Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 24, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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enton County Efrst, Lane Second In
County Exhibits
' Stallion, one year old "Pedro"
y II. C. Constance, Indcpondoncc
rst, $10; "Salem" by Boorlghclmer
; Ynnnko, Salem, second, $5.
Stallion, one year old "Solgborl"
y Mrs. D. P. Ilurgo, first, $8;
Brilliant" by Fred Spires, Albany,
ccond, $4,
& Maro, 4 years and over "Ro
letto" by Bocdoghalmer &.Ynnkc,
lalom, first, $30 also ,"Cresotte,"
ccond, $15; "Glnrotto," Fred
Iplres, Albany, third, $7. CO.
Filly, 2 years old "Raqnotlo," A.
Ruby & Co., Portland, first, $15;
Iho "Bastille,' second, $7. CO; nnd
f'Blrclio," third, $3.7C.
,2lthor sex, 3 yenrs old and under
oedlgholmer & Yannlco, Salem, sec
ond, $1G; A. C. Ruby & Co., Port-
and, first, $3C.
Stallion, 4 years old and ovor
'Royal McQueen by J. D. Gordon
fc Son, Dundco, first, $30; "Thorn-
fitamp" by A. T. Jonos, McMlnnvlllo,
ccond, $1C; "Tho Preacher," John
alntcr, Salem, third, $7. CO.
Stallion, 3 years old "Lydo
3Uunp," A. T. Jones, McMlnnvlllo,
first, $20; "Pitklono, Jr.," W. T.
IJCochrnn, BrowiiBvilio, second, $10.
D. M. Dryden, Woodburn, first, $1G;
iuriiiiAi.i trtnir mint, vini.nt nlil.
j 1IVOWII " ...,.. .i.a.,1..., w...
ncum, Wash., second, $7. CO.
Salllon, ono year oldl "Llborty
iprlnco," 'Win. Hastings, Boyd, boc-
ni, zr: "uoguinuon" uoruon t&
on, Dnniloe, first, $10.
Stallion, under ono yenr "Ore--BOn
Stnnip," W. D. Clnggott, Salem,
rat, $o, 'Aicwuuun, unruuii
on, Dundee, socond. St.
I Maro, ! yoarB and ovor "Cosmo"
John Palntor, Salem, first, $,30;
J"Lndy Uayno," Gordon & Son, Dun-
IJdoo, second, $1C; also "DalHy Ar
thur," third, $7.C0.
Maro, 3 yearH old "Darkoy
TOayno," Qordon & Son, Dundee,
first, $20; alBO "Tot Boync," second,
Maro, 2 years old "noisy," Gor
ton & Son, Dundvo, first, $1C; also
"Oregon Balllo," eocond, $7. CO; nnd
"Max's Kyto," third, $3.7C.
FJlly, ono year old "Lucln," Jno
IFnlntor, Salem, first, $10; "Queen
Si," Gordon & Son, Dundee, second,
f,$G; alHO "Dundee Lass," thlrJ,
Filly, under ono year "Topsy,"
'Gordon & Son, Dundco, first $8.
Either box, 3 years old and under
Nairn & Pophn'm, Tumor, flrat,
$35; Gordon & Son, Dundco, socond,
English Hhlro.
Stallion, 4 years nnd ovor "Wont
SFon," D. E. Knlghtongalo, Dallas,
firHt, $30; "Markaton RaiiHom," A,
C. Ruby & Co., Portland, second,
K$1B; "Alexander," Gulllford, Hovon-
don & Kennedy, woodburn, third,
Stallion, 3 yenrs old "Bushnolt
Pioneer," A. C. Ruby ft Co., Port-
laud, first, $20.
Btalllon, 2 years old "Mnroh
Lad," A. C. Ruby & Co., Portland,
iflret, $1K; "Lord RoohuvoU," P. L.
Kennedy, Woodburn, second, $7.50.
Binlllon, under ono year D. E.
; Knlghtcngalo, Dallas, first, $S.
Mare, 2 years old "March Gypsy"
A. C Ituliy ft Co., Portland, first,
Filly, indor ono year D. 13.
Knlghtrngale, Dallas, first. $7.60.
Draft Horses,
Stallion, any oro "MqcoV c. I.
Martin, Tumor, first, $20.
Mnre , any im "Cosmo," John
Painter, Salem, first, $20.
Mnro, 4 yoars and ovr "Gyp,"
Gordon ft Son, nrst, ?30; "l)Mtlo,"
Thomas Trlco, Salem. aecond, $15.
GoMlitK or maro, 2 years old
Gordon ft Son, first, $10; a D.
Nairn, Amity, Bocoml, $6; Adam
; llunv. Salem, third. $S.50.
Either sex. one year old Felix
Comegys, Amity, first. $S; Gorduu
ft. Son, Dundee, second, $4; Adam
Rums, Salem, third, $3.
Either sux, coltThomas Trlco,
first, $C; J. F. Allison, Amity, sec
ond, $3, E. Nolsou, Turner, third,
$1 GO.
Best team Boedlghuliner ft Ynnn
ko, Salem, first, $1G: Gordon ft Sou,
Dmuleo, second, $10; Fred Spires,
Albany, third, $5.
ltomlMcr, Trotter nml Racers,
Maro or goldlug "Mabel Wyann"
F, Kf, Alloy, Rouoburg, first, $10;
also "Angelina," second, $5; "Roy,"
O. W, Todd. Portland, third, $2,60
Best, watched team F. E. Alley,
Woseburg, first. $20; also second,
$10; Win. L. Skipton, Salem, third,
Jacks nnd Jennies.
Jack, four years old nnd over
"Blnrnoy," Hocken & Son, Walla
Walla, Wash,, first, $1C; also "Mort
gage Lifter," second, $10; and "Bob
Gwynn," third, $5.
Jack, 3 years old "Gallerado,"
Campbell & Swigert, Portland, first,
$10; also, "Soberllo," second, $G.
Maro colt "Hal Paxlon," Mrs. O.
F. Pnxton, Portland, first, $10; also
"Hal," Bccond, $C.
Best Irnlnod Colllo dog or blte,h
shown at work with sheep on
grounds Edwin L. Naylor, first;
Craig Bros., Bocond.
Bonr, 2 yoars and over "Western.
Stnr," H. A. Clark, Salem, first, $1C.
Bonr, ono year and under "Bar
on Burkls Prldo," F. A. Kosor, Rlck
reall, first, $12; "Lad of Oregon,"
II. A. Clark, Salem, Becond, $C;
"Bnron Illghden III," third, $3.
Bonr, six months and under ono
year "Emperor II," F. A. Koser,
Salem, flrBt, $10; "Glen Mac," Mc
Connoll Bros., Shedd, second, $C.
Boar, under six months "Oregon
Mac," McConnell Bros., Shedd, flrBt,
$8; "Emperor III." F. A. Kosor,
RIokronll, second, $4; "Emperor
IV," third, $2.
Sow, 2 yeara nnd ovor "Emprcsa
III," F. A. Kosor, flrBt, $1G; also
"Empress," socond, $8; "Golden
Girl," McConnoll Bros., Shedd,
third, $4.
Sow, ono year and undor two
"Golden Topsy," McConnncll Bros.,
Shedd, first, $12; nlso "Violet Mac
II," second, $C.
Sow, six months nnd undor ono
yenr "Quoen'B Fnvorlto II," Mc
Connoll Bros., Shedd, first, $10;
"Empross XVII," F. A. Koaor, Rick-
real, second, $G; nlso, "Empress
XVIII," third, $2. CO.
Sow, under six months "Empress
XXIII," F. A. Kosor, Rlckronll, first,
$8; also "EmproBB XXIV," second,
$1; "Llfo Queen," McConnoll Bros.,
Shedd, third, $2.
Best hord, ono yenr old and ovor
McConnoll Bros., Shedd, first,
$2. GO
Best hord, undor ono yenr Mc
Conuol Bros., Shedd, first $12. CO;
nlso second, $9.
Best four swlno, ono yenr and
ovor, bred by exhibitor McConnell
Bros., Shedd, first, $12.
Best 11 vo swine, get of ono slro,
under ono yenr, brod by exhibitor
First, $10; socond, $G.
Best fivo pigs product of ono sow,
under bIx months F. A. Koser,
Rlckronll, first, $10;
Bros., Shedd, second, $G; nlso, third,
Poland China.
Bonr, two years old and ovor
"Brunk'B Tlo," W. F. Crawford,
Shedd, first, $1C.
Bonr, one yenr and under two
"Sunny Jim." W. F. Crawford,
Shedd, first, $12; "Jolly," Thomas
Drunk, Snlom, second, $G; "John
HAmsock," W. II. Hulburt, Albany,
third, $3.
Bonrd, six months nnd undor ono
yenr "Oregon Moddlor," J. C. Kel
ler, Waterloo, first, $10; "Orogon
Special," W. F. Crnwford, second.
$T; "Brunk'a Impudence," T. W.
Brunk, Salem, third, $2. CO.
Boar, undor six months J, O
Keller, Waterloo, first, $S; "Drunk's
I," second, $4; nlso "Bruuk's II."
third, $2. ,
Sow, two years old and over
"Necklaco," T. W. Brunk, Salem,
first. $lf: also ."Blacolot." second,
$S; and Drunk's Florottn," third, $4.
Sow, ono year bid and undor two
"Sweet Peas." T. W. Brunk, first.
$12; also, "Lilac," socond, $0;
"MUb Btmuty." W. V. Crawford,
Shudd, third. $3.
Sow, six mouths and undor ono
yenr "Bruuk's May Belle." T. W.
Brunk, Snlom, first, $10; "Sis," J.
C. Kollor, Waterloo, socond, $5;
"Lndy Beauty." W. F. Crawford,
third. $2. SO.
Sow. under six months "Poach,"
T. W. Brunk, Salem, first, $S; also
third. $2: J. C. Kellor, socond, $1.
Herd, under one year old T. W.
Brunk. Salem, firht. $12.50; W. F.
Crawford. Shedd. second. $0; J. C.
Kelloj-, Waterloo, third, $4. B0.
Best four Bwlne, on yenr old and
over, brod by axhlbltor T. W.
Brunk. Snlom, first, $12: W. F.
Crawford, Shqdd. second, $C.
Host five 8wlne. tho get of ono
slro undor one yenr, bred by ox
hlbltor T. W. Brunk, Snlem, first.
$10; J. O. Keller, Waterloo, second,
$5: W. F. Crawford, Shedd, third,
B8t five plge under six month,
brod by oxhlbltor T. W. Brunk,
Snlqm, first, $10; J. C. Keller, Wat
erloo, second. $5; W. F. Crawford,
Shedd, third, $3.60.
Chester White.
Boar, two yoars old aud ovor -Wasco,"
B. Schoel, Albany, first,
A Lazy Liver
May bo only a tlrod liver, or & starred
liver. It would bo a stupid as well tu
savago thing to beat a weary or starved
man because ho lagged In his work. So
In treating tho lagging, torpid liver It is
a great mlstako to lash it with stronq
drastic drug. A torpid liver Is but an
Indication of an Ill-nourlshcd, cnfcoblcd
body whoso organs nro weary with over
work. Start with tho stomach and allied
organs of digestion and nutrition. Put
them In working order and seo how
quickly your liver will becomo active.
Dr. Plcrco'fl Golden Medical Dlscovory
has mndo many marvelous cures of "liver
troublo" by Its wonderful control of tho
organs of digestion and nutrition. It re
stores tho normal activity of tho stomach,
Increases tho secretions of tho blood-mak
ing glands, cleanses tho system from pri
sonous accumulations, and so rcllovcs tho
liver of tho burdens Imposed upon it by
the defection of other organs.
If you liavo blttcror bad taste In tlto morn
biff, poororfflablo appetite, coated tonpue,
foul breath, constipated or Irrcirular bowela
feci weak, easily tired. Ocspondcnt, frequent
beadachesipaln rtr (list rciin "small of uacl-
pnawlne or dlsm.5el thence In Btomach,
pcrbap nausea.NilwJNfrWSr "risings" u
throat after eatlne, and klnorAl symptoms
Of weak stomach and torpid llvJ no Will
cine will rollero you more promptly or :7?
yminv.rr- m ft,Drt.'nUytian Doctor I'lnn (!
OoldPti Mptllral DUcovrry. i'crhaps only
a part of tbe aboru syiuptoiuj will bo present
at ono tlms and yet point to torpid llreror
blllounncM and weak stomach. Avoid all
hot broad nnl biscuits, tnltidlo cal.es and
other lndlifi"4tlnlo foo-l and take iho"OoI(u-r,
Medical Ulscovt ry " rtk'ulurl v and stick to lu
uso until you are vlsorou and htronir.
Tho "Dlrovery" Is non-secret, non-alco
holli:. Is a ulycurlc extract of native medlcl
nal roots with a full list of Its ineredlou's
printed on each bottle-wrapper and attested
under oath. Its Ingredients art' endorsed
and extolled by the most eminent medical
writers of the aeo and aro recommended to
euro tho diseases for which It Is advised.
Don't accept a substitute of unknown
composition for this non-socrot iiEDianj
of luiowtf oourosiTiosr.
Wc Are Going Out of the Fur-
nishing Business
H. Bateman,
$1C; "Sovege," N.
Shedd, second, $8.
Boar, one year old, undor two
"Bun," N. II. Bntoman, Shedd, first,
$12; "Mcndowvalo Prince," E. O.
Eoff, Snlom, second, $G.
Bonr, bIx months old and undor
one yenr "Dandy," N. II. .Bnteman,
Snlom, first shr sh sh shrdl ETAOC
Shedd, first, 10; "Rex," E. School,
Albany, second, $C; "Orlando," E.
O. Eoff, Salem, third, $2. GO.
Boar, undor six months "Oregon
Chief," E. O. Eoff, Salem, first, $8;
N. II. Batomnn, Shedd, second, 4;
"Bill Nye," E. Schoel, Albany, third
Sow, two years and ovor "Benu
ty," E. School, Albany, first $1C;
also "Rlvorsldo Queen," second, $8;
"Blancho," N. II. Bntoman, Shedd,
third, $4.
Sow ,ono yenr nnd undor two
"May," N. II. Batoman, Shedd, first,
$12; "Orovotn," E. O. Eoff, Salem,
second, $6; "Prlmroso," E. School,
Albany, third, $3.
Sow, six months nnd under one
McConnoll I yenr- 'Mlnnloj' N. II. Bntoman,
Shedd, third, $2.G0 "Dottlo Dimple,"
E. School, Albany, socond $G; "Baby
Ruth," 13. O. Eoff, Salem, first, $10.
Sow, undor six months "Dolly,"
E. O. Eoff, Salem, flrBt, $8; also
"Daisy," third, $2; "Bordlo," E.
School, Albany, socond, $4.
Herd, over ono vonr old E.
Schoel, Afbany, first $12. CO; N. II.
Bntosmnn, Shedd, socond, $9.
Hord, undor ono yenr old E. O.
Eoff, Salem, first, $12. GO; E. School,
Albany, second, $!.
Best four swlno brod by oxhlbltor
E. School, first, $12.
Best five swlno bred by exhibitor
E. O. Eoff, Salem, first, $10; E.
School, second, $G.
Host fivo pJgs bred by oxhlbltor
E. Schoel, Albnny, first; E. O.
E. School, Albany, first, $10; 13.
O. Eoff, Snlom, Bocond, $C.
Durock Jersey,
Bonr, two yonra old and ovor
(Contlnuod on pngo sevon.)
Notwithstanding what friends or foes may tell
you to the contrary, we think we know our in
tentions fully as well as any one and are not
here to advertise a bonafied closing out sale
and not close out.
So once for all let it be understood thoroughly
that there will be no let up on our part to con
vert our stock into cash as rapidly as possible.
Anyone who is at all familiar with the former
crowded condition of our rooms and basement
will readily see to what extent we have emptied
We have two D. Z. Household Treasures to
close out at $3.45. These Treasures have two
flour bins, two drawers and two kneading
boards, are well constructed and finished.
The House Furnishing Company!
1 77 Liberty Street
. j32eresf i irrason
Fancy Card Writing
White House Restaurant
For n Regular
1 25c Dinner at 20c $
They can't bo bent
McGilchrist & Son
Put thoso good resolutions that
you made on January 1st Into effect
at onco by replacing your old plumb
ing with tho nowost Ideas In sanitary
open plumbing, nnd you will bo rid
of tbo annoynnco of leaking pipes
and flooded floors, as well as doctor's
bllld. Wo will furnish estimates for
plumbing, gas fitting and satisfaction
is guaranteed as to workmanship and
838 SUte Street
Phono 185.
Spocial prices fpr ono month.
Ono dozon, 2G cents.
Two dozon, 40 cents.
Thrco dozen, CO conts.
100 cards, different designs, $1.25.
Sco samples and lenvo ordors at
Pomoroy Jowolry store, on Stat
) wa
Call and try them
2 16c. Board per week $2.75, S
also lurnunod rooms rery
Gold Dtist Flour
': M... b7 M 8romrf row.'
EK COMPANY, Bidnoy, Oregoi.
Made for family ua. Ask your
grocer for it. Braa and starts
always on hand.
P. B. Wallace
Can bo obtnlnod from our prlmt
tender and Julc7 beef, mutton or
pork. All our meats aro selected
from' tho cholcost, and prepared for
tho tablo to suit tho demandi of tb
fastidious. Our prices are lower lot
quality than you can find at w
place in Salem,
Phono 201. 370 BWW w.
Hotel St. Philip
Fourth nnd Fifth niul Rurnslde
Streets, Portlnnil, Oregon.
New fireproof European Hotel.
Steam heat. Modern conveniences.
Rates $1.00 per day and up. Union
depot car will land you at the door.
H. M. PIERCE, Prop.
liO C T. Co.
Send the Family
Washing To Us
and you'll novar bother with having
It dono at homo again. Time wai
wheu every family could not afford
to send tho washing to a laundry,
but tlmos have changed so, too,
baTO tho methods and prices. Today
you can better afford to send tae
family washing hero than not to
Ask about our prices on family w ask
ing, rough dry, or finished.
The Salem
Steam Laundry
Pkcmo 9. 1-1 W 0. Liberty M.
Superior Restaurant
183 IliKh Street, Upstairs.
First-class In all appointments, A
placo for ladtos and gentlemen to get
all kinds of Chinese dishes and the
famous LI Iluug Chung Chop Suey
and Yakama.
R. ft Baker
Successor to Whey Sen Yow Co., Prop
A. A. BURTON. Prop.
Brick always on band, In car lota
or otherwise. Pressed brick mado
to order. Yard ou State street, sbutto
of peaUtootlary. -7-1-tf.
For water service apply at office.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
It is worth store than aay otkec
bread, yet tke prlee is bo higher.
For sale at your groeer'a.
TJumaa ft Celey. Prea.
We can supply you w,u.?V'm
ber you need nt the pnc '""'
materially economize in i"
Just come and seo us ana iyv
our yards.
GOODALE Li;""" --
Yard Nearer-
91 h.a n SV-X. -" ,v. I
Sotd fa 5aem by to$J!
Rocky Mountain i Tea y
.A n,fi neti oi
U form. 85 emu M
WlK&""9x?S ''k '"
lYmMBUMmim i