DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8ALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1007. I fr t tf II II iff 3 I T 1 4HOFER BROS., Pafefafaeyg and Proprietors K. HQFER, Editor. A. P. UOFER, Manager. SUE JOURNAL STANDS FOR 1'ROURESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LABOR. ta "MARAII." ' Sho Bits alone, with her torohcad bowed, And hor hands claspod on her knee; With tho groat round tear-drops glittering And falling steadily. O, yo who deem that tho minstrel seeks , ' " Hut the plaudits of the throng, Como stand in tho Bhadow hero with mo, And list to this Marah's Beng: "Would you lovo mo, love, If tho world had rayed An auroolo round my namo? Would tfiat namo grow musical to you In tho trumpet-blast of famo? t i i" Should tho wreath of fadeless bays bo mine, , Through pencil chluol pen ' And I ranked with successful ones, ' Beloved, would you lovo men then? i , Or If beauty's blessed dower wero mine Tho fair and winsome face, "' "' , Tho wavo-llko flowing of tresses bright, ( ' Tho stop of wlnsomo grace Would you, thon by tho brightness of brow and oyo, By moro than pity moved, Olvo tho prlcolosa boon thnt tho heart still craves , Would you lovo mo then, Beloved? Tho dearest ofTorlng I havo to give MV nil flint la fnlf nn1 awnnt . Thoso poor, palo thought-flowors of tho heart $ Allying at your foot. f , ' And ovun a dark soul may' grow bright If fostorod by lovo's warm ray; ' Then lovo mo a llttlo, 0, Bolovod, I That I "may bo fair, somo day." Gnlesburg (III,) Frco Press. - o- "TUB I8LANDKHS." It will bo n surprlso to tho patrons of Tho Journal to bo told that tho "miost Ignorant hunch of humnnlty known to America resldo upon Man "ftnltnn Island, tho torra flrma whoroon Grontor Now York Is largoly lo 'crtnod. But without regard to tho effect which tho Information rimy havo upon Hlio public mind out woBt, bucIi an aBsortlon Ib nctuallP'mado by no less publication than tho North American of Phlladolphla-Mho publication '"ivlilch takes prldo in bolng clean, conHorvatlvo, progrosBlvo nnd tin-to-date. It In claimed nlso that tho nnrtlotilnr nlnco nnon MnnlmMnn Tnimui tvlioro Ignornnco lu rampant In to bo found In whnt has horotoforo boon ollovod lo bo tho flnnnclnl contor of America to-wlt: Wall Btrootlll In n doublo-column leader of full longUi, tho North American talks sthiiH under tho caption of thin urtlcle: IT American Ignornnco woro mnrlcoj on mnps ns Illltoracy Is, thoro 'would bo gray and Hhadod spots scattered acroHB tho contlnont, but only tho lower part of Manhattan Island would bo altogothor blotted black! Tho only dlfTorenpo botweon thoU' nonrby IslnndorB nnd tho Inhabi tants of lillllput boforo auullvor landod, Ib that tho Imnglnnry physical lygm!oH know tholr own country but nothing of nny othor! Tho actual montnl dwnrffl know rfoino thlnga of other countries but "nothing of tholr own I On second thought, that statement Is hardly fair to tho woll-fod, woll ilroHHod, milf-contontod folk who rorm tho bulk of tho population of tho Tlnnnclul dhitrlct of tho Mnnhiittiiiioai. They know tholr own country fairly well. Tho troublo Ih thnt they por nbit In mlHtaklng It for tho United States. J In fnct, nlnco ti yaohtH nnd motor oars havo bocnino rnmmm, fimv , liavo oxtonilod tholr travel to-Hiiah dUtnncos that, at honrt, thoy fool vntltlotl to fellowships lu tho foreign geogrnphlonl unclotlwi. TIIHY GO AWA-A-AY DOWN O.V lONH ISLAND TO Till? HACK WHACK. TIIICY VKNTI'HK TOWARD 'I'llH AHOTIO AS PAR AS XHWI'OHT, N1 NO.MK HAVE HKK.V KNOWN' TO TOUCH TDK PARTIIItST NORTH OP BAR HARBOR. TIIICY BRAVK THK TKRRORS OP THK TROPICS BY .lOUUKKVIXCI -SOUTHWARD TO THK SHRKWBURY. AND AS POR THK PKRILS OP THK BARBAROUS WKST THEIR l'RKSKNUH IN THK UKCKliKSH VICARS OP EARLY YOUTH IS III?. 'CORDED IN TDK HOTKL HP.UIS.TKRS OP NIACJARA PALI.SI Nntuiuly, they know Bend street ami tho boulovnrda aa well as thoy It now Broadway. Europo Is part of tholr olvtlzntlon. To Europeans thi'y dlscourso loaruudlv nnon till thine Amorlonn. Ami tho HadiUmt partof It all Is that thoy bollovo thoy aro American mill know Amorlca. Thoy moot inou constantly who might onllngttm thorn lu many ways. But thoy are alnooro lu Judging tho talk of tho frontlorsmon of IMtts "burg, Chicago. St I.ouls and Now Orlonns to bo moroly tlia vnporlngs of Vntitlorod outlnndors. Thoso uro tho mou whoso collective Iguornnoo constltutOB tho BOntlioont "of Wall street. The HontH In tho stook exchange thoy paid nonrly $100,000 for nro cheaper now. Tho rallrotul allures thoy own aro worth tholr real vnluo Instead of figures ns crnsy as thoBo whloh tho people of Holland onco placed up m tullpn during a period of spoculativo lunacy. Therefore, theso men mourn and despair of tho futuro of a country lu whloh piosparlty has boon ulaiiglitercd In u way thuy aro right. All Is not well lu tho llttlo country that thoy know. Thoy are lionwt lu tholr protests against existing laws nnd tin en Torconiont of thoao laws. Thoy uro hIucoio In their bollef that tholr profits and loss accounts nro tho national balauco Hhuuti You cannot tail tho Now Yorkor anything. The truo Now Yorkor olthor ohoso his parents bo well that tho front foot value of tholr old farniB rollovoa him from tho nood4 to possoss Vrultis. or uUi ho hseumoti trader, broker, banker or gnmblor wllh just uulllolont montal ttntunt to roaoh t0 tho glass cover of tho stook-tlckor whon ho standi on tip-too. ThO talllllir Of truths to Himll Ih Wnul.i.l tlm.i Vn numl hmv til mil." Tho only hope for tho lifting of tho shamo of uttor Ignornnco from Manhattan Island la to outabllih a "Soulng Amorlon" tour for tho men of Wall street. AHk any man among Uimo whot montal ploturo of .tho Mississippi. Missouri ami Columbia rivers Is something llko tho pretty llttlo stream "ho callfi the Hudson, whnt Is tho world's greatest wntorwoy. Ho will think quickly of Sues ami r.nniinn nml Mvornnol ami rtromeii wnd Hamburg nud Hongkong, oflor roslstlng his first impulso to nnmu Now York harbor. All the Btatlstlei will not convlnoo him that moro tonnage passes one point In our northwestern lakes than tho total of nil tho ports of Great llrltaln. THK COUNTRY IS GOING TO Till! 1K)GS WHENEVER HE READS twiat WWI.000 OP GQLD HAS KEN ENGAGED FOR EXlH)ltT. )LUMN8 OP Gr)OMY COMMENT APPEAR AMIK.V NEW YORK HANKS SHOW A QUARTER OP ONE PER CENT DECREASE IN THH toNMKKVK. VULL MONEY IS PEDDLED WHOLESALE AT 5( PER CENT? WITH NO GAIBLERS GRABBING IT, WHILE LAST YEAR IT WAS FOUGHT FOR AT O PER CENT. THEREFORE, THE ISLANDERS PROCLAIM DEPRESSION AND GOOD IMHASTKK! Naturally, tho Islanders denounce Roosoveltlsm ns tho cauBe of our civilization bolng a failure. IT MEANS NOTHING TO TELL THESE MEN OF A $2,500,000 PITTS BURG PAYROLL. ALL THEY KNOW OP THAT WONDER-TOWN IS THAT TWO NEW YORKERS, CARNEGIE AND THAW, CAME FROM THERE. KansaB? That namols familiar co them. That Is tho place thoy had mortgaged onco. Of lato years thoy no longer reculvo the 15 per cent Interest they for merly did. What do they know of the twenly-flvc hundred million bushels of the rnrn prnnf V I Tho south? Of coursn tlmv know tho south. That Is where cotton comes from. Theodore Prlco tolls them all about it every Bprlng. Ho tolls thorn before tho crop Is planted. But they do not know that. So, In buying and selling "futuros" thoy loso their monoy. They do not think favorably of the south. Tho nro too much Interested In that half a million gold engaged for ex port to notice that tho south'a cotton last year added $041,000,000 to the nation's wealth, with $300,000,000 from lumber products for good measure. Toll thorn tho country's mines gave n product of $1,500,000,00 last year. That means nothing compared to tho wookly bank stntemont showing a decreaso of $100,000 In reserves. Talk to them of Scattlo moving a mountnln to hotter Its streets grades; numbering a population of 200,000 ngalust 80,000 at tho last constts; tho depository of all Alankn'n gold nnd mistress of a harbor In which all tho world's navies might Ho at anchor. Tho Islanders listen as to ono discussing tho folk-loro of Kamschatkal It would servo onlv tn loqn vmir reputation for vorncltv tn tell them oven how Philadelphia's factories consumo rny matorlals worth moro thnn $325,000,00, and pay out moro than $111,000,000 In wages overy year. , Theso men must boo to bollovc. Wo nro not hopeful of their conversion. But it Is worth tho effort. v Lot tho "Seolng Amorlca" tour be organized. Dcsplto tho crass ignornnco of tho Islanders, Americans llko thorn. Tholr power for harm la practically gone. Tholr complaint? nnd tholr advice allko aro'dlsrecardod bv tho coun try which onco hooded them nnd wan deceived. Let them bo led In klndncBs through tho land unknown to thorn. Somowhoro strnngo results may follow. A gllmpso of Amorlca's grontnesp may como Into tholr vision ns thoy stand bosldo Pittsburg's blazing forgos. Patriotism may bo born within them ns thoy watch tho waving miles of whont of tho northwest. As thoy stand on tho lovecs bnnkod with cotton, rlco nnd sugar , or watch tho whttloback oro-cnrrlors of our Inland sonB, thoy mny broadon into n hotter spirit than any that can bo bronthed In crnmpod Manhat tan. Lot nil Amorlcnns contlnuo to lnugh at tholr assaults upon the states men who represent nnd tho peoplo who composo tho nntlon. But lot us not scorn tho IslnndorB In their blindness. Lot us load them Into tho light by bringing them. over to the main land. ' Wo mny ultimately call them countrymon. A. Most Valuable Agont. Tho glycorlne employed In Dr. Plorce's medicines greatly enhances tho medicinal properties which it extracts from native medicinal roots and holds in solution much better than alcohol would. It also possesses medicinal properties of Its own, being a valuable demulcent, nutritive, antlanntln nrwl nnt IfVrhmnf. Tf. nilita greatly to tho efflcacy of tho Black Cherry bark, Bloodroot, Golden Soal root, Stono root and Queen's root, contained In Golden Mcdlcul Dlscovcryln subduing chronic, or lingering coughs, bronchial, throat and lung affections, for all of which these agonts aro rocoramondod by stand ard medical authorities. In all cases whero tliero Is a wasting away of flesh, loss of appetlto, with weak ttomacn, as in mo cany singes oi con- n. tliero can be no doubt that gly- as a vaiuauic numtivo ana nldcn Seal root. Stono root, it ana liiacx uncrryoarx in Igcstlon and building up tho rength, controlling tno eougu iir about a hoalthr condition lo system. Of course, It must itH in wnrlr mlrnMi Tf. will msumptlon erccpt In Its earlier win rn vnrv jpvrrn rjrn acts o Ut. : toi lumt cerlno aids Que prom flesh i and b of tho not be e not euro italics. tnmtt wi a&"l fo?fotV F"".' enufhs. hrqnphiy CTInmVfii.i) trnnhirsarm chronic son ironic soro inarcpnuci In flnllf n fnittrhil " ' 1. J U(..'.IVL'J A. .. M . .....(. I lolmr an a fun Ivm I f"t In f.hA llnmapTnm IV ianu w .n-vt nv it(n.i B hang-on coughs, or tnoso of long standing, evon when accompanied by bleeding from lungs, that It has performed Its most marvelous cure. Prof. Flnley Llllngwood, M. D., of Bon nett Med. Collogo, Chicago, says of gly cerine: "In dripeptla Itscrres an excellent purpose, noldinc a Uxcd quantity of the peroxluo of bydroffcu lu solution. It In ono of tho bent Its action upon enfeebled, disordered stora tchsi ospoclallr If tliero Is ulceration or ca tarrhal castrltls (catarrhal Inflammation of stomach), It Is a most ofllclont preparation. Olyccrlno will rclloro many cases of pyrosis (heartburn) and cxcusSlvo sastrio (stomach) lUJIUllJt "Golden Medical DMcovory" enriches and purines iuo uiuuu curmir uioicnos. pimpies. eruptions, scrofulous swelllnirs and old soroc. Send to Dr. It. V. riorce. of nuffalo. N. Y.. for freobooklot telllmr nil about tho natira medicinal roots computing' this vrondortufj uodlclne. Thoro Is no alcohol la It. DON'T LET TmsUAPi ui, luono good rotl-. rijs -.. wn u iuuiaonp vn. .,, n .ui. it. . WU4 '0 ."6 .x mo nowost Ideas in . " uiuh, ana you ni of tho annoyanco of u.J a nj. - "ni ZTu. "UHU "?"" well d in. wo win rurnlit, -.. plumbing, gas flttlnp , .... ii i guaranteed as to workman," UUUIgVB. A. L. FRAS '"S SUte Street Phono 185. CORVALLIS & EASTERN R. R. $100 Reward, 9100. Tho roadors of this papor will bo pleiiBod to learn that thoro Is nt least ono dronded dlseaso that Bclonco hnB boon ablo to euro In all Its BtagOB.nnd thnt Is cntnrrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo I 'i the only poslllvo curo now known to tho medical fratornlty. Catarrh to tho modlcnl frntornlty. Catarrh bo lng n roiiBtltutlonal dlsoaso, requlrca a constitutional treatment. Hall's Cntnrrh Curo Is tnkon Internally, not ing directly upon tho blood nnd mu cous surface of tho systom. thoruby dostroylng tho foundation of tho dls oaso, and giving tho pntlont strognth by building up tho constitution nnd assisting nature In doing Its work. Tho proprietors havo so much fnlth In Its curatlvo powora that thoy offor Ono llundrod Dollara for any case thnt It falls to curo. Sond for list of tofltlmonlnls. Addross P. J. Che I'oy & Co., Tolodb, O. Sold by drugglHts, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con sllpntlon. -o THE MARKETS. 10c; Spccjnl Eastern Excurnfon rates. May 20, 21, Juno 6, 7, 8, .July 8. 4, 5, August 8, 9, 10, Boptember 11, 12, IS. To Chicago nnd return, $73,16, St, Louis and roturn, $69.1b 8t. Paul and roturn, Omaha, Council Biurrs, Bloux City, St. Joe, Kansas Ulty and roturn $61,05. WM. M'MURRAY, R-31-tf Gon. Pas. Agt. o O WXI.XjA.. 1 1R8 Kind Yea Haw Ulnar BoajW Boars th j Rs Mni wii Haw Alivars D EPOSIT your idle money wnere it will draw interest. Wc pay three per cent on deposits of one dollar or more. Deposits can be made any time. Small accounts welcomed. Savings Department Capital National Bank SALEM MARKET. Local WhoIewUo Market. Eggs 25c cash. Buttor 3Cc; at 34 c. lions, 10c; young chickens, Locnl wheat 75c. Oats 32 33c. Barloy $20. Flour Hard wheat, $5.00; valley $3.85(Q) $4.00. Mill food Bran, $10.50; shorts, $21. Hny Chont, $10 $12, nnd clovor, $9 C$10 por ton; timothy, $13(8) $15 Onions $4.00 por cwt; potatoos, $1.00 por owt. Potatoos 90c cwt. Hops Cholco, 10 (3) lie; prlmo to cholco, 8 9c; medium to prime. GHic. Chlttlm bark- Cc. Wool 20c. Mohair 29c. Tropical Fruits. Bananas $6. Orangoa $4 $5. Lomons $6,00 $6.50. RomII Market, Oats Whlto, $28 por ton; wheat, 90o per bu.; rollod barley, $27. Eggs 30c. Butter Country. 30c: creamery. 40c, Flour Valloy, $1.10 $1.15 per sack; hard wheat, $1.35 $1.40. Bran 65c per sack; $21 per ton. Hay Timothy, 85c nor cwt; chont, 70c; clover 6Bc per cwt.; shorts, 90 95c per cwt. Livestock. Hogs Fat, 6c. Cattle 1100 1200 lb ateera 3Wc Llghtor stcors 3 3 Vic. Stock hogs 5 VJ 6c. Cows and heifers 90001000 223ic Lambs 4 lie. Veal Dressed, 5 7c. TIME TABLE NO 07. Trains from and to Ynquinn. No. 1 Loavos Yaqulna 7:15 a.m. (Arrives at Corr&lIIs 11:00 a.m. Arrives nt Albany. .... .11:58 a.m. No. 2 Loaves Albany 12:35n.m. Loavos Corvallls 1:30 p.m. Arrlvos at Ynqulna 5:40 p.m. Trains to nnd from Detroit. No. 3 LoavoB Albany 7:30 n.m. Arrives nt Detroit 12:30 p.m. No. 4 Loavo3 Detroit 1:00 p.m. Arrives at Albany 5:55 p.m. Trains for Corvallls. No. 8 Leaves Albany 7.55 a.m. Arrives at Corvallls 8:35 a.m. No. 10 Loaves Albany 2:25 p.m. Arrives nt Corvallls .... 3:05p.m. No. C Leavos Albany 7:3K n. Arrlvos at Corvallla 8:15 n.m. Trains for Albany. No. 5 LoavoB Corvnllls fi-nnii.in. Arrlvos at Albany 7;io a.m. No. 9 Loavos Corvallls iS'.tftn.tn Arrlvos at Albauy i:i5 p.m. No. 7 Leavos Corvallls C;00 p.m. Arrlvos at Albany C:40 p.m. No. 11 (Sundny only) Loaves Corvallls lirinn,,, Arrlvos at Albany 11:58 a.m. , 12 (Sunday only) Loavos Albany i5;SKr, Arrives at Corvallls ins n ,n. For furthor InformaUon apply to GEO. F. NEVINS. Gen. IW, Agt., Albany, Ore. Send the Family! Washing Tc and you'll nover bothor with it dono at homo aKaln. t whon ovory family could not I to Bona tho washing to a but times havo chanzftd-. havo tho methods and prices. you can bettor afford to family washing hore thin Aak about our prices on famiwl mg, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundi Phono 23. 100-100 S. lib SALEM WATER C0MP OFFICE CITY HALL. I For wator sorvico apply at j Bills paynblo monthly la il J l'7Zs55(Vu'i HiilXfi fflvw?wy v ..i),' THE BEST FA.MILY lb. l'ortlaud Wholesjile Market. Whoat Club, SOo; valley Sic; bluo stem, S2c. Oats Cholco whlto, $25. Mlllstuff Bran, $17. Hay timothy, $15 $17: nlfalf- $13. Vetch $8.50. Poultry Hens. 124 i3e! .nnni. chickens, 14 15c; dressed chickens, llc higher than live: dimv' young, 10 lie; pigeons, $l$i,25.' rorK uest, 7 So. Lambs Spring, 99c Mutton 7c. Mops Choice, per lb, 6c. Wool Valley, coaxi to m-ji- SOUTHERN PAC1FIO m Tlmo Card No. da r--...- Juno 10. Toward Portland Passenger. No. 165:23 a. m.. OrOEon Ex. press. No. 18 8:40 a. m.. Coifd nrn Passenger. No. 124:45 p. m.. Shasta Er- press. No. 149:28 p. m Portland Ex pioss. Toward Portland Freight. No. 222-10:5S a, ., depart 11:38 a. m., Portland Fast Frolght, No. 22610:40 a. m rtnw 11:38 a. m Way Froleht. Toward San Fmitoi.M .. No. 1111:03 a. m.. Shasta Ex press. NO. 17 6:42 n.m.. Cotrniyft P.rnva Passenger. No. 159:56 p. m., California Ex press. NO. 13 1:31 O. m.. San Pmnrls. -' - co express. Towanl Snn Francisco Freight. NO. 2212:33 a. m.. Rn Vrnn. Cisco Fast Freight. No. 22511:55 a. m., arrives 11:25. HoteTsT Philip Fourth and Fifth n.i t ...i Streets, Portland, Oregoa. New flrenroof Wi,mnn t.i Steam heat. Modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 per day and up. UbIoh depot car will hud you at the door. ROAST T EVEIl 1LW Can bo obtained from our i tendor and juic7 beef, nstt pork. All our meats are from tho choicest, and prepsri tho tablo to suit tho demand! - fastidious. Our prices are loi quality than you can And placo In Salem, E. C. CROSS, Phono 201. 370 : O C. T. C STEAMERS inmv,i ivn nrtPfiOXA FOR PORTLAND DAILY, EX SUNDAY AT 0 A. 3L P. M BALDWIN, BUTTERNUT BREAD It la worth more than ayj broad, vet the Drice is no M For nain at vour rrocor's. (nAr,rFORNIA B. Thomas & Coolar. Pr"- jh in ;;wra'Jfffj PiLLi At" rT. r. .' rm"J'2r l'l.w"J2. 3-i.rt iimmm rIU fj xii,- i,1 f"w.r 'S UNITrDMCDICALCO. .lT4.U"!y Sold in Salem by Dr. S. C (EpmBA n. '",.?.U- E2!J&i2l 18)30c; castera Oregon, 13i8c, H. M. PIE RCE, Prop. i