1SI0WI. HAIN TONIGHT AND SUNDAY. AIL Y CAPITAL J OUItN AL SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, SK1TEMHE11 28, If) 07. NO. 823. KIDNAP EDITOR i IRAFTERS ton Will Ship Two Hundred Carloads of Prunes SON'S ROYAL PRUNES THE WORLD , ir fircM Massaaed. if Mk) Dressed For Company Firm Will Pack and Ship OTwsof Them This Year -. AniiM sav to you. "You ei prunes," you would no laprcsBea wu wiu m I wrsoa mtenaea to insinu f pa were cranky, "finicky," Nik, wd had "bats In your SoxthU Is what would no vnrtn vnn ns tho mennlng. I ji what connection there lMr b between a dlsorder- I, ud a vest, or corset, ns fe stilt be, nicely padded to litl prunes, especially with mm, Is ueyonu oven. fit Exit belongs in the mother I'ju, to far ns tho Jok- ri concerned, but ns a mat- , it Is beautiful, dollclous A!t Ono of the first of nil tho orchard trees to respond to tho timorous kisses of tho April sun, the pruno puts on Its bridal robes of white, a delight to the eye; and scatters its white petals, a frugrant snow storm, 'till all tho ground Is white, and tho air heavy and drowsy with its weight of perfume. Then It waits like a gentleman until tho harvest Is over and other work laid aside, before it begins to get busy. Tho bridal robes of whlto have long since boon laid nslde, and In their stead, the pruno assumes Its gown of royal purple The heavy branches droop beneath their over Increasing burden, until at last, tho West wind puts Ilfo and motion in the tired limbs and beneath each tree lies a mass of purplo splondor, tho gnrment enst carolcssly asldo. This is tho pruno as nature mado It, and ns she left It, her finished product. Now, it is to becomo a work of art, to travel and to hnve experi ences nil its own. Busy fingers gather It, dump It into boxes, and then It is hurried off to tho drier where It gets an Im munity bath In lyo, that cracks its cutlclo and hns a hot tliNi general ly. When it is placed In tho Backs at tho drier, It Is a pruno, but Its edu cation has not yet been completed, and it Is not fit to appear in good society. It must go to school now, nnd visit tho tailor and barber and shoo maker, so to speak. Tllson & Co. run an academy down on tho corner of Trado and Cottago streots dovoted entlroly to tho preparation of tho pruno for making its way In tho world. Yes terday afternoon tho horso editor, at tho invitation of "Stub Smith," who knows prunes, visited that in stitution, just to soe what was dono SEATTLE HUSBAND'S TANGLE WIFE STANBS PAT Was His Wife At the Circus? If So Why Does She Deny It and Prove An Alibi, and Who Was the Man? (Continued on pago two?. IICAGOSTORE KOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE OUR WONDERFUL GROWTH 'jMj tho confldenco thepcoplo havo In our morchandlco wlow prices. Every day this is shown raoro clearly by the Ut1iU our store and cot our nrleos. Thov nnv: "Well, wo (kid through other stores and wo find thero Ib no place in tUtitccn. do so well as nt tho CHICAGO STORE. Thoy have "kpwple to wait on us. Wo got bottor attention; tho stock iWKiect from Is wonderful and tho goods nro tho latest pro "t the best manufacturers." T1i!b Is what tho noonlo say: hiilord to sell goods at low prices on account of tho torrlbl. i u; co. W ON SALE Dress Goods Dress Silks ry KM Gloves tyand wear 's Clothing Clothine J Shoes S Flannels r nkets LADIES' COATS LADIES' SUITS AND FINE FURS JHl cTTB) & !P lift-' I ill w I ' I H i mTbiWX i ifi la I Vvl NOW ON SALE The Best Bargain in Salem ULSM'8 FASTEST GROWING STORE. McEVOY BROS. A3r COURT STREKTi. SALEM, OR. A circus is all right and n good place for a young man to tako his best girl for an Inexpensive even ing's entertainment, but if you hnp pen to bo married nnd tako a girl to the circus on tho supposition that your wlfo Ib out of town, and run Into your bettor half at tho big tent, it is apt to mnko cooseflesh dovelop on your anatomy and load to dis tressing complications. At least that Is the opinion of n certain or uncortnin young bono dlct In town, who tried tho gnmo last night and ran Into a comedy of errors that for tho samo "distress ing complication-" has tho Bard of Avon bnckod off tho boards. It's a long story, but here Is tho mattor In a nutshell, nnd tho denouement may servo as a "horrlblo example" to other young bends of families who may at somo futuro time bo tempt ed to do IIIcowIqc. Tho names used in tho story, of course, nro fictitious. Hubby's Flitit Surprise Falls. JoneB had boon out of town for several days and was not expected back until tho end of tho week. Ills trip was unexpectedly shorten ed, howovor, nnd ho arrived In town last evening about dinner time. Hastening to a tolophono, ho callod up his domlcllo to Inform his bottor half that ho had roturned nnd to tell her to como down town nnd havo dinner and go to tho theator. Aftor having contral ring his homo sovoral times ho was answered by a neighbor in tho noxt flat, who in formed him that Mrs. Jones wns spending tho night with relatives In TOonfinuod on PnBO 6.) TO SHIP JAPS TO VANCOUVER ARREST ANOTHER. i E. E. Rnddlng, Who Wns In tho Lnnu Mivup, Surrenders Himself. Portland, Sept. 28. E. E. Rnd dlng, who it is alleged is the second accomplice of Mrs. Hollo Waymlre, was arrested at 1 o'clock this morn ing. He gave himself up and says thoro was no plot to blacken the cbaractor of Mayor Lauo nnd de fend tho woman. Ho snys ho can bo round when wanted. Rnddlng was secretary of tho lnbor party cam paign In Portland. Ho sayB ho broko Into the mayor's office when ho heard screams and believed some one .needed assistance. Portland, Sept. 28. E. E. Rnd dlng, arrested as an accomplice In Mrs. Belle Wnymolr's attack upon Mayor Lane Thursday night, haB,not yot been examined by tho district at torney. Ho sticks to the story that thoro was no blnckmall, nnd snys he followed tho woman to tho mayor's office becauso ho was. suspicious of tho mnyor'B intentions Ho sayB ho will produce U13 womnn if let out on ball. o CAPTURE BULLETIN EDITOR MADE A POOR RAGE Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 28, Ar rivals at Vancouver on tho steamer Moana stato that tho Jopuneso in Honolulu nro making arrnngomonts to ship sovoral thousand moro Jap anese to British Columbia. Al though tho first venture on tho Ku merle was a loss, boarding houso keepers In Honolulu think thoy will get tholr money back and mako ft profit on tho new venturo, nB thoy believe tho British Columbians are afraid to ronew their attack on Im migrants now. o TOLD HIM TO SEE BORAH Boise, Idaho, Sept. 28. That United States Senator Addison Fos ter, of Washington, was asked to Jntercedo In behalf of Stounonberg was tho startling tostlmony of A. B. Campbell, of Spokane, this morning In tho Borah trial. Campbell said Steunenberg wanted Foster to call off Government Inspector L. L. Shapp, who was making timber In vestigation in uoiso. no reau in ters from Steunenberg, showing that the late governor feared tho Investi gation of Inspectors Into his timber deals. Later ho felt raoro confident and wrote, to Campbell stating: "Now, that we havo a pointer on tho Inspector and those responsible for thq appointments, wo soon will have a solution of tho problem." Orclmrd's Case Postpone. Boise, Sept. 28. Harry Orchard was taken to Caldwell today. His case was called In tho district court and continued for the term. Pnliinilino Ttwl Rnnt 9Q w.... w..H, ..H., rwjf. -w I nil n -Inn llf T I -I. - I . ..! .. uuiu no t . jr an iiinin.B, vitc-iii uai- dont of tho United Stntes, was do featod yesterday Tor delegate to tho qundrlonnlnl conforonco of tho Meth odist Episcopal church, after ono of the most bitter contests that was over waged In a rcligloiiB assembly. Tho abstlnance laymen, many of I them long associated with Mr. Fair banks in tho church, refused to con dono what thoy rognrd as an offonso ngnliisl abstinence; nnd tho distin guished candldnto went down bo- cause of having served cocktails and thrco kinds of wine at tho dlnnor given to President Roosovolt on Me morial day nt tho Fairbanks homo. "Up to tho meeting of tho lay men's convention thlB morning It was supposed that Mr. Fairbanks would bo a Buro wlnnor. His friends had been busy with delcgntcs during tho conference, nnd, bo far ns Bur faco indications showed, thoro seemed o bo a gonernl ucqulesconco In tho dcslro to select him ns ono of tho qundrlonnlnl delegates. Thoro wero 18 candidates for tho seven places, and It was given out that tho vico-prosldent would head tho dele gation by being selected by acclama tion. Early this morning, howovor, tho scene began to change Abstlnonco laymen nsserted that it would bo n shame to turn down a member of long nnd consistent standing in tho church who nsplred to tho honor nnd give It to Mr. Fairbanks, or nny ono else, by ncclnmatlon, that It was but fair that tho ballot should bo taken on nil tho candidates, nnd lot oach stand on his own merltB beforo tho delegates. In the monntlmo, two questions had boon much discussed among tho lay dologatos, one was the serving of intoxicants nt tho Fairbanks dlnnor and the other was the offort of somo of tho Vice-President's friends to put tho responsibility upon Mr. Roosevolt. Considerable feeling wa manifested ovor both Incidents nnd, when the laymen assombled, tho ap parent cortnlnty of Mr. Fairbanks election hnd changed to a ques tion of hja getting through ovon by a slim margin. Tho first fight enmo when tho dol ogates refused by a doclded voto to permit tho solootlon of Mr. Fair banks bv acclamation. All tho can didates wore then put In nomina tion. It roqulrod 97 votos to oloct all dologatos. On the first ballot two candldatos woro choson. Mr. Fairbanks received 79 votos. On the second bnllot two othor candi date wero rhosen, and the Falr-bai-ks voto fell to CC. On tho third ho received but 4fJ votos, on tho fourth 47 votes nnd on tho fifth as votes. The constnnt fnlllng off of tho vlo-prosldont's voto dlscourngod his friends nnd, when the result of tho fifth ballot was announced, his namo was withdrawn, a friond making tho statement that tho vlco prealdeni had not been a candldato in any sense of the word, but that his friends had thought that It would bo an honor to him and tho church to send him as a delegate to tho quadrJennlal conference, o Ifazulton Hus a Famine. Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 28. Since tho wreck of tho two steam ers on Jho Skeena river food sup plies for Hazelton bavo been cur tailed, and famine pTlcofe prevail. Telegrams havo been sent to Van couver begging that supplies be sent by special steamer at once. SPIRIT HIM AWAY Grafters In San Francisco Make Dold Attempt to Remove Editor Older From the City-Was Bitter Enemy of the Gang Snn Frnnclsco, Sept. 28. Kld nnped In broad daylight in tho busiest part of Van Ness avonuo, Fremont Older, munnglng editor of tho Bulletin, nnd nn earnest friond of the prosecution of tho grnftors, was lost for bovoii hours yostordny. Tho entire force of Detectlvo Burns nnd tho pollco department of Snn Frnnclsco wns called out and Older wns located on bonrd tho south bound Los Angolc.s train, a prison er In a stato room of tho sleeper. An urgent tolophono messngo, tho service of a Los Angeles wnrrnt, authorized lato Friday night by Judgo Carrol Cook, of tho superior court, and tho (light of nn automo bllo to Redwood City, and then closo captivity In n stato room of tho limited Is, in brief, the mnnncr In which tho kldunplng wbb carried out. At 5:15 Frldny evening, while In District Attorney Lnngdon's of flco, Older received a tolophono mes sngo culling him to tho Savoy, botol, on Vmr Ness' nvonuo"; Older" loft" vord for Rudolph SprocklOs that ho would return shortly, and went In answer. Ho walked to tho hotol. This sldo of tho hotol, whoro Pat rick Calhoun'n dotcctivo headquar ters Is located, Luther Brown, con nected with tho dofonso of Ford nnd Calhoun, with n constable, jumpod out of a doorway, and flashed two Los Angolos warrants, charging Older with criminal libel against Brown. At Redwood Older tried to telogrnph his wlfo, or tho proBccutluu. but wns drnggod nway from tho telegraph ofllco nnd pushed Into tho train. Inside tho stateroom Porter Aslio, tho San Frnnclsco attorney, was waiting for Older. Making every effort to koop tho cnptlvo from bo Ing soon, ho was takon to the state room, whllo a doputy guarded tho ontrnnco. Two of Oldor'B friends on tho train mndo an offort to see him, but wore repulsed Monntlmoi tho nbsenco of Older was noted In tho city, nnd Chief of Pollco Blggy nnd Dotcctivo Burns stnrtad an In vestigation. At midnight Oldor was locatod and Sprcckles communlcatod with n logal firm In Santa Barbara to securo his roaloaso on a writ of habaos corpus tho momont tho train came within tho city limits. This was dono. Tho nrtlclo upon which Brown bnsod his suit wns In connec tion with chnrgos mado against Brown in tho Bullotln, In relation to the nllogetl attempt to kidnap ox Suporvlsor Lonorgan. Brown Is snld to bo associated with Attorney Earl Rogers, who Is dofondlng Ford, In Rogers' Los Angolos ofllco, Caught at Hnnfn Barbara. Santa Barbara, Sopt. 28. A dep uty shorlfr, nrmod with n writ of haboas corpus, and accompaulod by ovary policeman Jn this city, met the train upon which Fromont Old or wns hold a prUonor onrly this morning. Arnmd with nxea tho po lice wore ordered to smash tholr way Into the train, If opposed. Thorn was no roaistnnce. Older and thti party ontered automobiles, and woro takon to the court house. Older re fused to mnke any comment, other thnn "I see Snn Francisco peoplo got busy quick." "HYAS I'OTLATCH." Yakima Slvnnlies Will Havo Ulg Gathering Monday. Topponlsh, Wash., Sept. 2S. Somo of tho features of tho big In dian potlntch, to bo held horo from September 30 to Octobor 10 nro be ing worked out. It will bo similar to tho celebration of previous years, although It Is bollovcd moro Indians will tako part. Lancaster Sponcof, or tho Yakima tribe, has chargo of tho arrangements, nnd spent Sun dny in North Yakima in conforonco with tho IndinnB regarding tho pot latch. Besides tho Yakima Indians, thoro will bo representatives from somo of tho othor tribes in tho Northwest, notably tho Nez Porco, of Id nil o, tho Puyallup and from somo of tho Oregon tribes. Tho Indians themselves take great delight In this annual pot lntch, and nro anxious to havo ns many white people wltncBS It aft possible Thoy havo gotten out post ers describing It. as "tho largest combination of I ml In tut over assem bled since tho days of Tocumnoh, tho Qroat," and as "a meeting for tho bonoflt of tho Indians as well as for tho ontortnlnmont of tho whites." Tho crowning attraction is glvon ns tho great "Sun Dnnco," In which tho Indians will pnrtlclpato in full bnrbarlc splondor, with wnr paint, tomnhawkB and scalping knives. Othor foaturcs of tho gathering will bo a monstrous pnradc, mystic In dian rites and dances, and tho "Dead Man's FonBt." Tho colobratloif will tako place on tho rnnch of Lnucas tor Sponcor. FIGHT AT GOLMA TODAY V V ' " !- M A-" San Frnnclsco, Sopt. 28. This Jfl tho dny "Boshtor" BUI Squires must Bhow IiIh gear. If ho loses this afternoon's battle with Sullivan he. will ho tho Joko of tho Amorlcan. sporting public. Ho snys if ho loses ho will retlra from tho ring for ovor nnd return to wood chopping for (-. living. Hundreds of sports fill tho specials bound for Cnffroth's Colnif aroun, where tho fight will bo hold. Tho odds aro 10 to 0 In favor of Sullivan, but It Is oxpoctod thoy will drop off a point or two when tho rlngsldo gnmnlor begins. THE NEXT Only "Tin Colorado Method." San Frnnclsco, Sopt. 28. Earl Rogers, attorney for Ford, declares ho tirwl nllRflllltfelv nnthllie to do With tho allogwl kidnaping of Fremont Oldor last night. I know no wns to be arrostod, but tho kldnuplng story is falso. Oldor's nrrest wns perfect ly regular, nnd thoro was nothing Ulogal about It. Warrants wero Regular. Los Angolos. Sept. 28. Tho war rant upon which Older was arrested was Issued from tho court of Justlco Summorflold Thursday, at tho In stance of Eddy L. Brown, brother of Luther Brown, charging Older wltb criminal llhol. A similar warrant was issued for the arrest of R. A. Corothers, publisher of the Bulletin. CONFERENCE AT SALEM Portland, Sopt. 27. Tho Orogon Methodist conforonco, tonight by populnr subscription, raised an en dowment fund of $80,07G for Wll- lumotto Unlvorslty. Flvo subscrip tions of $10,000 cash and n largo numhor of small subscriptions hclpod croato tho fund. Portlund, Sopt. 28. Amid prny ors and oxhortntlons H. 0. Kompt, morly pastor of tho Mothodlst church, today at tho Orogon confer ence, on chnrgos of unmlnlstorlnl conduct proforrod by tho uommlttoo having tho subject In charge, Kemp's record as a minister was Investigated by tho conforonco and the charges nglnst him sustained by the cnmmlttoo. Tho foaturo of to day was tho addrowt of Bishop David Mooro, who gavo an eloquent tnlk to mlnlHtors In rognrd to their attitude towards tho prosout thont rlcal methods omployod by somo pronchors. He doc I a rod that ho hnpos tho day would nover ooino when a mothodlit mini. tor noted nnd ndvortlied as If he was a "head lluor" in n dramatic troupo. Ministers should sooure congrega tions by earncstnoss and ablo hand ling of their (locks Ho alio an nounced that ho would stay In Ore gon during tho month of October, and help raise funds for the Salem Thoologlcal College. Eighty thou sand was ralsod last night, nnd tho conforenco expocts to ninko it $100, 000. Tho conforonco votod to allow Swedish-American Methodist church' os a volco in tho conforonco hereaf ter. Tho noxt conforonco will bo held In Snlom, Coos Bay and Marshfleld also Invited tho confor enco, but failed to land It. Dr. J. F. COOK THE BOTANICAL DOCTOR, MOVED TO OIO LTIIEUTY STREET FOR ANY DISEASE GALL ON K. COOK, CONSULATION FREE. J. i mn . ' ir