Mr Wr V K i J I I m I f DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1007. t HOFER BROS., PMh Proprietors H. IIOFER, Editor. A. P. HOFER. Manager. TUB JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOOD GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADHD LAHOR. "7. . . SALEM THE AGRICULTURAL CENTER. Tho atato fair has again set forth the morlts of this clt'y a3 an agri cultural center, whero tho great musses of the farming population can como nnd onjoy themselves. Our wldo streets, our magnificent distances, our state Institutions and 'grounds, our public buildings and business houses, and our magnificent Xalr grounds and oqulptnonts, WON UNIVERSAL ADMIRATION. Tho greatest sight in tho world Ib to bohold ten or twenty thousand "mon, women and children, all well dressed, happy-and prosperous, nil Troo and enjoying thomsolvcs, all producers and exponents of free Insti tutions. Tho army and tho navy nro great. Our national and stato govern ments nro great but a contented, Industrious, sobor, mornl, and vlrtuoiH cltlzonshIp is greater. IT IS THE GREATEST THING ON EARTH. Thoso who talk of removing tho stato fair to Portland do not reallza flint tho property of tho farmors and stock breeders and fruit growers 1b "back of all the wealth and growth of tho big cities. "With hotter transportation facilities and growth of tho Btato, tho at tendant at tho stato fair WILL DOUBLE NEXT YEAR. Salem miiBt havo bettor transportation facilities, more rooms, bettor atreotB, and hotter accommodatlona for tho people at tho fair and In ttio city. T1 '- I ' "Noxt year tho principal business flBtroets SHOULD HE DECORATED AND STRUNG WITH ELECTRIC LIGHTS AT NIGHT. A bureau must bo organlzod to aocuro lodgings in prlvnto housoa lurlng tho fair. Thoro will bo a thousand nutomobilcB attending tho fair noxt year and a first class modern hotel with gnrago room . on a largo scale "WIGHT HE CONSTRUCTED AT ONCE. Tho boulevard lending to tho fair grounds must bo Improved and an Tauto-drlvowny Bhould bo built for tho oxcluslvo uso during tho fair of ranchlncs, with a sidewalk, blcyclo Path and Hhndo trees on each sido. Tho Capital City must nwakon to Ita opportunities to mnko this tho Huntrnl resldonco and ontortalnmont city of tho state. Lot all who can nrenllzo tho opportunities for city building bore open their throttlo. '. o THE LATE HON. FRANK DAVEY. WAS MR. DAVEY LYING AS A CANDIDATE OR WAS HE A LIAR IN THE LEGISLATURE? . . ... Mr. Davoy as a candidate promised to abolish all perpetual franchises. The legislature ho organized by means of tho organized lDerests did not do It. . .,... DID MR. DAVEV LIE TO THE PEOPLE OF OREGON AS A CANDI- DATE, OR AS SPEAKER? , , , With his record In the legislature and as a politician can tho people afford to believe anything that Mr. Davoy shall toll them In tho future nbout public men and matters? . wmmniiwwiiwniwiitiniiii After tho oxcltomont of tho stnto fair is over, Tho Capital Journal Is obliged to tnko up n llttlo spaco discussing tho nbovo gontloman. Ills porsonnl affairs or his personal history or dofects do not concern anyone, HUT HIS WORK AS A REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN DOES. Ho has had Job nftor Job at tho public crib. In fact It has boon hla .principal Hourco of subslstcnco for tho pnst twonty yenrs. Ills latent achievement wait as spoakor of tho houso of representatives AVIIICH HE CONCLUDED BY GETTING A JOB FOR HIMSELF AT $10 PER DAY, TO REVISE THE RECORDS OF THE LEGISLATURE OF WHICH RE WAS A PRESIDING GENIUS. In a Into edition of his nowspnpor In Hnrnoy county ho dovotos n pago to tho personal nbuso of tho editor of Tho Capital Journal. Only oiio Domocrntic nowspnpor Iiob paid any attention to Mr. Davoy's criticisms nnd wo take plcasuro In copying tho sumo for our renders: (Albany Democrat, Sopt. 18.) Editor Frank Davoy, of tho IJuniB N'owa, ox-Bponkor of tho houso, Is 'Rotting back on Editor Ilofor, of Tho Salem Journal, in a very red hot, -nlzzllug manner, of which tho following nro snmples: "Col. Ilofer hits (ho imputation of being piircliiiNenhlo on any sldo of ' question, etc." "Financially Interested In every graft, that lias been worked on state, eounty or rlty." "Tho Democrats purcliiiNcd Hofor's Niipport with coin In 1002 for Chamberlain, a further cementing, of tho traitorous alliances being f. footed yheu, tho governor appointed llofer a recent- of tho uoriiial Hehools." "Hnfer lias grafted every Male ollleer who could bo frightened or ca joled for (ho hin( 17 years." "He lias (he audacity of (he devil and publicly proclaims himself tho cliaiiiploii of purity and tho people's Interests." i "Ho Is mi nssamln of character e.vrept when lie Is paid to (latter." "Poll! leal mountebank, innate, small smiled Jealousies, etc." lnvoy wuh hum Iter of tho last legislature prolmblj tho worst tho utato ovr had, and unJoubtoilly llvot in a glass houso, which tho colonel htiH n big opportunity to fdinttor, and probably will. Mr. Duvy was omployed on Tim Capital Journnl for a number of yoars, and for many yoara applaudod tho work of this paper. Whon Tho Capital Journal attacked tho corrupt gang that wan plundering tho stato school laud oiiiee, anil Ouo. W. Davla whb provon n dofaultor for $30,000 and lied tho atato Dnvoy said Col. Hofor wns all right. WAS DAVI5Y RIGHT 'VllKS, OR IS HE LYING NOW? Whoa Tho Capital Journal fought tho Bchool book truBt to a stand still, and Mr. Davoy was mndo iocrotary of tho toxtbook commission, ho was loud In his praUo of what Col. Hofor had accomplished In whip Ping u corrupt concern out of tho atato. WAS HE RIGHT THEN, OR IS UK LYING NOW? When door was governor Davoy and IiIb family had favors nt his hands, and It Is a well-known fae that nil tho C1oor nppolntecs nnl tho Institutions undor his control, and Geer hlinsolf, woro not support ing Furnish, but woro applauding Tho Capital Journal for supporting Chamberlain. Marlon county gavo tho" Republican tlukot 1200 to 1500 Republican majority, hut gavo Chamborlaln about threo hundred plu rality. HOFER WAS ALL RIGHT THEN, HUT IS "PURCHASED" NOW. Mr. Davoy nlwnys Yoforu to Gov. Chomborlaln ns a demagog and bad tnnn gonorally. If Republicans profor a demagog to tho Republi can uumliioo In n county llko Marlon, WHERE THE I.OCALOIACHINK WAS DOMINATED BY DAVKY, WHO IS TO BLAME? In 190a tho Republican party was divided, tho Independent clomont mipportlng tho Domocratlo nominee. Hofor Drothora Informed candi date Chamborlaln that thoy IntWlod to support him regardless of whother ho or his campaign commlttoos spout any monoy advortlsln.; In this paper or not. During Governor Chnmborlnln's second campaign Tho Capital Jour nal Hupportod hU opponont, and rofusod to Bell spaco to tho Democratic commllUwineu. Tho Sultmi Statesman, of which Mr. Davoy wim odltor. nlso apiiONtd Chamborlaln BIT SOLD SPACE IN Til EOENTER OF ITS FltONT PAGK TO CHAMBKRLAlX'S MAXAGKRS TO COUNTER- .ill what run: I'AI'UU SAID HDITOU1LLV FOR THE RKPUBLI CAN CANDIDATE. Mr. Duroy boasts that lis rocelvod 000 moro votos In tho Marlon county primary of 1900 for reprowntntlvo than Col. Hofor did. Tha Is truo. but Col. Hofor was running on n reform platform, nuulo no combinations, rwfusod all nlllaacoa, DID NOT QUALIFY HIS APPROV AL OF STATEMENT NO. 1, WHILE DAVKY DID. To peoplo who op posud Statomont No. 1, he said "to b II with Statomuut No. 1." Ills campaign was one of open barefaced deception of tho voter from be ginning to end. AND TIIK RESULT PROVED THIS. So long na tho odltor of this paper Is not guilty of tho outrages com uilttod on tho peoplo in tho namo of Republicanism that Mr. Davoy has licon guilty of ho will uot tako tho trouble to dofoud himself. Being a porpetual taxoator, reprosontlng tho taxoaters, not being n taxpayer. Mr. Davey wont into tho loglslaturo nnd organized It ON EXACTLY TIIK OPPOSITK LINKS FROM WHAT COL. HOFER WOULD HAVK DONE. Jt thoro woro any reforms that Mr. Davey did not promise tho poopl Uhoy will not readily recall thoru. Tho legislature was not exactly a reform body, Tho legislature was opposed In every respect. Smiles by the Colonel. Oregon might bo ov-n worso oft than under Harrlman'B policy of non-doVelopment. Ho has so far uot pulled up any tracks. Secretary Welch, of the Oregon stato fair, has two offers to go else whoro at increased salaries. Ho that la faithful In small things shall sit at tho feet pf kings. But tho Ore gon stato fair Is no longer a small thing. No longer mention the Salem hog. Tho hog that took tho state fair prlzo waB eight feet long, weighed 1200 pounds, and came from Mllwaukle. a Write It down nnd toll It far and near that tho greatest horso oviT shown on tho Pacific coast, tho grand champion horso, wns bred, sired and damned nnd roared In Marlon coun ty. Noxt year thoro will bo 1000 auto cars at the stato fair, If tho manu facturers can furnish them. Ono of tho Democratic congress men from Oklahoma 1b a brother of Sonator Fulton, of Oregon. It may bo n good thing for Oregon to bo In touch with n Democratic houso. Having secured a creamery, Wood burn today takos tho first step to ward securing u cannery. The Junc tion city Is n splendid placo to plant nny Industry that needs transporta tion facilities for its success. a N. M. Newport, editor of tho Lob- anon Crltorlon, who stnrtcd as a re porter on tills paper, "h at Boiling hnm, defending R. F. Walker, Indict ed for tho murder of his wife. Sonjo men grow great from n very humblo start.' As spokesman of tho gang, Hon. Frank Davoy has n groat future. But that kind of Ropubllcnnlsm lan guishes thoso days, from Now York to CallfornJa. Somo of It Is be hind tho bars and moro of It Is in hiding. o Rheumatism Is ono of tho constitutional diseases. It manifests Itself In local aches and palns. Inflamcd Joints and stiff muscles, but it cannot bo cured by local applications. It requires constitutional treatment, nnd tho best Is a course of tho great blood puri fying and tonic medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla which neutralizes tho acidity ot the blood and builds up tho whole system. In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. 10,000 REALTY TONIGHT. Sweet Sixteen Chorus, Catchy Music and Beautiful Costumes. f Tho "Swoot Sixteen" chorus of dnnclng girls with tho Lewis & Lake Muslcnl Comedy Co., which appears at the Grand Opera Houso tonight, presents a dazzling plcturo of youth nnd beauty. Carefully solected and trained by Mr. Lewis, they havo boon thoroughly trained. Thoy form an artistic sotting for tho rippling comedy brought out by tho comedl nns of tho company. They will present tho miiBlcnl com ody "A $10,000 Beauty," described as a musical mixture, full of lato songs and dances, In nlopathic doses of laughing medicine. Ono dose, so tho management Btntes, will make u mlBanthropo look plcnsanl, or a hypochondriac say ho never felt bottor in his llfo. Tho Seattjo Times of rocont date says: "A $10,000 Beauty" Is tho attraction' at tho Lyric theatro this wcok. There Is senrcoly any plot to It. It fades away in a lot of dances and funny BtiylngB by tho comedians. Miss Marjory Lalfo, who has a make up In tho first act only, that was enough to cause unrest In the souls of tho funny men, promises to bo como a big favorite. She has nimble fe'ot nnd hor voice Is Just right for the songs sho sings." o IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW RACYCLEi $50.00 I Othe Bicycles $25 and Wc do nepawmg as it sh ld be done. All classes of e pains. Rims, tfces etc. re placed on snort notice : . 1 Best Wok at Honest hi I Frank J Mooji BiiiiMiitiwwiiiiniinuMmiinninmniM SAYS HE IS NOT JEALOUS.. Slgnor Do Caprlo Feels Ho Has Been Misrepresented in Regard to Musical Union. What u Heap of Happiness It Would Bring to Salem 1 Ionics. of mlsory nt tho cause sick Havo You Piles? ur. MMinnnrdt'a iiom-Kold is nn intornnl Remedy that ontlroly re movos tho cnuso of I'llos, nnd cures to stay cured any enso no mnttor how long standing. If you havo Plies nnd Dr. Lcon hardt's Ifoin-Rold will uot euro you. you got your monoy bnck. A thousand dollar gunrantoo goos with ovory bottlo of Hom-Rold sold. If you want a porfoct and porma noht euro, ask for Dr. Leonhnrdt'a Hom-Rold, tho guaranteed Romody. All drugglat9, $1.00. or Dr. Lcon hardt Co., Niagara Falls. N. Y Pro' prletora. Sold by Dr. S. C. Stone, Salem. o This Is a Roast. Portland, Sept. 21. Snmuol Blytho and tho Saturday Evening Post camo In for a sovoro roasting at a meeting of tho Enst Sldo Im provement Club, ono of tho city's largest organizations, becnuso of tho recent nrtldo on Portland In that papor. "Tho artlclo Is a direct ln Biilt," doclnrod Presldont McKennn, "and disgusting." o The old Pennsylvania Dutch Dun- nml tuo kidneys wero rondored nor kard rocommondB "Hickory Bark al. My hoalth became better In Cough Remedy." Guaranteed to cure ovory way." your cough, and guaranteed to bo I Fr 8''o by all doalors. Prlco 50 pure. Mado from tho bark of tho coins, Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Bholl bark or white hickory tree. Now York, solo agents for tho Uni ted states, Romembor tho namo Doans and i tako no other. o- . Tived by n Bear, Grovor Lewis, Llgo Fltzwntar and Vorno Duncan, throo Lebanon men, woro recently trood by n boar, whllu hunting above Borlln, tho last man up losing the log of his pants and a shoe. Thoy woro kont in the troo Hard to do. housework with nn aching bnck. Brings you hours lolsuro or at work. If womon only know thnt Backache pains comos from kidneys. 'Twould snvo much noodlosa woo. Donn's Kldnoy Pills euro sick kid noys. Salem peoplo ondorso this: Mra. Mary Baumgardncr, of -121 Wator St., Salem, Oro., Bays: "1 havo round Doan'a Kldnoy Pills a romedy thnt la worthy of nil confl denco nnd am pleased to ondorso thorn so that other sufforors from kidney complnlnt mny know how to get relief. I procured Donn's Kld noy Pills at Dr. Stone's drug store and sovoral mombors of our family havo used thorn with tho most grati fying rosults. It took thorn mysolf for a tlrod aching back and a drag ging down fooling thnt comos from Irregular and deranged kldnoys. Tho results woro of tho best. Tho aching and soronoss was banlsho.l For sale by dealers everywhere. DO YOU WANT A HOME ? Two dollars a wook doposlted in our Savings Dopartmont will buy a homo coating over $1200 in 10 years. Four dollars a weak for flvo years will do tho same. Tako our advlso and try it. Savings Department Capital National Bank SIgnor Do Caprlo, tho woll-known bnnd director of Portland, who filled nn engagement ns ' bnrltono soloist nt tho stnto fair with Mc Elroy's Military Band, Is qulto In dignant over tho report which has boon given out that he, through Jealousy, wns tho Instigator ot tho misunderstanding botwoon Profes sor McElroy and tho Portland mu sical union, and wishes to mnko tho following Btntement: "In tho first placo, nB you know," said ho, "I am n mombor of tho Portland musician's union, and last year was awarded tho contract to furnish n band for tho fair hold In Pendleton. I filled the ongngomout to tho entlro satisfaction of tho mnn ngomont, using nothing but union men, at Portland prices. During tho pnst year tho Portland union rnlsod tho prlco for tho services of Its members to $G per day, which ac tion I wns not responsible for. This year I made a bid for tho Pendleton fair, stating that tho union had ralsod Its prlcos, and I would hav to govorn my bid accordingly. Mr. MoEIroy nlso bid on tho Job, nnd was awardod tho contrnct. Sovoral of my friends askod tho causo for tho union roqutrlng that tho union prices bo paid In tho Salem and Pendleton ongngemonts, nnd ha boon glvon tho impression that, through Jealousy. I Influenced tho musical union to hold Mr. McElroy up on tho engagements. A musical union Is organlzod for tho purposo of obtaining n systomnttc scalo of prices, nnd to promoto a hlghor atnndnrd of music, and in order to protect Rb mombors tho laws ot tho organization must bo enforced. In tho prosont case tho matter camo up In tho regular form, whon it was loarnod that soma of our mombori had been engaged to play at Salem and In Pendleton. As for my being jealous, tho fact that I came to Sa eom and playod undor Mr. McElroy would dlsprovo that. No, I am not Jealous, and had Mr. McElroy made his bid according to the union scalo thoro would hnvo boen no trouble. As for mysol(, I hnvo re Bolvod that I will not fill an engage ment again, without It bo as a spe cially engaged soloist or as director of my own band, but I havo not mado this decision because I am jeal ous of any musician." o Tho Reason Vhr "Goal!" yelled half of .v J players, as they emerged frJ perato scrlmmago on the i "Oflsldol" "Foull" "xJ thrflUPll" tvnrn Ih. -I I .. ,,, luu MKQr05,j of tho opposing team, m rororco wns surrounded br footballers; but ho rehieii his decision. Thoy dragged him from i oi mo noiu to tho other. Hi ed at his throat, and lecld to desist, but they contls with their excited shouti. "No goal!" shouted tkt ers. Tho rofrrco holdoutHslJ nu Buuincu ns u no vouia i;l no sound came from his 1I;I besoiged him again, Ills 1 ed n purply rod and his j out, but ho spnko not. "What Is It?" shonteJ tl era In chorus, as they tried s tho answer out ot him. "Sh-hut up"' he manual mor out, nftor another 1-1 tompt. "I I'vo mllotl whlstlo!" o- $100 Reward, $100.1 Tho renders of tbls psjwj ploasod to learn that ther &" ono drend'd disease that Ki been ablo to euro In all IU i'i that Is ca'nrrh. Hall's Cih-1 ! tho only positive cureto to tho medical fraternltr to tho medical fraternltr. ft'J Ing a constitutional dlsea,i a constitutional treatment Catarrh Curo la taken Inters ing directly upon the blood i coub surfnees of tho syatea. dostroylng tho foundation el oaso. and giving the patient ( bv building up the coatM nsslsstlng nature In doles M Tim nronrletors hare io b In ita curatlvo powers tbittfc Ono Hundred Dollars for i.o it fniia to cure. 8J" nf testimonials. AddresiF. noy & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold bv drUKBlstS. lit. Tnko Hall's Family PUU I slipatlon. Tho Limit of Life. Tho most eminent medical sclen- in tho rain all night, whon tho boar " r? nnn,m0U3. ,n tho conclu- doparted, and thoy found tholr camp after a consldorablo huut. Albany Herald. Clmmberlaln's Cough Remedy Ono of tho Bost ou tho Market. For many years Chamberlain's Cough Romedy has constantly gained in favor and popularity until It ia now ono of the most staple medicines In use and has an enormous sale. It U intonded especially for acute throat and lung disease, such as coughs, colds and croup, aud can always be depended upon, n is pleasant and sate to take and is undoubtedly the beat In tho market for the purposes for which it Is Intended. Sold at Dr. Stoao's drug store. 8lon that tho generally accepted liml tatlon of human llfo Is many years below tho attainment posslblo with tho advanced knowledge of which tho raco Is now possessed. Tho cri tical period, that determines its dura tion, seems to be between 50 and 60; tho proper care of the body during this decade cannot bo too strongly urged; carelessness then being fatal to logovity. Nature's best helper aft er 50 Is Electric Bitters, the scien tific tonic medicine that revitalizes every organ of the body. Guaranteed by J. O. Perry, druggist. 60c o Stl , WffuUn TORIA. HKidtHfatiftWgH ,. ant , Wo can crow " -' , ,vfl a right W- which always S - results Is worthy ( p TRYASACKT: And not bow fr HI easily it works up. - ,j hrd and bow flaky ? F, Worth a trial, isn't " O. K. STORK- A. A. Pre TireUtk stmt, " (&$&& .-tM.v y r:"Tsr"sna!r5HSjs 1 !7i)"iMiriii3l