DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORKGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1007. Uout JcghoL A Strong Tonic A Body Builder A Blood Purifier a r.reat Alterative - A Doctor's Mcdlclno Avers sarsaparma '. hare no foorttil Wo publliU - . - .rail ntiivtrAnaraiionH. rmu" v "' " ' rrr: zzjlz thOf Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcoholl Without Alcoholf Without Alcoholn Without Alcoholl J.O.AvarOo.tl Lowell, Man. I fids ic" 01lE' Thuks Ho "s SlrUCk It Rich )Ian Awny Down South In the Land of Water. Norfolk, Va., Sopt. 20. Dixlo Is to go dry, and thus set nn example ' iltnf v. 111 onmi lin fnllntvnfl liv Mm will nrovo to ou , "" j"" " ... uj .. fflt t b!"eL? Id discoveries : rest of tho country. l0f the "cu"" " wn8 made the Tnts ls.tne aicium-oi uio uisun- .B4,nu, Wk by Grant gulshed temperance exponents who oi lay . uf nf'nrfl celebrating National Temper- to bo, part omlnent resident of m' ' ite out prospecting in i& vrhlie oui i 4toa .Ills bout 20 miles "'" refuses to give , Tin of his gold dlscov jtilbe - a Blt00f tho ,n the auartzvllle dls- ,;n2 the Santlam river. Mr. ! ,on ........ inv nnd ex- 'nr:,,: rfih8I)eci. tSU 0B.e. "... mrt. 'frr'.: ore specimens yet been made, but tho ri"'.V.i..flURrte which Mr. Kirnce - - n . .inw ,(,f bad n nis po--' - , , -W'B ... riM. Mr. Llnd- ?-": r1"'" . ...ji. r nlinnnn iinni none or wceeuiiib ..-- -1 . ..4 Aihr minerals. Copper !Snt In considerable amounts 'fit according to Mr. !L. Mr. Llndloy Is experienced fining and says that ho has never inch rich inaicaiwua ,- . n Mm Innil .Wo. SB UO Saw u " Jti he Intends to fllo location no- aen The rumor oi wv k"" " rtrj is said to hovo reached tho cl a nurauor oi rusmi " anco day at tho'Jamostown exposi tion today, following tho conventloa of tho National Antf-Saloon leaguo, which has boen in session hero dur Ing tho week. Tho great exposition was well filled with tho prohibition hosts when tho meeting was called to order, and tho milk whito flag was much in evidence. A "call of states" was tho fea turo of 'tho day, delegates from oil sections tolling of their victories over tho rum demon. Tho greatest enthusiasm was manifested as speaker after speaker told briefly of bnttloa fought and won In tho cause of tomporancc. Apparently tho southern states aro now lbading in tho movement, and it was freely predicted that In tho courso of a few years thoro will bo a now "solid south" solid for tho absqluto pro hibtion of tho manufacture or Bale of any kind of alcoholic bovorages. On tho faco of It this'chango in southern sentiment Is ono of tho most nmnzlngs othlcal movements over witnessed, but thoughtful ad herents of tho cnuso admit that it Is nma of whom aro reported to t nUocothor duo to tho ncltation Taa!etly left for tho hills in tho of temporanco people, but hns n sound economic basis. Tho labor of negroes is ncccssnry to tho prosper ity of, tho souUi, and It has boon proven to tho satisfaction of tho fouthom peoplo that liquor Is large ly respoiiElblo for tho ohlftlcssncss, laziness and crime of tho black race. Tho raco riots In Atlanta, originating In tho low groggcrles, did much to bring nbout tho passago tho Georgia prohibition law, .. . nH.1l...v nfrA ' n't 01 lUeulBVMuo .i.. o o Ititij, claims. Albany Herald, . o "Itegalar ns the Sun" a w einresslon as old as tho race. bloibtthe rising nnd sotting of tho a li the most rcgulnr performance Utiionlrerso, unless It Is tho action dtle liter and bowols when rogu- ttiwlth Dr. King's Now LIfo PI1H. CurtateeJ by J. 0. Perry, druggist. o lit 1 rff 9 -memm" IS- 11 1 f r IS ruf yt ccvi v RelClml You Have Always Bought, nnd -wlildi Ims boon in uso for over 30 yenrs, hns homo tho signature or nud lins been mado under his per finnnl RiinnrrlRlnn fllnon its iiifmicv. Allow no ono to dccelvo you in this. All CounterfeltH, Imitations nnd "Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that trlflo "with nnd endanger tho health of Mints nud Children Experience ngalnst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is n harmloss suhjjtituto for Castor OH, Paro jorlc, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains nclthur Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its ago Is its guarantee It destroys Worms aod allays Pererlshncss It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation tod Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach nnd Bowpls, giving healthy nnd natural sleep Tho Cluldrcn's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signature of X&ccZe KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CINTAUft COMPANY, TT UUKRAVOTftCrr. HMOH eTT. which becomes effective on January 1 next. "Am I my brother's keeper?" has been nnswored with an nfllrtnatlve by tho whito citizens of many south ern stntes. In other commonwealths of Dixie tho temperance hosts are in tho ascendant. Kentucky, once the stronghold of tho liquor business is rapidly being "reformed." More than 80 per cent of Texas Is said to be covered by prohibition laws. Liquor has been driven from every part of Tennessee except the big cities. .Most sections of Mississippi ore dry as a bono. Alabama Is like ly to soon Join tho prohibition ranks. North Carolina's next legislature will consider a prohibition law. Scores of Virginia counties and towns have voted out rum. South Carolina, after much experiment In tho regulation of the salo of liquor, is said to bo rlpo for tho prohibition ists' picking. Liquor has been driv en from all but the urban districts of Missouri. Dolegates from tho west and north, whilo not ablo to report to much progress, aro exceedingly hopeful, and dcclaro that within a decado tho death knoll of the liquor business will bo sounded throughout tho laud. o Texas Wants to Ho Reclaimed. Dallas, Tex., Sopt. 20. A project for putting tho public lands of Toxas upon tho samo basis of thoso of oth er states is now bolng broached nnd will bo brought beforo tho comln.i; Trnns-MlBBlBBlppl Commercial con gress at Muskogio, I. T. Congressman Stephens is ono of tho lenders In tho movemont and will urge It to tho attention of tho congress. Tho object of tho desired legislation Is to nrrnngo Tor tho ex tension of tho reclamation sorvico to this stnto. When Texas wns admitted to tho union she had boon n republic for sovornl years aand ono of hor com pacts wns that tho public lands should bo held by tho stato to bo given to tho votornns of tho strugglo with Mexico. This distribution, howovor, mndo hardly no Impression on tho vast public jicrcago of tho stato and now Toxns desires tho na tional government to aid In reclaim ing tho nrld lands nnd submerged districts. A "Woman's Back Has mony aches and pains caused by wcaknosoca and falling, or other displace ment, of tho polvlc organs. Other symp toms of fomalo Yoakno8s ara frcquont noadache, dlulnosg, Imaginary spocks or dark spots floating beforo tho eyes, gnaw ing sonsatlon In stomach, dragging or bearing down In lower abdominal or polvlo region, disagreeable drains from polvlo organs.falnt spoils with general woaknoM. If any consfuerablo number of tho abova ymptoms aro presont thoro is jio remedy that wrNlve quicker rellof or I more per mn10ni tq than Dr. Ploroo'a Favorite PrcijHftiSlt has a record of over forty years of cuffed It is the moat notm '' . H . w h FOX SAIJi. For Snlo Throo acres land, dwell ing houso, storo building, stock of gonornl merchandise. Best loca tion in tho valloy for country storo. Doing a splondld business. Address Box 221, Salem P. O. 8-24-lm lUJiwvmniiK innic annLranginpniny per, vino known tojnfidlcajsclODce. It la made 01 tho nlvfprif mrtrnnti nf nollva mutlM. nal roots found In our forests and con tains not a drop of aloohol or harmful, or habit-forming drugs. Its Ingredlsnta an all printed on tho bottle-wrapper and at teetod under oath ns correct. Every tngredlont onterlng Into Fv vorito Prescription " ha tho written en dorsement of the most emlaent medical writers of all the several schools of prac tloe moro valuable than any amount ol non-profcsslonal testimonials though the latter aro not lacking, having been con tributed voluntarily by grateful patlenta in numbers to exceed tho endorsements given to any other modlclne extant for tho euro of woman's tils. You cannot afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substitute for this well proven remedy or knoww coiirosmoN, ovon though tho dealer may make a llttlo moro profit thereby. Your interest In regaining hoalth Is paramount to any solGsh Interest of its and It Is an Insult to your Intelligence for him to try to palm off upon you a substitute. Yoa know what you want and It is his busi ness to supply tho article callod for. Dr. Plerco's Pleasant Pollets aro the original " Llttlo Liver Pills" first put np Vy old Dr. Plorco over forty years ago, much Imitated but uover oqualed. Little sagar-coaUd granule eaay to take u candy. ttnnn iiiiaii0iiiit.imfmiitii1 I CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT For Salo Two single top buggies, In first-class condition. Ono rub ber tired. Apply to 0. W. Yannko, J Fashion stables. Telephone 44. 7-18-tt For Sale Ono ot tho bost dairy farms la Marion county, contain ing 100 acres, ono-half mile east of Aumsvlllo depot; must soil on account of ago. F. H. Llghtfoot, Aumsvlllo, Or. 8-23-lm fmnmoBBBiimmmmmmmmmmmmmamammM m FOR RENT For Rent. Ton aero farm, about throo miles from Salem, good 8 room house, ono aero of strawber ries. Would niako a flno poultry ranch; $C50 a month rent. Ad dress Mrs. B. V. Whito, r Salem, Or., routo No. 7. 9-14-lwk MUSICAL. Miss Elmo- Wcllcr Will recoiva pupils in piano, and tho "Dunning Systom ot Music Study for Be ginners." Miss Woller is a grad unto undor Emll L. Winkler ofl Lolpslc, Gormany; also ot Carrie L. Dunning of Buffalo, Now York, and a pupil of Robort Tolmlo oj San Francisco, tho two last named bolng direct pupil of Loschotlzsky tho groat Vienna Instructor. Stu dio 45 Llborty street. Phono 1351' 9-lQ-2yrka. For Rent Furnlshod roomB for houso-keoplng or board for a slnglo lady or couplo. Apply to RoBa Marklovltch, 730 North Front streot. 8-15-tf. NEWPORT The Ideal Pacific Coast Resort on YAQUINA BAY heiae?17 and Iu,ckl' reached from SALEM .via Southern Bnm.7 ;y thenco Corvallls & Eastern Railroad. triH :? ratC3 from SALEM, ?5.000 for season tickets, good WH sitn d ! 0ctober 3l8t and 3-00 f0 tbreo day tickets, good tern. .-. w.p iu ..uu ww. 3tua.- .try Blnday" excursion train leaving Albany 7:30 A. tkkit, hon returning Monday following dato of sale all Sjt, u4 for E0,nS or return trip from Albany on Corvallls U4t4. . "" excursion train corning leavn Knwnn-f k.at ir W tw!?r ,nformation call oa ticket agent Southern Paclfle, -nUta & Eastern, Albasy, or tt44 n...- GE0' p NBVDJS, Ageat, CmiiUk A Bastera Railroaa, Albj, Or. Tho Limit of Life. Tho most eminent medical scion tints nro unanimous In tho conclu slon that tho gonornlly accepted limi tation ot humnn llfo is many years below tho attainment posslblo with tho advanced knowledge of which tho raco is now possesi.od. Tho cri tical period, that determines its dura tion, soom3 to bo botwoon DO and CO; tho proper caro of tho body during this decado cannot bo too strongly urged; carolossness thon bolng fatal to logovlty. Naturo's bost holpor aft or CO Is Electric Blttors, tho scien tific tonic mcdlclno that rovltaltecn ovory organ ot tho body. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, druggist. GOc. - o Humorists Knteitnln Los Angt'los. Los Angoles, Cnl., Sept. 20. What was without a doubt tho greatest aggregation of filnny mon evor gathered on a slnglo plntform faced n considerable proportion ot tho population of Los Angeles In the big Tomplo auditorium this after noon and cracked fresh Jokes that stirred tho risibilities of tho audi ence in a way to bring down tho houso. Tho entortalnmont wns glvon by a dozen distinguished members of tho American Press Humorists, In convention hero this weok, and was for tho bonoilt of tho Bill Nye monumont fund. Among thoso who took part In tho program wero tho Rev. Robort J. Burdetto, Strickland W. Glllllan, S. E. Klsor, Ell Perkins, Charles Battoll Loomls and Edward Vanco Cook. o Lamo Rack. This Is nn allmont for which Chamborlaln's Pain Balm has proven especially valuable. In almost every instance I affords prompt and per manent relief. Mr. Luko LaGrange Of Orange, Mich., say3 of It: "After using a plaster and other remedies for three weeks for a bad lamo back, I purchased a bottlo of Cham berlain's Pain Balm, and two appli cations effected a euro." For sale at Dr. Stone's drug store. tho members of tho commission nnd Its staff, a scoro ot govornors nnd Prcsldont Roosovolt will tnko part In tho Inspection of tho lower Mis sissippi. Tho President will Join tho party In Keokuk, In., early next month. In tho grcnt lakes roglon, special attontlon will bo paid to tho! needs of thoDotroit and Snult Sto. Mario rivers, on which millions have already been spont. o Endorsed by the Country. "Tho most popular romedy in Otsego county, nnd tho bost frlond of my family," writes Wm. M. Dlotz, odltor and publisher of tho Otsogo Journal, Gllbortsvlllo, N. Y., "Is Dr. Kings Now Discovery. It has proved to bo an Infnlliblo euro for coughs and colds, mnklng short work of tho worst of them. Wo always keep n bottlo in tho houso. I bollovo it to bo tho moBt valunblo prescription known for lung and throat diseases." Guar anteed to novor disappoint tho taker, by J. C. Perry's drug storo. Price 50c nnd $1.00. Trial bpttlo froo. -o Different. "Ho took mo to tho opera." "Wnsn't that grand?" For Rent Soyon-room houso, hot and cold wator, electric light, bath room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrelb or, 600 North High Btroot. 3-25-tt Frank E. Churchill Ropresontatlve ot tho Westorn Conservatory of Music, of Chicago, la this city, will resume classes In piano, har mony, thoory, sight reading, dtc, on and after Soptombor 23. Studio, opora houso building, rooms 8 and 0. Phono 1100. Pupils may re ceive lessons cither In tholr homes or at tho studio. 0-14-lmo Miss Winifred ByrO Will glvo piano forto Instruction in Salem this coming season. Mlso Byrd Is a graduato ot tho Now England Con servatory of Muslo, and for tha past two years has taught In that Institution nud privately In Bos ton. For information address P. O. box 85 or phono G. Restdonct corner ot Court and Church. 0-2-wks MISCELLANEOUS. Spring Beds and Good Rooms Plonty of thorn at tho Wilson Houso, 14 G Confer streot; rcsorvo your room for Fair weok. 9-9-2k Vogct Lumber and Fuel Co. Lum bar .shingles, building material, wood and coal. Low prices and prompt dolivorloa. Ono block coat of S. P. passenger depot. Phono 108. 7-2-tf Concrete. Work. Got my prlcos on sldowalks curbs, septic tanks and comont work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M. Ward, Highland add. Phono GGO. 8-11-tt "No, Donlor.' comic." Clcvolnnd Plain Can you afford to trlflo with bo sort oub a mnttcr as to nogloct a bad cold or cough, when for a trifling amount you can Becuro a bottlo of "Hick ory Bark Cough Romody," that ! guaranteed to euro or monoy refund ed. Price 2Gc, 50o nnd $1.00 pur bottlo. For Balo by all doalers everywhere Not Again. "But wouldn't you like to Hvo your llfo ovor again?" '.'Not so as you could notlco It, I'vo got a twonty-year Insuranco policy cornjng duo next weok." Judgo. o Had Tetter for Thirty Years, I havo suffered with tettor for 30 years and havo tried almost countless remedies with llttlo, If any rellof. Threo boxOB ot Chamberlain's Salvo cured mo. It was a torturo. It breaks out a llttlo sometimes, but nothing to what It used to do. D. If. Beach, Midland City, Ala. Cham borlaln's Salvo Is for salo at Dr. Stono's drug storo. VETCH AND GHEA.T SEED Wo havo a limited-amount of each on hand, and If you will need any bettor Rut your order In early, as tho supply- will not equal tho de mand. , ! , To Beglu Inspection Trip. Cleveland, O., Sept. 20. Mem bers of tho Inland waterways com mission, of which Congressman Theodoro E. Burton, candidate for tho mayoralty of Cleveland bbi-m (T Tom Johnson, Js chairman, are gathering In Cleveland to begin their tour of inspection tomorrow. Leaving Cleveland the trip up tho lakes will bo mado on a freighter, theaco across to tho headwaters of ,i.- (isai.inni omi down that stream to tho gulf. In addition toJpfcoac 1 39 Safett, Ot Tilison & Co 5M6 High Street Butto H Wcnderoth Flno wlno3, liquors and cigars. Wo handle tho colobrnted Kollog gnnd Cnstlo whiskies. Cool and refreshing boor constantly on draught. South Commercial Btroot. 9-3-lyr Collcgo of Muslo Wlllamotto Uni versity. Established 1807. Em poworod by tho stato of Oregon to confor certificates, diplomas and dogrocs. Winter and Ferry, stroots, Salem, Orogon. Every, teachor an artist ot recognized ability. A comploto courso la all branches of musical art. Scholas tic year begins Soptombor 24, 1907. Pupils aro roquoBtod to rogistor at tholr oarllost opportu nity In ordor to securo convenient lesson hours. Thoso Intondlng to tako tho rogular courso aro urged to commonco on tho oponlng day. Dr. R. A. Horitngo, doan, director vocal department, Arthur von JoBson, director piano department. Lo Roy GoBnor, director orches tral department. 0-2-lm Miss Eva V, Cox Will bo ready to rocolvo pupils In muslo aftor Sep tember 2d at hor studio, 2 12 Con- tor Btreot, botwoon commorciai and Front. Phono Main 847. 9-3-lm i r Enlarged Our mont markot on Enst Stato street has beon doubled In slzo nnd wo aro bettor proparod thnn evor io sorvo customers. Prompt sorvico nnd tho bost of meats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop. Wo Aro Coflh PiirchaBors Of poul try, eggs, nnd all kinds of farm produco. Borry crates mado up In unlimited quantities. Capital Commission Co., 207 South Com mercial Btreot, Salem. Phono Main 179. I M BiM PLUMBERS. Theo. M. Burr Plumbing, hot water and steam beutlng and' tinning. 1G4 Commercial streot. Phone Main 192. 9-1-lyr, M. J. Potzcl Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox & Murphy, 226 Commorciai itreet, Prone-' Main 17. PROFESSIONAL. rvTimhVlu71)PhyIicT surgeon. Tolophono 307 Main. OfflcoB, 540 Stnto streot, opposlto court houso, Salem, Or, ReBidonco Phono 318 Main. 8-13- lmo WA3TCBD. Wanted Girl to do genoral house work, oxporlonco not requlrod, Mrs. J. A. Carson, 923 South High streot. Phono Main 95. 9-19-3t Highest Cash Prices Paid for chick ona at Willamette Hotol. 4-19-tl SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. i.Vimif m. Hrown. Manufacturer o sash, doors, mouldings. All kind of houso finish and hard wood work. Front Btroot, between State and Court. Make all complaints at tho ofllco. LOST. l'5m2?t's Lost A yellow Bcotcti coiuo pup, with a whito faco; about tour months old. Finder kindly notify mo by phono 819. J. 0. Pottyjobn, 343 South Winter Btroot. 9-19-3t I'HOTOaitAlMIHItS. Twelfth Streot Studio First-class photography, from postngo stamp pictures up. Enlarging work nnd plntos dovolopod. Botwoon wool en mills nnd O, K. Grocery. Glvo ub a trial. F. M. Baker, propri etor. 0-17-tf DRAYMEN. WN Cummins Bros.' Transfer GtMiipniiy All kinds of transfer work done. Furnlturo nnd pianos boxod ready, for shipment. Prompt sorvlce le our roOtto. Stand and ofllco at 253 South Commorciai street. Phono 210. Resldonco Phone 968. LODGES. V Foresters of America Court Sher wood ForoBtors, No. 19. Meets Tuesday In Hurst ball, Stato street Leo Abblo, O. R.; A. L. Brows, F. S. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. i Castle Hall In Holman block, cor ner Stato and Llborty streets. Tuesday of caoh wook at 7:30 p. m. Oscar Johnson, C. O.; E, If. Andorson, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 524G. Meets ovory Thursday evonlng at K o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A, Tumor, clerk. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night at 7:30, in HolmiuVnall, L. E. Ponnoll, O. O.; P. L. Frai ler, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent and pension Insuranco; $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid Good ngonta wanted, J. II, O. Mongomory, supromo" organizer, Box432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, secretary, 54G State street. Lost. Black Bilk umbrella with oxidized handlo, on tho corner of Stato and Commercial streets, Wednesday. Flader please leave at Jottrual oce. , t-19-8t Hotel St. Philip Fourth and Fifth and Banifttda Streets, Portland, Oregou. New fireproof European Hotel. Steam heat. Modern conveaieaee. Rates 11,00 per day and up. Union depot car will land you at the door. H. M. PlfRCfc Prop. 8 it . -.