Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 26, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Our $3.00 Boys' Suits
Tho particular throe dollar
suit wo are talking about to
day Is our
Three Dollar
Three dollars Is about rthe
price many parents wish to pay
for a good, durable Boys Suit.
Wo fill tho requirement with
the beat throe dollar suit on
Durable fabrics, strongly
made. Doublo strength where
required. Well cut, and made
to hold tho boy. Sizes 4 to 9
yenrs. ,
This suit Is mado to our or
dor, and wo say, without hesi
tation. "Match It, If You
G. W. Johnson
& Co.
Portland, Sept. 2G. Tho church
San Francisco, Sept. 2G. Before
unionists won a striking victory to-'tho usual crowd ex-Supervisor Mike
uay in tno urogon Methodist confer- uoiiey iook me sianu in ms rum
once in tno debato on tho questien:
"Shall Missionary Bishops bo Ap
pointed in Regard to tholr Race and
Language." Tho motion to adopt
tho resolution Including this restric
tion was Ipst by a voto of 81 to 3.
"A fear of dpd In tho heart, a clean
collar and an upright demeanor"
were essentials in tho make up of n
good Methodist deacon, according to
tho installation lecture delivered by
Bishop Mooro today, In receiving J.
Armstrong and J. O. Oliver Into the
church as deacons. Tho main event
of tho morning was tho debate over
tho unionist question. Oregon seems
to bo strongly In favor of unioniza
tion with tho Methodist churches.
Tho feature of tomorrow's program
In the morning is tho lecture of Bish
op Mooro.
trial today, and told how he was
bribed to voto for tho overhead trol
ley. Ills story was much tho same
as Lonergan's, except that ho re
ceived $5000 for his vote, Instead of
$4000, as did Lonergan. Rogers
gave Coffey an exhaustive cross-ex-amlnntlon.
The witness said ho vot
ed for the franchlso because of mer
cenary reasons.
Stale Treasurer Steel's Surclics Re
sponsible For $600,000
Covington iind Hiirilson May Have
Gone to Alaska.
(Continued front pngo ono.)
ont Powers In Just out of tho pros3.
MMi.t tmwit It. ti tiint IIMIn I. .! t9
..u lui'iiii in .. HU41I I1I.IIU MWUIl JL
pages, bound In attractlvo cov-
Tho rnport contains much In
crs in nil tho schools for tho com
ing year appears to bo exceptionally
Htrong, and excellent results nro ex
pected. In addition to tho abovo tho
catalogue devotes sovoral pages to
Boino oxcollont helps for toachors In
gonoral dlsclpllno nnd methods of
Instruction. Tho schedule of salaries
for Btiporlutondonts, toachors and
Janitors Is printed, showing n month
ly payroll of approximately $4000.
torestlng Information regarding tho
nchool llnnncoH, statistics of attend
ance), tho now book lists, grnduatos
of tho high school, iiiuhoh of tho
toachors employed In tho city schools
with grado of eortlllcato hold nnd
HiibJectH taught, schodulo of salaries,
nnd a now course of study for tho
winning year.
Tho special roport of tho superin
tendent (IwoIIh upon the presont
condition of tho nchools, tho progress
mnde along different linos during
the Inst four years, nnd ouumorntos
n few of tho more important' needs
t)f tho futuro. Tho roport shows a
gradual hut steady gain in tho en
rollment in tho schools ns a wholo
during tho last threo years, thoro bo
lug a total gain of Cl pupils. Tho
registration during tho past year
was 1 8 H R . Tho gn-otOHt IncronHO
during tho limt thruo yours has boon
in tho high Hchool, tho percent of
JiieronHo being 2 SO, or noarly throe
fold. Attention Is culled to tho ne
cessity of employing supervisors of
muslo nnd drawing, and to tho mow
ing domain! for manual training and'
domestic economy in tho public
ucIiooIm. The Bttpcrlutoitdoiit Is op
timistic, and predicts that thoso Im
provements will coma in duo tlmo.
In the now cours of study spuclnl
und detailed directions are given for
nil of tho primary grades In those
'grades fewer toNtbooks are tisod by
tho pupils, and hone the ni'iotmlty
for more explicit directions for do
ing this work. Tho work In all U
lianmeuts of the city school Is out
lined by classes and grade, tho
lclnd and quantity of work to bo done
In each division being clearly Indi
cated. Tho now subject of agricul
ture required by tho state cotirso of
ntudy will ho a regular feature of
tho work for tho sovonth nnd eighth
grades. It Is tho purpose to em
phasize drawing and music thU
your morn than heretofore, and
teachers will be requested to pre
pnro for teaching thoso subjects us
rnpldly as possible.
Tho catalogue contains tho namos
Southern Pacific Will Rciikwc Trains
From Fourth Street and Save
Heavy Grade.
Work has at last begun upon tho
cut-off which will run from Bonvor
ton to n point near Oswogo, on tho
Yamhill division.
Tho Williamsburg cut-off, as tho
lioavorion & Williamsburg rallrood
is called, will bo 13 miles long,
nnd will run In nn castorly direction
from Ilenvcrtou to tho Wlllnmotto
nonr Oswego. Tho brldgo to bo
built spanning tho rlvor at this point
will bo high enough to nllow boats
to pass under It, and It Is said tho
contor plerB will he sunk to n dopth
bolow tho bottom of tho rlvor to
reach a solid foundation. Work has
already commenced upon tho brldgo.
Contracts for tho construction of
tho cut-off call for tho completion of
tho work within a year. Tho cost
of tho new lino, Including tho
buldgo, will ho In tho neighborhood
of $350,000. Polk County Observ
Onkland, Wash., Sept. 2G. Tho
pollco hero are confident that tho
slayers of Agnes Covington wore In
Onkland recently, but escaped duo
to tho fnlluro of tho Scattlo police
to send out prompt descriptions of
tho suspected men. Thoy think tho
mon got out of tho country on a ves
sol. A good photograph of Burllson
wns sent to tho Scattlo pollco yes
torday by Mrs. A. A. Mitchell, of
uolllngnnm, with whom tho two sus
pected mon boarded In Portland two
yenrs ago. Covington Is an expert
nt making up Hko a woman. While
In Portland Covington was Intro
duced to many of Mrs. Mitchell's
friends as a woman. Ho often mndo
up and paradod tho atroots.
Tho pollco aro confident thnt
Covington and Burllson wcro hero
Tuesdny night. They woro tnkon In
as suspects on gonoral principles, on
account of bnd apporanco, but later
woro roloasod. Half an hour later
tholr descriptions arrived from Se
attle, but both men had mndo good
their escape.
U. G. Boyer and If. Bryan East Lose
n Wheel.
Two wheels were stolen from
rncks on tho sidewalk last night,
which larcony compels U. O. Boyer,
tho abstract man and Harry Bryan,
a clork In the Browor drug store, to
tiso tholr podal extrometlcs ns tho
only avatlablo means of locomatlon
today. Mr. Boyer left his "Invin
cible" Rambler In front of the ab
stract office on tho corner of Che-
mokota and Commercial streets, and
when ho looked for It Inst night,
when leaving for his homo, it was
missing. Tho sn'mo fnto overtook
Mr. Bryan's Elroy bike, which was
loft In front of tho Brewer drug
store. No traco of tho missing
wheols has boon found, but as tho
thofts occurred about the snmo time,
It is probable that they w.oro stolon
by pals, who mado tholr cscapo to
gether. Tho bikes woro taken early
In tho ovonlng.
October Jury List.
Bonjnmln B. Gesnor, Salem.
Marshall M. Todhuntor, Salem No.
Scattlo, Sept. 2C. Efforts to enp
turo Frank Covington and Charles
Burllson aro so far unavailing. Tho
pollco hnvo covered ovory city In tho
United States and Canada, and feol
confident tho men cannot remain
concealed long,
Chemist Hatches Eggs
Hen Urchin.
Company M Will Give Another
Its Popular Dances Tonight.
Tho military boys promlio tho
disciples of Terplschoro n rnro tront
In tlm grand military ball which will
bo given this evening In the nnory,
Tho various committees hnvo loft
V'thlug undone that would add to
the pleasure and hucoobs or tho oc
casion, and their offorts will bo op
pi oclatod by all who aro fortuniit-j
enough to attond. Tho commlttoo
of urrungomonts consists of Captain
Charles Murphy, Lieutenant R. W.
Hnlman, Privates R. G. Huntor,
Louis Strlngor and Albert II. Gllle.
which Is n Bulllclont guarantee of
th- ovonlng's success.
An excellent orchostrn has boon
engaged to furnish music, and, to
carry out tho military offect, tho
boys will npponr In uniform. Tho
decorations will bo olaborato, tho on-
uro wat omi of tho hall being con
Paris, Sopt. 2G. Romarkablo a
perlments In tho chomlcnl dovolop
mont of llfo hnvo been effected by
Profossor Do Lugo, of tho Carbonno.
In his laboratory nt Roseoff, In Brlt
tnlny, Profossor Do Lngo places tho
uufortillzod oggs of tho son urchin
and tho star linn In scawntor, adding
a solution of sugar with n few drops
of ammonia nnd tannin. In about
nn hour segmentation, which Is tho
first signs of llfo, began, and tho
oggs produced larvao. Ti.o groat mn
lorltv of thoso larvao noon died, hut
Profossor Do Lugo's constant caro
has brought out four or the urchins
and two of tho star fish through tho
larvao atago, and they .iro now heal
thy, growing specimens.
verted Into a bowor of ovomroon.
of nil graduates or J lie high school, uuermingieii with tho Stars nnd
12 in number, with tho courses com- Strlpos, and Oregon's most hcnutl-
jilotod by each. It reveals that there fill llowors. At S: in Edward Cap-
nro to bo 47 toachors employed In lr, tho company's musician, will
the city sohoolB tho coming year, and sound rovlllo, and tho orchostrn will
thnt hut eight of thoso hold certlll- take up tho grand march, which will
cntos of lower grade than statu cor- ho followed by 18 cantos of tho
tttlcates or llfo diplomas. There will droamy whirl, only closing whon
1)0 nine Instructors In tho high school . "taps" is sounded In tho early hours
nnd of thoso seven aro college griulu
ivtes, and two have pursued college
courses All aro specialists In tholr
of tomorrow
Six of Salem's most nonutnr
lutlloa will net as patronesses of tho
uepartments, and hnvo had success-, ovonlng, thoy being Mrs. Z. J. Hlggs,
ful experience Tho corp of tench- Mrs. A. M. Cannon, Mrs. J. J. Rob-
L- . Li.,"",""S!!! orts, Mrs. W. N. Gatens, Mrs. C. T.
Murphy nnd Mrs T. C. Smith, Jr.
jllllllllHIHIIIIllllllll Tho ,, lH nu invitation affair.
T f vprv Month In llio Vonr ' nn'l K ,8 noodloss to say that Salem'
x uvi.ry muiiui in uil icar .. ,)08t BOeot. w ,,0 ,,r0M,Uf
Hrlugi Us currant bills. Ono
way to pa them la to go from . '. STIIl'CK DOWN 11V SANDBAG.
place to place, carrying tho '. ', ... c ,. , ... , ,
,, ., . . ., i , ... S. kllgoro .Scrloiihly Injured by
money with you, at tho rUk of ; ; unknown Assailant.
loss nnd tho ohauoo of over- Struck down with n Bundling, nnd
looking the taking of a roaolpt, ! '. left dazed and helpless aftor being
Charley Kee, u Chinese Gnrtleiier,
Dies From His Injuries.
Chnrloy Koo, Chlnoso gnrdonor
In tho omploy of n Portlnnd com
pany, which owns tho Chinese gar
dens on Brown's Island, near this
city, wns kicked by a horao yester
day aftornoon, whllo working In tho
gnrdons, and died n few hours later,
nftor bolng romoved to tho Salem
hospltnl. He wns struck In tho slto
and back, nnd sustained Intornnl In
juries which soon resulted ratnlly.
Ho wns 4 9 years or ago, nnd had rel
atives In Portland. Tho funornl
will bo conducted from tho Clough
undertaking parlors tomorrow at 10
n. m., with tho coromonlos usual to
tho Chlnoso on such occasions.
ft.n.1 huvlug Home of It to pay
over again. The couvouleut bust
ness-llko way Is to pay all bllla
by choolc, no mattor how small.
A chock la tho host receipt you
can hnvo. Paying out money
I In this way Insures corrcctnoat ...with him with whloh to pay n
jh and Rivos you n couipleto roc- ;, Tho pollco were notlttod, tli
4 ord of all mouoy pnld out. tro1 wngon was dispatched t
ord of nil mouoy paid out.
I 0ou n Chivklug Account With
Salem, Or on
relieved of $138 and u valunblo
watch by an unknown thug. W. S.
Kllgoro was found oarly this morn
ing at the east end of the steel
bridge, In Portland, b passing po
ditrlaus. Kllgoro was on his way homo, nnd
inuilii1 ftlin 1 ttt jt is & ittitil . i.inkiAtl
tho i-
. . trol wagon was dispatched to tho
scene, and tho unfortunate man wn
taken to tho station. Ho told his
. .itnlo, and all otllcora woro immedl-
.ntoly notltlod of tho robbory, nnd
; I orders given for tho nrroBt of tho
criminal. So far no traco has been
found of tho assailant.
Lafo Thomas. Stayton.
Bruce Jones, Brooks.
Joseph Fisher, Stnyton.
J. A. Smith, Aumsvlllo.
J. A. Colgan, Salem, No. C.
A. T. Wain, Salem No. 4.
Loimtol Hobson, East Salem.
B. A. Nathman, Gorvals.
Jake M. Starr, Salem No. C.
Hormnn Barr, Salem No. C.
H. Tnylor, Macleny.
Frank Parrlsh, Jefferson.
Nick Mlllor, Woodburn.
Joseph A. Dodge, Hubbard.
George Gilbert, Woodburn.
D. C. Kinney, Sllvorton.
Geo. W. Poysor, Chomown.
W. A. Mumporo, Brooks.
A. C. Snyder, Aurorn.
Honry Palmor, Sldnoy.
David Manglo, Stayton,
T. M. Dako, Sublimity.
B. E. Edwnrda, Salem, No. 3.
L. F. Muscher, Sllvorton.
E. A. Bonuott, Salem No. 2.
Harrison Jonos, Gorvcls.
George Anderson, Horeb.
L. H. Bonson, Salem No. G.
Loula Stlnsou, Salem No. 3,
I-'nuilc Taylor Suicides.
Tho Dallos, Or., Sopt. 2G. Frank
P. Tnylor, tho principal stockholder
of Tho Dnllos Dressed Meat Com
pany, and n mombor of tho cltv
council, commlttod nulcldo this
morning by shooting himself through
tho nock. Buslnoss troublos nro
supposed to bo tho cntiflo, nlthough
no is not unnnciaiiy embarrassed.
1 o '-
Railroad to Coos Ray.
BoIbo, Sopt. 20. RoprosontatlveB
or mo unicngo & Northwestern this
morning stntos thnt reports that tho
Chicago & Northwostorn would soon
piiBh to tho coast aro truo, and It Is
posslblo tho Northwostorn will tako
ovor that portion of tho San Francis
co, Idaho & Montana road now
building. It Is understood the routo
will bo f"om Lander to C003 Bay.
Says Hums Lies.
Snn Francisco, Sopt. 26. Earl
Rogers, Porter Ash and Luther
Brown, nil connected with tho do
fenso of Tlroy l. Ford, declare that
Dotoctlve Burns' statements in re-
gard to tho attempt at kidnaping of
minei-gun nro lies. Ash Btatos that
Burns is "more vormln."
During the past weok State Treas
urer Stpel haB put up $300,000 ad
ditional bond to tho state, making a
total at present of $600,000. Tho
constitution requires a bond of $50,
000 on the part of tho Btato treas
urer, and under tho law which au
thorizes the treasurer to loan out
funds to tho stnto bank at 2 per cent
Interest ''hat ofllclnl must put up as
much moro bond as the governor
soob fit to oxact, according to tho
nmounts In tho treasury. Shortly
nfter assuming his official duties
Treasurer Stool exocuted an addi
tional bond of $250,000, and, as tho
funds run very high about tho first
of July, tho govornor asked that tho
total bond bo doubled, making tho
present amount, which Is tho largest
over given tho stnto by any ono offi
cer. Whon tho additional bond was
askod thoro wbb nearly a million dol
lars in tho treasury, and at tho
present tlmo thoro Is $585,000.
inasmuch ns tno banks with which
tho funds nro deposited give tho
Btato nmplo bonds, this soems Hko
doublo bonding, but It Is tho law,
and Mr. Stool takes no exceptions to
It. Howovor this additional bond
of $300,000 costs Mr. Stool about
$1000, which is additional expense,
with no return to hlmsolf, nnd It
does Bonm n little hnrd, but It Is
gracofully accepted as part of tho
law. By tho way, this now bnnk de
pository law nets tho Btato an annual
rovenuo of from $7000 to $10,000,
nnd It Is highly to Mr. Stool's credit
thnt ho demanded its passage.
Besides tho running expenses of
tho stnto, tho troasuror has within
tho pnst month pntd out about
$250,000 on tho school fund appor
tionment nnd $50,000 for Innds pur
chased for tho Institute for tho
feoblo minded, and, ns n result, tho
funds In tho treasury nro conBldor
nbly bolow tho amount of tho Btnto
treasurer's bond.
State Lund Board Refuses to Grant
Concessions to Deschutes Land
My Winter Stock
Has nrrlvod nnd contains
nvnrvthliit- In lltlit nn.i !...
shoos for mon and women, In j
iuru mm iuvr tops; also n
splondld lino of rubber shoes
and boots. You nro Invited to
como in nnd Inspect my stock.
Jacob Vogt, State street.
Jacob Vogt
State Street
Llptonl's Challenge.
London, Sopt. 26 Sir Thomas
Upton today announced ho would
conform 4o tho New York Yacht
Club requirements, nnd chnlfengor
with n 90-footer, lnstoad or a vessol
of Binnller lines.
o .
Knights Templar in Session.
Portland, Sept. 26. Tho grand
commnndery ot tho Knlnhts Tomnlar
I of Oregon Is In session hero today.
i-iio annual eioc;ion of otllcors will
tako placo this aftornoon.
Aftor a fow moro casualties at
county fairs the slmtlle of "up Hko
n rockot nnd down Hko tho stick"
will glvo wny to "up like n balloon
tropozlst and down Hko the para
chuto victim."
At n mooting of tho Stnto Land
Bonrd yosterdov nrtornoon nn ncroo
mont was flnnlly reached with Pres
ident J. E. Morson, of tho DochutOH
Land Comnnny on tho conditions to
bo embodied in tho now contrncts
for tho reclamation of tho original
Oregon Development Compnny bor
repntlon of 31,000 acres of nrld lnnd
In Crook county. Owing to strenu
ous objection by President Morson
to tho contract, ns first drawn, tho
biiBlness portnlnlng to tho ndoptlon
of the contract wns postponed from
Monday to ysterdny, when most of
tho objections ot the lnnd compnnv
were overruled, and the contract loffc
materially ns It was originally drawn
Undor the now ngreemont, which
wns signed bv Prosldent Morson, tho
compnny will lm required to com-
lUoto tho reclamation or tho lnnd
within five vnrH, nnd turn It ovor to
tho Wnter Uors' Association, or set
tlors' organization, rroo rrom In-curilbrnnco.
fct id or vorrr
pyramid CHo Jv"0 Rlrt(
gorous. r.n,ni . lin tbu tj
necessary. ' numltia
pyramid Pii n... .
wni-nt . . vre Bit
prove it: " 0t pll6 ho.
thD?-every malUegni
"Wishing to et
credit Is due, I A
humanlty-a ' f It j
write you taI.1 m
fdy. I haw nS flnffl1
hox and nm J ' n "M
tho sorencsii if .W
havo kept docrcasff ,'
your ping nnd n. I !
self again. ThaSii-i'1
am yours truly, n Cmii
Ave Seattle, h?
Wo do not auk .. .
word. Wo nro vIIIIb, V
nminn", r,.B.enn. m Ltlt
free trial package by J,
Artor you havo iu ,1
thlB package you can tZ
ou v4 uv cuiiin nv a. . 1
price, wa will mall yoa
BClVeS tf ctio atin..tJ ' . I
v.. " Z "".u"'.u ?"i MH
:,." ".uff"8ntbMirt
n 1 . i." UU Ca,y aa4 CCS
all tho tlmo.
Isn't It worth trying
Thousnnds havn hi.n'..
easy, pnlnless nnd Inexpem;'
in mu iinvHcy or tnelr ot
No torture. X0 bills.
Mr. Odell Is still waiting for soft
snow In ordor to roll up a boom bait
for Hughes for tho presidency.
Groat gamo that of Odell to support
Hughes way ovor tho bluff.
Tho chostnut crop promlsos to be
n fnlluro. Still, tho after-dinner
speaking has hardly begun yet,
Burbnnk has achieved an apple
tree mnrvel thnt outrocords that
pickle plant It gives 73 varieties.
Caleb Powers says he knows who
killed Goobol. Still ho doesn't really
say It was Harry Orchard.
o .
That are"daily
fitted at our
store arc a
of the superior
of the most ex
clusive line of
shoes ever
shown in Salem
.It Kici tw Kw Atari teiJH
It Is plain now whr a,
mont r.galnst Borah wu t:
pumio until tlio HaywooJ t-
ciosou. uornh and too pre:
o uuiuiiiB aiuncccerc t
saint, and feared tho effed 1
havo on tho Jury. If It lurwA
Indicted for dcfraudln: 111
mont. It also shows that tl
cutlon wa3 willing to hinili
by any old moans, and to
him of all d f -nso If It coali
Win. IMnkorton left si 1
s.onn.nnn. iinn mi-r j
mon woro sent to thAS.'j
nnd tho nullowa In o:dl
him to accuniuWo lUxi
Tho Coos Day Tlmei inl-l
print n'-tlcl. "Hot,' Shill!
Bo Sheltered From the
Blast?" The horse edltwi
up. How that pos'crlMH
nro to be protrc d Is wLt &I
lug this gncrr ion i uij
tho car shortare mavl'K'ij
that time, nnl Ilarr ft".
his partncr.-hlp rl'h C:l fJ
Tom RIchnrdBJn rccscsil
California man as a t:'l
somo one would not reconcrJ
Rlchnrdson It mlRht glwul
wolght to Hlchardson'i ttsi
Sftprntnrv of the Nry
somo time iro stated It ll
ilnlnrmlnod In send the 8W
Pnclflc. Loeb, the ?tttlw
"Friday," cmpnaucaiiy
tl.l,. ainlnmnnl W&R flllf
toid tho truth and Ib Wl
result Is Motcalf mui ; rtwi
tho cablnot, while weo
tho President's omer '
Tho Immunity bualneu U i
,... in n frnwle, ETfrf 6
..i. .!. onmoa nn TKtSM
main criminals have ber
...!,. nnn sav the 4.
promised Immunity, anote'
trlct attorney Pfo1'.,"
nlty, the Judge the griJ
tho predecessor in o-"
the successor will, ano i
other sources of 'low,
.nn iRoovercd. but the an?
t9 . "-XX
jooFlsh has W ga
from penaieiuu --,. r
blng n arum"'"- ,;BTBi!i
inhumau punUhmen AtfJJ
chromo. t
444 State Street
The New TfuaUon Blf .
contly while m ",- u
took literally jJHW.
pnnuiicu ,"tDat otner
mado It pood bj m fc
nr.nritv known ns e5
security knowi
:. . - .i.A roni""-
v n hnw "v' :. .vufi
" c. 26 -TBe?'.':
announced tcay0-
tho original "r- t jti w,
twoen Willaw Sweet ,
Governor Stemrajw ,
agreement to SJc!.
land. It W the intew j
" -: SLSm fraud.
woro aciiuii- "'n,or, ei "'
iTnii States sewwi i m t(
ton. arrived herein
fy for thojot
GJm" JkviV'2.