wuu '42 DAILY OAPITAIj 'JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1007. NEW GOODS J. L Stocton The Old White Corner NEW LAGES 4c Yd. r NEW GOODS I hundred different patterns of round thread and flat valonclennes laco just received from Now York One DU . ,, n,n,ln n Sftll fmm EC tO ICC tt Vnnl. bUt WQ mnlfn nn sllatlnnHnn. us almnlr nffap Tno lino u.uw -- -- . . - ..v, u. ....... v.. w.., m anufw yyrr,h,nttv to choose at four cents a yard. ZION LACES 5c to 25c yd. i complete stock of thoso famous l4ceSl made under tho now super. 5, of the Industry. Priced less noff. NEW PURSES 25c to $15.00 Genulno alligator and horned alll nton, Morocco walrus and senl leathers, the most comploto and best line ever shown In tho Cnpltnl City. LACE CURTAINS-ALL NEW. IIcECll mm v .wroflM.w v Wo now can havo tho plensuro of Bhowlng a completo all new stock of laco curtains, as our last season's supply wns Bold out almost ontlroly. Now French Arnblan nppHcado In colors. Now Mario Antoinettes Now Cluney curtains Now Fronch curtains , . Now Irish points Now Brussola nets Now MadrnB curtains Nqw portlers, stand covors and laco bed sets. SALEM GIRLS WRITE OF LIFE IN BERLIN A Charming Letter In Which They Tell of a Visit to the Schloss and Its Ills- torlcal Furnishings-Give a Glimpso of Peasant, dnd q. Peep Into the Realms of Student Life M-ijiMssiTlislisM'n KLINGER-GRAND THEATRE Grand Opening MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. 9 With HIGH CLASS MILLINERY OPENING A FEAST OE BEAUTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 n i' I SOGIAL GOSSIP VAUDEVILLE Easter Roof Gardens Forgotten By SIX BIG ACTS tkstrated Songs and Moving Pictures Prices 10o'and 20c REGAINED IIEU VOICE. Altnnj Woman Drinks Auinioiila to Gowl Purpose. , : Albany, Or,, Sept. 7. Unnblo to titer a word for tho past two years, utle result of nn attack of lit rlppe. Mrs. Alt Wilson, of Lebanon, Ma!r regained her vocnl powers Tiwdijr night after drinking a cup hJcfimmonla by mistake. A urje quantity of tho nmmonla 'Umllowed by Mrs. Wilson, who tarn unconscious almost immcdl '!; For several hours her llfo was kjilred of by physicians. Heroic treatment, howovor,, saved wllfe and this morning sho Is nl- lt recovered and sho speaks with tut to'ed proposals will bo rccolvod tb offlco of J. H. Ackormnn, bii mdent of public Instruction, .Oregon, until 2 o'clock p.m., MSth day of Scptembor, 1907, Wtlea opened, for tho construction Vw liable for tho Oregon Ag Jml College, at Corrallta, Ore JJ accordance with tho draw--n "4 specifications, copies of jwrbe had at tho office of J. iv .,.' ora 0reKn.: offlco U.t ,1 $0n' CorllB. Oregon, GIty's Feminine Population In Pres ence of Fall Greation III III lllll IfKlllbr i-i V For September Rrldc. Something of nn Innovation In tho way of entertaining for brides, was tho hoso shower given Monday nftor noon by Mrs. Carollno Shelton In honor of Miss Mnrgurlto Chamber lain, tho charming daughter of Gov ernor and Mrs. Chnmborlnln. About twonty of Miss Chamberlain's frIond3 wore present and sho was tho recip ient of some very pretty gifts. Flvo Hundrpd was tho amusement of Hits nfternoon, and Mrs. Chauncoy DIshop Mrs. P. E. Fullerton, tho mllllnor, won lll "nzo l noro wns nlB0 n who arrived In Snlom about n year unuo 8 "mo- w,Ucn wns a Un,nty ago, for tho purpoao of permanently ,lu, w,mo caru caB0- J no BCOro" engnglng In business hero, Is hav- cnr(IH woro Bmiul urneu icainor Ing her opening todny, and In conso-. noso quonco tho ladles of Snlom nro find- Tho docorntlvo color schomo waB Ing many reasons why It Is nocessary , of rod- rcd ' Boranlums nnd dahlias for them to pay business visits to tho 1)C,nB M8C(1 vor' effectively., Mrs. down-tnwn.RnptlnnR. Rpornn nf thnin Thomns Wilson, Mrs. E. C. Pntton cniieu during tho dny to view tho latest creations In fall styles, which, In ndditlon to tho dlfforont shnpes, Includes nil the colors nnd shade? known to man, nnd some that uro not. Tho storo Itsolf Is ono of tho nont- ost and most comploto to bo found nnywhero In tho Northwost. If thoro and Miss Pnrrlsh nsslstod In serving. Miss Chnmborlaln wns nccom panlod on hor visit by her mothor and hor mint, Mrs. C. W. Ronnor, who wore tho guests of Mrs. Sholton during their Btny In tho city. ANNOUNCEMENT. was nothing In tho building but tho M'"" '' Slii-ltim, Teacher of furniture and fixtures, It would still j 1Mau5 MNs JUnitew, bo attractive, for tho beautiful cased T 1Vm,,cr of Vo,ce; Wm T"11" JJJjf. Portland, Oregon. Certl i B Vl. 5 per cent. Payable ta - v:rman; 9-7-eod-Gt ftcHAND CHEAT SEED . amount of each ! ur limited v ' tnd rou wm need an . tit ..- border In early, as i "I win 'V' not equal the do- 1 r8W & Co r $t.f ' m1t C4 L W9WCCC Vj SJeffl, Of. and magnlflcont mirrors would bo hnrd to dupllcnto. Whon to theso aro added more than 300 trimmed hats, exclusive of the stroet lino, tho sight Is ono well calculated to bring do light to othor than fomlnlno eyes. The "picture hat" Is thoro In all Its glory; as Is also "tho porfect dream," "tho lovo of a hat," and nil inoir roiatlves; while somo wero-: moroly gorgeous or simply stunning. To moro man thoy do not appear to conform to any general stylo or taBto but anyono of tho scores of women could demonstrate just how this or that tilt, shade, feathor, flower, plume or ribbon was tho correct thing In tho correct placo. Mrs. Fullerton is showing this Boa son n very largo and most Interest ing display of "Flak" trimmed hats and "Gold Medal Brand" of tailored effects. Talk is cheap, but Mrs. Fullerton certainly has an assortment of mll Unory goods that Ib not equaled in this city. Tho peoplo of Salem aro growing wiser every year. Thoy study their best Intorosts by going and seeing what tho different mer chants havo to offer. Let them tako tho whole town, tho wholo state, and If their Judgment bo Impartial, they will surely decldo that Mrs. Fuller ton's millinery parlorB, above all others, is the storo In which to mako their purchases. Hor increasing business demonstrates decisively that sho carries a stock of millinery goods second to nono, and that it is moro and moro appreciated by tho ladies of Salem, who flock thoro by hundreds. Orahain, Teacher of Violin, and Knsemblo Playing Will open Btudlos In tho First Ntt-tlonnl-Dank building, corner of Com mercial and Chomakota stroots, whoro thoy will bo pleased to recolve niinlls after September 10th. For Information call at studio or phono 1295. 0 Dissolution of Partnership. Tho partnership horotoforo exist ing botwoen W. A. Llston and F. J. Ituport, under tho firm name of Lls ton & Ruport, flro Insurance and roal ostnto agents, at 379 Court street, Salem, Oregon, Is hereby dlssolvod by mutual consent, W. A. Llston re taining tho business and assuming all liabilities of tho company, and collecting all monies duo tho samo from this dato, Dnted Septombor 5, 1907, at Sa lem, Oregon. Signed: W. A. LISTON, F. J. RUPERT. Berlin, Aug. 5, 1907. Editor Cnpltal Journal, Salem, Oregon. With tho tremendous traffic of n busy street on ono side, nnd beauti ful plots of lawn, dotted with beds of bright flowers on tho other. Btnnda- an immense equestrian sta tuo of William I, boforo tho great green-domed Schloss, of which ho was master bo Bhort a time. It la n national trlbuto erected to his mem ory by his son, tho present kaiser. Tho statue Is of bronzo and repre sents William I mounted on a pranc ing Btecd, which Ib led by Poaco. On each sldo of tho bnso aro seated figures, ono representing "Peace," the othor "War." "Horrors of War" and "Blessings of Pcaco" aro strong ly portrayed In rollefs on tho pedos tals. Four "Victories" ndorn tho bnso. nbovo each of which arises a brawny lion. This, and tho purple Insignia, wav ing on high to nnnounco tho lcalsor'rf resident presence, constituted tho mo3t striking features as wo ap praoched tho Schloss; a largo, squaro nmsHivo building, four stories In height, all tho windows on tho lower floor being bnrrod. Baedeker In hnnd wo sought Por tal IV to gain admittance Wo pass ed botwoen two sentries down tho drlvo to tho big door. Tho nrmed doorkeopor ndmltted us and follow ing tho tourlBtB boforo us, wo enter ed a large stono court containing somo sculptured figures. Passing through nn nrch, wo hastened to a smnllor court, whoro wo pnld GO Pf. dfqh for a ticket, ontltllng us to cross to tho largo entrance." Somo CO persons were waiting. Only a certain number of rounds aro mndo each day, then nccordlng to tho clock nnd this wns tho last for tho day. In tho waiting room to tho right, Is a lnrgo Btalrway, tho mar blo stops covered with coarso linen; to tho loft, Is what wo supposed to bo a drlvoway to tho royal apart montB. Tho walls nro of marblo, and four figures, with Btrnlnlng musclon and painful expressions, on tholr swcntlng brows, appear at tho four corners of tho room, In nn unceasing Btrugglo, to hold tho wnll In plnco. Whll? wo wero discussing tholr awful nppcaranco nnd rejoicing thnt thoy woro not In our house, tho Hvoiiod guldo dollvorod a protty lit tlo spooch In Gorman, requesting iimbrollns and enncs to ho chocked. Then wo woro conducted up tho winding stono stairway to a largo rccoptlon room and glvon soft folt Ing, nro two lnrgo flroplacos, with sandalB largo enough to slip over our , brnss flroboxoB and golden andirons, own shoos. Tho guldo thon Inform-. On tho mnntleB aro nr.rangod somo cd us that this was a reception room, especially boautlful Btolns. Botwoon now used only on stnto occnslons, tho flroplacos, near tho colling) id that tho painting woro very old nnd j what was onco tho trumndtorg gal tho contrnl candelabra mado of rnro lory. Formerly tho playing Cupids prisms. From horo wo passed Into , nnd mythical flguros, which ndorn It, woro on laddors polishing tho glass prisms on tho candlolabra and Evelono, who, llko tho rest of ti9, was- having some difficulty In man aging her now shoes, whispered sar castically, "I should think, tho Dutch ers would dovlso soma schomo for making us polish tholr old glass candlolabra llko wo do theso pesky floors." It might bo Bald horo, that moBt of tho floors, In Gormnny, nrot of hard wood and polished. T4io moro pretentious 'aro inlaid In var ious styles, that of small squares set dlngonnlly agaiiiBt each othor being most common. Tho floors of tlyo Schloss offer a great variety of pat tern and aro highly polished. Nov wo woro conducted Into a room fur nished by Catharlno- ir. Tho chairs woro bought by hor request In Paris. Tho whlto frames, antlquo In form, beautifully carved and decorated with gold leaf aro upholstored In whlto and pink flowored tapestry, nnd arranged in a stiff, straight line around tho room. Tho over present tablo placed boforo tho Botteo, tho seat of honor, alono breaks tho mo notony. A beautiful morror In gloden frame; an old portrait of tho great Electo and a whlto marblo mnntlo completo Its furnishings Noxt was shown n boautlful room with tnpostry hnnglngs and oxqulslto furnlturo of priceless mahogany ln lnnd with solid silver. Immonso silver candlesticks, at least 5 foot In height, Btnnd on each sldo of the tablo and two before tho long Fronch mirror. Tho room following this bolongB to tho tlmo of Frodorlck tho Grent. Its celling nnd walla aro beautifully docorntcd with paintings nnd mirrors bo placed, that no matter whoro ono standi-' nil that transplros about him, still row of beautiful chairs, tho (omnlprcsont) Inlnld table, 11 re production of tho slgcsaull (about two feet 111 height) oxqulstoly wrought In solid silver and a largo old cock. In tho Rlttor Bnul, which wns formerly tho throno room, tho wnll Is hung In rich, but old, red vol vot. Opposlto tho royal chnlr, which stands on a small olovatod squaro undor a canopy of rcd and gold, Is arranged tho collection of Bllvor pinto, among which nro Immonso bcnutifully carved plnttorB, sufficient In slzo to hold a roast Iamb; largo elaborated docoratod soup tourcons, handsomo gold-llnod boor Btolns, nil works of art. To tho loft of tho sllvor display which oxtonds from tho "sldobonrd" almoBt to tho coll-1 Tho crown and oaglo form tho crost. Somo sets havo boon presented by othor snvorolgns nnd othors nro itn m 1! stairway entered tho chapel. No tiltin nrenn In Blirlit. wnn flin fir9t :.v" tji" .::r.:' :::. v i cuing unit impresses us, aim ui- j,-, tlioiiEh tho floor was covered with f v red carpet, tho chairs wero upholster ed with worn red tapestry, tho walls uecorateu witn mnny nngois itno work of famous modern artists) and tho cross nbovo tho altar sot with real nnd beautiful Jowels, wo cannot but say wo woro disappointed in It. As n wholo somehow, tho Impression was given thnt tho appropriation ror ht rcpajrs usually was exhausted, by the tlmo tho chapel was reached. IT containing tho collection of old tapestries and portraits of other royal families. Thon wo woro cscort od down back stops ahd out into tho frosh air. Tho sticks and umbrellas woro returned an adloux said. Ono. can much better appreciate the chances for Intrigue, betrayal, assas sination, etc., depleted in novels of royal llfo, after such a visit. Wo aro thinking especially of Dumas' "Quoon's Necklace" and can't holp paying a trlbuto to his groat doscjlp tlvo power. Wo now hastened to cross tho plntz to visit tho royal stables. Hero wo paid another tjCit Pf, and wore conducted through"1'' tho Btnblcs, by a garrulous littlo h groom, wearing hlghtop boots, whlto trousers, red vest, swallow tall .coat and high silk hat. Tho building is vory largo. Tho floor contains quar ters for tho grooms, tho 2nd nnd 3rd nro used for tho horses, tho 4th for j- vohlclcs and tho 5th for harness an tho museum. Mont of tho majesty , , ,. ., . una i.'uihuh aru uiucii, iuusu ui i.if icncsorin, nay. 'mere aro nuouc ouu In 'the Btnblcs. A card bearing the nnmo, Biro nnd dnm, stands above each stall. Tholr stalls aro woll bedded and vory clean, tholr coats glossy and flno, and although all standard bred horses thoy aro lack ing In beauty of form. Technically wo can't say Just what Is wrong, but their bodies nro 1 too Bhort and flnmnv. A flnrmnn wninfifi.' anlil of i'l " '" - i u u: 41.- n-..- ..... (Mir,. ,-.. 1... ui. I.'Im; V badly holoW tho waist," and those fkt I horsos nro built bndly after tho bond w$ Thoro, aro"Bovorci hundred carriages Including wngonB, trnps, drosckesj phaotons dogcarts and cnrrlagca of stato, with tholr gray or purplo lln-i Ings. Then thoro is tho war wagon with bedroom comploto, writing desk, kitchen, etc' Tho cnrrlago of Bluto bolonglng to Frederick tho Groat is n masslvo thing, of lod and gold, wth whlto Batln linings, In shnpo much llko that bolonglng to Androw Jackson. Tho two footmen woro oxpoctod to ride, standing with ono foot on tho doublotrpos and tho othor just nbovo tho nxlo of tho fiont whcol, hand straps wero pro vided from tho drlvors sent, Mil' havo boon n comfortablo posltiwlT'''' Tho harness is displayed in largo high plato glnsa casos, on wqodon frames built especially to hold them, in shapo. On cortnln sots (all aro comploto for six horaos) tho trim mings nro of gold, on others Bllvor. I Mm 1S id nn nntechambor, containing llfo Bizod oil paintings, In golden frames of tho family of Fredorlck tho Great, and thenco wo slid Into another room of tho samo period, a littlo moro olaborately decorated, Its celling be ing covered with beautiful figures waving garlands of flowors, tho work of a famous artist. Our attention was called to tho mantlo, mado of costly brown marblo. Noxt camo tho "Kings Zlmmor," a room, not unllko tho othors, excepting that' It contained portraits of all tho Prus sian kings down to tho tlmo of Em poror Frederick, Somo servants "Everybody Should Khow" sayB C. O. Hayes, a prominent) busi ness man of Bluff, Mo., that Buck len's Arnica Salve Is the quickest and Burest healing salve ever applied to a sore, bura or wousd, or to a case of piles. I've used It and know what I'm talking about." Guaranteed by J. O. Perry, druggist, 26c. Lii 7 WHEN YOU EAT BREAD IJ It's our baking you oat bread not holes. Just buy ono loaf of Ullom's and notice the fine and close grain In comparison with some of tho bragged about kinds. Tastes better, too, and coBts no more per loaf. Why not, then, eat Ullom's bread? CAPITOL BAKERY, n 1 1 u h 1 1 11 n i n n 1 n 1 s 1 fr 1,0. K. STORE ? 12th Street Everything in Groceries J Also ICE CREAM AND SODA WATER NEW Blackberry, Grapo and Alberta Phosphato drinks. Phono In your orders for groceries or ice cream, Main 122. T Everything d. K. woro of puro Bllvor, but during. 1745 woro molted down, by Frodorlck the Grent, to meet tho exigencies of wnr. Now came throo or four roonw containing old paintings of former Prussian rulors, only ono of which was especially Introstlng, Its mural docoratlon consists of tho coats of arms of anciont and modorn times. Thon tho "Whlto Room" containing tho marblo busts of tho nlno Prus sian rulers was shown, aftor that tho ort gallery which Is vory long nnd narrow. Tho guldo with much prldo Informed us It wns usod as a stato banquet hall, and woud aent 400 per sons. Asldo from portraits jf all tho ancostors wo had already seon, It contains paintings of mnny famous battloB, two Van Dyko portraits (Charles of Englnnd and Catharlno) and an Immonso canvas by Woruor "King William of Prussia proclaimed omporor In 1871." Tho concert hall Is a largo ompty room. Tho mural decorations worii elaborato but asldo from thoso, and tho boxoa, thorp wns littlo to bc On leaving this room wo removed our folt shoos, and nscondlng a largo used only on special occasions. Tho snddlo blankets nro of rich, purplo satin, nnd ombrnldorod In gold thread. Tho Haddlos aro small and peculiar In shapo, with bucklos nnd stirrups of gold. Thon camo tho prlvato riding acadomy whoro tho young princes nro taught horsoman- J) n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n n 1 1 1 1 n J A. A. EnglebartTi Proprietor 4 M-H IS I ill I U i 1 II 1 1 li I ill " ' ' I ' "ii" I ! 1H H I H fr The I White House Restaurant t For a Regular i 25c Dinner at 20c i Thoy can't be bat McGttchrist & Son Proprietors. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ono of tho Beat on tho Market. For many years Charahorlaln's Cough Romedy has constantly galnod In favor and popularity until It is now ono of tho mos staplo medicines In uso nnd has nn enormous sale. J! l lntonded especially for acute thrt and lung dlseaso, such as cougt colds nnd croup, and can always deponded upon. It Ib plensant a safo to tako and Is undoubtedly t' best In tho market for tho purposi for which it is lntonded. Sold at Di. Stono'a drug Btoro. & APPRECIATE A GOOD THINO WHEN THEY SEE IT AND THAT IS WHY EPPLEV'S PERFECT'IO.V BAKING POWDER HAS WON POP ULAR FAVOR. IT IS PUT UP IN GLASS JARS, WHICH ARE FAR SUPERIOR TO TIN CANS, EP rLEV'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER IS A HOME PRODUCK -MANUFACTURED BY O. M. BP VIMt, BALBM, ORE. O. UUew, Fro. Phew 989. Wn JL