DAIVjY OAPITAU JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25f- JUW7. 3 ji Skin If Vuackhead and J ThiJ ' fe .1 bowels, r r'Htimulatiiig.t'6 ?staW"fimpur,l'cs crsc teto w ELECTRIC LINE. m !ck.d r10c.and2Ge. i'iiii J Lur IVrr"S " " &net t'&'V, I Mintfr panB "'": an ro?andtl,y ! their am'"."""' !,e escort showed r ye uSmpllmentnry Virtwere Passed, nnd a AXffcon- Tfthtfeed to stop uiu - SSSVt Me leijj !; v, , nntromo or tnc MSr, commenting on the S as the scene Is laid 1 not Impossible that ;r " be framed fixing the extent to which a woman Jrfaaed before becoming el..... T.nfffln Bureau. IBIWUH.. $ Iteward, 3100. MM of this paper win oo ,.i..hattuero Is at least mtme that solenco ana iMfnralnall Its Btages.and rth. Knll's Catarrh Cure b poiltlTO euro now known dial fraternity, unarm il fraternity. Catarrh bo- Jtatlonal disease, requires Maiil treatment. Hairs ICweli taken Internally, nct- rnMa tho blood and mu- tfi of the system, thoruny th foundation of the dls- i Mm the patient strcgnth i op (he constitution and (tttsrt In doing Its work. L-feton haTo so much faith Intiie powers that they offer Dollars for any case kfj to core. Send for list k!i!i Address F. J. Che- Llo'edo, 0. tltrt((lsts, 75c. a?i Family Pills for con Writ Out tho Ufjlit. fatowa in northern Penn tn It a fire department is citizens take great 1, as It Is, wholly of fliJW a fire broke out nt ln the department t! iceno only one Inn- iktonnd, The smoke was iwof the bulldlnK. but no Ward, and it was very - tongue of flame sliot w corner of the structure, i cttd cheered qr tho man ltfc directed a stream of rW " At this crisis the Ktilaiheuted: W Dill! Bo careful ',' Keep tho water off 1 wa't you see thnt'a tho t've rot to nut ti ap ""-Hypers Weekly. I br the Conntrv. ten popular remedy in s. and the best friend of Q rltes Wm. m -nint, BJ ttblllW a , r ciibmiTiiiP v v iii. . - - ' , 13 Uli 'WicoTerv. it hna ,.,..i WtUfbto cure for coughs .eik!ng rtort work of tho 'tttll. Wo Bin..,.. 1 Mbouw. I believe it to be -w prescription known 'throat dtsMsoB-. n... l?"? "PPolnt the taker, ! orug store. Price 50c Trial bottle freo, ,r - .. 4 - "r. now radiant lphIsdT''shprpPlid. utMr-.". haPPened today. r Ul r -.. ,,.v -. . n "i! uSf t0 you?" 't! v., M down stairs L . V . . I":r-ML I tlierc will kAB,h.r,ews ui for E.-,! pat 'cast.- -Chicago (f uiirr aJrl:are, by one luUrfh,CoUc'C,,1- mtilS an atta of ?wtk:;;:carcelyatten.i fitmid. ,i no,era and Ci?4 thU medy IT1 PUiiu WJLknoedge i-T" aS?II-.. n"hin liTi''- Proposed From Prhievllle to Detroit or Slmnlko. This city will BUbscrlbo $150,000 to stock In n syndicate formed to build nn electric lino from some out side point either Detroit or Shaulko that will serro Prlnovllle, tho Agency Plains Country, the Dp schutes Irrigation & Power Com pany's Boggregntlon, Redmond and Bend. So much has been learned In an Interview with bohio of our lend ing citizens, and We want to find out how much money tho outlying dis tricts, and even other counties, would bo willing to invest in such nn enterprise. In view of Mr. Hnrrl nmtiB indifference .to our future, tha Review thinkH it would be only n measure of prudence to form such n corporation and build our own rnll road for the purpose of promoting settlement of Central Oregon. In order to bo free from the dictates of Wall street, instead of floating bonds wo muHt raise the funds within the borders of our own state and Incur not mor; than trifling Indebtedness. Prlnovllle Review. o From the Fnr West to tlu Fur East. On reaching Minneapolis we re mained over for n day and night vis iting with n slstor we hadn't seen since wo left South Dakota. Wj spent tho day taking in tho sights and surroundings of tho twin cities thef oronoon in Minneapolis and the afternoon nt St. Paul the beatt- tho forenoon In Minneapolis nnd much to the attractiveness of thnt city. They are indepd lovely and are liberally supplied with pleasure boats, where any cltlzon or. visitor can enjoy n Ball on tho calm and placid waters, or angle for fish aB long ns ho desires at very small cost. Few cities have so many pleasurable resorts as Minneapolis, and tho great lakes of tho Btato Btipply a breathing place for thoso who ard weary of the drudgery of tho count ing houses und other plnces of busi ness. And tho city spares neither time nor money In mnking them plenBant nnd attractive. Minneapolis) is tho center of tho flouring interests of tho Btato nnd her grain elevators and mills are both numerous and capacious. It Is also a great lumber contor. Somo of tho public buildings nro tho most beautiful and costly I over saw, espe cially tho county court house, .the law courts and city hall. Minneapo lis is destined to become one of tho greatest cities of tho middle north west. , In tho nftornoon wo went over to see St. Paul. Our first object was to see tho residence of tho groat rail way magnate J. J. Hill. It is in deed a most costly nnd capacious homo. It is located on a hill over looking tho great "Father of Waters." It Is built of brown Btone, nnd n fonco of tho snmo mnterlnl en closes tho lnrgo lot on which tho mansion is enclosed. It is richly adorned with flowers nnd shrubbery, the wholo presenting n picture of re flnomont, culture nnd comfort which cannot easily bo . surpassed any where. And still tho great railway king is not satisfied with it, as he has given this to his son, nnd Is now constructing -a mansion on Fifth' nvonue, Now York, whoro ho will re sldo in tho future. But tho great attraction In St. Paul Is tho stato capltol. It is claim ed to bo tho most beautiful build ing of Its ljlnd in tho United Stato, nnd tho claim is undoubtedly Just. It is splendidly located on rising ground, nnd tho stono Btalrwny from tho street to the building is of Itself n sight worth seeing. The cost of tho building Including tho grounds, nmounted to $-1,500,000, and unlike tho capltol of Pennsylvania, It Is well worth the money. Our pnrtv wns shown through every part of tho Immense structuro by tho keeper a most obliging gontlomnn who Informed us on everything we need ed to know. Suffice It to say wo wero astounded nt tho grandeur and beauty of everything the paintings, tho designs, tho workmanship, tho mnterlal everything. Tho follow Ink facta will give the reader soma idea of tho splendor of Minnesotn'u stnto capltol. Its outsldo walls aro of Georgia marblo. The main ro tunda with Its many Btalrs are com posed of Georgin, Tennessee, Illi nois. French, Afrlcnn and Italian marble. The thirty-six large col umns above the main stairways aro three feet at the base and twenty feet high nnd are of Reecho VIol etto marble of Italy, Tho second floor Is composed mainly of Tennes see,. Illinois, African and Italian marble nnd nil pollshod to tho highest degree. Tho four lnrgo granite columns on tho socoud floor nro Orton, Min nesota granite, nnd tho four large granite columns nre gray granKo from St. Cloud, Minn. Tho main wallB of the dome, Minnesota moftled, cream colored, polished limestone from Kasota and Mnuko to. Tho large chandelier In the up por part of the domo is composed of boaded glass over a heavy frame work of brass and steel. It Is six feet In diameter and seven nnd one half feet high. There are 92 electric lights on the Inside of thl chande lier and Is held In place by a cable 28 feet long. Of tho paintings, dec orations and designs, It Is little use to say anything, as Innguago is to weak to convey any idea of their grandeur and magnificence. J. H. F. o Acute Rheumatism. Deep tearing or wrenching pains, occasioned by getting wet threugh: worse whea at rest, or on first mov ing the limbs and 1b cold or damp weatker, Is cured quickly hy Bal lard's Snow Liniment. Oscar Oleson Gibson City, 111., writes, Feb. 16, '02. 'A year ago I was troubled vlt& a. pala la ray back. It soon got so feai T could not bead over. One bottle of BalUrd'g gaow Liniment cured me." Sold by D. J. Try, ' Cores Woman's Weaknesses. Wo refer to that boon to wenk, nervous, suffering women known as Dr. Plorco's Favorite Prescription. Dr. John Fyfo ono of tho Editorial Stuff of Tun Eclkctic Medical Rkvihw saya of Unicorn root (Hcluniivt Dlulm) which Is ono of tho chief Ingredients of tho "Fa vorlto Proscription": "A remedy which lnvorlnbly acts as autor Ino lnviirorntor mnkos for normnl ac tivity of thu entlro miroiluuilvu bjbtcui." Ho continue "tn lltlonlas wo hove a medica ment which inoro fully answers tho alovo purposes than rtiiidfifrdnio ieil7t uUlch I am acquainted. In Uiu treatment of diseases pe culiar to women It Is seldom that a cnuo Is seen which Uoi not prison somo Indication for this lemeiiul acent." Dr. Iyfo further iays: "Tho ftulowtnir aro nmontr tho loadlnc Indications (or lielomas (Unicorn root), i'aln or aching' In the back, with j leucorrhcca I atonic (weak) condltlotTi of the reproductive ortrans of Viomen. ment.N depression and Ir ritability, n s dated wttl chronic diseases of tho reprolikt.'c oreans of wemen: constant scnaatljn yt h-at In the rcplon of tho WlU: neys: mciuftrrhajtld (floodlnc). duo to a weak ened coiifUtln" oftho reproductive system: amcnoiTicriv 'j-rccU or absent monthly perlod.lir-i .-'from or accompaii) lnir an abnopial cor' tlon of tho dleestlvo organs and Arfiumlc 'Miln blood) habit: dracelns scnsNrfons In the exttcmo lower part of tho abdomen." if nioro or 'p" of the annvo gymmoms fy. P.r.y."'i ,' ' ljiiiil'Tv nlaaa-paiO CK'tior tliim !( Dr. fierce KnvprUg rJNrjuiMiTT,:a fii"llitJ luadihjr lngrcd entsoi vnii!'. is Unicorn root, or Helonlas, and the medical properties of which ll most faithful y represents. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Fuvorlto Prescription," Prof. Flnloy Elllngwood, M. D., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, suys: "It Is an Important remedy In disorders of tho womb. lu 11 catarrhal conditions and general caieeuiumcnt, it Is useful." i. Jonn iu. bcuuucr, M. L., I a to of PtnittiiHntt an. a rt flsl.li. (?nn1 win . on to Its general effects on tho system, there it no medicine n xut ubottf whtth there Is tuch general ununimUu of opinion. It U undersoil) tvsardid a the tonic useful In all dclJllltatMl Mates." Prof. K. llr.rtholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical Colh'so. saya of Golden Seal : "ValuaMo In utcrlno hemorrhage, monor rhagia (Hooding) and congcstlvo dysmenor rboca (painful ar-iiHtruatlon)." Dr. rlorco's Fa vorlto Prescription faith, fully represents nil tho abovo named In- Srculents and cures tho diseases for whlci iioy aro rocoumended. MEEKER SEES BIIOADWAY. And All Gnzo nt Old Pioneer nnd Ills Ox-Tenm. A New York dispatch Thursday snys: A team of oxen drawing n "prairie schooner," tho driver of which wnB a rugged-looking old man who woro a typical western garb, Including n sombrero, attracted great crowds on Broadway. Tho vehicle and tho driver were not only In striking con trast with tho automobiles and car riages on tho "Great Whlto Wny," but they wore n decided novedty In New York. Tho driver wnB Ezrn Mookor, n pioneer of tho Oregon trinl, who had returned ovor tho trail ho followed to tho west half a century ngo. All nlong Riverside Drivo, from Grant's tomb to Seventy-second strcot, Meeker was followed by nn Interest ed nnd curious throng. When Broad way wnB reached tho crowd wns bo denso that tho oxen, which tho halo old man afterward descrlbod ns Davo nnd Dandy, had a hard tlmo to make any headway. Meokor's trip ended at last at tho Battery. Ho has como all tho woy from Puyallup, Wash., to Now York in C2C dayB. Mr. Meokor'B object In mnking tho Journey Is to persuado the government to build a national highway from east to west. o IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW What a Heap of Happiness It Would Bring' to Salem Homes. - i Hard to do housework with an nching back. Brings you hours of misery at lolsuro or at work. If women only know tho cause Hint Backache pains comes from slclc kidneys. Twould savo much needless woo. Doan's KIdnoy Pills euro Blck kid neys. Salem people endorse this: Mrs. Mary Baumgardnor, of 421 Water St., Salem, Oro., says: "I havo found Donn's KIdnoy Pills a remedy that Is worthy of all confi dence nnd am pleased to endorso them so that "other sufferers from kidney complaint may know how to get relief. I procured Doan's Kid ney Pills nt Dr. Stono's drug store and several rnombors of our family have used them with tho most grati fying results. It took them myself for a tired nching back and a drag ging down feeling that comes from irregular and deranged kidneys. Tho results wero of tho best. Tho aching and soreness was banlshel nnd tho kidneys wero rendered nor mal. My health becamo bettor lu every way." For salo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for tho Uni ted Statos. Remember the name Doans and take no other. THE O UoRJt N G f OCTOBER Is on sale en ever n;v5 eland in your city The wholesome, hopeful, national magazine: of the American outdoors. Its articles have the grip of personal experience. Its fiction is the best con temporary American literature. Its facts are'' accurate and authoritative. Its artistic beauty is unexcelled. m- iK The October number centains: THE WAY OF A MAN, by EMERSON HOUGH This serial is generally con- . ceded to be the greatest novel of tho year. THE COUNTRY FAIR, by DAVID LANSUO, In which the autfcor recalls the old country fair as it used to be. BALLOONING AND AERIAL NAVIGATION, by F. P. LAHN, U,S.A being an outline of the Immense aid practical nlr ohlpo could tender to science and to nations in war. YARNS OF THE FORWARD DECK, by VANCE THOMPSON being n bunch of yarns unskelncd by n congenial party on board an ocean liner. ROUND UP DAYS, by STEWART EDVARD WHITE, will take the reader away from the noise nnd bustle of the city to the plains. GENERAL ISAAC SHELBY, FIRST GOVERNOR OF KENTUCKY, by LYNN TEW SPRAGUE. One or n scries of articles retelling American His tory In the form of vivid personal sketches. And'a dozen other features of interest with photographs of a score of divers scenes, supplemented by a liberal pro portion of paintings and drawings. There is no decrying the intensity or the diversity of interest that pervades not only this but every number of THE OUTING MAGAZINE. 25 cents a copy THE PERFECT MAGAZINE $3.00 a yey t Gold Dust Flout I Mad by THE SYDNEY POW ER G02CPA2TY, Sidney, Ortgoa. 1 Mad toe fatally a. Atk yonr 1 grootr for it. Bras aad tkorti alway oa hand. i P. B. Wallace AGENT HBatBtWMaeag amim Hotel St. Philip Fourth nnd Fifth and Darnsido Streets, Portland, Oregon. New fireproof European Hotol. Steam heat. Modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 per day and up. Union depot car will land you at tho door. H. M. PIERCE, Prop. nUILDINd a nousB We can supply you with the lui ber you need at the price that will materially economize In the coit Just come and lee ua and look over our yardi. GOODAIiE LUMDER CO., Yard Near Depot. HBIIW Ml . f Superior Restaurant 153 High Street, Upstairs. First-class lu all appointments. A plnco for ladles and gontlomon to get all kindo of ChlneBe dlohos and the famous Ll Hung Chung Chop Buoy and Yakama. R. H. Baker Successor to Whey Sen Yow Co., Prop SALEM BRICK YARD A. A. BURTON. Prop. Brick alwayB on hand. In car lots or otherwise. Pressed brick mado to order. Yard on State street, south of pentltontlary. -7-1-tf. Send the family Washing To Us and you'll novar bothor with having it done at borne again. Time was when overy family could not afford to Bend the washing to a laundry, but tlinos have changed so, too, have tho methods and prices. Today you can bettor afford to eond th family washing hero than not to Ask about our prices on family wash log, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Phono 2rt. 1J1G.JOO 8. LilKrrty St. O C. T. Co. -STEAMERS Hon. J. H. Fletcher Lectures. Tho Daily Patriot, of Charlotte town, Prince Edwards Island, hafc the following notice of a well-known Oregon man, Hon. J. H. Fletcher, of St. Jehns: "Last evening the people of Ver non River Bridge waB served to a rare literary treat when Hon. James Fletcher, of Oregon, delivered his lecturo oa "Sowing Wild Oats." Tho audienco was moved to deepost ad miration by tho rich eloquenco of the scholarly gentleman and was al so charmed by his wit, and many of his old friends, who remembered tho geaerous-hearted boy of years gone by appreciated as strangers could not, xhe nobleness and flhe of the man who lias met and known men." POMONA AND OBEGONA LEAVH FOB PORTLAND DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY AT 0 A. M. PrM BALDWIN, Agt. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. Fancy Card Writing Special prices for ono month. Ono dozen, 25 conts. Two dozen, 40 cents. Threo dozen, CO cents. 100 cards, different designs, $1.25, See snmplou and leave orders at Pomeroy Jowclry store, on StaU street, DON'T IRT Tin HAPPEN" Put these good resolutions that you made on Jaaaary 1st Into effect nt onco by replacing your old plumb ing with the nowost Ideas In sanitary open plumbing, and you will be rid of the annnyanco ot leaking pipes and flooded floors, as well as doctor's bllld. Wo will furnish estimates for plumbing, gas fitting and satisfaction Is guaranteed as to workmanship and charges. A. L. FRASER BG8 BUte Street. Phone 18B. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth sore tbaa aay etae? bread, yet the price U ao higher. For Hie at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA BAKHRY. Tbobus k Cooler, Props. J .niiiimi imiiinit The I White House Restaurant J For a Regular i 25c Dinner at 20c J They can't bo beat McGWchrist & Son Proprietors, mintHmntmnnii -Yi.lQT- '1'irifl TIVKT TtflAHT TITT1! FAMILY EVER HAD Can bo obtained from our prime tender nud Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our meats nro selectod from tho choicest, and prepared for tho tablo to BUlt tho demands of tho fsstidlous. Our prices are lower for quality than you can And at any placo in Salem, E. O. OHOSK, Phono 201. 370 State Bt, e awaa 880 COURT BTREBT. Call and try them. Meal ICc. Board per week 12.75, also furnished rooms very reasonable. AT TIL8 Salem Restaurant MEALS 15c iinniiiininiiMiiim lI w t, ",a,?t.rt. I " ,-,&, mmv.