3. i)b you get up WITH A !L;AME back? DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, i007. PAVING CONTRACT " u." n-win Next Week W"" WfS nLt at the qar- ill.115"..' .it nearly in- ? had to havo a lot of ,hM .,,! laws mado 'STe er s the ordinary otXnd the rock, on nc 1111 i - It is now ex- L,!! comment. 'r:: nolcsintoho i"T'. ".. will not bo S h 1 I- on th. M .. ..otimlnnrlcs nr- sd ".:., wilt nrob- ii Tte paving !"" " hot be "rougn; uu . -- -- L dtf council up uiBiB ""- " Ear additional streets paved II cr ironi- mi " ,riH ana "' ,,ul """ SS amoved until all tbolr L ire finished. Cncral Robert E. Leo 11, greatest general tho world rer known, unimru d Ktt Is the greatest Liniment. frMfMillDalni. It Is within .ad of a. T. H. Pointer, rtud, Texas, writes: "Tins is ,i. tw nallard's Snow Llnl- U.iUon tucd in my household Ian and has boen found to bo Melt Llnlmont ror rnoumauc It J iia neTer without it." Sold U.Ftf. o- Itallan Slashed. i use reiun oi h- bu"' IctiQnarrel Michael Cnmpanolll, I?j2is laborer, employed on tho tort Pacific fcctlon crew, was prolog terribly slashed across ycntn by his antagonist and rconntrrmon. Tho fight oc- uir Shedds and Cnmpanolll halt to Albany on a hnnd- lUiBornlng, and is now recol- iwsent at si, Marys nospitni acty. It la believed that tho iaa will recover. Cnmpnn- ticsfat has not yet been nr- A tfc report shows that the ketween Camnanolll nnd pr.rkman by tho nnmo of ! over which ono should fiirtla piece" of work. It Is a:ione attacked Carapanolll m and etruck him in tho filleting a slight wound. W3I then Is said to hnvo iSabera'g head and knnpfroil Sim. SCabera'8 hem! Rfrnrlr Not the railroad trnrlt nn.-f ITWID WOUnd wnn lnfllntn.1 tana that Domnlc Scabora'. "'w. ruined Un nnd strnHr jwm lth a knife. Doth tho ,v,fc luiujvuiuivij , 'Te got yet been located. Al t' Wild, DATaTI IIiuii T.n. lf...ll PKW bird and ruId down what. I wB, C8 may 0(Torod yu ' to tiV0?00 wrae'lnK of the and character of that which ff,toraachwh0lherM San"' f .nt 8nd ensiblo peopU 2?" JrtoaknoinBwhatil.BT W'v- ;d?r "medicine HuriiiEJf. tb,7 have perfect wniicionsuchknowwlf. Kni, bJtT&MI and on each hnt.io. ! JteUfjnes arc made of aSIT7iTH!iliJp-iiiiJIlMn UTvTT., ' .! UllJiIlUrtotjrTIiu riM,l .0WD pain or riitc. i- Hrt'Wv'c region, accom- U J?:.1 ''rce Favorite "S1 nwvSn.lni-ec,rattl-8 SUoM4laXtet,tin t!S? Sl v,t V. ai hysteria. &WnaU!!0?aat- iu;ATfem7nlni1JLdls' Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost cvcrylxnly who rends the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful v-ri$ I Kilmer's Swntnp. Root, the great kid ney, liver nntl blad der remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered uf ter years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent hidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Urlght's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has hcen tested in so many ways, in hospital work nnd in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a spcciul arrangement 1ms been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, alson book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, nnd how to fiutloutifyonliavc kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghaniton, N. Y. The regular fiftv-ccnt nnd one- 1nl1nr size bottles are Home ot BKunptfoot. sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the nddrcssBinghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. .llkkaJicTlmAI"'?TSbl 8BSuJfitijIBil?? ii" "flD'it'i,... "? auu nrani. j W . UUfT - - "ft Willie llla K u.4 S,iei ofall the aar rU '"'aimed kivfil4 wnat they PiS? fffWUea, to Dr Ti V Thirty Million Dollars for Flowers. Tho fltutemont In yesterday's Ex press that -1,000,000 a yenr is Bpent in America on cut flowurB caused no surprlso at Covent Garden. Tho donlors slnto that hnlf as much again is Bpent every yenr in this country. "In fact, I should sny tho sum paid for cut flowers in England ex ceeds C, 000, 000," said ono of tho largest wholcsjilo florists to an Ex press roprosontatlvo." "Tho avorogo man," ho continued, "would bo surprised at tho great quantities of cut flowers that paBS through tho market during ono day. "This is our Black senson, bccntiBO thoro aro so many flowers grown In the op,on nir now, but in our busy season botweon October and Juno qulto 20,000 worth of floworB pass through tho markets each day. "Tho cut flower trade haB in creasod enormously during the last 20 years, and It Is now flvo times ae lnrgo as when I stnrtcd business. "At first, no doubt, 0,000,000 seems a very largo sum, but if you dlvldo it up you will realizo that it is under tho mark, if anything. "In tho first plnco, there aro tho big West End floriBts, who tako n lnrgo quantity of flowers for parties and general decorative purposes. Then there aro tho provincial deal ers and tho army of hawkers In cluding tho 'rogulars' nnd thoBO who turn tholr hnnds to all kinds of hawking. Tho lattor boII fish ono day, fruit tho next, nnd flowers tho noxt; in fact, nnythlng out of which they can mnko a little money. "Tho hawkers who sell flowers aro Increasing rapidly nnd I should esti mate tholr annual turnovor nt ovor 1.000,000. "With rognrd to tho West End trndo, thoro nro always a great num ber of parties each night of tho sea son, It Is qulto usual for hosts to spend 100 in flowers for ono pnrty alono. "Tho cut floworB sent hero' from Franco nnd tho Chnnnel isles alono amount to nearly 1,000,000 per year." London Express. Parisian Flats for Families. In a city of flats like Paris tho landlords do not like children, and it not infrequently happens that par ents of lnrg families find it very dlfllcuit Indeed to get Buitablo lodg ings. Tho landlords do not seo with M. Plot, tho amlnblo senator, who Is al ways dinning into French enrs tho necessity of having many ollvo branchos. Vory often the would-bo tenant Is asked in tho same breath by tho inexorable concierge, "Have you got any dogs, parrots, or chil dren?" and If humbly he has to confess that ho haB two or three of tho -last named, the autocrat of tho front door shakes her head at him. To a certain extent tho objection can ho understood, but It Is hard, nevertheless, for the proud parents who do their best to supply their country with soldiers and citizens. It is recorded that onco a father and mother of eight children wandered all over Montmartre from morn till dewy ovo unable to find a house- that would take them, until a police commissary had to intervene and lodge them in an empty shop. For this class of family certain houses aro now being built, and an immense building will be opened In a few dayB in the Ruo Bellliard spe cially for largo families. Ono house of the kind containing workmen' ELEVEN YEAR TATE FAIR I 1 In presenting our eleventh successive exhibition at tho Oregon State Fair, we wiBh to state that ench article in our stock has been seloctod with the utmost consideration for tho use to which it is to be put. No implement or machine is taken into our Btock until it has been thoroughly tested and compared with others for tho samo purpose, and found to bo the best that it Is posslblo to obtain. Many of our goods aro mado especially for this trade, which has its peculiarities. Wc carry "everything in Vehicle, Im plement and Machine Equipment for the Farm and Road. Jm Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., FIRST AND TAYLOR STS., PORTLAND, ORE., Branches at Spokane, Seattle, Boise and Salem SALEM BRANCH 211-237 STATE ST., F. F. CARY, Mgr. Barb Wire Barn Door Hangers Bells Cider Mills Corn Shollors Iowa Croam Sepa rators Caso Cultivators Feed Cutters Stover Engines Acrao Harrows Hay Forks Hay ProsBes Hay Rakes Hay Tools Qarden Hose Lawn Mowers Manuro Spreaders Potato Planters Potato Sorters J. I. Caso Plows Myers Pumps Hoosicr Seeders Spray Pumps Stump Pullers Windmills Champion Harvest ing Machines Mitchell "Wagons Mitchell Trucks Staver, Moyer & Babcock Buggies Road Wngons Harness We carry all the goods mentioned above, and also other farm equipment. '' m K apartments was opened in 1902 in tho Ruo du Tolcgrnpho, and has been found vory beneficial. In it for less than 20 a. year, a small healthy apartment enn bo found, woll light ed nnd aired, but no fntnlly is al lowed in it until it hns thrco chil dren. The building contains C10 inhabi tants, tho majority of whom aro ollvo branches. Thoro nro among them four families with nlno chil dren, four with eight, four with sovon, twelve with six, BCvohteen with flvo, fourteen with four and tjio rest with threo each. Nobody complains of tho children because they all livo In glnss houBoa. o A VoJco Not StJH Nor Smnll. "Ah," snid old SollcmaB, "when n true man hns dono a mean action, soonor or later ho will find himself disturbed by a still small voico " "Jusso," ngreed Merridog; "nnd woll I know it. Only yesterday I was hard enough to refuse n poor woman n request for n small sum of monoy.nnd " "Yes, yes! You pnssed a Bloopless night?" "Not half! All night long tho tones of her voico wero ringing In my oars." "Tho softness of your heart was a credit to you," exclaimed SollomnB, with emotion. "Who was tho poor woman, mny I ask?" "My wlfo," answered Merridog, with a groan. Philadelphia Inquir er. o Asked nnd Answered. "How long havo you been mar ried?" asked tho friend who had Just returned from a trip abroad. "Six months," was the reply. "And how does matrimony strike you?" querlod tho other. "Oh, like a good many of my ac quaintaces for monoy," answered tho ex-bnchelor, Chicago News. Her Lnfit Hope- Gone. "I simply enn't help telling you ngnln that I love you," snid Porcy Voro. "Cdn you not hold out any hopo?" "I did hold out ono hopo," replied Miss Buto wearily, "but Hint's gono now." "What was it? I'm Buro I " "I had hoped you wouldn't men tion tho subject ngaln." Exchnngo. Didn't Know. Hostess Let's havo a gamo of bridge. You play, don't you, Miss Greenley? Miss Greenley Well, j-cnlly, I don't know. You boo, I'vo novor tried. Cleveland Plnln Dealer. o Clmmbcrlnln's Cough Remedy Onb of tho Best on tho MnrJcot. For many years Chamborlaln'a Cough Romcdy hns constantly gninod in favor nnd popularity until it Is now ono of tho most stnplo modicines In uso nnd has an enormous salo. It U intonded especially for ncutc throat and lung disease, such as coughs, colds nnd croup, and can always bo doponded upon. It Is pleasant nnd safo to tako nnd Is undoubtedly tho best In tho mnrkot for tho purposes for which it Is Intonded. Sold nf Dr. Stono's drug store. Tho Usvrul Wife. "Docs Jones think ho's nny bettor off Blnco he got mnrried7" "Yes; ho Buys ho has some ono to thread his needle now when ho wnnts to bow on a button." Judge. o Au Ounce of Prevention Is worth, a pound of cure. Thoro nre many poor Bufforors, consumptives who are hopoloss of getting woll who, if thoy had taken enre of thom boIvob, would now bo well. A cough is tho foundation of consumption. Ballard's Horehound Syrup will euro that cough. Mrs. S . Great Falls, Montana, wfltes: "I havo used.Bnl lnrd's Horohound Syrup In my fam ily for years my children never nnf- for with couch8." Sold by D. J. Fry. After the Show. Sweet SJngor Tho loading man does not got bo mnny curtain call! since he hns been married Comedian No; I think ho gots more curtnln lectures. Chicago Nows. ' o Tho Texas' Wonder. euros nil kidney, bladder and rheumatic troubled; sold by nil drug gists, or two months trJnl treatment by mall for 1.00. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Ollvo street, St. Louis, Mo Send for tentlmonlnlr. Sold by Stono's drug store A Kind Word. "So you don't Bhnro tho gonornl Indignation toward tho railways?" "Nor," nnswored Farmer Corn toBsol. "I havo always folt that n locomotive was entitled to a grent deal of credit for sticking to tho track Instead of snorting up nnd down tho country roads llko an auto mobile" Washington Stnr. IT IS ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU LAUGH TO HEAR PEOPLE TRY IXG TO COMPARE VARIOUS RRANDS OF RAKING POWDER WITH EPPLEY'S PERFECTION. IF YOU WISH TO SECURE A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE RAKING POWDER, REASONABLY PRICED, INSIST ON GETTING EPPLEY'S PERFECTION. PUT UP IN JELLY GLASSES AND SOLD BY ALL THE LEADING GROCERS AND DEAL ERS. MANUFACTURED BY C. M. EPPLEY, SALEM. .OR. Increasing One's Opportunity There nro many ways a young per son may Increase- his opportunities and earning powers, One of tho best ways is to sccuro a business ed ucation. Whether ono . works for himself or another, such a training Is very useful. It mny mean tho dif ference between success and failure, The Capital Business Collogo of Sa lem Is n good school. Its graduates aro successful. Students mny entor any time. An catalogue for tho ask ing. 9-10-eod-3t nmnmawwin """""? Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by Ono Doso of Chnmbci'lnln's Colic, Choi- ern nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. I was bo weak from an attack of diarrhoea that I could Bcnrcoly ntton.J to my duties, when I took a doso of Chamborlnln's Colic, Cholera and Dlnrrhooa Romcdy. It cured mo en tirely and I had been taking othor medicine for nlno days without rollof. I heartily recommend this roracdjt ns being tho host to my knowledge for bowel complaints. R, G. Stow art, of tho firm of Stewart & Bro Groonvlllo, Ala. For salo nt Dr. Stono's drug storo. Forru of Hnhlt. "I declare I novor huw such a folf low. Ho is nlvays cutting up." "But, then, you must remember ho is a medical student." Baltir moro American. o Sick Headache. This disease Is caused by n de rangement of tho stomach. Tako at doso of Chamborlnln's Stomach and' Liver Tablots to correct this dlsordon and tho sick headncho will disappear.. For salo nt Dr. Stono's drug, store. o O A. IS 3P O H. X .A. Beantbt j1ha M Yw Haw Always Bwgfct '- ft An CLOVER SEED WANTED Wo pay cash for Red Clover and. Alslko. Sond us sample and stato quantity you have to offer. John Hughes Co. 460 to 474 State Street, Salem, Oregos. J,' Roth & Graber Store News ITALIAN PRUNES Nice choice lot of canning. TOMATOES Send us your ordor nt onca. Will havo a nlco cholco lot in Tuesday. CONCORD GRAPES The finest In tho .land 50c Basket. Muscat Grapes. Tokays Grapes Order your Pastry and Bread from us, wo havo the homo- mado kind. 410 State St. Phone 36 I 2 MWItllllMimillllilMI STONE'S HEAVE DROPS, Grentnt known remedy for heaves. Price fu To express oflloes away from Salem I pay 25 cents ct express charges. For salo by all druggists. Highland, Oregon, Oct. 31, 190?. This Is to certify that I gavo my mnro ono bottlo pf "Stono's Hoare Drops" nnd cured hor of heaves. This wns Inst winter and sho has not been afflicted since. G. Wallace Dr. S. O. STONE. Bnlein. On. wtaatfraft v My Winter Stock f of Footwear HaB arrlvod and contains ovorythiiig In light nnd heavy Bhoes for men and women,. In high and low tops; also n Bplondld lino of rubbor shoos and boots, You nro Invited to coino In and inspect my Ktoclc. Jncob Vogt, 8tato street. k f P Jacob Vogt i State Street ALL GOOD GOODS. tlHMIIMIHtlllHIHUi i H iti m af m II I ill Vi 3$ ft u m w H vm-gr A