f- WA BVJWy- V . J-U t W MK MM !. DAILV 0tPfTT, JOritNAIfc MM,Ht. fifpoov TUESDAY, SKPTKMIlEIt 21, 1007. i ft 'HOFER BROS., Pawners and Proprietors K. HOFER, Editor. A, P. JIOFEU. Manager. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOIL PROGRESS, DEVELOPAIENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADBD LABOR. GOOD THE ROADS. r So many, many roads Ho traced Whoro wandororfl mny stray , Roads twining, weaving, Interlaced, Roads Borrowfut and gay. Running through country sldo .and town Thoy climb tho mountain steep Through storied realms of far renown Unceasingly they creep. Whon sllvor moonlight floods tho night O hark! across tho sa Those roads, tho wanderer's delights, Are calling you and me. Singing their .challongo sweot and clear, For wandororfl to roam; But nil at onco, I only hear Tho road that leads nto homo. Allco Corey, In tho October Everybody's. o '. PARTY ISSUES IN 1008. In a published Intorvlow devoted chlofly to a discussion of political 'fiBBUOS in tho approaching campaign in hi s own stato, Congressman 7Fwlor of tho fifth Now Jersey district advances six Boparato nnd distinct "4iijggCfltIons as to what pledges th0 Republican party over thero Bhould mako. Thoy (IIhcIobo a vory clear undorstnndlng of tho situation and a closo "knowledge of what tho people aro talking about and thinking about, "tlicso days. In two particulars especially his declarations will provoke a much -wider lntorut .than that of Now Jora0y, for thoy havo a vory gonornl slg nincanco and may bo given a vory br0na application. FIRST, TO THE EXTREMELY CLOSE CONNECTION AT PRESENT 'UKTWI2ICN WHAT MAY WITH PROPRIETY RE DESCRIBED AS POL- TX1CS PURE AND SIMPLE AND "BUSINESS POLITICS" FOR LACK -OF A BETTER TERM Congressman Fowler Bays that never boforo In ho history of this republic hna thero boon such a universal nwakonlng with rogard to, the ethics of buBlnoB8) moro especially corpornto busi ness, as Micro Is today. "Which IsArlctly true, of course nim tho rccdlt for this "awakening" cannot bo placod with any political party; It had another origin. Noxt, wo nro told, tho olecorato Includos throo classes of voters ono- llilrd Htalwart Democrats, ono thlr,i stnlwart Republicans and ono thlrd indopondont votors, tho bnliinco of power nnd thoso latter "al wayB Btand ready to lonvo tho party moorings of a lifetime, nnd ca9t .tholr lot with tho oppoHlng party, If thoy bollovo Its pollcloB will bettor Borvo tho welfare of tho stato or nation." Tho fact, again. And, now, as t() t10 connection between tho popu lar awakening on tho ethics of busln0Ha and litis balanco-of-powor vote our Now JorBoy congrosH sayB: SO KEEN TODAY IS THE EAR Op THE PUBLIC, SO POSITIVE IS ITS CONVICTION AND SO PRONOUNCED IH ITS DETERMINATION THAT THE PARTY WHICH HOPES TO SECURE THE SUPPORT OF THIS GREAT MIDDLE THIRD Op oUlt VOTERS, WHICH IS TiARGER THIS VEAR THAN USUAL, MUST RESPOND CLEARLY AND UNEOUIVOCA1-LV TO TIIKIu INSISTENT DEMANDS. But HiippoHo both partlos ropon, tilU8 c0arly and unequivocally to tho pooplo'H domund with roforonro to corporato-biiBlnesB ethics nnd almost unuuontlonnbly thoy will what thon? Can either tho Democratic or th0 Republican party mako enough cnpltnl out of tho groat mottlou Jf govornmont control nnd rogulutlop t)f tho railroad find othor corporation IiiihIuohb to discredit Its opponout on that point nnd capturo tho Independent Voto? 'it most certainly does not nppwir H0 nt tho momont. Indeed, In tho sharp competition tor mooting tho pooplo's "Inslslont UomandH" It Ih oiwlly concolvnblo tht ono or the other party must go ontlroly too far In Its platform promuos nnd pledge bo too rndloal and drastic and thin antagonize that v0jy indopondent-conHorvatlve voto for which It had baited Itn hook. It I next to lmiOMlhli to lumiclo bualnowi ethic m an iwnio betweon "tin two grant political partio In IflOjj, It mint be some othor Itwuo tlit V capture tho Indopondont voto If 11ml In nwodwl by either party for carrying the olootlon. Finally, speaking directly .for th Kopuhllcnna of New Jorsoy In tliln Instance, Congressman Fowlor coiiu.it bluuelf and would commit his parly to tho olectlou of Unltod Stat8 nonator by popular voto whon ho JiayH: "The Hopubllcan party should pUdgo itutr to tho popular olootlon of United SlatOH senators n roform nynny adopted by olghtoon states of tho republic A Roiiublioan Uvlfo U a county which seldom gooi "Republican has as much right to a voice In tho election of a Unltod StatoH Homttor na a Republican roltUK n a county yhtuli seldom go03 Democratic." This U plainly a recommendation for nullifying or for completely changing tho lottor and tho spirit of tho constitution of tho United atat'H, which Instrument makes th0 lowor branch of congroas to bo composed of tho direct representatives of tho pooplo and tho upper branch to bo composed of tho direct representatives of tho states In their sovereign capacity, and to mako both branches strictly "popular representatives" would require an nmomlutont to tho constitution, of courso; tho olghtoon Htaton referred to havo merely provldod for get ting nt an expression of tho.pooplo'B preferences for United StntOB sena tors In one way or another for tho guidance of tho legislature or tho -spool llo directing of It In lttt choice, Tho Idea of the frnmors of tho fuminmontal law was that the legisla ture Ih the better uuulltlod to oxpro8H tho will of the state ns to who shall roprowont It as u sovereign Btato In tho federal legislature. If bolh congressmen and senators uro to be chosen by popular voto, wo may as well amend the constitution so as to cousolldato both brandies of congress into ono big "popular" body with no state repre sentation at all -and who wants tbnt? Furthor more, tho people of tho countloa already havo an almo'st !!--red vole In naming United Stales senators through their votoa which create the deglulature -the body that Kivos direct oxprosslon to tho state's choice. Flimlly, sentiment la favor of the direct popular olootlon of United gluten senator, whore It exists at -ill, u not conllued to nnv ono party. As an "leeuo" It has little or nothing In it. What Would You Do If three good physicians should pronounce your case hopeless. If they should decide that' you could not live longer than six weeks. And if you should get well, after us ing only $12.00 worth of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and Nervine, what would you advise a friend in like con dition to do? "I havo to thank you for navlnir my wlfo'8 llfo two yint ago. We had continued with the doctor until the third doctor. Ilk tho two previous onoa, aald that nothing could do dona for her; that she had Detter be taken homo from the hospital to quietly wait hr tlmo. which would not be over 8 week at tho most. I brought her homo, and thon I thought probably Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and Ncrvlno might help her, bo I got a bottle of cadi and soma Noire and Liver Pills and commonced to ktvo thorn to ber. Wo soon seen nn Improvement, and encouraged by this wo contln'iM (fir ing tho medicine Wo gav hor eleren bottles In nil of tho modlctne. She takes It occasionally now If stao feels tho need. I am In tho ministry, utul havo been for 44 years." REV. P. miiLIOAN, Gonda Springs, Kans. Dr. Mile' Hoart Cure It sold by your druaolit, who will guarantee that the first bottlo will benefit. If It falls ha will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind 'elsewhere than in state aided schools. Reports from school trustees and superintendents In other states In dicates a serious shortage of school teachers, although salaries are good and living conditions attractive. Tho Ave normal schools of Cali fornia havo placed al their gradu ates and aro ontlroly unablo to meet tho demand. TJIK SHORTAGE IX THE TEACHING FOHCE OF OREGON OUTSIDE THE CITIES AND TOWNS, HAS BEEN GROWING FOR THE PAST THREE OR FOUR YEARS. Not only aro teachers scarco for tho country schools, but tho figures published In Washington would scorn to show an Impending shortage In the supply of city pedagogues as woll. Teachers' salaries avo been vory largely Increased throughout tho Btato, but notwithstanding this fact Reform of tho Normal Schools. In splto of tho mad determination of tho govornor nnd n few other enemies of education to cIobo the Drain formal, tho school opened Mondny with n much larger enroll ment than was expected, and with vory bright prospects for n success ful year's work. Tho stato board of regonts ro-olccted tho fnculty of tho school, as formerly announced In this paper, undor tho nblo direction of Pros. A..L. Brlggs. Tho Income, which mndo It posBlblo for tho school to opon, amounts to $0200. Of this, $1200 Is by donations, $5000 Is from school taxes, nnd nn unknown sum from tuition. Drain Nonparlol. Tho ubovo desorves some coni mont, becauso IT MIS-RKPHESEXTS THE ATTITUDE OF THE WHOLE NORMAL SCHOOL HOARD. Tho now stato law creating ono board for all four normal schools, nnd forbidding that board to Incur nny Indobtodnoss whntovor, aUjlrto It Itnposslblo to opon tho Drain or Monmouth schools on nny othor basis than that tho communltlos back of thorn should assumo all i Ilnanclal responsibility and NOT COME UPON THE NEXT LEGISLA TURE WITH A LOT OF UNPAID III U.S. Tho result of this policy Is going to be to foro all tho normal schools upon a business basis, make them more nearly solf-sustalnlng and give thorn a standing boforo tho pooplo thoy havo never boforo en- Joyod. Tho wholo subject of proper prop nratlon of toachers for tho public schools Is TOO SEHIOUS TO HE THEATED FROM A POLITICAL STANDPOINT. It must command tho patriotic nnd wholo-heartcd support of educated men nnd worn on to nrrlvo at any practical solu tion, Tho new stato normnl school board has out out all local and political consideration In tho management of tho stnto normal echool problom. Thoy hnvo tried to carry out tho Bplrlt of tho law without crippling tho Bourcos from which must come tho teacher with even tho slightest preparation for public school work. Thoy also roallzo that GOOD TEACHEHS ARE PREPARED tho numbor of toachers Booms to bo dwindling. Tho minimum salaries In all Pacific coast cities havo beon Increased In Bums ranging from flvo to fifteen dollars a month. In tho rural schools of California 1 vory genoral advance has been mado from salaries of sixty to seventy dol lars a month to from seventy to elghty-flvo. Tho rural teacher finds moro at tractions and fewer drawbacks about hor work than characterize similar employment In tho cast. Tho charm ing cllmat", tho opulonco of sur rounding nnturc, and tho freedom of tho western llfo, ALL COMBINE TO LEND ATTRACTIVENESS TO THE WORK. Tho stato normal school board In vites tho co-oporntlon of thch best citizenship of Oregon to help boIvo tho problom, how to got largo sup ply of bettor equipped public school teachers, becauso that Is tho great est educational problem boforo tho pcoplo of every stato In tho-northwest. To this end wo must utilize our high schools nnd colleges an! unlvorsltlos. o Tho Limit of Life. Tho most cmlnont medical scien tists nro unanimous in tho conclu sion that tho gonornlly accopted limi tation of human llfo 'Is many .yoara bolow tho attainment posslblo with tho ndvancod knowledgo of which tho rnco Is now possessed. Tho cri tical porlod, that determines Its dura tion, scorns to bo between GO and GO; tho propor caro of tho body during this deendo cannot bo too strongly urged; cnrelossness thon being fatal to logovlty. Naturo's best holpor aft or GO Ib Electric Bittors, tho scien tific tonlo medtclno that rovltallzon ovory organ of tho body. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, druggist. 60c Carried by Medical Missionaries to All Parts of the World In China, in the Philippines, on the East Coast of Africa, in every part of the world, medical missionaries have employed this sterling remedy for years in fighting and conquering disease. DR. D. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT hfl9 been successful for 77 years in relieving and vjugns, -ums, jsruncnius, vroup, wnooping Cough 1 mauun 01 uic j-unga or wncsc, jricunsy, Asthma and ( of a similar nature. In many thousands of homes throughout the Ua remedy for these ailments. -f It is sold by all druggists in three size bottles, t ouu unu ju W Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge Is a gentle and effective tonic ht i tnu emiaren alike. It is tno safest and most celebrated Worm Cntek Cliniubi'rlalu'a Cough RtMiiedy One of tho IWvst on the Market. "For many years Chamborlaln's Cough Romedy has constantly galnod 1n favor and popularity until It la now one of tho moat ataplo medicines In uso and has an onormous sale. It 1 Intended especially for acute throat and lung disease, such as cough, -cold nnd croup, nnd can always bo depended upon, a la pleasant and rafo to tako and is undoubtedly the 'ujflf Ih flirt ninrlrnt fnn !. ...m.... - .. - (vi tuu i'uii'waia Acute Rliciimndsni. Doop tonrlug or wronchlng pains, occasioned by getting wet through; worso when at roat, or on first mov ing tho limbs and lu cold or damp woather, Is cured quickly Ivy Bal lard's Snow Llulmont, Oscar Oleson Gibson City, III., writos, Fob. 16, '02. "A year ago I was troubled with a pain lu my back. It Boon got so bad I could not beud over. One bottlo of Ballard's 8aow Llulmont cured mo." Sold by D. J. Try, REFUSE SUBSTITUTES OR TMT. rorvlilch It Is Intended. Sold at Dr.JTATIONS--GET WHAT YOU ASK aiouo'a drug store. I FOR. DO YOU WANT A HOME ? Two dollars a wok doposltod In our Savings Dopnrtmont will buy a homo costing over $1200 in 10 ycar3. Four dollars a week for five years will do tho same. Tako our advlso and try it. Savings Department Capital National Bank His Mistake. "Tho neighbors complnln that you aro maintaining a nulsanco." "I wish you'd sponk to my wlfo about It; It's hor fnult." "It's hor dog, thou?" "Oh, It's tho dog you'vo como about, r thought It was my mother-In-lnw." Houston Post. o- . Tho old romedloa nro the host. Hickory Bark Cough Remedy has boon In uso for over ono hundrod yonra by tho old Dutch Dunkards of Pennsylvania, and is atlll In uso by all tho old famlllos of Westorn Ponn ped from tho eaBt, and mauufactured sylvanln. Is absolutely pure; mads from tho bnrk of the whlto or shell bark hickory treo. Tho bark Is ship In Salem, Oro., For salo by all deal era ovorywhoro. Poor Henry. "Henry, do I look llko you when i navo your nnt on?" "I don't know, M'rla; why?" "I wore your hat out In tho yard today and mother told mo It mado me look llko a fool." Houston Post. Announcement To my patrons and tho public That I havo added a Horso Shoeing department wltha flrit-ci horso Bhoor, and tho patronngo of any nnd all will h annt, In this lino. Special nttontlon paid to Interfering, over-reit! nnd lamo horses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wo pay special ii: tlon to building trucks, express and delivery wncons, and all hides. A flrst-dasB pnlnt shop nnd an thorough painter for hides. Palnta. oils, vnrnlshos and lubrlcntlnc niu nf ill v- Wagons, buggies and hacks, also farm lmplotncnta of all ! plows, harrows, cultivators. Agonts for tho Era bolleraajjj glnos, Nicholas & Shophord traction engines, sawmill ury nnu gnsouno engines, it will indoed pay you 8 to us If you need any of theso lines. Coma h see us, whothor you buy or not. Communications by mailprcs Iy answered. GEO. B. JACOB Corner Front and Pine stroo:a, North Salem. Phone Mala llll USK SELF RISING B. B. B. Flout For Boston Brown Bread, GrldcUo Cakes, Mufllns nnd Plom ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO.. INC.. SAN Jose. CtL &m& Sho Found Relief. If you nro troubled with liver com plaint nnd havo not received help road this. Mrs. Mary B. Hammond, Moody, Texas. "I was In poor health with llvor troublo for over a year Doctors did mo no good and I tried Iforblne, and throo bottle cured mo. I can't say too much for Herblne, as It Is a wonderful liver medlclno. I alwaya havo It In tho house. Pub lish whero you wish." Sold by D. J. Fry. At tho InU'lllgenoo Olllce. "I want n plain cook." "Well you'll find plenty here. This ain't no boauty show." Balti more Amorlcan. Hnd Tetter for Thirty Years. I havo suffered with tetter for 30 years and havo tried almost countlesa remedies with little, If any relief. Throo boxoa of Chamberlain's Salva cured mo. It was a torture. It breaks out a little sometimes, but nothing to what It used to do. D. If. Beach, Midland City, Ala. Cham berlain's Salvo Is for sale at Dr. Stone's drug atore. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Tlmo Cnrtl No. '18 Effective Juno 10. Toward Portland -Passenger. No. 165:23 n. m., Oregon Ex press. No. 18 8;40 a. in., Cottage Oroya Passenger, No. 124:45 p. m., Shasta Ex press. No. 149:28 p. m Portland Ex- ptess. Toward Portland Freight. No. 222 10:6 r. xa depart 11:38 a. m., Portland Fast Freight. iso. 23610:40 a. m., departs 11:38 a, m., Way Freight. Toward San Francisco Passenger No. 1111:03 a. m., Shasta Ex press. No. 17 C:42 p.m., Cottage Grove Passenger. No. IB D:56 p. m., California Ex press. No. 131:31 a. m., San Francis co Express. Toward San Francisco Freight. No. 2212:33 a. m., San Fran cisco Fast Freight. No. 22511:55 a. m., arrives 11:25. CORVALLIS & EASTERN TIME TABLE NO 3- Trains from and to ftq No. 1 Leaves Yoqulna i Arrives at Corralll j Arrival of AlhaDV .U;'l No. 2 Leaves Albany li'n Loavos Corvallls '3 Arrives; at Yaqulna :'l Trains to aHd froa i K'n 3 r.ovni Alhnnv ' l Arrives at Detroit ""j Mn 1 I 1'lH T.aafAi nnfrrtlf ......... ' Arrives at Albany ' 1 Trains for Corral T.I Salem Fence WorkslAriSAtV:::""'11 No. S ueures fliuu ....-- . Arrives at Corralll ... " . 4 A io. iu ,,, , . H .! Leaves aiumu; , j Arrives at Corvallls ..' TJi No. 6 weaves aiuuj , jj Arrives at Corvallls ... Trains for Alr- No. 5 t , Leaves Corvallls lf Arrives at Albany No. 9 , II Headquarters for Wovea vTlre Fenclag, Netting, Pickets, Gates. Shingles. P & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doori and Adjustlble Window Screens All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, 0r No' 7""" ,n. ... m Leaves Corvallls fJ,j Arrives at Aioan ..-- No. 11 (sunaaj v-v. illlt Leaves Corvallls ,j, .-i- r Albany " Arms" - .1.1. No. 12 (Sunday onVJ Leaves Albany ;" j:Hj ...i .f rflrTallU ' . All"" . . .Uaa -, ...tiar IBIJJll,'" or lul'; vxns Utu. ... I Gea. Vst a- 3ammitmTm3-ir -BKWfSrWfffS IIMUIIMIIMM imvitmttm