u DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOllER 2, 1007; 3HOFER BROS. PgMkfo and Popetorat H. nOFER, Editor. A. F. HOPER, Mnnagcr. MSB JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADBD LABOR. GOOD THE RIVER OP REST. r 'T tr n t r tr r r O tho rivor of rest, with tldoa that sweep By tho bloomy marge of tho shores of sleep; Thou river flowing by vale and hill In tho lotus land of tho Heart-Bo-Stlll, Shadowy armies of young and old Aro yearning thoro for thy sweet enfold; Yearning, longing, and calling theo To sing to thora and to net them free. O river of rest, whoro no man knows Tho sllvory way that your water flows In youth, In life, In hopo, In cheer, In days of daring and nights of fear. Jloarts that beat In tho human breast Of tlmo aro bating tho tuno of rest, And lovo is singing to leve: "Some day On tho river of rest wo will drift away." O rivor of rest! O beautiful stream, With tides that flow to tho seas of dream l Whlto-halred women and feoblo men, By strcots of cities and sylvan glen, Morn and noon and all day long To soft auBurrus of goldon song Aro calling theo as thou callost them, To blossomed meadows thy waters hem! H ? if" t O rivor of rest, tho old recline On tho mossy banks of thoso shores of thine; Gray as shadows .and soft as shado, They pooplo tho slopos of tho hill and glado, Waiting thoro through tho rostful years For loved who wont In tho mist of tears And camo not back, and will not como, ' To hearts that grlovo nnd lips grown dumb. Baltlmoro Sun. o THE METHODS OP VIOLENCE. If It proves to bo tho caso that gambling and criminal elomonts at "Portland aro back of tho blackmailing Bchomo against Mayor Lane IT AVILLUHACT AGAINST THOSE Er EMHNTS. If It provoH to bo tho caso that similar olomonts that demand a wldo opon town at linker City aro back of tho infamous crlmo against ox Shorirt Drown, IT WILL BE A DEATH BLOW TO GAMBLING IN ORE GON. 'CrlmoB of thin kind nro sown to t'ho wind nnd reap tho whirlwind, for so long as thoro In a God who Imtoth tho workors of Iniquity they will bo brought low. In tho caBo of Mayor Lane It will go far to convlnco tho pooplo In gonornlthatHE IS THE KIND OP MAN THE VICIOUS ELEMENTS DO NOT WANT IN ANY PUIILIO OFFICE. Shorlff Drown so long nB ho Is nllvo will bo a monnco to tho wldo opon town gamblers of Ilakor City iml othor olomonts who do not want n fearloBs onforcumont of tho InwB. o ! UTILIZE THE HIGH SCHOOLS. Tho plan ndvocatod by tho rogonts of tho Btnto normal schools, of n training soliool In each Htnto high school for tho training of tcachorB for tho country schools Ih meeting with favor. Thoso high schools nro woll onulppod for doing this work, nnd In somo oltlofl aro flnor and Inrgor buildings than soino of tho Btnto normal schools. WHY SHOULD THEY NOT III? UHHDV Iu tho Salem high school a training uIiim for tanohors will bo organ ized and curried through tho prosont year. Tho city suporlntondont will have poraounl chnrgo of tho class. This will bouollt tho country schools a groat deal, bocnuBO thoro will bo n lino ciIuhh of young toachom tralnod In thoso high bcIiooIh WHO ALWAYS START TEACHING l.V THE RURAL SCHOOLS. This preparatory toaohers training class In tho high Bohools of tho ntnto will rueolvo tho bonollt of tho llnoly tralnod city Bupurlntondonts who aro employed In l ho high schools. Tho country schools nood hotter tralnod tonohors. Tho day of tho solf inado toaohor, tho natural toiiclioi', and tho crammod toachor will soon bo oor and THE PHOPIvSSlONAI.LY EQUIPPED TEACHER MUST TAKE THE PLACES. Tho normal school board will haro accomplished a groat rosult ir It can Introduce n toaohors training oourso In onch high school In tho ptato and It will bo helping tho highly oqulppud normal sohool, o IMMUNITY IIATIIS. General Debility Day In and day out there Is that feeling ot weakness that makes a burden ot Itself. Pood does not strengthen. Bleep docs not refresh. It Is hard to do, hard to bear, what should bo easy, vitality Is on tho ebb, nnd tho wholo system Buffers. For this condition take Hood's Sarsaparilla It vitalizes tho blood and gives vigor and tono to all tho organs and functions. In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100doros$l. PLEDGES NOT TO . BORROW Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Will Not Ask for Loan From Tncle Sam -Desires Government Participation Only-Puts Section In Bill .Which Makes Congress Immune From Toucli Special Correspendence: Seattle, Oct. 2. Tho manage ment of tho Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc exposition will not ask congress for a loan, nor will It request and aid further than an amplo appropriation for Undo Sam'a participation. A section pledging this policy ha3 been Inserted in tho bill that will bo introduced at tho forthcoming so&slon of congress. It rends as follews: "That tho United States shall not In nny manuor or undor and cir cumstances mnko nny loan, directly or Indirectly, to tho Alnska-Yukon-Pnclllc "exposition or for tho bonoflt of Bald exposition or for any of tho purposes thereof, and shall not ap propriate for any purposo whatso ever In connection with said exposi tion, any sum of money othor than that provided for in this net, tho mnnngoment of said exposition hav ing expressly declnrod that It will not ask or nccopt from tho United Stntcs any loan or funds for nny of tho purposes ot Bald exposition, nnd that It will not ask or accept from tho United States nt tills or any futuro Besslon of congress nny ap propriation whatsoever in connec tion with said oxposltlon othor than that appropriated by tho provisions of this act." Tho oxposltlon offlclnlV havo nov or contomplatod asking tho United States govornmont for monoy to holp thorn in constructing tho build ing or carrying on any of tho work, nor havo thoy ovor thought It would ho necessary nt soma Inter (Into to thon managed to borrow $1,000,000. on top of this tho government ex hibit nnd building cost more than another half million. In all Uncle Sam aided tho fTer-Centennlal to the extent of moro than $2,000,000. SinccL tho United States govorn mont began to patronlzo exposition?, down to tho Jamestown show, con gress lias appropriated a total of $38,752,251. Only $485,000-01 tin money has been Bpent west of tho Rjocky mountains, tho Lewis and Clark exposition, ono of tho most successful expositions over held, re ceiving tho bonoflt of tho latter amount. Tho bill that will bo Introduced at tho forthcoming session of congress will ' request an appropriation of $1,175,000. Tho oxpondlturo of tho monoy, which will como entirely undor tho control of government of ficials, Is appolntm n.( shrdluuuuu flclals, Is apportioned aa follews: Building Exhibit Government ....$200,000 $350,000 Alaska 100,000 200,000 Hawaii 50,000 75,000 Philippines 75,000 75,000 Fisheries .... 50,000 Tho fisheries exhibit Is Included In tho general govornmont display o A Ccrtnln Cure for Croup Used for Ten Years without a Failure. Mr. W. C. Bott, a Star City, Ind., hardwaro merchant, is enthusiastic In his pralso of Chamberlain's Cough Romedy. Ills children have all been subject to croup nnd ho has used this remedy for tho past ten years, and though thoy much feared tho croup, his wlfo and ho al ways folt safo upon retiring when a bottlo of Chnmborlnln'o Cough Rem edy was In tho house. Ills oldest child was subject to sovero attacks of croup, but this remedy novor fail ed to effect a speedy euro. IIo has recommended It to friends an 1 nolghbors and all who havo used it say that it Is unequalcd for croup and whooping cough. For salo nt Dr. Stono's drug store. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Tlmo Card No. -18 Effcctivo Juno 10. Toward Portland Passenger. No. 10 5:23 a. m., Oregon Ex press. No. 18 8:40 a. m., Cottago Grove Passongor. No. 12 4:45 p. m., Shasta Ex press. No. 14 9:28 p. m Portland Ex- pi 038. Toward Portland -Freight. No. 222 10:56 a. m., departs 11:38 a. m., Portland Fast Frolght. No. 226 10:40 o. m departs 11:38 a. m Way Frolght. Toward San Francisco Passenger No. 11 11:03 a. m Shasta Ex press. No. 17 0:42 p.m., Cottago Grove rnquost a lonn. But thoro has boon .Pflssongor. Undor tho nbovo caption tho San FrnnolHco Chronlclo very port I iiontly says: Tho polloy adopted In this city of lotting tho loast prominent ovll door go ffoo In oxohango for toatlmony cnloulatod to convict tho most promlnont acorns to bo tho sottlod polloy of tho Unltod States govern ment. Iu tho caso of the rebates on oil shipments for which tho colobratod Sinn was Inlllcted on tho Standard Oil company, tho Chicago and Alton railroad was mi equal participant In tho orlmo; but tho Standard Oil inugimlos aro popularly supposed to havo moro monoy aploco than tho owners of tho Chicago and Alton Railroad, and their prosecution would nttract moro attention. Consequently tho railroad compnuy got tho Immunity bnth and the Standard Oil company got thohlg lino. It sooniH to bo Just now tho policy In all parts of tho country to sacri fice everything olso to soouro tho conviction of rich mon. It Is doubtless often essential In certain classes of cases to grant Im munity to ono participant In a crlmo to secure conviction ot his partnor In guilt. Tho objection to that method as practiced In this olty and olsowhero Is that It Is too ono-slded. , Our brlbod supervisors aro morally moro dogradod mon than thoso who" brlbod them. Exoupt for tho brlbory the latter aro vory decent citizens. Most of tho supervisors woro contomptlblo nnd degraded In every way. There is a good doul of fooling that THE DISHONORS SHOULD HAVE BEEN IMVIIHIUJ THAT INIUCTMENTS SHOULD HAVE BEEN FILED IN PAIRS ONE BHIBEU AND ONE BRIBED. IT WAS NOT NECESSARY TO GIVE ALL THE SUPERVISORS ISt. Ml'NlTV FOR THE PURPOSE OF INDICTING ALL THOSE EVEN MOST REMOTELY CONNECTED V1TI GIVING THE BRIBES. Most of tho Indictments will novor bo tried for Bheor lack of tlmo and strength, If a umu is convlctod of ono of tho indlctmonta against him nnd goes to statQ's prison it U morally certain that nothing will bo dono about the dozen othor Indlcemonts. It Is KUurl opinion that tho prosecution has shown unnecessary aud Improper favoritism In piling up indictments against everybody connect ed with PftiyiBg tho bribes, witk not tho slightest attempt to oven mako .a rotten supervisor dUgorgo any of his loot. Rxamplea kouUl be mado at least ot selected specimens ot both so much unfavorable talk through out the country in rognrd to oxpo sltlon appropriations, crontod by tlioj largo BiiniB glvon nnd lonnod to tho Jamostown oxponltlon.thnt It thought host to commit tho policy of tho mnnngomout by putting tho nbovo Boctlon In tho appropriation bill to nun nro congrosB of tho sincerity of tho pooplo on tho Pacific const who aro bohltul tho 1900 fair. Former expositions havo beon nlded In mnny different ways. St. Louis and Jamostown rocoived gifts and loanB In addition to tho money oxpnded for tho government build ings nnd oxhlblts. Tho sum of $5,000,000 was donated by congrosd for tho Loulilntm Purchase exposi tion corporation to oxpond undor tho dlroctlon of a nntlonnl commis sion. Later St. Louis needed moro funds wltho which to finish tho grounds and bluldlngs and congress camo to tho roscuo with a loan oV $4,000,000. Tho lonn was paid back. At dlfforont times tho James town oxposltlon obtained donations amounting to about $500,000 and No. 15 9:50 p. m., California Ex- pross. No. 13 1:31 a. ra., San Francis co Express. Toward San Francisco Freight. No. 221 2:33 a. m., San Fran cisco Fast Freight. No. 225 11:55 a. in., arrives 11:26. A Savings Bank Account Mas been the nucleus of many a fortune. It's a sure and safe way of accumulating money. It's an insurance pol icy against failure. Open one with us. Savings Department Capital National Bank "T""'""''"''''' mm CORVALLIS & EASTERN R. R. TI.ME TABLE NO 87. Trains from and to Yaquiun. No. 1 Loaves Yaqulna 7:15 a.m. Arrives at Corvallla 11:00 a.m. Arrives at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 2 - Leaves Albany 12:35 p.m. Loavos Corvallla 1:30 p.nx Arrlvos at Yaqulna 5:40 p.m. Trains to and from Detroit. No. 3 Leaves Albany 7:30 a.m. Arrives at Detroit 12:30 p.m. No. 4 - Leaves Detroit 1:00 p.m. Arrives at Albany 5:55 pjn. Trains for CorvalHs. No. 8 Leaves Albany 7.55 a.m. ! Arrlvos at Corvallla .... 8:35a.m. No. 10 Leaves Albany Arrives at CorvalHs . . . No. 0 Leaves Albany , . . Arrlvos at Corvallla . . . . Trains for Albany. No. 5 Leaves CorvalHs 6:30 a.m. Arrives at Albany 7:10 a.m. No. 9 Leaves CorvalHs Arrives at Albany No. 7 Leavos Corvallla 6:00 p.m. Arrives at Albany 6:40 p.m. No. 11 (Sunday only) Leaves Corvallla 11:15 a.m. Arrives at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 13 (Sunday only) Leaves Albany 13:35 p.m Arrive at CorTallla ltlgp.m. For further iatoraatio apply ta OHO. P. XEVINg, G. PM, Afat, AJfcy, Om, 2:25 p.m. 3:06 p.m. 7:35 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:15 p.m. r "Hes a Clean Cut Look Fellow" a KiK s '' . i h 4F 13 M uf(yr fccalGNto CHOOAsBfUMlE FlneClotbcsMokcr Jtof xtmmvm' mi This remark u of,. concerning the yo wearlnc nn ... . 5 t milt. uur,bfc The younp man .. . . mnn,!a iu "U11'IH InnC-'.ttth. Uonss L'S1 row lapels, no baghuJ ;; ".:..' uira ,hl! "" Buiect certain nnet sults from tallorin. i. that aro specialists i. men's clothes-whoje J uro pauerned after Vfllt , sees on the college t dashingly daring, bat too oxtreme. 910 or $11 up to), BUT RESERVE YOUR i ION UNTIL YOU SEE SUITS. ' Hit Our sulti nro either n better or there's nbout them Hint nuv., moro desirable than tin J sold elsewhere. C5 IL. ou mo juung mea hj. young men know. G. .W. JOHNSON & CO. THE GOOD CLOTHES STORE- Announcement To my patrons and tho public That I havo added a Horso Shooing department wltha firttt horso Bhoor, and tho patronai;o of any nnd all will be pp in this lino. Special attention .paid to Interfering, ow-nit nnd lamo horses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wo pay spediim tlon to building trucks, cxpross and dollvory wagons, aal A ' lilclcs. A first-class paint Bhop nnd an thorough palnfcfi hides. Paints, oils, varnishes and lubricating oils ot aii Wagons, buggies and hacks, also farm implements ofrfj plows, harrows, cultivators. Agonts for tho bra nonw clnes. Klnhnlna & Shonhord traction engines, sawmill o-"-" " -- ory and gaaollno engines. It will Indeed pay yoa f ' to us If vou need any of thoso lines. tom m boo us, whother you buy or not. Communications by matt P' ly answered. GEO. B. JACOB Corner Front nnd Pine streets, North Salem. Phono Mala USB SELF RISING B. B. B. Flow t? nA.AM nM. rt-. r iiiia rtnirna. Aftifllns and PIbh ' ALLEN'S B. B. U. FLOUR CO.. IXC, SAN Jow. w- CMati NEWPOR The Weal Pacific Coast Resort on YAOUINA BAY cat EM ill S3' Comfortably a.nd quickly reached from " Paciflo to Albany, thence Corvains & casic.u - ycketz, I Round trip rates from SALEM. $5,000 'fri!"tkkAl for return until October 31st. and $3.00 for three o . . . . I IfnnrlnV follOWIDB 0,w - going baiuruays ana roiuruiuji - iihany oa n tickets honored for going or return trip from Aibany T I & Eastern "every Sunday" excursion train i" M. and returning leave Nowpo-t 5:30 P. M. goathert F" Vnr fnrihnr Information Call On ticket 8ge Salem, CorvalHs & Eastern, Albany, or GEO. P. KEVINS, n.flw.d.JUW ucnerai ruisenger Agent, wnmi" O C. T. Co. -STEAMERS POMONA AND OREGONA LEAVB FOR PORTL.1ND DAILY, KXCKPX SUNDAY AiaA.lL P.M BALDWIN, Aft Superior'! i5sniBrp Firsts" lU,t2i5 nlae.forUr..lSw r . . .. riuw " .... famous U H " nd Yaw- B.H. 4 OSJ'