' ." 4 DALLY OAPIlAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 100" ifflEMEDY EASILY PREPARED Is Fspecialiy Valued By the Elderly People Who Suffer A largo health publication tolls Its readers of a number of slmplo nd Bafo prescriptions that 'can be mado at homo. The following, how over, for itho euro of rheumatism and kldnoy and bladder troubles re ceives tho greatest praise, viz., Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce: Compound Kargon, ono ounce; Cow pound Syrup Sareaparllla, threo ounces. Thcao olmplo, harmless In gradients can bo obtained at any good proscription pharmacy at llttlo oot and are mixed by shaking well In a bottlo. Tho dofio for adults Is a tcaspoon fol nftor oach meal and at bedtime, drinking a full tumborful of water "artor each do-jo. It Is furthor stated that this proscription Is n posltlvo romody for kldnoy troublo and lnmo "back, woak bladdor nnd urinary dim cultios, especially of tho elderly peo ple, and ono of tho beat things to bo used In rhoitmatlo afflictions, reliev ing tlw aches and pains and reducing Hwolllngs In Just a short whllo. A woll known local druggist states that this mlxturo nets directly upon tho ollmlnatlvo tissues gf tho kid neys; clonnsoii theso Bpougollko or Rana and glvon them power to sift nnd strain tho poisonous wasto nint tor and uric acid from tho blood "which Is tho cnuso of rhoumatlsm. Cut IhlH out and hand to somo tjufforor which would certainly bo an act of humanity. o Tim Kllngcr Orauil. Lnst night a largo audlonco on Joycd ono of tho host and moat In teresting performances that has boon at tho ICllngor Grand for ninny wcoks. Tho HohoIIh, nH advortlsod, aro a clover team, nnd their "Silly Kid" turn cortalnly pleased tho audlonco. Tholr work Nh of roflncd comedy, nnd their dancing upoclaltlos arc un excelled, Baby Wanda Is tho talk of Salem. Tho llttlo 2-yonr-old girl Is tho ynungost performer on tho vaudo vlllo stngo, and will long bo romom borcd, Hor work la wondorful, and ovory llttlo child and molhor should wltncsH llttlo Wnndn'B turn. Hor strong llttlo volco can bo honrd nil through tho houso, as she sings with out any apparent effort nil tho lutes', popular Hont'.H, and her buck nnd wing dancing, in hor baby way, ollQtH grant npplauso. Tho now motion plcturoH aro In toroitlng, as woll nH exciting, mid tho Into popular bnllnd, "My Vlr gtnn," In hoautlftilly Illustrated. Tho performance Is concluded by a comody aftorploco, which rurnlshoi ono hour and ulftoon minutes of an enjoyable ovonlng Two performances nightly nnd Saturday at a p. m. thoro will bo a special mntlnoo for tho ladles nnd children, -o Ambition, Undo Itoraco (who In somothluir ,of a Bago and phllosophor) My boy It Is tlmo for you to think sorlously of tho kind of futuro you Intend to mup out for yourself. To sum It up In n word, what opltaph aro you nnxloua to havo ongmvod upon your tombstone? Nephew (Just beginning his ca reer) "Ho got his Blmro." Phila delphia Inquirer, VICTOR DORRIS REVIVAL Meetings At First Christian Church All This Week Tho Victor Dorrls revival meet ings opened up at tho First Chris tian church Monday night with a good attondanco. Tho choir did ex cellent work under tho direction of Dr. Epley, and tho music and the oratory aro of a high class. Tho meetings open every night this week at 7:30, and promlso to bo very suc cessful. Tho speaker punctuatos his sormons with truisms that stick llko burrs In tho minds of his hearers. Hero are a few of tho bright gems of last night's sermon; "Thcro aro fow things but can bo duplicated, and as many times as you llko, but tho world has never had but ono redeemer." "If wd should deslro anothor Re deemer, wo have no place, wisdom or powor out of which to creato Him IIo Is tho powor, wisdom and lovo of Cod." "Tho man who for himsolf has not settlod for himsolf tho Christ question, hns settled nothing." "To think Is tho watchword. It Is bettor than going to tho springs." "It Is hotter not to know so much, thnn to know so much thut Is not so." "Did you ovor tako nn Invoice of yourself?" How much would you tako for yourself when you first wnko up In tho morning?" A CHINA I'll EAS ANT. Piles Quickly Cured at Home Instant Relief, Permanent Cure Trial Package Mailed Free to AH In Plain Wrapper. miHIIIIHMIlllllllllll Every Month in the Year I Urluga Its current bills. Quo way to pay thorn Is to go from place to plneo, carrying tho ; money with you, at tho risk of ; ; loaa and tho chnnco of ovor- looking tho taking of a rocelnt, Rtid having soma of it to pay t ovtr again, Tho couvonleut buel aosa-llko way Is to pay all bllU by chock, uo matter how small. A cheetc la tho boat receipt you ; ; can havo. Paying out inonoy ! ! la this way Insures correctnoa '. and s'vos you a complete roo- ; ; ord of all wouoy paid out. Oph a CbtHkiHg Account With I Vb. SALEM And tlio Horso Editor Hnvo a Little Ml.vtip. Tho horso editor knows now ex actly how a Salem street car feels In fair tlmo. Yesterday morning Fred Ncckorman, who,' by tho wny, is u hunter who gots birds, presented tho Bald horso editor with a China pheasant, n dead ono, killed by him Sunday. It was a dainty little brown thing, plump nnd full breast ed, and mndo tho horso editor some how and for some reason think of Hnwall, maybo bocnuso It looked good onough to ent and was. Last night, nlong with consldornblo trim mings, tho horso editor put her whore alio would do tho most good, and sho wont down aa easily as on 3 of his own storios, though perhaps much bottor flavored, nnd not nearly so tough. This morning things wore different. Had It boon n young gon llemnu pheasant, It might hnvo boon all right, but being a lion, nnd a young lion at that, sho didn't sit woll on someone's stomach, probably due to tho fact that It was tho first at tompt, and Bho didn't llko tho nost. Anyway, tho. horso editor hnd a nightmare, nnd thought Broozo Gib son, nnd bin collection of curly gontH, crlnkly-bncked turtles nnd wrinkle-nocked dragons, wns making him climb a snpllng with thorns on It, and that kopt bonding ovor nnd letting him down almost Into tho jnws of tho tlorco collection thnt was Booking his life. Howovor, It is all ovor now, nnd Fred has our thanks for a delicious bird and a motley collection of novel nnd Inter esting sensations. It might bo add ed that tho horso editor Is not nfrald to tacklo anothor ono. o i When flrtvk Meets Greek, "OraclouH, my dear," Bald the first socloty bollo, "I do hopo you'ro not 111; you look so much older to night." "I'm qulto woll, than you, denr," replied tho othor, "and you how wonderfully Improved you aro. You look posltlvoly young." Philadel phia Press. Half of tho suffering and tor ture of piles has never been told. But no matter. Whether your par ticular case of pilos is almost too 'excruciating for any mortal to bear, or If you are fearfully tantalized by unreachable Itching, or whether you havo only a modorato case of piles, thoro Is positive relief, and quick too, in Pyramid Pilo Cure. You need not tako for granted all wo ourselves say about our Pile Remedy. Wo want it to speak for Itself. Wo want you to send for a tree package, today, of tho marvel ous Pyramid Pilo Cure. ' Wo want to provo these statements to you per sonally, so that you will feel the re sult youreolf. Follow a fow simple directions. Got woll to stay woll. You don't hnvo to stop working ono Blnglo dny. No tortures from operations. No heavy doctor's bills. Horo, for Instance, is a sample of tho kind of letters wo get overy dny and wo don't havo to nsk for thern: "Friend, I wrlto to tell what good your Pyramid Pilo Cure has done for mo. I used your samplo, and It did so much good I wont and got two boxes, and I used ono and I nm an othor man altogether. I havo no pain, no pllos, and I have been troubled with them for over CO years and could find no relief till now, thanks to your timely .euro. Uso my namo If It will do you any good. Isaac Smith, Wharton, Now York." For freo samplo semd to tho Pyra mid Drug Co., 9C Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mich., or you can buy Pyramid Pilo Curo In any drug storo for CO cents a box. 0 HOTEIi ARRIVALS. SMILES imaBiitiinMMii I Winter Shoes I Storm Rubbers and Rubber Boots It you nro looking for good winter Bhoes that will givo you good service', como In and boo my stock. With ovory pair of Bhoo.j sold I glvo a pencil j box, containing poncils nnd rulor, free. Willamette. Frank Woodnrd. Mrs. Sarah Hanoy, Alaska. C. A. Plorco, Portland. F. A. Barber, Massachusetts. A. D. Bechtol, Portland. M. M. Thompson. --. Mrs. M. Todhunter, Pendleton. Mrs. Anna Clark, Pendleton. C. II. Soohnlo, Jefferson. J. 13. Snnhlll, Bend. -, U. C. Coo, Bend. II. P. McDonald, Bend. v, II. Cowry, San Francisco.. Ceo. Goldsmith, Now York. . " II. G. VnnDusen, Astoria. J. F. Rowley, Astoria. G. A. Steol, city. v C. V. Smith, San Francisco. E. P. Sott, Portland. J, Cameron, Portland. C. W. Stogo, city. G. H. Harkrador, Ban Francisco. II. G. Jonoo, Portland. S. R. Glovls, Portland. S. M. Coopor, San Francisco. I. S. Stanley, Portland. Jcsso Stcnrns, Chns. P. Richardson, Spoknuo. Geo. A Druln, Portland. Win. DnvldBon, Portlnnd. 13. J. Fay, Portland. W. H. Ramsey, Roodsburg, Wis. Ben M. Wnfford, San Francisco. A. D. Bechtol, Portland. M. M, hompson. Cottage. C. R. Fargo, Portland. , Honry B. Corliss, Portlnnd. J. 13. Hosmor, Sllverton. Thomas D. Wnllaco, Eugene. T, Wlgmnn, Portland. J. F. Grovos, Independence, C. B. Prowitt, Portland, W. K. Brown, Oklahoma City. J, M. Rice. D. E. Swank, Aumsvlllo. E. J. Calloy, San Francisco. Salon, G. W. Klllan. G. GUlesplo, Mill City. Ij, Robinson, San Francisco, D. A, May, Newport. Jos. Kragon, Now York. G. Garson, Chicago, D. Heldolborger, New York. J. W. Gllmoro, Corydon, Ind. C. O. Adnms, Portland. " John Wllllanu, Eugene, 0. B. Handloy, Portland. T. B. Handloy, Portlnnd. Joseph Woodward, city. Parent lal Caution. "Popley's baby Is getting old enough now to understand ordinary words." "Ah! Itiupposc he's been telling you all about " "No, but I was in a candy store yestorday when Poploy camo in aad absentmldodly called for a 'pound of c-a-H-d-y.' " o Anothfr franchise has been grant ed a telephone company to do busi ness in tho Capital City. Tho mag nificent compensation tho city is to receive will be one per cent of tho gross earnings on long distance busl nes3 that originates here, after two years. That will pour revenues in to tho city treasury llko water at least two dollars a year, If not more. Thero Is ono good thing about it thero is nothing much left to givo away. It is a cold day when Salem can't raiso $5000 on a single Sunday for somo church or college. But that Is the Salem way. Wo aro ready to invest our last dollar for education and religion. Every business man in Salem can feel tho exnandlnc conditions that aro in evidence on ovory hand in tho Capital City. Merchants aro work ing their stores to full limit. Every kind of public utility 13 pushed to meet demands for service. Schools aro all crowded. Hotols aro over flowing. Now Is tho tlmo to strike for still grcator Salem. a Among other kindnesses of tho last legislature was tho abolishing of publication of tho delinquent tax lists in tho county papors. It will now bo much easier to part a prop erty owner from his lands or homo if ho gots behind on Ills tnxos. Pub lication had reduced tho delinquent tax sales to almost nothing. It was tlmo to chnngo tho system and play Into tho li inula of tho professional tax-tltlo sharp. Hon. Frank Davoy continues to devoto space to tho odltor of Tho Capital Journal. Whon ho prints nnythlng ronl moan or offensive, or any statement of facts of a damaging character that might intorcst tho public, who want to know tho worBt thnt can bo said about tho editor of this paper, wo shall roprlnt It In our columns. In that respect Mr. Davoy has so far been careful to not follow what has boon our custom for nearly 30 years of. newspaper oxporlonco. It Is very pleasant to roproduco tho nlco things thnt nro said about an editor, but It tnkes a llttlo norvo to show your own roadors tho roverso sldo. J. L. Stockton nnd othor business man In tho city council deservo cred it for their fight to hnvo tho fnlr grounds rond mndo passable. That strootMvas tho only blot on 'tho city during tho stato fair. A fow car loads of crushed rock would put It In fino ordor. But It seems technical objections In tho chnrtor aro In tho wny. Tho fact la, a charter can bo construed to open atroets or to koop thorn closed, Stockton nnd othor business mon, who want tho trado of tho city protected, would sweep nsldo tho technicalities and do things. That street should bo shot right straight through to tho govoru mont highway, and thero ought to bo onough push and vim In tho city council, tho mayor and tho Btreot commissioner, to find somo wny to do it. Thoro was no law for work ing convicts on public highways, but tho governor found a way to do it. Thoro was no law for offorlng $5000 toward for tho arrest of tho murdor ors of Shoriff Drown, but tho state ofllclals found a way to do It. Thero has got to bo loss tinkering with technicalities and moro doing thing for tho development of tho city and tho protection of its trade. Tho fair grounds road enn and should bo put In condition for travol this fall and winter. Tho 8troet commissioner, with a team and a tew men, can do It In two or threo days. m a None of the freak propositions pending before tho council will ovor boo tho light of day. Ono of tho principal political agitators of tho old political machlno wns not at tho last council meeting. Ills absence was felt In tho way public business was expedited. A city council of II Is not too many, If they were tho right kind of mon. Any number of tho freak ordor aro a curse to any city that wants to go ahead. Let us havo moro business mon and less freaks and jugglors. jmiimt niiiiiiiiiiiiit The White House Restaurant t For a Regular 25c Dinner at 20c Free Catarrh Cure Bad Breath, K'Hawking and Spitting Quickly Cured Pill Out Froo Coupon Below. ff " n ,V"HJ l 4,''l Trained Nurses Strongly Recom mend Gauss' Catarrh Curo to All Sufferers. Tho drained nurso is ready for any omorgoncy, Just aa Gauss is oqua.1 to "Mio task of curing you for ovor from catarrh. Catarrh Is not only tUngorduB, but It causes bad breath, ulceration, death and decay of bones, loss of thinking nnd reasoning powor, kills nmbltlon nnd energy, ofton cnusos loss of appetite, Indigestion, dyspep sia, raw throat and consumption. It nocda attention at onco. Curo it with Gauos' Catarrh Cure. It Is a quick, radical, permanent curo, bo cnuso It rldo tho system of tho pois onous gormo that cnuso catarrh. In ordor to provo to all who aro Buffering from this dangorous .and loath so mo dlscnno that Gauss' Ca tarr Curo will actually curo any caoo of catarrh quickly, no mnttor how long standlug or how bad, I will sond a trial packago by mnll froo of all cost. Sond us your namo and nd dross today nnd Uio trentmont will bo went you by roturh mall. Try ltl It will posltlvoly curo so that you will bo welcomed instead of shunned by your friends. C. E. GAUSS, 780 Mnln St., Marshall, Mich. Fill out coupon bolow. " UNCLE FREE. This coupon is good for one trial packago of Gauss' Combined Catnrrh Curo, niallod froo In plain packago. Simply fill in your name and address on dotted lines below and mall to O. 13. GAUSS, 780 SLilu St. Marshall, Mich. A Big Pump. Tho largest high prossuro pump in 'tho world, and ono of tho largest ploces of mining machinery over manufactured is In operation in Jackson county, Oregon, on Rogun river. It is of tho flv -Btep, contrl fugal typo, Rind weighs, aside from bearings and gears, just 70,000 pounds (35 tons), Tho pump is tested to stand a prossuro of 250 pounds to the squaro Inch. It has a capacity of 13,000,000 gallona overjr 24 hours, or 9000 gallons per min ute. Ashland Tidings. VETCH AND CHEAT SEED Wo have a limited amount of each on hand, and if you will need any better put your order In early, as the supply will sot equal the demand. JOSH Pfi A PrAll.,1.... - "7,yioYeotoryIi bttITi A! M-K i "" - f i "Uncle Josh p k It la cnlJ I. . r MM lncenstnrri thrilling WftiaUow $ and hi.mn. i ' l ybl fh : ;:: rvr " c r r! m , """"" . me end, t Pictures. AMAA i' ' SSFJn ' v- tho nlnv. vut... . , orou8 hlimornn. .ii..,..11! thor has never onwiiiowil l" "v 78t B'But or, whkia ...ukus mo piay one ot t miuresi. Tho theater ft oiin.-in can turn out la f "Undo Josh" win, ii. "" lug that tho play is all that I be. at lonat tw i. n.. . - " n corded It In every tor visited so fnr thu nu Scats on salo at boxofej uay ai u a. m. THE SALEM MARKET.! Local Wholcll Eggs 28c cash. Butter 35c; fat, Jlc. Hens 11 lie; yount HViC Local wheat 75c. Oats 3335c. Darlcy $20J21. Flour Hard wheat, IM ?3.85 $4.00. Mill feed Dran, S1M4; ,o, l Hay Cheat, $l)eil.;! $10 $12 per ton; tlmotkil ?1U. Onions $1.50 per ml Potatoes 90c cwt. Hops Old, iff 6c; w.l Chlttlra bark 607c tt Wool 20c. Mohair 29c. Tropical Praltt. Bananas $6. nrnnirAR . S 4 f? tS. 5 Lemons $5,500 J. Retail M-rM. Oats White, $28 pert! 90c per bit.; rolled oarieM Eggs 3BC Buttor Country, 35c; 40c. Flour Valley, $1.1.611-1 sack; hard wheat, $l.H0f Bran 05c per Mck; IH) Hay Timothy, a&0i Minnt fiflP! dote". 7M 1 fhorts, 9095cp&r ct. Llrtwtecx. Hogs Fat, 6Uc Cattle llOOfUO. 3c. Lighter ateerfc-SGJ Stock hogs 6c -wa nnrl hftlferS '" 2S2c Lambs 4 He Veal Drewed, 8 fit Portia" Ht . . .... uSl Wheat uiuoi bluo stem, 85c. bluo Btem, "';.. Mlllstuff-IlraB, $' , Mlllstufi "m. "7"14 HayTlraothy, o ' alfalfa, $13. .. a.v 0 Kli Poultry-Heas ' chickens, 101He" ducks, younff, He, p1- Lambs-Sprisf, J1 Hops-Choice, jjfj. 8ib20c; eastera&r: ... ..f . f thft Every v - WM brane( the nose, rf-l and lunB'etc-" .! LeandbllSbtrome TTAfAinUQU " . Ballard-s ";", n,.flnt and elecUwg CLOVER WANTED. . 3"3. quantity yo- i Jacob Vogt I I 345 State Street I TilLson & Co i 5i-i 61 High Sht Pfeooe 139 Sim, Of They can't be bt McGffchrist & Son Proprietors. I STATE Huf John JWV03H.X, Jl Satam, Oregon ttii-t ... -U tllHHIIIIIHIlllilllllli iC" ts ". illMllHHlHllltHHtlllT i ii 1 1 1 n 1 1 n i ii n if m 1 1 b ;v iwinmw i.M'i j OA