o DAMi CAPITAL JOURNAL SALHM, ORJUON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1007. frbWWQQ$$&&&QQQMQ Consumption is less deadly than it used to be. Certain relief and usually complete recovery will result from the following treatment: Hope, rest, fresh ah, and Scott's Emtttsfon. ALL DRUQOISTSt BOo. AND $1.00. $$$iQh&$$$4M$$$$4$$i&'8''9iQi JZtK iSB iOTI GRAND OPERA HOUSE JNO. F. CORDRAY, Manager Friday Eve, September J3 ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY The Laughing Success of New York and London Have You Seen It? I Have. JYiRS. TEMPLE'S TELEGRAM Presented by a Company of Comedians, Headed by Franklyn Undetwood NOTE THE PRICES FlrBt 3 rows orchostrn ? .7ft Last G rows orchestra , ' 1.00 First 3 rows dresH clrclo , 1.00 Next 2 rowt) dross clrclo 70 Last 2 rows tlroHH clrclo 50 Flrat 3 rows balcony 1.00 Next row balcony 7G Last row Imlcony 50 (lnllory 25 )ox Hun'H , 1.00 Sent Bale- at box olllco, Friday at 0 a. in. MHnMHMMMBMIHHMHMHUHnBHMHB imiiieiitiiiiif nf nn8if iinio MISS M. D. EVANS Will lmvo on display ovory day this wook now nnd nobby lints of tho latoBt doslgnB. Our Btylo nnd quality nro not to bo found olae whore. Our FI8K nnd TAILORED hats nro exclusive Wo will bo plonsod to lmvo you call and boo our ologant display. . . . MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Second Floor, Store of Jos. Meyers & Sons UallBtiiiiiiitnftiirtmlM'M'ftlata,''Mlal'MI,IIIIB',B''l,l',Mi X-RAYS A Buhomo Ib on foot to reopen the dotunct Portland Having Dank, and retain Mooro as olinlrninn and Mor ris an cnBhlor. Tho plan la to lmvo tho depositors Bubecrlbo to tho stock' tltiiB becoming partners to tholr own Jlnnnclnl exploiting. Tho blanka for nubBcrlptlona do not say whuthor tho subscribers arc aleo to load thom hoIvch with tho rJstucndn vonturo, tho Drain branch bank, tho other lit tle one In Southern Oregon, tho Cra tor l.nkd railroad, etc., or not. Some pcoplo know whon they have enough of ti Kood thing, and boiho do not. Dr. Urn . Molntyro delivered n loc turo In Seattle Sunday on tho nub Jeet "Tho Power of the Club." Tho lady leave out the most Important factor In tho subjoot. nB bo much do pondn on the person who wlolds tho club. Senator Allison, of Iowa, la SO yenni old. He has beun In tho Unit ed States HtiiHto 3-1 years, and In tho lower house eight years, and has two yenra of an unexpired term yet to servo. In splto of his year ami long yonra of public pap. ho nnnounc.w that ho will run again, lie la as hard to woflti aa some of the Infant Industrie, and almost aa old. A FINE NUMIIKR. Oregon Jouiii... rviebnitffl Anniversary. Fifth 'Kh1oiM by tho Country. "Tho most popular remedy In Oteogo county, and tho best friend of my family," writes Win. M. Dlotc. editor and publisher of tho Otsego Journal, Ollbortsvillo, N. Y , "Is Dr. King New Dlscorory. It has proved to bo nn Infallible euro for coughs and colds, making short work of tho Tforst of thorn. Wo always keep n liottle In tho house. I believe It to be the most vsluablo prescription known for lung and throat diseases." Guar anteed to never disappoint tho taker, by J. O, Porry'a drug store. Prloo 50c nd $.1.00. Trial bottle tree. . Tho Oregon Journal anniversary number Is one that would bo u cred it to any publication In tho world. Its magazlno fenturo la magnificent, being filled with vIowb of Orogon's grandest sconory, and that Is tho best nnd most beautiful on earth. Tho descriptive mnttor la woll writ ten, woll chosen and contains tho kind of Information that will mnko people of tho Hast, who aro fortu nate enough to get hold of It, sit up and do somo thinking. Tho Port land Chamber of Commerco and oth er Hlmllar Institutions could not do better than to sond 100,000 copies, or moro, If they could, for tho more tho bettor, to tho Hast. That kind of ix solid shot whon It hits a man brings him, and Is worth a thousand of the papor wads usually tired through tho Immigration soclotles, o They Know It. Thousands of people- throughout tho country know thnt the ordinary rumodlra for Plica ointment, sup positories nud local appliances will uot cure, Tho best of thorn only bring pass tablet taken Internally thnt romoves tho causo of Piles, honco tho euro la permanent. Kvory pnekngo sold car ries a guarantee with It. It Is perfectly harmless to tho most dollonto constitution. Sold nt 11.00. Dr. Loonhnrdt Co., Nlngara Falls, N. V., Proprietors. Sold by S. a Stone, Salem. Dr. I.Qonhnrdt's Horn-Hold Is n lug relief. o So Sliighmr, "Funny," said Rnrotop, "but thoro was a time when tho harbors used to speak of my hair," "You moan before you began to get bald?" asked hia friend. "Yes. Now they speak of my hairs." Philadelphia Press, o O twitU Ufutvt WANTS ANOTHER TERM Allison Is 80 Years Old, lias Dccn In the Senate 34, and In the House 8 Years, Out Wants More Wp rp?refc verv much to put the price of Furnihiro cost in Salem, for it works a hardship on our compete UUt VYK liaVtkS UCtluu iv ivo-s -"v.vVtr0l stock into cash. A dispatch from Dos Moines, Iowa, somo two weeks ago Illustrates the tcnaclousnosB with which an ofllco. holder hnngs on to his Job. The dis patch says: , Announcement of the candidacy of Senator William Boyd Allison for a seventh term mado formally thlb week surprised no ono, because poli ticians genornly understood that he would enter tho race. His extreme ago will bo mado tho sole issue of tho contest that Governor Albert 13. Cummins who will oppos'o him will rniso. Tho governor has not formal ly announced his enndidncy, but n seml-nuthorltntlvo statement In tho early spring Informed tho people of his Intentions. Mr. Allison will bo 80 yonrs old tho day before his sixth torm as Uni ted States Bonator expires, In March, 1909. Governor Cummins is 57. Tho campaign will turn on tho ques tion whether tho atato should re elect for six years a man of Mr. Allison's ago. No ono dreams of making any attnek on his record or personality. Friends of tho govern or hold that as President Roosevelt has said that tho progressive fight In congross is only half over tho atato would hotter sond a youngor man to tho senato. Tho pooplo will lmvo next spring their first chanco to express their proforonno ns to tho aonntorshlp at tho Initial trial of tho now primary law. Undor this tho pooplo lmvo thu right to votctholr proforenco for tho senntorshlp, tho theory of tho law being that tho loglslaturo elected noxt yenr will chooso the man nomi nated by tho voters of tho dominant party. It is on account of this law that tho formal announcement has been mndo by Senator Allison. Governor Cummins will follow formally In duo tlmo, nnd each will secure tho inser tion of his name on tho ofllclnl bal lot for tho Republican primaries the Bccoml Tucsdny In Juno. Tho ono who thon shall recolvo a majority of tho Ropubllcnn votes will bo tho party candidate and tho loglslaturo Is expected to enrry out tho oxpross od will of tho voters. Thoro have boon whlBporu that tho legislature. If tho standpatters control, will oloct Mr. Allison whother or not ho rccolves a majority nt tho primary, but this Is not credited by tho poli ticians. Senator Allison will lmvo sorvod tho people of Iown In tho United States sonato for 3C years at tho end of his sixth torm, In March, 1909. Prior to that ho was In tho national houso for olght yoars, thus giving him n congressional rocord of -1 1 yonrs. Ho never has had a light to retain his plnco In tho eonato slnco 1S72, when ho dofoatod Jamos Har lan, tho lntlmnto porsounl friend of Lincoln nnd Grant and a member of Lincoln's cnblnot. o About Divorce, A striking 'divorce article ontltlod ' Why American Marriages Fall," by MrB. Anna A. Rogers of Washington, D. a, appears In tho Septombor At lantic. Her theory is that In nlno dlvorco ensos out of ten. the wlfo Is to blnmo, bocnuse with hor marriage is tho great duty and work In life, while of nocossity with the husband busluoss or profession dlvldos his m torost. Mrs. Rogers holds that American women are overfed, over dressed, and ovor-ldle. The frantic and oxtonslvo shopping not cod in our largo cities, tho deration to per sonal vanities, nnd tho general ex travagance of living are all signs thnt making n home ami dwelling therein dooe not fill the modorn woman's hours. As the writer her solf Is n woman, tho article exhibits a peculiar sympathy; moreover, It is, in the main optimistic, it is n wise- deliberate, and clarifying treat ment of a perplexed subject, o 'WMWm Ingrain Carpets $1.10 reduced 90c yd. 80c reduced 65c yd. 75c reduced 60c yd. 65c reduced 50c yd. 40cJ reduced 25c yd. ttr. '! fPBja $22.50 reduced $14.50 $12.50 reduced $9.25 $11.50 reduced $8.85 UiTr Hi MW $35.00 reduced $25.00 $42.50 reduced $30.00 $18.50 reduced $13.50 i i-i'.j :uj h-r. w-i j .3?d $ i 2.50 reduced $9.50 pr. $ 1 0.00 redweed $7.50 pr. $ 8.50 reduced $6.00 pr. $6.50 reduced $4.50 pr. $5.00 reduced $3,50 pn $4.00 reduced $2.85 p $3.00 reduced $J,90 $2.50 reduced $1.75 pi1 IT'S A GREAT MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. i 77 LIBERTY STREET "MRS. TEMPLE'S TELEGRAM." nnd 42 ,l)lta!YciHmJils&Nt &&EEfa Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by Ono Dino of Clutiubcrltiln's Colic, Chol era and Dinrrhooii Remely, I was so weak from an attaok of diarrhoea that I could scarcely atton 1 to my duties, whon I took a doso of Chamborlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romedy. It cured mo en tirely and I had boon taking other medicine for nlno days without relief. I heartily recommend this romedy as being tho boat to my knowledge for bowel complaints. R. Q. Staw nrt, of tho firm of Stewart & Bro., Groonvlllo, Ala. For salo at t)r. Stono's drug store. A Play Sparkling With Art Rubbling With Humor. Whon a piny Ib capable of provok ing nn nlmost constant ripplo of Inughtor, which nt frequent and un expected Intervals breaks out Into uncontrolablo guffaws that mako the very rafters ring, thoro is but one verdict for tho reporter on dramatic affairs to ronder, and that ono is self evident. Such n play In its own pe culiar field is groat. That Is Just what "Mrs. Temple's Tologram" will do nt tho Grand oporn houso next All tho Way From Klnmnth. Throo dusty but wldo-awako cow boys rodo Into town yesterday, driv ing a band of 25 bunchgrass horses. After tho herd hnd been safely lodged In tho corral near tho Wil lamette hotel tho threo knights of tho quirt and latlgoos woro given a royal wolcomo In tho hotel lobby by Landlord Fish, who for tho time for got all about his lamo ankle, which ho accumulated recently whllo mak ing somo morning kindling. A fn mlllnr "Hello, Fred," and "Hello, John," caused the reportor to cnJt his oyes from tho hotel register, which ho hnd boen perusing, and rec- Friday evening. Thoro Is no cnll to go Into the hie- ognlzo through tho tnn nnd dust J. tory of this play and give its podi- Conner, who for several yenrB cor.- greo which might tond to injure It In tho eyes of many people. It Is only nocossary to take It at Its face vnlue, nnd sny that t Is ono of tho clovorost farces that has been seen slnco the dnys of Charley Hoyt. It possesses a plot that In Itsolf appeals to one's sonse of the ridiculous, and lines that sparkle with, wit and humor. Tho company Is ono of tho mon ovonly balancod and uniformly clov or that has boon seon in a comedy In a long tlmo. It is not stretching tho truth In the least to say that laugh ter begins at the rise of the curtain ami continuos almost without Intor- dltlon. Mr. Conner ruptlon until tho last word is spokon crop in tho Klamath That U Itsolf speaks volumes In year is short, but tho grain Is good, laudation of the ability of the and, as the prlco of stock has not comedian and comodionnes en- beon bottor for years, all tho farmers trustod with tho few rolee noo In that section are proiporous. Mr. eseary In telling tho story. It and Mrs. Conner will spond tho win Is hardly necoseary to rofer to the tor In tho valley. story of "Ji. Temple'e Telegram." ducted tho Willamette hotel so suc cessfully. With him were his son, Dan, nnd Mr. Burgdorf, a prominent Btockman, of Klamath county. Mr. Conner Is 12 pounds loss in avoirdupois than whon ho left Salem six months ago, but says ho nover folt hotter. Mrs. Connor, who also spent the summer on tho Conner farm, near Klamath Falls, has been In tho city for tho past two weeks, having mnde tho trip by train. Mr. Connor roports a very pleas ant trip across tho mountains, which was mndo across tho old military road, which, ho says, Is in fair con- says the hay country this It begins with a little fib that a fond Clmmborlain's Couch Remedy Ono of husband (Mr. Temple) told his wife. tho Rest on the Market. This with the aid of a devoted friend For many years Chamborlaln's (Frank Fuller)) grows and grows, bo Cough Romedy has constantly gained coming moro and more Involved until In favor and popularity until It is threo famlltos aro on tho vorgo of now one of tho most stnplo medicines disruption. Then tho truth comes In use and has an enormous sale. It out and nil is happily ended. The li Intended especially for acute throat story is told without coarseness of and lung disease, such as coughs, any kind, and yot It Is all dellclously colds and croup, and can always be luun i aeponaed upon, it Is pleasant and i sa'o to tako and Is undoubtedly tho Tho old Pennsylvania Dutch Dun- best ln tno market for the purposes kard recommends "Hickory Bark for wh,ch lt ,s lntnded. Sold at Dr. Cough Remedy." Guaranteed to cure your cough, and guaranteed to be puce. Mado from the bark of tho shell bark or white hickory tree. For sale by dealers everywhere. Stono's drug store. Transfers of RonI EsUtf. Tho following deeds he! placed on recerd: J. L. and S. Combs to Annie Rl Romlg, land In t 7 s, r J . w d Mary J. Magus to A A. Under-1 hill, land In blk 3. Yew Park addition, Salem d. Libornl .Unlvorslty Co. (br sheriff) to Adolph Woll, i ncros Allen's addition, SII- vorion, aeoa : W. J. and J. Jobson to Mayoel B. McTnrlane, lot 2, addi tion "E," Woodburn, w d M. B. West, guardian, to Ana; E. West, 81.13 acres, t 9 and i 10 s, r 2 and 3 w, d.... T. E. Cornelius et ux to J Wilson, 223.13 acres, 1 19 . ! r 2 w. w d Theo Tltze to J. F. Potter, lot 1, block 2, Mill Clt, w d Rose Sanders to James Clove, K ncroq Mnrton COUntV, d Wm. Adolph ot ux to Sam and Jos. Adolph .. . H. A. and D. Snvdcr to Frw Kraxberger, lote 1 and .. block 1 and lots 1, 2. 9. 10 and 11, block 2, Snyder ad dition to Aurora, w d I. nnd L. S. Lynch to C M and E. M. Walker. -" "" ' 7 . r 2 w. W d . Mary J. Hicks to II R Sah bury. K acre In Si'wrton, Stadr Land Co". 'to J H Albert w i.6 block 13. M'3 " tlon, Salem, q c d . Ella J. West, guarasan M Abbj E. West. SI 13afc t9an , a o on,1 9 W. d"i Zella L. Sleyer et a1 to rtJ West. 113 arcs hnd 9 and i'O s. 2 and 3 .. I I I 1 I 1 ! S!fstt 'ypntiv.. HouunHHsnAtaeffliqp The I WhRe .House Rests (For ft VWd 25cRinnerat; Thejr c't McGfcbrist & SM AffJ&