Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 16, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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    wni mmmjnmtolMtiXMMH1M mttMtmimmmtmtnimMiutm'tmiiiMim.i
not needed
A uor'o Knreanarllla is not fl StfOnE drink.
nt mart fllpro (a nnt A llrOO of alCOllOl Itl it.
? to a nnn.nlvitin1fotAIlfc-and flltCratiVC. Askl
your own doctor about your taking this medi
cine for thin, Impure blood. Pollow his ad
vice every time. He knows. Trust him.
Whmn9uorotit W publUh i'JtilT'yuSl'
ih fnrmnUy of 1 11 our nraDnritlona. Iowii, .
At n rcqitOBt from headquarters
the Portland Journal's Dalles cor
respondent secured data nnd In n
woll written article, gives a good
history of. the old court houso In this
city, which has boon used as a city
Jail many years, nnd was InBt week
removed to Its present quarters.
Accompanying tho nrtlclo Is a fine
plcturo of tho old building takon by
PruI Volnrdo nnd kindly furnished
to tho wrltor.
Tho article 1b ns follews:
Tho old city hall, formerly tho
first court house, in Wasco county,
now moved to glvo place to a modern
bulldlnic, Is n historical rolle worth
ppseoasing. In 18D8 tho contract
for tho old building wnB lot, nnd It
was completed In 1859. At that time
Wasco county, which wnH organized
by an act of tho territorial legisla
ture In 18tH and Included that part
of Oregon territory lying oast of the
Cascade range, nnd from tho Colum
bia river nnd tho forty-sixth pnrallol,
south to tho forty-second parrallol,
was tho only polltlcnl division smnll
er than a territory botweon Califor
nia on tho south nnd British Colum
,11h on tho north. Its area of nbout
130,000 square miles ombraco mor?
torrltory thim tho Hellish IbIob or
than any of tho present stntcs of "the
union with tho oxcoptlon of Toxns,
California nnd Montnna nnd mori
than twlco tho area of Now England.
Tho dlnilnuntlon of this Immeuso
territory waH first hogun who I Ore
gon was admitted Into tho union.
February U, 1850. I)y that act
Wasco county wnB doprlvod of ono
thlrd of Us nroa ahd all that portion
east of tho Snake rlvor wnB annexed
to Washington torrltory. Five yenrB
lator this boenmo tho Bouthorn por
tion of Idaho and In tho monntlmo
'portions of tho old county hnd boon
attached to Montana and Wyoming.
Then tho loglBhituro of Orogon ho
Kan whittling old Wnscn Into other
counties. In 1802 Hnkor nnd Umn
tlllf. counties wero organUod by act
of tho loglslaturo, with linker City
as tho county seat of tho former nnd
Pundloton of tho latter. Ornnt
county wnB cut off from Wnsco In
1864, and Cnnyon City wiib named
an tho seat of government. In the
snmo year Unon county wns formed,
with Union ns tho county seat.
Then followed Lnko In 1874, county
seat Lakovlow; 1882, Crook, Prlnc
vlllo county scat; Bamo year Klam
ath with Klamath Falls county seat;
85 Morrow and Gilliam with Hepp
nor county scat of tho former nnd
Condon of tho latter; 1887 Mainour,
Vnlo; 1880 Harney, Burns; 1801
Sherman, Moro; and 1890 Wheeler
Fossil being designated ns county
From nh area of 130,000 square
miles It hns boon whittled down to
a llttlo over 2000 square miles, nnd
from extending from the Cascades to
tho Ilocky mountains, Its oxtont Is
only about 58 miles from tho Cas
cade Locks to tho mouth of tho
Doschutcs. When Cnscado county Is
jllccd off, if It over Ib, WnBco will
be ono of tho smallest counties In
tho northwest.
Tho HrBt session of district court
wns held in Tho DnlleB by Justice
Cyruu Olney, ono of tho Justices of
tho Orogon territorial Buprcmo
court, on August 14, 1854, but after
Jio court houso waB built nnd Wasco
county wns formed Into n Judicial
Jlstrlct, .lospeh Q. Wilson was ap
pointed Judge. ThlB was in 18C1,
and tho nppolntmont was mado by
Qovornor A. C. Glbbs.
Judge Wilson wns tho first Judl
:lnl olllcor who presided In the old
:ourt houso. Ho was elected to nnd
iontlnucil In tho offlco until 1870,
A'hon ho resigned and wns the noml
tico of tho Republican party for
jongross, but was defeated by JninoH
II. Sinter. In 1872 ho was ngulu o
mmlldnto and dOfented John Bur
iott. Ho wont to Washington city
and on tho ovo of tho convening of
congress wiib invited to dellvor nn
nddroBB boforo tho alumni of Mari
etta collogo, of which ho wns a grad
uate. Arriving nt Marietta ho wont
to his room nnd wiib found doad tho
next morning of heart failure
Judge Wilson wiib succeeded by
B. Whiten, who sorved on tho bonoh
until tho next election, when L. L.
McArthur wiib elected to tho posi
tion. Ho sorved until 1882, when
ho resigned and tho now court Iioubo
wiui completed tho following year.
Judge Whltton roturnod to tho prnc
tlco of his profoRsIou, nnd died at
Hnkor City a few yours nftorwnrdB.
Judge McArthur, aftor roslgnlng
his position on tho bench becamo a
loading mombor of tho Portlnnd bar,
and died thoro n few yenrB ago.
ThjB Ib tho history of tho old
fSM nr ff!W B! p(h M BB IbS IbbR
St , yS'UC
Tito Kiiul You Have Always Bought nnd which lias boon,
iu two for over JIO year, 1ms liorno tho fllgimtnro of
and huH boon inmlo tumor his ucr
Konnl Hiiporvlslon hIiico ItH Ittiuucy
ft w rv--r jYiiovriiooiioiouucoivuyuiiiii viiih
All OountorfoltM, Imitations aiul"Just-n.wrool"nr" but
XxporlmonU tluit trlllo -with nnd oiuhuiiror tho hca ,a of
liifkuU Rud CliUdisjn Experlcnco against Export ul
Owrtorte U harmless ouhatltuto for Castor Oil, Part
gorle, Drops uiiil Soothing1 Syrups. It in lMoamut. Ifc
eonttUiui noltlter Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
uhHtanco. Its nga In li simranteo. It destroys Worms
Hnd allays FovorlnlmoHH. It euros Dlarrhooa and AVinil
Oollo. It rolluvoH Toothing1 Troubles, euro Constlnutton
a Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, rogulutos tho
Kmach and IlowolK, h inir lionltliy and natural sloop,
llMO Children's ranacea- tho Mother's Frloud.
yj Basra tlie Slgnaturo ot
f '
The kki You Hays Always Bought
in Use For Over 30 Years.
W frCMTtUft eeila,y, T KUHH1V ftTWllT, Kt YOB MT,
county and of the old court house;
but horeaftor they will be- reminis
cences to bo recounted by some of
tho oldest inhabitants. Tho Dalles
'Ablo Bccond bnsomnu nnd all
round pluyor of tho Detroit Amor
B. B, B.
Vwr 8tUa Browa Brul, OrW4i CW MmNw muI Wmn PmliMaK.
' $100 Ilcwnnl, $100.
Tho readors of this paper will ho
ploasod to learn thnt thero Is at leaBt
ono dreaded dlBcaso that sclonco has
boon ablo to euro In nil Its Btagos.and
that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo
Is the only posltlvo curo now known
to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh
to tho medical fratornlty. Catarrh be
ing a constitutional dlBcaso, roqulrca
a constitutional troatment. Hall's
Catnrrh Curo la tnkon lntornnlly, act
ing directly upon tho blood and mu
cous surfaces of tho system, thoroby
destroying tho foundation of 'thn dis
oaso, nnd giving tho patlont Btrognth
by building up tho constitution nnd
nBsIsstlng natur.o In doing Its work.
Tho, proprietors havo so much faith
In Its curntlvo powers that thoy offer
Ono Hundred DollnrB for any case
that It falls to curo. Sond for list
of testimonials. Address F. J. Cho
p.oy & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by drugglBtB, 7Cc.
Tnko Hnll'a Family Pills for con
stipation. . -o
A Itnllrojul Over flip Oronn.
Ono of tho most Interesting of re
cent rnllroad enterprises wiib tho
building or n cut-off for tho Southern
Pnclllc across Snlt Lake. This road
above tho wator Ib somo 35 miles in
length, Is cnrrlod along In places
whoro tho wnter has a depth of 30
odd foot, and was mado Bnfo for
travel only aftor many dlfflcultlos
had boon ovorcomo.
Soon thdro will bo another rnll
road with a courso abovo tho bcu.
It Is bolng built by Henry M. Flnglor
nn nn oxtonsion of nn existing, HnJ
from Miami to Key West. Tlfo on
tlro dlstnnco botweon tho two points
Is ICG mllos, but It Is not all open
wator. Tho rond goes by a chain of
Islands, nnd 4a of thoso koys, as thoy
aro called, and 75 miles of wator will
ho crossod. Tho dopth of water is
from ono to 30 foot.
Much Interest nttnehoa to tho ttso
of concrete In tho work, and tho Co
mmit Ago snya that "by far tho most
Important part of this wonderful
undertaking la tho six mllos ot con
crete vlnducts thnt spnn tho doepor
nnd moro oxposod parts ot tho gulf
nnd oconn."
Cortnlnly tho Illustrations which
go with nn nrtlclo on tho road In
thnt mngaxluo reveal a most sub-Btnntlal-looklng
Btructuro, nnd tho
figures on tho material used aro big
enough to arrest attention 286,000,
barrels ot comont, 177,000 cubic
yards of crushed rock, 100,000 cubic
yards of sand, 612,000 lineal foot of
piling, 5700 tons of ro-enforclng roda
nnd 3, GOO, 000 feet ot dressed lumber
for arched forms.
At tho tlmo when tho nrtlclo was
wrltton sovgnty of the 184 acres In
tho viaduct had been constructed,
nnd It was reported that tho work
was progressing at tho rato ot ono
nrch or GO foet a day.
Whoro tho wator is shallow om
baukmonts arc constructed and thor
oughly protected with rock, and so
much ot tho road Is already built
across tho islands that construction
trains run over 70 snllea of track.
Tho width ot tho greatest water gap
Is 1S.100 foot.
This la &. remarkable addition to
Mr. Flagler's maay costly Florida
enterprises, and It U said that It baa
been carried ou without the aid of a
single coutracto-, the full responsi
bility for Its orgaBliatloa and direc
tion being; placed or J. U. Parrott,
Vice prUeat au4 geaeral Buaager
of tho Florida East Coast Railway.
Chicago Jlecord-Horald.
From the Fnr West to the Far East.
Reaching Moosejaw a divisional
point nnd tho Junction with tho Soo
line, wo quit tho Canadian Pacific
and tako the Soo to St. Paul. Moose
Jaw Is a thriving town of 7000 souls.
It possesses mills and elevators and
gives other evidences of being in tho
vicinity of a great what producing
country. I am told that tho country
from Moosejaw to Winnipeg Ib ono
of tho richest wheat producing coun
tries In tho world. Still It Ib a very
cold nnd Inhospltablo country iu tho
winter Benson. Moosejaw owns Ub
own water works and electric plant,
and it Ib said the people aro greatly
in lovo with tho syBtom. Its flour
mills and olovntors indlcato tho char
acter and qualities of tho surround
ing country.
Taking the Soo lino at this point,
we aro now on tho most direct line
to Minneapolis and St. Paul. Aftor
a fow hours run wo aro in North
Dakota, passing through groat
wheat, barley nnd oat fields. Hofo
tho crops aro vory good, but tho sea
son Is much Inter thnn formerly.
MoBt farmers aro not moro than half
through with their hay, which soom3
to bo qulto abundant. Tho Soo lino
imsses through tho contrnl part of
tho Btato but gradually angloa ncroJsJ
tho stnto to tho southoast. Tho great
Rod river valloy is from 60 to 100
miles cast of It, but boforo reaching
tho Minnesota lino wo crosB tho
south end of tho valloy and 'get n
view of Its lmmonso wheat Holds,
fino buildings nnd woll-woodcd
atronms. Everywhere tho crops
seom to bo unusually Into. Now and
again wo saw farmers nt work in
thoir hnrloy fields and somo fow
woro cutting early oats. If tho wheat
cropo should rlpon of which -thoro
Is somo doubt tho hnrvest ylold or
North Dakota will bo an lmmonso
one', and tho pooplo need n good ono,
nftor passing through such a torriblo
winter ns Hint of 1906-7. Wo notico,
howover, that thoy nro piling up
great nuantltlcs of coal at tho dlffor-
ont stations, and nro not to bo caught
again, If thoy enn help It.
From tho Red rlvor valloy to
Minneapolis is but a continuation of
tho Bamo conditions as prevail in
North Dnkota a lato season, pooplo
haying, heavy crops of nil kinds of
grain nnd potntoos. TIiIb Is tho 13th
day of "AugiiBt, and vory llttlo har
vesting has boon dono showing that
crops aro at least a month lator than
on othor years. Still tho people
ovorywhoro appear to bo prosperous,
happy and hopeful as to tho future.
Mlnnosota Ib n beautiful stato. It
Is a pralrlo stato and yet tho country
Is dottod with Inrge and beautiful
lakes, bordorod with trees and
othor attractions. In this respect It
dlffors greatly from both North and
South Dnkota, for In these stat03
thoro aro fow lakos and less timbor.
Wo arrived at Minneapolis on
AuKiist 14th. whoro wo hnvo a slstor
living, and for a day and night laid
off and enjoyed oursolvea immonsoly
vlaltlng sonio of tho -nearby watering
places and othor attractions of this
magnificent stnto.
J. II. F.
Sbo Found Relief.
If you are troubled with liver com
plaint and have not rocolvod help
read tWfl. Mrs. Mary I?. Hammond,
Moody. Texas. "I was In poor health
with liver trouble for over a year
Doctors did me no good and I tried
Herblno, and threo bottle cured mo.
I can't Bay too much for Herblno, as
It la a wonderful liver medicine I
always have It In tho houso. Pub
lish whore you wish." Sold by D. J.
. o
llouuty and the llenfit.
Hewitt I har that thoy mado a
Hon ot you at tho banquet tho other
Jowott Yea, nnd when 1 got
home I found a lion tamor, all right
drift Blentr from bad to wSSuS
ROW tDUlV Wntunn ,1 - .
wfco are perfectly well anaXrt'
Thocause may bo easily tcK
-sonao feminine derangement u!?
manifests lUelf ta VgSffi
spirits, reluctance to go aTli.!:
or do anything backache, dwS!
wmsatlons, flatulency, BonouM
ahd sleeplessness,
that there la danger ahead, and ub
less heeded, a life ot suflerW or
serious operation la the laerltebl.
result The beat remedy for Si
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
ade from natlro roots and herbs. No other medicine in the country ha
received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. Ho other aedL
cine has suon a recuu wi w wKiuwii iua.
Miss J. F. Walsh, of 338 W. 3jih St., Now York City, writes:-"!
E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been of Inestimable valna in
rcatorlnff my health. I suffered from femalo Ulucss which canjed
dreadful hcadachee, dltzmesa, and dull pains in my back, but your
mcdiclno soon brought about a ehango In my general condition, bunt
me tin and made me perfectly rr ell."
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgotable Compound cures Female ComphdnU
anob as Backache, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation and Ulcera
tion, and organic dlsoaacs. It Is invaluablo in preparing for child-birth
and during tho Change of Life. It euros Nervous Prostration, Headache,
General Debility, and Invigorates the whole system.
Mrs Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Womon suffering from any form of femalo weakness are Invited to
writo Mrs. Pinkbam, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice la free.
iinif iiimif if ifif nm
Will have on display ovory day this wcok now and nobby hats ot
tho latest designs. Our stylo nnd quality nro not to bo found else
where. Our FISK nnd TAILORED hats aro exclusive Wo will bo
pleased to havo you call nnd soo our ologant display.
Second Floor, Store of Jos. Meyers & Sons
To my patrons nnd tho public
That I hnvo added n Horso Shooing department wltha flrst-cbus
horso ahoor, and tho patronage of any nnd nil will bo appreciated
In this lino. Special nttontlo'n paid to intorforing, over-reaching
nnd lnmo horses. Satisfaction guarnntced. Wo pay Bpcclal atten
tion lo building trucks, express nnd dollvory wagons, nnd all to
blcles. A first-class paint shop and an thorough painter for Te
hides. Paints, oils, varnishes and lubricating oils of all kinds.
Wngons, buggies nnd hacks, also farm lmptomonts of all klnh,
plows, harrows, cultivators. Agonte for tho Era bollors and
glnos, Nicholas & Shophord traction engines, sawmill macbls
ory and gasollno engines. It will indoed pay you to talk
to us If you need any of theso Hues. Como in 81
bco us, whethor you buy or not. Communications by mail prompl
ly nnaworcd.
Corner Front nnd Pine Btroets, North Salem. Phono Main 464
The Ideal Pacific
Coast Resort on
Comfortably nnd quickly reached from SALEM via Southern
Pacific to Albany, thenco Corvalils & Eastern Railroad.
Round trip rates from SALEM, $5,000 for season tickets, goo
for return until October 31at, and $3.00 for threo day tickets, soojj
going Saturdays nnd roturnlnp Monday following dato of 8al6-"?.
tickets honored for going or roturn trip from Albany on CorT7
& Eastern "every Sunday" excursion train leaving Albany 7:30 A.
M. and returning leave Newport 5:30 P. M. fc
For furthor information call on ticket agent Southern F
Salem, Corvnllls & Eastern, Albany, or
General Passenger Agent, Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, AlbaBT, w
" 7 ' T.
I mrsi IU" t
In the way of bakery products? Cer
tain it U that you'll travol many a
weary wile to evoa equal our Cakes,
Pies, Pastry, Rolls, Etc. Our goods
are always la demand, because those
who kaow appreciate their excel
leaee. Bh(. doa't forget our Bread
oar priaclpat pride and 60urae ot
our aueeeee.
O. UUew, Pre, Fttee see.
Superior Restaurant
153 High Street, Upatalra,
First-class in all appointments. A
place for ladies and gentlemen to get
all kinds of Chinese dishes and the
famous LI Hung Chung Chop Suey
and Yakama.
R. H. Baker
Successor to Whey Sea Yow Co., Prop
A. A. BURTON. Prop.
Brick always on hand, la car lots
or otherwise. Pressed brick Bade
to order. Yard oa State street, soHtB
ot peatlteatlary. -7-1-tfr.
Call and try th-
15c. Board per week V
also furaUhed roo "
itoky Wwnturi 1
. v.. uUaiu or ri "i
. frY. "Sr.TTj. J "?".
miteMi imtia " . .,jiH
d. s...atlrui
., it
. ,Vw