w Y m DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER .10, 1007. ,w rwti! FOURTH YEAR OP MINISTRY. Sr mX V-:-'.'Li - ' .:is1;-':-:'l B u. RkflL vl1 ff JJdWOMAN in noNSIDER , i.lmostcvcry operation fluffs performed upon l i1? Votary because osi; TO such ?yroPi?? ". , Bfg'" Trretrulor ties, ",ai"T-" i.J'Kne Side, Dragging fewness anuec- Vn,a'lrJfflpund, made from ftftM,..Sherbs. 9 curcd :3 roots ?na " . ,. nny rMCS0l r ". Ureff- K e ineflon0K3Btorcii women's health and is Invaluable in lhf irrlhcns and rcsiorea " .,,., fi,n trlnd of Chnneo Womcn for cliUd-Dirw r- Rov. Dnvls Errott Delivers Foiii'th Annual Sermon. His ffjfe. rniuroe of unsolicited and grateful testimonials on i'!i fc irreat volume ui mum., mnnv of which arc from JJSi ubTlsuecf ff fecial permission, givo absolute evi- to lima beln? PJ W pfiuriam's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. . . h value oi ij) UJU " gibam,adwce. VortPinhl r.nmnnnnd iirimb.rinKiiaiii o t v6 w-.r . li iunn u vcars has been curing Female Complaints, such as ror more than 30 1 years Falling and Displacements, In- IWPf nnruTccration, and Organic Diseases, and it dissolves S Tumors at an early stage. dupeH Tumors . . I,fflfttt fn Wnmfn rf. PlnkliaiTl S Otunums ihtuuhw. -w .. .. Rf5i r,n . n1n Tvnnlrnpsq nrn invited to Vomtn y?iTlnBT"nMaL for advice. SheisthoMrs-Pinlcharawho AMriPinUham, Lynn, Mass. lorau twenty T'?Xhc assisted her mother-in-law. Lydla E. Pink "SJS? m BhelT especially, well quallued to guide sick 13 "to Stealth. Write today, don't wait until too late. Elder D. Erro t closed the fourth year of his ministry Sunday nt the First Christian church, nnd gavo a resume of the year nnd the previous years. in a nnancini way wu church has paid out in the three pre" vlous years $15,000. The paBt year it hn? paid out $1,552.97. .a total In thn four years of $19,552.97. The number of sermons preached during the four years was 508. Nunr ber of weddings, 71', .funerals, -12; additions during this year, 52; ad ditions through four years, 317. Next Sunday the church will ho ded icated with Victor DorrlB ns master of ceremonies, and this will begin Mr. Errett'a fifth year with this peo ple. The membership of the church haa been doubled in those four yean?, and every department, of the church Is worklnc har Piously. The ehiirrh Is nnltoil. t gresslve, and, wit', turn will nnnn lin pushing to the fro! . ... never before. The dedication will bo followed with a series of evangelistic meet ings led by Mr. Dorrls, nnd with such a gifted man It Js evident there will bo a great Increase in the num bers of those who rightly belong In thought nnd Inclination to this church. fSOE OF PILSEN COMING .Music' Pretty Girls, Beautiful istomcs and Splendid Staging Hake It a Leader li.ii. nmi nnr.i nnd musical fjr the "catchy" quality of the ItlltflO liul .1 MivinMi" i'i'" l-3 iaCt, US UU" '' Iitlljmore than anything olso h 11 sH L BBBBT BBBBa - thnt havo gained equal or oven greater favor arc "The Tale of the Sea Shell," "Pretty City Widow," "The Messago of the VIolot," "Heldolburg," "Plcturos in tho Smoke" and "Mack to tho Boule vard." These numborB wore never sung so admirably as Ihls Beason, for tho singing strength of tho present company interpreting tho opera is tho strongest Mr. Savage has ever gotten together. ThlB delightful musical conceit will bo seen hero on Wednesday night at tho Grand opera house. SEE "FOR MOTHER'S SAKE" ,-iprnns and UK . favorable fu- of debt, and Cheaper Than Eyer Before TOO CHEAP "For Mother's Sake," tho great est BUCC038 of a Buccesaful authon is scheduled to play nt tho Grand opera Iioubo this ovoning. Tho company presenting this ster ling play Ib composed of actors well known In the profession, not a stick among thorn This Is Indeed a most refreshing Innovation whon wo stop to consldor that most companies carry a lot of dead wood anu xry to mako up In numbers what thoy lack In talent. This play holds a (llBtlnculshed place among tho dis criminating theater-goors, and tho verdict rondorcu uy tno puuuc mis established Its reputation and future hcyond any question of doubt. Tho plot Is logical, tho Bcenory beauti ful, aud overy actor an artist. RAND CONCERT. Salem Military Rami Discourses Sweet Music In Marlon Square. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy One of tho Best on tho Market. For many years Chamborlaln's Cough Romedy haB constantly gained In favor and popularity until It Jo now ono of tho most staplo medicines In uso and haB an enormous Btilo. It U intended especially for acuto throat and lung disease, such as coughn. colda and croup, and can always bfl depended upon. It Is plcaBant and safo to take and Ib undoubtedly tho best In thd market for tho purposes for which it la Intended. Sold at Dr. Stono's drug Btoro. - o Surprised at Salem's Growth. S. W. Miles, of Lostlno, Wnllowa county, who formerly lived at Salem, haB boon horo viilting friends and looking after his children In some of tho valloy educational Institutions. Ho was Burprlse.: at tho growth of Salem, and at tho way proporty Is advancing. "If I hnd Invested In proporty In that ': whoro the China houses aro located whon I was horo fcir years ego, I could havo doubled my money by this time. You havo Bplondld education al Institutions, and tho making of a lino city. Doth tho buBlncsa district nnd tho resldonco parts of tho city Bhow groat changCB." Mr. Miles left for his homo today. I 1 But the simple fact of all profit having disappeared does not inter fere with our resolution to close out. This non-profit proposition is our own, and has had the desired effect in greatly reducing our stock. How ever, we are not yet done, but have several thousand dollars' worth of the best Furniture, Carpets and Wall Paper ever shown in Salem. Yot Can Have Any ot All At Cost The House Furnishing Company fcfltr, as tho Jolly llrewcr In UK J'rllHC Of 1'llMMI. itlHIffl nf Ihn wnrlr P.notnv fc hi conflbutPd to tho scoiu nt wince of Pilsen," which HUM offer- nt tlir flrmifl nnnm .wae of the most fusclnatlng Be uas ev r written, tho Sill At t,n ... .. .. a Jmi . u,,,w "lle,"i PUlty, has provided sltua- aucn romantic and plc- ! frri a . i i . i mro iiueic vniue aim -. There are more than a iooihiu in 'The Prlnco ot a m bmdi to havo at- u uB of the Cities" Is a f lUl alwavg rcoros omphat--rlta an audleuce and is tho -'wwn tf a very clever idea il":TM'nu the popular man- W. w,eac1' la-'ance by tho iMtlng th veveral cities. ' t .v ,f cre nnlpl no"o Pnt- - t.,CIv 'nUs- Other - ?,, r lnr nf Pi'sen" Tho Salem Military Band dfllBht-j ed an appreciative and goou-inzeu audlenco by giving an opennir con cert lrf Mnrlon equaro yesterday af ternoon. Among tho oxcollent num bors on tho program wero tho grand selection" from Dolllnl's opora "Somnnmhuln," nnd the musical com edy. "Tho Prlnco of Pilsen. ' Tho ontlro progrnm was beautifully ron ,in.mi xnnoifinrinir tlin Instrumenta tion of tho band, and was deserving of tho llboral applauso given It. Owing to tho production "Tho Prlnco of Pilsen," which will bo giv en in tho opora bouso Wednesday ev ening, tho regular mid-week concort will be poctponod. . , . o IIa Tttter for Thirty Years. I havo suffered with totter for 30 years and havo tried almost countless remedies with little, If any relief. Threo boxes of Chamberlain's Salve cured me. It was a torture. It breaks out a llttlo sometimes, but nothing to what It uBed to do. D. H. Beach, Midland City, Ala. Cham berlain's Salvo Ib for sale at Dr. Stono's drug store. 177 Liberty Street A Broad Statement. ThlB announcement is mado with out any qualification. IIora-Roid Is tho ono preparation in tho world that rtitnrnntnna it. rr. T.oonhnrdt'fl Ilom-Rold will euro Piles. It Ib In tho form of a tablet. It is tho only EIlo romedy used In tornally. , , It Ib ImpoBslblo to euro an ostnb llshed caso of Piles with olntmonts, Bupporltorles, InJoctionB or outward appliances. A guaranteo la Issued with ovory packago of Dr. Loonhardt's Ilom- Go and talk to your druBBlut about Dr. Loonhnrdt Co.. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Prowjotors. Sold by Dr. S. C Stone. Salem. o N Finest Colt In Oregon. Not all tho flno horcellosh at tho state fair waa entered for premiums. Marion Putnam, of Polk county, had .1-TrmnMi.nlrl Milt nt tho fair. Which, In tho opinion of good Judges Is ono of tho host bred In Oregon. It Is by "Tidal Wave," and nsa tno poimu jj a great horse. Ho has been offorod all kinds of money for it, and tho development of sifted In tho animal means that it will bo worth thou sands. Ho sold a 3-year-old tho otn or day for $000. Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic troubles; eold by all drug gists, or two mouths' trial treatment by mall for $1.00. Dr. B. W. Hnu, 3920 Olive atreot, St. Louis, Mo Send for teatimonlalr. Sold by Stono a drug store.' , mmmwmmmmMmmmmmmmmmwmmwan MSMMMMMMVVVWMVVVPiwl fv I I v -i t t I . , ., r rtx ri vsnrrr ttw . vu, I Gold Dust Flotit Made by THB SYDNEY POW I COMPANY, 8ldny, Oregoa. Mad for family ute. Aik your grocer for it. Bran nd kort alwuyf on hand. i P. B. Wallace AGENT a ," Hotel St. Philip Fourth and Fifth and RnroBldc StrwtB, Portlnnd, Oregon. Wc Are Sole Agents In Salem For jjse& Sanborn's Coffees 25 30, 35, 40 cents pet lb. ihe fuet- i it. , r . i . -i .j i m me marKet iof uie prices nmcu. 4 better than necessary for the price. It Is r-re io recommend and sell these coffees. Now fireproof European Hotel. Steam heat. Modern conveniences. Bates $1.00 per day and up. Union depot car will land you at tho door. H. M. PIERCE, Prop. IUUI.l.INO A II0C8H Wo can supply you with the Iuvb bor you nwd at the price that will materially economize In the cot Just coino and boo us and look over our yards. GOODALK LUMBER CO., Yarrt Near Jpot MM J?Wg$- few' Superior Restaurant IBB nigh Street, Upstairs. First-class In all appointment. A place for ladles nnd gentlomon to get all kinds of Chinese dlshos and the famouB LI Hung Chung Chop Buey nnd Yakama. R. H. Baker Successor to Whey Sen Yow Co., Prop foOIR GROCERY CO. pWeJ82 456 State St. W4-I III I I 11 II i i II M-H-Hj The I White House Restaurant J For a Itgulnr 25cDinnerat20cf They can't be beat McGilchrist & Son Proprietors. HIIIIIH-HI11IIW M11IIIWIIIIIIIIII"""1 nn COtmT BSWEET. T Pali nd try Usa. Meal" S fl5c Board per Vfeek $2.7B, I ..i.j m. Terr 9 also iurniaueu .- reasonable. AT TE0H Salem Restaurant MEALS i5c SALEM BRICK YARD A. A. nURTON. Prop. Brick nlways on hand, In car lots or otherwise. Pressed brick mado to order. Ynrd on State street, south of pontitontlary. -7-1-tf. Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll novar bothor with havlni It dono at home again. Time wa whon ovory family could not afford to Bend tho washing to a laundry, but tlmos havo changed so, too, have tho methods and prices. Today you can bettor afford to sond the family washing here than not to Ask about our prices on family wash ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Phono 23. 180-1 (JO S. Liberty St. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN Put thoso good resolution that you mado on January 1st into effect at onco by roplaclng your old plumb Ing with tho nowoBt Idoaa in sanitary opon plumbing, and you will ho rid of tho annoyonco of leaking plpea and flooded floorB, an well as doctor' bllld. Wo will furnish ofltlmatog for plumbing, gas fitting and oatlsfacUon Is guaranteed as to workmanship and charges. A. L. FRASER 258 SUte Street. Phono 188. O C. T. Co. -STEAMERS POMONA AND OHEGONA LEAVE FOR TORTLAND DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY AT 6 A. L P. M BALDWIN, Agt. Fancy Card Writing j. . aL Spoclal prlcos for one month. Ono dozen, 25 contB. Two dozen, 40 conta. Three dozen, 50 conta. 100 carda, dlfforont designs, $1.25. Seo BarnpleB and leavo ordorB at Poraoroy Jewelry atoro, on Statd street. SALEM WAT ER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water wrrlce pply t oSee. BHIb payable mostJily la advB. 551? BUTTERNUT BREAD It U worth more than any othe? bread, yet the price la no higher. For al at your grocer. CALIFORNIA BAKKRY. Taeaa k, CMtef. Prop. THE RIT ROAST TUB FAMILY EVER HAD Can bo obtained from our prime tender and Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our raeata aro BOlocted from tho choicest, and prepared for tho tablo to suit tho doinandd of the fastidious. Our prlcos are lower for quality than you can find at any placo in Salem, 'E. O. OliOHB, Phono 201. 870 Stato St. - . MmnnT. u- vlr M YmMUmMmis Boit tVputeH ylM MM TW IWB Maj I m 1 i I: n