Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 05, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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and FURS
I Ladies Jackets and Women's
and Children's Futs
Tnmmtfnw I8 mnant day HALF
"W Short longthi of soasonablo
and dopondablo goods at JrJKH-Ei
mim alii. nitpi
A Collection of Important Par
tgraplM for Your Consideration
I'oat Card Hnll
New subjccta dally.
11. 1. (. Klka
Don't forKot tho session this ovon
Iok. WhiiHhI
1000 acrcn of (lax and homp grown
by farmors, delivered at my mill, for
cflflli, jiiHt outaldo tho caat lino of tho
city limits. This la easy to grow,
remunerative, nnd b'ottora tho land.
Apply nt my roaldenco Tuosdny fore
noon or Baturday nfternoon I" town.
Eugene Bobiio. 8-31-tC
LhcIiiiiuimI X JiuhiM'h
California port wine, 2ro por quart
Standard Liquor Company, Salem,
Oregon, 0-4-3t
llnml Concert Titst Night
Tlio Sulem Military Hand rcudomd
tho rojiular uild-wook concert hut
evening In Wlllson nvenuo, Tho pro
gram, while not up to tho Htamlard
of tlui ouo given Monday ovonlng,
wbh onjoyed by an appreciative audi
once. Hho Took 'Tex"
"TobhIo," tho bird dog, loft this
morning for a dny'a Hulling trip. She
wiih accompunled by H. N. Stoudon
inoyor. and Boomed to bo undecided
an to Junt what stream to tako him,
but thnt probably U Immaterial Toi
bIo profera n stroll through tho fields
nnd along tho brooks, even If the Ash
don't bite, to being compelled to list
en to her innHtcr perform on hla ono-hundred-dollar
bugle. Wlso TobsIo.
U. J. O. Elks
Don't forget tho session this even
ing. At tho Hoard of Trade Rooms
Among tho latest contributions to
the Salem Board of Trade roomB aro
a dUplay of One Hungarian plumbs,
brought In by S. I). Tallmnn, of South
Salem; a bottled cucumber, donatod
by J. M. Ulglor, of South Salem, and
a limb of a petito pruno trco ownod
by N. Wolch, of EaBt Salem, show
ing what fruit trees aro capable of
producing In thla vicinity. Thy cu
cutubor exhlbitod Is In n largo bottlo
which la too small for tho ponderous
vegetable. Mr. Dlglor cun best cx-
plnln how tho cucumber wna put In
tho bottlo, but probably cannot dem
onstrate the method of releasing it
In good condition, without broaklng
tho glnBs.
II. I'. O. Kilt
llogular moctlug toulght.
Fifty Ytrn Dead.
Tuesday, Soptombor 3, was tho
fiOth annlveralty of tho death of Dr.
John McLoughlln, tho famoiiB old pi
oneer. At Oregon City n solemn
requiem high masa was conducted
In bis memory at tho Catholic
It. V. (). KlkH
Uegular mooting tonight.
Tim .lolly Hop Pickers
Hundreds of famllloa havo started
for tho hop yards, and hundreds
more will go from day to day. Thoy
all buy nun need mo uosi rouKu
clothing, and for that reason they
havo been swarming Into the 6. W.
Johnson & Co. Htore, for there they
can get the best, and only tho best,
oven In tho common lines, and the
prices are always tho lowest.
On Theft Annual Outing
Dr. George Iloeye and family, of
Oregon City, arrived In Salem thU
morning, and are making arrange
ments for their annual outing by
camping at the fair grounds. They
will bo at home to their frlonda
there for soveral weeks, and have a
most enjoyable time ns usual. Dr.
and Mrs. Iloeye and Pete Emerson,
Jr., are old-timers In Salem, and
make the state fair an occasion for
their annual outing, which provos to
be very ngreeable both to themselves
and their friends.
Moresse at the Dalles
Tho Chronicle is pleased to state
that It now has a now manager in
tho person of Mr. B. Meressc, who
arrived today from Salem and will
assumo his new duties at once, Mr.
Mcresso has had wide oxporlonco
in the newspaper business nnd conies
to the Dalles from the capital city,
where ho has been connected with
tho Salem Statesman.
The Packing of Fall lVnrs.
Will commence tho latter part of
this weok nt tho packing house of H.
S. Olio & Co,, corner of Trade nnd
High streets. Ton or twelve girls
will bo needed for work. Those de
siring work pleaso apply at ofllee
at said plnco. 5 2t
A Iteautlftil Cui
The big sllvor loving cup which is
on exhibit In tho show window of
Pntton'8 book store, is to bo awarded
for tho best packed display of fruit
to bo exhibited at tho fair. Tho cup
Is 10 Inches high and GYj across tho
top. It Is tho donation of tho "Bet
tor Fruit Publishing Company," of
Hood River, nnd Ib valued nt $20.
Lots of Hall
Eugene hns tlirco bnll games Sun
dny, tho celebrated Frakes team, of
Portlnnd, plnyhig In two of them.
Killed nt Kiigeiic
A young man named Joseph May
ers waB klled by n blast near Eu
geno yesterday. Ho bad used a long
fuso, nnd, thinking It had gono out,
went back Just ns tho chnrgo exploded.
Fourteenth Annual Fair-
Second Oregon District Agricultur
al Society, Roseburg, Oregon, Sep
tember 10 to 14, 1907. On account
of this fnlr, tho Southern Pacific will
soil tlckots from Snlom to Roseburg
nnd return Soptombor 9, 10, 11, 12,
13 nnd 1-1, return limit Soptombor
in, for $0.90 for tho round trip.
A mnrrlago license wbb this morn
ing Issuod to George W. Mnthows, of
Portlnnd, nged 21, and Wlnnlfrcd
Pnyno, of Salem, aged IS, George
Wilbur wltnoBB.
lililii f
We'll mend your shoes and we'H do it well.
We do nil sorts of shoe repairing Wc arc well
equipped and know how to do it.
Wc have a repairing department fitted up with
everything that's modern in the way of machinery for
doing the best of repair work.
Let us mike one oW pair of shoes new for you
and we are right sure that you wiH come here for
your "COBBLING.'1
To Rescue Young ltnss.
Doputy Stnto Gnmo and Fish War
den Mnc. H. llarbaugh Is ondonvor
lng to Intoreat tho stnto in reclaim
ing tho young basa In tho landlocked
pools of tho Clearwater sloughs and
It la expected thnt some decision
by tho stato ofllclnla will be rendcrod
within tho next fow days.
Mr. llarbaugh statos thero nro
millions of young bnss now In the
landlocked pools which aro going
dry very rapidly and within n short
time nil theso young flbh will por
Ish unloss steps are taken to sav
thoni before tho wator rocodCB audi
rlontly for thorn to bucomu a prey
to birds nnd nulmals.
Tho mutter will nlso be taken up
with Swootwntor Land Company
with u view to having a largo num
ber of tho young fish plantod In tho
roaorvolr now bolng constructed eaBt
of the city. LowlBton Tollor.
Minstrel Are Coming.
In order to fully npprocinto n min
strel show, ono should take a position
1 In tho theater whore ono can got a
jpllmpse of tho gallery. They By
Oregon Shoe Co.
'hat laughter la contagious, nnd to
sto tho "Gallery Gods" a thoy laugh
at tho boisterous fun on tho stage
oeo cannot bolp but Join In the de
light Tho Richard & Prlnglo's
Georgia minstrels do not cator to
ouo pnrt of tho house nlono; their
vorformnnce Is to plonsos tho-masses,
nnd from roports of tho crowded
houses this organization is drawing,
thoy seem to catch tho public fancy.
Ono thing canbe said of Messrs.
Ru&co & Holland, la that they have
tho knack of putting together a min
strel show that has no tiresome
wnlt,or nets everything goes with
a hurry and excltomeut. They will
appear at the Grand opera house,
Friday night.
Of your broken lens. Wo can
duplicate It without sending away.
We do our own lens grinding. Re
member mo tho next time. Only
optician on Commercial street.
Graduate Optician.
123 Com. St., next to Capital Bank.
Mrs. George W. Moore Found Lying On
the Floor With Her Throat Cut
Mrs. George W. Moore wna found
lying dead upon the floor of their
home by her husband, when ho re
turned from his work, nbout 7
o'clock lnst evening. Tho Moores
lived two miles from Sidney, near
the school house. When tho husband
discovered the body it was lying face
downwards on tho floor In a pool of
blood, and ho supposed his wife had
expired from hemorrhage, Ho did
not movo tho body, but phoned to
pr. .7. N. Smith, of this city, who on
being told tho womnn was dead, sug
gested ho Bend tho coroner. How
ovor, tho parties insisting on Dr.
Smith coming, ho went down last
night. Tho body had not boon
touched previous to tho doctor's ar
rlvnl, and when ho took hold of It
and turned It over a lnrgo cnrvlng
knlfo dropped from hor thront, which
had been cut so deeply thnt tho Jug
ulnr vein nnd wlndpipo wore com
pletely Bcvcred.
Tho husband is firm In tho belief
that his wife was murdered, ns ho
claims she hnd been In good spirits
nnd had never given nny Intimation
that sho ever thought of sulcldo. On
tho other hand It Is pointed out thnt
thero was no reason for murdor. Both
Mr. Mooro nnd IiIb wlfo woro quiet,
Inoffensive people, having no ene
mies. Nothing was taken from tho
house, so thero sccnia to bo no justi
fication for tho murdor theory. At
tho snmo time, whllo Mrs. Mooro nev
er mentioned tho subject of suicide,
oho might linvo becomo despondent
from brooding ovor hor condition
Mrs. Mooro wna about GO years of ago
nnd n cripple, bolng senrcoly able to
walk, nnd wns qutto eccontrlc, nnd,
whllo reasons nro apparently want
Ing thnt would cniiBO her to tako her
own life, snvo hor Infirmities, thoy
nro equally wanting to explain tho
theory of murdor. Thoro sooms little
doubt but thnt It Is n enso of sulcldo.
Coroner Clough nnd Sheriff Culver
wont to the scene of tho tragedy this
morning, nnd nn Inquost will no
doubt bo held, It It has not already
been dono today.
It transpires Inter that Mrs.
Mooro had been In poor honlth for
some tlmo, nnd hnd expressed tho
wish that sho might dlo. A phono
mes8ngo from Sidney this nfternoon
says tho verdict of tho coronor's Jury
pronounced It a case of suicide.
Oil Struck Near Vale.
Attorney Fred E. Clark rotumod
this afternoon from nn oxtonded trip
through Eastern Orogon and Idaho.
Ho roports thnt business In every lino
la booming In tho sections ho visited,
tho Idaho fruit growers declaring
that thla will bo tholr bannor year,
bo far ns profits on products sold nro
concerned. Mr. Clark "statoa that a
good (low of oil wns struck at a
depth of 500 feet nonr Vale, Malheur
county, by n company that has boon
prospoctlng In that vicinity for sev
eral months. A company for which
Mr. Clark Is attorney is boring for
oil noar Pnyottc, Idnho.
Relle of Whitman OeMroyed.
A pluo troo, said to havo been
planted by Mrs. Nnrclssn Whitman,
wlfo of Marcus Whitman, tho mis
sionary, noar Walla Walla, was
struck by lightning during the storm
Monday night and destroyed. Tho
tree has long been n landmark there,
nnd was especially revered because
of tho fact that It Is supposed to havo
been planted by tho hand of tho mar
tyred missionary's wife.
Object to RnUlng Rates.
Olympla,, Sept 5. The Washln
lugton railroad commission yester
day addressed a protest to tho Inter
state commerce commission against
the proposed increase of lumber
rated on transcontinental railroads
In Buying a Bicyd
There are several things to consider
besides the price you pay. The prin
cipal thing is QUALITY. Our wheels
are chuck full of quality. Princetons
$25.,. and up, Cornells $40, Yales
$45, Racycles $50. If you need a
new wheel or repairs for your old
one it will pay you to see us We
can save you $$, time and trouble.
Best Work at Honest Prices
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
man, wntch was celebrated
Mlnnvlllo last week.
H 1 1 1 1 1 I III I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 HI I'
Dr. Cartwrlght went to Portland
this morning on business.
Mrs. E. B. Boyso bna gono to Tur
ner for a fow day&' visit.
Councilman Stolz loft this mora-
Ing for CorvnlllB on business.
Tho Roy Rlcw Up.
A rllann(1 fit... .
-. uimibii nuiu oueoofgin
Sept. 2 Bays: Mrs. Henry Wfl
living near Bear creek on
lake, near this city was seied
Jured and hor 7-year-old hoi
Attorney John II. McNary loft this !ntn"y wh,cn W
v . In Tim linv'a lit. ii..1.-. .
morning for Portlnnd on business,
J. R. Flynn loft for southern vnl
ley points on business this morning.
Mrs. J. A. Thomas wont to Turner
today whero Bho will visit relatives.
Miss Bcntrlco Sholton wns among
..., ,.,i. ,...,f Twin.i n,iarnB0' Tho flrst blow ei
biiuau t. ttu .. uu. ww . v. ... fc...w
ino cap anu Lore n large noio
boy'B Bide. Tho mother lo
fingers and sustained other
In tho boy's hip pocket ti
when the mother was spankln
Tho boy had been watching hS
or using dynnmlto In blowing)
nnd hnd slipped ono of the i
hla pockot. Mrs. Wllllami
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. H. Hunter loft
this morning for Albany on busi
ness. Miss K. P. Tumor hnB gono to
Roseburg to visit friends nnd rela
tives. Miss Knto Carmlchacl returned
this morning from a threo months'
trip In tho East.
Miss Evans, tho -woll-known mil
linor, enmo up from Portland this
Mrs. O. Vogot left today for hor
homo In Philomath, after n vlBlt to
Salem relatives.
Miss Margaret Miller returned this
morning from nn extended visit In
Portland and vicinity.
Low F. Whlto nnd wife, of Spo
knno, nro expected to arrive In tho
city to visit relatives.
Miss L. Harper, of Portland, Is tho
guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Ev
ans, of South Snlom.
S. P. Lathrop, tho well-known
"Economy Jnr" man, loft today for
Ashland on business.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Johnston loft
yestorday for Tamn, Iowa, whero
they will reside.
Robert Garretson, of Portland, re-j
turneu to nis nomo last evening, ni
ter n visit In this city.
Miss Holono C. Dalrymplo Jins re
turned from Portland, whore she on
Joyed a two-weeks' visit to friends
Miss L, Grnbonhorst, who nrrlved
Tuesday from Toppenlsh, Washing
ton, nnd Is visiting relatives hero,
went to Portland today.
Mrs. Bello Wear, of San Francis
co, Ib visiting Mrs. Ruth Snyro, of
this city. Mrs. Wear was formerly
Miss Bolla DeLoon, of this city.
Clyde J, Carlton, who visited rola
tlvo8 In this city Sundny nnd Mon
day, has roturnod to his homo In
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Jones have ro
turnod from Xowport. Mrs. Jones,
who was very ill, is much Improved
In health.
Miss Mary Wann, chief stenog
rapher in tho office of tho attorney
genoral, has returned from tho Al
sea country, whero she enjoyed a
month's outing.
Willis E. McElroy nrrlves today
from San Francisco to tako charge
of tho stato fair band music. After
finishing that work here ho will take
up n similar proposition at Pendle
ton beforo returning south.
Mrs. E. N. Edes, of Oakland, Cali
fornia, 12 in tho city for a few daya
with friends. She has been at Mt.
Angel, where her son, Bernard, who
Ib now 17 years of age, will enter tho
W. P. Holmnn, of Bandon, Ore
gon, who has been visiting In the
city, left this morning for Roseburgr,
n route to his home. He attended
Iho sixtieth wedding anniversary of
CLARK. At tho homo of Ba
on Mission Bottom, Wed
Soptombor 4-, 1907, Inetl
nged 3 years, 3 months i
dnys, of gastro cntrltlt
Sho wns tho daughter oil
Mrs. W. E. Clark, of Arltfij
nnd was visiting with tor j
tho Jones farm.
Tho body was shlppriU
for burial.
TII0S. 1
Over Ladd & Bush's Dank.E
Norwich Union Fire
Frank Meredith, Resides J
Ofllco with Wm. Brown
20 Commercial 8trcet.
NoUco On and after July U
nvnn'a real estate, loan, M
and employment office W
Commercial Hall, center
merclal and Center streets
For Salt- Twenty-two acre!
half aero timber. Three
linnao thrn ebarns. three.
orchard, team, harness and
vwn mtlps from town,
Tnnnof AV Ell'S. PhOUe 53
Wanted Twenty prune pick
miio nflf of the state p'
fmnro & Son. Phone 195
,.. n n so. 6. Salem.
V.O . -. 9
l.i r I
ii,.l-,.i- .wanieu
the best orchards In
. lim.sos for plck"!
per bushel for IUllMj j
men m mo " , m
r v n So. 4, Saleo-
.nnrs ill. Write or e
: . , .1,, At sia
Farm nt '""" . CBi
con. 40 acres, all la 1
good soil; a splendid
.. .MauirfltInff. Adar
well & Co.. Philomath, Or
t,., four unfarni
,.. .r and pfcoo"
at 650 North Winter,
i '
. . ...... ! MH -)
j . MruMi iorwara, out uuai o ""- ramogt
u th cr
cy, auhl vMk writ rich w
. uj aiuJ t k. . . -- uwatam inxa vaur&j m. il. l.i
TTT. "- w-, m Wll