! i4. DAHLY CAPITAL JOUKNAL, 8ALKM. OREGON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 10 07. a W State Fai Has Been the Gyeat- ,st gveg Held In Oregon, and a Geat Thing Fo Salem S3! OUR EXHIBIT 'OR the past three weeks we have been too busy to even kink of making an exhibit at the f ai, btf t we have a little .jf k otfr window display of Heating Stoves and Rocheste Jqppef Nickelwae. These displays eclipse anything ot a isaikt nataife eve seen at the fait, ot any business place in the city. nJ lgjl JL1KI '1 -- "inf jjtssss. fcelMi; ii$? 31 : A, : k vLHttH t ir Is. k ' 'IV - J ti II iil Ttr " An ft. iff JEW S : " i iB vJli ill -fliSSSP ( , Iff -i i I tLK r Hw ' ' ii n i; Jill ; ; ' i I I riff W; - f- MM - f ; FfsfPt Hi' i" 1 1K A?r.';.lt &CHL0SjBR0S.SCi, Fine ClothcsMakcr Clothes From the Shops of The World'sl Best Makers Wo nlm high lu our selec tion of Men's Fall and Win ter Suits. Wo got tho bcoi rult productions from tlu shops of tho world's best mak ers. Wo nlm high In selection ofl cloths, linings and trimmings. Got tho host posslhlo tailorings Wo sell suits that make- u frlonds tho profits coma ot themselves. THE ROCHESTER WARE A shipment of which we have jutfecdved, we are offering tl LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE. This ware Is not cheap ware, bat Is the best the country affords, the most high grade it is possible to manufacture. We can say noth ing more In its praise. Out Heating Stoves Ikied we ate selling at GENUINE BARGAIN PRICES, ate the best money taabay, We have some of the most HONEST STOVES at the most HON- iKT PRICES in the state. Over two dosen styles, including the Coles, Beck- ! Universal and Wilson, ae what we constantly have in stock. Suit Prices Tho lowest rung In tho prlco ladder Is $7.50 to $10. Tho great est strength lies In tho assortment at $1G, $20 nnd $25. At thosa prices wo know from observation nnd Information given us by thoso who havo examlnod Butts In other houses, that wo cap giro you positively superior rcsult3 In tailoring, nppenranco, stylo and quality. Don't Judgo of tho merits of a suit, howovor, by any advertised prlco alone. Anybody can quoto prices. It Is tho suit at tho prlco that tells tho story. v G. W. JOHNSON & CO. ITHE CLOTHIERS WADE, PEARCE & CO. PHONE MAIN 19 i EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE CORNER COMMERCIAL AND COURT ST. HMHMMMHHHHHHMHanHBHHHMaHaHHHHHHHI BANKING METHODS i etlswd from Page One.) KL Moore brothers, both dl- i e! the bank, overdrew their 12020, and Cashier Morris ' li account Si 600. Ifollfr Morris loaned himself R o! the bank's money without or Indorsement. Tho I 'lally name nnnonrs nmrmir of loam and discounts In W J!0 000. to sav nothlni? of ier bank, railway, Irrigation "wtricbemea which ere bor- ,a la which Preildont oriome memlipr nt hia nmii 1 fetfmted. IP Shorer !. t i r Jozea others basked In tho .7' ,anihlne of the bank's 1 w ms both great and . "W Chailu-i x.-x 1. v ,Mll UCMU ,,". V"u,,,aManna 'ibT'01.."0 of ItiM er ,00K onward, Ke ZZ U t0W8ra th0 now fclji nliatlon, President oore ofthBn, m... fi50tthia theChad- iikmv, , yet- e had m to..S .Tele8rani man how S W00 with- 'wsicttM r.:'"a wn o u . I ia l.no manage- 1 tUtfl "PomJWo for Uav.,01 aIfa,r6 eslstlns ,2 P'ans of re- ttT lia. ft01 care tj '6!ttL, a about tha k now, or as to tho cnuso for fts suspension, tho better It will bo," added Mr. Moore. "Agitation In tho papers, quarrollng or mud-sllnglng nmong tho officials of tho bank would only work harm to tho Interests of thoso who now nro trying to recover on their ac counts, nnd whom wo nro trying to assist. "Great lnt'erost has been tnken by tho bank's creditors In tho plans for reorganization and reopening the bank's doors, and wo look for still moro Interost In tho future." Mr. Mooro's statoment waB clear ly borno out for tho headquarters of tho donosltors' committee In tho Lnfnyetto building novo been crowd ed all forenoon today, and tele phone Inquiries are bolng made by tho scpro. Whllo Rocolver Devlin decllnos to mako any statoment as to his own vlows regarding tho reorganization Idea, It Is understood he has stated that It would be the quickest way In which tho crodltora could realize on their accounts. Devlin Says Little. "In not making any comment or suggestion In my report," said Dev lin, "I am Blmply acting under the Instructions of the court. My chief purpose Is to help the creditors get their money back as quickly as pos sible. I shall make no effort, how ever, to place the securities of tho Institution on the market until I havo collected on the overdrafts, tho loans and discounts and tho accounts duo from other banks." That Mr. Devlin Is acting for the best Interests of the creditors in not trying to market any of tho bank's securities is shown irom xne xacw as oxplalned by a local stock and bond broker, that tho bond market Is practically dead throughout tho country, effecting practlally all classos and Issues, oven from govern ment, stato, municipal and on down tho lino. This Is duo to tho fact that all the nvallnblo money usually In sight for Investment purposes Is omployed In tho present movement of this year's enormous crops, and what Is not alroady working will be held lnresorvo until tho bulk of tho crops havo been moved. This Is truo of Now York, Doslon, Philadelphia and Chicago; every where, in fact. It Is hold probable that tho bank's securities will And much readier markot In tho courso of a few months thnn at present, and nt tho samo tlmo, should tho move ment toward reorganization progress as rapidly In tho next few days, thero will not ba such a vast bulk of bonds and stocks for tho opon mar kot to "digest" as thoro Is now. This feature of clearing up tho bank's affairs Is of material assist ant to tho recolver In tho matter of liquidation. Tho depositors' commlttoo has cnlled another meeting of tho credi tors for next Saturday night, to be hold at tho Armory. AH depositors and creditors are urgod to bo pres ent, and express tholr opinions as to tho plan for reopening tho bank. Bank books or certificates of deposit must bo presontod at tho' door to gain admittance. Tho proposed plan of procedure, with explanation of Its advantages, will bo outlined In addresses by President B. "W. Haines of tho Oregon Stato Bank ers' association and others. IJfe's Kxtremcs. Somo discontent Is browing Every tlmo man draws n breath; There's cither nothing doing Or he's worked almost to death. Exchange. o 'Regular as tho Sun" Is an expression as old as tho race. No doubt tho rising and sotting of tho sun is tho most regular performance in tho unlvorso, unless it Is tho action of tho liver and bowels when regu lated with Dr. King's Now Llfo PHI. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, drugglBt. 25c. GRAND OPERA HOUSE JNO. F. CORDRAY, Mgc. ONE NIGHT Monday, Sept. 23 Harry C. Lewis Presents DAINTY Mar jorie Lake And a Merry Company in Ihe Musical Comedy THE $10,000 BEAUTY THE GREATEST GIRL SHOW OE THE SEASON THE GREAT DANCING BROILIERS Prices $1 .00, 75c, 50c, 25c Seat Sale at Box Office Monday, 9 a. m. n B 0Mfiand MBtet Sick Headache. This disease is caused by a de rangement of tho stomach. Take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablota to correct this disorder and tho sick headache will disappear. For salo at Dr, Stone'B drug store. DON'T LIST THIS IIAPrEN Put theso good resolution that you made on January 1st into effect at once by replacing your old plumb ing with tho newest Ideas In sanitary open plumbing, and you will be rid of tho annoyance of leaking pipes and flooded floors, as well as doctor's bill. Wo will furnish estimates ror plumbing, gas fitting and satisfaction is guaranteed as to workmanship and charges. A. L. FRASER MS te BtntC Phone 1W. US IN ESS COLL EG L TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG. LU B., PniNCIPAU Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and 6cnds cncti atu (lent to a position as soon 113 competent. Quality Is our motto, nnd reputation foe thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual lu. itructlon insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the voucher nnd other modern methods of bookkeeping. Charticr Is our short hand; easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free write today. References: any merchant, any bank, nnv newspaper in Portlnndr Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll nevsr bothor with having it done at homo again. Time was when every family could not afford to send tho washing to a laundry, but times havo changed so, too, have the methods and prices. Today you can better afford to send th family washing here than not to. Aflk about our prices on family walk ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Pliene 95. 1S4MM g. IJtwrtr St S S S? H k .vW Sallowness Transformed to DuBky Beauty A dark skin becomes fascinating when delicately soft, undenprtad with the radiant glow which Indi cate! ahfnlthy. active ikln. Robert iae keeps the skin refined in quality, keepsporeifree from clogging waite and stimulates the tiny capillaries to con tribute the color which charms in blonde an'd brunette alike. Robert Iae is certain protection againit tu, unburn and freckles if applied be fore exposure to bur or vrhul. Spread like an Imnercentible iheen of rauxc overikin surface, formhig shield stimulating and prescrviBg a delicate, lustrous beauty. n R0BERTINE1 Hi r t V r ii i) U . i 4ft , A T .OsHsl