DAILY CAI TAJQ JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMDEU 10, 1007. MS HOFER BROS., PaMefS and Proprietors B. IIOFER, Editor. A. P. IIOFER, Manager. THE JOUIlNAL BTAND8 FOR l'ROURESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO OEGRADHD LABOR. -.,-.. mi - .i... .... .ii. . m mt r-m LINCOLN. Ho was tho Southern mother leaning forth ' ' At dead of night to hear tho ennnon roar, JloBOcchlng.aod to turn tho cruel North, And break It, that her Bon might como onco more! ' Ho wan Now England'8 lover, pnlo and puro, 1 Whoso gallant lover foil on Shlloh's plain - Ho was tho North, tho South, tho EaBt, tho West, Tho thrall, tho maBtor, nil of us In vno. Sqlected. o A VANCOUVER- VIEW. GOOD Tho racial troublo In Vancouver will focus tho attention of tho British omplro on tho 'Asiatic question as nothing olso has done, and for this reason It lft rogarded by tho Vancouver World as an ovll with nn oloment of good In It. Tho World argues that If tho pcoplo of Vancounver nro qulto candid about tho matter thoy must admit ';t'Hrt, hnd tho parado onded In noth Hng moro than tho making of speeches and tho passing of resolutions, tho London papers would not today bo discussing tho Asiatic question 'an If It wore a mattor of dlro Import Instead of A QUESTION TO BE DISPOSED OP WITH A FEW WORDS ABOUT IMPERIAL INTER E8TSAND THE NECESSITY OP HEfOONI'lNO THE HIGH-SPIRIT-ED ORIENTIAL RACE WHICH HAS BECOME TJIK ALLY OP GREAT niHTAlN. "It Is, of courflo, not good that this should ho so, but let tho blamo bo put whoro It bolongH, "And It doos not belong to Vancouver na a city." So Vancounvor resents tho Idea that tho city Is rcsponslblo and would plnco tho blnmo hlghor up. Tho World Insists that tho Bolllngham outbreak was tho moro serlouB hccaiiBo tlio Anilities w'oro hunted by tho mob. But ovon tho domonstrntlon that did occur In Vancounvor would not hnvo occurred "hnd tho attention boon puld to Vancouver's grlovnnco which Is now bolng pnld to It, nnd had provlous public meetings nnd pre vious complaints not boon apparently Ineffective." Tho World ovon goos bo fas nH to congrntulato tho city bocauso, "by comparison with what happons In other cities In times of popular ox cltomont, Hho has n record to which few places bo cosmopolitan In charactor ran point." It Is argued Hint It was entirely Ffo for tho Asiatics to appear on tho street tho morning after tho demoiiHtrntlon ngalnst them, and that, "FOR TIIK FIRST TISIK SINCE S"H HKCiMlK A COLONIZING POW ER, GREAT BRITAIN REALIZKS 'I HAT lll'll COLONIES ARE NOT MEIMJ PAWNS ON TIIK INTKRNATIONAL CHESSBOARD AND THAT NO TRKATIES WILL HOLD TIIIJM STILL WIHLI-3 TIIK ORIENTALS SWARM OVER THEM. It hns nt last dawned on Ottawa, London and Wnshlngton thnt thla Ih no more question of TrntiHVnal mlnorii against tho Chlnoso, Califor nia labor unions against tho JnpnnoHo, or Vnncounvtfr workmen against both tho IllndiiB to boot, but that n'l nro hnBos of n world Issuo THE CONTINUKD PREDOMINANCE OP TDK WHITE MAN IN THE PACE OP TIIK ECONOMIC COMPETITION OF TIIK ASIATIC." All tliU Ih In Hhnrp cnntriiflt with tho notion that tho Englishman ovor proiorves a calm domoanor nnd Is tho last man on oartli to ongngn In tiny dflinonstratlou mnrkod with vlolunco. Tho moHt mnrUod Englishism In tho commontB of tho World Is tho as sumption that Vancounvor Is not ni blainoworthy as Bolllngham on HiIh Hlily of tho lino, It, bring ii hrond smllo to a ottUou of tho Unltod State. r- o . DKNATURP.D ALCOHOL. I Now thnt tho nw rogiilntlotia for tho mnnufnoturo of dannturod nl eohol lmvo goiio Into offoot, It heeomiw possible for formem to take up tho miuuifiioturo of It. Tho regulation that govern lie "Mil distilling lmvo huou modified to thlH vary end. It l not probable thnt tho distilling or olcohol will for years. If over, (tomato hit n customary ooeupiUlon for tlialndlvldiml fnrmor nuy moro than tho mnkliitc of dairy product doe. In tho gonurtil progroji of agriculture, however, thero has beon ovolvuda cooperative effort In oertnln lines; nnd tho country oreamory, norvlng all the fnrmorH of u coiumuulty. I ono of tho up-to-dnto ovolu Hoiih. ' It Is probable that tho dUtllllug '' alcohol for mechanical uses will bogln at the point whereto butter-making have nrrlvod. A DENATURED ALCOHOL DISTILLERY CONVENIENTLY LOCAT ED FOR THE l-'ARMS. FROM WHICH ITS HAW MATERIALS OF GRAIN, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ARK TO III' GATHERED, WILL BE AH NATURAL AN OUTGROWTH AS THE STARCH FACTORIES IN A POTATO DISTRICT; and It should provo Just as vnlunhlo nn out lot for tho nulled, tho dnmngod mid tho mipornnt tired products of the uorongo Hurvod. o I CARRIED TO KACESS. The Study of tho Stnrs. "Tho ancient philosophers," de clared Sir David GUI In his presiden tial address to tho members of the British Association at Leicester, "wore confident In tho adequacy of their intellectual powers alono to de termine tho laws of human thought and regulate tho actions of their fellow men, and thoy did not hesi tate to employ the same unsupport ed menns for the solution of tho rid dle of tho unlvcrso. "Every school of philosophy wns agreed that somo object which they could boo wns a fixed center of the universe, and tho battle was fought as to what that center was. Tho ab sence of facts, their entire Ignorance of methods of exact measurement, did not daunt them, and the question furnished them a subject of dispute and fruitless occupation for twonty flvo conturlcs. "But. astronomers now reclgniza that Bradloy'B mqrldlnn observations nt Greenwich, mndo only 150 yeans ngo, hnve contributed moro to the advancement of sidereal astronomy thnn all tho speculations of preced ing centuries. Thoy have learned tho lesson thnt human knowledge In tho Blowly developing phenomena of sidereal astronomy must bo content to progress by tho accumulating la bors of succobbIvo generations of men; thnt progress will bo measured for generations yot to como more by tho amount of honest, woll-dlrected nnd systematically discussed obser vation than by tho most brilliant speculation; nnd thnt, In observation concentrated Hystcmatlo effort on a special thoughtfully selected prob lem will bo of moro nvnll than tho most brilliant but disconnected work. "By thoso menns wo shall lenrn moro nnd moro of tho wonders th.it surround us, nnd rocognlzo our limi tations when measurements nnd facts fall us, "Hugglns' Bpoctroscopo has shown thnt many nebulno aro not stnrs at all; that mnny woll-condenscd nebu lno, ns woll ns vnst patches of nebu lous light In tho flky, nro but In choato masses of luminous gas. Evldonco upon ovldcnco hns accumu lated to show that such nebulno con sists of tho matter of which ntnrn (I. o. suns) hnvo houu and aro being ovolvod. "Tho dlfforont typos of stnr spec tra form such u complete and grad ual Hoquouco (from slmplo spectr't rosomhlliig those of nohtilno onward through typos of grndually Incrons Ing complexity) an to Btiggost that we hnvo bofore us, written in tho cryptograms of thono spoctrn, tho complete story of tho ovolutlon of the ovolutlon of suns from tho In choRto nebula onward to tho moat actlvo huh (lllco our own), nnd thon downward to the almost hodtlees nnd Invisible ball. "The period during vhlii human llfo hns existed on our globo Is prob ably too short oven If our first par ents had hoKiin thu work to afford obaorvntlonnl proof of such n cycle of chango In any pnrtloular star; but tho fact of such ovolutlon, with tho evidence boforo us, can hardly ho doubtod. "I most fully bollovo that, whon tho modifications of torrostrlnl spec tra under sulllclontly varied condi tions of tomporaturo, prossuro, nnd onvlronmont have boon further Btu dlod, this conclusion will bo greatly Btrongthonod, But In this study wo must lmvo regard nlso to tho spectra of tho stars thomsolvos, "Tho stars nro tho crucibles of tho Croator. Thoro wo boo mattor under conditions of tomporaturo nnd prossuro and onvlronmont, tho carlo ty of which wo enn't hopo to emulate In our laborntorlos, nnd on n scald of magnitude bosldo which tho pro portion of our grontost experiment Is loss than that of tho drop to tho ocean, "Tho spectroscopic astronomer chemist for tho foundation of his science, but tho timo is coming wo almost boo It now whon tho astron onier will repay tho debt by wide reaching contributions to tho very fundnmenta of chemical science London Chronicle. o j4f- . ?&& sftvl Ihk r iiii, i jifflr fvw if (Jfi&GiH C Fall Suit Sty l All extreme and nil loud effects and tho cut of tho garments aro hove been Pttfei JOHN B. W DONALD. Builder of New York's subway and ono of America's greatest contractors. . .Tho suit styles this Benson hnvo reached a stato otdefi. Refined, Conservative and Arti Tlir. nnnf Id allfhMv form (Itflnir nn.t nnA nrltVinnf pntllnp Vonfa Mlu.i Tho collars nnd lapels aro or modorato length and Tno trousers aro cut oi mouorato width anj of form. width. a very F Thoro never was a season whon tho stylos were moro satisfactory. Suits at $10, $15, $20 and $21 We'll bo pleased to put our timo against yourB and ih J wnai uio now ttuuauu uuu uiuuir lonn. G. W. JOHNSON & CO. THE CLOTHIERS THE MARKETS. SALEM MARKET. Local WholewUo Market. Kggs 29c cash. Butter 35c; fat, 33&33Gc. Hens ll'c; young chickens, 11 c Local wheat 75c. OatB 3 3 3 5 c. Barloy $20. Flour Hard wheat, $5.00; valley $3.85 3 $4.00. ., Mill feed Bran, $10.50; shorts, $21. Hay Cheat, $10 $12, and clovor, $10 $12 per ton; timothy, $13 $15. Onions $4.00 por cwt; potatoes, $1.00 por cwt. Potatoos 00c cwt. Hops Old, 4 5c; now, 7 8c. Chlttlm bark GS7c. Wool 20c. Mohair 20c. Groat Ilium Ih done to tho cnuso or union labor by such an nttltudo as was taken by rival unionists nt a funoral In Now York the othor day. THE FUNERAL WAS DELAYED AS A RESULT ONE HOUR. On no othor theory can ono understand tho ludlfforonco to the feel ings of tho mournors than that tho.drlvors como to look upon funerals In a mnttor-of.fnct way and glvo llttlo thought to tho sorrows. It was not u strike for higher wages, llko that In Chicago n fow yonrs ngo which threatened tho public hoUh by tho postponement of funor ntit. Tho Now York affair was a controversy among drlvors of different unions. Ono fiot of drlvors belonged to tho Unltod Tonmstors" association ofJhn8 to thank the physicist and tho Brooklyn, othor drlvors belonged to tho International Brotherhood or Teamsters, and still a third set liolongod to tho Llhorty Dawn nssoclu tlou. Tho Unltod toaniBtors, nftor tho coftln had bon cnrrlod out of the ohuroh and placed In tho hearso, refused to start tholr teams because of their fooling against tho International toiuustor. And so tho matter stood. .Tho drlvors wore Implored to proceed, but thoy woro obdurnto, Finally a llvorymnn owning somo of tho toai8 wag sent for. Ho could no nothing, and ho sent for tho police. A captain nnd ton patrolmen appeared nml rend tho law ngalnst de laying a funeral. Tho surly drlvors thon consented to move providing THE DIFPHR ENT UNIONS TOOK DIFFERENT ROUTES TO THE CEMETERY, WHICH WAS DONE. The groat body of union labor Is not in sympathy with such conduct. TImj Ttf.v8 Wonder, Cure all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gist, or two nionthi' trial treatment by wall for 1 00. Dr. B. W. Hall, ?m Olive tret, it. Louli, Mo n4 (or ttlJoalalf. Sold by Stone's 4 rut atere. MRegulr m tho Sun" Is nn expression ns old ns tho rate. No doubt tho rising and setting of the eun la tho most regular performance in tho universe, unless It la the action of the liver and bowels whea regu lated with Dr. King's New Life Flllj. Guaranteed by J. O. Perry, druggist. 16c DO YOU WANT A HOME ? Two dollars a week doposltod lu our Savings Department wilt buy u homo costing over $1200 in 10 yoars. Four dollars a weok for flvo yoars will do tho some. Take our ndvlso and try It. Savings Department Capital National Bank Troplcnl Frill ta. Bnnnnas $G. Oranges $4 $5. Lomons $G.O0 & $G.50. Retail Market. Oats Whlto, $28 por ton; wheat, 90c per bu.; rolled barley, $28. Eggs 35 c. Buttor Country, 35c; crenmory, 40c. Flour Vnlloy, $1.15 C$1.20 por suuk; hard whont, $1.25 $1.40. Bran, C5o por sack; $21 por ton. Toy Timothy, S590c por cwt; cheat, 70c; clovor C5c por cwt.; shorts, 90 95c por cwt. Livestock. Hogs Fat, CVic. Cattlo 1100 1200 Ih itoors. 340. Lighter steers 3 3 Vic. Stock hogs Cc. Cows and heifers 900 1000 2(2140. Lambs 4 VSc Veal Drossod 57c. Tho Panama canal has cost up to Dccembor 31, 190C, $84,449,000, of which $9,729,000 woro paid for engineering nnd construction. And it will tnko 11 yenrs moro to com ploto it. It is ovidontly going to cost ns much as estimated. n Hnd Tetter for Thirty Years. I havo sufforod with tetter for 30 years and havo tried almost couutloss remedies with llttlo, If any rollof. Throo boxes of Chamborlaln's Salve cured mo. It was a torturo. It breaks out n llttlo sometimes, but nothing to what It UBod to do. D. If. Beach, Midland City, Aln. Cham berlain's Snlvo Is for salo at Dr. Stono'B drug Btoro. ID, Portland Wholesale Market. Whoat Club, Sic; valley, 82c; blue stem, 83c. Oats Cholco whlto, $23 (IT $24. Mlllstuff Bran, $1S. Hay Timothy, No. 1, $15 $17; alfalfa, $13. Vetch $8.50. Poultry Hens, 12 H 13c; spring chlckons, 12 13c; dressed chick one, lG17c; ducks, young, 12 Yj tT13c; pigeons, $1$1.25, Pork Bost, $6$G.50. Lambs Spring, $4 $4.75. Mutton $4. 25 $4.50. Hops Cholco, per lb, Gc. Wool Valley, coarse to medium, lSlb20c; eastern Oregon, 12lSc. n Tho old Pennsylvania Dutch Dun kard recommends "Hickory Bark Cough Remedy." Guaranteed to euro your cough, and guaranteed to bo pure. Made from the bark of tho shell bark or white hlckorv trnn For salo by dealers, everywhere. CLOVER SEED WANTED Wo pay cash for Red Clover and Al&lke. Sond us sample and state quantity you have to offer. John Hughes Co. 4 to 474 State Street, 8alem, Oreoa. CORVALLIS & EASTERN R. R. TIME TABLE NO 37. Trains from and to Ynqulna. No. 1 Leaves Ynqulna 7:15 n.m. Arrives nt Corvnllls 11:00 a.m. Arrives at Albany 11:58 n.m. No. 2 Leavos Albany 12:35 p.m. Loaves Corvallls 1:30 p.m. Arrlvos nt Ynqulna 5:40 p.m. Trains to and from Detroit. No. 3 Leaves Albany 7:30 a.m. Arrives nt Dotrolt 12:30 p.m. No. 4 Loavot Detroit 1:00 p.m. Arrives at Albany 5:55 p.m. Trains for Corvallls. No. 8 Loaves Albany 7.55 nm. Arrlvos nt Corvnllls .... S:35 a.m. No. 10 Loaves Albany ,, 2:25 p.m. Arrlvos at Corvallls .... 3:05p.m. No. G Leavos Albany 7:35 p.m. Arrlvos at Corvallls 8:15 p.m. Trains for Albany. No. 5 Loavos Corvallls G:30a.m. J Arrives at Albany 7:10 a.m. No, 9 Leavos Corvallls 12:30 p.m. Arrlvos at Albany 1; 15 p.m. No. 7 Leavos Corvallls 6:00p.m. Arrives at Albany 6:40 p.m. No. 11 (Sunday only) Leaves Corvallls ll:15a.m! Arrlvos at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 12 (Sunday only) Leavos Albany 12:35 p.m Arrlvos at Corvallls 1:18 p.m. For furthor information apply to GEO. F. NEVINS, Gen. Pass, Agt, Albany, Ore. Salem Fence M Headquarters for Wores! Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gatci, is. neaay Roofing, Bcnl and Adjustiblo Window, gJ All at lowctt prlail Walter Mori 250 Court St. Sale! jfc." sh m DON'T LET THIS I Put thoso good JMcq you mado on January lit 1 nt onco by roplaclngyowtl lug with tho newest Ideut opon plumbing, and yon ' o tho annoyanco of InMl and flooded floors, as wellw bills. Wo will furnish tm plumbing, gas fitting anj t Is guarnoteed ns to workcri charges. A. L. FRAi 2SM BUte Rltttl Phone 1M. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Timo Card No. 48 Effective Juno 10. Tovrnrtl Portlniul Passenger. No. 165:23 a. m., Oregon Ex press. No. 188:40 a. m., Cottage Grove Passenger. No. 124:45 p. m., Shasta Ex press. No. 149:28 p. m., Portland Ex pioss. Toward Tortlnnd Freight. jno. 222 io:5S a. m doparU n:3S a. m., Portland Past Freight No. 22610:40 a. m., departs 11:3S a. ra., Way Prelght. toward San lranclsr .Paumeor rso. 1111:03 a. m Shasta Ex press. No. 176:42 p.m., Cottage Grove Passenger. No. 159:56 p. m., California Ex press. No. 131:31 a, m., Saa Francis co Expre&s. Toward Saa Fraadeco FreJgbt. No. 2212:33 a. m., Saa Fraa dsco Fast Freight. No. UMl: a. ., arrlm 11:3$. Send the Family Washing T and you'll nevar bother witl It done at home again. whon every family could to sond the washing to a i hut tlmeB have chanitl- bavo the methods and prlJ you can better afford to family washing here tfuj Aek about our prices on ttsM lng, rough dry, or lauw- Thft Salem Steam Laund . aa e TA Phnnn 25. latW " TnE i?nAST HtaA - ji FAMILY " fltrl Can be obtained frofj tender and u';.7'lrt Ail our "" ... beef, n.1 pork. the table to suit , fastidious, onr p.- quality than you ea place in Salem, rhoae ai SSSa AWW