I -. ' ' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OREGON, MONDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1007. tter Goods Lower Prices J. L STOCKTON wmmAfr TODAY ONLY Silk Petticoats $4.48 Values up to $8.00 Reduced to 14.48 for tomorrow only. Stockton's Monday Is a popular shopping day because every Monday wo place on sale some lino of goods at much less than you expect to got them for. Theso skirts lncludo plaid silks, solid color taffetas In brown, blue, red, yellow, tan, greon, black and white. Como early as there will bo a great rush. NEW KID WH GLOVES Long and Short A full stock of high grado kid gloves in all tho doslrnblo shades $1 to $4 w New Umbrellas 30c to $1 0 Another big Rhlpmont of rain Btlcks just arrived. Wo certainly lend all Snlom for umbrolla soiling. Bocauso they nro right. lies' 50 inch Black Coats $4.48 Children's Long Coats $1.98 7 Short Coats for Ladies HALF PRICE line composes covert cloths, silks, ddotfis, novelties, etc. MISSES' TEDDY COATS in leather brown gray and red--REDUCED THIS WEEK WR DRESS GOODS SECTION iOc Novelty and plain suitings embracing all" shades In Albntross, Batiste, Serge, Alnpacn, Honrlotta and Mlxod Goods. Most of our GOo goods nro Jim such ns you pay 75c for In so mo stores. 50c Plaid Silk Waistfngs Ewluilvc patterns. Only quo of each kind. I' bajr thom this wny.becauso wo know ovory wf Mats a stylo of hor own. Sghest Grade Black Silks 18 to 36 inches Wide Infants' Dresses A new supply of little white dresses just arrived. We marked them $vay be low what they should bring just to intro duce the new department. PLENTY OF WORK TONIGHT The city council moots this even ing In regular monthly session, and thero will bo somo Important resolu tions beforo that body. Tho Haas gno franchise ordlnnno to reduco tho prlco of gas to 1.00 por thousand foot will bo reported. Tho resolution to suo tho Port land Railway, Light & Powor Com pany will bo reported for action. Tho resolution to suo tho Warren Construction Company on Its bond for $25,000 bocauso It has not paved three blocks of Stato street, undor Ito contract, will bo actod upon. The bill to forfeit tho frnnchlso of tho Port'nnd Street Railway, Light & Power Company, on about 15 dllloront counts, will also havo to bo disposed of. Thcro will also bo somo rogular routine business to attond to. o miiiiHuiiniMimmt PERSONALS The Cash Plan Keeps You Out of Debt Try It this season and you'll find thnt It cost less to provide for yoar family if yot trade at tJEuc kTyed 0?- ce5 &sse4s, &&&. gb WfeQ$WC'. J. L STOCKTON 0SJo Please Determined to Undersell ii mi n mm mm hum lit' Miss Lucy Broad, tho missionary, loft today for Tumor. Labor Commissioner Iloff wont to Portlnnd this morning. T. M. Barr, tho plumber, loft this morning for Corvnllls on business. Ex-Mayor Wntors wont to tho metropolis this morning on bunlnoss. Mils Blancho Brown loft today for Newport for a two-wooks' out ing. O. B. Mooros was among thoso who went to Portlnnd thin mom Ing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Downing loft this morning for Newport, whoro they will spend sovoral days. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Portor, nfUr a short visit in tho city, havo ro- turned to their homo in Aumsville Miss Orhpa Caspoll loft today for Jefferson, whoro sho will visit frlonds. iBanc Barclay, nftor a thrco- weeks' vlalt in this city, has returned to hla homo In Eticono. Miss Magors, tho inuslo teacher, wont to Portlnnd this morning to re sumo hor classes In tho metropolis. Miss Suslo Kcnrns left todny for hor homo In Stnyton, nftor a shori. visit In Snlom. W. J. Qnrdnor and wife, who havo boon visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. L. P. Bonnott, left todny for their hpmo in Saginaw, Lane county. E. C. Onmblo, of tho Western Electric Manufacturing Company, loft todny for Portlnnd on business. Hon. Henry ICoono, of Shnw, loft this morning for Wcndllng, whoro ho will visit his daughter, Mrs. II. Downing. George Rudolph, tho fruit mnn, loft this morning for nn extended trip In tho southorn part of tho val ley. Rev. J. V. Mulligan nnd Rov. R Hlckit, two womlnont Sunday school world-, who havo been In tho city nttonding n convontlon nt tho Pros bytorlnn church left todny for Albany. Mr. and Mrs. W. II Chatton, who havo boon In tho city, tho guoRts of Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Burton, loft this morning for tholr homo In Portlnnd. Mr. Burton nnd Mr. Chatton wor Hitccossftil In hngglng a number of birds yesterday. S". L. Morgan, tho well-known Southern Paclllc yard mastor, will soon lonvo for tho Emit, whoro ho will visit rolatlvrs, nnd It is fold that li will, Inoldontnlly, Interview Mr. Harrlmnn In regard to tho con struction of a now dopot for tho yard master and his crow. Jack Brown, nn old-tlmo Snlemlto, who hns lived in Portlnnd for ninny years past, la In tho city looking up old frlonds and ronawlng acquaint ances. At ono time Mr. Brown con ducted n blncksmlthlng business In tho city. Ho Is related to tho Broya, and other ploneor families, and hod mnmy frlonds hero la tho early days. o The Texas Wonder, Cures all kldnoy, bladder and rheumatic treuble: sold by all drug- gists, or two months' trial treatment by mail for 11.00. Dr. B. W. nail, 2926 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo Send for tertlmonlalr. Sold by Stone's drug store. tin tftoVM y For s&97 J& A'l! Tho shoes you buy now must bo madd of absolutely solid leather or they will not glvo sat isfactory service during tho rainy season. THE brown's MAR IN SHANK trmlo mnrk stands for nil tliat'd good in shoemitklng. You'll And a stylo suttnblo for any occasion In our extensive assortment. Tie Btiste Btown Blue Ribbon BUSTER BROWN BLUE RIBBON SHOES 'la Wlumr-f r0R I)'CSIbiBBBBBBBBBBBBBSV''w V (mrur2i IIHa B r - vr7-7 Astim i &l jmm t MsW I u:0"w?wn i -Utta f GSRLS. tb-fiU,t, SCHOOL SHOES for boys and girls are what your children need for school wear. They are good ser viceable shoes, made on dressy lasts that fit perfectly. OUR BOYS' CLOTHING is made from fabrics selected with special regard for hard service. We Save Yon Money on Everything for the Family X-RAYS . .U. . r fcJlv rejoicing with lk reJ , 9 acaulttal. UBt.l0 to rejoice, of T. iv "' w PUbllC Should en W M. -,d0V Of a dOUbt that U .u7??ted wh all his tl,T l. rob th0 ,ioi that JUr a verdict &r.i" iait they dirt tw u ft3 hlrLthmnn0D8plratOrS' rft?rt Twn.pa,d todo .to&ed states senator. dt .. .. E? t iiEt eouBh to last r H to iJU. oka like It , ...... oox. Ls t ttSSfft the ay- Ui ,uIT,w. Includaa tfa l fw ta ar rest of tho murdorors of Harvey Brown aro largo enough to cause his arrest, If money can do It. Thoro Is no amount too largo, if Its expen diture would secure the punishment of tho cowardly assassins, but a re ward may bo made largo enough to tempt nion to put up a job on Inno cent persons. It has been done more than onco. a Honey wants jurors to understand thoy must do as he wants thom to, or bo indicted themselves. More than ono man has gone up Uko a rocket and camo down making a noise Uko a stick. o A Most Worthy Article. When an article has been on the market for years and gains frlendd every year, it is safe to call this medicine a worthy one. Such Is Bal lard's Horehouad Syrup. It posi tively cures coHgha aad all pulmon ary diseases. Oae of the best kaowa merchants la Mobile, Ala., says: BttNtfci SKYOSLX. mKMVMHMJ czvm& & HOTKL ARRIVALS. Willamette. A. W. VanNos3, San Francisco. J. Prag, Portland. C. A. Brand, St. Paul. Ed. Coleman, St. Louts. A. C. Abbott, Seattle. J. W. Martin, Denver. C. O. Lauritzor, Portland. A; N. Smith, Portland. O. C. Thornton, Portland. W. E. Frazlor. Portland. Frank King, Portland. W, T. Wllllamcon, Portland. Salem. C. M. Matthews, Newport. L. Robins, San Francisco. Tho Misses Power. D. A. May, Now York. Cottage. Roy Parkes, La Crasndo. O. D. Fnuer, Portland. II. N. SUong, Portland. H. Dolph, Portland. Mr. and Mrj, O. A. Ramp, O r- r'. T. Crocker and wifu, San Jose. p. O. MJHw, Portlaiid. Fred Hwgravee, FortlaM. J. W. CkaW, MHwHke. Mr. J. Bichanteo. Sprl1? W. B. SkhoealHKk, Sm Fnuclco. Circuit Court. Judgo Burnott convoned n session of tho ndjournod torm in depart ment No. 1 of tho Marlon county circuit court thin morning, and in ado tho following dockot entries: Donald C. McCarthy vs. W. H. Smith, continued to tho Jnnunry torm, 1008. Oregon Electric Company vs. Win G-oodtlch, fiottl 1. .In in oa Hlgglno Co. vs. L. T. Tor wlck, dofondant'rf motion to mnku nmondod comph'.Int moro doilnlto and cortnln wan ocurrulod. IyOiulon vs. Voget Lumbor Com pany, dofnult and Judgmont with or di v to tail! nttnehod proporty. Mutual Rosorvo LIfo Insurance Cnmpnny vs. Chaa. II. Cnmoron, do fnult and Judgmont. J. W. Oraoaman vsfl Nicholas For ry, et n!., dofnult nnd judgment with ordor to soil nttnehod proporty. Mlko OriiJBOth vs. Chas. O. Wln chol, dofnult pnd Judgmont. O. C. Smith v. Henry Tucker, de murror 4o complaint sustained. Joftorson Milling Comiwiuy vs. J. II, Peterson, oottled. John Walling vs. J. II. Peterson, motion of plaintiff to coll attached llvostock overruled, O, Andorson vs. WHIamotto Con structlon Company, transferred to U. S. circuit court for district of Oregon. Grand Opera House JOHN F. GORDKAY, M&T, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9 THE IIIO TUN SHOW. Uncle Josh Perkins Klii4rtf, Dmirci-H ituil Comedians, An Hm-IiiNting Hucci'HH, Soo Undo Josh at tho County Fair. Watch for tho big pnrado of th Hayseed Band, Price COc, 3Co 2Gc. Box offlco open Wodnoaday at 0 a. in. KLINGER-GRAND THEATRE a Car nt IMuiiom mill Oriani- Geo. C. Will rocolved a carload of Nowman Bros, organs and pianos. Thoso woro Bhlppod without boxes, making a largo saving In shipping Mr. Will expects another car next week. Shot hi Finger- Louis Lux, while hunting near hero ycaterday, accidentally shot to ward his hunting partner, a Mr. Ol son, ono of tho shot striking tho forefinger of Olson's right hand. Tho injury Is not serious, Mr. Olson, who has tho "Olo" brogue, said that ho did not rcallzo at first that ho was shot, thinking ho hud been hit by a wnd. Tho two aro Portland business men. o They Make Yon Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect ex perienced by all who use Chamber lain's Stomach and Liror Tablets, and the healthy condition of tho body and mind which tboy creaU makes oae feel Joyful. Price, 25c. Sample free at Dr. Stone's drug tore. O BMHtU VO Tu VU1 Ytf ftUaJ ia HitfM IM Mi W W mlf Ph &&&& Can you afford to trifle with so sorl ous a matter as to neglect a bad cold or cough, whon for a trifling amount you can socuro a bottle of "Hick ory Bark Cough Remedy," that la guaranteed to cure or moaey refund ed. Prlco 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottlo. For sale by all dealers every-whcie o Sfarrlago Liccnws. County Clork Allon has Iwued marriage UcoiiHea as follews: Gcorgo A. Ramp, of Brooks, aged 20, and Merle F. Manning, of Ger vals, aged 10, L, A. Jones wl.tncse; Issued Saturday afternoon. Gllbort II. Benjamin, aged 20, and Mabel A. Jukes, aged 25 both of Gorvat, W. J. Culver wltaess, Is sued this morning. o W. Akondrick, Valley Mills, Tex., writes: I have used Ballard's Hore hound Syrup for coughs aid throat troubles; It is a pliasaat a ad mot effective rewedy." Sold hy D. J, Fry. lUcky Mfuntain Tea Nugftft 9tigt tUM ffMlA Md Wi VIW. X K for OoMiJiMtioa. hnHiU, L1M UMI M4KMlMot. W$KKiyMimUlu1AU im4 Kbtey Trou im 'iJpSB PMwWMB SvVHtMavSvV It' EocVr XMwIiUa T la UU Wt torm. M oaU bos. O ) muni hf HLUM NIMMCTS PM IIMiMf ftMtM WEEK COMMENCING OCTOBER 7 Don't fall to soe "The Rosclls" AIITHUH AND DAISY In tholr "Silly Kid" turn. Now pictures and Illustrated songs Two performances nightly. 10c and 20c Trial Begin Today. Docatur, III., Oct. 7. Tho trial of Frod Maglll, a former bunker, and his wife, accused of murdering his former wifo, Pot Maglll, In sot for this afternoon, Eighty witness es ro on hand for tho stato and 40 for tho dofonso. , o The old Peansylraala Dutch Dun kard recommends "Hickory Bark Cough Remedy." Guaranteed to cure your sough, and guaraateed to be pure. Hade from the bark of the shell bark or white hickory tree. For sale by dealers everywhere. ! ill n 1 . mi i m fkmch female fltnunpjn uimm & i btSB'w BNBJ VSSPSnn Rf FILLS. J Six, Cmiii luiH tw hrrHNM baiMtiM, H1IIIHWI 19 fUL. ! lH K,t U.M Mi lV W4M( U U VHITtB MIMMl .. Bit T4. UMdt(k. PA. 'SoUhSMkmbyDr.&C m- m h m LP V MM W- j