JDAILY 0AFI1AL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1007. '4 DOINOT ACTON IMPULSE Jlowland Gives Advice to Young Men Against Acting Hastily (Dy John A. Howland.) Young muii, whoso advlco arc you tnklng na you work your way along tho road which leads to your ambi tion? It 1b taken for granted that every" young man, according to his tom poramont, In asking advlco some whoro of thoso with whom he comes In contact. Quito as nnturnlly It may bo accepted that tho young man la not asking his way along which ho pnsBos amooUily and successfully. It Is when ho is In the dark of dlfll cuKlos real or Imaginary that ho Is moat llkoly to turn 3omowhcro for a confidential tnlk which prompts udvlco. Of whom nro you asking light? Thoro Is a subtlo weakness In hu man nature- In Umo of trouble or of doubt which prompts tho victim of distress to go to some ono who Is Mon who hnvo grown gray In export-1 jC(1 nto enccs or mo worm navo not icnniuu tho folly of tho Impulso, It Is somo thing ngaltiBt which tho young man needs to proparo himself. Thoro nro frictions nnd rioroncsses nnd (llBnppolntmcnts along tho whole road of life. Tlioso aro nccosunry as tho nccompanylug comparatlvo ex periences against which pleasures nnd contentment may stand In trim worth. Hut until tho young man has accoplod thono worrlos as Inovl tablo, ho Ih llkoly to distort thorn out or all truo proportion. Ho will 800 tragedy In what Is a moro an noyance. It Ih whoa tho young man Is dis turbed by thoso Influences that ho Is most dlBpoHed to Book tho confi dences of iioino ono who will Bhard hid mood with him. Hero llos the rorttilnty of IiIb mlstako, no mnttor If ho dous or doosn't accept tho ad vlco of that person who in a Mo1 position is oxporlenclug tho same dlstrosH which Is his. Ono of tho last posnlblo clrctim HlancoH which n doctor would chnmo for his patlout who Is seriously 111 would bo lo havo thnt patient iihko clated day after day with othor per sons KiifTorlng from the same 111. Recognition of this Impossibility by physicians muklng n specialty of tuhrroulorils has boon ono of tho loading factors In developing tho "home euro" for tho consumptive. Tho health rosort environment which brought dcoi-oh or hundreds of those ailing ones togethor, far from home, more than cnuniorhalnucln,; n fnvnilto climate. Exchanging Kymptnms under tho doprouHlous of homeslckuoHs was shown to bo fatal. Yet It Ih Just this course of pro cedure whlrii uioiminilH or young mon aro taking In order to rollovo thoiiiBolvoH of tho small dlstrossos of a hUHluwM rarour which Ih In Us Infancy. Tliu blind loading blind Is wisdom la comparison. Can a mor bid .Toppm bo of potfllhlt) benefit In Ills Judgment ioudtred to a morbid Hmlth? "Why illdn't you come to me ba fori1 you decided on tills movo?" has been tho llncouniKe.l ii'lPHtlou of many an employer whii a young man of promise, Hufforlug from ills Hatlfacllou, bus told that employer of his Intention to leave. There Ih all tho kenor regret In tho Inquiry If It has come to thnt employer's knowledge that his man Ih leaving him largely through tho 111 advlco which that young man ban got from follow men Immeasurably his Inferiors In caliber. It cornea to that employer with a keon houso of the hololoHHiioHH of his own position. In most busluosues It Is ossontlal thnt all grades of men be associated among tho beginners. Time only can be depended upon In tho neces sary wooding proco'isea which shall determine tho successful few among tho many. It Is tho beginner who Is most susceptible to tho Inlluoncea of bad advice from his assnolatos. It U tho beginner of mediocre rnllbnr who Is most prono to glvo tho bad advice And tho processes go on mid on. Lot tho young man who fludH himself among the small worrlos of his environment stop and take stock of himself and his position. If In tho beginning he could feel thnt ho wuh choosing wisely tho fleld of hla opportunities, surely bo cannot so Htultlfy his first Judgment as to fnninnm mtfitwi weigh It against tho opinion of an other beginner who may havo had less experience and who ho knows hns far less Judgment than himself. Yet this Is tho ono thing which all hla nature may prompt him to do. Ho finds himself with tho blind Im pulso to talk lo somebody. Mani festly It will bo ubo1cb3 to take up tho subject with the cheerful op timist who is working smoothly at his Bldo. Tho optimist would not undoraland. It Is the other man with the "grouch" no matter how It was acquired whom ho must de pend upon for sympathy. And no matter how unworthy tho cause of his confidant's pessimism, the troubled beginner will find him out. Talking pessimism with a pessim ist nljYnya reacts upon tho pessimism or'both parties tp tho conversation. .For" the pessimist Jo challengo tho opt'lmlBt, each of the two extremists 'having something to fchado down to ward thp lovola of worldly snnlty, at least la a mental stimulant to both. But tho Influences of confid ing pessimism botweon tyo young mon, regarding their prospects for tho future nlwaya must result In the distorting and magnifying of the cause of that complaint. If tho practlco be Indulged all sonso of proportions may be lost after a tlmo. Ono of tho weaknesses of untried youth lies In expecting too much of tho world. Too frequently tho young man has been trained studiedly to expect oven moro than tho buoy ancy of youth mnkes posslblo In his mind. To this oxtont ho hns been a fight without arms or armor. Ho must got bnck for him self this Bonso of anno proportion which Bhnll guldo him sanoly In hl3 expectations. Then, having It, ho can do no bettor than bo guided by thjfl now Judgipont,"kcoplng IiIb own counsel. Thoro Is no surer mons uro of a man's resources and Btrongth than hla ability to "move and Judge for himself. If tho young mnn shall begin this courso, moroly, ho must find It redounding to his every Interest In life. o Hm hmWW CV YOUNG. . Oldest pitclior in tho big tongues. Ho has boon n profosaionnl jtnyor for wvontuou yours. Rally Marketing In I Vance. Consul Ooneral R. l Sklnnor of Marseilles, writes that no agricul tural region of Europo Ih more in teresting, either for tho variety of Its produoo or tho prosperity of Its farmers, than tho aholtorod comers of old Provonce, whoso frultJ, llowera and vugotablott aro first after thosa of Algeria to roach tho north ern cttloH. Ho centinues: Each particular locality has Its Hpoclal sources of profit, ono crop UHtinlly suceedlng nnothor upon tho name laud with such frequency that the seasons lose union of tholr ordi nary signification. With such en orgy and perslstonco has tho soil been exploited nnd the market stu died that Germany alone purchase-i early vegetables and tlowors In Prov enco to tho value of $1,200,000 an nually, and tho demand Is stondlly growing. Hyoros, Ollloules, St. Romy, Rnrboutnno, Chntonuronnrd nnd Cnvnlllon aro names to conjuro with nn nffinllvnlv 111 T.nmlnti fl.l. Every Month in tllC Year I nova, Brussels, Rotterdam and Ber- and flowers exported from France are shipped In receptacles which aro not returned, and they must there fore respond to throo requirements cheapness, solidity and attractive ness. As a rule these "lost" con tainers aro made of split reeeds, but thoro is also somo use made of split sorghum stalks. Sorghum stalks and corn stalks would replace the split reeds very frequently If this wore a region In which corn and sorghum were grown. I should think thnt In tho United Stntes they could bo employed very profitably These reed boxes aro especially de sirable for the transport of flowers, but for many kinds of vegetables crates of very light wood aro to bo preferred, and within them nro packed smaller containers of various descriptions. o A Spool-Cotton Swindle. Quito an Interesting example of Japanoso Industry was brought to my notice today, says a P. and T. Times correspondent, and It Is of special Interest ns wo recently learn ed that an amalgamation haa Just been effected betwon the old estab lished firm of Coata & jCo. and tho Japanese. A lndy frlond of mine purchased aomo cotton from a Jnpn 11030 peddler, and mndo what Bho believed to be, that dearly loved of women, a bargain. As ovory mnn knows who has had to havo hla but tons bown on, cotton Is an 'Item in China, but this lady Baw offered throo dozen Inrgo reola of cotton for 7G cents, reels to nil appearance such ns sho usually pays 20 cents for In the foreign Bhops. Tho cot-1 ton was purchased and shown to her husband with pardonable pride. Ho, slmplo man, prnlsod her discov ery and congratulated himself on nt loast ono Item of tho domestic econ omy bolng cheapened. Thoro they woro, three dozon largo roels mark ed "Ilrook's Dost, 200 yards." What moro coud a seamstress domnnd? Dut sho presently did Just commnnd that, nnd moro. Ono or two swift turns of tho reel nnd what did Bhc behold?. Plaster of Paris, wood or what not, nnytblng In fnct but cot ton. Tho reel, tho dummy 200 yards of stout thread, Brook's Best, fltnnds before mo ns I wrlto, a monu ment to tho nlllanco nnd a trlbuto to tho futuro prosperity of Conts & Co. To tho skeptical I can only say "call 'and sco this thing," this gigan tic Impudent fraud, for yourself at tho olllco of tills paper, and it will be shown you with pleasure. It Is only n pity that tho unmo of tho Japanoso agent or real homo of the fraud Is not, added to tho "Brook's Best" or tho "two hundred ynrdB." It Is certainly ono of tho nontust bw Indies that I havo ovor come across, and thoso who buy bargains In tho way of cheap sowing cotton In futuro will do woll to tost tho roola ero paying for them and aoo whothcr tho cotton goes moro than one row (loop. Tho Clilnono, who nro pre sumably tho principal purchasers, are not so foolish as to bo caught by this sort of thing for long, nnd if this Is tho way the Japanoso aro catering for tho Chinese market thoy will not be such formidable rivals for good old British trado as has boon foarod. Japanese Gazette o Napoleon Bonaparte showed, nt tho battlo of Austorlltz, ho was tho greatest loader In tho world. Ballard's Snow Llnlmont haa shown tho public It Is tho host llnl mont In tho world. A quick euro for Rhoumatlsm, Sprains, Burns, Cuts, etc. A. C. Pitts, Rodessa, La., saya: "I uaed Ballard's Snow Llnl mont In my family and find It unex colled for soro chost, headacho, corns, in fact for anything that can j no reaction uy a liniment." Sold by I). J. Fry. was nothing Blngularly novel In- tho idea, only tho Individualizing of tha moving picture machine. Before it had served merely as a "turn" In vaudeville. For a very modest sum tho outfit could be housed In a nar row store or In a shack In the rear yard of a tenement, provided thoro was an available hallway and tho space for a "front." These shacks and shops are packed with as many chairs as they will hold and tho populaco welcomed, or rather hail ed, by a huge megaphone horn and lurid placards. Tho prlco of ad mission nnd entertainment for from 15 to 20 minutes is n coin of the smallest denomination In circu lation west of tho Rockies. In romo vaudovIUe houses you may watch a dlvorsity of perform ances four houra for so humble a prlco as 10 cents, provided you are willing to sit nmong the rnfters. Yt tho roof bleachers wore nover so popular or profltablo as tho city tiny show places that havo fostered tho nickel madness. Before tho dog days Bet In llconses woro being grantpd In Manhattan borrough nlono at tho rate of ono a day for theso llttlo hurry-up-and-be-amuscd booths. They nro cato gorled aa "common shows," thanks to tho bonrd of aldermen. A special ordinance was passed to rate them under this bonding. Thereby thoy wero enabled to obtain a license for 25 for tho first year and $12.50 for tho pecond year. Tho city fathor3 did this boforo Anthony Comstock nnd others roso up and proclaimed ngnlnst them. A full theatrical li cense costs $500. Three hundred licenses woro Is sued within tho past year In tho SONOMA GIRL. Colobrntod mnro upon which tho mantlo, or blnnkot, of Lou Dillon i3 likoly to full. Drlnga Its ourront bills. Ono Wav to mil thorn ts trt an from . . :; Place to place, carrying tho ::iout tho 80 of rorrlgorator cars, but ninniiv win. vmi i n. H.i, n . .1 w-" coiiBldornblo celerity, as tho I! loa and tho nlmnco of ovor. I : I Knrtlon truck oxprosa trains from " innki.,,. M.n tniriiur of , ' I Carpont rns roach tho frontlorof I ; and having boiuo of It to pay ; ovor again. Tho convenient bust ! ! noBs-liku way la to pay all bills ! ! I by chock, no matter how small, ', ; A cliedc la tho bost receipt you ; can n.ivo. raying out money In thla way Insures corroctnoai ; and gives you a completo roc- J ord of all money paid out. Op n a Clunking Account With X SALEM STATE BANK Salem, Oregon iMiiiiMMiiiMinnniu Uti na thoy aro In Paris. Thla largo volume of busluoss Is linndlod with- Belgium In 30 hours. Four kinds of tariffs aro applied ono upon tho Individual shipments to tho Inter ior of France, ono for tho roturn of empty packages, ono for carload ahlpmonta, dollvorod In France, re gardless of wolght, nnd ono for ship ments to foreign destinations. A very Important elomont In tho Buccesa of Provencal market gnrdon ers, and particularly as refrigerator cars oro lacking, Is tho caro exor cised In packing, So vitally Im portant Is this feature of tho busl nesa that at tho late Marseilles Colonial exposition an Interesting exhibit was organized, composel ex clusively ot packing and shipping devices, Nearly all tke vefttablof Mania for Cheap Amusements. Tho very fact that wo derive pleasuro from cortnln amusements, wroto I.ockoy, orentos a kind of hu miliation. Anthony Comstock and Police Commissioner Bingham havo apokon eloquontly on tho moral aspect of tho 5-cont thonter, draw ing far moro strenuous conclusions than that ot tho groat historian. But both tho general ami the purity commissioner gonornllzed too froo- ly from particulars. They saw only tho harsher aspects of the nlckol mudness, whoroas It has many Inno cent nnd harmless phases. Crusades havo boon organlzod against thoso low-priced moving plcturo theaters, and many cousor vators of tho public morals have de nounced thorn as vicious and de moralizing. Yet havo they flourish ed Aiundngly, nnd carpontora are busy hammering them up In ovory big and llttlo community in the country. Tio first "nickelodeon" or nlck elot," or whntover It was originally callod, was merely an experiment, and tho first experiment was made a little moro than a year ago. Thero borough of Manhattan nlono for common shows. Two hundred of thoso woro for nlckolotB. Thoy nre bocomlng vastly popular In Brook lyn. They nro springing up In the shady placos of Queens, nnd down on Stilton Island you will find thorn In tho most unexpected bosky dolls, or rising In llttlo rakish shacks on tho mosquito flnts. Alroady statisticians havo boon estimating how many non, women nnd children In tho metropolis nro being thrilled dally by them. A consorvatlvo figuro puts thorn nt 2000,000, though If I woro to nccopt tho totni of tho showman tho ostl mnto would bo nearer 500,000. But llko all statisticians, who reckon human bolng with tho same unomo tlonnl placidity with which thoy to tal beans nnd potatoes, tho statis tician I have quoted left out tho babies. In a visit to a dozon of theso movlng-plcturo hutches I counted an avorago of ton bnbles to each thoatorotto. Of course, thoy wore In their mothora or tho nurse girls' arms. But they were thero and you henrd thorn. They did not disturb tho show, aa thoro wero no countor sounda, nnd mnny of them scorned profoundly absorbed In the moving plcturoa. Barton W. Currlo in Harper's Weekly. mtMniMinimiMn m Winter Shoes i Storm Rubbers and Rubber Boots MctumorplHsls of Now Bedford. Twonty-flvo thousand mill opera tives will bo tho chief participants In tho ' New Bedford old-homo, week, which began recently. Half a century ago tho main figures In hucIi a celobratVm would have been the crows of tho whaling fleets which cnrrlod tho ronown of New Bedford and Nnntucket nround tho world. Where bo now tho Cnp taln Ahabs and tho Captain Blldads, the Capo Codmon, tho Qnyheaders, tho occasional cannibal sailors pick ed upon tho South Sen Islands? Gayhend, whence tho unerring in dinn hnrpooners came, has dwindled to a hamlet of 170 souls. Tho dark-skinned railora from the Azores, who In Melville's tlmo made up tho complements of tho crows, Burvlve In tho "Portuguese" who now man the few vessels of tho de cayed Industry. Tho two whnllng craft fitting out at Now Bedford for a crulso will lend an old-time flavor to tho cole- brntlon. Aro the little bothola with their mournful memorial tablets to sons nnd husbands lost in tho Nortl seas still standing or nny of tho Try-Pot Inns, nt which whnllngmcn ashoro found n securo haven be tween their throo years' cruises? Nantucket sent out tho first American whnlors, soon losing Its prestige to Now Bedford, which for a century wns tho world's great whaling port. Ton years beforo tho Rockefollor woro beginning tho business which wns to end tho whal ers' usefulness that Industry gavo employment to 750 vessels, valued at $20,000,000, nnd cnrrylng crows numboring 18,000. Tho yoarly har vest of whalo yloldcd $7,000,000. What nation hns had u hardier sea faring race? "Not n sea but wni voxed by tholr fisheries." In tholr pursuit of tho whnlo thoy rounded Capo Horn ns If It wero Montnuk point and explored tho Pacific to northern latitudes. Doos not the Columbia river pcr- potuato tho nnmo of an adventurous Boston sea captain's bont? Somo of tho spirit of n Froblshor or of n Cap tain Cook lived ngnln In tho God fearing Quaker whaling masters ot Nnntuckot and New Bedford. New York World. o , -, I -. 1 ntm.. . . w'.lALlm,. 8MtorCha..JSJ Senator t.... a'toi'J Portland. Uaina nePresentativeWiCtt lom. '' H, nopresentatlrew.R. Governo!.00 Soretarv'fT 9E-Cm aon. uiaie' " State Treasurer, (w,. "on, J. H. aShT Attorney General i 2SS2r. Hn ll0U w -TkJ &J IZ A full and completo line of ladloa, men's and children's shooa, at prices that will suit, nnd shoos that will please you. Repairing Specialty. Jacob Vogt 345 State Street mtimiiiimnntimn. r FRANK J3. KELLOGG. St. Paul lawyer who, ns doputy attomoy gonornl of tho United States, is endeavoring to dissolve tho Standard Oil trust. o i . Twice Told Tulea. Knoxs That follow Gabble makes mo weary. Blox -What's tho trouble? Knox Every tlmo ho makes a statement ho wlndB up with "or, In othor words," then goes all ovor It again. Chlcngo News. o Julius Caesar was n man of norva but alcknes left its mark and ho becamo aged boforo his tlmo. Sickness Is often caused by n torped liver. Herblne will rogulato your liver and glvo you health. Mrs. Carrie Austin, Hollon. Kan., writes: "I consider Herblno tho best medicine I ovor heard of. I am novor without It." Sold by D. J. Fry. ' . o OASTORIA. Bean tl ,?lte Kind You Ha6 Wwn BoagM "rz,&m iiimiiiiiiiniiiiiin ft M The I White House Restaurant For a Regular 1 25c Dinner at 20c J They can't be bat McGtfchrist & Son Prejrltor. Kailroad CommUrtoa-.- vp,,Bh, Cottag6 Orore Oswald West. a.i.7 Altchlson, Portland; 'cj - ., outreiarjr, 8upromo Court. Chief Justice, RobM a Assoclato Justice, Pruu "DOUU"UOJUice,Robni Commissioners, w. x, $s iv. iving. Clerk, J. c. Morels noporter, R, q. Morrov Bailiff, P. h. naymoBj' Circuit Judges. Geo. u oaiom; wuiiom Gallop viuu. District Attorney. Jol, wary, salem. Other Btoto Offlckk J. W. Balloy, Food an! DiJ missioner, Portland. J. W. Baker, Gams iti warden, Cottage Grore, Robt. 0. Yenny, Bute Hi cor, Portland. J. H. Lowls, State EntfiJ 10m. E. Gllllngham, State Lite lom. H. O. Van Dusen, Stiti nJ mlsslonor, Astoria, Chns. V. Gnllowajr, Su! Agent, Salem. W. W. Elder, Commute Home, Roscburg. Marion County OicUil John H. Scott, Count; ui Judge. R. D. Allen, Clerk olCociJ W. J. Culver, Sheriff. W. Y. Richardson, Trawl E. T. Moores, Saperlci Schools. F. J. Rice, Assessor. B. B. Hcrrlck, Jr., t'JM J. 0. Needham,W.H.faiiy misslonors. A. M. Clougn, Coroar. D. O. Drngcr, Recorder. Snlem City OfidA. Geo. F. Rodgers, Mijor. W. A. Moores, Recorder d Judgo. D. W. Gibson, Maribtl u: of Police Frank Meredith, City Trewl A. O. Condlt, City AUobc Jns. W. Martin, Street Bloncr. John A. Darr, Chief of Flrilj mont. W. C. Smith, Health 0 Board of EdccttN. Moores, W. P. Babcock, Dlrectcl H. A. Johnson, Jr., Clrt E. M. Crolsan, Cbalroii A. A. Lee, H. C. Ejlif. Stockton. City Standing Coa w. a w.uiMa Tt too. fl ways ana - Churchill. Ordinances GreeabKa fJnrwlB. Accounts and Current K Churchill, Radcllff, Dr8fc Streets Downing Stocxt Public uuiiaw5 flAinAI Q.n,aM RtOll. Jh, U Plumbing Fraser, Do'2 t.i. Water W rirv - UOOUO. iii I nrldeos Oesner, caw- " .. n.ii . Health and Pout- LlBhts-Goode HUJOJ Prlntlng-Rdclifl, V Public Parkt-IWBJ 5 . w n.n. CitySapts" J. w. "-' ". a-sS' wrltos; 1 BB" 'wuJS! hound Syrup 'or ""! i orrecuvo iw-' Fry. CJ oover sq WANTED ".Zl vtevra'''xJZ.i' . tAna AIS1K6. amm ... quantity yon aaw v John Hus niiiiiiiiimnmiMW Hi to T 5fil h 4PiMlliW. ?vH