DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1007. m 6 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SCHEDULES Complete Program of Match Games of Seven Leading Schools For 1907 University of Oregon, Octobor 19, Pacific at Eugene. October 2G, Idaho nt Portlnnd. Novombor 2, Wlllntnotto at Salem. ' November 0, O. A. C. at Eugene. November 1C, "Washington at Se attle. November 28, Multnomah at Portland. University of Wellington. October 5, Seattle high school at Seattle. Octobor 12, Multnomah at Port land. ' October 14, Willamette nt Salem. Octobor 10, Wbltworth at Tacomn. November 2, Battleship Nebraska nt Seattle. Novombcr 8, Whitman nt Walla Wnlla. Novombcr IB, Oregon at Seattle November 21, Pullman nt Seattle Novombcr 28, Idaho at Seattle. Unlviralty of Idaho. Octobor 18, Spokano at Moscow. Octobor. 20. OroKon at Portland. November 8, Pullman at Moscow. November 1G, Whitman nt Mos cow. Novombor 21, Washington at Sd nttlo. . Washington fltnto College. Octobor C, Cheney normal nt Pull man. October 12, Blair collogo at Pull man, Octobor 18, Montana at Pullman. Octobor 20, Spokano at Pullman. Novombor 8, Idaho at Moscow. Novombor 2, Washington at Seat tle Novombor 28, Whitman nt Walla Waiia. Oregon Agricultural College. Octobor 12, Tho Dalles at Corvnl lis. (do you get up WITH A TyAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid ney, liver and blad der remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered nf tcryears of scientific research by Dr Kilmer, the eminent kidney nnd bladder specialist, nud is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric ncid, catarrh of the bladder and Tiright's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work nnd in privntc practice, and has proved so successful in every case that o special arrangement jias occn wane uy which nil readers of this paper, who have not nlrcady tried it, may hnve a sample bottle sent free by mail, tiKon book tell ing more about Swamp-Koot.nud how to flndoutif youhavekidncy or bladder trou ble. When writinir mention reading this generous offer in this paper nnd send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Dinghamtou. N. Y. The regular fifty-cent nud one- dollar size bottles are nom of Bwunp-noot sold by nil good druggists. Don't make nuy mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Uoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, nnd the address, Dinghamtou, N. Y., on everv bottle. jnL FOR YOU Tuesday is the BIG ARE YOU PHEASANT GAME ?- SHOO If you are, now is the time to select a good shotgun. Gather together your outfit get ready. But r ,uu '"" frum me ucai, won i yuui jur line uj uuns aim mmiiuiuuuii is vuiiijji:u:. tyii ere Will Vnn finrl l i: i . . m a hiM imc uiun wk aiK nuw carrying. rvrw I Come In and look over out stock and yoti will be convinced we are right. 1 giveJjnjVersal iAI.lihA0.auJi We have the GOODS We have the PRICES London Punch Bays that. Gormnny will soon ctcnl Brazil. This Is ono of thoso doop, English Jokes thut you havo to road ovor severnl times boforo getting a laugh. Clevolnnd Leador. Octobor 19, Wslllamotto nt Corval- IIr. Octobor 20, Whltworth nt Corval 11b. Novombor 2, Pnclflc nt Corvnllls. November 0, Oregon nt Eugene. Novombor 28, St. Vincents lit Los Angeles. Whitman College. Tho Limit of Life. Tho most omlnent modlcnl scien tists nro unanimous In tho conclu sion that tho gonorally nccoptod limi tation of human llfo Is many yoaro bolow tho attainment posslblo with tho advanced knowlcdgo of which tho rnco Is now possessed. Tho cri tical period, that determines Its dura tion, ccoms to bo botwoon GO nnd GO; tho proper enro of tho body during this decado cannot bo too strongly urged; carelessness thon bolng fatal to logovlty. Naturo's best holpor nft- Remington Parker L. C. Smith La Fever Davis Ithica Shot Guns Octobor I, Pendleton high school I0'" GO '8 Electric Blttors, tho scion at Wnlla Wnlla October 11, Spokano high school nt Wnlla Wolln. Octobor 2C, Multnomah nt Walla Wnlla. Novombcr 1, Whltworth at Wnlla Walla. Novombor 8, Washington nt Wnllu Wnlla. Novembor IB, Iilnho at Mobcow. Novombor 28, Pullman at Walla Wnllo. Willamette University. Octobor B, Pacific nt Snlom. Octobor 14, Washington nt Snlom. Octobor 19, O. A. O. at Corvnllls. October 20, Albany nt Snlcm. Novombor 2, Oregon at Salem. Novombor 10, Multnomah at Portlnnd. Novombor 28, Montnun nt Salem. O i J? 100 Itcwiml, $100. Tho rendorfl of tlila pnpor wIlLbo plonBOd to learn thnt thero In nt least ono dreaded disease that sclonco hau boon able to euro In all Its Btag03,and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tho only posltlvo euro now known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh to tho medical f rntornlty. Catarrh be ing a constitutional dlseaso, roqulroa a constitutional treatment. Hairs Catarrh Curo r takon Intornally, act ing directly upon tho blood and mu cous surfncoB of tho systom, thoreoy destroying tho foundation of tho dls onso, nnd giving tho patlont Btrognth by building up tho constitution nnd nsslsHtlng nnturo In doing Its work. Tho proprietors hnvo bo much faith In Its curatlvo powers that they offor Ono Hundred Dollars for nny case that It falls to euro. Send for list of testimonials. Address F, J. Che eoy &. Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 7Bc. Tnko Hnll's Family rills for con- nllpatlon. I tlflo tonlo mcdlclno thnt rovltallzes ovory organ of tho body. Ounrantood by J. C. Perry, druggist. GOe. o . Korea Is Just acrosB tho channol from Jnpan. This rcsomblnnco to England and Irolnnd may I nd lento to Japnncso statosmen tho slzo of tho job nhoad. St. Louis Globe-Domocrnt. o General Robert E. Leo WnB the groatost gonornl tho world has ovor known. Ballard's Snow Liniment Is tho groatost Llnlmont. Quickly ouros all pains. It Is within tho roach of all. T. H. Pointer, Hompstond, Toxas, writes: "Tula is to oortlfy that Ballard's Snow Llnl mont hna boon used In my household for yonrs nnd hnB boon found to bo nn oxcullont Llnlmont for rhoumntlo pains. I am never without It." Sold by D. J. Pny. 13H i luiMnyMidSNo suMsvMarnvs ssvMl'saoM qis&iu 291! Mne"-"' fl 11p9 (KQn 'M' pju HMsijWbMHni MtiJU I ML ffl Hi k$1 wo carry tho largest and Kjl I ijaiost comploto lino of (jSi I&fl Mnrblo's Hunting Axes, U I KH Knives, Sights, Cleaning CH MttflRods, In tho city. KB Egdj f It Is for tho sportsman VBfl HS-WB HAVE IT nsM MIL Jm 1MB 0NV 310HVH JUKW3 HMiXYUMiuWn I Smith & Wesson Pistols Despite all tho nntorloty ho gain ed In England, Newport has not yet nominated Mark Twain for nresl- dont. Philadelphia Innulrer. o- . Acuto Rheumatism. Doop tearing or wrenching pains, occasioned by gottlng wot threugh: worso when at rost, or on first mov ing tho limbs and In cold or damp weather, Is curod quickly by Bal- lard'a Snow Llnlmont. Oscar Oloson Gibson City, 111., wrltos, Fob. 10, '02. "A year ago I was troublod with a pain In tuy back. It soon got so bad I could not bond ovor. Ono bottlo of Ballard'a Snow Llnlmont cured mo." Sold by D, J. Pry, a ' Sometimes It seems that a pro fOMUorship In a university Is n llcensj to say foolUh thlugi. Toledo niiuio. Hunting Coats Hunting Boots Leggings Gaa Cases Gun Cleaners Hunting Jackets Jerseys and Sweaters Our Other Winter Lines UMBtiELLA REPAIRING When yoar Umbrella needs a new cover, rib or handle, bring it to us. ffm&& JL m Shot Gun Shells we nave reccrvm large shipment ol shells. Each and every load was ptft up tooor order. Try the new Dtf pont Powder. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY if you want to know wlnt all tho common people wenr as Avoll in tht smartly drossed peoplo. call nt our atoro. We can imtlsfy tho most 4tlUh drossor ua well ns tho persou who wants u nobby alioo at a nominal price. Some of our Unoa that wo nro ospoolally pleased to quoto are? TIIK HMITI1SONIAX $t.nO SHOK lOH JIBX. Tin: wr..vit at 9i.oo von mux. TIIK IMJ.N.VAXT Ol'H n,oo Men's Shoo. All tho gooda for looks ami wear. THE NOULE, another good Sho. Stool- calf, $B.OO. Ami then wo huyo tho CKLKIUtATKO WALK-OVKU SUOH Tho boat Shoo ou earth f r tho monsy at 3.B0 and ?4 p pair. Thoy contain all tho style and quality that Is essential In a good Shoe. FOH WOMKX Wo havo a P. Ford's baud turned 8Uoe, nt $3.60 nnd ?1 por iwlr. Dunn'a Cushion Solo at $5.50. Tho It. P. Smith A Co 'a Shoa nro always, good nud can bo dopended upon for wear as woll as beauty, Chlldrou's and lufants' Shoe a epeclalty. HoaTy Shoo for tho vrorktngman. Archaeologists think they havo found tho bones of Pocnhontns, tho Ilrst woman to interfere with a nien'fl club. Myrinds of Imitator may honor tho bonos. Drooklyn Eaglo. o KEEP THE KIDXEVS WELL. Health Ih Worth Saving, ami Some Salem People Know How to Sine- It. SALEM SHOE STORE, mw 326 STATE ST. SAUM, OREGON Many Snlom pooplo take their llvos In tholr hands by neglecting tho kidneys when thoy know theso organs used help. Sick kldnoys nra lOBponslble for a vnHt amount of Buffering and Hi health, but thero Is no neod to suffor nor to remain In dnngor whou all diseases and aches and pains duo to weak kldnejs can bo quickly and permanently cured by jho uso of Doan's Kidney Pills Here Is a Salem cltiaen'a recom recem recom mendateon: William numgardner, retlud, of 52S Watr St.. Salem. Or.. wus "I speak from pcTional expeil nco whon 1 say that Doan's Kldne Pills do all that Is claimed for them In curing kidney complaint and bnck acho. I had felt the need of suh a remedy for a good long time but did not know Just what I bhouM use I lme found that many medlrlms aro worthlosa and that euu phv-l elans prescriptions do not aa3 prove etTctIve. wheu I read of Doan's Kidney Plllsf, however, I was Induced to procure a supply Tho backache and Irregular coudltlon of the kldnoys which had annoyed me, quickly gave way on. beelnnlmr to uso your remedy nnd I was restored to a condition of oao and comfort. I can rocommend Doan's Kidney Pills to nnyono In nod of such a niedieiuo." For snlo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-MUburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agonts for tho Uni ted Stntos. Remombor tho namo Doan's and tako tio other. 1 ' o . "California," says tho Los Angolea Express, "haa turned out tho chain- Pion gratter." And hero wo have been supposing, California, that you locked him up. Topeka Journal. Queen WUhelmlnn hns conferred tho Order of Ornnge of Xasau on Andrew Carneglo Ho received the Order of tho Pittsburg Lemon long yonrs ago. Dnltlmore Sun. o J-nino Hack. Thla Is nn allmont for which Chamborlaln's Pain Dalm has proven especially valuable. In almost every InBtanco It affords prompt and per manent relief. Mr, Luke LaGrang or Orange, Mich., says of It: "After using a plaster and othor remedies for throo weeks for a bad lama back, I purchased a bottlo of Cham berlain's Pain Balm, and two appli cations effected a curo." For sale at Dr. Stone's drug store. XOTICE OF INTENTION To Improve n Portion of State Street in tho City of Salem, Ore gon, and to Improve the llnthvny Tnick of the Portland General Electric Co., on State Street In Said City from tho West Lino of Church Stmt to the West Lino of Twelfth Street. ! Boars tho Signature of ' To Whom It May Cencern: Notice Is hereby given that tho Common Council of tho City of Sa eom, Oregon, deems Is expedient to Improve and proposes to Improvo a Btrlp of land sovon feet wide In tho center of State street from tho west line of Church street to tho west lino of Twelfth street In said city, and tho railway track of tho Port land General Electric Company on snld Btreet between said points by placing the track of said Portland General Eloctrlo Company in the center of said Btnto Btreet, betwoon i tho west lino of Church street nnd ' HITS 1IAKIVG i'OWDKIl, HUT IT 1SXT KVEKY110DY THAT SE Cl'llKS THE KIND THAT GIVES THEM SUCH GENUIXE SATIS- i.VMlu., TUKUE IS A VAST DIFFERENCE IX HUYIXG A HHAND THAT YOU KNOW XOTHIXG OF AND BUYING EP. PLEY'S PEIIFECTIOX WHICH IS MANUFACTURED BY US; WHICH IS FULLY WARRANTED. EP. THROUGHOUT THE VALLEY. PLEY'S PERFECTION IS PUT UP IN GLASS JARS AND SOLD Salem fence Wor Headquarters for Wor Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, ShlylJ & n. Rondr Roofing, Scrwa" and Adjustible Window Satl All at lowMt Pfi- Walter Morfcy ino west lino of Church Btreet and' , CL CalwaJ tho wost lino of Twelfth street in 250 Court M oaitwt .-aid city, and on tho grado of said I'umuii ui sum saiu aiaio Btreet, nuu by paving said seven fe'ot with a- stone block pavement on a concrete foundation botwoen the streot car rails and ouo foot outside of the rails, and by relnvlne the rails of said railway track with seven-inch grooved rails on n concrete base. Tire said Improvement of said strip of land and said railway track to be made in accordnnno with the plans and specifications for the do ing of said work now on file In tho ottlce of the Cuy Recorder of Salem, Oregon, and marked respectively "Plan of Improvement of Street Car Track on State Street" and "Im provement of tho Track of tho Port bind General Electric. Comnanv on a Portion of State Street Specifica tions," said plans and specifications bolng filed in said ofllce September. 23, 1907. All work of said work to be done at the expense of tho Port land General Electric Company. W. A. MOORES, Recorder of the City of Salem, Ore son. 9-2S-1U 'UUEIM maiNOTDii L t: l i o V let. - .. u k.VB Hr HO,,! t 1 blr- -.1 - " ..-rr..rniClLCO..M.tir;. 'SoldlnSslembyDr.S.C1' SBI sAHfSS. emm IV Liir t." &&&& xKfeaB Baesstes sixDBywMWSS o ti Batiuo cf STORIA. lbKMYMHtMttM)BMK &&&&cj6ki unlLltrCtK Bocky MotwUM W "H .S?fis2filSKSS ffiCSfiiess V" rJZZZn nt K virt ssoss