TONIGHT OR SUNDAY. oil T(KW" A ILY CAPITAL J OURNAL; SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER o, 1007. NO. 220. hi. rtl Jury Unable to Agree and May Be Discharged DrVORCE LAW KE GREAT BLESSING 10VE PASSES I Says Marriage Is Moral a After Love Has Passed Lj the Worst Fate That i to Woman L. net 5. in a special LuiPd today Lillian Rus- L. 'MlrnrrP Ih the CrGtltl'St .i the world. Marriage Is Iptdatlon after lovo tins Uj There is no more tor- for a woman than to be filth a man she does not I film out of ten marriages fj?T I am not a freo think f lor, but mnrrlage, n8 a f: the present time is very o taki Off $1:000. EHsclsco, Oct. f -Judgo Scawell hns ruled that the Japanese, who claimed damages against tho city for $2G75 as the result of a street fight last May in their restau rant, can nsk but $575 actual dam ages, The complaint must now ,bo amended. 1 rt WILL SKLL PHONES. Compnny Puts Up Job to nival. Cinch San Francisco, Oct. 5. In future tho Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company will sell telephones Instead of renting them to subscribers. This will have tho effect of holding sub scribers to the company, as Bell tel ephones ennnot be used on auto matic company lines. . o BUBONIC PLAGUE SPREADS San Frnncisco, Oct. G. Seven new cases of bubonic plague have been located hero within the last 24 hotirs. Tho last report of the board of health states the total verified cases aro 51, deaths 30, suspected 37 and cured 17. PLEASED AND WERE PLEASED -1111111 l-H"f-f-H"f4-H"H-f-f . win lAclutle .laps. Washington, Oct. 5. Under I Instructions, it is said that Taft has Informed the Japan ese government of tho firm In tention of tho United States to adopt a policy of exclusion of Jnpnneso laborers from thh country. SALEM LIKED THEM Pretty Hawaiian (Maidens Given a Re ception At the Willamette, That Proved a Most Delightful Evening, That Will Long Be Remembered ICAGCkSKM IEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE NOW ON SALE XED DOWN TO THH LOWEST ROCK BOTTOM PRICE AIIK m COATS, LAWKS' SUITS, MISSUS' COATS CHILDREN'S S, MILLIVKItY, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, .MEN'S AND IT CInillNG, hosieky, underwear, BLANKETS, COM S.XI) ALL HEAVY, WARM MATERIALS FOR WINTER THK BEST PRICES YOU CAN GET ELSEWHERE, WE PH BEAT. MOUNTAINS OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM. per Plaid Dress Good?, yd J9c 'I mi of dark and light '1 cving flannels, yard 43-4c V 4oua Ladlt' Heavy f I-:ed Underwear, regular p tin sa;e prlC9i 23c If yots want the best'val tes on sale In Ladies' Coats, Suits and Millinery come to the Chicago Store. f ot yards of fine Draw psritmowunie. ! H-1 of Blankftj now an t 39c 'chearr p', nnui J5c i "k Drccoth, m 1 v" ga sale at, yfcrd 95c IS I Ji3 f V. Irt &? -J l"v cq. LadlcV $10 Coats now $0.00 Ladles' $15 Couts now $0.00 Ladle' $20 Couts now $12.00 $1.50 Petticoats noiv O80 $3.50 Wool Waists in nil tho new Similes now $2.45. FASTEST GROWING STORE, McEVOY BROS. "tin. HIj AND rrTfm onranwiwa vwvnA elluaJtB, gALXH, OR. Tho reception tendered Friday ev ening at tho Hotel Willamette was a brilliant conclusion to tho visit of tho Hawallans at tho Capital of Oregon. Tho reception parlor down stalra was walled In with flowers, and thronged for two hours with tho so cial and official cllto of tho city, and sonio from other towns. Among those who paid their respects to tho Honolulu holies woro some of Sa lem's most promising male ollglblcs, In evening toggery. Soma arrived early and piced tho hotel corridors nervously, awaiting tho coining down stairs of tho Hawaiian bcllos At 8 o'clock, arrpyed in light even ing costumos, tho young IndleB, led by Mrs. Woathcrred, in full evening dress, appeared. Mrs. Weathorred presented tho callers, assisted by II. n. Thlolsou and Mrs. PerryRaymond, president of tho Doard of Trade and President of tho Woman's Club. In n short addross Mrs. Wooth orred complimented tho enterprise and hospitality of tho pcoplo of Sa lorn. There had not been n momont Hlnco tho train arrived early In tho morning that they had not boon charmingly entertained. Sho said tho glrlB belonged to tho host fami lies of tho islands, and, while their own flag had been dlsplncod by tho Stars and Stripe, thoro wbb not an Islander but wao loyal to tho main land. Sho was proud to have them greeted by the host pooplo of the heBt stato, of which sho counted herself n citizen our beloved Ore gon. Tho greetings of Salomltos would ho carried back to tho Islands and honrtlly reciprocated thoro. Seng Native Music. Tho young ladles boro tholr part very sweetly, and, by request, sang thr-0 of tho national Hawaiian songs Tholr wlerd boauty wns much appre ciated, and thoy would ho singing still if tho listener could havo had their way, Miss Lucas, of Oaku, found In Rev. P. S. Knight nn old friend and acquaintance of hor grandfather Rov. Knight did a groat deal of missionary work with tho islandors In his youngo- days. For wit a Hawaiian girl Is not slow, A strangor acooatad ont of thorn with: "Say, what show do you oolong to'" "I belong to th llvoftock show," said tho statoly Owyhan, as she turned on hor hool and walked away. Sonio Who Woro There. Among callors during tho evening wero Rev and Mra. P. S. Knight, ox Govcrnor Lord, Chief Justico Moore, wife and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charloa H. Hinges. R. J. Hendricks of tho Statosman, Lester Davis of tho Telegram, John H. Cradlohauch of Tho Capital Journal, Stato Print ed Dunlway, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Durham of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cronlse and daughter Louise, Mrs. H. B. Thielson, Mr. and Mrs. John II. Roland, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stockton and daughtor. Mrs. Cul bertson,, A. N. Moores, Hal D. Pat ton, Dr. Henry Clay, Peter D'Arcy, Ray Gilbert, Charles Claggett, Judge Scott, Miss Ella Schultz, Mr. Wer ner Breyraan, Mr. and Mrs.R. P. Boise, MiB3 Kittle Harbord, Superln- THE FORD JURY HANGS flUM 14HHIW II I lllilll tondent and Mrs. J. F. Calbreath, Miss Maggie Cosper, D. C. Green, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fleming, Ed. Hazzard and Miss Hazzard, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, Mrs. J. F Boothby, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Al bort, Mrs. Frank Eldridgo, Mrs. F. P. Talkiugton and Miss Talklngton, Miss Hatch of Portland, Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith, Louiso dully, Miss Salome, Mr. R. II. Ruth erford, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Skiff, Mr. and Mrs. Will Skiff, Gcorgo Skiff, Seymour Skiff, Mrs. Etta Kneevea, Mrs. Prnel of Portland, Mr. Thomns and Mr. Springer, Miss Eunano Craig, Misses Mary and Ber tha Eckerlcn and Miss Madeline Walker, Attorney-General and Mrs. Crawford. There wero many others whoso nnmos could not bo secured, by tho reporter. vfi Tho pooplo of Salem aro again, placed under obligation to tho jp?o prlotors of tho Wlllnmette hotolr'for gonorously offorlng tho uso of tho house for tho recaption. ' WAS OUT ALL NIGHT Rumored It Stood Eight For Conviction and four For Acquittal-Ordered to Appear In Gourt At 2:30, and May Be Discharged H-H-H-H-frH-HMHH The Leaven Is Working Memphis, Oct. 5. A special says Roosovolt's southern trip may chango his mind as to i third term. If anything could induce him to run it would bo tho bono to break into tho South, ns he did in Missouri in 1004. Tho recent demon stration in his fayor shown rv very significant chnngo of sen timent towards him. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ii ii San Francisco, Oct. C. Tho Jury Impahellod for tho trial of Tlory L. Ford reported n disagreement this morning, They havo boon ordered to' appear In court nt 11:30 and ox plaln to Judge Lawler why thoy can not arrlvo at a verdict. TERRIFIC EXPLOSION IN JAPAN - .!AA! Tokio, Oct. 5. Slxty-threo girls wero killed and almost tho same number Injured iu a terrific explo sion in nn ammunition factory at Oska today, Tho girls woro em ployed in examining and sorting Bholls which had beon condomncd. when the accident occurred. Tho factory 1b on fire and a number of boats used in carrying explosive aro burning. o Auto Would Not Work. A dispatch from Eugene yostor day says: Tho proprietors of tho now auto stage lino botwocn Florence and Coos Bay did not meet with success on their first trial run along tho beach. When tho nutomobllo was taken ncrosB tho Sluslnw river nt Florence ou n scow, and placed on the sands and tho machinery started tho whools rovolved around Jn tho sand, imbedding themselves deeper with each revolution, and tho car failod to mako any headway. As tho sand is Just as loose noarly all tho way along tho boach It appoars that It will bo lmposslblo to run tho automobile by that routo. Ropoatod attempts woro made to get tho ma chine started, but without success. Tho tido bogan to corno in, and 15 or more men, who wero on hand to soo tho start, built a corduroy road anJ got the auto out of tho way of tho encroaching wotors Just In tho nick of time. THE ANTI- ASIATIC LEAGUE Sim Frnnr.lwn. Ont. R It In rn- Iftuored that tho Ford Jury stands at 8to -1 for conviction. Judge Lawler hnsr given tho jury until 2:30 for further deliberation. If it ennnot ncrce at that time ho will dismiss it. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL PROSPECTS Old. njji m mjfti ,i sVtat A Large Squad, Good Material, and Cliauncy Bishop, Coach Muy Xtfie-r lift Tried. Bolso, pet. 6. A Hocond opera tion was performed today on tho ar of Clrnco Darrow. While no serious results are oxpocted, It ap pears certain ho will not bo ablo to appaar In corirt October 15th. Pot tlhono's physical condition Is bad, and doctors buy ho never could stand tho strain of a long trial. Tho opinion here Is that neither Pottl bono nor Moyer will ovor bo tried. Suspect Ih Arrested. Baker City, Or., Oct. 5. Ono- of the men suBpoctod of dynamiting the late Harvey Brown was. arrested at Union, Oregon, last night, and brought to Baker City this morning and taken to tho county Jail. He re fuses to givo his name. Ho Is thought to be from Cripple Creek. Sheriff Hodgin, of Ada county, Ida ho, is the latest addition to the forces of Sheriff Rand. Tho presout prospects for tho 8a lom high school football toam aro vory bright. A largo squad Is out to practlco evory night, and tho team is commencing to round Into Bhnpo. Friday night 18 men were out for practice. As for coaching tho high school is getting tho best to bo hud in tho Northwest. Chauncoy Bishop, wide ly known as a football coach, and who turned out tho host toam Wll lnmetto ovor had. Ho has has taken up tho high school squad, and, al though vory busy in his present busl nos, managos to got out ubout threo tlrnoB a week and run tho boys through and put them in shape. Moreover, Bishop Is doing this gratis as a frionl of the team, and tho school, and for a little recrea tion for himself. If Salem doosn't turn out a win ning high school team this year It will bo hard to place tho blame, for with tho squad, and tho coaching thoy oro rocolvlng, thoy should mako a fast team. Mon for tho positions havo not boon chosou, and will not bo for sorno Jlttlo tlrnf, but ovory man training for u position Ih work lug hard, and is anxious for u placo. Five of last yoar's men nro at pros ont In tho squad. Some of the games that will prob ably be played aro with Eugene, Portland and Seattle high schools and Portland academy. o flu-Minn Science. t First Church of Christ, Scientist, i(i Chemokota stroot. Services: Sunday at 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Subject of losbon germen: "Aro Sin, DUoaio and Death Real?" Sun day school at 11:45 a. m. Tin Wodnoaday ovoning meeting Is hold at 7:30 p. m. IUadlng room In the church open oach afternoon oxcept Sunday. All are cordially invited to attend tho sorvioes and tho reading room. A dispatch from Vlctorln, II. C, dated Octobor 4th, says: A branch of the antl-Aalntio lenguo was formed in this city last ovoning nt a largely attended moot ing presided ovor by Mayor Morloy. The mooting was hold In tho council chnmbor of tho city hall, and wan lltornlly packed to tho doors. Whlto the meeting was unanimous In Ita disapproval of Orlontal Immigration thoro woro no outward signs" of hos tility. With two exceptions nil tho spaakers wero strongly In favor of. prohibiting Orlontal Immigration, Canon Reanlunds, or tho Church of England, and Llndloy Croatio, a prominent lawyer of this city, on deavored to havo tho mooting pro ceed with cnutlon, but woro hlHnod, from the platform, Tho motion to form a loaguo was carried without n dissenting vote, and every labor Jng. man will bo nblo to Join. Reso lutions woro adopted to bo forward ed to Premlor Lourlor, at Ottawa, asking for tho abrogation of tho trcnty permitting Japanese Immigration. DlKugrt-o Again Porllna Frances Pholpit this morn ing bogan dlvorco procoodlngn in department No. 2 of tho Marion county circuit court against Jamoi O. Pholps, chnrglng cruol and in human treatmont. About n year ago tho pWilntlff and defendant woro di vorced, tho former getting Judgment for $12257. About a month lator Pholps either liwamo tired of slnglo hloosodncss or begrudged the tuazu- ma which ho had paid bin wifo, and so told Mrs. Pholps that she was the only vomuii In tho world for him, and that nil his former cruol natur had loft hit n story which nho evi dently hollovod. In Dccembor, 190(1, oceordlng to the plaintiff's story, Pholps again lod hor to tho nltar, whore tho murrlugo vows woro sol eiunlzod. Pholps soon said ho need ed uiopoy, ns nil married tnon do. His trusting wifo, In the htngungn of the complaint lounod lilm $2000 and took his note for tho ittino. She allegos that Pholps soon henam) abusive and doiimniled tho note, which Mrs. Phelps says sho finally surrendered to him through four, and that tho husband then toro uq tho noto, and his old nbuslvo nature returned. Mrs. Phelps was former ly Mrs. Perllnn FraucoH Hermann, and was married to Phelps the son end time In Brooks In December, 1000. Sho asks, busl.leH tho doareo of dlvorco for $300 attorney's fea, one-third of tho real nutate, which hi valued nt 17000 uud such alimony a tho court may see ill to grant hor and for .tho privilege of rostimlng her formor name. HaiiBCi.Anderon A marrlago license was Issued this morning to Thorbjorn Hansen, aged 29, and Ingo M. Anderson, aged 20, both of Sllverton, John M. Kalon witness. Revolution In Portugal. Paris. Oct. R. Thoro h a rumor on tho Bourne today that n revolu tion has broken out iu Portugal. It cannot bo confirmed, but Portugal routers havo droppod on tho frank 60 coutlmes as a rosult. Dr. J. F. COOK THE BOTANICAL DOCTOR, MOVED TO 810 LIBERTY STREET? FOR ANY DISEASE CALL ON DR. COOK. CONSULATION FREE. ', Uu, of two cklldres whom be at times AGENT Fer water terries pJy at es, I X MFAI 1 Kt H- v,vt wiiiw.t....iiiiil fl3sLhZ "lV YT4JUI&I IIIWII17 ' If s 1 m