
Noes Greenbaum, Low, Radcliff,
Stolz, Stockton 5. Mayor declared
his ruling sustained.
Petition of W. W. ZInn for elec
tric sign was referred to commlttco
on streets with power to act.
Payroll for Soptombor lalloweil
without nmendemont.
Bid of Warren Construction com
pany for maintaining pavement of
Stato stroet, at 2 & conts per square
yard por year, for 5 or 10 year,
Ordlnanco fixing curb lines on
Broadway street, North Salem,
read and passed. Also assessment
to Improvo same, read and passed.
An ordlnanco to regulato laying
water and gas mains on pormanontly
Improved stroots, read nnd passed.
Northwestern Telephono franchise
ordlnanco passed. - .
Mr. Frasor called attention to
condition of walk on Stato Btreot
from Fifteenth stroot east. Hof er
red to stroot commissioner.
Mr. Stockton moved that J. P.
Frlzzcll, F. N. Dorby, P. L. Frnzlor,
bo r.nmed as vlowors to apprnlso nnd
nssea dnnfnges to property of Mrs.
Mary CInrk, for opening nnd widen
ing Chomokotn Btreot from Four
teenth to Flftconth, Cnrrled.
i Salaries of special police during
Fair stato fair bo n'lowed.
Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
1 2
a A j '
bu AcMTtua aMA H M IOM VftAJMVV.'V
Id Grande Industry Is Growing at n
Rapid Rate.
Tho pruno Industry Is many times
moro successful In the Grande
Rondo valley this year than any tirrin
in several years, says-- tho La Grnndo
Observer. Without a doubt tho larg
est shtpmont of prunes out of hero
is going on this fall. ' E. Z. Carbine
has filled seven cars out of an order
of 10, a total which exceeds previous
records by 75 per cent.
Tho remaining three cars will be
shipped to tho eastern markets next
week. Tho fruit Is bringing nice
profit to tho growers. Tho shlp
mers named drew from 65 to 75
conts a crate, a price which will en
courage prune culture hereafter.
Tho apple shipments continue.
One carload went yi)stcrday nnd sov
oral will bo ready to bo forwarded
to the markets early noxt week.
a j
A Wise Pheasant.
R. L. Jones of Mornlngsldo nbout
a week ago was surprised when lfo
wont forth to feed his chickens to
soo a China pheasant was among tho
domesticated flock. Hfc did not dlB
turb it and at night whon tho
chekens wont to rooBb their guest
wnt along also. Tho pheasant has
boon running and roostlnj; regular
ly with It's nowly mado friends
sluco. Mr. Jones In order to show
a frlond his now pot wont Into tho
yard n fow days ago In ,tho mlddlo
t tho afternoon nnd called, "Olilck
oy, chlckoy," nnd out from 'tho woods
camo his chickens which woro closely
followed by itlio pheosant. Mr.
Jones Is very proud of his now pot
nnd says that ho would not kill hor
for any money.
How This?
Wo offor Ono Hundred DollarH
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undorslgnod, havo known
F. J. Cheney for tho last 16 yoara,
and bellovo him perfectly honorablo
In all business transactions and
financially ablo to carry out any obll
Rations mndo by his nrm. Waldlng,
Klnnan & Marvin, .Wholosalo Drug
gists, Toledo, Or.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon tho
blood and mucous surfaces of 'tho
Bystom. Testimonials Bout froo.
Prico 75c por bottlof Sold by all
druggists. .
Tako Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. o
Tho next attraction and ono of
the vory best of tho Benson nt tho
Grand op-ra houso will bo Lorn B.
Pnrkor's latest play "Undo Josh
How to Cure a Cold.
Tho question of how to curo a
cold without unneco3aary loss of
tlmo In which wo nro all moro or
loss Interested, for tho quicker n
cojd Is cotton rid of tho loss dnngar
of pneumonia and othor sorlous dis
eases. Mr. B. W. L. llnll of Wavor
ly, Va., has used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for years and says
"I firmly bellevo . Chnmborlaln's
Cough "Romody to bo absolutely tho
best preparation on tho market for
colds. I havo recommended it to
my friends and thoy all ngreo with
me." For Bale at Dr. Stono'a drug
In a. Dry Town.
"Boss, I've got a sinking sonsa
"Woll," demnndod the druggist.
"what do you want?"
"Anything In tho way of a life
presorvor." Washington Herald.
A CcrtalH Curo for Croup Used for
Ten Years without a Failure.
Mr. W. C. Bott, a Star City, Ind.,
hardware merchant, Ib enthusiastic
In his praise of Chamborlnln's
Cough Romedy. His children havo
all boon subject to croup and ho
has used this romedy for the past
ten years, and though thoy mucli
fenred the croup, his wlfco and he al
ways felt safe upon retiring whon a
bottle of Chamborlaln'B Cough Rom
edy was In the house. His oldejt
child waa subject to Bovere attack
of croup, but this remedy never fail
ed to effect a speedy curei Ho has
recommended It to friends anl
neighbors and all who have used It
say that It Is unequnled for croup
aud whooping coug For sale at
Dr. Stone's drug store,
O '
Tk Iafamti axd Ckilirw.
Tin KM Ym Hiyi Afwijf 11.
Bmts tk
Stgaatare f
Tho Badgo of Honesty
Is on ovory wrapper of Doctor Plorce'a
Golden Medical Discovery because a full
list pt tho Ingredients composliif- It la
printed thcro In plain English. Forty
years of oipcrlonco has proven Its superior
worth as a blood pujrlller and invigorat
ing tonic for tho curo of stomach disorders
and all liver Ills. It builds up tho run
down systora as no other tonic can In
which alcohol la used. Tho active medic
inal principles of native roots such as
Golden Soal and Qucon's root, Stono and
Mandrako root, Bloodroot and Black
Chorrybark are extracted and preserved
by tho uso of chemically pure, trlplo
roflned glycerine. Send to Dr. It. V. Pierce
at Buffalo, N Y., for free booklet which
quotes oxlracta from woll-reoognlted net!
leal authority such as Drs. Barthnlow,
King, Scuddcy, Coo, Elllngwood and a
host of othej, showing that these roots
can bo dopended upon for taelr curative
action Ifc nil weak states of tho stomach,
accompanied by Indigestion or dyspepsia.
hs well s Inll bilious or liver coraplainU
and In smw-astlng diseases" where tkere
Is losaKilesh and gradual running dowa
of turfltrength and system.
h"Oolden Medical Discover "kuWm
rlcb, nurfi Thlootl ami so lnvlfforou aad
rMuiayi ym ttmmach. llvor apdtooya.
I I ! ' III "' I1 I
lirm. tnn whoia ffysj
Thus all skin atrcctlons, blotchM, pimples
and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel
ling and old opon running sores or ulcers
aro cured and-healed. In treating old
running sores, or ulcers, It la well to In
euro tholr hoallng to apply to them Dr.
Pierce's AU-Hoallng Salve. It your drug
gist don't happen to havo thla Salvo In
stock, send fifty-four conts In postage
stamps to Dr. R, V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute, RufTald, N. Y and
a largo box of the All-Healing Salts "
will roach you by roturn post.
You can't afford to accept a secret nos
trum as asuhstltuto for this non-alcoholic,
incdlclno of known courosmoN, not
oven thopgh tho urgent dealer may
theroby mako a llttlo bigger profit.
Dr. Plcrco'j Pleasant Poliota regulate
and Invlgorato stomach, liver and bowels.
Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take
as candy.
Trnnsfcrs of Real Estate.
Tho following dpeds havo been
filed for recerd:
City Vlow Comotery Ass'n to
J. T. Aufranc, lot 2 block23,
sco B, d 50
S. W. nnd N. L. Maupln to
John Hart, 2 acres, t 5 s, r !
1 w ,w d . . 800
O. and W. Bennett to Jos W.
Feathors, ct ux, land In Mar
lon county 1250
A. M. CummlngB to Joseph
Pctzcl, nil of n o Mi or b o
Vtof bcc 1, t 9 a, r 1 o (40
ncrcs), w d 400
C. F. Van AUon ot ux to H. W.
Harding ot ux, 40 acres In
Marlon county, w d 2000
A. M. and L. Humprcys ot nl
to John McCrow, land In lot
5, block 5, Sulom, shorlff
deed 1000
J. and M. Lottonmalor to Fred
Rock, lot 3, block 13, Mill
City, w d 400
F. P. Kenning to Star Land
Co., lot 4, block 9, Morn
lngsldo addition to tho city
of Salem, q c'd 1
Jano A. Hicks ot ux to Alva
A. Webb, M of an aero In
Johnson's addition, Sllvor
ton, w d 700
W. C. Knighton ot ux to Fred
R. Watorc, lots 1 nnd 2 In
block 19 nnd fractional
blook lying north nlso land
In vacatod Btrcet, In North
Salem, iv d 300
A. and 'A. M. Parvln to Mario
Klblor, lot 30 In Wallors ad
dition, except tho south 50
feet thereof, w d , . 5
Jumoa L. Frcolnnd to Hcttlo A.
A. Hoynoldn land on tho east
Bldo of lot No. 4 In nn unum-
boned block north of block
2G, Salem, w d 1000
M. and G. L. Sutherland to
B. W. Pnyno ot nl, land In
tho city of'Woodburn, w d 1800
. o
The old remedies are tho best.
Hickory Bark Cough Remody has
beon In uso for ovor ono hundred
years by tho old Dutch Dunkards of
Pennsylvania, and is still In uso by
all tho old families of western Penn
sylvania. Is absolutely pure; made
from tho hark of tho white or Bholl
bark hickory tree. Tho bark Is
shipped from tho east, and manu
factured In Salem, Oregon, ..For salt)
by all dealers everywhere.
i o
"Undo Josh Perkins" Is nn ex
coliout comedy drama with a strong
doublo plot. Tho chnractors aro
carefully drawn, tho situations nro
roivllstlc nnd tho comedy In tho play
Is In abundance.
CuniinlHS Rros.' Transfer CctHpaiiy
All kinds of transfer work done.
Furniture and pianos boxed ready
"for shipment. Prompt eervlce Is
our motto. Stand and office at
253 South Commercial street.
Phone fie. Residence Phone 968.
F. M. Baker Twelfth street photo
grapher. All kinds of phote
work done at living prices. Call
and see my work, aad priees.
Viewing a specialty; alte head
quarters for amateur dereloplag,
aad ftaiahlHg. Cabinet photo
graphs S.ee per dozes. Betwwi
aad fialshlag. Xetweea Week
Mills aad O. K. More.
j T
.ia.tiaia.n.t tniif
10 JBAIJi.
For Salc 80 acres of timber, six
miles cast of Oregon City; prlco
$3600. Enquire at 402 Stato
stroot. 10-5-3t
For Sale Two single top buggies,
In first-class condition. One rub
ber tired. Apply to O. W. Yannk,
Fashion stables. Telephone 44.
For Sale Good house and barn,
now, 25 acres all undor cultivation
berries, prunes and all kinds of
fruit, five miles from Salem, 13500
This includes 6 cows, 2 horses.har
ness, 1 heavy wagon, spring; wagon
200 chiekons and .other farming
necessities. Enquire 492 Stato
Btrcet. 9-23-tt
For Sale Good Blx-room house,
with four lots, good woll wator,
largo stable and chicken yard, on
South Sovontoontjj Btreot. Price
$1500. Enquire at 492 Stato
Btrot. 10-2-lwk
For Sale 08 head of stock goats,
If application Is made soon. In
quire of John H. Scott, at tho
court houso, Salem. 10-7-3t
For Salrjc-Now o:oom house, good
barn, cornor lot, city wator, six
blocks from postofllco; $1000 buys
It. W. A. Llston, ngont, Court-
Btroot. 1 0-7-3 1
For Rent Sovon-room cottago, with
barn, and fruit, with four lots;
good woll wator. Enquire at rosl
donco corner 19th and Bolvlew or
phono 700. 10-5-3t
For Rent. Furnished and unfur
nished rooms. Enquire- at 790
North Commercial
To Rent. Fivo room flat, ovor Far
rlngton & Van Patton's markot.
Inquire of Stoiner & Borger, 188
South Liberty stroot. 9-24-tf
For neat Furnlahod rooms fer
houao-keoplng or hoard for a
single lady or couple. Apply to
Rosa Marklovltch, 730 North
Front Btreot. 8-16-tf.
Stock Ranch forjtcnt About 300
acres, In good location. Stock
can bo bough, outright or taken
on shares. Apply at county treas
urer's ofllco In Salem. 0-23-tf
To Tnulo 150 acres ot .land, 100
ncrca In cultivation, good fruit
and dairy farm. Will trade for
Salem roaldenco property. Time
g'von on dlfforonco ,ln prlco, or
will trado for flinull tract noar
town. Address J, II. Moran, Mon
mouth, Oro. 1 0-3-1 wk
Violins M. S. Fullor has a Bhop In
room 8, ovor Perry's drug Btoro,
whoro ho is propnrod to repair
violins, gultnro, oto. Glvo him a
call. 9-27-lm
Voget Liiiiihor and Fuel Co. Lum-
bor .shingles, building material,
wood and conl. Low prices and
prompt dollvorios. Ono block cast
of S. P. passongtv depot. Phono
198. 7-2-tf
Concmto Work. Got my prlcos on
sldowalks, curbs, septic tanks and
comont work of any kind. All
work guaranteed first-class. M.
Ward, Highland add. Phone 669.
Butte & Wcaderoth Fine wlnoa,
liquors and cigars. We handla
the colebrated Kollog gand Castle
whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer
constantly on draught. South
Commercial street. 9-3-lyr
Our moat market on East State
stroet has beon doubled In size aad
we are bettor prepared than ever to
serve customers. Prompt service and
the best ot meats our motto. Call
or phone 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop,
We Are Cash PHrcluuers Of poul
try, eggs, and all kinds of farm
produce. Berry crates made up
In unlimited quantities. Capital
Commission Co., 267 South Com
mercial Btreot, Salem Phone Mala
Theo. M. Ban- Plumbl&g, hot watr
and steam beating and tinning.
104 Commercial street. Phoae
Main 19. -l-lyr
M. J. PotacI Plumbing, ateara and
gas fitting. Successor to Knox &
Murphy, 226 Commercial street,
'Prose Mala 17,
Vrualc M. Iirevrti. Maanfaeturer of
ms, doers, mquMIbi. All kiads
ef hesse AhIsb aad hard weed
werk. Freat street, between Itatc
aad Ceart. Make all eenplalaU
at the alee.
Frank Is. Churchill Repreat
of the Western Conservatory
Music, ot Chicago, In this elty?
will resume classes in piano, hr-
mony, theory, sight reading:, etc.;
on and after September 23. StudljF
opera house building, rooms 8 a4
9. Phone 1100. Pupils may re
ceive lessons either In their home
or at the studio. 9-14-lmo
Miss Bra F. trox Will be ready t
receive pupils la music after Sep
tember 2d at her studio, 242 Cea
ter street, between Commercial
and Front. Phone Main 847.
Miss Beatrice Shcltoa Will ree-Mr
pupils in pianoforte, orgtta aat
Bight reading; classes. Special
terms made for beginners. This
year besides teaching at her stadia
345 Marlon street, or at the home
ot pupil It so desired, Miss Sa'el
ton will teach at the studio In tat
First National Bank building;
corner ot Commercial and Ghs
mokota streets. Phone 12954
Marlon street studio phone 1299;
9-26-lmo. f.
foresters or America court aaer-
wood Foresters, No. 19. Mtfai
Wednesday In Hurst hall, Stat
street. Le eAbbe, C. R.; J. 0.
Perry, financial secretary. ,'
Central Lodge No. 18, K. ot P.
CaBtle Hall ln.Hplman block, cor
ner State and Liberty fltreetsl
Tuesday of eaoh week at 7:80 p,
m. Oscar Johnson, O. O.; SI. It-
Anderson, K. of R. and S.
Modern Vo6dmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No, 5246. Met
every Thursday evening at I
o'clock In Holman ball. W. "W.
Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, clerkl
Woodmen of World Meet every Frt
day night at 7:30, In Holman ball,
L. E. Ponnoll, O. 0.; P. L. Frafr
lr, Clerk.
Lincoln Annuity Union. Wok, Resi
dent and pension Insurance; 82,
000,000 pledgrd; every claim paK
Good agents wanted. J. H. O.
Mongomery, eupreme organiser,
Box432 Salem, Oregon. R. R.
Ryan, secretary, 546 State Btreei.
-At onco, a girl for gener
al housQWork. Mrs. J. A. Carson,
923 South High street. Tolephone
Main 95. 10-7-3t
Wanted A young girl to aBBlst In
housework nnd attend school, an
nul ro at 1008 South Twelfth
ulroot or phono 1103. 10--7-3t
Wanted At onco, boll boy at WIN
lamotto Hotel. 10-5-tt
Wnnted By October 15 th, boy wltk
pony tb enrry ppor route; can t
tend Bchool. Cnll at Journal of
llco nt onco. tf
Roy Wanted To do porter werk.
Apply to W. B. GlUon's barber
shop on Commercial streot. Pkene
401. 9-21-tf
Cider Apples Wnuktl Write or In
quire Ingham Vinngar Co., 64 AN
blna avonuo, Portland.
'ariii Wanted Compotont patties
wish to scc.uro a small ranch or
the Wlllamotto river bottom for
raising hogs, poultry and general
farming. Will pay cash reat for
torm of years, or will make pur
chase contract. Address ''T,'
care Journal office, 9-30-Sw
Cider Apples Wanted We will pay
from $0 to $10 por ton for eld,ir
applos. Wilt also take fall neani
under special arrangements. Call
and seo us. Gldooa Stolz Co.
Wanted At onco, 100 men, Issulre
at Oregon Nursery Company's of
fice on Twelfth street. a-St-tf
surgeon. Tolepbone 307 Mala.
Offices, 546 State street, opposite
court bouse, Salem, Or. Residence
Phone 312 Main. 8-13- lmo
Livery hiuI Ftxtl Stable Old Post
ornco Stnbles, at 254 Ferry atreot,
botweon Commercial and Frout
stroots. Tolophnno 188, Some of
tho finest liveries In tho city can
bo found hore. Dick Wostocott, v
proprietor, 10-l-lyr
Iwt-- ProHS-uutton knlfo. .Finder
pleaso lenvo nt Journal oflice.
It (a werta more thaa aay e44ct
bread, yet the prtee Is a BlgaM
Fer sale at year greeer',
Theauu ft CeeUf, Frofa. I