Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    -, &i4i i37w 4 irmj-UTiw ,&& nibAMi wJuriwtvwjs
. ... tmt tflnss, Dress
traitor Mis. Skirls,
..4 flnwerv klng-
.... auu . --.
Ending for supremacy
Mntnding the
JS boiorner. It la
" I at the tables co v-
W- "SrooT v.;
i" . - .... fontier.
, ,th wings v ---iut
the addition of rib-
.lllk. loqiw"""-'
nro tho solo garniture. Oatrlch
feathers aro moro consplcious thaif
over, and many fancy feathers have
boon originated to moot this season's
special demand. ,
Nov Tnllor Suits.
Thoso commonco with tho striped
wool or broadcloth Biilt for ordinary
wear, tho jacket of orthodox length,
having pockets on tho front, trim
med by buttons. Next comes a Biilt
of finer material with a somowhal
liberal braid trimming on sloovo
cufta, all around tho Jacket which la
considerably longer and slashed at
tho sides, with rounded or straight
fronts. It really Booma this season
as if the grado of tho Buit was deter
mined by tho length of tho coat, ah
those of high-class broadcloth hay?
coats, fifty and fifty-two inches Id
The Waited Skirt.
Tho old model plaited skirt ad
mits of no rlvnl, and stitched bands,
plain or diagonal savor of tho sum
mor season, but aro no less esteemed
by faBhlonlsts. Skirts of tho run-
doslgn Is by the McCnll Co. of New York, Fashion Publish.
'ftoufociurcrs of McCnll Patterns.
fUrojue, Mb singly or In
with marabout.
krgo WIiikh.
IVse, green or gray wings,
wujm to conceal tho crown
" the entlro brim, ore fa
il HI grades of mllllnory.
M "k as a matorlnl or In
wops, or pinked, box-plnit-
t. I a veritable power In
Rowg of narrow utile
Wet-covered hat brims In
'. Bd Similar brnlil linnlnro
Hlk loops which should
u,t th the exception of
whim or very small hats
K (eSPedallv fnr niifnmn-
I'l hats are lareo 3nfi-
w moire ribbon mnv tin i,
Dress Hats.
""". "eh as largo raornlng-
L ,75,0rmes trim dross
KTfrl co org nft .
iht.,M.."" ." "w"s
uii v; ",f"Qgea Dy on artls.
irt,uC Beosn, and
" w reisnn ,,
At rv r ua extreme
4' The enHi- 4.i .
Utl ., ",w wluniug or
i,...7...u,ninB glories, in
5 ?nHraroanaci8,iv
I8aln 'hbon nomnom
about Bults are again qulto short,"
and tan shoos which havo boon so
universally worn for tho pnst two
Hoasons, promlso to continue popular
during tho coming winter. Tho ex
clusive ahndo known na golden
brown kid color 21 Is bo much In
demand among fastidious dressers,
that It 1b difficult for tho tanners to
turn It out fast enough to keep up
with tholr orders. A qulotor and
moro elegant contrast to tho now
colorings that nro to prevail In dross
goods, than tho moro vivid tnnB, thi-j
fcrown coloring Is also moro becom
ing to tho foot, having no tondoncy
to increase its apparent bIzo, as tho
lighten colors aro apt to do. v
Plain Broadcloth Suits.
Broadcloth in chiffon weight Is the
material for handsome suits, and
coats aro ttght-flttlng and long, with
straight or cutaway fronts as Indi
vidual fancy may dictate. Elaborato
braiding on the cont fronts rovers
and cuffs flat fancy braid at tho edge,
and handsome embroidered vests, Ira
parts a dashing appearance, which
Ih heightened whon tho ornamontn
tlon is in contrast. As for example,
on a rich purplo broadcloth, tho
braiding Is done in black satin cord,
with an Intermlxturo of fancy black
silk braid, and vest embroidered In
...." oenL lflnu .
r1. (T the $40,000,000 I.
VCt.?munc,Il bonds.
Wh4s tempted to nnnt
'"""Wl i ! ,aIIUr8' the
'circif of certainty
ta"eMhtther.re3nnT i.
users, hearts i... t
'fc!ft b rmed
U ..., """" issue.
' c.Titte that to-
ti .. " The flnnnnlol
ru.7 award. -....
' fcS tt!m. on Which
f ,X must V -.
"" I'aia,
(amount to tho sum of $1G,000,000.
Some of these claims aro now over
throe and a half years overdue,
which means that the city has paid
on them 21 per cont of interest. It
Is ndmltted that if today's bond of
fering is a failure the city will he
forced to default on many of its con
tracts and probably have to pay
heavy damages, in addition to inter
est at tho rate of C per cent. Bank
ers perceive tho gravity of tho situa
tion, and it is believed certain that
they will como to tho rescue.
. o '
Sick Ileadftche,
This disease is caused by a de
rangement of tho stomach. Take a
dose of Chamberlala's Stomach and
Liver Tablets to correct this disorder
and the sick headache will disappear.
For sale at Dr. Stoae's drug store.
Dan Kelly made a great splash
whon ho foil in, but ho didn't leavo
much of a hole when ho camo out.
Sccrotary Cortelyou Is going to
follow In tho footsteps of his prede
cessor and dish out public money to
tho banks, In order to provont spec
ulators getting hold of tho money ho
la going to turn it over to tho banks
to spoculnto with. Lucky banks!
"Wlso secretary I
Harrlman does not want to build
Into Oregon because It Is so thinly
populated; and Oregon Is so thinly
populated becauBo It has no rnllroada
built into It. Como out of It Mr.
Harrlman and remembor tho old
eong that says: "If I don't do It
some other man will."
Today wo received a copy of tho
La Grande Chronicle of AugUBt 20.
Portland papors havo mado much
complaint about the O. R. & N.
trains being timed by tho almanac
Instead of tho clock, but wo doubted
It up to today.
k B
It la said hunters from all over
tho coast havo gathored at Klamath
Falls for tho duck and gooso shoot
ing. Harrlman was wise In moving
out hurriedly regardless of what
routo he took. Ho Is too big gamo
for- tho rhotgun crowd. Being shot
for a deer la not In itself a disgrnce,
but to bo Jolted for a anlpo Is dif
ferent. According to Taft after all tho
only dlfforonco between himself and
Bryan Is that Bryan has been n post
ponor and Taft Is.
Spokano doctors arc going to nd
vnnco tholr rntos for day calls from
?2.r0 to 44, mid night calls from $3
to $G. This Is dono, they say, on nc
count of tho Increased cost of living;
but Just why they should Insist, on
thnt account, In nlso mnklr' I It moro
oxponslvo to die la not easily scon.
Bernard Shaw says wo aro out
growing Shakespeare.' This may bo
truo, but at any rato thoro Is somo
hopo for us from a literary vlowpolnt
so long as wo do not get tho habit of
Ingrowing of Bernnrd Shaw.
George Bornard Shaw got loJt
Sunday In a llttlo four-ncro Welsh
hlll-sldc. It is not surprising, how
ovor, thnt an nllegcd wrltor nnd au
thor who cnlls Shnkospoaro's writ
ings "Just claptraps, moral plati
tudes, bombnBt and drivel," did not
) know enough to find his way out of
n half-acre grass pntch.
It was ardontly hopod that whoov
or might bo President Roosovolt'n
successor might not possoss a family
of doar boys of tho Kismet, Kenneth
vnrloty, but If Taft la oloctod wo aro
In for another four years, at least, of
tho bright doings of n badly spoiled
kid who neods a club much moro than
to bo exploited with a camera.
A most interesting locumont
recoived at this ofllco Is tho roport
that comes from tho weather bureau
weekly, flllod with Information about
what tho weathor conditions were tho
week before Tho only troublo Is
that they do not co back far enough.
If they would toll about tho weathor
along about tho week previous to the
flood, it would bo interesting.
Mr. Heney says tho government
will not abandon tho land fraud proa
ecutlons, Does that llme-llghtor
moan that tho government will not
abandon them becauBo It has already
dono so? Honey mado a great
splash, but loft a very small hole,
and all tho big fish, as is usual, got
Kormlt Roosevelt abandoned his
mnrch with tho Thirteenth cavalry,
because tho women "potted him."
Kormlt should possess his little soul
In patience. Tho girls will got over
it, as Hobson, tho Merry-smacker,
can tell him.
A Nurse's
If you are a sufferer
from headache, neuralgia,
or pain from any cause
you should read the fol
lowing letter from a nurse.
"For mmiillno t v.. i.u it .
dutv to wHi .,?. "VU "A1 .. fY
amy io writo you. I wna having
? j.Iji otooJ ovor o nnd gave mo
a WMV?hlevt5Jj A .(JaP1?, Dr. Miles'
read tho circular very carefully, and
?tdtKfT2 d08Hd OMCtly. Tho
InAiJ .m0tm.r kd bfan t0 ncho I
took tho Pain Pil In according to di
rections and I felt I Ws vetting;
bettor, bo I sent to tho drugglat for a
houso nil tho afternoon. I havo not
xvhBt,-doctir fop headacho nlnco.
SI-,-'1.0 P101 "I8 sometlmo after ho
Eft?1? low. h.ow 1 wns- I told
"J?1!1-1 h?d d5n8 ftnd bo replied:
If you havo found anything that will
r&ft 2?' 8llck ? "S" and bo X hav":
Doing- a nurso I havo recommended
o,neini?-lTgrfiat many BTnteful pooplo.
Ono casp I will mention. I saw a doc
iJLR? l? a no'Bhbor every weok for
months bocauee oho had suoh awfut
2S -ft.ci,cs!but f a ,onlf tlmo r darot
not BUgpcst anything- to hor. Ono day
tmoth.or..n5.d.1 Fnvo her a half a
box of AntNPaln Pius nnd sho used
thom and has had no doctor since.
Bho says thoy nro a preat blessing to
l',c,r.Sn?u8nldL ly,.dldn't you toll mo
about them before." t could tell you
of many similar cases.''
170 W. Ooncsoo St., Auburn, N. T.
Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills aro told by
your druoolit, who will guarantee that
the first paekntje will TbeneHt. If It
falle, he will return your money.
20 dosei, 25 cents. Never aold In bulk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
"iiimiwaiaiiiiif isw!!!!!!
For Sale AlmoBt now cotton-candy
machine, a money-maker. Inquire
at No. 1244 North Front stret. a.
T. Wittinc. 0-6-lwk
Proposals for Supplies.,
Sealed proposals to furnish gro
ceries, flour, meat, lard, school
room supplies, etc., will bo rccelvod
at tho ofllco of tho superintendent
until Tuesday noon, Septombpr 10th.
For lists and information apply to
E. S. Tilllnghast, suporlntondont.
For Slilo Three acro3 land, dwell
ing houso, store building, stock of
general merchandise. Best loca
tion iu the talloy for country
storo. Doing a splendid business.
Address Box 221, Salen P. O.
8-2 4-1 m
For Sale Two alngjo top buggies,
in flrat-clasa condition. One rub'
bor tired. Apply to O. W. Yaankd,
Fashion Btables. Telephone 44.
For Sale Ono of tho best dairy
farms in Marion county, contain
ing 100 acres, one-half mile east
of Aumsville depot; must sell on
account of ago. F. H. Llghtfoot,
Aumsville, Or. 8-23-lm
Woodmen of World Moet every Frt
day night at 7:30, in Holman hall,
L. B. Ponnoll, O. O.; P. L. Froz
lr, Clerk.
For ltcnt A No 1 stock and grain
farm of 261 acres, ono-half mite
from Aumsville, Oregon. Wrlto
D. E. Swank, at Aumsville, for
particulars. 8-3 1-2 wk
For Rent Furnished roomB for
house-keeping or board for a
slnglo lady or couplo. Apply to
Mrs. MarkowltBch, 730 North
Front Btroot. 8-lB-tf.
For Root Soven-room houso, hoi
and cold wator, electric light, bath
room. Inqulro of Aug. Bchrolb
er, 5G0 North High Btreet.
Superior Restaurant
158 nigh Street, Upstairs.
Flrst-claBs In all appointments. A
placo for ladies and gentlomon to got
all kinds of Ghlncso dishes and the
famous LI Hung Chung Chop Buoy
and Yakama.
R. H. Baker
Successor to Whey Sen Yow Co., Prop
t Spring Hods uml Good Rooms
Plonty of thom nt tho Wilson
Houso, 140 Center street; resorvo
your room for Fair weok. 0-9-2k
Wo can supply you with the linn-
bor you ne-6d at the prlco that will
materially economise in the coat
Just como and boo us and look ov
our yards.
Yard Near Depot.
Vogct Lumber and Fuel Co. Lum
ber .shingles, building material,
wood and coal. Low prlcon and
prompt dollvorlos. Ono block east
of S. P. poEocugic depot. Phono
193. 7-2-tf
Concrete Work. Got my prlcoa on
sidewalks, curbs, soptlc tanks and
cement work of any kind. All
work guaranteed first-class. M.
Ward, Highland add. Phono 509.
Rtitto Ai Wemloroth Fino wlnOB,
liquors and cigars. Wo handle
tho colohratod Koll'og gand Castle,
whiskies. Cool and rofroshlng bcor
constantly on draught. South
Commercial stroot. 9-3-lyr
Our meat market on East Stato
Btroot has boon doubled In slzo and
wo nro bottor prepared than ovor to
oorvo customers. Prompt sorvlco nnd
tho host of moata our motto. Call
or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop.
Wo Aro Cash Purchasers Of poul
try, eggs, and all kinds of farm
produco. Borry crates made up
in unlimited quantltloi. Capita)
Commission Co., 207 South Com
mercial street, Salem. Phono Main
Salem Fence Works
Headquarters for Wovea irlr
Netting, Pickets, Gates, 8hingles, P
& B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors
and AJJustlble Window Scroens
All at lowest prices.
Walter Morley
250 Court St. Salem, Ore
William Jennings Bryan dubbod
Taft "tho great postponer," and Taft,
though a heavyweight, can't hit back
uny harder than to say, "You're an
other." o .
Acuto Rheumatism.
Deep tearing or wrenching pains,
occasioned by getting wet through;
worse when at rest, or on first mov
ing tho limbs and in cold or damp
weather, is cured quickly by Bal
lard's Snow Liniment. Oscar Oleson
Gibson City, III., writes, Feb. 16, '02.
"A year ago P was troubled with a
pain in nay back. It soon got so bad
T could not bend over. Ono bottle of
Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me."
Sold by D. J. Fry.
! Gold Dust Flow
i Made bj THE SYDNEY POW 1
I BX COMPANY, Bldaey, Oregon.
Made for family use. Ask your f
i grocer for it. Bran and skorti I
always on hand.
! P. B. Wallace
tmrgoon. Tolophono 307 Main.
Ofllcos, 64G Stato stroot, opposite
court houso, Salem, Or, Residency
Phono 313 Main. 8-13- lmo
Foresters of America Court Sher
wood Foresters, No. 19. MeoU
Tuesday In Hurat hall. State street
Leo Abbie, O. R.; A. L. Brown,
F. S.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P.-
Castle Hall in Holman Mock, cor
nor Stato and Liberty Btroot.
Tuesday of eaoh woek at 7:30 p.
m. Oscar Johnson, C. C; E. H.
Andorson, K. of R. and S,
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Codar Camp No. 6246. Meet!
overy Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in Holman hall. W, W.
Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, clerk.
Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, accl-
dont and ponsion insurance; $2,
000,000 plodgtd; ovory claim paid
Good agents wanted. J. H. O.
Mongomery, supromo organizer,
Box432 Snlom, Oregon. R. R.
Ryan, necrotary, 646 Stato streot.
Wanted Girl to wash dishes, and
two girls to wait on tabic. Wages
$7 per week, with bpard and room.
Scott ForgUBon Restaurant.
Wanted At onco, teams to work on
Salem and Turner road. Apply to
M. A. McCorklo, 400 North Com
morclnl Btroet. Phono Main 633.
M. A. McCorklo. 9-7-3t
Wnntcd. Two girls at tho Cottago
Hotel. 8-7-lwk
Wauls to Borrow Would Hko $760
at 0 por cont for flvo yonrs. Good
security. Address "O. F" caro
Journal. 9-9-3t
Wanted Young man of good habits
to collect on commission. Call at
tho Poc. Tol & Tol Co's ofllco.
nighcflt Cash Price Paid for chick
ens at Willamette Hotol. 4-19-tf
Lost A bleyclo saddlo. betwoon this
city and tho Llvosloy hop yard,
Sunday. Finder will ploaso leavo
at this ofllco. 9-9-3t
Call and try them. Meals
16c Board per week $2.75,
also Suralflhed rooms very
Lnt Folding bed springs, between
Chemoketa street and North Salem
school. Flndor ploaso notify
Jacob Donny, Phono Farmers'
147. 9-4-lwk
MIhh Winifred Byrd Will give planb
forto lnBtru$tlon in Salem this
coming Benson. MIbs Byrd 1b a
graduato of tho Now England Con
servatory of Music, and for tho
past two yonra has taught In that
institution and prlvatoly In Bos
ton. For Information address P.
O. box 85 or phono 6. Rcsldonco
corner of Court nnd Church,
--- aa-a-HM-M-MiBM--ii-M'ai
Collcgo of MiihIc Willamette Uni
vorBlty. Established 1807. Em
powered by tho Btato of Orogon to
confer certificates, diplomas and
dogrocs. Wlntor nnd Forry
Btroots, Snlom, Orogon. Evory
tenchor an artist of recognised
ability. A comploto courso In all
brnnclioa of musical art. Scholas
tic year boglns Soptombor 24,
1907. Pupils nro roquestod to
register at their oarlloct opportu
nity in ordor to securo convenient
losson hours. Thoso Intondlng to
tnko tho rogulnr courio aro urged
to commonco on tho oponlng day.
Dr. R. A. Horltago, dean, director
vocal department, Arthur von
Jesson, diroctor piano department.
Le Roy Gosnor, director orches
tral" department. 9-2-lm
Miss Eva F. Cox Will bo ready to
rocelvo pupils In muslo aftor Sop
tombor 2d at her studio, 242 Cen
ter streot, between Commercial
and Front. Phono Main 847.
Found Two puppleB, ono brown the
other block. For further Informa
tion call on Jacob Vogt, tho shoe
man, No. 345 Stato stroot.
CuitimiiiM HroH.' Transfer Ompany
All kinds of transfer work dono.
Furniture and pianos boxed ready
for Bhlpment. Prompt eervlco li
our motto. Stand and ofllco at
253 South Commercial street.
Phono 219, Residence Phono 968.
raiiK Jvl. jirown. aiaauiaciuior vi
sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds
of houso finish and hard wood
work. Front street, between State
and Court. Make all complaints
at the office.
nee. m. linrr Plumbing, hot water
and steam hcutlng and tinning.
104 Commercial streot. Phone
Main 192. 9-1-lyr
M. J, Potzel Plumbing, stoam and
gas fitting. Succossor to Knox &
Murphy, 226 Commercial stroot,
Prono Main 17.
A. A. BURTON. Prop.
Brick always on hand, in car lots
or otherwise. Pressed brick made
to ordor. Yard on Stato stroot, south
of,.pentltontlary. -7-1-tf.
For Infest and Children.
Tin Kind Yen Hiyi Always Bought
Sears the
ftifpaanire of