Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 24, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 210.
until Lets
m LMiiiii
iuv' '
if Circumstantial Evidence
Mt About Covington--
Ss landlady "Mrs. Coving-
. - . . r -ri.t- n
leevuicirrom inis un
4 Sept. 24. Link by link a
'rf evidence which may drag
Icorington to the gallows Is
fcrjed by the Scattlo police.
iBorllson, n friend of Covlng-
i ilio Implicated. IJoth in n
am, and tho pollco of 100
le been notified to bo on tho
fcf the two men. It lins boon
itti that tho murder won
2d it the Keswick house, In
i There, In a cheap room of
sjlotel, the young and pretty,
i2l Mn. Agnes Truo Mc
i Corlnrton was overnoivared
bugled. Sunk Jeep Into tho
Hih Of her throat, thn Iron
it her murderer, BnulTed out I
or lire. Tnen tlio trunl:
wed. clothlnc secured, tho
terledly Jammed Into this en-
vujine grisly load taken to
rior, loaded with rocks nnd
i imo the gray wntors of
feud. The murderer or
thoueht tho cvldnnrn nt
fOSld gink in thn Rlltnn I
.. -.. I .
uots only to tho (ish nnd
He lea. A IMU'nrftil m,,i
?the gruesome burden
met, and tossod It upon
ilk be fOlmd llV nnntiUnt
fthit Wnpponsteln nnd Do-
IIMj Tfnnnnt i nn
ty apprehension of Cov-
BlHoriEnn "Tin ...
i,r " WWII UIU.
.1-1 Dave a trond Htnrt nn,l
Ihl. .!-.. ". . M "1 I
mi limn." Kni.i Ti.i.ni
tlCtlBtntlll nilf nrnmlnLl
n. '. v I'luiiwilUllf
in anraer wn nnnimiiin.i ..
tskk house. Second, Coving
Wred severe beatings to
&W Charles Durllson was
iKM'?.0 nKht8' Thr(1'
W h.e crimo ,8 08tab
7e statement of C. D.
ay, Covington tried to
wife to accent thn ntn.
irdoYw Sixth' th0' wo
Sri Ptrmb,er lst- when
orB,i,n CovlnBtn'8 room,
X nrnfl ady' wont to
Se-PtSles nd' , Thoro w8
"ce then Covington camo
ftftV1' trou
t &J '"W: "You must
Must, Stand Trlnl.
Snn Frnnclsco, Sept. 24. The
state supremo court Info yesterday
rendered a decision upholding the
validity of tho so-cnllcd Ollvnn irmmi
Jury. On this decision depended
the f&to of tho Indictments found
subsequent to March last.
Tho attack waB made on the grand
Jury by William M. Abbott, of the
United Railways: Frank n. rim
John Martin and Eugene DeSnbla, of
me oan i ruiicisco uas company, and
other defendants to test the vnlldity
of the indictments rhnrtrinn- timm
with bribery. They contend thnt in
February InBt tho names for a new
grnnd Jury wero drawn and that,
whllo the Olivor Jury hod not been
discharged, its powers lapsed with
tho first step taken to Impanel Its
successor1. ,
Justlco McFarlnnd filed a dissent
ing opinion.
Contract for Paving Court Street
Sued Evans Again.
Los Angoles, Soptl 24. J. Why to
Evans, ox-president of Tho United
Rnllways of Portland, has returned
to Los Angeles from Portlnnd. Co
incident with his coming suit wis
filed against him In tho superior
court hero for tho rocovnrv nt nir.
Tho plaintiff Is John McLean, tho
uhhjkiiug or mo cinnns or four per
sons who hold Evans' notes. This
Is tho second suit brought ngninst
Evans Binco ho had Dr. J. S. Owens
arrested on n charge of attempted
extortion, and t!ho third now ponding
against him.
Produce Statement Signed By Hency's
Star Witness In Which He Asserts
He Never Received a Dollar of
United Railroads' Money
snld $4000 was the best ho could
"I asked him what kind of a busi
ness he was doing, nnd ho said 1
could take It or leave it, as I saw
fit. Lonegran then testified that
Qallacher hnnrind him n oi.,
after the passage? of the ordinnnco
containing $1500. Ho objected to
tho amount, and Gallagher gave him
3500 more. Later he Becured an
other $2000.
San Francisco, Sept. 24. Todny
tho 8eSSiOIl Of Iho trlfit nt Tlrnv T.
Ford, former attorney-general nnd
counsel for tho United Rnllroads,
charged with tho bribery of super
visors to socuro votes in favor of tho
ovorhead trolloy franchise, was full
of sensational Incidents. It closed
Runted to Death.
Roseburg, Or., Sopt. 24. -James
Sheffield, an old pioneer, over 80
years of nee. wna lmrnori t ,ioni.
after being overcome by heat on his
place flvo mlleB north of horo yes
terday afternoon by a fire of 1tls own
sotting. Sheffield started to burn a
stubble field, and tho flro sproad to
a straw stack, where ho 'foil.
' o
Wu Ting FmiR Again.
Pckln, China, Sept. 24. Wu
Ting Fang has been appointed to his
old position, minister nt Washing
ton. Official announcement was
made today.
' o .
Plorco ResigiiH.
San Francisco, Sopt. 24.-i-W. E.
Plerco, local mnnngor of tho Pnclfic
Coast Stenmshlii Comnnnv. lmn r.
signed. He will leave tho comnnnv
October 1st, to engage In prlvnto
Tacomn, Sopt. 24. The steamer
LaConnor burned to the wnter's
edgo this morning in tho harbor from
a flro which originated from an un
known source. Tho vessel was tied
io tno Albers Bros. Milling Com
pany's dock, and wns loaded with
hny nnd oil. Nothing wob saved.
Tho vessol was cut looso from tho
dock to save tho mill. It drifted
down tllO Chniinnl nnd ntnnnnil nnnr
a log boom. The cook was tho only
person nboard, and ho was rescued
with difllculty. Tho vessol. was owned
by tho Star Steamship Company,
and wns valued at $22,000 and hor
cargo nt $2500.
we killed Vt;' "qw on
&iin; M tho wontnn oven
iittQk t'J aroardoor.
lA. I ecmuureo0d ?lrl
fdmii, I"' .- P to har
W. tu "- ""
-J. ",v
up to har
i Hen Tvtinn
Covington is
f. Wvn
inauu lB ;,-,;
rth II,. ,a.s "orse
WaSefc ect of the
8arSScoiPJant of
' tJR Z K daf
,w'r a nhvi . besan fa'l
ipot on nf the, doc,''. A
'-tor to 5ii,,
M.: 24.D
itniie hl,had a large
? aSSLb'0J? him Sat-
Contralla, Wash., Sopt. 24. Two
Japaneso wero sent to tho county Jnll
this morning in Chohalls for threat
ening the life of a foromnn of tho
Eastern Railway & Lumber Com
pany. Tho Japs bolleved tho fore
man owed them monoy, nnd on his
rofusnl to mnko immediate payment
nttneked him with axos and knives.
vmgmmmmmm- mm I
And Thresh Over Old Straw About
tho Concrete Bridge, Street Pav.
Ing and Graft-Order Contract Let
for Paving Court Street
has no use whatever of the ontlro In
vestment. Whether tho structuro
will stand a single flood of high
water Is a question.
Boforo adjourning tho brldgo
committoo was authorized to rcplanlc
tho bridge on South Winter street,
and report on plans and cxpenso of
building a new brldgo on South
Commercial street, over Mill creek.
Xojr on Trial for Conspiring to Dcfrnuil tlm Rovurninoiit.
Chicago. Sent. 24. Tho Chlcnco
& Alton wns givon its immunity bath
tnis morning in the announcement
by Judgo Landis that no prosecution
would bo undortaken.
Tho court ordorod President Mof
fat, of the Standard Oil Company,
of Indiana, to explain tho statement
made In a pamphlet that "for 15
years other shippers have shipped
ROOds OUt: Of thn Inrrltnrv linrim- tha
same conditions as thoso under which
uie aianaard was fined." Landis
then instructed tho grand jury to
Indict such KlllnnnrH If Wnttnii'a
statement is true.
"USd Jla? aroused
iT u S JS?3" about
,,TASd!?t00'1 that it
Wlta. iff? Su!day clos.
- -wor to minors.
An Alaskan Earthquake.
Juneau, Sept. 24. A slight earth
quake shock was felt at 4 o'clock
this morning at both Juneau and
Skagway, Sept. 24. A second and
rnoro serious earthquake shock was
felt at 6 o'clock this morning, which
roused the inhabitants, but did no
damage The Davidson glacier haa
moved forwnrrt ni a rjvanlt- nt ihn
I shake.
with a victory for tho dofonso. Su
pervisor Thos. Lonogran, In w'hoso
name tho Indlctmont runs, foil down
on the stand, and failed to dovolop
tho testimony which Hcnoy oxpootod
Tho defense sprung a surprise whon
thov nrodurod n Rtntemfint. ttlirnot tiv
Lonegran, Jn which ho statod that
ho had neven recelvod nny monoy
from tho United Railroads. Lono
gran made tho statomont soveral
weeks ago, supposedly to a magazlno
editor. The production of tho pa
per created consternation nmonir
tho attornoys for tho prosocutlon,
and Henoy fought fiercely against Its
admission, but was overruled by
Judgo Lawler. Lonogran thon told
his story. Several of the Jurors took
deep interest in his testimony nnd
cross-examined Lonegran nt length.
When tho defense concluded Its
cross-examination of Lonogran,
Henoy whirled upon him fiercely
and in a sizzling re-direct examina
tion gavo Lonegran tho most miser
able morning of his life. When tho
broken spirited ex-suporvisor stop-
no I ilnwn frnm li otan1 Via mnr.
mured: "Trapped, trapped again."
Lonegran testified that "Bis Jim"
nnttncrtint nml T7nl1rnnrl Pnmmlaslnn
er Wilson, then cupervisor, spoke to
him about passing tho ovorhead fran
chise, No money was mentioned,
but later ho was told thero was
$8000 In It for hlra. Later Wilson
Boise, Ilnho Sopt. 24. Tho jury
who will try United States Sonntor
Borah for conspiracy to defraud tho
government of its tlmbor lands, was
comploted this mornlnir. Thoy are:
J. C. Miller, J. E. Yates, T. B. Cess,
who was foroman of tho Haywood
Jury; O. C. Cox, T. W. Wandall, C.
P. Hllderbath, Poter Nell, E. 8.
Cushman, J. S. D. Manvllle, T. P.
Daniels, A. Beck and A. C. Boot.
No Place for Chinks.
Kingston, Jamaica, Sept. 24.
Tho Island Is split on tho quostlon of
Chinese exclusion. Tho Chlnoso nro
alleged to be responsible for tho
sproad of gambling, and tho Kings
ton city council has adopted a reso
lution calling on tho city govern
ment to amend tho alien immigra
tion law, so as to give a legal basis
to tho planned attempt to exclude
an undesirable persons.
The city council was in session
for titreo bourn Mniulnv nttrh nn.i
ndjourned for a week, nt which 'tlmo
ino cnnrier amonamentH nro to bo
taken up nud ratified by tho city
Tho Wnrron Construction Com
pany's bid for tho Improvement of
Court BtrCOt wna nnnnnln.1 n.1,1 -
- iib,vi.i.u i.. i, ui-
uereti signed by tho mnyor and city
Court Street Paving.
Oosnor and Hans brought in n
majority ropdrt of tho special com
mlttee, of which Mr. Go3iior Is chnir
nion, to hold up tho contract until
nn ngreomont could bo reached with
tho General Electric Company ns to
how It would do Its part of tho
Mr. Stoltz brought In a minority
roport to accept tho contract, with
two slight chnnges, to protoct tho
property ewners:
1st Tp utlllzo tho gravel now on
the Street na n milirrrwln ltion.i f
.allowing, tho contractors' to ubo nn
iiiiHiiuwn qunnuty or crushed rock
for tho Bubgrnde at tho oxponso of
tho city nnd proporty owners. Ho
showed thnt the contrnct would al
low tho contractors in limit ntt tn
mntorinl now on tho street nnd hoII
i it.
2d Thnt tho city reservo tho
right, under this contrnct, if it Ib not
carried out according to tho spoclfl
cntions nnd to the satisfaction of
thO CUV nnd Mm nrnnnrtir mi.nx... ..
revoke tho State stroot contrnct.
Aftfit ttlmi.ln.l .11 .. .. .
"nui u.luiii.il'ii ri iHmiHHifiri riin
council rejected both reports, and on
motion of Mr. Stolz, the cltv offi
cials woro ordorod to outer into a
contrnct for pnvlng Court stroot,
nnd thnt Ib bolng dono today.
Tho council extended, by resolu
tion, tho tlmo during which tho
iiomo Toiepnono uompnny mny op
orato its lines in this city to 30 duys.
Mr. Gesnor mndo wholesale charges
of fraud and corruption In tho man
ner of securing tho Home tolephono
franchise and. nrcnrdlnir tn tiia
statements, tho last city council, tin-
tiur wio nuntiuiairniion of Mayor
wiuors, wns, not exnctly a model of
wlfdom nnd virtue. Ho ent n rpunin. I
uon rotorred to tho city attorney, In
structing him to bring suit 'for tho
collection of tho $5000 bond ghvn
by tho Home Compnny, on tho
ground of violation of its chnrtor, In
not Installing an oxchnngo nt Salem.
Mr. Stockton mndo a motion thot
will bring about n suit to tost tho
validity of tho sidewalk lion.
count1 1 jiriugo Krmiris.
The Stolz resolution rhnrL-liii.'
frauds In tho construction of the
comont concroto brldgo on North
Commorclnl streot, which wns
ndop'tod by tho lnt sasslon of the
council, wns brought up, and n com
munication rend from District At
torney McNnry, of tho firm of Mo
Nary Bros., who aro attorneys for
the contractor, in which he offers to
swear in nny doputy which tho city
may seloct to conduct tho cxnmlnn-
Hecondod tho nppolntmont of George
u. Diuguam, mn, as tnis apparently
camo from tho bridge commltteo, of
which Gesnor Is chairman, Mr. Ges
nor withdrew nnd suggested thnt Mr.
Stolz rocommond tho nppolntmont of
a compotent nttornoy to conduct tho
Investigation boforo tho grand Jury,
and Mr. Stolz Is canvnsslng the ninN
ter today with Salem Inwyors to find
n man who will cro to thn bottnm nt
the nasty moss.
Apparently CVImlnnl Ncgllgeuco.
In tho running firo of dobato on
this mattor soma iil-Iv fnrta tmvn
shown tholr faces, which will not bo
easy to smooth over. Gosaor and
Stousloff, In tho former council, both
cnua gran nnu rratia last December,
On tho faco of tho contracts, tho
prlco for building tho brldgo was
raised from $5500 to $7500, nnd In
tho end, with tho approaches, has
cost tho city about $12,000, In order
to givo tho street car lino a crossing
thero eight foot wldo, with bnroly
room for a vehicle of any kind to get
over. Thnrn wnn nnnnrnnllv crimin
al negllgenco somowhoro, as tho city
San Frnnclsco, Sopt. 24. That
tho Japanese question hns not boon
settled, but Is moroly In Its Inraucy
Ib tho bollef of a largo numbor of
naval officers who hnvd arrlvod at
San Francisco with tho ndvanco
guard of tho fleet that Ib to bo mo
bilized In Pacific waters. According
to these authorities, tho fleot lias
been ordered to tho Pacific not so
much as a warning to Japan for hor
past notions nH for a floating pro
test for hor contemplated solzuro of
China. In fact theso naval men In
terpret thnt prosonce of tho fleet on
tlllS SidG Of tllft onntlnnnl no n ...,.
- - ....... ..I. .... .1 iiii'a"
nttgo to Japan clenrly Bnylng: "Thou
smut nor Btonl Chlnn."
Significant FartH.
Thoso authorities bring forward a
number of Interesting facts to sup
port tholr contention, in the first
place thoy point out that a treaty
existed hotween tho United Statofl
and Coren which was tho ncarost
thing to an alllanco that tho Unltod
Stntos hns ovor undortnkon. This
treaty under a posslblo construction
nlodged tho Amorlcnn government to
protoct Coren against Just nuch a
coup ns Japan has carried to a buc
eesqful conclusion. It is statod that
Immediately aftor tho Portsmouth
troaty was signed, in which, by tho
wny, Japan guaranteed tho indopond
pnee of Corea, tho Islnnd omplro
hiiBlod horflolf tying tho lmnds of nlV
tho big Europeiyi poworn by mcflttst
or trcntloa and alliances. Tho Unit-'
Cd States crovornmnnt wn ). nni..
big power, with tho oxcoptlon of
Gormnny, not Included In this nr
rangement. Tho alliance with Grout
Drltnln naturally mndo a closo un
derstanding with Germany out ofr
tho question, nnd tho traditions o f
Amoricn'fl fnrnlcrn nntlnv f.l..,i.
uuyuung npproacning nn nlllnnco.
From Gormnny thoro wns nothing to
fenr. It theroforo devolved upon tho
Jnpanoflo htntoBmen to doal with tho
United Stales before taking full pos
session of Ccien
J.iiuimV Cunning Intrtgiio.
Tho r.PVal nl'Arura nlmvn nrn.,,i
Hi .R,v.? " aB tlivlr opinion that tho
Ill-feoIIng Btlrrcd up hotween tho
unltod Stntos and Japan wns tho
Sr.k C tho JnPancHo government.
JVliIlo Japan wns bollgorontly pro
?B.t.l,"B nBn,8t tho nttltudo of tho
CallfornlnnB toward tho Jnpaneso, It
WnS (lolnir llOtlllrif mnrn tint. Inoo
cording to th enuthorltlcH cited, than
"! 'wiiuriuu ni ft (iiHinuco Wltll
one hand whllo with tho othor It was
choking tho llfo out of Coron. Not
so much as a protest was raised In
his country, whllo a strict construc
tion of tho tronty with Coren cnllcd
8K sJllS. ,nt0rrrn"C0 "o
TIlftlH Hrmifrhf 'I'l...... i..
Port Townsond, Sopt. 24.' Tho
rovonuo cutter Thotls arrived this
moriMiiK with 240 of tho crow nnd
pnssongora of tho wracked John
Currlor. from Bristol Hay, Alnskn,
whero thoy hnd boon strandod for
almout a month.
-o , .
Secretary Went Iiihiiiik.
Uylllnghnm, Wash., Sopt. 24A.
E. Fowler, fnrtnurlu mnin... .i...
.. ............ nuwiuti.1 ir Ul illU
Japanesa-Koronn Exclusion Lsngiio.
wa noinralttod to the asylum thlB
Jury Viewed (lit Grounds.
Pendleton, Sojit. 24. Tho Jury In
th" Rhonlmiis murder case roturnod
today from a vUIt to tho Blue Moun
tains, whero the murdor took placo.
ArBuntonta aro bolng made this afternoon.
Car Shortago Jn Wawlilngton.
Olympla. Sept. 24. Commission
era Falrchild and .Tmn-H nt tim rnii.
way commission, hold an Inquiry at
Tacoma Saturday In regard to tho
threatened car shortago In Washington.
Dr. J. P. COOK
I ftu
? m
bbbHbMbIbbsMa. "'" Utt ai J-ZHB'ym!il$r ' P" Jflftg -V"'mmTt'mwi m j,r Jihi tm Mwi-yssa.ifc'i iJMiyi nm &.