u w . vn AVAHMB K TONIGHT, TUESDAY RAIN, PRE SII SOUTHERLY BREEZE. II 11 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. H n t SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEITEMIIER rtO, 11)07. NO. 22 U bxvn. TFDC APPOINTE INIS iL H JB1 cw Charter Comes Before City Council Tonight lGHINE methods ' TURNED DOWN BY THE COMMISSION HEELERS CAN NEVER GET CONTROL rfanmkinn Rv Vole of 4 to 3 Refuses to Change Dale of Election. Lj Aims to Keep City Elections As Far As Possible, Out of Reach of I Party Polltfcs hiSslem charter board met Saturday night with Mayor Rodgera, iTim' AldOrmOIl DlOCKlOll uuu unuoi, mm v"io i"Ji iiiiiovii, BHV . .. . i -......111 nunnnltti Hlln A11iff n M .1 nASktl.. torrick and uuy Auorucy uimu i'"ki , 'uik u w.vv...- Iv'thirter was submitted as a whole, and will bo reported to tho htonncil for ratiiicauon inia uvuiwhb. h '' numw ihu ui mw c . . iit.i. -it., onil linn nilnntfl ninnv fpnlurnn flint nrn now fj ire modeled after' sections of tho Portland, Denver and Galveston h'.tTt. IL'taman Gesner made an effort to amend tho charter to have tho hekttlons held at mo samo inno a uiu ruKinur juuu uiccuuu, uuu b!i( the city campaign Idontlcal with tho state nnd county election, J ringing tllO wnoio Cliy Kuvuriimuuc iuiu mu J1UUHI.UI uiuuiii . k..... m,in n lnni annnOi In fnvnr nf nollttonl nmnncomont of Ur.andon voto was defeated by tho following vote: tfor Politics. Against Politics. IAS GESN'KK MAYOR K01IGKRS llO.CO.VniT T. II. KAY LP.M'COHNWCK 0. J. It. STOCKTON J I. II. TIIIELSKN I. (Continued on pago two. rilCAGO STORE rzr ' PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE o OUR WONDERFUL GROWTH i plainly tho confldenco thepeoplo liavo In our mercbandUo ai our low prices. Every day this Is shown more clearly by the tfuhoTlalt our store and got our prices. They say: "Well, wo pt locked through other store a and wo find thero Is no placo In LnlV.i . .. ... ..... ..n.-.n.-. ml auwe can ao so wen as ni mo uiiiuauu iuku, --aay uuve i i!.peor.lo to wait on us. Wo got bettor uttontlon; the stock luxe to select from Is wondorful and tho goods nro tho latest pro- i of the best manufacturers." This Ib what tho peoplo say; tta afford to soil goodB at low prlcos on account of tho terrlbl9 i they do. W ON SALE 'me Dress Goods k Dress Silks Winery K Kid Gloves iery and lerwear In's Clothing Clothing lies' Shoes ll'ng Flannels Blankets ujara FASTEST McEVOY BROS. AKB COURT STREETS. LADIES' COATS LADIES' SUITS AND PINE PURS 11 W J 'It JL jA m ' iw US W$ AY' 'Hs- oa NOW ON SALE The Best Bargain in Salem . GROWING STORE. BAIXSl, or. ANOTHER ALSAKA STAM1EI)E A Lone Prospector Found Rich Vein of tho Yellow Metal. Tncomn, Sept. 27. A report hns boon received here of ono of tho richest strikes In gold that Alaski has yet experienced. It Is In the Shustlnn valloy, on Valdcz creek, and It is claimed ono nugget valued at $940 was taken out, besides many that woro worth from $200 up. Tho now find has created u sensation and it is predicted that a town tho size of Fairbanks will soon spring up. Tho iisunl story of luck goes with tho discovery. Thro years ago Al. White, of Valdez, grubstaked a par ty of ten prospectors to go Into tho Shttstina country. They wont to Copper Center and then struck off 7G miles Into tho Shuotlnn, vnlloy. At first they struck pay dirt but af tor taking out $lfi00 had no more luck. All but Potor Monnhan re turned to Valdcz during tho winter. Ho stayed nnd lator struck a won derfully rich vein. Further devel opments show continued richness, nnd a Btampedo has started for tho prizo country. n Japs Loot Alaska Vlllnge. Sonttle, Sopt. 30. A report was mado to United States Consul Smith, of Vnncouvor, today by Captain Murnno, of tho sealing schoonor Casec of tho pirating of tho Alaskan vlllngo on Lltnk Dny, on tho south west sido of Kpdiak Island, by a crow of a Japaneso sealing schoon or operating In Dohrlng Sea this Benson. Tho Casec called at Lltak bay for wntor, and tho Russlnn prlosts nsked Captain Munro to inform tho United States authority of tho outrage. Tho Japaneso lnndod from tho schoonor nnd broko opon tho houses In tllO town nnd Inntml t-l.,1,. .. .1 "iiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiH THE LANE WAYMIRE AEEAIR k PORTLAND WOMAN Says She Ought to Have Killed the Mayor and It Was Only Because She Was Unable to Do So That She Screamed Portand, Sept. 30. "I would havo killed Mayor Harry Lane if I could have," said Mrs. Bollo Way mlro, tho woman arrested because of her complicity in tho nllogcd plot against Mayor Lane, "but I was not able, and that Is why I screamed. It would havo only been right for mo to kill him." Mrs. Wnymlro spont Sunday in the reception hnll of tho Vancouver county Jail. This morn ing sho was brought to Portland for preliminary examination. Tho arraignment will tnkc placo at onco. Tho chargo Is extortion. Rnddlng and Mnndeley nro out on bail, and will bo In court this morning. When tho police officers appeared In Vancouver this morning to bring Mrs. Wnymlro, who Is charged with nn attempt to extort money from 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 ihh SANTA FE PROSECUTED. Charged With Giving Rebates Fines May Roach .Millions. Los Angeles, Sopt. 30. Tho first rnllroad rebnto enso to bo tried In tho local United States district court opened horo this morning with tho Santn Fo as defendants. Tho tritil will Inst two weeks at least. Tho government has summoned 50 witnesses nnd a great pile or uocu mentary evidence will bo presented. If found guilty, tho court has tho power to run tho lino into tho mil lions. Tho prosecution depends on tho alleged giving of rebates to tho Grand Canyon Lime & Cement Com pany last year. O' Seattle Paper Suspends. Seattle, Sept. 30. Tho Seattlo News, which suspended publication Saturdny night, will go into tho handB of a receiver today, and will )probnbly rcsumo publication Wod- nosdoy. ,. " Stonn Downs Wires. Portland, Sopt. 30. Storms In Central Callfornln nnd the Enst havo badly disabled tho wlrcB and scrvlco south and cast. RUSSIA A LAND OF MURDER ALL ISRAELITES Tolstoi Slays Murder Is Rampant and That Each Class Is Determined to Kill Off Every Other Class. At Every Opportunity ..SCHOOL BOOKS.. In vlow of tho fnct that Schoor Books aro sold on a margin of C per cent wo cannot soil them on credit, nnd this yenr wo are obliged to insist upon our many patrons bringing tho purchnrto price With them. In an affair of this kind we nre ohllgod to treat all alike, and no ono will bo extended the courtesy of credit. THE W. 11. RURGIIARDT CO. PATTON RROTHERS. THE G. W. PUTNAM CO. ONE DEAD AND FOUR CRIPPLED Pittsburg, Sopt. 30. As tho re sult, nf nn nutbmoblla nccldont to- day, George Cooper, of HnrrlBhurg, was crushed to death and throo companions Injured. Cooper was tho chief of tho flro bureau of Hnrrlnburg? Tho injured nro James Clark, county commis sioner; John Chilly and Frank Bles sing, all Jlromcn, who wore attend ing the convention In this City, nn i iiikii i ii ii nn mi i-;iii in ii 1 1 in m i n ii n mi loft. All manner of things were dragged from tho houses. Another roport was rccolved that tho Japaneso sailors had landed on Shellkoff Island and killed cuttli running on tho ranges thoro. BILLS PAID TWICE Boise, Idaho, Sopt. 30. Another Bcandal In connection with tho bills of tho PInkorton National Dotoctlvo Agency devolonod today when tho fact that tho bills paid by tho stato t oJames McParland, chlof of tho PInkortons, was paid as wItnoss fees nnd mileago by Canyon county, although ho novor took tho witness stand. HIb bill on record shows that on July ISth ho charged Can yon county witness fees for 72 dnys at ?2 per day $153, mileago C00 miles at 25 cents a mile, $90; total $242. Tho bill was npprovod by tho county nnd pnld. Tho record shows that during tho same porlod H.Dniliini1lo llllla U'nrfl tlfllll 1)V 1 1)0 state, Including wages,, which nmounted to $L7uy.su. o C0IV1ES OUT FOR TEDDY Washington, Oopt. 30. In yecter day's Washington PoBt Jolm R. Mc Lean, the well-known Democrat, publishes an editorial advocating tho renomlnation and election of Roosevelt. His friends aro wonder ing if McLean has turned Republi can. Olo" Wants tho Cup. London, Sopt. 30. Tho London news agency reports that the Swou lsh Yacht Club, of Stockholm, has forwarded a challenge for America s cup, no details. Mnyor Harry Lane, sho rofused io como until requisition papers had been procured from Govornor Mond. She hnd promised tho polico early in tho dny to como, but changed her mind later, and asked that doflnttn arrangements bo mado ao to ball first, as sho did not want to go to jail. Then she finally refused to como until tho proper papors woro secured Stops were taken at onco to sccuro tho paperB. Portland, Sopt. 30. After Jug gling with the polico of this city for Bvernl hours, and following a long conference with hor attorney, Mrs. Bollo Wnymlro finally connont od to como to Portland, nnd Is now In tho county Jail horo. Sho an nounces sho will walvo oxnmlnntlon and take the ens. right Into tho cir cuit court. GORKY TELLS THE TRUTH Berlin, Sopt. 30. In n sonBntlon al novol called "Mothor" Maxim Gorkoy attacks Amorlca, calling it tho most Immoral country In tho world. , CenBorB of books nt Lopslc nnd Moscow 'havo suppressed tho book until that part Is oxpurged. STATIONS FOR THE YEAR After N-ro Willi Dogs. Washington, Sopt. 30. Groat ox cltoment provallod horo Inst night and today In Rosslyn, a small set tlement nt tho Virginia end of tho Aqueduct bridge, causod by a fiend ish nssault lato yesterday nftornoon upon Mlis Amolln WoIss,a young girl of 17. by a negro, whoso Identi ty had not been established at a Into hour last night. Bloodhounds nro being used and armed possos aro scouring the woods. If tho nogro Is caught he will bo lynchod, Mlsa Weiss, who Ib tho daughter of a highly respected family living at RosBlyn, escorted by John Mill ion, ngod 24, was nenr her homo about G o'clock yostorday ovonlng when a negro sprang out of tho bushes nnd shot Million four tlmos; seizing tho girl, he draggod her In to tho woods and held hor prlsonor for an hour. When Miss WeUa finally escaped from hor captor, sho succeded In reaching tho resldonco of Crandall Mackey, tho prosecuting attorney for Alexandria county, tho county In which tho crime was com mitted, and gavo tho alarm. Tho police of Washington woro prompt ly notified, and all. tho approaches from Virginia aro closely guarded. Young Mullen was brought to tho Georgetown University hospital and his condition la precarious. Tho neonle of Washington aro highly ex cited over the outrage, because of the great number of similar attacxs that have recently been attempted. Portland. Sopt. 30. At tho Ore gon Mothodlst conforonco tho fol lowing appointments wtro mndo tq day;:1 Salem district B. F. Rowland, providing elder, Snlom, Oregon. Amity C. 8. Stockwoll. Bnlston W. C. Stewart. Bridal Voll ami Palmer C. W. Hoguo, Brooks G. F. Drako. Bonvorton A. N; Hamilton. Cnnby W. J. Wobstor. Carlton John Knotta. Cednr J. H. Woods. Central Point circuit Arthur May. Clnckamas and Oswogo W. B. Mooro. Cornollus Honry Spolss. Dayton J. J. Pntton. Dllloy nnd Bnnks C. L, Croosy. Estncada M. I). Paransuglnn. Forest Grove Hiram Gould. Groshnm A. Thompson. Htllsboro L. F. Belknap. Hubbard W. T. Beatty. Lents circuit W. E. Ingalls. Lincoln D. 8. It. Walker. Marquam John Oval. Mehama D. L. Flelda. McMlnnvIllo A. O. Brackenbury. Newberg C. L. Hamilton. Norrti Yamhill F. A. Chapman. Oregon City R. C. Blackwell. Pleasant Home C. K. Crandall. Pleasant Valloy Thomas WUos. Salem (First church) W. H. Sol leck; Leslie, E. P. Blank. Sheridan A. J. Hllllngsworth. 8Hverton II. R. Sallsburg. Tillamook I. V. Parker. Turner O. O. Oliver. Woodbum Jamea Moore. After tho appointments wero mado tho conference was closed, London, Sopt. 30. (Special cable to tho Now York Tlmon) Iri tho eightieth, year of his life, and tho fifty-fifth yar of hl literary activ ity, Count Leon TolBtol ngaln preach os tho doctrino of lltornl Interpre tation of tho Chrlstlnn command ments. Sovcn ycarB ago ha wroto a pnmphlot entitled "Thou Shalt Not Kill;" now ho ban written another with the tltlo "Thou Shalt Kill No Ono." Tho second pamphlet Is an Interesting corollary upon tho prop osltlon contained In tho carllor pub lication. At tho outBOt tho author notoa thnt lact July a man was imprisoned In St. Petersburg for circulating- tho pnmphlet written Kovon yeura ngo. Ho pays: "Ono would oxpect that a govern ment which hnB struggled' bo lonK nnd unBiiccosafuIJy with tho mania for murder that dominates tho Rus sian peoplo would ovor try to do moro and more to encourngo thoao who clrculato thought djrpourng Ing murder.; but, ntrango to Ray, tho govornufqnt, on the contrary, pun IbIiob them," Rnro Not Touch TolntoJ It Ib pointed out by the London a Trlhuno, which todny prints, "Thou Shalt Kill No Ono," thnt an excel lent illustration Of the stupidity and debility of tho Russlnn govern ment Is nffordod by tho fnct thnt. whllo tho consorvhlp banned tho two CBsnys, the consor'H HuprovlBoro do not dnro to touch tho porson of brnvo old Tolstoi, Tho keynote of Tolstoi's Intoa message Is Indicated by tho follow-. Ing extracts: "Tho government of Christian nntlons, nldod by tlic- churchmen,, long taught tho nntlons tho rulo that the law 'thou shalt not kill docs not moan that people must re frain from killing their follow-mon, without any oxcoptlon, hut thoro nro cases when wo not only mny, but muBt kill peoplo." o Ilornh Juror Hick. BoIbo, Idn., Sopt. .30. Petor Noth, ono of tho JurorH empaiioloil to try United States Sonntor W. II. Borah, waB taken violently 111 laot night, nnd It Is snld his Indisposition mny stop tho trial, although t It It cannot bo doflnltoly told yot. Tho nature of Noth's IIIiiosh Ib be ing rarofully withheld, hut ono of tho government's counsel paid that he bolleved Noth to bo Hiifferiurt from tompornry mental dorange nint due to tho oxcltoment of tho trial. Many rumors woro nlloat ai to No th's condition, but no nuthorlta tlvo statomnnt wns given out. Tho day following his nrroptauco nn n. Juror, Mr. Noth askod many quo- tloiiH of Judgo Wilson, as to whoth or buying Improvod homostond prop erty constituted a crime. Ho apoakH English rnther brokenly, and but llttlo attention was paid to him. Bolso, Sopt. 30. Tho IllnefltJ ot Juror Peter Netb may caue the end of tho. trial. TIjIb morning Judgo Whltsou adjourned court until 3 o'clock thla nftornoon for physicians' reports. Ho Is thought to he do rangpd, hut tho attack Is nf a tem porary nature. Borah until ho was willing to procood with 11 jurora If Noth wns pormnnontly unwell, hut Burch Bald such proceedings woul.l bo Illegal. o Killed IlluiHof. Snn Francisco, Sopt. 30. John Morroll, a grey-haired prlsonor, charged with murder, killed hluwolf this morning by running his hoart against a nail, and dlod shortly af ter. . Dr. J. P. COOK THE IIOTANIOAIi I)0(7TOR, MOVED TO 10 LIBERTY STREH1? FOR ANY DISEASE OATjIj ON Hit. COOK. CONSULATION FREE. 1" m it ft! 1 fj9 JVm m Jfi