Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 04, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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I L Stockton
r The Old White Cogger
.., i,nnn iipuvfor than ovor boforo.
.Ms season " " , . . . . .
ig b'
11 department or ' u orB that come through forco of
jSt irresUUblo rmy ot nt0P applies. Wo have gath-
. . tOrfl tO in . ...,1 mnrnVinncllan whlp.ll ho
..9fiS this 6Ca u innnnaofl ntnolr In Jilmnat
OTIne business uonuwm ;- "-"V" " , .
feartmVt of the stora
Wo aro now ready for tho onrush
,0ourD v" best source of supply morcnanuiso wuicn u
" .Minnntlv satisfactory to tho buyer ana io
, lozethcr fm l" ,intiv satisfactory
jbelieTe wM P offorjngg have no suporlorB as to quality,
0D?... f fancy
md mixtures, a.au -
Bslste, Serge and Henri-
r ffWvo that crosses ho
... i fmm Danish
-.. in uuu "-
liVroricWh. .sector Yd
MSDOffSB . .
rla; the stam or
. . - n11 flQ
All the plain coiors, u -
,rr new plaias anu u..
grandest assortment wo
newer shown. That is Baying
,rctdMl for you Know anu wu
.at that no other Salem store
i, erer shown a better lino.
Tor men and women nro mnuo
ijtle famous Selz Shoo Co., and
rt Kknoiflcdgcd by exports to
y the beit In all Amerlcn.
The most beautiful showing
ovor brought to Salem. One pat
tern of Idnd.
$5 to?35.
Any lady who falls to boo our
now coats only dooo herself an In
justice Tho new Broadtail and
Silk fur coats and jackets nro ex
ceptionally good.
Our first showing of tho very
latest Now York ideas. "La
Voguo" garments aro shown only
by us and wo adv'lao early choos
ing by thoso who want tho best.
All wanted wcavcB and shades
In this very populnr lino of suit
ings and coatings.
It mny Boom a llttlo early to
talk furB, but wo don't find it so.
Several ladlea havo already se
lected their furs from our new
stock that JuBt arrived. Wo bIiow
all thoso different stylos. Prices
exceedingly low.
There nro a few bands of elk loft
In tho highest mountains of tho
Coast rnngo, and the Inst legislature
failed to extend them protection. So
on the 15th of this month of Sep
tember the destruction of these
bands will begin. Parties of hunt-
I ers from Portland and other parts of
. western Oregon havo gono Into
, camp In tho vicinity of theso bandB,
and will, under tho law, proceed to
kill one each of tho noblo animals.
One fine bund of about 50 elk Is al
most surrounded by camps on Table
I mountain, and tho slaughter will
j probably begin before tho season Is
really open. The band hnB but a
fow males, and as theso nro shot
first, thoro will not bo enough loft to
propognto tho greatest camo In tho
i world. Tho law allows euch person
I to kill one elk, but, in tho exclto-
mont of tho chase, not much atten
tion will bo paid to this restriction.
With pump guns and repeating rifles
tho huntors will wound .as many as
they kill, and somo of thoso noblo
animals will die a slow, lingering
dontli. It is too bad that tho de
mand for oik teeth demands the de
struction of this noblest of American
(to il !5 Comforts nro filled with puro cotton and covered with
IpoUUltallne; they compare very favorably with $1.75 grades.
Others $1.50 to $12.50
IfttSllki Now Suits Now Clothing
taDreu Goods Now Conts Now Raincoats
ItoTrlmmlngs New Skirts New Shoes
i Cores Now Jackets Now Rubbers
iHindkerchlofs Now Wnlsts Now Gaiters
gnmo. The order of B. P. 0. E.
ought to demand of the stato game
warden that ho prevent tho extermi
nation of tho quadruped that ranks
ns tho eagle nmong birds as an
American symbol of right and Jus
tice MoBt of tho elk nro as tamo as
cattlo that run In tho mountnlns, and
ns easily killed. It Is hard to boo
what skill or sport thoro Is In shoot
ing down an nnlmnl as big as an ox,
and whon tho herd becomes rattled
all can bo, killed about as easily as
shooting down sheep. If tho nngols
from hoavon visited tho earth and
woro nny dcslrnblo plumago they
would not bo safe from tho city pot
hunter's disposition to kill every
thing that creeps, flics or runs.
ty and variety of attractions, begin
to compare with Yaqulna bay.
While In Benton county I mot a
prosperous young farmer, who has
one of the best grain and stock and
fruit fnrms in the Willamette valley.
Ho camo out from Northeastern
Iowa about ten years ago, aftor
reading tho Capital Journal Weekly
fcr about n year. Ho was especially
attracted by reading ono artlcla
which I wrote on Btrawborry culture,
and that decided him to come to Or
egon, ho has a fine dairy herd and
h's 200 acres of land has doubled In
value. Ho camo in to tho school fair,
driving a beautiful sorrel team, with
three children on the back seat. His
wlfo Is what I call a beautiful gold
on sorrel, and whllo ho hnndled tho
reins "on tho horseB, It was easy to
seo she handled tho reins over him,
but he Etemed to bo perfectly happy
under her control. Tho auburn
haired women 'are numerous In tho
Webfoot state, and they mnko Bplon
dld housewives, if they nro inclined
to bo tho center of things, and rulo
m 1th a despotic sway tho affections
of their husbands and families.
touiortment worthy of your careful inspection. Priced so low
a wonder why wo do it.
U Opera House
ftr.OORDRAY, Malinger.
Ilwjh and tho World Laughs
With Tin-ill.
famous Georgia
j'SjitTKt parade ahont noon.
""-He, 50c, 75c. Box ofllco
'wra.t9a. m.
Lilted from Daco nnn ,
w -i r
A Portland Bent-hog was taught a
valuablo lesson on tho train that
went out to Albnny from Yaqulna
bny tho othor day, to carry tho
crowds to tho circus. With his girl
ho had occupied about four scats for
ton mll08, whon Charley Gooding,
cnllod "Shorty," boarded tho train
with his daughtor and nnothor Indy,
who carried a littlo baby. You can
not imnglno how n train can bo
'crowded, unless you havo boon on
ono of thoso excursions from tho
commonced drumming up Indian and coast region. Flvo to ton nro packed
white pickers two months ngo. in n two-seat section, but everybody
This firm nlono will need 1000 pick- j8 good-nnturod, nnd hnving tho tlmo
org to savo tholr crop. Jamos Plncus of tholr llvos. Tho sent-hog had Ills
said this merning: foot up In tho sont In front of him,
"Out of the 48,000 bales that will nnd n lot of pnekagos disposed so bb
bo grown In this stato this Benson, ' to occupy tho other sont. "Shorty"
20,000 and.porhnpB 22,000 bales will ' anw tho Bltdntlon, nnd bognn to re
bo loft on tho polos. Tickers will , movo tho pnrcols up Into tho rnckB
receive $1 a box this year, and, ow- ' ovorhend. Tho sent-hog protested.
Ing to tho flno quality of hops, thoy "Reg pnrdlng," Bnld tho six and a
will mnko tholr money onslor than half-footer backwoodsman and sal-
thoy did in tho yards last season." mon flshor," but I wns Just making a
llttlo room for tho Indies,
"This sent Is occupied," yolled tho
Tho Portland Journal Bays:
A bait Is being
thrown out by .-seat-hog.
I "VlW T onn It la I Innl.l OOl.n-t,.
frenzlod short sollors of hops which' ,"' " 7 y" JO' ,D"m . .V'
I "an I'm Just cloarln It out n llttlo
will put tho producor again at tho to mnko ,. thn ,ntUn9 Kn ....
morcy of tho boars.
So scared aro tho short sellers that
but a -fraction of tho crop of both
No ob-
Frank Davoy, of Harney county,
for tho present, Is very sovero In lilts
criticisms of Governor Chamberlain.
Ho docs not like tho governor over
slnco thnt memorable veto message,
in which tho governor described how
Davoy, as auctioneer, in tho sponk
or'B chair, called for additional votes
to put through a Job that had failed.
Ho cannot npprcclato anything that
tho governor doeB, and yet It Is easy
to see that a govornor of tho easy
virtue, non-resistant typo of Davoy
would havo cost tho taxpayers of Or
egon nbout a million moro than It
did to have a legislature organized
by Davoy. Tho Republicans should
put up one of thoso don't-enre-a-d n
stylo of politicians for govornor tho
next time or run Dnvoy agalnBt Har
ry Lnno or somo other progressive
man on tho Democratic ticket, and
thoy would realize that thoro aro con
ditions under which moro blntant
profession of party loyalty do not
insure party success. In tho mean
time' Govornor Chnmborlaln, or any
othor public olllclal, will bo hold In
ostoom for tho kind of enemies ho
makes. Tho opposition of moro
spoils mongors will bo won by nny
man who tries to hold down tholr
grnfta. and tho wnrfnro on Chnmbor
laln, coining from predatory Repub
licans and Democrats will not harm
him In tho ostlmntlon of decent peo
ple. A campaign led by men of thnt
Btrlpo would rosult In his oloctlon to
nlmost nny ofllco, nnd tho sooner
thoy ronllzo that tho Republican pnr
ty run by bedbug politicians whojo
mouth cxtonds clear around to tho
outsldo circumference of tholr bodloit
is not what tho people want in any
stato of tho Union, tho hotter for tho
Sponklng of Harney county, re
minds mo of a very Interesting visit
I had with George Stnncllft, of Prlno
vlllo, who has boon spondlng n fow
weeks on tho coast with his wlfo. lli
Tfliat hacking cough continues
Because your system is exhausted and
your powers of resistance weakened.
Take Scoff 'r E&ntilsion.
It builds up and strengthens your entire system.
It contains Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites so
prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest.
tiers in Southeastern Oregon aro
tho most pencoablo and law-abiding
peoplo in tho world. Tho largo non
resident land owners nlono got Into
tho big cities very much, and fill tho
nowspnpors with stories of acts of
lawlessness, that depicts tho rosldont
population as about equally divided
between sheep and cattlo thlovcs.
This is not true, and for each head
of stock that a settlor has ovor taken
that did not belong to him, th6 big
landlords havo taken hundreds thnt
belonged to others. Tho big cattlo
mon, llko Pete French, gavo tho llt
tlo land owners a bad name In tho
big city papers. The tragedy of Poto
French's killing wns very familiar to
Mr. Stancllft, who recalled tho event
very clearly. French had quirked a
buckaroo, who had got too overbear
ing. Ho was driving Bomo cattlo
ono day, and tho Spaniard camo rid
ing up. French warned him to keop
off. Tho man shot Fronch dond In
his saddle, and was acquitted. Tho
largo holdings woro acquired by
men llko Fronch, who hired Spanish
nnd half-breed cnttlemon to fllo on
claims, nnd then bought their hold
ings for a pony nnd Baddlo, tho rul
ing prlco of a quarter section. Tho
big operators maintained headquar
ters at Salem, and, by having a rop
resontntlvo' Insldo tho stato land of
flco, gobbled tho grcnt vnlloys and
all lands' ncccsslblo to water, whllo
thoy brandod cattlo right and loft,
and especially brandod tho llttlo fol
lows', trying to got a foothold as set
tlors, laying all crimes and depreda
tions nt tho doors of tho poorer class,
Thoro aro unwritten tnlos of blood
shed In Harney county that would
put uny dlmo novol on Ico.
It all in a
. i... ' uuitt nen. nro
iJiW "B8ht
L t U9cents a Pound.
'kop i ; " ,r to com-
ntu. .. l in"e are now
ren,moB from the
" A!k Tv a aouUl
wJ?thehP of
... bont is nnn i., .
Wlve Winston crop
WIdM ' .
b Prospective short
? wh0 tnww
s u it ii , v reeret their
f. .. '"
"T Upca
Tl!i.."iU Handle thni-
tiw ot securing nu.
hju ot Peat dlfflP.ni.
W.. a Petition
wa neavy grow-
wont frnm T.nnlrlnf nlrmn vnllnv tn
1875, and took a pre-emption claim ! P' w- Wator8- ot . to Thos
u. Diunnou, ioc is in
to make room for tho ladlos.
Jectlon, I suppose?"
Tho Boat-hog did object, and
Charley Gooding Blammed tho back
Oregon and Washington will bo , of tho seat ovor onto his logs, when
picked that they aro offering aa high ho would not remove his feot from
as 7 cents a pound for tho product, tho plush cushions,
on which they would not advance "Excuse mo," said "Shorty," grln
plcklng money a week ago. nlng, when tho Portlnndor roared
This offer Is mado only bocauso the ! with pain as tho edge of tho seat
sollors fear that fow hops will bo ' back camo down on his shins, "but ho settled there, and thro ecompan
TmiiHferH of Real Kstntc.
Tho following deeds havo
filed for recerd:
John Patterson, Sr., ot nl to
E. T. Clark, lots 3, 4, C nnd
G, block 31, nnd Iotq 3, 1, 5
nnd C, block 39, Unlvorslty
ndd to Salem, w d $2000
John Patterson, Sr ot al., to
E. T. Clark, lnnd In Unlvorsl
ty add to Salem, q c d . . . . 1
Hollo Passl Comotory Associa
tion to W. A. Roberts, south
half lot 10. doed 10
S. E. Hardcastlo, ot al., to T.
T. Mills, ot ux 2C-100 of an
aero, t R s, r 1 w, w d . . . . 1
N. H. Wheeler, ot ux to Mar
tha J. Stalgor, woBt half of
lots 1 and 2, block 4, add C,
Woodburn, w d 200
O. M. nnd E. Heath to Tllmon
Rains, 1 aero, t 9 s, r 3 o, w d 10
R. A. Shopard, ot ux to Ooo.
G. Dlngham, lnnd in Mnrlon
county, w d 1500
Daniel Shnffor, ot ux., to C. W.
Stownrd, 100 acroa In sec.
10, t 9 s, r 1 o, w d
AnicrlcniiH Cnn'fc Kick.
Stanford University, Calif., Sept.
4. Coaches Lananan and Prostor
arrived on tho campus, after an ex
tended trip through Australia and
Now Zealand, whoro thoy havo boon
studying tho flnor points of Rugby
football. In an intervlow Coach
Lanagnn said: "I notlcod our chlot
weakness In playing Rugby, ns com
pared with Now ZculandT and Austra
lia, lies in our inability to kick."
Strlkcllrenkers Want to Strike.
San Francisco, Sept. 4. .Only tho
lack of a leader prevented a walk
out of tho strike-breaking stroot car
mon in sovoral parts of tho city this
morning. All tho mon woro willing
enough to rofuso to work, but thoro
was nobody to point tho way. Tho
troublo wan caused by what thoy
consider tholr impropor protection
against tho strikers. Tho strike
breakers want to enrry rovolvors.
Tcn6ol M'roiiR Aran.
Connorsvllto, Intl., Sept. 4.
Thrown Into n rago by cups of water
thrown Into his fnco, Harry Robin
son, a domontod prlsouor in tho
county Jail, killed AiiBtln Ford and
Injured novornl othor prisoners. Ho
bent their heads with an Iron cus
pidor. Tho 11 ro department was
called nnd subdued tho man with
tho hoso.
iriiiTlninn lit 'Frisco.
San Frnnclsco, Sept. 4.-
mnn nnd sons returned this morning
from tholr fishing trip. Tho rnll
road mngnnto roftiBod to talk on any
subject, oxcept his trip.
Mnn With Crushed Hkull Doing Well.
W. A. Parker, tho man who crtmo
from Rankin's shoop camp with his
skull crushed, is getting a,long qui to
woll. Monday night his tompora
turo wont up sovoral degrocs, and
tho doctors thought ho was In for a
run of fovor, but yostordny his tom
pornturo wns down to normal again,
nnd ho appears to bo gottlng along
first rnto. Eugene RogiBtor.
that cornered on Burns, and sold It
tho othor day for $50 an ncro. Ho
says good farming lands all around
BurnB sell for $30 to $50 per aero.
Hay land is worth from $10 to $30
per ncro. Thoro was a military post
near whero Burns now stands whon
picked, and thoy will be at tho morcy
of tho brewer, to whom they havo
sold hops several years in advanco
of harvest.
If growers In general would pick
It is now
S .!.:"? cowers to se-
tho lady with tho baby Is not used
tor rldln' backwerds."
With all the courtesy of a ball
room floor manager, "Shorty" Good
ing handed tho woman with tho
tholr hops tho shorts would not baby and hla daughtor Into tho seat,
moke tho present offers. Just as and tho crowded car roared with
soon as tho growers begin to pick laughter. Tho seat-hog never Bald
the offers will bo withdrawn, la word, but he did not onjoy tho
This Bhows how completely at tho scenery or tho mountain air tho rost
morcy of tho hop grower tho short of tho trip to Albany.
seller really Is, If tho growers
would not pick their crop It would
create a heavy shortage which next
year's production would take advan
tage of. Every bale of hops picked
this year is that much against a high
prlco next season.
Short sellers are now talking of
the hop market going to 20c lato this
season. Prices may reach that figure,
but not if tho growers In general
pick their crop. General picking
would only rosult In a very low range
of values, both this season and next,
while small picking would havo tho
opposite effect.
September summer resorters nt
YinuInn hnv will lmvn tho dellirhtful
Bport of trolling for sllversldo sal-!110 larSO land holdings havo kept
los of cavalry woro resisting tho
raids of tho Piutes and Bannocks,
who woro on tho warpath, Mr. Stan
cllft has lived on tho frontier since
ho was 15 years old, and Is a man
of striking personal appearance, and
p typical Westerner.
Speaking of land monopoly, ho
says largo tracts of lnnd are taken
up under tho Carey act. Tho French
Glenn estate baa boon bought out by
a corporation thnt Is supposed to bo
backed by tho Mormons. Ho Bays
Mft !.. -
Urlno- ...j.
li and nn.
-j- -??
usVk r Sous
The old Pennsylvania Dutch Dup-
ikard recommends "Hickory Bark
Cough Remedy." Guaranteed to cure
your coHgfe, and guaranteed to be
Pure. Made from the baric ot the
hell bark or trhtte hlekory tree.
For &! by dealers everywhere. ,
mon and the luxury of eating straw
berries all this month. Plants put
out and not ovon cultivated yield a
second crop of delicious, large and
well-flavored berries. Why more aro
not cultivated is a mystery. They
bring 25 conts a box at present, and
aro bought up readily. Thero Is still
talk of building a largo summer re
sort hotel, but tho indications aro
that it will remain at that. Until
there are better transportation facil
ities in hero, the railroad built down
to tho beaches, and night trains
through from Portland, tho place
will continue to havo but slow
growth. I have seen nearly all tho
summer resorts on the coast, from
British Columbia to San Diego, and
Harney county back 25 years. It
ought to bo filled with prosperous
settlers. Tho Willamette wagon road
land grant was a glgaptlc fraud. For
300 miles they never struck a blow
with a pick or shovel, except at ono
place, and all thoy did was to cut a
road through tho timber, whoro thoro
was any. Yet for tho llttlo work
they did thoy wero given a priceless
empire of valuable lands. In tho
opinion of Mr. Stancloft and others I
havo talked with tho largo holdings
of land have nearly all been taken
up under frauds, and by moro or less
violence, and tho equities of the pro
cedure could never bear investigation
In an impartial court of Justice.
Mr. fikancllft Bays, while they have
there is none that, for natural beu- been represented otherwise, the set-j
Smith's Fruit Farms, w d..
Clara E. Smith to Thos. II.
Blundell, lots 53, 54, 55, 5G,
57 and 58, in Smith's Fruit
Fnrma No. 2, w d 900
E. C. and G. V. Chapman to
W. L. Chapman, fractional
part of lot 1 and lot 10,
block 3, Road's addition to
Salem, w d 1000
Patrick Hlgglns, ot ux., to Jas
E. Towl, 35. 30 ncres In
Marion county, w d 1000
E. Hofor, ot ux., to J. G, Mnrtz
olf, 5 acres, t 5 b, r 1 w,
w d 1200
L. and T. N. Kennedy to J. W.
Welch, lot 4, block 12, In ad
dition C, Woodburn, w d.. 150
Jacob Lolghfleld to Allen Hud
dloson, lnnd In Sllvorton,
w d 700
M. R. nnd E. F. Skinner to J.
E. and II. B. Coulson, lots
20, 21 and 22 In Friends'
Colony, Marlon county, w d 1
S. W. Stlnson, ot al., to Jeftet
Bon Mill Co,, land In Jeffer
son and vicinity, w d .... 1200
Two hundred nnd sovon right of
way deeds havo been recorded In
favor of the O. & C. R. R. Ce: and
15 rights of way havo been filed in
favor of tho Oregon Electric Rail
way Company.
Sick Headache.
This disease is caused by a de
rangement of tho stomach. Take a
dose ot Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tableta to correct this disorder
and the sick headache will disappear.
For aale at Dr. Stone's drug itorq,
Wnnted. A dining room girl, also
woman to tnko enro of children.
Enquire nt Hotol Salem. 9-4-3t
Itaiitl ConrMl Tonight.
Tho Salem Military Band will glvo
nn open nlr concort In Wlllson av
oiiuo tonight.
o '
Hud TVUer for Thirty Yearn.
I Iiiivq Hiifforod with tottor for 30
yonrs and hnvo tried nlmost countless
romodlos with llttlo, If nny roller.
Throo boxes of Chamborlnln's Salvo
cured mo. H wns a torturo. It
broaka out a llttlo sometimes, but
nothing to what It used to do. D.
H. Boach, Midland City, AIn. Cham
berlain's Salvo is for Bnlo nt Dr.
Stono's drug storo.
o a. m W C XL X -A-
Smi tb A M Kind You Haw Atoays Bwght
.... . A..
i Filling
f Prescriptions::
Not only roqulres tho best ; ;
nnd purest drugs obtainable,
but knowlodgo, caro and skill
In that lino. Wo aro oqulppod
with nono but tho best drugs
and chomlcals, nnd always ox
prclso extromo caro In com
pounding prescriptions.
Let Us nil Your
Wo aro sorvlng the best Ico
cream and sodas In tho city.
Wo have a largo solectlon of
post cards for you to pick
Jerman & Ward, Props, j
I Commercial and State St. I