TUESDAY INCREASING CLOUDINESS AND COOLER. AlLY CAPITAL JOURNAL. zzz:- HAT.rar hRKsnV. MONDAY. SKl'THMiiun 't miiT. NO. 218. BALBM, ORBfitONi MONDAY, SEPTEMBER il!lt 1007. xnt t ITTEN BY A GILA MONS m&A, Disowned, Murdered, Fate of Girl of 17 " T" . .....1 I I I .-...,. ... . f f MnmiMtnrs i.mvatips. BIY tffS MGOMBS 0 TO A RAKE M By Her Parents. Murdered f Body Packed in a iruim I tilth Rocks Is last inio 5 ot Pugct Sound Sept. 23. Married lnat ipltst the wishes or nor pa jjowncd by hor relatives, BWCerea, uur vuu iu.nv ilk Telgatcd with tocks aim i ia:o the waters of Puget Is the fate of Agues Mc ia Jmndsomo 17-year-old trrtnk Covington. Tho pros itimita of her husband, li impeded, Is unknown. kniht he recently ion ior ne bodv of tho Klrl was m it tho morgue by Robert kb. iho said tho inurdorcu t!i niece. Her crandmoth- littles and an aunt llvo nt e'er War, Senttlo, and her Ik it present on a prospecting trip In Oknnognn county, Washing ton- . . , , , Tho body of tho girl wbb found yesterday morning In tho trunk by Stephen Andorson, nt Fnuntloroy bench. Investigation of the trunk revealed tho nude body of the girl, her clothing tucked about her and covered with rocks. Tho weight was not BUfllclent to Blnk it. Covington Is a Bon of J. B. Covington, a grain dealer of St. Paul, Minnesota, nnd is nlleged to bo the black sheep of a highly rcspectablo family ot that city. Tho girl lived in Seattle sev eral years prior to her marriage to Covington. Tho dead girl's uncle, Robert ItoblnBon, Is engineer for tho Pnclflc Coast Syrup Co., of Seattle. "I always know Covington was bad, said Mr. Robinson this morning, "and objected to tho marriage. Acr that event Agnes wasnt recognized by us. Hor entlro fnmlly opp.osed tho mntch." A letter of Covington's has boon found addressed to hiB sis ter, Edith, in which ho said ho con templated taking a trip to Alaska soon. Tho pollco aro working on tho tho- nn Mmf" 1i"rnnlr Covlncton is Ktlllty, but detectives aro unable- to find out whero tho crime was accorapiisneu. It haB been discovered that Coving ton and hio wlfo ofton quarreled. It Is thought tho couple wero complng when tho tragedy occurred. Slnco Covington's marriage ho worked for tho J. J. Kolly liquor Iioubo. After his marrlago h is saia 10 nave uuuh struck on tho head with n flnt-lron ono day by his wlfo, and allowed an ugly cut to hiB frionds. . o Chicago Markets. Chicago, Sopt. 23. Wheat $1.00 1.06. corn 58, oats 53 r REFUSE SUBSTITUTES OR IMI TATIONSGET WHAT YOU ASK FOR. COLLIER GOES ASHORE OFF GRAY'S HARBOR Norwegian Iron Steamship Tcllus. Misted by Drifting Buoy. Strikes on North Spit and Goes to Pieces 4,000 Tons of Coal Lost tm wmsm PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE all Opening SW IT-TO-DATL' GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT AND OB V0U WILL FIND HARD TO HEAT. TTC VAIUBTY IS SO GREAT AND THE PRICES SO REASON MIHAT IT MAKES CHOOSING EASY. DO YOUR TRADING UBrS GREATEST BARGAIN GIVER. oq Sale Ontlne Fiftnnol? ilnrlr ! "jit colora, special price, -Itfc J Coods in all the now bq Weaves. KnnMnl Md .in. 'Ctoju ' Salts 7 'i Coats '&ott CotsU t&au $1.50 54-Inch Droadcloth in all tho now shades. Special price, yard 03c Hoqulnm, WnBli., Sopt. 22. Tho Nonveglnn steam r Tollus coal-ladon from Nanalmo for Portland, which went nshoro on tho North Spit at tho entrance to Grays Harbor yesterday foronoon, broko In two at 7 o'clock liln mnrnlnir ntnl. wIMt hnr cn.r'EO. will bo a jotal loss. Tho Bteamor la now rast going 10 pieces, tho strnnded vessel rested easily up to tnliliiltrlif . wlinn n hnnvv rwoII be gan pounding torrlllcnlly. Shortly aftorwards sho began leaking, and tho engines Bhlftcd ovor a foot. At 0 oclock this morning water was pouring Into tho onglno room nnd sovon foot of wntor was in tho hold. At 7 o'clock, with a report llko. a cannon, tho etool Bteamor broko in two at No. 2 hatch. Crow In Rescued. rriirnn inn ton. thron nnclnoors and tho steward, who remained on tho wreck woro taken ore by tno tug uuu ahy, which Btood by during tho night. Captain llorg, with a force of about 30 longBhoromon, arrived at tho wreck about 9 o'clock this morning', but, aeolng thoro was no liopo of saving tho vessol or any part of hor cargo, roturnod to Hoqulnm with his crow. Tho tug Travolor, with Second Mate Nelson, of tho Tollus, is Btnnd ing by tho wreck. Captain Borg bo llovoa the ToIIub will go to pieces on tiroly within a few days. Tho Tol lus carried nearly 4000 tons of coal, valuod at $20,000, for tho Indopond ont Coal and Ico Company, of Pott land. Steamer and Cargo Insured. Tho cargo and tho ahlp woro both Insured. Tho crow will bo paid off and sont to their homes tomorrow. Captain Borg will employ a legal representative tomorrow to look af tor tho Insurance. Sho is brenklng up rapidly, and apparently will not lost long, , o GELKHRATHD BIRTHDAY. King bf Slam Blows Himself for a I Quarter of u Million. Hortiburg, Germany, Sept. 23. King Chulalongkorn, of Slam, Satur day invited all Homburg to join in celebrating his birthday. Cham pagne and red and whlto wines of other descriptions woro served nt KurhatiB without limit, It being ar ranged by the minister that each unman wlin until n trl flint ton nlinulil become temporarily a member of tlin tftirlimia mill tin ntiHHn1 tn Mirn bottles of wine, ono each of cham pagne ana wmte aim reu wine, wnno in the grounds of Kurhnus threo pa vilions were erected, whero frco boor wnB distributed to all. Tho king decided that tho celebra tion should continuo at his expense for three days. Ho is alHo distribut ing largo Bums of monoy to tho poor, tho bonovolent societies and gavo a bunquot to COO peoplo. Tno peoplo of iiomuurg aro join ing in' the spirit of tho king's hospitality.- His majesty's portrnlt Is in ovory shop window, tho houses aro decorated with tho Slamcso flag nnd an Immense quantity of fireworks woro burned nt city expense. The-, dally outlay of King Chaul nlongkorn In normnl times, whllo traveling, is about $3000 for tho ho tel bill of himself and his Biilto. It Is prcBiimcd that? tho colebratlon of his birthday will cost $250,000, bb tho managers of tho Kurhaus have linnn linKtllv untherlntr in wines by tho cdrlond from tho neighboring rton . it (r nntltnntcd that tho jklng sbf Slam haB already spent $1,- 600,oyo m uermany mono. NIPPED FAKIR'S FINGER NICE ARIZONA PET Objects to Having Its Mouth Opened to Sec if It Had Teeth, and Shows It Gan Bite Just As Well Without Them 50RAH Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 23. A Btreot fakor named Davis narrowly escaped death rrom tno one oi u glln monBtor, ono of tho moBt poison ous reptiles In tho world, Sunday af ternoon, whllo making an exhibit with tho creature. Ho claimed ho could charm tho monster. A small boy asked If it had teeth, and .Davis nrl-rn1 tlin llvnrfl'n heml tn OllCn ltB mouth, whon, with a vicious snap, tho reptllo bit Davis' forefinger, In flicting a deep wound. With great coolness and prcsenco of mind Davis sont n small boy to n drug Btore for an antidote, nnu n uoctor in mo crowd enmo to his assistance. Tho man is expected to live, i . FAGES MURDEROUS FANATICS. They Cast Out Devils by KUUnc Those Alleged to Bo Possessed. Chicago, Sept. 23. Owing to fear of mob violence, tho Ave porsona present whon nged Mrs. Lotltla, Qreonbaulgh was tortured to death by religious rannucs in ziion vuy,. who wero delivering hor of "devilB,"" tinvo boon removed to tho comitjr jail at Waukegan. Saturday Harold Mitcnou anu oin or mombers ot tho cult admitted? thoy loBt control ot thomsolves whon "possessed of devils.' Mitchell Bnldr his only relief enmo from crushing: or choking n human being until tho bones cracked or tho struggling con sod. Benjamin HopkinB, tho undortak or, who was making hnaty prepara tions to bury Mrs. Greonbnulgh, 1b? a member of tho cult, and ho may bo gathered In tho general net. Ho lms been wnrned not to attempt to leavo tho. placo undor pain of being: plncod undor arrest. Ho admitted? to tho coroner todny that ho know Mm linnoo nf Mm. Grennhnulch had' beon broken by tho trontmonta sho endured, liu said that ho Biipprossed: tho fact by request of momborn oC tho family. Tho deaths of flvo other porsonft aro to bo investigated, and it is bo Hoved It will bo shown a'l wero tor tured to death. Tho caao of Bortha Young, 19 years of ago, who rocontly died In ZIon city, Is undor Invostlga- t-,ou . . . Voliva and othor offlclalB in Zlon. donounco tho Partnnltcs In scathing: inrmo ntui nnv thn community muat bo purged of them. Tho loader or the society is said to bo undor Indict ment in Snn Antonio, Texas, for serious crime. QothlaB 'Ckthlnj 'ft wJcm WW I I t 4w TOO iru ' "" WA-YT THE BEST VALUES IN SALEM IN LADIES' AXD MlLLDfERY COME TO THE CHICAGO STORE H PCT ! liROWivn rtaup --"-1 MM.VA lAlt,S FASTEST GROWING BTORE. McEVOY BROS. AND COURT BTRMra. iAUM, OR. NEGROES AGAINST TAFT Waslngton, Spt, 23. A concert ed nntl-Taft movement among tho nogroea all over tho country haB de veloped and is alarming tho Taft men. Tho negroes havo organized In East and South undor W. Calvin Chase, editor of tho Beo, a Republi can newspaper for colored people, WASHED AND ARE JURY GLEAN Chicago, Sept. 23. Tho govern ment's piogram regarding tho prose cution in tho rebate cases waa an nounced this morniug, and tho Chi cago & Alton will not bo prosecuted. This formal decision will be mado to Judge Landls' court tomorrow. This decision will cause tho government a counsel to announce that all Immu nity pledges will bo kept in all cases. Boiso, Idaho, Sopt. 23. United States Souator William E. Borah, who acted aB ono of tho principal prosecutors for tho stato of Idaho at tho recent trial of William D. Haywood, secretary of tho Wostorn Fcdoration of MlnorB, will bo placed on trial tomorrow morning in tho United Stnfs circuit court hero, charged with conspiracy to defraud tho government out of tltlo to 17, 280 acres of Idaho tlmbor Innd. Twelve other persons havo boon In dicted with Sonntor Borah, but ho will bo the first to faco a federal Jury, having domanded a trial prior to the time ho shall present his cre dentials as sonntor noxt Septombor In Washington. Others of tho dofondanta havo In terposed demurrers, plena In abate ment nnd othor legal technicalities, many of which aro still ponding, and havo charged that tho United Stntee district attorney, Normnn M. Rulck, used Improper and illegal mothoda while securing the indictments. But Sonntor Borah has simply ontored a plea of not guilty, and hna forbidden his nttornoya to take ndvnntngo of any technicalities whatsoever. Ho has stated a his desire that tho caso should bo tried on 1U morits. Boise, Idaho, Sept. 23. Tho trial of United States Senator Borah, ln pniujop o XoujjdQuoo Joj popjp tho government out of tlmbor lauds, began horo thla morning, and the flrst sensation ot tno case wuu ju corded when United StateB DUtrlut Attorney Ruick announced mat wie Intn flnvRrnnp RtounoilborU had been indicted with Borah nnd oth ers, und r the namo of John uoo, This conflrmed provlous reports to that effect. Jamea A. Hawley and A. A. Fra ser 6at nt tho table with Borah, while tho government waa represent ed by a number of legal lights, in cluding Judge M. O. Burch, of Mich igan, and Special Agent L. O. Wheel nr whn worked un tho Kovernmont'a caso. Borah was tho contor of at traction. Ho took tho matter coolly and made no efforts to avoid obser vation. The work of selecting a Jury began at onco, and apparently the Jury will bo quickly Becured. Rulck opened the examination of talesmou for the covornmont. Await Orders From Roosevelt. Astoria, Sept. 23. An answer from Roosevelt is expected today in reply to the messago sent to mm to take steps to send a government ves sel to Bristol Bay, Alaska, to rollero tho shipwrecked crow and passeng ers of tho ship John Currier. There wero 240 on tho vessel, about hair. Orientals. Thoy havo been ma rooned about 30 days, i BRYAN'S STAR IS WANING HENEY AT THE KL1NGER GRAND. A New Company and an Entirely New BUI. Owing to the tremondouB auccesa at tho Kllnger Grand theatre during fair week, the roauagoment.haa pre pared gn excellent bill for tho amusement-loving public of thla city Whiting Bros, como highly recom mended, presenting new sketch's, songs, dances and also introducing for the flrst time in 8alom the beau tiful moonlight tragedy, "Caraboo." Chlcngo, Sopt. 23. Montana and Now York camo together In Chlcngo today nnd dlsciiBsed Domocrntlc na tional politics. Governor John K. Toolo, or Montana, went on recoru that hiB otato Id for Bryan, if ho wants to mnko tho third rnco for tho presidency. "Otherwise, Mon tana is strictly and sirongiy ior uov ornor John A. Johnson, of Minneso ta. If Johnson Is nominated ho will bo elected," snld tho governor. Now York vnB represented by Sec rotary of Stato John S. Whnlon, who rnn nhend of any other candldnto on tho Domocrntlc-Indopondenco League ticket last Novombor, nnd who Is nolthor a Hearst man nor a sntelllto of Mr. Murphy and Tammany Hall. Urynn Lukewarm In New York. "With tho proper leadership, Now York will bo Democratic noxt year," said Secretary Whalen "Much has been said of tho boom for Lieutenant-Governor Chnnlor. I know nothing of It. From my Informa tion, Mr. Hearst wants no ofllco. Bryan has no personal following worthy of mention In the state, At least not enough to Inouro him tho Now York dologntlon. Govornor Johnson has beon heard of repeated ly and favorably, through newspa per roporta from tho West. I havo ronson to bollovo that tho Now York Democrats will bo In cotnpleto hnr mony In 1908, nnd stnnd for a can dldnto who can and will bo elected." o MURPHY NAILED HIM. Caught Thief Who Stole Mrs. Hiown's Purso Saturday. Harry J. Roberts, a Jockey, waa yesterday arrested on suspicion, nnd, after bolng oxamlned at pollco head quarters, admlttod tho stoallng Sat urdny night of nn overcoat belonging to John Chaso, mnrshal of tho pa vilion, and a bag belonging to Mrs. A. L. Brown, who was at tho time In .. r .tin ImnHia In tllO nftVlllOIl. Tho theft waa committed Saturday ninli. na .tin timi'mm W1B bclUC RlV- on, and no traco of tho guilty party was found uniu yosicruuy m, uuui, whon Offlcor Larry Murphy found tiM.g t.nnl- nf nnn nf tllft saloOUB. and immediately placed him undor nrrest. A ijov'J wns iunu m ih thief's pocket, which proved io uo- long to Mr. Chaso. Roberta was then sweated and admitted to steal ing tho goods. Tho nag sioien con ninwi oiii- o)ipw1 somn fancy work and a Bet of silver knlveB and forks, also a purso belonging 10 aubb Blancho Brown. A Hweater waB also takon from an exhibit by Roberts. Tho wallet con taining tho knlvos and forks was loft, according to tho crook's testi mony, on tho porch' at tho hack of tho pavilion, whllo tho overcoat, tho purso and tho chawl wero given to Jpckeya who reside in North Yaki ma. Tho oweater was found In a treo on tho Metschan place at tho corner of Twelfth and Stato streftta. TO TRY HERMANN Snn Francisco, Sept. 23. Fran- els J. Honoy hopes to bo nblo to Mu lsh tho trials of all tho dofondanta In tho graft cases In which ho Is to apponr as apodal prosecutor by tho? third wook In November, "I hopo," snld Honey, "that tho graft trials In which It Ih necessary for mo to nppoar will bo cencluded: ttnfnrn tlin nm! nf tlin tlltril WOO It In Novombor, nnd at tho prosont rato of progress I think wo Htinii uo auio to llniBh them boforo that tlmo. Tho federal govornmont hns boon press ing mo to concludo tho proaocutlon ot tho land fraud casoH pending, against ox-United States District At torney Hall and ox-Congressman BIngor Hermann m tno lumen Stntos district court of Oregon, but I havo not been ablo to get away from San Franclaco. I visited Port land a faw week Bago and talkod tho mnttor ovor with United States DIs- ti-lrf Allnrnov HrlRtol. It was acrOOd: that ho should prosccuto all tho con nplracy canes which como up at tho October term or tno unuoir States court beforo Judgo Hunt. I oxpoct to bo ablo to Join Bristol nbout tho third week In Novombor, and will personally conduct prosccu-. tlonB of tho trials of Hall and Hor-mann." Tho Texan Wonder. Curoa all kidney, blnddor and rheumatic treubles: Bold by all drug gists, or two months trial treutmont by moll for $1.00. Dr. E. W. Hall,. 8926 Ollvo stroot. St. Louis. Mo. Send for tcnllmonlalc. Sold by Stono'o drug etoro. Petition and Remonstrniice Not long ngo a potltlon waa flledr asking for tho pardon of 13. L. Rem ington, serving two yoara for shoot ing W. W. Blaughtor, near Wood burn, last fall. Today a remon strance containing at last threo times as many names as tho potltlon waa filed. Tho mattor waa taken up by tho board, and will bo doclded: later. o 'Everybody Should Know" saya O, O. Hayes, a promlnont bust'-v noss man of Bluff, Mo., that Buck lon'c Arnica Salvo is tho quickest and surest healing salvo evor applied to a aore, burn or wound, or to a caso o piles. I've used It and know what I'm talklag about." Guaranteed by J. O. Perry, druggist, 25c. Dr. J. F. COOK TBTJe BOTANICAL DOCTOR, KOVBD TO 840 LH1BRTX 8TRHKT FOR ANT DI8KA8K CALL ON DR, COOK. CONSULTATION VBXH. Cs(j(fr" '