Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 03, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    -i. Tit- -r-3- -
r L. Stockton
the Old White Corner
Oar Pfl:
season havo been heavier than ovor beforo,
thi . .lonmncla nn Increased stock in almost
! ,h oar gffflDf ,h0 ctoro. Wo aro now ready for tho onrush
1 Lirtment of "V , q,lonner8 that como through forco of
. ...i.tihle MBlJ . . ...iM- onlloa Wo hnvn enth-
twti' - .0 lay m woir .. r.1'-: '.,," '..,r v
ttOO" ,VU ii,- hCSt SOUrce Or BUppiy uiuiuuuuuibu nu.m i.u
iwf,f0,frovo eminently satisfactory to tho buyer and to
Kllero wih offorinBs have no superiors as io quumy,
v "" .: ,k nf m-lco.
lairutao - -.--
J design
of fancy
l coons
,- ffeaT0 that cro -
,B typo from Danish
tllll- Ani1l .n
I.Mt (teem a Iluu wtti,iw
'Two don't and It so.
i LdlM have already ho
. rtj, fur. from our now
" W Just arrived. We show
.. . itvles. Prices
5 amvivM. .
gljr low.
n.mt beautiful showing
Etroniht to Salem. One pat-
i kind.
$5 to$35.
Any lady who falls to soo our
new coats only dooo herself an In
justice Tho new Broadtail and
Silk fur coats and Jackets aro ex
ceptionally good.
Tho grandest aBsortmont wo
havo ovor Bhown. That la saying
a groat deal for you know and wo
know that no other Salem Btoro
has over shown a bettor lino.
Our first showing of tho very
latest New York Ideas. "La
Voguo" garmento aro Bhown only
by us and wo advlso early choos
ing by those who want tho best.
If They Strike There Is Going to Dc
Something Doing That Will Make
Even Baer For Once Sit Up and
Talk Decent Or Go Hungry
Twelve-Yenr-Old Kids Nabbod
iF.OORDRAY, Manager.
id Opera
fraud CLipgWt presents
bEJnrd Peple's Brilliantly
1 Kir.
1 coit fascinating piny seen
l-y. Y. Herald.
i cl the best plays Amorlca
:i to us." London Tlmos
:, 75c, $1.00, $1.G0.
iai'e Tuesday at 9 a. in.
Intorchungenblo 3000 and 1000-Mllo
Hooks Now to Re Had.
Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 3. Hun
dreds of union farmers, representing
tho now ordor'of things In agricul
ture, In which tho producers Insteud
of exchango gamblers, fix tho price
of their products, are In attendance
today at tho national convention of
tho Farmers' Educational and Co
oporatlvo union.
Ovor a score of. states aro repre
sented at this cosmopolitan gather
ing of tillers of tho soil. Many Im
portant problems vltnlly affecting
the agricultural Interests of tho coun
try will bo discussed during tho ses
sions of the union.
Working with all tho skill and dar
ing of professional burglars, and al
most reckless In thoir disregard of
precautions against bolng captured,
two youthful housebreakers wero ar
rested by Patrolman Bales Saturday
and turned over to the juvenllo court
after they had sawed their way Into
tho house of John McGuIro, at 348,
Thirteenth streot. Tho JuvonUo of
fenders aro David PIckon, 14 years
old, who lives with his aunt, Mrs. J.
G. Jones, at 454 & Hall street, and
Peter Barbaro, 12 years old, living-
with Mils parents at 408 Thirteenth
streot,' "7
Tho Httlo Barbaro boy, who looks
much older than ho Is, planned tho
affair, according to the police. Ho
gave Bales, a fictitious namo, at
first, and Boomed utterly uncon
cerned at tho trouble ho had gotton
Into. Mr. McQuIro, whoso houso was
robbed by tho youngsters, is superin
tendent of the Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad.
Bales first noticed as ho was pass
ing at 3 o'clock in tho afternoon that
a big holo had been cut In tho base
ment door. Ho Investigated and
found that it had been knocked oft
Its hinges. Then tho boys hnd gono
to tho Inside door loading to tho
kltchon and had cut a holo through
that. By reaching through they
hnd unlocked it from tho insido. Just
ns ho was examining their skillful
Mtef tho forestry dopnrt-
;ue:thotlc old gentlomnu.
nfinest linen envelopes In
?at!s rot, the paper bolng
it requires a pair of sets-
$ them open. However,
sl;re Is a grfat nid to tho
iof the fore ts.
JE3re consolation to a frooz
asjte!l him thero is plenty
u Alajka, than It Is to 11
to point out that hoav-
'tttti ire paved with gold.
r commission men, since
ejus established a market
"Wise their men and use
"Wm to send their stuff Into
'srtn place, and thus secure
" the much-laudoii s.-
JtMersoa says ho "will guar-
" , nn "J warship up tho
as warships aro worth
'ty million dollars ,?,,.
Is pertinent: "How
fawnoa put tm?
.X? f reorm the tariff
wr Fa'j
t0H's Idea of
Tho union is most perfectly orga
nized In tho southern Btntes, whero, handiwork, tho pollcomnn hoard foot
with tho Southern Cotton nssocln- BtI)a upstairs, and found tho lads in
lion, it practically controls the price . tho act of ransacking tho bedrooms,
of tho fleecy staple That tho union ' When ho was searched at tho po
lios boon highly successful In the Hco station, In young Bnrbaro's
short span of its existence is shown pockets wero found two big bunches
After a sorlos of conferences and by tho fact that.boforo Its organlza- or. BKoioton Keys. Thoy had boon
tlon, cotton sold ns low as G cents, reading blood-nnd-thunder novels,
has since boon raised to 10 and 12 o
contH and is likely this year to go as
high as 1G cents.
This has boon accomplished main
ly by tho erection of warehouses for
storing tho crop until tho prlco de
manded could bo secured. In ToxnB,
tho lending cotton state, tho union
has 320 warohouscs with a storago
cnpaclty of more thnn n million bnlcfl.
During tho laBt year moro than
1G0 warehouses havo boon con
structed. Tho union hns its head
Informal discussions, through tho
medium of tho railroad commission,
tho special commltteo of tho Travel
ers' Protective Association has suc
ceeded In bringing about n satisfac
tory agreomont with tho Harrlman
system of railroads whereby tho old
cumbersome script books will bo
nbollshed and an Interchangeable
Bystom of mllcngo books will bo
adopted Instond. Thoso mileage
books aro open to tho uso of thol
gonornl public, ns well as commercial
men. Tho special commltteo of tho
T. P. A., composed of C. L. Dick, C.
D. Frazor and J. Woods Smith, ap
peared boforo tho railroad commis
sion and reported a comploto and
satisfactory settlement, and tho In
cident Is closed.
Undor this nrgroomont thoro will
bo a 3000-mllo book for $90, with a
robnte from tho bureau of $14. GO
upon return of covers, and n 1000
mllo book for $30,' with n robato of
$4. GO. Thoso books will bo good on
all bureau linos west of Donvor par
ticipating In tho 2-cont-por-mIlo
wnrohouBOs nt Houston, tho grentost
cotton mnrkct In tho world, while-,
many other Important shipping, sea
port and distributing cities through
out tho south also havo largo ware
houses. Tho union represents tho now Idea
In tho organization of farmers. It
In a strictly business body, ontlroly
different from tho old Grnngo nnd
Farmers alliance Whllo tho mem
bers naturally constitute a factor to
bo considorod by tho poltlclnns, tho
union Is strictly non-partisan and
not rate, and Includes tho Southern ! no political discussions nro allowed''
Pacific (Pacific system), O. R. & N nc conventions or meetings. In many
Orogon Short Lino, Union Pacific, 'states the fnr'mors' union haB effected
Donvor & Rio Grando and Atchison, ' an nlllnnco with tho federations of
Topokn & Santa Fo systems.
Tho mlleago will bo accepted as
so much cash In excess bnggngo
trado unions.
In tho old grnngo days tho farmers
wero antagonistic to labor unlonB nnd
checking, each coupon or mllo bft- J bought to forco down tho prices of
Ing enuivnlont to C cents: this with . the coodsthoy purchased. Tho new
tho understanding that tho rato on ; movomont co-oporntes with tho la
the Southern Pacific will not oxcocd borors In other fiolds of endeavor and
one-third of n cent per 1000 pounds doos not attempt to cheapen labor or
per mllo with a minimum rato of , choapon prices of manufactured
25 cents.
Medford Expects $10 a Rex
Choice Pears.
1,1 rJrtcr ih .
1. .n ..""" Bnerai govern.
T rlihu they have re
' receiving fn ,..... -..-..
,wrMwBt choo8os to
.m .l!00 many yoars
Bfcl then-it will not.
't'OtJA red 80,d mane
''ttiwrt. .. leet' ,8 maklng
- n up and take no-
a de-
Take a
RU. , .
ctlk0.:u y
fr.ii ilU Mamm.1.
, ,M!itoM. ""cn ana
'ticut this disorder
WDrgtn "" "PPear.
-iarug store.
:. t" k 1
Medford, Or., Sopt. 3. Returns
Just in from threo moro cars of Med
ford Bartletts keep up tho samo gen
eral average In tho eastern cities,
and It is now quite certain that the
gonornl average for the season for
tho full 70 cars shipped from this
district will bo at least $3 per box
f o. b. here. Growers aro already
beginning to Bpeculato what figures
will be obtained for our noted Comlco
nnd de Anjou pears which for two
seasons pat havo led tho world In
price, and which aro maturing In tho
best condition possible tho present
year. There appears to bo no limit
to tho prlco which Easterners will
pay for these two famoud varieties,
and this year growers anticipate
about $10 per box. Fow cars of eith
er will be In the market this year
outside of tho Rogue River valley.
Thero was no market In New York
City yesterday, Labor Day, and no
reports will como from that city.
Prcsidunt of tho Postal nnd
Cublo company, who lonios that
tho Postal nnd Wcstoni rJaiou
have formed a trust.
Lnmo Rack.
This Is an ailment for which
Chamberlain's Pain Balm has proven
especially valuable. In almost every
Instance It affords prompt and per
manent relief. Mr. Luke LaGrange
of Orange, Mich., say3 of It: "After
using a plaster and other remedies
for three weeks for a bad lame
back, I purchased a bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, and two appli
cations effected a cure." For sale
at Dr. Stone's drug store.
Tea or Coffee.
Roar Admiral Lonkneckor, retired,
remarking rocontly on tho subject of
discontent among Boldlors and sail
ors, said: j
"Mon nro often discontented with- 1
crnnrifl. OXCent SO fnr nB tO OllmlnatO t mnann lint nrtnnnx lmv linvn
the profits of middlemen. "Tho la- g00d grol,nii f0r their grumbling,
borer Is worthy of his hlro," Is tho . and jt l8 u0Cau8O their offlcors aro
motto of tho Farmers' unions, and I stul)j,i or azy mt conditions do not
thoy aook to make It applicable to all . jmpr0vo.
trades as well as thoir own.
Tho Farmers' union was organized
In Texas in 1902 with ten charter
members. Now It has a million farm
ers who are proud to claim mem
bership. Now that It has completed
tho conquest of tho land of King Cot
ton, wrestling tho supremacy from
the speculators, It Is gradually ex
tending Its membership and Influonco
all ovor tho west and north.
Nearly 30 states aro now repre
sented on tho rolls of tho union, and
tho promoters of tho movement bo
llevo, that tho day Is not far distant
when all tho farmers of tho country
will be organized.
General Robert E. Loo
Was tho greatest general tho world
has ever known. Ballard's Snow
Liniment is the greatest Liniment.
Quickly cures all pains. It is within
the reach of all. T. H. Polntor,
Hempstead, Texas, writes: "This is
to certify that Ballard's Snow Lini
ment has been used In my household
for years and has been found to bo
an excellent Liniment for rheumatic
pains. I am never without It." Sold
by D. J. Fry.
. o -
Proposals for Supplies.
Sealed proposals to furnUh gro
ceries, flour, meat, lard, school
room supplies, etc., will be received
at the office of the superintendent
until Tuesday, noon, September 10th.
For lists and Information apply to
E. S. Tllllnghast, superintendent.
"I remember onco visiting a pom
pous, handsomo, stupid army officer.
"During my vlBlt a prlvato ap
proached tho officer with a full cup
nnd saucer in his hand.
" 'Well, BInkB, my man,' said tho
ofilcor, In a condescending tono.
"Captain,' said tho prlvato, salut
ing, Til ask ye to taste this horo. I
won't make complaint. I'll Just ask
yo to taste this slop, and If yo don't
say, by '
" 'That will do, Sinks,' tho captain
Interrupted, In his dignified way, for
BInkB was getting very angry; and
ho took the cup from tho man, bent
forward stlfily, and swallowed a
.couple of mouthfuls of tho liquid.
"Then he looked at tho prlvato
" mils is not bad,' ho said. 'I
can't tasto anything wrong with this,
Binks. By tho way, what Is it? Tea
or coffee?' " Now York Tribune.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ono of
tho Rest on tho Market.
For many years Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy has constantly gained
In favor and popularity until It is
now ono of tho most staple medicines
In use and has an enormous sale. It
is Intended especially for acute throat
and lung disease, such as coughs,
colds and croup, and can always bo
depended upon. It is pleasant and
safe to take and Is undoubtedly the
beat In the market for tho -purposes
for which It Is Intended. Sold at Dr.
Stone's drug store.
(Bertha Shaw.)
Of all tho Idealists nbomlnatlona
thnt mako society pestiferous, I
doubt if thero bo any bo mean as
that of forcing self-Bacrlflco on a
woman undor pretenso that Bho likes
It; and, If sho ventures to contradict
tho protonso, declaring hor no true
woman. In India they carried thlB
pleco of Idealism to tho length of
declaring that a wlfo could not bear
to survlvo her husband, but would bo
prompted by hor own faithful, lov
ing beautiful nnturo to offer up hor
own life on tho pyro that consumed
his dead body. Tho astonishing thing
Is that womon, soonor than to bo
branded as unsexed wretches, allow
ed themselves to bo Btupoflcd with
drink, nnd, In thnt unwomanly con
dition, burnt nllvo.
No man prontonds that his bouI
finds Its supremo satisfaction In solf
Bacrlfico; such nn affectation would
stamp him as a coward and weakling
But mon nro not tho less loved on
this nccount. No ono over feels
holpless by tho sido of this self
helper; whilst tho solf-sacrlflcor al
ways is a drag, a responsibility, a ro
proach, an ovorlastlng and unnatural
troublo with whom no really strong
soul enn Uvo. Only thoso who hnvo
helped thomBolvcs know how to help
others and to respect their right to
help theniBolvcs.
It Is not surprising thnt our so
ciety, bolng directly dominated by
men, comes to regard woman not ns
nn end in herself llko man but sole
ly as a means of mlniBtorlng to him.
Tho Ideal wlfo Is ono who does every
thing tho ldcnl husband llkos, nnd
nothing olso. Now, to treat a person
ns a menus Instond of nn ond 1b to
deny that person's right to live.
Woman, If Bho dnrcB faco tho fact
that sho Is bolng so treated, either
must loath horsolf or ols orobel.
Tho young wlfo finds that her hus
band is neglecting hor for his busi
ness; that hlB Interests, his activi
ties, his wholo llfo oxcopt ono small
pnrt lies away irom homo; nnd that
hor business Is to sit thero and mopo
until sho Is wanted. Fortunntely
things do not remain forovor at thin
point. Tho self-respect sho has lost,
ao a wlfo sho regains as a mothor,
In which cnpaclty hor uso nnd Im
portance) in tho community compnro
fnvornbly with thoso of most mon
In buslncsn. Sho Is wanted In tho
houso, wnntod In tho mnrkot, want
ed by tho chlldron; and now, Instead
of weeping bocnuso hor husband Is
away In tho city thinking of stocks
nnd shnroB instead of his Ideal wom
an, alio would regard hlB prosoncd
in tho houso nil day aB an Intolornblo
This prosaic soltlon Is ontlsfactory
only within cortnln limits. It de-
ponds altogether upon tho nccldont
or tho woman hnvlng some natural
vocation for domestic management
and tho enro of chlldron, ns well as
on tho husband being fairly good
natured and llvnblo with. Honco
arlBes tho idealist Illusion thnt a vo
cation for domostlc management nnd
tho enro of children Is natural to
womon nnd thnt womon who lnck
them aro not womon nt all. If wo
have como to think that tho nursory
and tho kitchen are tho natural
sphoro of a woman wo havo done bo
exactly as English chlldron como to
think that a cago Is tho natural
sphoro of a parrot because, they
novor havo soon ono anywhoro olso.
No doubt thoro aro phlllstlno pnr
rots who agree that It Is hotter to
be In a cago than out, so long as
thoro Is plenty of hempseed and In
dian corn thoro. Thoro ovon mny bo
Idealist parrots, whoporsuado them
selves that the mission of a parrot
Is to minister to tho happiness of a
prlvato family by whistling nnd say
ing pretty polly, and that It Is In tho
sacrlflc of Its llborty to this altruis
tic pursuit that a truo parrot finds
tho supremo satisfaction of its soul.
I will not go so far as to affirm that
thoro aro theological parrots, who
aro convinced that Imprisonment la
tho law of the unlvorso becauso It Is
unpleasant. But I am confident that
thoro aro rationalistic parrots, who
can demonstrate that It would bo a
cruel kindness to lot a parrot out to
fall a prey to cats, or at least to
forget Its accomplishments and
coarsen Its naturally delicate fibers
in an unprotected Btrugglo for ox
istenco. Still tho only parrot a free Bouled
person can sympathize with is the
ono that insists on being let out as
the first condition of making Itself
agreeable. A selfish bird, you may
say, one that puts Its own gratifica
tion before that of tho happiness of
the family who Is so fond of It
before even the greatest happiness
of tho grentost number; ono that In
aping tho independent spirit of man
hqs unparroted itself and becomo a
creaturo that neither has tho homo
loving nnturo of n bird nor tho
strength and enterprise of a mastiff.
All tho samo, you respect that par
rot In splto of your concluslvo rea
soning. o
Sioux Falls, S. T Sopt. 3. To
havo a hug erattlo snnko as a bod
follow without tho roptUo burying Its
fnngs in him wns tho experience of
Arthur RIcard, a homestcador in the
region between tho Missouri river
and tho Black hills in western South
Dakota. '
After an nbsonco of several days
Arthur and his brother Joseph re
turned to their claims near tho little
town of Interior to romaln on their
homesteads for a time. Tho noxt
morning Arthur awoko from Ills
pcacoful slumbers and found himself
gazing straight Into tho beady eyes
of a huge rattlcmnko that was neat
ling snugly on tho pillow bostde his
Mr. Snnko apparently did not llko
tho look In his bedfellow's oyos nnd
crawled across tho young man's faco
nnd on down tho shoot to tiro fright-'
onod mnn's knees and thoro colled
ltsolf. Whllo tho snnko was moving
around tho young man, who did not
daro movo a muslclo'for fear that tho
noxt moment tho tanks' of tho roptllo
would strike him, did a lino "stunt"
of rnpid-flro thinking.
Tho night boforo, for his evening
repast of himself nnd brothor, thoy
hnd devoured tho contonts of a sal
mon can, and tho empty can was on
n Bolf just abovo his hoad. Watching
his opportunity RIcard slowly and
cautlonsly rnlsed his hand toward
tho can, which ho wns nblo to reach
without arousing tho nngor of tho
snnko. Grnsplng tho enn flrinly In
his hnnf, ho ngaln watched tillijop
portunlty nnd mndo a llghtnln'g-llko
lungo nt tho snnko with tho edges
of tho can.
Ills nlm proved truo, tho rough
edges of tho can Btrlklng tho snnko
squarely below Its head and nearly
severing tho hend from tho body.
RIcard thon throw tho snnko, shoot
and nil upon tho floor nnd finished
tho work of killing tho snnko, which
measured threo nnd ono-hnlf foot In
length. It hnd 19 rnttlos.
1 O 1
Frcowator, Or., Sopt. 3. Freo
wator and Milton farmers aro gojltlng
much lnrgor yields from thoir wheat
ranches thnn thoy nntlclpnted, John
Frazlor hnd to Invost In 4000 nncks
ovor his first estimate. As each sack
of whoat brings about $1.50, ho Is
worth $0000 moro thnn ho oxpoctod.
Chnrlcs Spenco reports a ylold of 53
bushols por acres from 130 acres.
Colin McEwan, who Is working tho
.Too Wist placo on Bhnros for his two-
thirds portion, gots 0G72 Bnckrf,
which Is 2G00 sacks moro thnn tho
ontlro crop amounted to two yoars
ago. Thoro aro many moro just such
It Is estimated that tho wheat crop
ot tho Umatilla wiU nggrogato close
to C, 000,000 bushols. x At tho provid
ing prlco of 70 contBpor buBhol this
monns nn Increase of $4,000,000 to
tho wealth of tho county from whoat
alono. In addition, thoro aro Im
mense crops of oats and bnrloy, to
say nothing of tho fruit crop, which
hnsbeon tho largest and has brought
tho host prices over soon In tho
Walla Walla valley.
"Regular us' tho Sun"
Is an oxpreBBton as old as tho race,
No doubt tho rising and sotting of tho
sun is tho most regular porforrnnuce
In tho unlvorso, unless It Is tho action
of tho llvor and bowols when rogu
Inted with Dr. King's Now Life PUlsJ.
Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, druggist.
12th Street
J Everything in Groceries
X NEW Blackberry, Grapo and
Alberta Phosphato drinks.
; Phono In your ordors for
' groceries or lco cream, Main
:: 122.
; ; Everything O. K.
jJA. A. Englehartl