Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 14, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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utiful Dress and Street Hats fofffrn
.. ., mi lmforo huvlnc your now Pall DrcBB and Street Hats you would buy them of us
I( yoiMVou a w begt matorlal by the b(JBt BkUled mftkora and tnmmors. Wo buy
nuantltlcs oi Biiuiiuo, i."" -i -, -" . -. . . .
ded to conduct a largo making and trimming department. By
ClSf ""flavo tho middleman's doublo proiHs, and don't havo to buy a lo
A" titles of shapes, plumes, wings, nlgrctts, birds, fancy feathers, velvets, ribbon and everything
Iar6e quantities ,nXr,ntr nm, trimminff donartmont. By ranking and trimming our own
lot of trimmed hatB of any one pat-
hats we savo hunroda of choice huts to choose from.
tern Every hat lsapauuiuu it ", -
All workmanship that comes from hero Is
240 Commercial St.
wmim m-w ! iti !! !
lntolorant, must bo tho
'in ifce UneDfllit At Thco-
Mcal Meeting Today
ft Sept. U.-HundredB of
;.. .11 soctlons of tho
.jutH and foreign lands.
j lather "to form a nucieua
ittlmul Drotherhood of II u
t tttkoat distinction of ritco,
' or color," aro assomblod
ifladr City today to paruci
.rt.MMionsof tho twontloth
tcnrcntlon of tho American
rf tho Theosophlcnl society
u TCorM. which opens tomorrow
U!l ball.
to treachlng tho gospol of a
titt Ii as wldo and deep as
r Theoiophlsta always
Ihsialtjr with a capital H
Lwy prospect that the com-
i Bay develop quarrola
tit inch as aro not unusual
lbs who Hvo on tho
iKsMlty Is duo to tho pros-
kin ot Mrs. Annie Ilcsant, of
,Wi, who wns recently
dK!d president of tho Thco-
i, b nccesslon to tho Into
itoOlcott. Tho opposition
ut has been exceedingly
a portion of tho
umbers, and it is freoly
SJ her prosenco at tho
rnS result In another
Illinois Has Strong Team.
Urbana, 111., Sept. 14. Spurrod
an by dreams of coming victories on
tho gridiron, with tho championship
of tho west as tho goal, the Illinois
university team will begin Itn prac
tice season Monday. Mny of tho
players aro on hand and others will
arrlvo tomorrow. Tradition has It
that tho wearers of tho orango and
bliro dovolop Into a strong team
evory three years and this is tho
third year. Not Blnco 1904 has n
crack eleven gono forth to uphold
tho football honors of tho Illinl.
with tho
Other American members opposo
Mrs. BoBant because of fho now
dogma promulgated by hor that tha
affairs of tho society aro govornod
and hor nomination and election
mado possible by Invisible "masters"
of tho "spirit world." This Infusion
of tho discredited doctrines, of de
caying spiritualism Is n blttor pill
for many Theosophlsts to swnllow,
and it Is posslblo that thoy may spow
It out, and tho world'B leader along
with It.
An effort will bo mado to commit
tho convention to a moral codo and
tn somo expression of opinion that
will prevent the society becoming a
spiritualistic sldo show, with a "Llt
tlo Bright Eyes," Indian guides,
tranco artists, mediums and slnto
wrltora. Smltton with tho Amorlcau
Idea that morality and decency aro
necessary roqulBltcs to high think
ing and right living, tho Amorlcan
membors will attempt to ndopt a
provision that will provont tho so
ciety from becoming n rofugo for
moral porvorts.
It 1b pointed out that Mrs. Besant,
when prominent throughout tho
worlll ns an atheist and n co-workor
with Charles Bradlaugh, Rqbort In
gorsoll and other famous freethlnk-
na nrnnnliml n mnml flnntrlllO tJ
whinh nono could tako oxcontlon, ' duclng a winning team for their
and that It only nlnco bIio has bocomo alma mater, among them Fred Low-
a qunsl-bollovor, In spiritualism thnt onthal, Harvoy Sconce, Jlmmio look
bIio has cosed to omphaslzo tho ne-, and Jnko Stahl.
Beldorwolf of Montlcollo, Ind., tho
Rov. French E. Oliver of Chicago,
tho Rov. Molvln Trotter of Grand
Rapids, Dr. and Mrs. Hamll of Nash
ville, the Rov. J. A. Bowon of
Winona, Miss., and Rov, Charles N.
Crlttonton of New Jersey. Tho musi
cal program Is In chargo of Evango
llsts Smoot and Rhodoheavor.
At tho closo of tho tabornaclo
meetings laBt September, prior to
laving on his fatal Journey to Okla
homa City, tho Rov. Sam Jonos in
terested a number of promlnont citi
zens of this city In tho formation .of
90.50 Buys a good second-hand
whool, In good repair. It Is a
snap. Call at Journal office.
For Sale A good team of work
and brood mares. Will soil as
team or single W. H. Simpson,
near Prlnglo school house.
For Salo Threo aoros land, dwoll-
lng houao, storo building, stock of
gonoral merchandise. Best loca
tion In tho valloy for country
storo. Doing a splondld business.
Address Box 221, Salem P. O.
8-2 4-1 m
Wanted Situation as prune dryer
or as steam engineer. Best of rof
oronce. Call at Willamette hotel.
E. W. Thompson. 9-13-3t
Wanted. Good laundrcsB and wait
ress, at Hotol Salem. 9-13-3t
Wanted Two extra chambermaids
at Willamette hotel. 9-12-3t
A Japanese Cook Wants position.
Address P. O. Box 323. 9-12-3f
Highest Cash Price Paid for chick
ens at Willamette Hotel. 4-19-tf
For Sale Two Blnglo top buggies,
in flrat-class condition. Ono rub
ber tired. Apply to C. W. Yannko,
Fashion stables. Telophono 44.
For Sale Ono of tho bost dairy
farmB In Marlon county, contain
ing 100 acres, ono-half tnllo east
of Aumsvlllo dopot; must sell on
account of ago. F. H. Llghtfoot,
AumBVlllo, Or. 8-23-lm
Miss Winifred Byrd Will glvo piano
forto Instruction In Salem this
coming season. Miss Byrd 1b a
graduate of tho Now England Con
servatory of Music, and for the
paBt two years has taught In that
Institution and prlvatoly In Bos
ton. For Information addroas P.
O. box 85 or phono G. Rosldonco
corner of Court and Church.
Former Captain Artlo Hall, tho tho Sam Jones Tauornacio nssocia-
old halfback and end', 1b tho head tlon, tho purposo of which was to
coach who Is expected to produco a perpotuato tho work of tho famous
team ablo to wlpo out tho memory of , evangelist. Ills plan wns to com-
tho overwhelming defeat that tho blno a Blblo conforenco with ovango-
Illlnl suffered nt tho hands of tho Hatlo meetings, and this will bo
Chicago Maroons last year. Hall as- strictly adhered to In tho program of
Blsted In turning out tho strong . to coming session.
1901 nnd 1904 teams, and tho root
ers bollovo ho can moro than ropoat
tho porformanco now that ho Is chief
coach. Hall will bo aBssItod by Jus
Llndgron, last year's conch, and by
mnny football Btars of tho Illinl of
formor years, lkoy Baum, who
conched at Illinois nlno or .on yenra
ago, will como from Now Mexico to
glvo advlco and asslstanco In whip
ping tho tonm Into shape. Several
othor formor conches and plnyors
For Rait Furnished rooms lor
houso-kooplng or board for n
Blnglo lady or couplo. Apply to
Mra. Markowltsch, 730 North
Front street. 8-16-tf,
For Rent Sovon-room house, hoi
and cold water, electric light, bath
room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrolb
er, 560 North High stroot.
Endorsed by tho Country.
"Tho most popular romedy in
Otsogo county, nnd tho bost frlond of
my family," writes Wm. M. Dlotz,
oditor nnd publisher of tho Otsogo
Journal, Gllbortsvlllo, N. Y., "lo Dr.
Kings Now Discovery. It has proved
to bo an Infnlllblo euro for coughB
and colds, making short work of tho
worst of thorn. Wo always keep a
bottlo In tho houso. I bollovo It to bo
Siirfnir Beds and Good Itoonus
Plenty of them at tho Wilson
Houso, 146 Contor stroot; resorvo
your room for Fair wook. 9-9-2k
otnor iormor cuuuiiua uuu i"" , .. ,n i,nnmn
havo volunteered their aid In pro- the most valuable prescription known
...... .........-- - i.t,. for unc and throat diseases." Guar-
Vogct Lumber nnd Fuel Co. Lum
ber .Bhlnglcs, building material,
wood and coal. Low prices nnd
prompt dollvorlos. Ono block oast
of S. P. possongic dopot. Phono
108. 7-2-tf
ifullerton of New York,
PBmrs general secretary of I
ccsslty of right living.
What ovor action mny bo taken,
it is evident that tho congress here
will bo an Importnnt ono in tho his
tory of tho Theosophlcnl movomqnr.
Mildewed theories which nourished
In Asia thousands of yonrs ngo will
bo rohnshed and ventllntcd by gifted
Occult 'and esoteric mysteries pro-
EZZZ Z L mulsatod by tho MRgb nnd wise men
fffthAmorlca, has boon ono' ,, ' , .. ,, . Ml
tBajJl'i most strenuoui op-
Iflitrlcan opposition to tho
'to. Besant oven hor ene-
"&& lhal she is a woman of
ptettud undoubted gonitis
lately on ethical grounds,
m question of aplrltunl-
1 liters. Th morn rnnfin.
tleotnti amonir tlio Tlionsn.
Pr that Mrs. Resant will
fv Charles W. I.cndbeator,
f fronlnent Thoosnnhiot whn
"to trom tho American so-
IWJS ot cross Immnrnlllv
W&n of Influence.
want announced that no
Ifciiard Is necessary or re-
i lor Etmbershln In . o
Kilhat Leadbeater's expul-
" lB"iora unwarrnted.
-"sine right to exclude hlB
r lor dltfrf nrn nt tk....i.i
'We." d(w.i. k. ..
"KiesL "Vr, .... - . .
E. i " vau c,aun Ior nI8
Pttwesiion than he claims
rt ti another Tl ....
. 4WCJUUCU, oven
j Ofegon
L0! $25,000
tfHies known to
!? Jefferson is a
J tewn, good
f2j lood people.
r see os,
State Bank
of India will bo considered In tho
light of their modem applications
nnd Jho Interrogation points of tho
ages will moot with roady answers.
Many prominent spenkors aro on tho
program, and tho number of dele
gates already hero gives promUo of
tho most lnrgoly attended conven
tion In tho history of tho Amorlcan
Tho Theosophlcal society was or
ganized In 1875 by Madam Helen P.
Blavatsky and Colonol Honry Stoolo
Olcott, tho lattor a veteran of tho
civil war and onco a well known
newspaper man. Its headquarters
aro In Adyar, Indln, where Mrs. Be
sant makes hor homo, and it Is rep
resented by bodies of followers In
noarly every nation. Its lodges aro
sQlf-governlng and tho Individual
membors aro required to subscribe
to no fixed qreed. Its purposes, lu
addition to forming a universal
brotherhood, nro to promote tho
study of comparative religion, phi
losophy and Bdonco and to Investi
gates the unoxplalned laws of nature
and tho powers latent In man.
Tho Renewal Strain.
Vacation Is ovor. Again tho school
bell rings at morning and nt noon,
again with tenB of thousands tno
hardest kind of work has begun, tho
renowal of which Is a mental and
physical strain to all except tho most
rugged. Tho llttlo girl that a fow
days ago had rosos In her cheoks,
and 'tho llttlo boy whoso lips were
then bo red you would havo Instated
that thoy had been "kissed by straw
berries," havo already lost some
thing of tho appearance of health.
Now Is a tlmo when many children
should bo given a tonic which may
avert much aorious trouble, and wo
know of no other bo highly to bo
recommended as Hood's Sarsapa
rllla. which strengthens tho nerves,
perfects digestion and assimilation,
and aids mental development by
building up the wholo system.
For tho first tlmo In a docado, tho
Illinl will this year moot tho Chicago
MaroonB on tho homo, gridiron, tho
dates having boon sot for October
19. Purduo will nlBo bo played nt
homo, whllo Wisconsin, Iowa and
Indiana will bo played away.
. o
Attack of Dlnrrhoea Cured, by Ono
Doso of Chamberlnln's Colic, Cliol-
era nnd Diarrhoea Remedy.
I was so weak from nn attack of
diarrhoea that I could scarcoly ntton I
to my duties, when I took a doso of
for lung and throat diseases." Guar
anteed to never disappoint tho taker,
by J. C. Perry's drug atoro. Prlco 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottlo free.
Sporllng Calendar for Coming WcelC
Now York, Sept. 14. Among tho
Important sporting ovonta on tho
cal6ndnr for tho coming wook nro
tho follewing:
Monday Racing meet of Brook
lyn Jockoy club boglns nt GravosonJ
track, lasting twolvo dnys. Hnrnoss
meet will begin nt Louisville In con
nection with Kentucky stnto fair.
Wednesday Candidates for places
on Ynlo football team will report at
Yalo field for practice. Fourteenth
ss "szr j'" - .wirs
Diarrhoea Romedy. It cured mo en
tirely and I had boon taking othor
mcdlclno for nlno dnys without rollof.
I heartily recommond this romedy
ns bolng tho host to my knowledgo
for bowol complaints. R. G. Stow
art, of tho firm of Stowart & Bro
Groonvlllo, Ala. For sale at Dr.
Stono's drug store.
8am Jones Conference.
Cartorvlllo, Ga., Sept. 14. Somo
of tho most noted divines of tho
country will tako pnrt In tho Sam
Jones Blblo confornce, which opens
tomorrow lu tho tabernnclo hero and
will oxtond to Sopterabor 22.
Tho sessions tako tho plnco of tno
Horso Show nssoclntlon boglns nt
White Plnlno, N. Y.
Saturday Eastern football sea
son will opon with gamo botweon
Carllslo Tdlans nd Albright college.
Twenty-fourth nnnunl Canadian
track and field championships will
bo hold at Montreal. Annual sum
mer dog show will bo held nt Atlan
tic City. .
Concrete Work. Got my prlcos on
Bldowalks, curbs, septic tanks and
cement work of any kind. All
work guaranteed flrst-claBB. M.
Ward, Highland add. Phono 509.
Butto & Wcndcroth Flno winos,
liquors and cigars. Wo handlo
tho colobratod Kollog gand Castle
whiskies. Cool and.rofroshlng boor
constantly on draught. South
Commercial stroot. 9-3-lyr
Collego of Music Willamette Unl
vorslty. Established 1867. Em
powered by tho stato of Orogon to
confer cortlflcatos, diplomas and.
dogroos. Wlntor and Forry
Btroota, Salem, Orogon. Evory
teacher an artist of recognized
ability. A comploto courao in all
bronchos of musical art. Scholas
tic year boglnB Soptombor 24,
.1907. Pupils aro requested to
roKlBtor at tholr earliest opportu
nity In ordor to secure convonlont
loBBon hours. TIiobo intondlng to
tako tho rogular courso nro urgod
to commonco on tho opening day.
Dr. R. A. Horltngo, dean, director
vocal dopartmont. Arthur von
Josson, diroctor piano dopartmont.
Lo Roy Gosnor, diroctor orches
tral dopartmont. 9-2-lm
Miss Eva F. Co.v Will lio roady to
rocolvo pupils In music after Sop
tombor 2d at hor Btudlo, 242 Con
tor streot, botwocn Commercial
and Front. Phono Main 847.
Burgeon. Tolophono 307 Main.
Ofllcos, 540 Stato street, opposlto
court houso, Salem, Or. Rosldonco
Phono 313 Main. S-13- lino
Our moat markot on East Stato
stroot has boon doubled In bIzq and
wo aro bottor proparod than ovor to
eorvo customors. Prompt Borvlco and
tho bost of moats our motto. Call
or phono 109. B. E. Edwards, Prop.
Wo Aro Cash Purchasers Of poul
try, eggs, and all kinds of farm
produco. Borry crates made up
In unlimited luantltlos. Capital
Commission Co., 267 South Com
mercial stroot, Salem. Phono Malu
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ono of
tho Bost on tho Market.
For many years Chamborlaln's
Cough Romedy has constantly gained
In favor and popularity' until It Is
now ono of tho most staplo medicines
! In uso and has an onormous sale. It
nw"XinCK. ntonded Py or acute throat
annual meotlngs conducted In car- .. ' ,, m1cri,.
torsvillo each year by tho lato Rov. ,"u "" -., . o
!0r "!?- ITI "L nl .rmon colds and croup, and can always bo
oam JU... w...0 --- - ifl d d upon It l8 pieaBant and
will bo preached tomorrow by tho ueponu op
R- I' ZTTtL s.'"est in tho markot for tho purposes
CUIUCl Ull.v, U"i j-.w
tors who aro expected to speak dur
ing tho coming weok Include Dr. .
C. Dixon of Chicago, tho Rov. W. E.
CiimmliiH UroH.' Transfer Company-
All kinds of transfer work dono.
Furniture nnd pianos boxod ready
for shlpmont. Prompt sorvlco is
our motto. Stnnd and offico at
253 South Commercial stroet.
Phono 210. IUaldoncfe Phono 068.
Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer of
Bash, doors, mouldings. All kind
of houao finish nnd hard wood
work. Front stroot, botwoon State
and Court. Mako all complaints
at tho ofllco.
Foresters of America Court Bher
wop'd ForesterB, No. 19. Meots
Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stato street
Leo Abblo, C. R.; A. L, Brown,
P. S.
iM WM iVl WW tfWjB w9
Tn tho wav of bakery products? Cer
tain it is that you'll travol many a
weary mile to ovon equal our Cakes,
rln Unntrv Rolls. Etc. Our goods
aro always In demand, because thoso
who know appreciate tholr excel
lence. But don't forget our Bread
our principal pride and sourBO of
our bucc. .
O. Ullew, Prep,
for which it Is intended.
Stono's drug storo.
Sold at Dr.
Special Eastern Excursion rates.
May 20, 21, Juno 6, 7, 8, July S,
4, 5, August 8, 9, 10, Soptembor 11,
12, 13. To Chicago and return,
$73.15. St, Louis and roturn, $69.1b
St. Paul and roturn, Omaha, Council
Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Joe, Kansas
City and return $61.65.
5-21-tf Gen. Pas. Agt.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P.
Castle Hall lu Holman block, cor
ner Stato and Llborty streets
Tuesday of eaoh wook at 7:30 p
m, Oscar Johnson, C. 0.; E. H.
Andorson, K. of R. and B.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Codar Camp No. 5246. Moots
ovory Thursday evening at 8
o'clock In Holman hall. W. W.
Hill, V. C; F. A. ,Turner, clerk.
Woodmen of World Meet every Frl
day night at 7:30, in Holmnn hall,
L. E. Ponnoll, C. 0.; P. k. Fraz
l"r, Clork.
Wo pay cash for Red Clover and
Alaiko. Bend us sample and state
quantity you have to oitQr.
John Hughes Co.
U to 474 State ftreet,
galea, Orf. .
Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci
dent and ponslon Insurance; ?z,
000,000 plodgrd; ovory claim paid
Good agonta wanted, J. H. O.
Mongoraory, supremo organizer,
Box432 Salem, Orogon. R. R.
Ryan, secretary, 546 State stroet.
Wo can Bupply you with the lum
ber you netd at tho prlco that will
materially economize In the cot.
Just come and see ua and look over
our yardB.
YHrttM Near Dpot.
Thco. M. Bnrr Plumblg, hot water
and steam heating and tinning.
164 Commercial street. Phone
Main 192. P'1'1
M. J. Peteel Plumblag, steam and
gas attlag. lueewwor to Kaox
Murphy, 228 CoBsmerclal street,
iBrnia Uftla 17.
Salem Fence Works
Hcadquartera for Woven nlr
Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles, P
& B. Ready Roofing, Screon Door
and Adjustlble Window Screens
All at lowest prleei.
Walter Morley
250 Court St Salem, Ore
For water tervlce apply t
Bills payable weathly la adraMt.
a b
.tern,, ,i sMtbiiifc